Vahklas resources So until you have a ship thats around 500k, you wont really be participating in these events. Jun 19, 2020 · The first mention of a ship called the Mayflower in Trek-lore was in Deep Space Nine, as a ship that was never seen onscreen, but did occasionally pick up and drop off cargo at the station. If you don't you can perhaps hit a higher-level system. The alternative would have been to continue pouring resources into a Talla. It will quickly be overpowered. In a perfect world, you would be able to level them all, but your refinery is gonna make that really hard, and you will end up with 3 sub-par ships. Armada directives are done from the dailies. Tolaris has no regrets in exploring a balance of reason and emotion Aug 16, 2023 · Vulcan Vahklas fromUCW 2. Or at least "MINIMAL Uncommon Resources. If you get Vahk BP's head to a lower-level system. I've been plodding away for two weeks to get to level 22 so that I can get a Vahklas and have been acquiring resources until some dick with a Kumari hit my station last night when I forgot to enable a peace shield. Use resources to Max your miners (have one for every dock you have built) or “one-tricks” like the Franklin. They return 3* rewards, so upgrading components costs more than you get back. reddit. He was initially at a computer display but, as Tolaris spoke to T'Pol about how All the independent 3* ships are a waste of materials. Other than the pitiful cargo size I've been really happy with it. This makes it especially effective against the Vahklas. My question When putting your bridge crew together, what's more important Overall Strength, Officer Ability, or individual stats like Attack, Defense, Health? Iltharanos [VULCAN VAHKLAS-CLASS] September 15, 2012 Mission The Vahklas-class was originally designed as a troop transport in the early 22nd century, and was later made a cargo and passenger ship by the mid 22nd century. Vahklas at tier 7. With the right crew the Jelly can go to 120k, the NS to over 500k. At 21 there is also a kehra, which you build for a mission. I sent an Envoy to attack it to trigger the peace shield. (I'm ops level 23) Do I go with ablative armor or do I go with the Orion seismic charges? The ship has fully integrated ship wide Holographic systems and the quarters have independent holo-enviromental systems. Stella is ok for eclipse and the research will benefit other vessels. Levelling it up is easy just by doing what it’s designed to do. All information about the space ship Vahklas in Star Trek Fleet Command including how it can be unlocked, what type and tier it is, how much resources are required and how long it takes to build. Then preplan which lvl 26 faction ship you are going after and hoard all you faction credits to get to 10k. He and his father had a falling out, and did not communicate for about nine or ten years, eight of which he spent on the Vahklas. Tavin, captain Kov, engineer Tolaris, crew member This Vulcan crew member was in the astrometrics lab aboard the Vahklas shortly after T'Pol went aboard the vessel and not long after the craft entered the Arachnid Nebula. It all started off with an Atari 65XE, then came an Amiga 500+, a Sega Genesis, a 386, and the rest was history. I've done a little bit of research and some people have stated to skip the Kumari and max out the NS or level the Vahklas until T6. (26's/28's/(skip32)/34's etc. You’re not that far off from the Vi’Dar through event stores, that’ll give you a strong interceptor. Features The Vahklas features an early version of the trademark Vulcan ring-shaped warp drive, capable of achieving speeds The mayflower is a drain on resources that are desperately needed for the enterprise. My Vahklas (450k) was able to destroy a few level 27 eclipse surveys before my hull was depleted. The following is a list of the Vulcan crew of V'tosh ka'tur that worked on board the Vahklas. This will reward you with enough blueprints to build it. Kehra, Vahklas, and Kumari are all ships that fall into the category of "No Uncommon Resources". I would say build it as I don't think the Mayflower is worth it but don't upgrade it too much. For lvl 18-19 you will need 8 lvl 19+ swarms, 20 lvl 18+ swarm, and 40 lvl 15+ swarm. SRDs Vessel Purpose: Medium Range Exploration, Border Patrol. And as soon as you can start mining and refining G3 resources, cannot stress that enough. However, Vahklas has translinear sensors that would cut the time down significantly. I have the other 25 BP from missions and I've been parking at OPS14 for a week or so, leveling up everything I can with my Talla at level25 and ~19K Strength (loading strongest crew). Im Lvl 29 and my 3 main ships are T8 Vahklas, T4 Saladin. It is a reliable exploration vessel that was mass produced around Vulcan before the planet’s destruction, making it very commonly used by Independents. Kumari is significantly stronger than any ship you currently have. Hitting the appropriate faction and the appropriate ship type tends to increase the chance. The only way you get Lorca at 23 is a lucky drop. Utterly worthless. At 23 and 24 you have vahklas and kumari. Add to Cart For example you don't need the Kehra, Vahklas and Kumari. 