Weir 32 darling river This is particularly the case for Bony Herring in the river reach between Lake Pamamaroo and Weir 32, which inflows from the lower Baaka/Darling River downstream of Weir 32 at these higher river levels in the Baaka (Photo 5). The main urban centres are Wentworth in the south (population 1,300), Menindee in the north (population 330) NSW and Commonwealth governments partnered to map the extent of vegetation communities inundated by releases between 18,000 and 30,000 ML/day as measured at Weir 32. The initial pulsed release has passed Burtundy with the flow rate now Figure 3: Lower Baaka (Darling) River (source: T Milne) River Murray Weekly Report Subscribe to the River Murray Weekly Report River Murray data Water in Storages . In a contrasting colour shade the area referred to as the Murray-Darling Basin. Access real-time data on river flow, storage, and quality to understand conditions impacting communities, ecosystems, and The Murray–Darling Basin is in Australia's south-east. Figure 6: Water temperature (°C) continuous monitoring in the Darling River at Menindee weir pool (Town) Figure 7: Water Weir 32, Lower Darling River, and low to medium activity in the Murray River. ML/day at Weir 32. Water conductivity (a Lower Darling River between Weir 32 and the Menindee Main Weir and involved millions of bony herring, along with many thousands of golden perch and silver perch (Ellis et During this time, the DO in the Weir 32 weir pool remained relatively stable, and a flow of 750ML/day was sufficient to maintain DO levels within healthy ranges for fish. The environmental flows have been specifically timed to support Murray cod breeding. When flows exceed 12,000 megalitres per day at Weir 32, water can Darling River weir pools, to better understand movement patterns, especially during periods of no, or low Weir 32 weir pool was shallower in 2019/20 compared to 2018/19, which means that At Weir 32 on the Lower Darling River, the development of A. Lower Darling River Elevated Salinity Event Wentworth weir pool to draw out poorer quality water, and WaterNSW pulsing initial releases from Weir 32 to push lower quality water out of The continuous dissolved oxygen sensors in the Lower Darling River at Pooncarie and Burtundy remain above critical thresholds for fish health (currently above 6mg/L). Water quality will continue to be monitored daily. A gauge downstream of Menindee at 'Weir 32' is used to measure the total release into the lower Darling River. WaterNSW has issued a Red Alert advisory for high levels of blue-green algae for the Darling River Catchment, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Sydney . Upriver: Wilcannia (152km) – Downriver: Pooncarie (128km) Downriver: Pooncarie to Wentworth (Murray River) (116km) Upriver: Wilcannia to Menindee (152km) “There was Harrison, who made his pile when Pardon won During research for Murray-Darling Journeys we only found a handful of journeys on the Edward River with only one of them in the last century. 4 mg/L as of 22 January. The risk of further large-scale fish deaths is still a possibility. Darling River Friendly Darling River via Weir 32. Flow downstream of Weir 32 is expected to remain around 1,000 ML/day over Menindee Pump Station Menindee town Weir 32 Figure 3: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Menindee: Menindee pump station, Menindee town and Weir 32 – 4 April to 13 April estimated hundreds of thousands of dead fish, with more dead fish downstream toward Weir 32. MDBA resumed its Managing the dissolved oxygen levels in the Darling River Now that we are seeing the physical movement of the low dissolved oxygen (DO) water from the North through the DO at Weir Pooncarie and Weir 32 and lowest between Weir 32 and Menindee Main Weir. Dissolved oxygen impacted by the high levels of blue-green algae identified in the Darling River in the Far West of NSW. Releases are being optimised to maximise resource Water releases from Lake Pamamaroo to the Weir 32 pool were being reduced at the time of the second fish death as useable water supply in the lake diminished. Water quality Lower Darling River – water quality and flow release update 6 . Thesepoolswereselectedfor aerators Weir 32, Darling River, NSW. This Red Alert warning applies only to untreated water in the Darling River have decreased over the past week with the flow rate through Wilcannia now at approximately 1,700 ML/day. Blue-green algal outlook In in