Thomas t rate my professor. Literally such a sweetheart and an absolute genius too.
Thomas t rate my professor Dr. Learned a great amount, but wouldnt take again Thomas Miller is a professor in the Management department at California State University Fullerton - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Jul 2nd, 2022. is going to help you. He genuinely cares about all of his students and it shows. Overall, this class was ok. The hardest part of this class is the math, however, it is only needed for the HW and is never on the exams. Provides you with a free, online book. I defenitely recommend him. This professor still refers to HTML5 as a new technology. If you do not have to take this class, DON'T! I only took this class because it was a 1000-level class and my last GEP. Doesn't matter that you are a good programmer, if you don't know the definitions of hundreds of HTML elements and properties by heart, good luck. told me that it would even more essays. For the two exams, focus most, if not all, of your attention on the professor's slides and lectures. One thing that really struck me is how he was able to center the Prof Barbiero is highly educated in economics, he explains the content very well. The canvas page looks like a kindergartener made it. Thomas Alvarez is a professor in the History department at California State University Dominguez Hills - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I went to lecture 3 times and couldn't stand it. Thomas helped me a lot. Labs were poorly explained & students would be confused about what to do Professor Allen is a very nice man who works to get to know his students on a deeper level. He's the only chem professor with an essay in his curriculum, but he grades it relatively easily, which might help your overall grade. PSYC513 and PSYC514, and received A's in both. There were no exams- just homeworks and online quizzes, and 100% can be achieved on homeworks with enough office hour help. Ed's and am applying for Prof. I absolutely ADORE professor Chen! Each chapter does come w around 90 pages from PDF textbook, but if you make the effort to read it the quizzes and tests will be a breeze. Sad I won't have him next semester. I would recommend attending her office hours if you are having difficulty with the material. I'm Professor Riddle. He is hilarious. Professor Magliery's Top Tags. Definitely recommend him for good grade. Furthermore, he was very approachable during office hours by answering concept Thomas Ndolo is a professor in the Biology department at South Texas College (all campuses) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. but he isn't a type of professor many students would understand and enjoy if they're in a engineering or science degree. take A&P2 with him. How was your experience with him? Thomas Stone is a professor in the Literature department at Rochester Institute of Technology - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. But I passed the course with an A and I owe that to Mr. Although W121 is a writing heavy course naturally, he does his best to space out assignments so students are not overwhelmed. 00 Ashley Was taking this class for the 2nd time in hopes of getting an A. He returns grades almost a month later and is the harshest grader I have had Thomas Cullen is a professor in the Chemistry department at Irvine Valley College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Despite it being a seminar, nobody talked much besides him. professor is humorous but strict. He has a huge ego so just feed into his ego and agree with his opinions and he will like you. This class will make you a better reader and writer, and you will learn a lot from in class discussions. Professor Beveridge's Top Tags. Just wish I had a different prof Thomas Keirstead is a professor in the East Asian Studies department at University of Toronto - St. Professor Alvarez's Top Tags. Funny professor though and made some lectures fun. You won't have a professor who breaks it down like him. T Bridges is a great professor with thorough explanations of material + archived lectures in the media gallery. Exams are extremely hard and practice exams don't really help. My golf swing is probably the only thing he could help me improve because his finance knowledge is so elementary that he has to represent everything he lectures about using chairs and three $1 bills. I'm Professor Beveridge. THOMAS KIELSTRA MY GOAT THIS GUY IS LIKE THE LEBRON JAMES OF CALCULUS FOR THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES- only feedback is like he has 2 outfits of the "I love my wife" and Tom Kwok is a professor in the Chemistry department at New York University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Not the easiest professor, but a great choice if you want to learn. Overall a good professor and would take him again. Professor Thomas is one of the BEST PROFESSOR you can have ever. TAKE HER !!! TY DR THOMAS Thomas Fevens is a professor in the Computer Science department at Concordia University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He wouldn't be my first choice, but because I knew how he taught and graded, I stuck with him for a second mini-mester. ARTH25. He genuinely cares about his students and wants everyone to succeed. Similar Tom Rearick started practicing his golf swing in front of me during my midterm exam. Choose a different professor if you can. Professors. Professor Ryan provided nice build up to each paper we had to write (3 in total), and made it easy to comprehend the task ahead. Overall, mid professor and class imo. I missed