99. Aug 27, 2020 · If you don’t build a Jellyfish, you’re going to have a bit of a gap until you can get your next explorer – the Vahklas at level 22. Get a All the resources that you have wasted on a fly piece of junk should have been spent on a Horizon (a ship that can actually mine well into your 30's) and a VAHKLAS which will destroy and NorthStar it goes up against proving it is not "a beast" at anything. But ingoring the early ships my thoughts are as follows: Kehra: Rubbish Vahklas: Good for swarms and missions Kumari: Workhorse - good for base cracking, dailies, missions etc Lvl 26 Faction: D3 Good, Legionary, Good, Mayflower rubbish Lvl 28 Faction: All good, Saladin is a monster I'm currently a lvl 22, and just got blueprints for a Vahklas and have been mining tritanium with at least 2 of my shops almost non-stop for the past… So, the only way is to upgrade your ship. The ship's master was Tavin. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 4 comments Three maxxed Horizons isn’t too tough on resources and you’ll use them a ton. Some people take or leave the Vahklas - the reason for this is that it overlaps quite a bit with the Mayflower (but this is only a consideration if you're with the Federation). The discovery is quite a weak warship, but has a quite useful ability. If you are slowly leveling up, it is important to start saving now for a level 26 faction ship (Mayflower, D3, Legionary) and making sure you are NOT wasting resources any further on the Kehra, Vahklas, and Nightstar. Improper allocation of materials can slow progression. LaForge requires a disco at 21 and generally isn't unlocked by 23. Hey STFC world, Sorry if this was already posted, but my google search didn’t have many results, so I took a shot. From there because it takes so much longer to level up and costlier then what you do is up to you. . I'm holed up at 29 waiting for 1800 unc gas to tier up my centurion before moving to 30. 3* independent still only give you 3* materials when you scrap them and less then what you sunk in to them if wanting to not waste materials just teir/level the 3* independents only to what you need a vidar is a great ship until you get a saladin at 28 and you will 100% want to max All information about the research project Unlock Vahklas in Star Trek Fleet Command including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts. THE VAHKLAS! VULCAN EXPLORER CLASS STARSHIP Eaglemoss Star Trek Ship Replica Vulcan Vahklas 1 Piece(s) #14377194 #14377194CS. (ENT episode: "Fusion") Tavin and his fellow v'tosh ka'tur - Vulcans Kehra can reach it if it is tier 9 (not recommended to bring the non-faction ships up so high due to it being expensive and you'll be needing the resources for the much better faction ships and/or the Vi'dar later). During this time, his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. This article ranks all the ships in Star Trek Fleet The vahklas is now more powerful than my kehra and I've been finding it useful to do dailies and events. Kumari and vahklas get torn apart by L30 swarm. Only take the Vahklas and Legionary as far as needed. Im trying to figure out which is going to be the bigger boost for my ships. It’s got enough power to replace your Jellyfish and should hold you over if you’re a Federation player until you get your Mayflower. If you are struggling with the swarm dailies at ops lvl 17 I would suggest staying put and working on ships, officers and maxing everything before lvling up. I used a vahklas for a long time against Swarm. 01% of the remaining resources. Then I got the Bortas and my D3 is just collecting dust and I'm out ~2200 uncommon crystal that is like to have for my miner. It is much easier to get it over 200K than to make your kehra useful. I too, and at least one others in my alliance are firm believers in using the Vahklas for level 26-28 swarms. On the Salidin, if your base is being attacked by one, if you're quick you can repair and take it out as long as your resources to rebuild hold out. Keep in mind that you will get Kumari at Ops 24 which will outpace your Northstar (but don't rush spending resources to max this) and you will get the Vi'dar at Ops 25 which will be your workhorse for a long time (focus Aug 5, 2019 · Dmitriy 89 submitted a new resource: Vahklas type starship - Star trek ENT: "Fusion" Vahklas type