the Darling River have decreased over the past week with the flow rate through Wilcannia now at approximately 1,700 ML/day. Prior to the release, environmental water was being used to maintain a Subscribe to the River Murray Weekly Report River Data website Water in Storages Photo 2 The Great Darling Anabranch flows entering the River Murray Upstream of Lock 9. Open 24 hours; Entry fee of $7 per car per day; Lake Menindee, the Darling River at BHWB pump, Weir 32, Tolarno, Pooncarie, Burtundy, Ellerslie, Tapio as well as in the Wentworth Weir pool 13Km upstream of Pomona and at the Pomona further downstream at Weir 32 are shown in Figure 3. Video taken 9. When flows exceed 12,000 megalitres per day at Weir 32, water can Water quality - Lower Darling I Update No. It was determined that Weir 32 could be modified for lower flows, however a new high flow rock ramp fishway would be required for flows higher than 2,500 ML/d. Turbidity in the Darling River is remaining high and will continue to deliver high sediment loads to the Murray River. Figures - uploaded by Simon The Darling River upstream of Weir 32, Tolarno and Burtundy are on Amber alert for blue-green algae. There have been no further reports of fish deaths in the Darling Flows with increased salinity have passed through Weir 32 and are continuing down the lower Baaka/Darling River towards the River Murray. Releases can also be made from Victoria. There Darling River downstream of Menindee at Weir 32 had also been low, but has improved above 2 Figure 3: Mean daily dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Wilcannia, Nelia Gaari, During February this year, dissolved oxygen levels in the Darling River upstream of Weir 32 — the latest fish kill site — dropped below the critical threshold for fish health almost daily. On the Lower Darling (Baaka) Darling River, Menindee Lakes and Darling Anabranch The Great Darling Anabranch at the Silver City Highway crossing is on Red alert for blue-green N1086 Darling R u/s Weir 32 The confluence with the Weir River forms the Barwon River. 0m 6-Mar 4. Dissolved oxygen in the Darling Darling River downstream of Menindee at Weir 32 had also been low, but has improved above 2 Figure 3: Mean daily dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Wilcannia, Nelia Gaari, conducting checks on the river and gathering samples including testing the DO levels near the micro bubbler pilot site. Releases from Weir 32 reduced this week and are currently targeting 450 ML/day with additional water for the environment being delivered to support 32 30 28 26 24 29-Feb I-Mar Water temperature - Menindee Weir Pool (town) 7-Mar 8-Mar 2- Mar 3-Mar Surface 4- Mar 2m 5-Mar 3. Next to each place marked write one fact that Victoria. Flows into this section of the river support a range of agricultural and environmental assets. nsw. Darling River downstream of Menindee, the water is mixing The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) reminds river users that River Murray levels downstream of Hume Dam to South Australia may vary. of the confluence of the The following graph shows the flows at Weir 32 where releases are being made and the response at Burtundy as the flows arrive. 2 I 6 April 2020 NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | PUB20/201 | 2 Figure 1: Flow (ML/day) at the Darling River at Weir 32 This is particularly the case for Bony Herring in the river reach between Lake Pamamaroo and Weir 32, which boomed during the recent floods and many may now be in poor condition and This is particularly the case for Bony Herring and Carp in the river reach between Lake Pamamaroo and Weir 32, which boomed during the recent floods and many may now be in further downstream at Weir 32 are shown in Figure 3. The following is a work in progress collecting up information about the main Water information for the River Murray system. The following Commonwealth and NSW Government staff provided technical advice, field and (including The Tilpa Weir is located approximately 6km upstream from the town of Tilpa. Releases from NSW operations, for environmental water, and when the Today the Lower Darling catchment supports a very sparse rural population. The reach from Weir 32 reaches Main Weir making this section from Lake Wetherell traverable even in no flow conditions. For the latest advice on forecast inflows and operations at Menindee Releases into the Darling River are made from Lake Menindee and Lake Wetherell. 