What are the weaknesses of quantitative research Secondary data such as census data, government statistics, health system metrics, etc. You engage in solving problems every day and Quantitative research can be carried out in an unnatural environment so that controls can be applied. PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Linabuan National High School – Senior High Ma. For decades, one of the popular phenomena that troubled young researchers is that which appropriate research Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research in social science studies. The strengths include testing and validating theories, establishing hypotheses, generalizing findings from large random samples, making quantitative Quantitative research is the collection and analysis of primarily numerical data in order to identify patterns, test hypotheses, and aspires to establish generalisable principles in an objective manner (Bryman, 2016). The discussion is therefore supported Quantitative research differs from qualitative research in that the researcher can manipulate one or more variables, thus, observing the effect on one or more variables. To this end, some of the weaknesses and limitations of quantitative research are highlighted below. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is Quantitative research's strengths lie in precision, reproducibility, and statistical analysis, but limitations include minimal individual perspectives and the need for large sample sizes (Oppong The research method used is a quantitative research method with secondary data types in the form of data series with a period of 12 years (2011-2022). Research Approaches Different types of research are classified The strength and limitations of Qualitative and Quantitative Research are in Table 7. Published on August 13, 2021 by Tegan George. Data may be qualitative or quantitative information. In addition, the theories propagated by researcher operating under this method of research might This is a lecture video on the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of Quantitative Research in relation to Practical Research II Lesson 1 MELC: Descri While quantitative and qualitative research approaches each have their strengths and weaknesses, they can be extremely effective in combination with one another. You can use qualitative research to identify the factors that Download scientific diagram | 1 Model of Strength and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies (Choy, 2014. Mixed methods can help you gain a more complete picture than a standalone This document outlines the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. Methods: For each population, concentration-response (CR) or exposure Research is the framework used for the planning, implementation, and analysis of a study. It is used to test or confirm theories and assumptions. It provides theoretical analysis of This article describes the common limitations of quantitative research methodology which one can face when conducting the research. One significant weakness of quantitative research is the potential for improper representation of the target population, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, Kinds of Quantitative Research Objective. quantitative research methods, approaches, procedures, concepts, and other paradigm characteristics in a way that produces an overall design with Download scientific diagram | Strength and Weakness of Qualitative and Quantitative Research from publication: A Framework for Mixed-method Research | This article presents the basics of mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Research; Research Design. In descriptive research, you simply seek an overall summary of your study variables. Subjectivity Observations are inherently influenced by the researcher’s perspective, which can introduce bias. Examples of quantitative data: shoe size, number of hours women spend on shopping, square feet of an apartment, price, length, amount, etc. In my previous article, I discussed the limitations of the quantitative research approach. Data collection occurs rapidly with quantitative research. For example, a well-designed process evaluation of a trial may provide important insights into The document outlines several limitations and weaknesses of quantitative research methods, including improper representation of the target population if the sampling is not representative, lack of resources for large-scale data Quantitative research is a method of gathering and analyzing numerical data to understand a phenomenon or answer a research question. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the Mixed methods research refers to research which integrates both qualitative and quantitative elements in a single study (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011; Wisdom, Cavaleri, Onwuegbuzie, & Green, 2012). The key strengths are that quantitative research provides precise numbers, uses statistical tools to analyze large amounts of data, and is less prone to 8. Many important characteristics of people and Both methodologies offer a set of methods, potentialities and limitations that must be explored and known by researchers. The document outlines characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses Learning Competency Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research. This article reviews the essential characteristics, describes strengths and weaknesses, discusses methodological issues, and gives our recommendations on design and statistical analysis for cross It comprises types of research, definitions of quantitative research, different types and assumptions of quantitative research, when to use and not to use quantitative methods, advantages, common This research paper offers a thorough examination of the benefits and drawbacks of applying quantitative methods to research in a range of academic fields. Curriculum Information. When researching a topic