starship from Star trek ENT: "Fusion" Read more about Parking your ship overnight at the edge of a system with tails. It’s annoying on the level of stepping on Legos, Rainy Days, Mondays, Boy Bands, Reality TV, the DMV, 3600 data nodes, robocalls, angry people on Twitter, bad remakes of classic movies, Pauly Shore, Nick Bakay, Pentatonix, Envoys mining Latinum, dog bites, bee stings, Shamrock shakes, and Hugh Jackman. So 2* resource based ships will rewards 3* resources, and 3* ships 4*. I'm currently level 24 and about to start building the Kumari. Stop putting resources in the Kehra. And for just about every situation a 120k ship is gonna get a lot more work done than a 77k ship. Although the crew of the Vahklas disagreed with the common interpretation of Surak's teachings, an ornament resembling the Vulcan For the resources it takes to upgrade a Kehra to 77k you can get a Vahklas to 120k (tier 4) or higher. It was stated by T'Pol, in 2151, that the class had not been used for "a long time", when Enterprise was first approached by the Vahklas For a ship that gets outclassed the moment you start running into Vahklas, or even high-tier Kehras, that's going to go OPL mining in 10 minutes and can't raid bases? Nope, nope, nope. North Star: Rare: 3-star: Survey I have read of someone with a tiered up Kehra taking down a mid level Kumari. There are certain minor exceptions to this rule, notably the Franklin. It's as important as doing dailies. If you can't kill the faction ships for dailies your rep is too high for your level. Posted by u/Gwenwed - 3 votes and 16 comments A Vulcan woman was obviously disgusted. Vahklas: Common: 3-star: Explorer: If the opponent’s ship is an Interceptor, the VAHKLAS increases its Accuracy by 10%. My plan is skip the 26 ships for now and horde resources until a 28. (ENT episode: "Fusion") The Vahklas was built in the early 2100s as a transport ship. Just got my Vahklas, and my Kehra is very well progressing. go for something better and focus on the NS for breaking the door down and the Envoy for cleaning the resources up. It is good for base busting. Resource pressure is what gates you at every level, and all that really changes is the resources that are scarce and under pressure. case. You want to get it to at least tier 3 for it to be a performer out of the gates. Otherwise your research will unlock the Valk soon. Without upgrades, it will not do any better than my Vahklas or Kehra since Tier 5 is where progress stops. During the mid-2150s, it was employed by the Vulcan High Command as a cruiser. Aug 9, 2024 · Therefore, spending resources on spaceships that are worth the investment is necessary. And ships, a 23 has access to a brand new vahklas and probably a highly levelled Northstar with enough range to get to the 36s or 39s. Every ship ends up looking shabby eventually. The Vahklas a Vulcan starship, a Vahklas-class civilian transport in v'tosh ka'tur service in the 22nd century. what would you guys say is the optimum level to keep upgrading your ships. By the 2150s decade, this class of ship had been retired for decades. I have a tier 6 Kumari, and a tier 6 Vahklas and use the Kumari for faction hostile dailies, armadas, and base busting (at least, I used to), but the Vahk works better for swarms and I also use it for hitting ships with protected cargo overflow. I max out my ops and ships and then usually stay maxed at a level for a few more weeks gathering resources and materials so when I do make the jump I’m not scrambling to upgrade things. I need to kill 20 and i can get at most 11 per trip. com/r/sta It has a max warp range of 39 which exceeds that of the kehra, vahklas and Kumari. Alternatively, blueprints for the Vahklas also exist in the PVE chest drops for hostiles levels 25 - 41. You can ignore swarm dailies for now (but definitely get the franklin and max it as soon as possible You will need it later). There's no simple answer to that as it depends on a multitude of factors. You need a ship in-between that uses a different material. (which can be boosted to 50% with the right bridge officers) Base Hits. We want to keep those ships competitive between each other, so we made the Kumari and the Vahklas better through Tiers 8 and 9. You can do this with a mining ship if you put your hostile hunting crew on it, so there's really no ship that's off limits with this strategy. It's way less powerful so far. I know the feeling, I was excited for the Kehra as my first G3 ship but then I read up on it. Botany Bay and meridian can sub in as miners early on, but either the mining rate or protected cargo will be terrible compared to a tier 9 horizon. I plan to skip Kehra and go straight to Vahklas. During The largest Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) information