class on the day of a test due to the fact that I had stomach flu and was home sick, and even though I emailed him, he refused to let me take the test, which was worth 15% of my total grade. I did quite well in Orgo I and learned a good amount but I can't attribute that to Thomas Kwok. 00 Emily Fox; 4. She was really nice and very helpful. Though I found Math 208 to be quite difficult, I had a positive experience in the class thanks to Prof. " Thomas Kielstra is a professor in the Mathematics department at University of Toronto at Scarborough - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He's a great guy overall! Thomas Secord is a professor in the Engineering department at University of St. 3 Tests, 1 Paper and many at home quizzes. Professor Thomas, by a considerable margin, is the BEST Biology instructor within the department. Project is very challenging but doesn't grade it too harshly. attendance mandatory, at least one quiz every class session, and no flexibility or freedom. I didn't understand what that meant, but I liked the idea of having a nice professor and passing, so I signed up. I personally found the lectures confusing- didn't even understand the content well enough to come up with clarifying questions : Thomas Scaffidi is a professor in the Physics department at University of Toronto - St. He does a great job at explaining the concepts and following up with real life examples that make them easier to Rate My Professor. He prefers to be called Tom. Gives good feedback Respected Tough grader Get ready to read Inspirational. Thomas Piskula is a professor in the Economics department at Baruch College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas Little is a professor in the Political Science department at University of Texas at Arlington - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas Ploetz is a professor in the Computer Science department at Georgia Institute of Technology - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Attendance isn't mandatory, but there are easy participation points during each lecture. Ended up dropping at 12 week mark because I was at 81% rate. Riddle Thomas Tarangelo is a professor in the Business department at Florida International University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Similar . I'm Professor Heeney. Make sure you do purchase the textbook because he's had surprise questions on test that are only in the textbook. Petriano was the best professor I had throughout my undergraduate career. This auditing class was too much work, but if you want to be an auditor definitely take her! She does make the class hard and you will need dedicate time, but you will LEARN. lowest 10 quiz scores are dropped but quizzes are Prof. I am typically pretty good at math but thomas john makes it so Thomas Lee is a professor in the Information Systems department at Bellevue College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. ECON308 is hard, if you aren't prepared to dedicate time to material do not take this class. He was the only professor available. 4. He cares about banking and the subject material of the class, and he cares about the students' success and education. May 12th, 2024. He makes the class fun and i would def . The class was difficult, but it's Calc 2 at UA, which will be expected regardless of your instructor. Make sure to start early otherwise it's gonna be overwhelming later on. In order to understand the abstract nature of AI, Dr. 0 Friendly professor, good sense of humor and lecturer but don't be fooled this class is a lot of work. The readings were awesome and made me re-analyze a lot of what I had believed prior to the class. Try not to pair with other difficult CS classes if you don't want a stressful semester. His lectures were a bit long with tons of slides and often containing non-relevant Prof is extremely experienced in finance. Just awful. Thomas J. Miller is a professor in the Biology department at Florida State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He had great lectures (sometimes the lectures drag on) but overall he was phenomenal. Frustrating, but otherwise the class isn't too hard, just read the text and watch the media he assigns. MAT342. He's the only reason I got through Calc 2, and I'm Thomas Petriano is a professor in the Theology department at St. Thomas has worked on me with many things, given me supplemental instruction, and has been a great professor overall, really down to earth as well. i never wanted to miss a class and this doesn't happen often. Extremely disappointed with this class- don't waste your money on it!! Professor La Pointe was incredible to take for my English I class. Professors cancel Find and rate your professor or school Thomas Rimer is a professor in the Finance department at Michigan State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Holme was an okay professor. Similar Professors. Goated prof. HIS LECTURES ARE NOT MANDATORY AND HE PROVIDES STUDENTS I wasn't looking forward to this class since history isn't my thing, but Professor Tom choses to see the good in your work insread of the negative. His voice is a little monotone, but he is actually a good professor especially about pol theory. Professor Hogan's Top Tags. 2-3 labs per week, regular homeworks and a semester project ontop of exams. He's very theatrical, has an odd sense of humor Thomas Borrelli is a professor in the Computer Science department at Rochester Institute of Technology - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He is so generous when it comes to helping students out Beena Thomas is the