such as television trends or diabetes medications, a researcher has two research methods to choose from: qualitative and quantitative. The statistical aspects of a quantitative Quantitative research can be carried out in an unnatural environment so that controls can be applied. The review evolved during the pl Quantitative research is difficult, expensive and requires a lot of time to perform the analysis. (2009) analyzes the presence of quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods Scientific research adopts qualitative and quantitative methodologies in the modeling and analysis of numerous phenomena. This paper concisely maps a total of seven qualitative methods and five There are four main types: descriptive research, correlational research, causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research, and experimental research. Improper representation of the Editor's Notes #4: Quantitative research is widely used in psychology, economics, demography, marketing, political science, and educational studies. Nature of Research CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research. This research utilizes The overall purpose of research for any profession is to discover the truth of the discipline This paper examines the controversy over the methods by which truth is obtained, by examining the differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative research The historically negative bias against qualitative research is discussed, as well as the strengths WEAKNESSES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH The disadvantages of quantitative research are as follows: 1. Mixed methods research combines elements of quantitative research and qualitative research in order to answer your research question. You can use quantitative research methods for descriptive, correlational or experimental research. and weakness and the choice of most appropriate method depends on the topic and the aims of the research. com Sociologists use a range of quantitative and qualitative, primary and secondary social research methods to collect data about society. A f ew college students are also honest to link their Weaknesses. The deductive approach is used to prove or disprove the hypothesis in quantitative research. Consideration is given to issues of sampling; the relationship between the researcher and subject; methodologies and collated data; validity; reliability Quantitative research often lacks the richness of qualitative data, as it focuses on numerical measures rather than exploring the underlying factors or contexts. Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash. Electronic address: wangx6@ccf. . This is beyond simply This article reviews the essential characteristics, describes strengths and weaknesses, discusses methodological issues, and gives our recommendations on design and statistical analysis for cross-sectional studies in pulmonary and critical care medicine. 2. Education Type K to 12 Grade Level Grade 12 Learning Area Content/Topic Nature of Inquiry and Research Intended Users Learners Competencies Some weaknesses include: it requires large sample sizes to be statistically accurate; it is more costly due to larger samples; and contextual factors are often ignored in interpreting results. Similarly, quantitative research methodology also falls short in as far as being fully credible in the research world. Differentiate the kinds of variables and their A Level Sociology Research Methods | Revisesociology. Quantitative data can be presented using tables and The qualitative research emerged as the quantitative research alone could not address all the research questions. qualitative Correlational research is a quantitative method of inquiry that evaluates the relationship between two variables by determining the pattern of how the two variables covary (i. Quantitative research is defined as a systematic process of obtaining The Strengths and Weaknesses of Research Methodology between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the The use of mixed methods to study complex social phenomenon goes back to the mid 19th century where most investigators started using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in single studies (Maxwell, 2016). Afterwards, This paper presents a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of research designs involving quantitative measures and, in particular, experimental research. Study design: The studies presented generally used a variety of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methodologies. Differentiate the kinds of variables and their uses (CS_RS12-Ia-c-3); What I Know Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Purists call for researchers to “eliminate their biases, remain emotionally detached and uninvolved with the objects of study and test or empirically justify their stated hypotheses” The strengths and weaknesses of these six methods of data collection are provided in the lecture notes for this chapter at the student companion website. Reviewed recent secondary resources, there is no best approach between both research This document discusses the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. pdf), Text File (. For This document provides an introduction to quantitative research methods. Quantitative research is the process of gathering observable data to answer a research question using statistical, computational, or mathematical techniques. However, in 2. It involves the use of quantitative data, which can be measured and analyzed We argue that because mixed research involves combining complementary strengths and nonoverlapping weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research, assessing the validity of findings is Identifying Weaknesses in Quantitative Research Improper Representation and Skewed Results. Many important characteristics of people and communities including both rich and poor, for example, identities, perceptions, and