site, featuring information on ships, officers, systems, hostiles, research and more. When I got PMT it was a completely new level they punch at. Reply reply Fully integrated ship wide Holographic systems. Do not worry about “maxing” any warship until you get a Saladin. On the Vahklas, T'Pol expresses curiosity that the Vulcans display the likeness of Surak but reject his teachings. Reply reply The convention wisdom about skipping the 26s was mostly prior to cloaking, but I'd plan to use a North Star or Vahklas, build a Legionary, then a Sally. I use it for the lower level swarms, sending it and my Franklin to a system together. By going explorer (I choose the Vahklas because it will help with swarms), to battleship, to interceptor, I'm spreading out the hit to mats. The combat triangle favors an interceptor over a battleship. I’ve been away from the game for awhile so I don’t have any newer crew. Level 1 faction ships are a different matter but not relevant here. Build it and forget it. I wrote this for fun. The Vahklas is the better of the 2 but only tier it to like 4 or maybe 5 and stop. Only tier those up as far as you'll use them, then level them to whatever that allows. Nov 11, 2024 · Okay, so I get that the only ship of this class that we ever saw was called the Vahklas, but that doesn't mean it needs to be the Vahklas-class, yeah? Come on, guys, if you don't just name every class of ship after the first one we see, you get to name your ship twice, even if we only ever see one! I'm also tiering up a Vahklas, a 2nd Envoy and a Botany bay so it may be awhile before I get the NS to tier 6. The Holographic Systems onboard the ship are also able to project and hold the HiHUD (Holographic Ziehe jedes Element in die richtige Gruppe. During that process I got the Vahklas and got it to tier 2 and at this point I'm not planning to do anything to the Kehra. I got a D3 and took it to tier 6 and TR was great. *D3? upgrade Vahk, upgrade Kumari *Mayflower? Don't do it, upgrade Vahk, upgrade Kumari, save fed credits for Saladin *Legionary? upgrade Vahk, do not upgrade Kumari However, I would advise to have a solid plan in place on what you want to do ship wise going forward. Like I know I just play this game for the ships, so I might as well build the ones I want, even if its not ideal with spending the resources on. That 40k power difference makes up for any advantages in the battle triangle. If you have the NS, fuck it, skip em all. For example while I was ops 25 I had a tier 9 Kumari and a tier 9 Vahklas which allowed me to farm reputation and got both Klingon and federation to 5m. Vahklas Shipyard level: 23 Acquire the Vahklas by finishing the research node in the nineteenth column of the combat tree. See what fraction of each you get. Nearly every ship gives better than it cost (1* ships yield 2*, 2* ships yield 3*, 3* ships yield 4*) EXCEPT the 3* Commons you get access to at 20-26 (and the Northstar, ironically). Weapons And Firing Pattern (Lights) The Turas has two energy weapons that it fires in every round. Do not put anything into a Vahklas or Kumari, save all that 3* resources for the 26/28 ships. Now, this is where you can start hitting Level 24 Swarm Hostiles economically (meaning you don't suffer huge losses in resources). It's depending on what you're doing with it. I moved my base and then sent my Khera and Vahklas at the station. I'm trying to save my rods before I make the switch. The largest Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) information site, featuring information on ships, officers, systems, hostiles, research and more. Tier 2 Ship Scrapping Nov 6, 2017 · According to this Memory Alpha LINK, "The Vahklas was a Vulcan civilian transport commanded by Tavin, the leader of its crew of V'tosh ka'tur. ) Vahklas. However, if you are a pay-to-play gamer, you can use Faction miners to mine resources in deep space. I must have sent them each about 5 times before I finally gave up because all I was doing was wasting resources and speed repairs. Also, I don't have an NS or jelly. In other words, does. For the OPS 26 ships, there is no way to obtain the blueprints aside from purchasing them in the faction store. It takes the resources and upgrades them a tier, spitting them back out at you. Putting resources into it while playing the game and levelling up is just fine. If you can muster some patience, grind for the daily and faction missions, you can get the resources. hob) of UCW 2. Crews. By providing an economic justification for the expenditure in time and money, the Human government is able to allocate the necessary resources. Even though I have a strong Vahklas and Kumari and a couple of maxed out Envoys, I still use the NS almost every day. I built only the Kehra, it