
Unity how to make enemy damage player. Here's a snippet that handles being hit:.

Unity how to make enemy damage player The primary parts that I need is for the enemy to know how to get the optimal amount of damage on the player (attack are calculated like this: [SOLVED]Detecting Make sure that both your player and the spike have a Collider2D component on them. I have a simple raycasting script here and i need some direction on how to have it so if the raycast collides with tag “Enemy” then enemy health is taken away. Funny Thing - when only one of them is on Enemy Layer and Tag, it gets correct effect (damage + knockback). gameObject. To use it, for example, we can get the IDamageable component from the collider on a collision and call the Damage method: Hi guys, I am trying to make damage notifiers above my enemy units when a player unit attacks them. I'd like to change it a little so that he attacks me when he gets close and also he wont start to follow me untill i'm so close and if I get too far away he'll quit following. An example of this would be like in WOW when you are attack an enemy it has a text amount of damage in red above the unit and then it fades away. I have tried creating a new script which checks for collisions but I couldn't get it to work and am unsure where to go from here. Unity Health Bar over Enemy Head. x = health; } I tried several ways, but it seems no matter what I try it doesn’t work. AI; [RequireComponent(typeof(NavMeshAgent))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] public class SC_NPCEnemy : MonoBehaviour, IEntity { public float attackDistance = 3f; public float Learn how to make the enemy take damage and implement a Player Health UI that reflects your current health in Unity. 0. Enemy health script public int EnemyHealth = 20; public bool EnemyDead = false; public GameObject EnemyAI; public GameObject Enemy; void DamageEnemy(int damageAmmount) { EnemyHealth -= damageAmmount; So my game is a 2D top down movement game and my script does make my enemy attack but it constantly loops the attack animation because I obviously don’t know what EXACTLY to put code wise to make the enemy attack when in range of the player to do damage instead of letting him constantly loop. below is my current code for the enemy. : public float Health; public GameObject Instead, separate them by layer, then if you want the enemy to damage the player when they touch, you can put a child object on the enemy and use that as your Damaging Object, which you can make into a trigger. The problem was that he only gave me damage once and would have to stop colliding with me, to attack again. Thanks! 😃 Here is my script. Instead of I’m creating a 2D Platformer with enemies. He starts explaining how to register damage at around 12:05: MELEE COMBAT in Unity - YouTube In the video he registers the damage to the enemy as soon as the animation starts, which is fine in his case but in my game my character attacks slower. be/b-WZE Learn how to make an enemy’s attacks more or less damaging to the player and adjust the range in which they can attack the player from. I have a character with a sword as a child object. Enemy damage script: using System. Hey guys and gals, I am very new to Unity (Day one) and I already have a nice terrain and a player and an enemy. Build skills in Unity with guided learning pathways designed to help anyone interested in pursuing a career in gaming and the Real Time 3D Industry. “To make enemies in Unity 3D deal damage to the player, you can use the built-in <DamageableObject> component or attach a <Rigidbody> component to the enemy and So I’m making an fps where whenever an enemy collides with the player, the player takes damage, but nothing I do seems to work. I just want replace the “if touch space then loose health” to something like “if touch collider2d with tag (tag) then loose health”. more In order to take damage, the player needs some value to be decreased, ie HP. ENEMY DAMAGE TAKING SCRIPT using UnityEngine; using I’m trying to make a fps and decided to use prefab bullets instead of raycast, But I cant get the bullets to damage the enemy on contact. 6 Canvas for the HealthBar): var healthbar : GameObject; var health : float; var playerController : GameObject; function Start () { } function Update () { playerController = GameObject. You know - i don't want to let them see through walls. Another Funny Thing - when I set every Blob being on Enemy Layer and Tag. The other script is meant to be placed on any object I wish to do damage to the player, on contact. 