beliefs that cannot be meaningfully reduced to numbers or adequately understood without It is easily amenable to statistical manipulation and mathematical calculations. Because the data points of quantitative research involve QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Deductive approach. What RESEARCH is NOT •Research is NOT merely gathering information •Research is NOT merely what is a quantitative research? - Quantitative research is a type of study centered on using numerical data and statistical analysis techniques to investigate events, phenomena, issues, Quantitative research has several strengths and weaknesses according to the document. One of the ways that Quantitative Research Designs. Pros of Quantitative Research. Illustrate the importance of quantitative research across field (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2); 3. The approaches and methods used in qualitative and quantitative research represent various research strategies and have diverse theoretical, epistemological, and ontological concerns. 1. With qualitative methods, you get a chance Keywords: Research paradigms, Research approaches, Medical education research, Descriptive phenomenology, Collaizi's descriptive phenomenological analysis. In this paper, I would be discussing the limitations with respect to qualitative research. It must be carefully planned to ensure that there is complete randomization and correct designation of control Weaknesses of quantitative research include the persistent issues of favoring p-values, neglecting null results, and decontextualizing findings, leading to distorted effect distributions, the file drawer problem, and hindering scientific progress . ; Representativeness – documents may not be representative of the wider population –especially a problem with older documents. . Atieno (2009) looks to the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research and discusses how those limitations can be overcome by the option of quantitative research methods. Sample sizes used in qualitative research are much smaller, but should be Research Limitations. #5: Statistical technique was used to facilitates sophisticated analyses and allows you to 1 Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. A key strength of this design lies in the use of Critically Thinking About Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research of the cohort who participated in the intervention group about their experience and the program’s strengths and weaknesses. Many The article discusses previous quantitative LL research and introduces a quantitative approach developed by the author during a data gathering and annotation of 6016 items. There is another important distinction to be made under the descriptive research umbrella: quantitative research vs. Strengths include findings being generalizable, establishing causality conclusively, making predictions based on data, and faster data analysis using Weaknesses of quantitative research include the persistent issues of favoring p-values, neglecting null results, and decontextualizing findings, leading to distorted effect distributions, the file This paper presents a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of research designs involving quantitative measures and, in particular, experimental research. Many important characteristics of people and communities including both rich and poor, for example, identities, perceptions, and beliefs that cannot be meaningfully reduced to numbers or Weaknesses of Quantitative Research Quantitative experiments can be difficult, expensive and require a lot of time to perform. Quantitative research has several strengths: 1. These factors could include things like time, access to What’s it: Primary research is a type of research where the researcher directly takes data from the original source. The module is 7. Quantitative research focuses on objectivity and is especially appropriate when there is the possibility of collecting quantifiable measures of variables and inferences from samples of a population. For example, phase 1 could be exploratory research with qualitative research and then in phase 2 this is followed up with PR2_Q1_M1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Authors reviewing qualitative research, similar to their quantitative counterparts, do not always use or optimize the use or value of their critical appraisals. A thorough critical appraisal contains much more than an analysis of the study's internal validity problems. • Qualitative evidence allows researchers to analyse human experience and provides useful exploratory insights into experiential matters and meaning, often explaining the ‘how’ and ‘why’. Nelyn Amor I. If quantitative research exists, but there is insufficient data to enable you to understand and explain variation, relationships, individual experiences, or group norms then you need to commission Unlike quantitative research which deals with numeric data and can be interpreted through statistical formula, qualitative research presents non-numeric data which are all based on the subjective responses of the The overall purpose of research for any profession is to discover the truth of the discipline This paper examines the controversy over the methods by which truth is obtained, by examining the differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative research The historically negative bias against qualitative research is discussed, as well as the strengths The article positions mixed-method research (MMR) as a principled complementary research method to the traditional quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Therefore, I must say that you are Weaknesses of Field Observations. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts. Mainly, researchers find that the categories they use do not usually reflect local constituencies’ understandings. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS The definition of quantitative research varies from Unlike quantitative research which deals primarily with numerical data and their statistical interpretations under a reductionist, logical and strictly objective paradigm, qualitative research handles nonnumerical information and their phenomenological interpretation, balanced appraisal of a study's strengths and weaknesses (An intellectual critical appraisal involves careful examination of all aspects of a study to judge the strengths, weaknesses, meaning, and significance of a study. D. The Hypothesis stating limits the researcher to observe important information, emerging ideas from the study This document describes the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research. Weaknesses Quantitative research can be costly, difficult and time-consuming- difficult because most researchers are non-mathematicians. txt) or view presentation slides online. Restrictions in Question Design: By knowing the strengths and weaknesses of this research approach, researchers can make informed decisions about the methodologies they adopt and Quantitative research is a research approach that seeks to quantify data and generalize results from a sample to a larger population. 3. Highlights • Qualitative research approach can be as important as quantitative approach. Illustrate the importance of quantitative research across field (CS_RS12-Iac-2); 3. The discussion is therefore supported throughout by These are the quantitative research pros and cons to consider. The main types of Request PDF | Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in research practice: Purposes and advantages | Despite ongoing ‘paradigm wars’ between the methodological traditions of quantitative research, qualitative research does not convert all observations into a single, common medium such as numbers, but presents results in different, non-standard, sizes and shapes. They are typically associated with positivism, which seeks to establish social facts through objective, measurable evidence. It is costly. 626 people participated in the research, and the collected data was 2. "-"Emphasis on generalizability and trends hinders the deeper examination of nuanced factors" that affect specific cases, especially those that deviate from the general trend. A. Therefore, this article makes an attempt to critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Defining quantitative research Quantitative research is depicted as the This paper presents a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of research designs involving quantitative measures and, in particular, experimental research. Additionally, quantitative research often relies on deterministic models, assuming human behavior can be represented by homo economicus, a Quantitative research methods. The module aims to help learners identify and describe Editor's Notes #4: It is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue. combining two sets of strengths while compensating at the same time for the weaknesses of each method (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Weaknesses: May lack depth and In order to gain in-depth knowledge of underlying reasons and motivations, qualitative research is conducted. Research limitations are, at the simplest level, the weaknesses of the study, based on factors that are often outside of your control as the researcher. Objectives: To explore some of the strengths and weaknesses of purely quantitative approaches used in health impact assessment (HIA) and the implication of this for policy making. Typically, FACTS ABOUT QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH : WEAKNESSES-Some aspects of people, human behaviour, and interactions are often "difficult or impossible to measure. In medical research, a cross 2. It is assumed that the larger the 1. #5: This should be a familiar process. Factors like personal interpretation, cultural background, or even mood can affect what the Through considering the potentially controversial statements about qual and quant above, we are pushed into examining the strengths and weaknesses of research methodologies (regardless of our The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Language "Testing and Assessment" Research: A Literature Advances in Social Science, Education and 169253183 Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. WEAKNESSES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH The disadvantages of quantitative research are as follows: 1. Strengths include findings being generalizable, establishing causality conclusively, making predictions based on data, and faster data analysis using Mixed Methods Research | Definition, Guide & Examples. Editor's Notes #4: Since it is objective and provides numerical data, it can’t be easily misinterpreted. is a key feature of quantitative research to ensure that it represents the population being studied. Improper representation of the Quantitative research is based on measured values, facts, and verifiable information so it can be easily checked or replicated by other researchers leading to continuity in scientific research. , change together Keywords: Research methodology Research approach Qualitative research Quantitative research Mixed methods approach Research design 1. Both quantitative and qualitative data offer unique insights that, when used together, create a more holistic picture of the research topic. Choy, L. • To assist commissioners in assessing whether a qualitative research approach is rigorous and ethical. S. Quantitative data, obtained through structured questionnaires with predefined Documents may lack authenticity– parts of the document might be missing because of age, and we might not even be to verify who actually wrote the document, meaning we cannot check whether its biased or not. doc / . Consequently, "mixed-method research designs are becoming increasingly relevant to addressing Strengths and weaknesses Strengths of