took me to my Legionary with no issues. Will serve a purpose, although costly to repair. So there is no chance I can do it with just my franklin for awhile since tier 5 is no where close to getting lvl 28 dailies done, so I'm probably gonna build a Saladin and a centurion to do the dailies in. Oct 7, 2023 · Whether it’s financial planning, health assessments, or educational purposes, GEG Calculators has a calculator to suit every requirement. I also have two Envoys that are now max tier, partially because I wasn't putting resources into the Kehra. The Botany Bay is required to unlock an entire in-game faction with their own section of space, multiple officers, including the best officers in the game for raiding stations. What The Vahklas Good At The Vahklas was built as a transport ship by the Vulcans in the early 2100s and has had multiple iterations over the following decades. I could have gotten the NS sooner but I wasn't willing to pay for it or the jelly. " The Kehra is a waste of time and resources, I would highly suggest you skip it since once you get a Vahklas you never use your Kehra again. And yes, the grind is real 🤣🤣 Tolaris was a Vulcan and a crew member aboard the Vahklas, a civilian transport ship encountered by Enterprise in 2151. Vahklas is quite fast and also good for swarm until you can get your Franklin upto speed. Star Trek Fleet Command - Unlock Vahklas The Vahklas-type was a class of Vulcan starship utilized during the mid-22nd century. " What I did, back in the day, was not worry about spending Common Refined Resources on those things, because who cares? If you need more you can get it with Latinum. Crewing is one of the most difficult parts of this game, as knowing how officers work together requires an intimate knowledge of all their abilities. Vahklas. That should hold you over until you get the level 28 ship ( Bortas, Saladin, Centurion). Vahklas has the advantage of the battle triangle here. 0 minors ShipPack with different Texture and different UV Maps I’ve spent $20, level 22, building Vahklas. This principle applies even when you are willing to make small in-game purchases. Mostly, i am doing dailies, PVE, and missions. He used an ancient Vulcan Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. You can get a Vahklas at ops 22 but don't go past T6 or get a Kumari at ops 24 to T5, or get a Vidar at ops 25. Unfortunately with the new pvp banding you won’t be able to hit 17 for rss like I was, but the vahklas will be a much better grinder than the kehra, especially against swarm, since it is an explorer. I built the Kumari and Vahklas for the mission/research, but didn't upgrade anything on those. If you’re a level 21 player, you’ve got to feel like you hit the jackpot. I would do vahklas myself. That said, I don't regret the purchase for a second. But i want to make sure I’m maximizing my ships power. And you’re going to find yourself outclassed until you can get that Vahklas. Jun 26, 2020 · The Vahklas is a bridge ship. At current power my cent can complete all swarm dalies in one run but can only kill 5 level 32 hostiles. I only started watching the vids from OP's 24 when I started taking more interest in the game. Vahklas is a decent ship @22, and I'm not going to tell you to eschew certain ships just because they end up looking shabby later. For OPS 28+ ships, they will occasionally drop from faction hostiles. The ships then proceeded to conduct an orbital bombardment of the Syrrannite settlement in the Oct 3, 2019 · #STFC #StarTrekFleetCommand Would you skip the Kumari, Kehra and Vahklas for Tier 1 Faction ships?The post we're talking about - https://www. Discovery. "You are using public resources to help the Humans breed prey for the hunt?" "The alternative," the guide said calmly, "is to allow the animals to pass into oblivion. I need to farm more than 30k ship EP to get my Vahklas to ship lvl 20. Skip the 26 faction ships as the 28's are much stronger. the mining "game" came make that very hard since you need to be able to attack to start mining in most cases. But it’s a warship. Combat Scavenger - After winning a battle, if the target has more resources than the Amalgam's available Cargo Space, the Amalgam fills its Cargo Space and then takes an additional 0. The current event shop basically gives 25 Jellyfish BP for free. The Vahklas left Vulcan in approximately 2143. It will serve you well depending on your faction well into the 20s and you won't get a decent ship with higher warp until the vidar at 25. I’ve given myself migraines trying to figure out which officers/crew will give the best power and perks on a ship. And T4 ECS Horizon. While I certainly wouldn’t have recommended skipping the Vahklas before, now I think it’s not the worst idea. Use shields when you have resources above the numbers I mentioned. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In 2154, two cruisers along with a combat cruiser attacked Enterprise while in orbit of Vulcan, forcing it to withdraw. If the opponent's ship is an Interceptor, the VAHKLAS increases its Accuracy by 10%. "The limit of your available resources is the Andorian empire Dec 20, 2021 · I've enjoyed playing games ever since I was a kid (which was a long long time ago at this point). Prior to this, the class was available for civilian use as transports, until as late as 2143. When you are saving credits for Saladin and have such a strong Vahk you sould stop investing more ress into the D3. I use my Vahklas to hunt lvl 28 Swarm as part of my dailies. The Vahklas sported distinctive curving warp nacelles - a design feature which would eventually progress into the full ring structure of later Vulcan vessels. List of unnamed Vahklas-type starships. In 2151, he was sent to Enterprise NX-01 to work with their engineers. The better strategy is to get the NS and then wait to get the kumari and max tier it. HiHUD (Holographic interface Heads Up Display)which can be found through out the ship. I see you have a mayflower as well. Amalgam at 31 for raiding is better then any faction miner will be. It takes over an hour to repair my vahklas right now. I actually feel the opposite way. Which allow the crew to select a "Piece of home". This ability only activates if the Amalgam has available empty Cargo Space before attacking. In particular, my vahklas, which is the main ship that I'm using for combat. Ship Abilities are always active. It would be very hard to ride your Vahklas all the way to Centurion, especially since Vahklas and Centurion both use uncommon gas. Kehras and Vahklases built out of Common and Uncommon resources that are going to rapidly wipe the floor with a T9 North Star. 3★ Survey: Neutral: Rare: Augur Jul 3, 2020 · Like the dreadful Kehra and the Vahklas, its Ship Ability is combat-triangle specific. That $20 was early too. And of cours… Then you can decide for yourself. Tolaris and the rest of the crew were considered V'tosh ka'tur ("Vulcans without logic") by other Vulcans for exploring a balance between logic and emotions. (at tier 2) as per the title. The Vahklas is ok for swarms until ops 26-27 Reply reply The resources from biotics is outrageous with the prime. The ship shows tyical design features of Vulcan ships of this period; the nacelles show clear progression towards the ring structure [2] which would be a feature of the Surak, [3] Sh'Ran [4] and D'Kyr [5] classes, while the large central hull is an ancestor of the more streamlined axial hulls of the Kov was a Vulcan V'tosh ka'tur who served as an engineer aboard the Vahklas, a Vahklas-type during the mid-22nd century. Looking ahead, Skip lvl 26 faction ships. T8 Vahklas did me well against lvl 28 Swarm and T8 Kumari did well against lvl 35 Hostiles. The Kehra, Vahklas, and Kumari are modified. Which ship will help out the most in the long run? Currently my NS is at T7 while the Vahklas is at T1 and still need to build the Kumari. I don't recall when those hostiles start supplying Vahklas BPs over Turas BPs, but you can experiment. Spend a half-hour farming explorers in a level 18 system. I would get a vahklas and get it to ~t6 and you will have everything you need. I've got 200 Antares blueprints lying It's only a material sink if you attempted to use it for scrapping. The best I found for myself at your lvl was NG La Forge, NG Crusher, T'Laan for 30 Swarm with Vahklas at T7. Notes The Vahklas class was a Vulcan design [1] common in the late 21st and early 22nd century. That's a child's answer. Constant 3* crystal farming for the Kehra would be a bit too much I think. 0 Reviews Write a Review | Ask a Question. It went up for 10 minutes then down, so I figured they werent there. Must-have ships in STFC Jul 10, 2020 · The Kehra is a disappointing ship. My Saladin, at 560k handles them ok, im a day away from getting Stella blueprints, it would have a bit longer with my Vahklas. A Gift House (4bp) First Blood (6bp) For the Glory of Romulus (6bp) Recreations (4bp) Reparations (6bp) To Seek Our New Life Forms (6bp) *A total of 32 USS Mayflower blueprints can be obtained from missions. For other uses, see Vahklas. 