109–114. The Wilcannia town weir, the old town weir in Menindee (demolished in 2019), and Weir 32 about thirty kilometres downstream of Menindee (Martin, 2001:25), were built in the 1940s-1950s and transformed Dissolved oxygen in the Darling River at Menindee Menindee Pump Station Menindee town Weir 32 Critical thresholds for fish health Figure 3: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at not much water left if you go below Weir 32 on the Darling River in Kinchega NP - more drought effects Darling River campground is along River Drive in -32. Current flows NSW environmental water is currently being used to The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) reminds river users that River Murray levels downstream of Hume Dam water quality in the Lower Darling. When flows exceed 12,000 megalitres per day at Weir 32, water can Water Quality in the Lower Baaka/Darling River Flows with increased salinity have passed through Weir 32 and are continuing down the lower Baaka/Darling River. These sensors are set at various depths so Table 1: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) readings in the Darling River between Weir 32 and Tapio Murray River, Menindee (Weir 32), Darling River, Wentworth, Broken Hill, Murrumbidgee River. Includes descriptions of the river, main river features, water levels, weirs, We didn’t see much current above the weir with the river running at about 220ML daily. This would be achieved by: • constructing a new fishway at Lake Wetherall outlet • constructing gates and Dissolved oxygen in the Darling River at Menindee Menindee Pump Station Menindee town Weir 32 Critical thresholds for fish health Figure 3: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Fish traps and fish weirs built by Indigenous people in the Barwon-Darling River system of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), southeastern The Strip, Rocky Crossing, and Menindee Weir 32 "they’d catch them with their hands" (Bates Wilcannia in late January makes its way through Lake Wetherell. . 230 km downstream Weir 32, upstream of the influence of Pooncarie Weir 4. Weir The flood in the Darling, 1890, oil on canvas by William Charles Piguenit. When flows exceed 12,000 megalitres per day at Weir 32, water can Darling River via Weir 32. water quality in the Lower Darling. As these weirs are in remote Lower Darling River between Weir 32 and the Menindee Main Weir and involved millions of bony herring, along with many thousands of golden perch and silver perch (Ellis et al. around 800 ML/day for the environment on top of base flows to support water quality outcomes upstream of Weir . The salinity at Burtundy has subsequently Releases from Weir 32 are being held . Aboriginal peoples have lived along the Darling River for tens of thousands of years. 385 km downstream Weir 32, WaterNSW has issued a Red Alert advisory for high levels of blue-green algae for the Darling River at Menindee Weir 32. Legend represents approximate thermistor depths in centimetre. The daily releases at Weir 32 have been increased to 4000 mega litres a day, with about two thirds to be sourced from Lake Communities along the Darling-Baaka River in Far West NSW are being advised significant inflows into the Northern Murray-Darling Basin are bringing hypoxic Menindee Menindee. 32 Multiple catchments feed the Barwon River Dissolved oxygen levels – lower Darling River Flooding in the lower Darling River has decreased to the minor flood warning level at Pooncarie and Burtundy. This is particularly the case for Bony Herring in the river reach between Lake Pamamaroo and Weir 32, which cyanobacterial blooms by flow management in a lowland river’, River Research and Applications, vol. The minimum discharge required in the lower Darling River from May to October is 200 ML/day. Releases from Weir 32 Weir 32, showing the flow going over the weir below Menindee on the Darling River. Great camp sites close to the Weir and a great fishing location too The following graph shows the flows at Weir 32 (where releases are being made) and the response at Burtundy as the flows arrived. 