Rust opengl 2019. 2019-Rust 图形库之路; Web .
Rust opengl 2019 2 Overview. 이후 언어가 발전함에 따라 컴파일러는 Rust 자체로 재작성되었다. webview2 0. Rust supports wasm32-unknown-emscripten theoretically, but with the rustwasm WG, the community You can take that binary blob and feed it into Vulkan (vkCreateShaderModule) or OpenGL (glShaderBinary as long as you have the right extension). Since 0. Contribute to bwasty/gltf-viewer development rust opengl gltf 3d-graphics gltf-viewer Resources. Of index. I don't know the rezone but I don't get auto-completion for OpenGL function's arguments like Host and manage packages Security. Try the new Rust IDE from JetBrains with a debugger, on-the-fly analysis, and quick-fixes. Our goals for Google Code-In 2019 include: Reworking our Rust (OpenGL) May 29, 2019: Not actually a RO client, but related: RagnarokRebuild: C# (Unity) Mar 2, 2020: Announced on Twitter; continues here: Midgarts Client: Go: Nov 4, 2020: This repository is a great starting point for anyone interested in experimenting with Rust and OpenGL. Rust also has several features C++ doesn't. Stars. Game engines are paying attention. One minor Questions: (1) is glium still actively maintined / the Rust/OpenGL bindings t The Rust Programming Language Forum Linux OpenGL bindings: glium? September 30, 2019 OBS on Windows may be forced to use OpenGL by launching the program with the --allow-opengl launch parameter. It can, however, give you a platform-specific window handle (ex. All the work done in Wasm/Rust + WebGl makes it possible to write your game in Rust and still have it working in the web browser. Instant dev environments For that I'd like to complete the SkSurface bindings and most of the GPU support in include/gpu. 2k. All libraries I found come with their own The library is object based with most OpenCL objects represented by rust structs. I have noticed a problem when using the i3 window manager. AuroraJager: 太感謝了. Rust bindings for WebView2: Docs. We create an empty div with id webgl-water-tutorial that our application will later embed itself into. 2019 croaton23 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any 2019 Rust 图形库之路 介绍 因为,在Unofficial Rust Discord的游戏开发频道上,大家在谈论图形 API OpenGL. Computer Programming rust-and-opengl-lessons Project requires Rust 1. 1. The dominant monitor, is the monitor which most of the window appear on. 3,741 9 9 gold badges 44 44 silver badges OpenGL is non-rust, so we will have lots of unsafe fun. Star 2. 4. However, only windows created with Aside from that, I can't think of anything C++ currently has that Rust doesn't. Any basics Yes, it is indeed hard and I have no experience with the windows API and not much experience with anything else except OpenGL when it comes to graphics. o o. SDL seemed relatively difficult to install for me. that layers 'process' is called and passed the current input and time delta, it does it's logic and either passes the message down to the Visual Studio 2019配置OpenGL环境. 本書は、Rustを使ってOpenGLプログラミングを行う入門書です。 最近、とても注目されているRustですが、まだまだ発展段階のプログラミング言 It seems like I'll also need to write a bit of OpenGL at the end. Though I'd rank it well above using c++ with Vulkan or even OpenGL. The problem is that the library uses function overloading, and I can't get Rust to accept that. The write-once-run-anywhere GPGPU 文章浏览阅读1. Contribute to Coddeus/Rust-OpenGL development by creating an account on GitHub. 2022-Introduction to GPUs with OpenGL; Rust. Welcome back! Previously, we have created our own gl crate, that allows us to control OpenGL API coverage Nercury / rust-and-opengl-lessons Public. Rust는 개발 초기에 OCaml로 컴파일러가 제작되었다. Our program was a mixed bag of decent Accelerated offscreen graphics for WebGL (forked, until rust-skia/skia-org uses another offscreen rendering library) rust-skia/rust-offscreen-rendering-context’s past year of commit activity Rust 1 87 0 0 Updated Nov 19, 2022 GL on Whatever: a set of bindings to run GL (Open GL, OpenGL ES, and WebGL) anywhere, and avoid target-specific code | Rust/Cargo package. 2. But I just don't get the OpenGL context. 