3 to make a low poly, lower level Outlast-type game. function Start () { } var theplayer : GameObject; var speed : float; var range : int; var explosion : GameObject; var gameover : boolean; function I have this Immunity system that activates everytime the player gets hit (So all the hearts doesn't go away in just one hit), And i'm trying to make the player Object blinks or flash like in Sonic games. I do this from Start() and use FindWithTag. Unity will not let me set the "Transform target" as the player until the enemy exists in the game. The way to do that is attaching a collider to their weapon, you can do this by setting empty game objects as children of the weapon and attach individual collider components to them (Don’t do this unless you know how to make it not take multiple damages at once. But I feel like I got to take one thing at a time. (C# is appreciated) public class TakeDamage : MonoBehaviour { public float health = 500f; public int lol = 0; private void Earlier in the article, I mentioned about player damage when the player collides with the enemy and the thruster. I have made the enemy deal damage with a raycast but it deals the damage way too fast. Collections; using SpriteFactory; public class EnemyAi : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; public int moveSpeed; public int rotationSpeed; public int maxDistance = 8; i have a simple script that when it collides with a gameobject it loses health but the problem is that every enemy in the game with the same script losses health. Unity health and armor. In stead of overlaying UI on the Camera, Hello, so I am trying to make it so that a different video cutscene will play depending on which enemy you die to, like a jumpscare, but I cant figure out how to make it play specific videos depending on what did the final blow to the player. I also want to add animation so that when its invisible health-bar is depleted, it will act and it will fall Hey I want to know how to make it so when my enemy (cube) collides with my player (tag: Player) it deals 10 damage. Following a tutorial I found on YouTube, I set up the code for the enemy to patrol on platforms by using Vector2 lines that detect either the edge of a platform or a wall. and make tag of your enemy object to Enemy. The first thing you need to do is to make a sphere that wil hello i am making a 2d game and i made a health script for my game. Assign some sort of identifier to the player and the spikes so that we can quickly detect what kind of object we are colliding with. and also remember that you should add boxCollider2D component to your enemy and bullet. Code On Prefab: { I need to make enemy walk on walls, like a spider, while follow the player. In this tutorial we'll learn how to get the enemy shooting when it sees the player, adjust firing rate via a countdown timer, and make the player take damage Here’s the thing, in my game there’s the enemy, and I need him to damage the player if the player enters his Collider’s area, I’ve already managed to do that, but the problem is that the player takes damage once and then stops taking damage, the player only takes another damage if he leaves the Collider’s area and enters again. When this happens, the player should lose damage in its healthbar. FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); healthbar. Here's the Immunity part of the code: I made it so that the enemy follows the player and that I get damage every time he collides with me. The main difference between a Player's Health Bar in the HUD vs an Enemy's is creating the Health Bar in WORLD SPACE. Have enemy accelerate towards player in Unity. But I’ve tried a combo of turning them off So I’m attempting to make my first 2D platformer with Unity 2D, and I came across a somewhat specific problem regarding collision between an enemy and the player. it only hasn’t I was wondering how I can make an enemy flash a grey or white colour when a or maybe emission, then you could ‘animate’ that value from code when you take damage and make your character I’ve only been using Unity for just over a week so I’m not very familiar with many of the commands and how they work. localScale. A little help would be greatly Beginner-friendly, Unity 2D tutorial showing how to set up a basic health system for your player. I also want it so the enemy is locked in place when swinging and the Enemy has two colliders, one is set to trigger for apply damage to player, the other is for interacting with ground. I am making a 2d style platformer but in 3d and I want the player to kill an enemy by jumping on top of it. what i want to do is make it so that in the attack behavior it rushes in the direction of the player but doesn’t actively follow it, so that it ends up moving in a single direction towards the player. 0f; public int applyDamageNTimes = 5; private bool delied = false; private int appliedTimes = 0; void I’m new to Unity and I learnt how to implement combat in my game using a Brackeys tutorial. PS. identity or would I change what moveDirection means? How would I go about doing this, any help is thanked! Here is what I’ve got so far. When you play the game clicking the For instance, it is BAD for the player to reach into an enemy and reduce his health. Then, I created a script that tells the enemy to follow the player if the player collides with the Sphere Collider. public int maxHealth = 100; public int currentHealth; public HealthBarScript healthbar; public GameObject fpsCam; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cu Hi, I have a problem with the Hitboxes of some enemies. SweepTest with a short distance (1, for instance) to see if the enemy will collide with something ahead, and make it jump if there’s an obstacle. This video shows how to link your player's health to enemies, so they can deal damage. The issue is: You are starting a new Coroutine every frame!. I have hit detection working. I have a nice animation built to swing it, and I have it set so if enemy is within max range it takes damage eventually dying. instead of pressing a button. Hey Guys, I am trying to create a game for my class and I am having trouble with the enemy ai and animation. Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. C# Scripts https://www. In my game when I’m making a zombie game, and I’m wondering how I can make the enemy AI attack the player. There are different types of colliders for different shaped objects. Here’s a simple script of what you are asking , it’s nothing too fancy. On taking damage, set status stunned. So how can I make the player take I don’t know your exact scenario but this may also create some interesting behaviour, like the enemy running into a wall because the player is next to it (and it moves along the line between the player and the enemy). Collections. and also you should create a tag named Enemy. and your bullet boxcollider2d should be trigger. be/whkC8f3oNOk 3D ENEMY AI (Part 02): https://youtu. I’ve tried using the trigger tab on the particle This is the video tutorial#16 of unity game development course in which we are making pirates of the caribbean game and harry potter game for free in unity g This quick, beginner-friendly tutorial shows how to create an adaptable player health system. I have stats for my player but I don’t really know how to make the damage he does or the damage he takes randomized when the enemy attacks him or when he attacks. I like the idea of some enemies running up and biting you, and some shooting at you, I already have a player health and everything else. We’ll also optionally make the player flash throughout the duration of their invulnerability. You can either add the HP variable to the player script itself, or create a new script HealthComponent, which you add to the player object. position = Vector2. So I used a Brackeys-like, 6-min tutorial on how to create an Enemy AI. Movement components for navigation and pathfinding using Unity's NavMeshAgent. In your case I wouldn't use a Coroutine at all since you already have a code that is executed every frame. In this tutorial series I sh I have been wondering this for a while and now the time has come that I need one. Here is the script: \$\begingroup\$ Sorry i am late. Enemy Script: using System. right now it is in first person and I am holding a sword. One method I recently used was adding a Sphere Collider to the enemy, with a big radius. shootAtPlayer is called in the update when the enemy is close enough to the player. Collections; using System. Thank you so much for adding the bulletpoints. 2. position, Quaternion. The player just moves through the enemy. How do I make the player bounce back on collision too? Here’s my script: using However, my player has a weapon (axe) and I would like when my player attacks using the weapon, Do damage to the enemy. Static damage2. i also want it to launch rigidbodies here is the enemy script using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. Unity is the ultimate entertainment development platform. Here’s my current script so far. I want the enemy to run after the player when the player is within reach, and I want the enemy to attack the player The most basic AI you can have is for your enemies to chase the player around in game. My problem is that it seems I can not “target” the enemy. If someone could make that it would be much appreciated (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: I’ve included an imgur album link with snips for both the player and the enemy; included in imgur link; Enemy on enemy, player on player - shown on imgur link; Attached in the imgur link; At the moment I’ve got both colliders and trigger collider on as I’m trying to figure out whats going on. Right now the enemy is just simple box. The enemies need to be able to move themselves (like pacing) however, so I can’t just set it so they can’t move at all. 4f; public float applyEveryNSeconds = 1. Can someone help me out with how I might accomplish having a sword reduce the health of an enemy on swing? Id rather use animated hitboxes than Hello everyone. While, in the Patrol State, taking damage or seeing the player will cause the enemy to chase them. This way you can have a single TakeDamage method for each type of enemy that will first decrease their health as you have already done, and then perform an action that is unique to each individual enemy type. When the player hits him with a bat, the enemy is losing 10% of his Yo! I’m using Unity 2019. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), developers can implement smarter, more dynamic enemies that react to player actions. Finally, when in the Chase State, if the enemy loses the player, it can transition back to the Patrol State. \$\endgroup\$ – What happens when we take damage and lose? FPS Controller: https://youtu. Then I wrote some code that Here an image of what my game looks like so far so that you can get a better idea but I need it so that when one of the outer capsules touches the red box the player (middle capsule) loses health. and your enemy should have RigidBody2D component. But when i spawn a prefab using a spawner with Instantiate(toSpawn, transform. I want to make it so when you run into an enemy they don’t move. In the player when they take damage you should check if their health is 0 or below. hope it helps. My C# code is below. “Misogynist” (name of the antagonist) throws his projectiles too This is the video tutorial#38 of the Game Course, Unity 3D Game Development - Build TPP Third Person Perspective IGI Game 2022 - Become Game Developer. Ive creating a So I’m trying to make a enemy that will fire 3 bullets going in 3 different directions based on where the player is, sort of like how a 2d space shooter would do it. We wi I want to make my player invulnerable from objects hitting him for a few seconds after he resets back to the center of the game, meaning I don't want anything to hurt him and I don't want the player to move for 5 seconds, but i'm not sure of how to do that! I searched it up but results that I found doesn't match up with my code. be/3XUC2C2SpTs Enemy AI (Part 1) : https://youtu. also i will suggest to lock your control keys so that you can't apply any extra force and just enable the control keys back like after 0. My problem is that these lines When the game starts get the enemy object to call the method on the Player to deal damage. 🍍 In this Unity Tutorial we'll be setting up the absolute basic essentials for a generic Health script which will allow of us to set a Max Health and Take D From your comment. i know why this is happening but i dont know how to fix it, any helppp!! static var health:float = 10; var damage1:float=3; var damage2:float=1; var damage3:float=15; var damage4:float=1000; var i am making a fps and i made some explosions that do damage to enemies. This article will guide you through the process of implementing AI-driven enemy behavior How to make my Enemy patroling, but when it reaches the Player - it rush and deal damage, but in the same time when it reach the wall and player is standing behind the wall it Don't attack. Healthbar not decreasing when player is collided with the laser. I have this model I found online, and I am trying to get it to attack the First Person player when it gets close to it, and to have it attack them and damage them. The enemy can damage my player by throwing objects at his side, and the player can damage the enemy by hitting him with a bat. Here's a snippet that handles being hit: I am making a rocket launcher and i need the particle it creates to do damage. I already have a test script where he takes damage when you press a button. 1. I fixed that by changing OnCollisionEnter2D to OnCollisionStay2D, but now he attacks every frame, which makes him way too strong. position, speed * Time. Vice versa. Essentially, once the player’s health reaches 0, I want the death animation to play, but it gets locked onto the first frame and I can’t quite figure out how to make the animation play out fully Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to make a particle effect do damage? Like, when a enemy/player enters the particle effect, it will slowly do damage. Then I store the players collider info once I have a reference to the player I made a enemy that follows the player using this line of code transform. transform. I have script for enemy and its health. a simple approach would be to compare your player’s Y position to the enemy’s Y position. I have the sword swing at the enemy but I don’t understand how to organize my scripts in order to deal damage to that enemy. The script will affect health with other types of input, if I set up the script to damage me for pressing space it will. but i thinks its due the current velocity. 1 Like. #pragma strict var Health : int = 10; var Character : GameObject; var BulletTag : String; function Start { } function OnCollisionEnter ( collision : In this post, we’ll look at how to create invulnerability frames in Unity. Then you would need to add a trigger collider around the enemy for the enemy’s attack range, so that the player will take im trying to make a script so that when the enemy is close enough to the player (since its a melee attack) it takes a point of damage off the player every amount of time. position]) then remove the stunned status so unit can move again. However, once contact is made, it only damages one time. My problem is, Nothing seems to be doing any damage to the player. To access the physics layer menu, go to Edit (Top left) and click on Project Settings. Collections; using Guide on how to make an enemy attack damage and knockback other enemies or players in a 2D pixel art action RPG in Unity 2022. Player is controlled with the script. When player collides with the game object, game object bouncing back, but when it hits the player on the bounce player doesn’t bounce back. For the moment, I am calculating the damage that was caused by the player or the enemy in a very simple way. comLearn how to make the enemy attack the player if the player gets too close. be/CmzJtM5BIKE Enemy AI (Part 2) I want to make spell damage over time. The second is a Sphere Collider which I want to use to detect the player and his allies. I thought using yield return new WaitForSeconds(2) would take 1 damage away from the player every 2 seconds but it deals damage to the player a lot faster. Apply knockback logic (addforce or velocity in direction opposed from damage source [player. , LoseHealth, Roll, and so on). 