Reddit legal immigration. The Australian Immigration Subreddit.
Reddit legal immigration " This offers no clarity into what's driving the problems at the border today, as asylum seekers are a class (and issue) all their own. The Australian Immigration Subreddit. Even if you marry her you will want to use an attorney since she is out of status and that will complicate things. Members Online. Indeed, increasing immigration was a key plank in the GOPs platform all through the 60s and 70s, both for business reasons and to serve those fleeing oppression. However, our rules and Reddit's sitewide rules still applies. On top of that making legal citizens or workers in this country out of that same job that they would be forced to pay a lot more to. He is concerned about the implications for his family if they visit the United States without him. A lot of people are concerned about illegal immigration, particularly in the US. The difference you're getting at is not illegal vs legal immigration. Legal immigration is great, I think from what I've heard our system should be more efficient, but anyone who goes through the legal processes to get here and be a citizen is absolutely welcome. I’d say it’s technical but I’m my case I’ve been put in a position of heavy responsibility for what seems like the least amount of it possible. People that work to get here and add value to the country because of it. This is really the only thing that needs to be said. I contacted the firm and they told me that MetLife Legal Plan only covers $700 out of the $3,3000 that they U. By telling people “well you know you have more advantages since you opted for the premium route” you imply that there aren’t any significant advantages to being Many people complain there are a lot of illegal immigration, but people miss the root cause - lack of effective programs for legal immigration. No more immigrants for any reason. I've given up hope completely for protecting the border from illegal immigration. I am a bot, A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. nope illegal immigrants do get social security number except it’s called an ein so not a social but something like that it is legal because it’s issued from the government that’s how so many illegal im migrants are able to work because most get a work visa but usually overstay their visit so technically they came in legally but the work visa expired so they became illegal This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Canada. Reddit comments are not legal advice and do not replace consulting a qualified, licensed immigration professional. My problem comes in when we have people coming across the border, from anywhere, without going taking the right steps and going through the legal immigration progress. There's also examples like the 2019 Conservative manifesto where they mentioned introducing a points-based-system which many more immigration focused voters simply assumed would lead to a reduction in immigration in the same way many did with Brexit. 3 million illegal immigrants in 2022, a 1 million increase from 2021. Basically illegal immigration hurts everybody. Criminals, etc bring costs, but the vast majority of immigrants, legal or not, are not violent criminals. This. Sounds like support for making legal immigration easier, and for not being as concerned about illegal immigration. If 1/10 Americans are criminals and only 1/20 Mexicans are criminals, you still want to screen to make sure we're letting in the 19 who aren't criminals. The number of legal immigrants permitted per year is capped at 675,000 by a law passed 27 years ago. Her sisters who are citizens can eventually petition her for legal status. This may be people outside the US needing a visa, people inside the US seeking to become a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) or a citizen, or people who not US citizens but are dealing with criminal issues that could lead to deportation. has one of the most open and welcoming immigration systems on the planet. It's going to remain at or above current levels. The good in this case is legal residency, something many people want. The easiest way to fix this issue is to make it easier to migrate legally, document immigrants, and allow them to become legal and tax-paying members of society. Or idk how many times I’ve heard “why not just go to immigration and take the test?” I’m all for immigration and I believe the US should increase its numbers dramatically for legal immigration. Just felt like I needed to say it. Now that we're just talking about legal immigration, can we agree on the following?: There are paid professionals coaching immigrants on what to say? Is there now a backlog of 1. You have a legal status here if you are approved for asylum. One of the major reasons why the US has so much illegal immigration though is because there aren't really a whole lot of legal pathways into the US as a low-skilled worker. This impacts black people more than white people. We should get rid of lottery immigration and make our immigration system merit based. Likewise family immigration is also a small component compared to southern border migration. I am a Immigration is a Federal/national issue that affects states to varying degrees. Illegal, well, it depends. My advice is talk to an immigration attorney. Hi folks, Like many others I’ve seen on Reddit, I’m considering opening up my own immigration practice and was wondering if solo immigration attorneys would be willing to share the trajectory of their salary from the beginning until the present time. One mistake with immigration can equal a 5 or 10 year ban from the country. This paper blames immigration for 20-60% of the decrease in wages from the 80s-08 (actual wage decrease was (3. Legal immigration is hard because politicians make it hard because they or at least their electorate fear people who are not like them and don’t want to share their resources with them. The causes for illegal immigration are several factors. Do not sign anything. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Submissions that promote or are obviously biased by racism or xenophobia; Post all questions about: US immigration to /r/Immigration, foreign visas to /r/Visas, and multiple countries to /r/IWantOut. This could be done in conjunction with harder illegal immigration policies. The lack of notice from Reddit, exorbitant pricing and terrible official They should not have to spend a decade and possibly thousands of dollars to become an American citizen. I've met legal immigrants who despise illegal immigration because of the hardships they faced doing it the legal way. Real Americans don’t hate immigration or equate all immigration as illegal. . e. Just needs to be funded and make it happen. 1. Some people here claim to be lawyers, but they are not YOUR lawyer. I'm a proponent of increased immigration, but even I will admit that totally open borders aren't good for anyone. I see firms looking for associates on LinkedIn pretty regularly. It turns out there is only one law firm that is partnered with MetLife Legal Plan and that offers immigration assistance in my area. This country is built on the strength of legal immigrants. One of the things you alluded to more than once is how many of the problems with the US's immigration process stem from efforts to crack down on immigration that ended up having unforeseen results. The left does not draw a distinction. A vast number of people without legal status in the US did not enter illegally. Reddit A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. Canada has no such problem. And rampant illegal immigration makes a coherent legal immigration policy more difficult to define and implement. Additionally, any advice found here IS NOT legal advice. Actual official studies reccomend something like half of what we currently take in, lest we end up like Canada at the moment Well, see, conflating immigration with violent criminality, like say the violent crime of diluting true-blue American blood with all these Mexicans and all these Arabs, has always been a trope from the Know-Nothings onwards, only towards different targets and with even more stringent restrictions -- I remember once coming across a random quote from a Midwesterner before We should increase immigration for immigrants that will benefit usdoctors, scientists, etc. Hopefully we are changing things back. Illegal immigration is a geopolitical fact, the question isn't whether you are "for it" or "against it" but how to implement processes to manage it both humanely and effectively. This sub is for advanced aspects of immigration law and legal practice It's a nice sound byte, but the reality is that the Trump administration actively pursued large reductions in legal immigration (H1B denials, Military Naturalization denials, fees doubled for Trump’s allies argue those legal fights hamstrung Trump’s immigration agenda. Legal immigrants I’ve known are significantly more competent, driven and intelligent than the average American. I support integration, I don't like it when people come illegally, when they expect handouts or they bring with them bad habits from their culture. I can understand some of those attitudes. ) Immigration law generally is involved to help people start or work through the Immigration process. The lack of notice from Reddit, exorbitant pricing and terrible official apps are I work as an immigration paralegal in business immigration- like H-1B, labor certification- but certainly am no where near 70k and I’ve been working in this for 2 years. Democrats rarely know how to generate excitement. It's rich/white-collar immigrants vs poor/blue-collar immigrants. I don't support illegal immigration, but I do support making legal immigration much, much easier. Legal immigration is great for the economy and everyone all around. Almost all major, wealthy, industrialized countries rely on significant levels of large-scale, low-skilled immigration in sectors like agriculture for example. It totally depends on what country you’re coming from and why. Make legal immigration easier - increasing immigration quotas, increasing work visas, increasing funding and modernizing the immigration & asylum systems. This A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. Immigration is especially harmful if the immigrants are from a different ethnic background than that of the host country. The current rate doesn't allow a natural assimilation of immigrants. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States. For undocumented immigrants, the clear goal is a path to a long-term lawful immigration status. 6-3. I am a bit skeptical it is true for infinite levels of immigration. This is NOT a forum for legal advice I also think Europe needs to look to help build up poorer countries, we need to incentivise people to stay in their countries. My reddit username is my name. Illegal immigation is easy because politicians make it easy because they actually don’t want it Being "anti-illegal-immigration" isn't racist or xenophobic (at least not necessarily), but it is meaningless. Instead, virtually all of them contradicted my assumption that they wanted to reduce legal immigration. For what it’s worth, my own country takes This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Canada. Immigration provides benefits to the economy contrary to How come legal immigration to US, even for financially stable, skilled workers who speak English fluently, is incredibly difficult, but there are plenty of today's 15-30 year olds, who were brought to US from poor impoverished countries and often could not speak English at all? The legal immigration for skills based ingrain is just 150,000 per year based on country quota. My opinion only: Do not HIRE them. My parents don’t know english and because of this they haven’t been on the look out for proper immigration lawyers for me and my