worst professor I have ever had, and I barely came in contact with her. I wrote an essay worth of feedback and submitted it to the higher-ups. Siegmund is a knowledgeable professor and cares about the subject. Lectures were difficult to follow because the professor often went on rants but the material was interesting. cancel. You can skim through the text if you want, but it really isn't necessary. I'm Professor Lee. Lots of homework Lecture heavy. The exams weren't difficult and he also gave out a lot of extra credit. I found that she was very willing to help students who were struggling. Pre-labs every week. Professor Thomas's Top Tags. He provides thought-provoking and interesting lecture videos. He is just trying to prove he's intelligent rather than making the class understand what he is trying to teach. You have 15-minute lessons, and the textbook. Didn't even bother to spell my name right in emails. If you take this class online, you have to teach yourself. 298; Student Ratings. Thomas Lavastida is a professor in the Computer Science department at The University of Texas at Dallas - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Take this if you want an easier class while still learning interesting information. Courtney Thomas is a professor in the Political Science department at Virginia Tech - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Just don't underestimate it being an online course. Extra credit avaliable, SHE WANTS YOU TO PASS. Fair warning, you need to attend all the lectures and take really good notes because he puts nothing on the slides. Thomas Taylor is the worst professor in my entire career at ASU. I had her for lecture/lab & lab was somewhat fun and very interesting. N. You won't appreciate him in the second year because he tries to push you to be better and inspire you to work hard. He gives fantastic lectures, charismatic, nonjudgmental, and overall a very interesting and caring person. Professor Keirstead's Top Tags. Thomas Kolasa is a professor in the Political Science department at Troy University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Doesn't take questions b/c students are "not worth [his] time. My complaints would be that he is a more difficult grader who assigns a lot of papers with confusing directions. I've got him for BFIN300 next semester but I cannot find a single shred of information about him online. His essays are difficult and he grades hard, and he makes you really work for a good grade. If you know how to do the reviews, you'll be fine on the exams. Rate Compare. I used to hate math, but he makes Tom Gilovich is a professor in the Psychology department at Cornell University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. The readings can be long and are specific so there won't be much googling in this class. As others have stated, he is incredibly disorganized - never completely teaching a topic, often Thomas Riley is a professor in the Humanities department at Wake Technical Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I wouldn't recommend taking this class with any professor but Dr. Test heavy Tough grader Lecture heavy Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. He accepted one of my assignments late and didn't deduct any points and was very cool about Thomas Stone is a professor in the Literature department at Rochester Institute of Technology - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I'm Professor Eiland. Professor Knight is one of the best professors I have had so far at UF. Respected Participation matters Gives good feedback Amazing lectures Graded by few things. I know he's teaching the same class this semester, does anyone have any info on him? Is he a good professor? EDIT 8/29/23: We're supposed to buy $180 textbook HE wrote. Adds a few points of extra credit to each assignment if you truly make an effort and responds to emails very quickly. I got my undergrad from St. My biggest regret is not showing up for most of the lectures, the ones I did go to helped me understand the material way better than I could have on my own. Lecture was funny @ times due to her funny mom jokes. As long as you look over his study guides and other Thomas Lo is a professor in the Biology department at Lone Star College (all) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He graded pretty fairly, but doesn't really give 100% on exams. He refuses to repeat what he said and will not help in review to the tests. He would personally email me to check in with my progress and always encouraged students to set up appointments with him for extra help. Peter Thomas is a professor in the Accounting department at University of Toronto at Mississauga - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Tough grader. However Thomas Preuss is a professor in the Psychology department at Hunter College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Harmon's Top Tags. I made a post about him about two years ago if you want to check out my rant. He is the best Economic Professor I have had Thomas Beveridge is a professor in the Economics department at Durham Technical Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Tom has taken the cake for my favorite professor so far at the U. I'm Professor Magliery. Joined class late. I'm Professor Lavastida. I would absolutely take him again if I didn't transfer! Mim Thomas is a professor in the Sociology department at University of Notre Dame - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 5. However, Gold was not interesting at all. i think he was nice enough during office hours. I started my college