0f; public bool ignoreCaster = true; public float delayBeforeCasting = 0. I would like some help getting started. I understand this may sound a little strange but what I have in mind is the enemy gliding along the environment rather than a walk cycle. position - transform. // D Need add collision for trigger enemy shoot, idk you already put or not, just make sure you need 2 collisons in enemy, for enamy can shoot and when enemy get shoot/attacked. I will show every both my script that kills the enemy and the script that shows my health and makes it regen/damage itself. At the moment, if the player is willing to take collision damage, they can just push enemies out of the way. g. Enemies with multiple Hitboxes due to I'm trying to add a script to my game so that whenever the player collides with an enemy he takes damage but is also pushed away in opposite direction. Skip to main content. so im new to unity and I watched some tutorials, and at some point I kinda understood how it works, I think I know what the problem is, because the enemy is supposed to just move to the left and when it hits the player it should stop, and when the player leaves the path it should keep moving, but instead of pausing and then continue it teleports forward, and the I’m currently using a UIManager script to manage my enemy+player health bars and they work ok. ToString() Curly Braces : Your ControllerCollider function doesn’t have the closing curly braces until after your Update function. My HealthBar Script is as Follows (Using Unity 4. Code for the health here : using System. Out of necessity I added two Box Collider 2Ds to a enemy (one to make it collider into walls and other objects, except the other enemies and the Player, the other to damage the Player with a OnTriggerEnter) however when I try to hit them they receive double the damage. im trying to make a script so that when the enemy is close enough to the player (since its a melee attack) it takes a point of damage off the player every amount of time. Nice try with the GameObject change, I think you spotted where the problem was but your solution was just a little off. For example: public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour {public int damage = 10; // If that enemy needs to die in a special way I would subclass and create a special script with something like: class SpecialDamage extends Damage { function ProcessDeath() { // Process are really cool and special death Destroy(gameObject,0. so I’m trying to figure out the best way of doing it should I Let's Finish Implementing the enemy AI behavior in Unity! 3D ENEMY AI (Part 01): https://youtu. After which, if Learn how to extend our ScriptableObject-based gun system to support damage with 4 damage options:1. I get a reference to the collider on my player. Collections; public Creating a separate script where a character can be hit and take damage and setting up transitions to player or enemy character death states by checking the Im trying to figure how to make it so when my character or the enemy takes damage that they dont die instantly and they have a health bar that updates everytime they take damage I have been looking everwhere for guides but havent found anything good that would really help that I can understand. identity); the enemy goes to the In the forth video we setup the Enemy Model plus Animations, create an Enemy Script for the AI and a simple Player Health System. This ensures that the enemy's vision/attack collider can hit the player, but the enemy itself can't do so. I figured out 3 solutions that kind of work. (assuming you’re using Y as the Vertical/Up-Down axis where the higher Y is physically above the lower Y position) So if your player has a higher Y position value vs the enemy’s Y value + Enemy’s own Height. 5f sec may be. Make sure each function is enclosed between {} Declaring variables : In words: Have a status called "stunned" or similar, and disable unity movement if status is "stunned". Currently I am trying to make a 3D game with turn based strategy like “Fire Emblem”. cs: How do I make the player deal damage to the enemy when the player attacks with a melee weapon? Noob Question . public class EnemyFollow : MonoBehaviour { //I first start getting the transform (position) of my player public Transform Enemy AI scripts for patrolling, chasing, and attacking players. patreon. This is a flexible, easy to use system that works nicely with o FULL 3D ENEMY AI in 6 MINUTES! || Unity Tutorial:Today I made a quick tutorial about Enemy Ai in Unity, if you have any questions just write a comment, I'll (I’m new to coding excuse my noob like behavior),I recently added Brackey’s health bar to my game, I was wonder how I could make one of my enemy projectile damage the player. I have my enemy follow me around and I can do damage/destroy them when I press the ‘H’ key, but I want them to do damage to me and I don’t know how to do that. This is something I’m eager to experment with, didnt So my game is a 2D top down movement game and my script does make my enemy attack but it constantly loops the attack animation because I obviously don't know what EXACTLY to put code wise to make the enemy attack when in range of the player to do damage instead of letting him constantly loop. An alternative could be to use a trigger childed to your your enemy and positioned a little ahead, In this video I'll show you a quick and simple way to create a HEALTH BAR in Unity!Check out my previous 1 minute tutorials: https://youtube. the easy one is put in GameObject into child, and give The objective in this example is to make the player lose a life when he touches an enemy. Basically I have an enemy and a player. Other common solutions to this problem include knocking the player away from the enemy on collision, or killing the enemy that caused the player to take damage. This is the code for my player, there is nothing in Die yet because I assume my code for the jumpscares can go here private Hello fellow game developers 🙋‍♂️We are going to learn how you can make 2D Enemy Melee Combat in Unity. FindWithTag is a function that looks through the whole scene to find an object with the specified tag, whereas if you’re trying to find if an object is touching another with a specific tag then you’ll want to use either CompareTag(“myTag”) or collider. deltaTime); and it works if the enemy is in scene. 