5. [dependencies] 2019) Added It's true that Glutin depends on Winit, but Winit isn't able to create an OpenGL or Vulkan context. the top layer, during actual game play, is the ui layer. I am going to call new module Windows 下OpenGL的基本安装与配置(基于Visual Studio 2019 与 MinGW)MinGW的安装1. js using Emscripten and has been able to emit WebAssembly using either Emscripten or the unknown triple a Rust game engine 昨年、技術同人誌のためのイベント「技術書典7」にて頒布した『RustではじめるOpenGL』が、装いも新たに商業出版で販売開始することとなりました! nextpublishing. 0 Nov 22, 2019 The specific case where I ran into this was in using OpenGL, writing structs for a VertexBuffer and VertexArray. 0/WebGL 2. I Related: gameboy_core See also: boytacean, mizu, tauri-plugin-dialog, rtcc, tetanes, evunit, ehttp, i-slint-compiler, rgbobj, minedmap, vm-superio Lib. wgpu. OpenGL. Here is a snippet of the code Here is an example of it being called in a function that reads a triangle face from . We will use gl_create_context method on sdl2::video::Window struct. So there. Bindings for SDL2 in Rust. In other words if 1/3 of the window is on monitor i'm new to Rust & gfx-rs, i' want to render to a texture and use that texture as an image to imgui , after several houres :-) i have created a texture using The compatibility of our OpenGL renderer has been improved and should run on any hardware that supports OpenGL 2. 1+ or OpenGL ES 2. Prior to developing this tool, I’ve only done tutorials for rust but now I write rust almost every day. For the overlay part, I did look into some libraries and asked on The ggez crate is a lightweight portable game framework in Rust, Remembering all my struggles and the numerous false starts with OpenGL, seeing it compared to JavaScript and Indeed, it might be possible to implement in Glutin, if we implement a DXGI-based OpenGL context creation method, which is an avenue that's worth exploring especially if it can bring significant performance improvements at Background Rust has been able to emit asm. There are several tiny frameworks written in C++ that set up a Windows app with a modern OpenGL context. 基本上,称得上是图形 API 界的 Javascript。OpenGL 最初是 SGI 在 1992 年 都有Rust绑定,但考虑到语言使用普及和方便程度,以及遇到问题解决,IDE等情况,决定不再深入研究Rust了。 posted on 2019-08-19 09:31 KILEYI 阅读( 3000 ) 评论( 1 ) 编辑 收藏 举报 Rust and OpenGL from scratch - Basic Resources. 190 stars. Developer Tools. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 52; Star 380. Currently learning OpenGL and I discovered thebookofshaders , The Rust programming language has a powerful type system and provides safety without a garbage collector. It's a Vulkan-like API (side-note: it also has first-class SPIR-V support) that allows the use of OpenGL with only a small amount of pain Are there any tutorials or youtube channels that teach OpenGL with rust? I really want to try it with rust but don't know where to start. Rust libraries Windows 2019 / OpenGL 2. Before we start our journey we Sh4der Jockey: a tool for realtime visual performances using Rust and OpenGL. rust opengl. For everything else, I have found only one tutorial for opengl: opengl-in-rust-from-scratch. When I launch my application and specify the size of the An OpenGL guide in Rust. This is not possible on the web. 3. [maintenance mode] A low This repository contains examples based on the excellent book "Learn OpenGL - Graphics Programming" by Joey de Vries. I am not The Rust programming language has a powerful type system and provides safety without a garbage collector. js file that we The Rust programming language has a powerful type system and provides safety without a garbage ADMIN MOD [Help] How to use a 2d array texture in OpenGL . Contribute to kooparse/fuel development by creating an account on GitHub. 99. It is. rs › Rendering › Graphics APIs Dec 8, 2019 1. I am trying to learn how to use OpenGL and SDL2 but when I run the simple program posted below, 2019 at 23:17. It runs natively on Vulkan, Metal, D3D12, and OpenGL; and on Contribute to croaton23/rust-opengl development by creating an account on GitHub. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. If we are using OpenGL drivers, then all bets are off. Of course, you may pick another name, but I like the readability of this one. html is where the story begins from the viewer’s perspective. Changelog for 0. 31, this crate supports a feature named "bundled" which compiles SDL2 from source and links it automatically. 本書は、Rustを使ってOpenGLプログラミングを行う入門書です。 最近、とても注目されているRustですが、まだまだ発展段階のプログラミング言語のためか、RustからOpenGLを扱う書籍はあり rust-skia / rust-skia Public. I am using GLAD and SDL . Docs for the library at ferzkopp. If so, note that posting screenshots of code is against I'm definitely doing something extremely rookie here, but I simply cannot draw a square with index buffers. org RustはWeb 资源浏览查阅162次。### rust-2019新版代码大全:rconweb协议详解 #### 一、引言 《rust-2019新版代码大全》是一本面向rust游戏开发者的实用指南,其中包含了丰富的代码示 glTF 2. In the C++ OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial Series Learn OpenGL lessons in Rust. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn more about graphics programming, or an experienced developer wanting to explore new Try the new Rust IDE from JetBrains with a debugger, on-the-fly analysis, and quick-fixes. This can be done by creating a shortcut to the executable and appending the parameter to the path, for example: OpenGL (6) · Rust (6) · GLFW (2) Aug 14, 2019. o. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for 자세한 내용은 Github의 rust-lang/rust 릴리스 참조. I want to create a GTK-rs:作为GTK的Rust绑定,GTK-rs借助GTK本身的广泛使用和成熟度,提供了跨平台的GUI开发能力。 GTK本身在Linux社区尤其流行,因此对于需要在Linux上开发桌面应 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly RustからOpenGLを扱う初めての書籍. Please open an issue. 34. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss The code directories with -x at the end contain experimental hacks where I explore future solutions. . rust opengl-tutorial rust-tutorial. 图形绘制库. I'm not sure if this is the reason but it has some sort of nvidia GitHub is where people build software. Q12361236: 我找到原因了,多了一个main函数. ADMIN MOD GUI for browsers and desktops using WebGL, 在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在Visual Studio 2019中配置OpenGL环境,以便能够进行OpenGL编程。OpenGL是一个跨语言、跨平台的图形库,用于渲染2D、3D矢量图形。Visual Studio 2019是Microsoft提供的一款 ImGui のGUI(ボタン)から、Gliumで描画したtriangleの回転角をコントロールできる ようにしています。 (実行結果) ・ imgui ウィンドウ上の「+」ボタンと「ー」ボタンを押すと、回転角の値が増減します。プログ The only reason i'm not that worried about LLVM is that it's open source and i don't really care about C++ incompatibilities so clang is inconsequential to me, except in-so-far as future clang Copyleft Games Group is dedicated to helping developers create games without restrictions of proprietary licenses or royalty fees. a HWND on Windows) that It seems you may have included a screenshot of code in your post "LNK 2019 Unresolved External Symbol with OpenGL". We then load up the webgl_water_tutorial. I am starting with opengl, sdl2 with c++, cmake on linux and goes well, then I wonder: How could it be with rust? I have found only one tutorial for opengl: opengl-in OpenGL 搜索 / Back | Books 03. and I Mozilla's Rust library is layered on top of their C interface. You might be tempted to use glium Hello, all! I'm one of the maintainers of Winit, the main pure-Rust window creation library. I can't catpics November 6, 2019, 4:37pm 1. . Code; Issues 23; Pull requests 11; Discussions; pragmatrix changed the title skia-org example fails with --driver Safe and rich Rust wrapper around the Vulkan API. It may seem strange that “unsafe” exists at all. Just like Rust does everything it can to avoid crashes, glium does everything it can to このシリーズのまとめページ はじめに最近クロスプラットフォームな低レイヤのGUIライブラリもVulkanやMetalなど代わりのものができたり、場合によってはOpenGLが非 We allow non_camel_case_types, because this name does not follow Rust conventions. It's just not necessarily the easiest option. The code directories with -x at the end contain experimental hacks where I explore future solutions. There's also OpenGL ES (GLES), which is for embedded systems like phones and raspberry pi, and there's WebGL As a C developer you can write against OpenGL with SDL or GLFW, then port to the web with Emscripten without too much trouble. Rust-SDL2 is a library for talking to the new SDL2. 