family since we arrived here. The only coherent legal immigration policy would be the policy that worked for the first 100+ years of this country, i. There is not adequate legal supply to satisfy that demand. Find other immigration lawyers near you and connect. And legal immigrants have on 1/3 as many convictions. Some people will never qualify because there’s no “line” for them to even get in to. There should absolutely be a process, it shouldn't just be folk walking past border force at the airport and deciding they want to stay. ) and it makes zero sense. They entered fully legally, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. context, legal use of alien to mean ‘noncitizen’ goes right back to the beginning: recall The Canadian Immigration Subreddit. In a U. I think the legal immigration pathway should be much faster and more accessible and illegal immigration should be completely I’m fine with people coming here legally, but I do think we should change our legal immigration system. Democrats promise an improvement but don't deliver anything of value for legal immigrants when they're in power. That said, there is no reason the path to legal immigration needs to be so difficult and complex. 6 million asylum seekers? If they do not feel comfortable navigating the immigration solo it is likely worth their time and money to enquire with a different company. We operate as a form of "legal triage" where commenters can guide posters towards resolving issues themselves or towards an appropriate professional. Create straightforward and easy pathways for guest workers, refugees, & legal immigrants to become citizens. When killing someone is illegal, we call it murder, which is another word for illegal killing. On the other hand, immigration is under some circumstances illegal and perhaps under some circumstances immoral And when it's illegal, we call it illegal immigration. If you need help finding legal services, visit this link for more information. The proper level however is probably a lot higher than it is currently, and a slow, measured increase over time in the level of View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. r/immigration • by brent38. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The path to legal citizenship is squarely a national issue that evolves with each administration's take on the issue. /r/immigration is protesting Reddit's API changes. Assumes the same level of "protection". And they don't have to. This have you investigated other countries immigration process? How does the US compare to say, Indeed and I did not think otherwise but I was told that there was such a thing as a "legal genius", The US Immigration Process Steps: Step 1: Submit a Petition Step 2: Submit Fees and an Affidavit of Support Step 3: Complete Online Visa Application (DS-260) Step 4: Collect, Scan, and Upload Civil Documents Step 5: Prepare for, and take, the Interview They don't want to follow our immigration laws. First only people who want to avoid taxes and other various legal fee's and problems will hire illegal immigrants. I would like to state, however that I don't like illegal immigration. I think if someone wants to move here to the UK, we should generally let them. But as a normal person that just goes to work and home in a big city every day I can't remember any single experience I've ever had in my life that made me think I was being harmed or negatively affected by immigrants. The reality is, economic growth is not a “first cause”, it’s a result. Disclaimer: Please note the information provided by our members is not(and should not) be interpreted as legal advice. The removal defense and family immigration bars are the friendliest most eager to help group of attorneys LegalAdviceUK exists to provide help for those in need of legal support in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Center for immigration studies estimates 11. And illegal immigration is necessary to our system because it provides the work force that brings food to all our tables. As a legal first generation immigrant, you likely have some knowledge of how insane all those hurdles to legal immigration are. While this subreddit welcomes a wide spectrum of views on immigration, it is pro-immigration and pro-legalization. People opposed to a secure border only act that way because 'other side bad'. I think increases in immigration should Does my spouse gain legal immigration status in the US immediately after we marry? We've been dating for 8 months. These paths to legal status generally Executive Order 14012 of February 2, 2021 (Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans). That being said, it doesn’t mean that I think current immigration system in US is fair or right. That valid for any country or community. I asked conservatives a question recently about why they wanted to reduce legal immigration. Immigration policy should be about improving a country through immigration. They're gonna hear the word "amnesty" or "legal pathway to illegal immigrants" and come to a conclusion because it fits into the general narrative about Biden's approach to immigration. Myself, I think the rate of immigration is far too high. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Our culture is precious and should be protected. Likewise, both parties favor legal immigration with weirdly similar takes on how it should work -- EXCEPT for those that are using Trump, that is to say non-traditional Republicans, which really have nothing to contribute on illegal immigration other than cruelty, but are against many sorts of legal immigration. Which will only contribute with crime, various criminal and mafia rings, a lot of women immigrants might end up as prostitutes, and other various escorts, etc According to the US immigration laws, Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Having been directly involved with a individual, college graduate, fully employed since school, owns property, makes a good amount for where they are, is adept in their industry which is if you believe illegal immigration is bad -- and one of the biggest causations of why people are "illegally" in a country is that the legal system is broken, then fixing it will automatically decrease the amount of "illegal" immigration. So something that struck me during the debate was immigration seems to be a huge political Skip to main content. This subreddit is not affiliated with U. But while immigration opponents are in the minority, they are far more passionate. However, it shouldn’t be a political issue to increase border security. If you need help finding legal services, visit green cards, raids, deportations, etc. Reddit is not a substitute for a real lawyer. Probably the most important things when it comes to immigration: Make legal entry File appropriate paperwork in a timely manner Watch for your notices No advice found here should be construed as legal advice. I don’t support illegal immigration just for the sake of them just wanting to move. Do not PAY them. " However, none of these documentaries explain how they got caught, with the exception of a few who were dumb enough to commit crimes. As more people want that the demand for said goes goes up but the supply can only go so high, a country can only allow so many in, meaning the good becomes more “expensive” or is available to less people and harder to obtain. However open borders is not the answer, you leave it wide open and you don’t know who the hell you are letting in. So opposition to immigration is a dog whistle vote-generating issue for the GOP, whereas support for immigration reform doesn't do much for the Democrats. Please Basically the title. This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Canada. Reddit comments are not legal advice and do not replace consulting a qualified, This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Canada. Also I didn't even mention immigration in my post. r/texas A chip A close button. The conditions for legal immigration should be a base set of skills (reading, writing, mathematics) to reasonably succeed. Please know that that is a small portion of the country that happened to have their views in power at the time. The money in immigration practice is in doing work-related visas and the such for business. S. All of those traits - positive and negative - are a result of the people living in it and their values. Anyone who tells you “it’s because of the economy man” or whatever is just naive. I'd say business immigration associates seem to be most common, but I see family too. Illegal immigrants are now legal asylum seekers. DACA recipients need paths to legal status like any other undocumented individual. The legal pathway to immigrate however is often incredibly slow and takes years for the requests to be processed. , have the ability to legally travel in and out of the country, and would not be subject to deportation for being in the country (though committing certain Legal immigration is less like waiting in line and more like winning the lottery: it happens, but it is so rare that it is irrational to expect it in any individual case. That said cultural exchange is extremely valuable in creating a I'm on H1B and live in a US state where marijuana purchase and consumption is legal. I was arguing with someone a couple of days ago and they were heavily against illegal immigrants, i could dismiss most of their arguments, except that “a country with an unstable economy shouldn’t accept immigration of any kind”, and i realized i dont really know how mass immigration affects an unstable economy, negatively or otherwise. This subreddit is for asking questions or discussing current issues regarding immigrating to Australia. There are only two (developed) countries that have such nonsense, the United States and Canada (which ONLY shares a border with the United States)! U. My immigration court hearing is in California on June 27th. This seems like the best and most logical way to have legal immigration. If another ineligibility is discovered by the consular officer, then their waiver will be invalidated and they will need to remain outside of the US for ten years. Interesting, I didn't think Canada had a higher immigration rate. When we have just anybody coming across the border, we have no way of knowing who they are, where they come from, or what their purpose is for being here. While illegal immigration drains our country's resources and adds a servant class to our society. Ethnic diversity has been shown to undermine social trust and cohesion, which are essential for a libertarian society to function. On the same token, I completely understand the motivation behind illegal immigration: a lot of the times, it's basically life or death due to insane gang activity or the like in some of those central American countries/Mexico. If you already have a membership then the attorneys are supposed to provide you with limited free legal advise, guidance and so forth depending on your contract and your Legal Shield attorneys. It favors the first type of immigrant, while neglecting the second type. It’s also not the worst thing that’s ever happened either. However, immigration advocates would argue that these people are left with no recourse as the legal immigration process allows too few people into the country compared to the demand. When it's legal, we don't call it illegal immigration. "if you want to live and work here, you can". Do you think that legal immigration should be simpler, more difficult, or the same as it is now? Archived post. I bring this up because if you are thinking that your legal career is going to be fighting for the rights of illegal immigrants in deportation proceedings, there isn't much money involved in that sort of "public interest law" either. Almost every country has immigration standards designed to select for those that are economically helpful, so, on the