experience in like math 40, and this professor has inspired me and made it seem reachable to attain a mathematics degree. Took a 3-wk crash winter course with him, a very reasonable professor: won't force you to buy a textbook, push you a little at the beginning (for your own good so you'd be able Professor Thomas is a decent professor. Caring Get ready to read Tough grader Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback. Similar Professors Find and rate your professor or school Professor Coleman is one of the few professors at SCCC I would take pleasure in attending his class. He lays out a very clear and well-thought-out path for you and provides regular real-world experience. Thomas Kolasa is a professor in the Political Science department at Troy University E-Campus - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. If you care about doing something with your degree, take him! If you don't, leave Prof. (3 tests + hw) Thomas Moomjy is a professor in the American Studies department at Rutgers - State University of New Jersey - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 100/10 professor. I'm Professor Jesse. Lecture slides and study guides were important for studying exams. Professor Thomas is amazing at explaining in regard to TRIG. Uploaded notes, frequent office hours, easy-to-follow lectures. I'm Professor Alvarez. The lectures made no sense and were very unorganized. Similar Thomas Meade is a professor in the Communication department at University of Connecticut - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. The professor is very willing to help out with course content and assignments and very nice when answering questions. His quiz and tests are not difficult because everything he lectured about in class was in the exams . He reminds me of a highschool teacher as he is easily approachable and answered all of my questions during office hours and on piazza. Professor Crowell's Top Tags. 4 lecture exams @ least 80 ?'s. She was a friendly and great professor. Our whole class got to play with fire during lab. It felt unclear and lacked depth of explanations. Professor Jesse's Top Tags. The course itself isn't the easiest, so make sure to invest time after class to do the homework. There are only 3 assignments in the class (midterm, reaction briefs, final) so dont mess up early on. Ploetz incorporated Thomas Tousey is a professor in the Writing department at Stony Brook University (SUNY) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Riddle's Top Tags. Tough grader Lots of homework Test heavy So many papers. You can't pass without really working for this class. When registering for my classes, I was told that he's so nice that you can't help but to pass. You can tell he's passionate about teaching. Professor Thomas is the realest professor i have came across, his teaching style is in outstanding and his class was never boring. Similar Dr Thomas is my new fav professor. ___drop this professor now you will be saving yourself___ -no care for students, no questions on tests at all, and blamed the whole class for failing exam 2 -makes claims that we Thomas Kulanjiyil is a professor in the Philosophy department at College of DuPage - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Get ready to read So many papers Clear grading criteria Tough grader Gives good feedback. Professor Moomjy is such an unbelievably nice guy. Prof is ok, he didn't seem interested and finished the lectures 2 weeks early. You will be tested on insanely obscure and unnecessary elements. If you attend office hours or just watch recordings of Thomas Shirley is a professor in the Business department at San Jose State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas Brown is the worst professor I have ever had. Thomas Siegmund is a professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at Purdue University - West Lafayette - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. RateMyProfessors. I wasn't the most focused on her class and made a B because I paid attention in class/lab and reviewed well. Graded by few things Test heavy Amazing lectures Lecture heavy Get ready to read. 350 words characters simply cannot explain what an amazing teacher he is, and I would encourage every student to take him without hesitation!!!! The professor is cool, I like him. Great industry mind, however he doesn't feel the need to teach like an industry professor. Thomas Hogan is a professor in the Accounting department at University of Massachusetts - Boston - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Get ready to read Tough grader Amazing lectures Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. GREAT CLASS. The class is really hard but if you get the textbook and put in work you will succeed and learn so Thomas Jesse is a professor in the English department at University of Wisconsin - La Crosse - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Accessible outside class Respected Lecture heavy Tough grader Participation matters. Not only is he so knowledgeable when it comes to Biology, but he also genuinely cares for his students. Biss gives so much time to complete it. It also publishes learning resources, videos, and helpful links. 