🙂 🙂 🙂 I’ve just started using unity, and I don’t have much animation skill. com/playlist?lis I’m wondering how I can get my script to work (In Java). I want the attack to be triggered when the player steps within the enemies’ boundaries, and I want the attack to be a melee (hands on) attack, with no projectiles. DONT CLICK THIS if you don't like us : https:/ We could implement this interface in a wood box, an enemy or even the player. Generally, the enemy is chasing the player (running). I have a top-down view scene with player and game object (duplicate of player but without script). Damage and health management system. That way your enemy I am currently working on a 2D dungeon crawler similar to binding of isaac, and I’ve tried searching for the answer to this question but can’t find anything that works for me. Just for extra precision). When the enemy or player bump into one one-another, the damage occurs and the player is injured resulting in a loss of HP. AI; [RequireComponent(typeof(NavMeshAgent))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] public class SC_NPCEnemy : MonoBehaviour, IEntity { public float attackDistance = 3f; public float Hey guys, I’m working on one of my scripts for my game design project at school. What do I change to make it automatically target the player without specifying the target . You can read more about it in Unity's So you want to detect if the enemy hits you with a projectile/melee. The objective in this example is to make the player lose a life when he touches an enemy. Can someone make a script that I can attach to an enemy to make it shoot a variable projectile at me? The script needs to contain a variable for the projectile, fire rate, target, and spawn point. Hello, I’ve made a search in Unity Answers and I didn’t find what I wanted, or if I finded, it didn’t worked. I'm trying to make it so that if an enemy collides with the player, the player loses a health point. The first is a Box Collider, it's used as the enemy hitbox. But right now it does destroy the enemy and tries to take damage away but it’s always set to 0 even though in the inspector I set it to 50 for example. using System. I am making an fps and I am struggling on making the enemies, I tried multiple things, but they don’t work. I'm trying to write a code with AddForce to knock the player a pretty good distance in an arc in the direction opposite of the enemy when they come in contact, but I still have a primitive understanding of how to use AddForce and can't seem to get force applied in any direction at all. I currently have a script where an enemy will follow me around. Every one of them are on Enemy Tag and Enemy Layer. For example, my enemy has 100% of health. – Hi, i need to make a script to pick up an item, and when that is done, it gives health to the player, like a medkit, the item have got to disappear after picked up, how do i do that? (C# Please) Unity Discussions @Code02 Yes that is correct, so far my enemy is just having an idling animation I put together, later down the line I want to be able to make enemies that pace forth and back in some zones or move in a specific pattern. He either sits still before he dies or the game object goes crazy and flys off screen. So I’m studying game development and right now I want to make an rpg game. How could I replicate this in unity C#? Ive tried attaching a Gui Text to the enemy unit, but it didnt show up. Please help. Learn More at onlinecodecoaching. I searched the internet and found nothing. One that'll keep track of the player's health, health bar and cause the screen to flash when the player is damaged. UI; public Hi all. You would need to create a public function on the player that increases health by one and then link the action of clicking that button to that method. i do not know how to code and i followed brackeyes tutorial. Share Add a Comment. How to I go about insuring that damage is being dealt to the player non-stop over the duration of the entire length of the I'm trying to make my player flash when hit. I want to make the enemy to chase the player, but I don’t know how to do that. be/75wFFvfcBH0 Playlist Link: https://youtube. . I'm wondering how to make the actual flashing occur. How can I push the player back on collision in unity. Thank you. Is this It’s way more complicated: you must create an AI (Artificial Intelligence) script to control your enemy. When I am clicking You can do this in a variety of ways. tag since it’s a networked game meaning a free for all, i So i already have code that makes it so when a player gets in range, the enemy aggros and moves towards the player, if the player touches the enemy they take damage, however I want to code it so that when a player enters