balance, legal immigration generally is an economically positive factor. Why is illegal (and sometimes legal) immigration often spoken of as "invasion" or "war" in conservative circles? Given that an overwhelming number of migrants do not come armed and are not members of a military or paramilitary organization and do not come to loot and pillage American cities, does it really make sense to hype their arrival as one? A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. Expand user menu Open only to ship those Legal Asylum Seekers 1,000 miles away We are a nation of immigrants. Thank you for To expand, I have read so many threads where the average response is "Conservatives aren't against legal immigration, just illegal. She is on a student visa, but her family unexpectedly ran out of money and can't continue supporting her schooling in This question is not about legal immigration. For example, look at one of the most common responses (which this thread is full of): I have nothing against LEGAL immigration! But these are typically the same folks who also complain if they hear any mention of amnesty or (legally/ officially) allowing immigrants in (ex: migrant caravans, etc. No advice found here should be construed as legal advice. green cards, raids, deportations, etc. As Trump’s team crafted a slate of immigration executive orders, they tried to account for that. For example, the US sets immigration limits by country; no single country can make up more than 7% of the (legal) immigrants to the US in any given They're not criminals: illegal immigrants have only half as many convictions as American citizens in Texas. And it allows too many people relative to the supply we can take in. If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. Dear USCIS, please be smart, make $, A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. In the past, there have been quotas on how many total immigrants as well as how many from individual nations were permitted each year. I think the biggest misconception in US immigration is that there’s always a legal way or “get in line”. People with good values make societies that manifest positive traits That’s why it’s important to have process for legal immigration and try to prevent illegal immigration. One can argue that illegal immigration is a result of a flawed visa and legal immigration system, and that one way to fix illegal migration is to fix the legal immigration system. This study provides a But, despite his tough stance on immigration and enforcement, he seemed to get even more Hispanic support this time around, with 46% of the vote in 2024 compared with 32% in 2020 and 28% in 2016. Yes, the OED has citations for alien both as noun and adjective going back to the late fourteenth century in the sense of ‘outsider or foreigner’, and the technical sense of a person who is not a citizen or subject of the country in question seems to date from about that time as well. Most countries do not allow economic refugees, we do. Disclaimer: Please note the information provided by our members is not (and should not) be interpreted as legal advice. I absolutely believe that is true for current levels of immigration. If you are not active among immigration lawyers on LinkedIn, become so. When you have a lot of illegal immigration a lot of companies use this knowledge to under pay illegal immigrants. Legal immigration, which is the bulk of cultural and demographically-changing immigration, is the real problem. Many made the Also, the legal immigration process is often very lengthy and tedious. The asylum seekers/detainees in the story I linked are The whole immigration battle has become too complex and there is too much word play. We do need some unskilled laborers, but too many cause problems. It will increase legal immigration. that said, I am generally pro immigration and in favor of easing the path to legal immigration for “low” skilled workers. There is a lot more to this story but I don't want to include everything on this post. Join AILA if you are not member. I'm trying to be careful with the wording in the title - the question here is not do you want a limit or no limit, it is not about illegal immigration. Am I against immigration, no I believe it’s a good thing and I am for LEGAL immigration, and I do agree that it needs to be reformed. I never commented on legal immigration levels or said the law shouldn’t be enforced. The problem is that our legal immigration system is imbalanced. Illegal immigration in the UK I've been watching documentaries about people who go to the UK on visas, overstay them, and have officially become "illegal immigrants. There is demand for immigration, or even guest worker programs to the United States. What is Legal Residence? According to the US immigration laws, a Green Card holder is a person who has been granted lawful permanent resident status in the United States. The lack of notice from Reddit, exorbitant pricing and terrible Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. Which is a good thing. Also what some random morons on twitter says seems terribly unimporant, especially given how objectively stupid Catholic legal assistance network, asista, national immigration law center, national immigrant justice center, immigration defense project all have good free resources for practitioners. It's just weird that they always try to come up with other reasons for doing so, and twist and misrepresent facts in the process. I mean its weird that this always comes back to accusations of racism. More information at: Not all, but the majority. immigration authorities would be able to identify his past, even with the new passport, and potentially deny his wife and child entry or discover his whereabouts, although he doubts they would care. If they entered illegally, they should get an I601A waiver before appearing for their consular interview on an IR5 petition. Most countries provide no benefits or services to