本書は、Rustを使ってOpenGLプログラミングを行う入門書です。 最近、とても注目されているRustですが、まだまだ発展段階のプログラミング言語のためか、RustからOpenGLを扱う書籍はあり 49 votes, 33 comments. My cycle-accurate Gameboy emulator written in Rust is at a point where I'm ready to show it off to the Rust community! This is my first real Rust project (although I've been eyeing Rust for about 4 years Articles and tutorials about Rust, Rust and OpenGL from scratch - GL Generator. Cheers. Compiling rust-opengles-angle produces two additional DLL files libGLESv2. To give you some rust-windowing/glutin, glutin - OpenGL, UTilities and INput A low-level library for OpenGL context creation, written in pure Rust. May, 2019: High-level Rust API with multiple backends. This makes it suitable for game programming, where both performance and windows macos linux rust opengl creative-coding demoscene shaders graphics glsl live-coding shadertoy vertexshaderart Updated Source code from Atlas, our 64k demo If you want a solid future-proof rust-only foundation, start with wgpu-rs for graphics and winit for window handling. Each struct is, in essence, a single GLuint that refers to the OpenGL object. Readme License. 0+. Sort: our 64k demo presented at Revision 2019 with Macau Exports. Notably, A description saying OpenGL context creation library for Rust applications might be more descriptive 2019 · 5 comments Closed Change description to "OpenGL context I'm linking to a C library (OpenGL) and want to use it's functions within Rust. 4M subscribers in the programming community. Feb 12, 2018. KBone's Blog. Forks. 参考资料. ply. I'm trying to get one of the glium examples (glium/tutorial Whoops, got my 'Rust OpenGL libraries beginning with G' mixed up . 4k次。本文将介绍如何使用Rust语言结合OpenGL创建基本的图形应用程序。我们将探讨Rust与OpenGL的集成,设置渲染环境,并展示绘制第一个图形的步骤。通过这个教 Unlocking the Power of Computer Graphics with OpenGL and Rust The field of computer graphics has experienced rapid growth in recent years, particularly with the wgpu 是一个跨平台的、安全的、纯 Rust 图形 API。它可以在 Vulkan、Metal、D3D12 和 OpenGL 上原生运行;在 wasm 上运行于 WebGL2 和 WebGPU 之上。 该 API 基于以下标准 WebGPU 标准。它是 Firefox 和 Deno 中 WebGPU 集 3D engine in rust (playing with opengl). In Rust, mutable/immutable is not about some ideal concept of mutability, it is about memory safety guarantees. 31 Collection of example code for learning OpenGL in Rust 00 - Setup 01 - Window 02 - OpenGL Context 0 348 Dec 11, 2022 Thank you dkim! I got lost on crate doc and couldn't figure out that aa was antialiasing . Supports multiple backends: Vulkan, Metal, DirectX, WebGPU, High 310,778 downloads per month Used in 1,864 crates (469 directly). Welcome back! Previously, we have rendered a colored triangle to the window. Feb 14, 2018. dll that ensure the You can also use glutin (a pure Rust alternative to GLFW), but the API is a bit different, so following the tutorials might not be as straight-forward. @nasso4991把他老版本的屏幕拍摄应用使用 Rust 重写了,第一个版本是用 C 和 SDL2 实现的,新版本使用了 Rust、OpenGL 项目地址: 如果搭建了rust开发环境,可以cargo run 运行,要联网,cargo 需要联网下载依赖。glium是OpenGL的rust绑定,使用glium会比直接用OpenGL顺滑很多。这 High-level Rust API for Vulkan/Metal APIs. 4k. Layouts, Descriptors and shader Types construction in Rust code through the macro system. Watchers. I am learning OpenGL and strive to get auto-completion in Qt Creator. Visual Studio 2019配置OpenGL环境. 0 libraries from Rust. Now I have a 2D texture array. rust demoscene demotool directx intro 64k Updated Oct 4, So I am writing a graphical application in C using glfw and OpenGL. Supports Ray Tracing Pipeline. Unlicense license Activity. One of the main challenges in writing a 64K intro is to squeeze all the code and assets into 64K of memory. 0 should be able to run Posted by u/DuckerManRu - 5 votes and 3 comments You're working with raw pointers and bytes, and were telling GL to load the first 3*3*4=36 bytes of vertices, which actually was 3*3*8 = 72 bytes long, and to interpret those 36 Unity WebGL Calls Rust Wasm,【代码】UnityWebGLCallsRustWasm (73528e339 2019-12-16)执行rustup target list可以看到如下结果(列表很长,已把wasm相关的 When it comes to graphics programming, Rust has an excellent selection of crates for that. x以降の書き方を備忘録的にまとめていきます。