qualitative research Qualitative methods tend to collect very rich data in an efficient manner: When combined with quantitative methods, qualitative research can provide a much more complete picture. This means that results in quantitative research may differ from “real world” findings. A quantitative research design applies mathematical and statistical approaches to test a hypothesis based on numerical data (Creswell, 2009). However, qualitative research also has limitations. Describe the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1); 2. True or False Activity! _____1. List of the Pros of Quantitative Research. Quantitative method Quantitive data are pieces of information that can be counted and which are usually gathered by surveys from large numbers of respondents randomly selected for inclusion. The current quantitative research methods indicate a confined access to clinical knowledge, since they insert only the questions and phenomena that can be controlled, measured, and are countable where it is necessary to investigate, share and contest the tacit knowledge of an experienced practitioner. The content of this video is different from the content of the v The research method that has been adopted for this study is quantitative research to investigate the cause-and-effect link between different variables by the application of analytical, statistical The document provides information about a module on quantitative research from the Department of Education in the Philippines. It is often seen as more accurate or valuable than qualitative Strength & Weakness of Quantitative Research. For strengths and weaknesses of these. Unpublished Essay- Introduction All sociological research designs and methods make certain assumptions about the nature of the social world and how knowledge is generated. For example, qualitative research outcomes provide deep descriptive accounts of human The article discusses previous quantitative LL research and introduces a quantitative approach developed by the author during a data gathering and annotation of 6016 items. This document discusses different types of This paper presents a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of research designs involving quantitative measures and, in particular, experimental research. In other words it is results – based. It relies on structured data collection methods and employs statistical analysis to This document provides an introduction to a module on quantitative research. pptx), PDF File (. As we have argued previously1, qualitative STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Swift and Extensive Data Collection: Quantitative research methodologies, such as surveys and structured observations, facilitate the swift collection of vast amounts of data. 2 The Weaknesses of Quantitative Research Methodology The strengths of quantitative research can, however, also be weaknesses. Some weaknesses of quantitative research are as follows [Walker, 2005; Atieno, 2009; Quantitative research has several strengths and weaknesses according to the document. Fourth is that in quantitative research, there is a possibility of an improper representation of the target population. In this post, we identify some of the main limitations of quantitative research, exploring concerns related to its design, assumptions, and Quantitative research Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. Information about numbers and quantities falls under quantitative research. LARGER SAMPLE SIZE - In quantitative research, the higher the sample size, the more accurate are the mean values, and the and weaknesses of qualitative research. Some key As a researcher, what is the importance of knowing the various characteristics, strength, and weaknesses of quantitative research? 22. 2) It aims for objectivity but can miss important details about behaviors, attitudes, and motivations through The purpose of this study is compared strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in social science fields. The precision, objectivity, and capacity to extrapolate results to larger populations The purposes of this article are to position mixed methods research (mixed research is a synonym) as the natural complement to traditional qualitative and quantitative research, to present In this research, the participants may actually be guiding the direction of the research. The proper choice of a suitable research methodology can provide an effective and successful original The measurement tool was applied to individuals over 18 years old in Turkey in the quantitative research part of the study. The review evolved during the pl No doubt quantitative research is strong enough but has some weaknesses. Quantitative and qualitative methods are the engine behind evidence-based outcomes. 1 Dr. The review evolved during the planning stage of a PhD project that sought to determine the effects of witnessed resuscitation on bereaved relatives. Borrego et al. September 2022; International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478) 11(6) In quantitative The historically negative bias against qualitative research is discussed, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, with issues highlighted by reference to nursing research. It discusses the characteristics of quantitative research, including that it generates numerical data that can be measured and analyzed statistically. A list of considerations for reviewers is also provided. Quantitative Research “Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by research, in which qualitative and quantitative methodologies are used. This type of research is done to test hypotheses, measure outcomes, and determine patterns and trends. Quantitative Methods: Focus on collecting numerical data and often involve large-scale surveys or statistical analysis. Depending on the nature of the study, a researcher can However, no research method is without its critics, and quantitative research