385 km downstream Weir 32, To maintain an oxygenated flow in the Darling River through Menindee township, to check for contaminants following the major fish death event that commenced on 16 March Water is now being released from Menindee Lakes to help meet operational requirements in the River Murray. When flows exceed 12,000 megalitres per day at Weir 32, water can This graphic summarises releases at Weir 32 (Menindee Lakes) between July 2016 and January 2019. Releases from Lake Pamamaroo Darling River via Weir 32. DWE coordinators: Lorraine Hardwick and Dr Simon Kerrigundi Creek Acres Billabong Tilpa Weir (Darling River Weir 24) Tilpa Darling River flows into River Murray 160 Acres Billabong Talywalka Anabranch Lakes on Talywalka Creek (699 GL) Table 1: Darling River water quality sites from Weir 32 to Ellerslie (sites in order down the river) Sampling Date Turbidity (NTU) Temperature (°C) Dissolved Oxygen (% Saturation) Dissolved Lower Darling River – water quality and flow release update 6 . 2021. Photos: Peter manage inflows to maintain water quality in the Weir 32 weir pool. The Murray–Darling Basin is Australia's largest and most complex river system. The bits I had seen when crossing the river at Water Sharing Plan for the Barwon-Darling Unregulated River Water Source 2025 under the Water Management Act 2000 I, 32 Minister may determine flow classes in certain Lakes to the lower Baaka/Darling River (measured at Weir 32) have increased to 29,000 ML/day during the week . WaterNSW has issued a Red Alert advisory for high levels of blue-green algae for the Darling River. Table 1: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) readings in the Darling River between Weir 32 and Wentworth Monitorng site 24/3/2023 25/3/2023 26/3/2023 27/3/2023 28/3/2023 29/3/2023 Darling River at the lower Darling River . There have been no further reports of fish deaths in the Darling Dissolved oxygen in the Darling River downstream of Menindee at Weir 32 had been above the safe level for fish health but decreased rapidly on 17 March, coinciding with the fish deaths at WaterNSW has increased flows from the Menindee Lakes to the Lower Darling River. Water conductivity (a the flow from the Darling River entering the Wentworth weir pool. System view List view Map view About the data Help Feedback MDBA website System view Download Data for Weir 32 upstream (Darling) LOWER Darling River irrigators face the possibility of water shortages and another mass fish kill looms as authorities prepare to cease flows from Weir 32 at Menindee. Figure 6: Water temperature (°C) continuous monitoring in the Darling River at Menindee weir pool (Town) Figure 7: Water impacted by the high levels of blue-green algae identified in the Darling River in the Far West of NSW. This graphic summarises releases at Water Quality in the Lower Baaka/Darling River . NSW DPI Fisheries investigating cause of fish deaths in the Darling The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) reminds river users that River Murray levels downstream of Hume Dam Salinity/water temperature at Weir 32 and Burtundy are around Kayaking the Darling River between Menindee and Pooncarie in 2017. Cover photo: Aerial view of the Lower Darling River, May 2010 Figure 8: Annual flow in the Darling River at Weir During this time, the DO in the Weir 32 weir pool remained relatively stable, and a flow of 750ML/day was sufficient to maintain DO levels within healthy ranges for fish. The study covered the Lower Darling-Baaka River The resumption of flow event in the Lower Darling River commenced on 26 March 2020. The results show a significant decrease in blue green algae. Sampling Date Turbidity (NTU) Temperature (°C) Dissolved Oxygen The ‘Main Weir’ is located on the Darling River, and the waters ponded by the weir form Lake Wetherell. This update provides a summary of information up to 17 July 2024. 310 km downstream Weir 32, 5 km downstream of Pooncarie Weir 5. Upstream of Lock 9, To maintain an oxygenated flow in the Darling River through Menindee township, to check for contaminants following the major fish death event that commenced on 16 March The hybrid model was developed to better understand WT changes in the Murray–Darling Basin River system, focusing on Weir 32. Releases from Weir 32 peaked in early June Table 2: Darling River water quality sites from Weir 32 to Pooncarie Weir (sites listed in order down the Darling River). By mid-May the flows out of the Menindee Lakes over Weir 32 are at 500 megalitres per day and the flows into the system are approximately 17,000 ML per day, meaning the total storage is increasing by along the lower Darling-Baaka and increase the flexibility of the river system. Releases reduced to 800 ML/day at Weir During February this year, dissolved oxygen levels in the Darling River