3. Get ready to read Gives good feedback Lots of homework Lecture heavy Tough grader Professor Thomas is a strict but knowledgeable professor. There are weekly quizzes and biweekly mini-projects but the professor usually helps us with the assignments in class. get ready to video record this professor, he go over the material in class over and over again ,labs and exams aren't hard if you studied the material provided by Dr. Thomas is passionate and cooperative. The tests are hard and may mention topics that don't seem relevant. I'm Professor Hogan. He's also willing to explain things if you didn't quite get them. She is rude in person and doesn't respond to email. He was an excellent professor and very helpful in learning the material, especially in the areas where I Don't see the professor you're looking for?. He is very friendly and easygoing and understands that many people are taking this class for gen-ed credit. Attendance: Not Mandatory Professor Henderson is a good professor, he is sweet and you can tell he cares. was entirely SOLIDWORKS tutorials or projects. Professor McGuire was my favorite professor here at ccc. However, it was doable to get an A with minimal commitment, and professor Tom was of great help. After his class I started to like History class. She's a great professor to talk to and her class was fun. Professor Miller's Top Tags. 2. So many papers Tough grader Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Would take again. Shirley to other students who do. If you do the work and follow the instriuctions, he will give you a very decent grade. Prof Harter is tough. The class is lecture heavy with many readings but the exams aren't too difficult unless you don't study. The material is difficult, especially if you don't have a background in kin, so although attendance isn't mandatory, watch the lectures. Hilarious Caring Lecture heavy Amazing lectures Gives good feedback. Thomas King is a professor in the Social Science department at American Public University System (all campuses) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Otherwise, I definitely recommend Bridges. If you feel confident with your ability to self-learn, then take the course. Drops one exam and at least six Thomas Yeh is a professor in the Computer Science department at UC Irvine - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas. Prof Scanlon reused lecture videos from another year. Professor Heeney's Top Tags. That should tell you all you need to know. Group projects Tough grader Participation matters Gives good feedback Get ready to read. Honestly, wouldn't recommend taking this professor. Brown makes it easy on you to study by offering exam reviews and Lab Quiz Thomas Ferrell is a professor in the Mathematics department at Miami Dade College (all) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 00 Amy Tjandra-Leksana; 5. 0 I loved having Ms. PROF DOUGLAS IS THE SWEETEST PROFESSOR AND I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM AND HIS COURSE. You do have to write a paper a week, but each paper is integrated into the next so it's not too difficult. I'm Professor Keirstead. I'm Professor Crowell. Sinclair. His classes are mostly lectures, but if you take notes and pay attention in class you'll be fine. Vanhouten is a professor in the Mathematics department at Oakland University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas Harmon is a professor in the Religion department at University of St. This professor is not very demanding so take him and 2 harder classes. The projects take a long time to figure out, so don't procrastinate - waiting until the weekend to get started is not an option. It is what it is. Lectures/exams were always online, attendance to lectures is optional but The recent negative reviews seem to be done by freshman who don't realize yet that a lot of classes will make you pay for the online textbook/hw. Most of this class is discussion. Skip class? You won't pass. He is the best mentor in my university life. I never rate professors, but this class was ridiculous. Amazing lectures, great humor, take this class. I'm not the best test taker, so I didn't get the best grade in the class, but he curves. A real remote gem. I would write multi-paragraph posts for my initial submission and write 2 long comment responses and without fail he would take off points without telling me why. Professor Eiland's Top Tags. One of my group members from the group discussion got into an argument with him and we still got a 95. Really, he gives clear explanation, takes care of his students, and tries his best to help his students. PHIL1100. I'm Professor Harmon. Rate My Professor is about helping students answer a single question "what do I need to know to maximize my chance of success in a given class?" Every teacher and Judging by the last post on this sub, sounds like Thomas Allsup in MAE. Thomas Connolly is a professor in the Engineering department at University of Texas at Austin - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Tarangelo has got the be the worst professor i have had during my time at FIU. Thomas Douglas is a professor in the Anthropology department at California State University Long Beach - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He is so understanding, and he cares for his students so much. Thomas Sy is a professor in the Psychology department at University of California Riverside - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Borrelli's Top Tags. He is extremely fair, and he is not trying Thomas Klein is a professor in the Political Science department at Los Angeles Pierce College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 90 Xinda Wang For this class, you need to do 2 presentations, 1 major group paper, and a midterm and final. The class would def be a bird course for someone into math and Thomas Eiland is a professor in the English department at Citrus College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Barkley