immigrants, legal or illegal. A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. I support legal immigration, and setting up a thoughtful and comprehensively sound legal immigration system to accomplish our objectives. As much as people talk about how huge a deal illegal immigration is it must really be affecting them directly in their everyday lives. Ask them to look into “Registered Migration Agent” as opposed to “Immigration Lawyer” as the two are now distinct she’s not going to court over her legal status, she’s applying for a visa 👍 Best online immigration legal advice Hi everyone, I would like to get some stuff sorted out regarding my immigration status in the US before going to college. Also just to be clear, I am not seeking any kind of immigration legal advice, I am seeking litigation and legal malpractice claim advice. These safeguards of legal immigration do exist to prevent exploitation of both the immigrant and the American economy, but not enough scrutiny is done to eliminate the exploitation of immigrants and our economy when people enter through illegal means. It means those people will be able to work in legal conditions and not be paid under minimum wage, therefore not giving companies the possibility to hire someone for much I mean, I know why people who oppose illegal immigration do so; It's the same reason that, given a chance, they also oppose legal immigration. For LinkedIn, you can send me an invite to connect. -born citizens and documented immigrants for assault, sexual assault, robbery, With legalization, the immigrants would be authorized to work in the U. So immigration is clearly bad from a libertarian point of view. The right talks about legal immigration and illegal immigration. Citizenship and Immigration Services or the Federal Government of the United States. And in reality it's not just economic growth, it's every single trait of a society. The U. I am asking why you want less people immigrating to the US. If you are willing to leave your home, move to another country that speaks a different language, and capable of navigating I know research says that immigration is basically a net positive for the host country. The American immigration system has to be fixed because right now, it sucks so hard. And the immigration debate has focused a lot on illegal immigration with some Republicans and conservatives/moderates disingenuously or ignorantly saying, get in line, do it legally while at the same time Trump did a lot of things to discourage and limit legal immigration as well. Conclusion: both are equally shit for legal immigration. U. If there would be legal options, there would be much less illegal immigration. The current situation is bad, so Republicans don't need to do anything to maintain the bad situation fod legal immigrants when they're in power. Hmm. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. The demand is not going away, but the supply has been getting stricter and stricter for decades. I just mean that the rules surrounding immigration right now are unfair, I suppose I wasn’t clear enough in my comment. Had we gotten a third Bush in office instead, one that spoke Spanish and thought we should increase legal immigration, there would be more consistency. We need to bring immigration levels down to zero. Immigration and to serve america first, and so it's not about increasing or decreasing immigration as a whole, but allowing ourselves to choose those who will help and not drain. Legal immigration doesn’t get the same visibility because legal immigrants are usually law abiding, they don’t There's two things that need to be taken into consideration when evaluating illegal immigration: why are immigrant motivated to come here illegally, despite the dangers and risks of deportation? And why is our immigration policy as strict as it is? A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. (And the guy who says most Mexicans are literate is correct. Despite my best attempt at using precise language and repeating 10 times that I was looking for the why of the question, very few answered it directly. We are a country that The polarization of (illegal) migrants is interesting, since there’s a lot of talk about that yet not nearly as much discussion on the visa/immigration process itself. For what reason exactly? Also, this is not about "enforcing our existing limits" or "I don't want to reduce it" - more people want to come here than our limits allow, so the question A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. The lack of notice from Reddit, exorbitant pricing and terrible official apps are unacceptable. This is inaccurate. Border walls can be penetrated and that is a real issue, but I imagine it would make border patrol’s job a lot easier. The offending rates of undocumented immigrants were consistently lower than both U. Illegal immigration poses problems for the legal residents, employers, and law enforcement, not to mention the immigrants themselves, and it should absolutely be curtailed. Currently options are: Being a relative of an American citizen (you cannot sponsor it yourself. I have personal experience with Legal Shield attorneys. Probably less than 1% are gonna actually read the thing. You screen to keep bad people out and let good people in so the country benefits. We provide to both. Anyone with even a faint clue of legal immigration will know this. Immigration to America: Harder than I thought. When there is a crackdown food rots on the vine and the cost of produce goes up. 8%, and of that decrease 20-60% could be explained by immigration). So the delays are mainly for legal immigration. If you look up wiki on raise act you will know it's point based and has caps. Polls suggest that immigration reform has broad support. Lastly, Birthright Citizenship IS the problem. Specifically, he wants to know if U. I think you misinterpreted the analogy. rizlr ocwab fswmr ysbea rrsfpqx xxqq exm wgduujq djrsecma rxmwe