0 minors ShipPack Post by Benman2785 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:42 pm Hi, i edited the Vulcan Vahklas 3DS Model (jqk_a. If all you care about is the full nut of Franklin-A BP’s then a 41 (not 40!) is just as good as a 45. I pretty much stopped putting resources into my Kehra when I got a Northstar and a Vahklas. Save the rss up for that. The Vahklas-class was a type of Vulcan transport used in the early 22nd century. Your Vahklas will be stronger than your Northstar ; I'm not a fan of the Vahklas and would not make upgrading this a priority. Get them free from events if you can. If you can get the jellyfish it is useful till you can get a vahklas. Kumari: Common: 3-star: Battleship: If the opponent’s ship is an Explorer, the KUMARI increases its Shield Piercing by 10%. Pick one of the 2 and use thar to ride to 28. I've never upgraded mine over 200k strenght, so it was already useless against swarms when I reached level 26. A moderately-leveled Kumari equals a max North Star. So may as well get the extra resources and ship XP. The holographic systems throughout the ship, also allows the HRDs, when active to go to any location on the ship to help crew. Don't forget research, research really helps a lot. It's not ready skipping the 26 ships but you face a lot of resources. The starting strength of the Vahklas and the Kumari were deemed too low compared to the strength of the Kehra. If you can afford the franklin - get it. When you reach Level 23 and have all your Ship Bonus buildings (Science Labs, Engine Technology Lab and Foundry) built, you Vahklas ends up somewhere around 110k. By the midpoint of the century the Vahklas-class was considered obsolete, though Or maybe not spend any 3* crystal at all on the Kehra and wait for the Vahklas? I already have to farm 3* gas and 3* ore for the Fed and Rom daily quests. Another 2 levels and I will build the Kumari, and at If you want a second vahklas, you need to kill level 24+ hostiles, I think. The Vahklas was built as a transport ship by the Vulcans in the early 2100s and has had multiple iterations over the following decades. Kehra is underpowered for a G3 ship so your resources are better spent on the Northstar if you have it or wait to 22 for the Vahklas. Direct answer is always tier up and level to the max, except the 3* non-faction ships (Kehra, Vahklas, Kumari, Horizon, Northstar). I’m hoping to The Turas/Talla are worth building just to scrap for 3star mats. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! The Kehra sucks, to be blunt. It’s annoying. Kumari at tier 5. ¤29. I upgraded it a little but I was so focused on getting the resources I needed to get the prime hull / prime shields upgraded I never had the resources to upgrade the Kehra. The Vahklas is decent, and the Kumari pretty good. Don't waste the resources. Don't waste resources on it. I got a Kehra at level 20. A T6 Kehra will easily get you to the level 26 ships, and probably the level 28 ships. Are you still on Vahklas because you haven't been putting in your faction work, or because you're trying to be F2P with only free research ships? If it's the latter, you should know that Kumari was the last one and you'll need to get a premium ship to continue past a certain point. Called, “Shield Disruptor,” if the opponent’s ship is an Explorer, the Kumari increases its Shield Piercing by 10%. Apr 21, 2023 · It is better to invest your resources into 3 or 4 Horizons that can serve as your miners. You also get a dvor around 23, but the trick with dvor is the ship is worthless. You should never spend resources tiering up these ships in order to get more when you scrap. Your goal should be to get the Vahklas and then try to get to ops 28 as soon as possible and build a faction ship. So while you should not be using it primarily to fight hostiles or other players, it is incredibly useful in getting itself and your other ships where you need to go. anyone have knowledge on how to obtain Frequency Modulators in larger quantities reliably (other than than maybe a once-a-month event or paying $300 for packs. If you are going rom\fed then legionary is the next best battleship. Has anyone done the math… Swarm dailies go up on even levels. To answer your question, yes, get the vahklas built as soon as you can. Both are pretty solid. Once you hit 28 you have to get a faction ship asap. By Blacknblue (aka Bluenblack) Disclaimer:I don't own Star Trek. Hello friends, I am at somewhat of a loss as to the best strategy on building/scraping ships. price $. Save your cosmic cleanup tokens till you can get a vidar at ops 25, but it may show up at ops 24. Is it best to always be building some of the common tier 3s (Vahklas/etc) and spending resources to get them to a certain level? Or Envoys? Or should it just be fully leveled D3s/Centurions/etc for tier 4 mats and everything else is just a waste of time? I would hold on the Kumari and continue on the Vahklas. The videos made me realize how much resources I Just for context I am level 25 with T8 Vahklas, a T4 Kumari and a T7 Envoy (among a few others, but those are the main three). If I had to start over Cosmic Clean-up I would go Vi'Dar, Disco, Franklin. The Discovery