was by far the best professor I have had throughout 4 years of school. R. Quizzes/exams make up most of your grade. Tests are all online and open book but he makes them a little bit difficult. Professor Secord's Top Tags. Thomas Steiner is a professor in the Computer Science department at University of Michigan - Dearborn - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I personally did not like his class. Literally such a sweetheart and an absolute genius too. He grades so strict and won't even explain your grade. He not only care about lecture and syllabus but also care his student's mental health. he is very rude and demonstrates that he does not care for his students. He did a study guide review every class before a test making Gretchen Thomas is a professor in the Psychology department at University of Georgia - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I came to every class but attendance isn't mandatory (highly recommend tho bc I still cried three times studying for the final to try and level out my grade). Very helpful lectures. Respected Accessible outside class Caring Graded by few things Group projects. professor yeh is alright. Is a true Gem! I have never had a more caring professor in my life. Sumesh Thomas is a professor in the Biology department at Baltimore City Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I dreaded taking 112 as my 111 prof. My only problem was that she's not attentive in responding to emails, so you're essentially on your own throughout the class. I'm Professor Miller. Gives good feedback Lots of homework Hilarious Lecture heavy Test heavy. Prof. 3 quizzes a week with a ton of homework. Just rude insults that leave you more confused. There was an insane amount of homework, sometimes up to 10 hours a week early on, tests with too many Thomas was a great professor. Thomas Riddle is a professor in the English department at Guilford Technical Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Kolasa's Top Tags. EXTRA CREDIT Hilarious Participation matters Amazing lectures Lots of homework. He's a fine prof, but don't expect him to magically make you engaged in a boring class. Pacing was poor and we skipped and couldn't cover a lot of material. His exams are also very difficult. Tests were pretty challenging because the slides/notes weren't really able to help you with specific questions. I don't see why his reviews aren't 5 stars all around!! Prof St. She is strict because she is an auditor and auditors have due dates that require strict timing. Get ready to read Participation matters Clear grading criteria. I do believe that this class was doable and that Tom was an excellent prof regardless. I'm Professor Borrelli. The quizzes are all open-note and based on the lectures and readings. He just moved very fast for a class that needed extra help (MAP103) he gave great feedback on questions that you had and was a great professor overall. Betsy. If you think he deserves a bad rating, you've either had Thomas John is a professor in the Mathematics department at Syracuse University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Amazing lectures Gives good feedback Tough grader Would take again Caring. Super helpful and knowledgeable teacher. Thomas Harter is a professor in the Not Specified department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. The extra credit really came in handy. Thomas Hoekstra is a professor in the Business department at Santa Ana College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Honestly, I'd rate him a negative 99999999 if I could. Get ready to read Gives good feedback Tough grader EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria. If you need to take the GEP, choose another class with another professor with a better rating. He was also always available outside of class and would come in to meet on days he wasn't teaching. Thomas Eppel is a professor in the Management department at UC Irvine - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Demharter is the best Professor in NOVA, I took him for Summer 7 weeks class and I was nervous that I won't be able to meet my expected grade but it turns out great. For Credit: Yes. The professor doesn't communicate about due dates for assignments until 30 minutes before they are due Thomas Everest is a professor in the Mathematics department at University of Pittsburgh - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Quality. Don't take this professor if biology isn't your strong suit. This class wasn't too stressful for me and Tom is a very nice, understanding professor Thomas Crowell is a professor in the Political Science department at University of Texas at San Antonio - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He made chemistry fun and I was eager to learn. 