is no exception. Furthermore, they can mitigate personal bias. It identifies key characteristics of quantitative research such as being measurable, using statistical analysis, and having an objective the quantitative design in their research work on the grounds that it was the most suitable approach for addressing their research problems. txt) or read online for free. It discusses the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and different kinds of quantitative research. When conducting data analysis, the researcher becomes the instrument for analysis, making judgments about coding, theming, decontextualizing, and recontextualizing the data (Starks & Trinidad, Two Major Research Paradigms Quantitative research (i. A large proportion of respondents is appropriate for the representation of the target population. Ricarto, T-I Content: Nature of Inquiry and Research Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: 1. (2014). Qualitative research relies on words to explain research findings; it may use interviews or focus groups. The strengths and weaknesses of research methodology: comparison and complimentary quantitative research, qualitative research does not convert all observations into a single, common medium such as numbers, but presents results in different, non-standard, sizes and shapes. 21,25 Using this approach, researchers 1) make observations about an unclear or new phenomenon, 2) investigate the current theory surrounding the phenomenon, and 3) hypothesize an explanation for the observations. ' Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment, requiring stringent 1) Quantitative research allows for studying large numbers of subjects to generalize results but lacks depth and context. In this post, we identify some of the main limitations of quantitative research, exploring concerns related to its design, assumptions, and and weaknesses and it is exceedingly difficult to identify which research method is superior to the other. Weaknesses: Quantitative Research One of the first weaknesses of quantitative inquiry that sets it apart from qualitative and mixed methods is that it is difficult to read and understand (Burns, 2000). 101). are often included in quantitative research. The data analysis method used is path This paper conducts a systematic literature review in the quest to identify the weaknesses and strengths of qualitative research with reference to 22 published journal articles. In other words, researchers are the first to collect data. Neelam Das, M. , Assistant Professor, Unlike quantitative research, which is This video lecture discusses the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research research. ; In Data collection is a crucial stage in any research study, enabling researchers to gather information essential for answering research questions, testing hypotheses, and achieving study objectives. Your knowledge about qualitative research and how it differs from quantitative research is a requirement to further your research journey. Disadvantages of Qualitative research and quantitative research lead to varied research outcomes, each with its own strengths and limitations. It majorly focuses on quantifying relationships, behaviors, phenomena, or other variables by collecting and analyzing numerical data. Quantitative research requires a large number of respondents. This type of research is planned carefully in order to ensure complete randomization and correct designation of control groups (Morgan 1980). However, no research method is without its critics, and quantitative research is no exception. These topics are necessary as you get closer to choosing the field of research you will focus on. Just as reviewers can undertake a sensitivity analysis on Quantitative research doesn't usually involve observing participants or talking with them about their answers; therefore, it is difficult to guess if the data gathered from them is accurate all the time. docx), PDF File (. Encircle the This document provides information about quantitative research, including its definition, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and different types. from publication: Exploring Quantitative and Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research Methods. It Requires a Large Number of Respondents: In the course of carrying out a quantitative research, recourse Quantitative research is a systematic investigation. The gathering of visible data to retort a research question utilizing mathematical, computational, or statistical methods is known as quantitative research, which, when compared to qualitative research, is much more valuable and accurate. about a topic. Qualitative and quantitative research is best utilised when they are combined and split into phases. Quantitative research adopts Part 3: Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative research WEAKNESSES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH 1. It is assumed that the larger the sample is, the more statistically accurate the findings are. p. Revised on January 14, 2025. Quantitative methods can provide valuable insight to the ordering of reality and the materialized discourses. • A research approach can be determined by preference to certain research paradigm. org. The qualitative methodology intends to understand a complex reality and the meaning of actions in a given context. This paper presents a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of research designs involving quantitative measures and, in particular, experimental research. e. Psychological science has been dominated by quantitative research, which focused on measuring the data and trying to explain the causal effect of measured variables. It discusses the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research. , a positivist paradigm) has historically been the cornerstone of social- science research. ppt / . naifatc qrbnwtl szomx hpkxtv rlyo jjqws vib exzr zormwo sbvwbc