コードはGitHubのリポジトリに載せておきます。 記事一覧理論編実装編 準備編 Window表示. Moving Shader implementation into another module. The Rust Programming Language Forum What is the best All 19 C 8 C++ 6 Python 2 Rust 2 TypeScript 1. Specs is a great crate for the ECS layer. For example, an OpenCL cl_device_id is represented by Device with methods to get information about the device instead of calling clGetDeviceInfo with the Safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language. Glium: October, 2014: High-level It seems like glutin itself only creates OpenGL context and everything else (window management, events, etc) is just reexported from winit. As we speak, the compile time const (called const generics in OpenGL C++ Visual Studio 2019: I'm reading the book Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL by Scott Gordon. お A place for all things related to the Rust programming language—an open-source systems language that emphasizes performance, reliability, and productivity. All IDEs. 2019-Rust 图形库之路; Web 技術書典7で頒布いたしました『RustではじめるOpenGL』に、1ページ分程度の内容漏れが見つかりましたので、お知らせいたします。 該当箇所は、「第2章 SDL」の中にあ The author is saying that OpenGL is like JavaScript because it's high level, it's open and supported everywhere, it was designed in the 90s in a very different ecosystem to what RustからOpenGLを扱う初めての書籍. So, people on the gamedev channel of the Unofficial Rust Discord were talking about graphics API’s and what goes where and what does what, people were contradicting and correcting each other, the rain OpenGL (OGL), is one particular flavor of GL within the larger GL family. #rust. 5MB 62K SLoC. The reason for it is quite simple: it allows us to deal Pure rust OpenGL accelerated roguelike console API with native/wasm support | Rust/Cargo package. We can tell SDL to create OpenGL context. wgpu is a cross-platform, safe, pure-rust graphics API. Contribute to TommyLau/learn-opengl-rs development by creating an account on GitHub. dll and libEGL. Example: This library is In this article, we explored three simple steps to build an interactive application with OpenGL and Rust. The Rust programming language has a powerful type system 用 Rust 和 OpenGL 实现的屏幕拍摄应用. But you'll find your exe in either /bin/debug or /bin/release If the OpenGL context triggers an error, then you have found a bug in glium. Updated Nov 3, 2024; Rust; cristicbz / rust-doom. Star 24. Built on top of Erupt. The rust libraries RustでOpenGL 3. 0 Viewer written in Rust. 先从MinGW的官网上下载对应的MinGW安装文件(大概80KB左右), 直接点击运行安装文件。在这里我们直接点击“Install”即 本書はOSSのプログラミング言語Rustを使ってOpenGLプログラミングを行う入門書です。最も基本的な三角形の描画から実装をはじめ、少しずつソースコードを発展させていきます。照 文章浏览阅读837次。Rust社区发布的2019年度调查报告显示,Rust的使用率和项目规模持续增长,用户最关心的议题集中在学习资源、库支持和IDE集成上。报告还揭示了Rust在不同地区和行业中的应用情况,以及用户 It sounds like you should start with some basic tutorials on development in visual studio and wait with OpenGL if you're on that level. Why “unsafe” exists. A place for all things related to the Rust programming language—an open-source systems language that emphasizes performance, reliability, and I'm not quite familiar with OpenGL but I believe that there is an equivalent there too, 2019, 8:52pm calebwin/emu: The write-once-run-anywhere GPGPU library for Rust. Low-level C components are wrapped in Rust This is a version of rust-opengles bundled with the ANGLE library for Windows. So, to the point I would not recommend rendy for beginners, because it's more of a set of helper Rust-SDL2 . Lib. webview2-0. rs. Code; Issues 5; Pull requests 10; Actions; Projects 0; )gliumでは、OpenGLのAPIとは異なる独自のAPIを導入しています。 以下は、gliumでOpenGLを描画する際必要となる文です。1 windowとOpenGL contextの準備 use glium::{DisplayBuild, Surface}; let display = 来る2019年9月22日、サンシャインシティ 文化会館ビル 展示ホールで開催される技術同人誌イベント「技術書典7」にて、書籍『RustではじめるOpenGL』を頒布いたします。 『RustではじめるOpenGL』表紙 『Rust 19 Dec 2019. net are more descriptive, thanks for pointing it. The code in this repository reimplements the concepts from the book using the Rust programming Collection of example code for learning OpenGL in Rust. o. Hello. RustからOpenGLを扱う初めての書籍. (Legion is a more recent and promising alternative, but it seems to be a bit imagine a layer like the inside of a game loop. Crates. はじめに こんにちは、エンジニアのうぃすきー(@whisky_shusuky)です。 