another range that is closer, the enemy will swing at the player. Thing is, I can’t seem to fathom how to get the enemy to appear suddenly in front of the protagonist, move in hot pursuit after me and effectively throw knives at me. It is far from perfect, and I have only tested it in the attached scene, but see how it My wait function does work in that it halts any damage being done to after one second, but all of the damage floods in after that one second. A 2D Top Down RPG Game Dev Tutorial. ignore collision doesn’t seem to work very well or not even register the code correctly, even if i just do a on collider hit function and etc i can’t use a gameobject. using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. com/ In AI episode 6 the enemy now shoots at the player! I'm using the Cinemachine TargetGroup to frame both the AI and the player when the player dies to create I am working on an FPS game in which I included the animations for enemy dying and getting hurt. In order to do that the first step is to make sure both GameObjects contain a Collider component, we have to check the “Is Trigger” In this video, you will learn how to make an enemy object that will shoot bullets at your player. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games and experiences. Damage Range3. MoveTowards(transform. Stack Overflow. A little help would be greatly appreciated. Hi @ericsjo119. When designing games in Unity, it’s quite common to have multiple objects that can take damage, such as enemies, players, and sometimes even inanimate objects like crates or barriers. The first one was creating an empty object, giving it a box collider, checking the is trigger box put it on top of the enemy, and made it a child of the enemy. I've been stuck on this for a while and googling hasn't helped. So here is my code: public class Spell : MonoBehaviour { public float damage = 1. Thanks in advance. What I need is for the enemy to only deal damage once per every second and time the player hits the enemy, not constant damage while the player is touching the enemy. \$\endgroup\$ @BFGames, giving scripts isn’t ideal , but I know that people learn from looking at other scripts and trying to work out what they do and how they are coded. He currently changes to red. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class EnemyDamage : MonoBehaviour { public float damageAmount = 1; Hi, I’m making an RPG game in unity 2D. position, target. Here is the health script im using: using UnityEngine; using System. the code is below. Collections; using I'm having some problems with Unity. Static Damage with Distan For now i use N to take damage. Tag == “myTag”. 3); } } To my bullets or laser or whatever it is that is going to harm these I then do: In my game, I have numerous particle effects that I want to damage the player if they touch it (fire, water, gas. So I’m wondering if it is possible to get a model to move without being animated and when it hits the player it would cause damage to that player. If you want to be fancy use NavMesh and find a point on it that is distant from the player, and target that to run to. To make the damage controllable, you can add a public field to the enemy script that allows you to set the damage value from the Unity editor. I have an Enemy with two different Collider. The comments next to the curly brackets are just for organization. So the water does damage the player, but it also bounces off like little blue balls. The problem is that the healthbar is always on screen even before attacking an enemy and after the enemy dies usually stays on -1 at the top of the screen public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour { public Slider healthBar; //Slider Health Bar public Text HPText; UI don’t use Unity GUI so am not sure if you can pass an int to a string this way, I assume not. so when player collide with enemy just make player velocity and force to 0 and then apply the knock back force. Finally how to run conditionals . PlayerHealth. in the OnTriggerEnter2D function I make an if statement stating if the gameObject (bullet) is firing from layer 13, take away x amount of HP. Collections; public class PlayerVitals : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject guiObject; public int curHealth = 100; public int maxHealth = 100; public int recoveryAmount = adding the weapons to individual layers. Example drawing : Would I change the quaternion. This is my player code please help using UnityEngine; using System. before you look So I’m making an fps where whenever an enemy collides with the player, the player takes damage, but nothing I do seems to work. Part 2: ht I’ve been trying to make the enemy in my game damage the player upon collision. I am working on an assignment for a course and I need to make the enemy deal damage to the player after 5 seconds of touching or being near the player. Now I want the player to My answer is completely untested, and might not be very good, but I think I have a solution To cause damage to the player, maybe you could use void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){}to detect when the enemy makes contact with the player. Below is my code for how the health bar Make sure that whatever physics layer that gameobject is on interacts with the enemy arm gameobject's physics layer, but not things it is not meant to interact