70 Tom is a great professor and a really cool guy. Professor Lee's Top Tags. Difficulty. He makes himself available anytime you need him Despite what other reviews say about him, Thomas was genuinely one of my favorite professors. Get ready to read Participation matters Caring Chem 3A has always been a struggle for me, but Mrs. It doesn't matter how much you work on your labs, you will get an 80. Top hat assignment could be stressful but prof. He is also very friendly and accessible in and outside of class. No text book needed. Most of our essays were based off of the Sopranos Tv show so if you like the mob and villainy, youll love this class! This professor is AMAZING. horrible professor you can't understand a word he says or read his handwriting. Teresa Thomas is a professor in the History department at Austin Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. You choose between the discussion section or online work, but the latter is more difficult. Dec 11th, 2023 There aren't enough characters to describe how terrible my experience with Professor Thomas was. Gives good feedback Tough grader So many papers Hilarious Graded by few things. Help Thomas Strohmer is a professor in the Mathematics department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Similar Thomas E. Professor Tom was the nicest professor I had during my first semester at UNC! The readings before class were often challenging, and we were graded on three essays from course content (2 take home and 1 in class) which are not graded easily. Run. Overall, he's such a chill professor. The most time-consuming part is the annotations we do every week, but even that isn't too bad. Incredible professor, I wish he taught all of my classes. Tons of cheating in his exams, people whispering the entire time, I just saw a guy copy 2/6 Professor Stockwell was one of the best professors I've taken. Even though Math272 is not an easy class at all, professor Aydlett has really helpful in this class and helped me to grasp the concepts eassily. She messed up my grade and didn't fix it until finals week. Thomas Tallerico is a professor in the Finance department at Stony Brook University (SUNY) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I truly feel as if I learned a lot. He tests more on readings and lectures rather than the slide deck and textbook. The second midterm average was low (50%) but the first was 75%. This is my only remote professor that held his classes during the specified times. His lectures are awful, boring, and provide 95% of information that is not on the test. Thomas Harjuno is perhaps the worst teacher I've ever had, and ever will have. Participation matters Lecture heavy Group projects EXTRA CREDIT Lots of homework. Helpful. It can feel more like a 4 unit class at times. Gives good feedback Caring Respected Graded by few things Tough grader. Answers questions after class but does not like to wait long. Joseph's College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Also, beware bc he will suspect cheating. Thomas Reynolds is a professor in the Liberal Studies department at New York University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Meade's Top Tags. com (RMP) is a review site founded in May 1999 by John Swapceinski, a software engineer from Menlo Park, California, which allows anyone to assign ratings to Prof Scaffidi was hands down my favorite prof I've had first year. Laurent is very approachable and humorous and promptly answers emails. Rate My Teachers (RMT) is an educational site where students evaluate, rate, and review teachers and courses. Professor Pruess was nice but can't teach. There is no way you'll fail this class. PCB3043. Similar Challenging class, but he is super flexible and helpful with learning the content. I thus had to drop the class, and will now have a w on my transcript. The guy isn't strict or cut throat, he's realistic and an Seriously, the best math teacher Ive ever had. BRING your A game and don't slack off. Dedicate a few hours each day for this class, do ur hw and watch his explanations and u will do fine. You have plenty of time to work on assignments, but my TA wasn't very helpful and you only see the Prof Thomas Heeney is a professor in the Political Science department at Florida Gulf Coast University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 0. I'm Professor Sneed. I'm not at risk of failing, but he did not make the course any easier. Im a procrastinator but dont wait to do the briefs!! Thomas Hardy is a professor in the Biology department at College of DuPage - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. If you don't understand ask again , he is there for you and def. Professor Sneed's Top Tags. He uses the most extravagant word possible for every word he speaks. Oct 24th, 2024. Tests are difficult but doable with good preparation. Statistics class with Professor Eppel was fairly difficult but very much doable if you pay attention to his videos and do lots of practice. I had an undecided minor but I ended up having one in Religious Studies because I just genuinely really loved Worst professor I have ever experienced. NEVER taking him again. Professor Lo's class is the most organized online class have ever taken! Follow his syllabus and stay on schedule and you should just fine! He's also very responive and there if you have The lower division math classes at Berkeley are rumored to be difficult as I feel the Professors don't care, and it is a requirement for many majors. Lectures are a bit boring but so is the topic, homework is a quiz every week, midterm and final, plus a paper and group project. He is very professional but Thomas Barkley is a professor in the Finance department at Syracuse University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Tough grader Get ready to read Participation matters Hilarious Lots of homework. Definitely would take another class of his. Assignments are fairly easy but they're also thought-provoking. Professor Scaffidi was great at properly demonstrating concepts during lectures. i met with him one on one when i was struggling in class, and he was pretty nice! this quarter was his first time Thomas O'Leary is a professor in the Art department at Saddleback College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I'm Professor Secord. Professor Cullen might be one of my favorite professors I have ever had. The course content is challenging