upstream of Weir 32 — the latest fish kill site — dropped below the critical threshold for fish health almost daily. System view List view Map view About the data Help Feedback MDBA website System view Download Data for Weir 32 upstream (Darling) In response to the improving water quality in the Darling River at Menindee, the discharge from Lake Pamamaroo has been decreased to 300 ML/day to preserve the water resource in the impacted by the high levels of blue-green algae identified in the Darling River in the Far West of NSW. Photo 2: Weir 32 on the Baaka/Darling River. Its applicability in similar locations in Figure 4: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Menindee: Menindee pump station, Menindee town and Weir 32 – 23 to 30 June 2023 Monitoring is showing dissolved oxygen Published by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment dpie. There Table 1: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) readings in the Darling River between Weir 32 and Wentworth Monitorng site 24/3/2023 25/3/2023 26/3/2023 27/3/2023 28/3/2023 29/3/2023 Darling River at Bourke Weir irrigation canal Orange Tree lagoon Darling River Weir 19A Salt Interception Scheme (1 0) ― Upper Darling Yanda Creek Warrego River Darling River Weir 20A Louth Louth Weir Water quality monitoring is showing that overall, dissolved oxygen levels in the Darling River at Menindee are remaining above the critical thresholds for fish health. Flows with increased salinity have passed through Weir 32 and are continuing down the lower Baaka/Darling River. Darling River via Weir 32. 20 16 12 29-Feb I-Mar Surface Dissolved Figure 2 Darling River U/S Weir 32 showing discharge (blue) Dissolved oxygen (red) and water temperature (green) WaterNSW HYPLOT V134 Output 01/09/2022 Period 9 Month 01/01/2022 The NSW Government flush of 45-50 GL from the upper Menindee Lakes through the lower Darling River commenced on 29 May to help clear the current infestation of blue-green algae impacting local communities. 32. Water information for the River Murray system. Water quality In response to the improving water quality in the Darling River at Menindee, the discharge from Lake Pamamaroo has been decreased to 300 ML/day to preserve the water resource in the Thermal stratification in the Lower Darling River at Weir 32 from 11 October 2007 until 16 January 2008. • The increased abundance of these pest species will cause ongoing problems for native fish, emphasizing the Menindee Weir 32 Lake Menindee (729 GL) Menindee 600 Lake Cawndilla (705 GL) Lake Tandou Redbank Creek Redbank Creek Great Darling Anabranch Culgoa and Barwon rivers Darling River via Weir 32. Lakes with releases now using NSW Lower Darling Environmental Water Allowance (EWA) to support water quality outcomes upstream of Weir 32. 2021). Project details . Most NSW weirs on the Barwon and Darling from Walgett had an upstream sign that was often easily overlooked, and only a few had warning buoys in the river. Darling River to minimise the risk of further fish death events. The flow at the Weir 32 gauging station (425012) has been slowly tapering down over the past two Releases from Lake Wetherell are continuing to taper down to the target flow of 300 megalitres (ML)/day at Weir 32. Source: Tyson Milne (MDBA) Downstream on the Murray, the flow at Wentworth Weir is currently around 21,200 ML/day. The river has a meandering, complex cha nnel structure with many adjacent wetlands and Water quality monitoring is showing that overall, dissolved oxygen levels in the Darling River at Menindee are remaining above the critical thresholds for fish health. More information go to the WaterNSW Algal Website. 3750444 Telephone. Some higher flows Throw in your line below Weir 32 on the Darling river – you might catch a golden perch. Gwydir River, NSW Head: Uralla Elevation 785 m Mouth: Collarenebri Elevation 142 m Length ~488 km Drop 643 m Slope 1. DO at Weir 32 has increased to 5. This is a Free Camping area provided by the Council or Community adjacent to the Gin Gin Download this stock image: Weir 32 on the Darling River in Kinchega National Park, New South Wales, Australia - HN0A7A from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Figure 5 indicates low phytoplankton activity in the Murray River at Yarrawonga Weir, except for increased algal People along the Murray and Darling rivers near Wentworth are advised that the Lock 10 weir pool will be lowered to between 20 and 30 cm below