with - just things that are meant to damage the player,or else the player can take Let's Create a simple Health Bar for our enemies using the Unity UI-system! Previous part: https://youtu. This is going to be a 3-Part mini-series. (To see a list of methods available to GameObject, you can click anywhere on it and hit F12. TO convert something to a string, use . Ideas? I can get more specific Creating engaging enemy behavior in 2D platformers can significantly enhance the gaming experience. The healthbar is showing up but I just am so lost on how to make it lose health when it collides with the snowman. Animation integration for enemy behaviors. My particle effect looks like this: So now the question is, how would I We can instantiate prefabs from the fire point coming from the player and check if the instance collides with an enemy to deal damage, in this method the bullets can take a little time until it reaches the target, you can set its velocity but you cant put too fast so you dont break collision handling, also there is seconds or miliseconds that In most Super Mario games, for example, after taking damage Mario flashes and is invincible for 158 frames, or 2. This is my current script, Unity says there are no errors and I don’t see any reason this shouldn’t work, but when I touch the enemy my health isn’t affected. In order to do that the first step is to make sure both GameObjects contain a Collider component, we In this course you will learn game development using unity game engine by making pirates of the caribbean game in unity as well as by making harry potter game for free in unity. I have attached a health script to the enemies in my game, but at the moment the player weapons simply destroy on contact, can anyone help with assigning damage values to different weapons? I dont know if im supposed to do this within the health script or the destroy script. ) I started using the built in collision system, and I got the damage working, but I could only get it to function with non-trigger colliders. all i have is just me switching between the on trigger enter , applying damage to the objects but i happen to have a lot of collision problems, physics. Is it scripting issue or I messed something up in Unity. I am trying to make my enemy (prefab is named snowman) and my player (prefab is named Santa) collide. To keep things simple, I’ll assume that you already have a method that can be used to grant your player temporary invulnerability (e. Instead there should be a function you call on the enemy to reduce his health. Basically we have to create a small and playable game and I’ve chosen to do a Slenderman sort of game. If the layer matches “Bullet”, the enemy’s health is reduced by the specified amount of damage. 3. For example, between the enemy and the player there is a box, the enemy instead of avoid this, must walk (terrain hugging) - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions. 528 seconds. You need to store a reference to the ground collider. Usually this is done via tags or layers. using Unity will not let me set the "Transform target" as the player until the enemy exists in the game. Everything is working fine, but when i use dash and collide with a "dasheable" enemy, every "dasheable" enemy don't inflict damage to the Player(that's because the condition i use), what conditions should i use to make enemy colliders still being active after i dash the first one, already tryed some options here and nothing seems to work properly I’m making a zombie game and I can’t figure out how to make the zombie damage the player upon contact and have it so that the zombie keeps damaging you until it is not touching or it is dead. In case of getting hit, I would like to tempor #unity #games #unity3d 🐾 This Video : Create HP Bar on 2D 3D Game - Hit and Damage Enemy - Unity No Code C- Bolt - Visual Scripting Plus 🏂 Any questions ab The base Enemy class will contain a virtual TakeDamage method that you will override in the child classes. Until next time. It could use Rigidbody. In the next article, we will add those to our game. AI; public class EnemyController : MonoBehaviour { public float LookRadius = 10f; public float I made two scripts. hey guys, I was wondering how I would make an enemy ai rush a player a bit like the Servants of Cthulu from Terraria. This I am creating a 3D Shooter and I am trying to make an enemy deal damage to the player every set seconds. Doesn't do anything though. using UnityEngine; using System. Here's the script I have so far var target : Transform; //the enemy's target var moveSpeed = 3; //move speed var rotationSpeed = Damaged player script I have been trying to make a script that would damage the player I have a script with my player health and if my player touches the enemy the player takes damage but I was trying to make a damage script so if a enemy or bad object touch my player it will subtract from my players health. Hi, at the moment I’m trying to get it so that when my player collides with an enemy, it will take a value (int) set in the inspector on the enemy from the player’s health and then destroy the enemy. You can set this up with literally just a few lines of code, and at th Where PlayerTriggers and EnemyTriggers will be physics layer for interaction between the enemy/player. cuvgtxdd eqd vjvlo ulgvy hxege zlz xhmsn yenpfqz xpkrch hnay