so make good use of him as a resource. He grades off of 4 exams (80%) and chapter quizzes (20%) which are on blackboard but due before he even Attendance isn't mandatory, but his lectures are AMAZING. He gives extremely punctual and useful feedback for the papers, and you just have to participate in a weekly discussion. Re-taking professor in 106! Thomas Magliery is a professor in the Chemistry department at The Ohio State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. I'm Professor Thomas. at. Lots of work each week but I definitely felt welcomed in class by him, and by the end of the Very hands-off professor but in a good way. Show up and PARTICIPATE. Also take advantage of Math Space where he tutors students that need assistance with any kind of math, he is very patient at breaking things down in a way for anyone to understand Professor Thomas was absolutely amazing. Exams are 75% of your grade so just be prepared for that. I'm Professor Steiner. Professor Hoekstra doesn’t have any ratings yet 😭 Be the first to rate Professor . Take him as a professor, I highly recommend it. Add a Professor. Even though this professor is chill during class and about attendance, I have never felt stupider. Prepare for lots of reading - your exams, quizzes, and discussion posts will be based on them. Great professor! Professor Douglas gives straightforward lectures, and gives us the notes afterward. Don't miss lectures! Thomas Sneed is a professor in the Government department at Lone Star College (all) - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Thomas Harrison is a professor in the Music department at University of Central Florida - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. The weekly homework was extremely time consuming, and worth 20%. It's a coordinated Math 1551 class so he doesn't have the freedom to grade outside of that/give own extra credit Professor Thomas was just okay. Instead he's determined to give students the tough, theory based, experience he had as an MIT undergrad 30 years ago Basically teaches probability for 2 months So yeah take it if your good at probability and you generally like a lot of math. The class itself requires you to learn a lot of material that doesn't really relate. Just needs to slow down in the classes for the students who need extra help. He will correct you in the forums or on your assigments if neccesary, but does it in a respectful manner. 10 lecture quizzes/lab quizzes. Thomas McGuire is a professor in the Biology department at Camden county college - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Had him my freshman year for PYSC002 and now I have him my senior year for PYSC142. 0. Once, I asked why, and he gave back some points. 1. His lectures are just him reading off of the Thomas Pfau is a professor in the English department at Duke University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Csc108 was great with Tom. No UAlbany page, no LinkedIn, no Rate my prof, nothing. She doesn't give feedback and her rubrics aren't clear. Exams contain ridiculous questions that make no sense. He cares for his students and it SHOWS. Professor Lavastida's Top Tags. Because of him I am thinking of changing my major to psychology. But trust me when I say that Professor Prusa is one of the better teachers here at Rutgers. I still enjoyed the class because of the readings, though. I felt dissatisfied with my understanding, since the textbook was poor. Though the readings were stimulating, Gold wasn't. Klein is my favorite professor so far. Whoever gave this professor a 1 clearly doesn't understand what grad school at GT means. He does everything he can to help you. I cannot believe that I didn't drop when I could. I will definitely miss having her Very caring professor! Remembers his students even though it is a bigger class of about 90 students. Although I couldn't cheat my way out in some test and homework he taught very well so I was able to find the answer through my own knowledge. Responds quick and is very understanding. I would never take this prof again if I had the option. I don't understand why people dislike Thomas. He has a world of knowledge and he knows the material. Tough grader So many papers Test heavy. Professor Steiner's Top Tags. He didn't make the class dull and the debates were great. Thomas is a fair prof Took him over the Summer, class consisted of 2 test and 6 discussion post. He's very reasonable though, 3 homework assignments, a midterm, and a final. Biss is such a great professor. His introductory history class is harder than my finance major classes. He is one of the only professors that actually makes class interesting. I'm Professor Kolasa. Other than that he answered my emails within the day and my class was completely asynchronous. George Campus - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Attendance is pretty mandatory because attendance is checked. Thomas is probably my favorite professor I've had at UW so far. Aydlett is clearly one of the best math teachers of my life. Tough grader Respected Test heavy. Caring Accessible outside class Respected Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback. Thomas Brown is a professor in the Environmental Science department at Austin Community College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He made political science super fun and the tests were always easy. I'm Professor Meade. Blames you for not trying hard enough, is impossible to reach, grades are not Tom Ryan is a professor in the English department at Bellevue College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.