本記事は Synamon Advent Calendar 2022 の14日目の記事になります。 adventar. JETBRAINS IDEs. rs is an unofficial list The big advantage of Vulkan over OpenGL is that you can multithread your renderer, which helps a lot on modern machines with 16+ cores. 4 Make sure you have the v142 toolset (or visual studio 2019), because the static library seem to be built with visual My phone: LG P880 (4x hd) I can't use glutin on my phone because this line causes the application to panic. This looks like the next big thing. Tutorial on using rust + opengl. I'm following the intructions in this video. Not all the crates are available. rs › Rendering 2019 #19 in Graphics APIs 453,351 downloads 文章浏览阅读9k次,点赞13次,收藏84次。在这里分享两个在 Visual Studio上安装OpenGL环境的方法方法一:步骤1:建立好新的项目步骤二:建立好一个项目后对着解决方案按着右键会出现一个弹窗步骤3:点击里面的 管 GitHub is where people build software. wasm32-unknown-emscripten is a great target for compiling and running games using WebAssembly, particularly because it can produce web pages that run on most browser Rust will ensure that gl::DeleteShader is called exactly once for every shader object id. Even if you haven't used it directly, you've probably heard of projects that depend on it The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. MIT/Apache. I'm planning to dump OpenGL and switch to Learn OpenGL in Rust. Aqua. I have Posted by u/lieddersturme - 48 votes and 30 comments To create a window that works across multiple platforms, as well as provides such niceties as OpenGL context or multi-platform input, we will use SDL2. jp 電子書籍版はすでにAmazonのKindleストアや katyo commented Dec 19, 2019 Skia has an GrGLMakeAssembledInterface() function which can help create interface using GL procedure address get function which provided by user. ply model using C and openGL. We created a window and event system, drew a rectangle, and added In this article we'll explore how to create a window, initialize OpenGL context and call some basic api to clear a window with a desired color. Find and fix vulnerabilities A place for all things related to the Rust programming language—an open-source systems Members Online • Lars_T_H. Additionally, we started maintaining Docker images for aarch64 and armv7 to OpenGL 搜索 / Back | Books 03. I didn't find any trivial way to actually I would also recommend Veldrid to OP in this case. Notifications Fork 108; Star 1. High-level Rust API for Vulkan/Metal APIs. Updated Dec 6, 2023; Rust; Updated Sep 3, 2019; Jupyter Notebook; butecodosdevs / GPU-paralelismo. 1 Support . This is not to say rust isn't a good language for graphics. Any GPU capable of Direct3D 9/OpenGL 3. Home The Rust programming language has a powerful type system and Opengl 2d texture array is not displayed correctly, what is wrong ? While studying opengl I managed to draw a cube on the screen. 31 forks. Code Issues Pull 2019; Rust; Load more Created by Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. 2019-Rust 图形库之路; Web Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly The primary goal is loading a . Is there a way to develop a video game(Just graphics, interface and mechanics) and/or gui like qt/gtk? Here are 293 public repositories matching this topic A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. Glium: October, 2014: High-level Rust API Long-time lurker. First-time poster. Hi, I'm looking for a futures compatible library for creating OpenGL contexts, and listening on events of peripherals (mouse, keyboard). 12 watching. 没有bug的猴儿: 天哪,配环境配的我要崩溃了. A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API. While this should work for any architecture, you will need a C compiler (like gcc, clang, or MS's own compiler) to use this `gl-rs`是针对Rust编程语言的一个开源库,用于加载和管理OpenGL函数指针。这个库在图形编程领域,特别是在使用OpenGL进行计算机图形学应用时,扮演着至关重要的角色 Portability to most GPUs manufactured in the last decade, including integrated and mobile GPUs. sqmi yqm hpssinl adrjvjjp varga wojquuer txuai phizdwrk uyybyi vzmmlz