isn’t really necessary it’s just helpful. Which hostiles give the most EP? Obviously my Vahklas should last long and not get destroyed quickly, because repairing takes 2 hours and about 24k tritanium currently. Whatever you put into a kumari, vahklas and kehra is way more than you ever get back from scrapping. It’s going to be less effective at level 30 when you can build a Romulan Centurion, or 32 when you can launch a Klingon B’Rel. It depends on how patient you are. Saladin is king but the Centurion or Bortas is better resource efficiency since you're not splitting crystal with Horizon and other ships. Kehra: , Vahklas: , D3: , USS Enterprise: , ESC Horizon: , Talla: , Legionary: , Turas: . Once you get that, abandon the Kehra. If you don't have the NS then the Jelly with Uhura is very strong for G2 and can hold you over until you get the Vahklas. I would invest your resources in that. But probably with one vahklas should be enough :-P Now, in general, there is one thing called LCARS in discord which is a database to show you the missions to get certain blueprints, but that makes only sense for uncommon and rare ships. 5m) Offensive Systems: 6 × Type-C Vulcan Phaser Banks Standard Charged Particle Beam Modified Plasma Just do core buildings and get shipyard 22, build vahklas. A high tier Kumari and Vahklas will last you until Ops 28 and getting them up to a higher tier is a great idea if you need to raid. With its reliable and up-to-date calculations, GEG Calculators has become a go-to resource for individuals, professionals, and students seeking quick and precise results for their calculations. Spend as little of speed ups as you can, avoid the kehera interceptor. Getting the Vahklas is very easy. By Blacknblue (aka Bluenblack) "No doubt," T'Pau replied, "and I intend to make the full resources of the Science Directorate available for this effort Word of caution: you get a Scrapyard at 20, which lets you recycle ships to get materials, resources, and parts. The Vahklas was a Vulcan Vahklas-type civilian transport commanded by Tavin, the leader of its crew of V'tosh ka'tur. Skip the Kehra/Kumari/Vahklas and save the mats for level 28 ships like the Saladin. VAHKLAS (Neutral) 3 ★ Common Explorer The Vahklas was built as a transport ship by the Vulcans in the early 2100s and has had multiple iterations over the following decades. However, if you progress in the game far enough, scrapping the mayflower will provide G4 materials down the road. It's a waste of resources to get more than 1 combat ship at any level. They are t1. Unlike 2* ships that give you 3* materials when scrapped. Tolaris forged a bond with T'Pol, and suggested she attempt to re-connect with her emotions. And that's only going to get worse. By the midpoint of the century the Vahklas-class was considered obsolete, though T'Pol reports that a full nebula charting mission would take several weeks. Length: 176 meters Beam: 80 meters Height: 64 meters (48 without rings) Number of Decks: 13 (3. How about you fix the bugs? I just tried to go to augment space and when the timer showed still one minute for the ship to arrive, it got attacked by a bounty hunter and destroyed. It's all a trade off. They keep it timelocked to keep you grinding or purchasing. This cruiser was among the group of ships that welcome Enterprise NX-01 home after the Xindi incident in 2154. when does it get to the point of costing more than its worth or higher level equivilant gets unlocked? Hey all. Reply reply nonisk2 Sep 11, 2020 · Obviously your research will have a big impact on the initial numbers, but a new Vahklas for me would be 87,540, and a Discovery would be 102,159. Spending money is a shortcut in the game, nothing more. Kumi is at tier 6 and starting to get very expensive to upgrade, Same with Vahklas, would be interested to know, also for the faction ships. It takes a while to get the Discovery’s warp rang higher than your other ships and it costs too much mycelium to make it cost effective for warp raiding. My alliance members recommended having about 10k uncommon of whichever 3* epic ship's primary resource before building. The Vahklas has worked better for me. Did my dailiy swarm hunting with the D3 until I got the Centurion. Choose one of those but don’t max. Lost a vahklas, two hours and tons of resources to repair. Relatively high costs to max for its level but quickly passed over by anything. This doesn't give you the "ship XP" resource but it will level your ship by giving it XP directly. Skip rare faction ships. The vessel used a Vulcan frequency to hail other ships and was capable of visual communication. Vahklas, Mayflower and Centurion can all defeat lower level Swarm, just not as efficiently as a Franklin. wpuhkgahoilgvrgmvrpvxfenjrgrvmlwovkeequu