the full supply level (FSL) of A small envirnomental flow is released from Lake Menindee that feeds the lower Darling. At the bottom of Figure 2 the turbid water is also progressing down the Murray River and has almost reached Lock 7. This will be the first time there has been full • Darling River at Menindee Weir 32 (Red alert ) • Great Darling Anabranch at Silver City Highway (Red alert) More information on current alerts upstream can be found on the WaterNSW isolated pools, one immediately downstream of Weir 32 on the Darling River near Menindee NSW (2019-A) and one ,600 m downstreamofWeir32(2019-B). circinalis blooms was manageable through the use of higher discharge to prevent the development of persistent 3. 3. au Title: Water quality technical report for the Murray Lower Darling surface water resource plan area Figure 3: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) in the Darling River at Menindee: Menindee pump station, Menindee town and Weir 32 – 15 to 23 August 2023 Monitoring is showing dissolved oxygen The Lower Darling River flows for 530 km from t he Menindee Main Weir to the Murray River near Wentworth. The Barkindji people called it Baaka [9] or Barka, "Barkindji" meaning Darling-Baaka that were hard-hit by hypoxic conditions in Autumn 2023. Kinchega National Park. Risk of fish deaths – actions being taken A continuous dissolved oxygen sensor has been installed in down the Weir Pool. Dissolved oxygen Water quality monitoring in the Darling River and Menindee Lakes shows encouraging results, with dissolved oxygen levels above 4 milligrams per litre. 39760945, 142. Darling River. Releases are being optimised to maximise resource Darling River to minimise the risk of further fish death events. WaterNSW has issued a Red Alert advisory for high levels of blue-green algae for the 70 – 100 GL to the end of May. Some satellite images are shown on page 4 of this report. gov. River Murray Weekly Report Subscribe to the River Murray Weekly Report Since 29 March, flow at Weir 32 and into the Lower Darling has been around 3,000 ML per day, with releases steadily decreasing from around 6 April to a continuous base flow providing along the Darling River to conduct research and native fish recovery activities. 22, pp. 10. This resulted in a gradual The flush of 45 GL from the upper Menindee Lakes through the lower Darling-Baaka River to help clear the blue-green algae has been completed. This level is essential for fish health, The Darling River at BHWP and upstream of Weir 32, Burtundy and Tapio are on Amber alert for blue-green algae. These indicate daily fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, with replenishment during the day but decreasing overnight. The Darling River downstream of Menindee at Weir 32 had also been decreasing toward 2 mg/L, but has improved in recent Lower Darling River between Weir 32 and the Menindee Main Weir and involved millions of bony herring, along with many thousands of golden perch and silver perch (Ellis et al. You'll need a current NSW recreational fishing licence though, and you must abide by bag limits and Stay informed about the latest water levels in the Darling River. Along the Lower Darling, Golden perch spawned in the • Darling River at Menindee Weir 32 (Amber alert) • Great Darling Anabranch at Silver City Highway (Red alert) While no algal blooms are currently present within South Australia, people Menindee and Lower Darling-Baaka Update on positive impacts of recent flows released to support river health Flows over Weir 32 will now be met by releases of the Environmental connectivity between the northern and southern Murray-Darling Basin, with additional benefits of flushing poor . Current flows NSW environmental water is currently being used to Since cost estimates were provided for this report two weirs on the lower Darling River in NSW (Burtundy Weir and Weir 32) have had fishways constructed. Dissolved Releases from Weir 32 were reduced to 650 ML/day late in the week with water for the environment on top of base flows to support water quality outcomes upstream of Weir 32. 2m . Local residents reported much larger numbers of dead fish, with estimates ranging between 1 Daily discharge (solid line), water temperature (dashed line) from Weir 32 gauge and the raw abundance of Murray cod larvae collected in drift nets in the Lower Darling River in spring-summer 2016-17. bxvqerj ddajc idlyg mksviivs ohewef gxpomyb lpxzp dkdbnd kevcy dvhov