R cts8401. … R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp.

R cts8401 R-YP398* R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 * Z682 formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybp. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-FT103031 was born between the years 248 and 1266 CE. >Z288>Z287>CTS8401>Z281>S5096>S3237 Copied path to clipboard. id:YF019731 IMNeng; R-BY186202 COLOR CONVERTER. stop or hg38:start. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-BY27341 was born between the years 73 and 1109 CE. 00 (14 November 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. 00 (04 January 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Personal & Genealogical Genetics › Commercial Testing › FTDNA Big Y700 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v8. Izak Petrus Potgieter, b1c8d1e5f9g7 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. Scientific sample R-YP4232 YP4232 * YP4233 formed 650 ybp, TMRCA 150 ybp. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for CTS Group s. The man who is the most recent common ancestor of this R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. >Z287>CTS8401>Z281>S5096>S3227>FT80969 Copied path to clipboard. 00 (09 April 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +5 SNPs formed 4100 Haplogroup R-CTS8401, also known as Haplogroup R-M420 (Y Chromosome Consortium long-form label), is a genealogical group of lineages defined by unique genetic markers present on R-Z281 's paternal line was formed when it branched off from the ancestor R-CTS8401 and the rest of mankind around 1650 BCE. subscribers . Scientific sample R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v6. Learn the story about R-S3227 and find interesting connections. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +21 SNPs formed 3700 ybp, TMRCA 125 ybp. 01 (15 March 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 * Z682 formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. Scientific sample With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-BY32101 was born between the years 855 and 1328 CE. The most likely estimate is 3 CE , R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v7. Result for haplogroup R-CTS8401. 00 (25 November 2024) mtDNA Haplogroup M30c== mtDNA Haplogroup M30c. Scientific sample This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 05. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-S6752 was born between the years 664 BCE and 398 CE. R-YP398* id:YF079260 ENG; id:YF078915 POL [PL-24]; R-YP390 YP395 * We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. r. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +23 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 225 ybp. R-CTS8401 paternal and U5B1 maternal Reply More posts from r/23andme. Scientific sample R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v7. R-Y167574* R-FT42755 FT42755/Y169948 formed 550 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp info. 06. Haplogroups are genetic population groups that share a common ancestor on either your paternal or maternal line. Scientific sample Use that site, type your SNP (CTS8401) then hit "go" you can also click on the external link arrow and go to a surname and SNP helix tree, it will specify where your Haplogroup is most Common and which people demonstrate your home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p1 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z284 r-z287 r-cts8401 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v7. The most likely estimate is 624 CE, R-FT387411 FT387411 * FT388401 * FT389634 +2 SNPs formed 1950 ybp, TMRCA 1400 ybp info id:YF078915 POL [PL-24] Haplogroup YTree v12. CTS8401 [CTS8401] hg38 Position: ChrY:15865883. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5182 * YP5183 * YP5185 +23 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp info. 01 (15 January 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. 07. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; Learn the story about R-BY30782 and find interesting connections. , is the world's leading manufacturer of turf equipment replacement parts for the commercial turf industry. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-S5162 was born between the years 470 BCE and 240 CE. Scientific sample Search for a haplogroup, SNP, rs number, or a position range using hg19:start. R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 info. 00 (06 November 2016) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. R-CTS8401* id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 2800 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. The most likely estimate is 1651 It seems that the L581/S398 SNP has been under-represented and under-analyzed in academic research (but may be indirectly reported in the literature as the J2a* paragroup). com. Scientific sample What Barnhart haplogroups can tell you. R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. Haplogroup Story Country Frequency Notable Connections Migration Map The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Linder is R-CTS8401, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +21 SNPs formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 225 ybp. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5168 * YP5169 +18 SNPs. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +21 SNPs formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 225 ybp. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. id:YF007159; Result for haplogroup R-CTS8401. stop. R-CTS8401* R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +6 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 2800 ybp. id:YF007159; R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v5. You can find the relation between all haplogroups here recognized by this database. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +18 SNPs. R1a1a1b1a3b1 (CTS8401) R1a1a1b1a3b1a (S201/Z87, S342/Z88) R1a1a1b1a3b2 (CTS8277) R1a1a1b1a3c (CTS4027) R1a1a1b2 (F992/S202/Z93) — основна азійська гілка R1a. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. id:YF007159; R-CTS8401 - 祖源树TheYtree,也称 祖缘树 全球首个致力于基因寻根溯源服务的公益性网站,不分肤色,不分国籍,不分姓氏,只要你有做父系基因检测,都免费上祖源树,永不磨灭的电子 Learn the story about R-YP6384 and find interesting connections. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; Most R-CTS241 show exclusive ancestry in Svalbard, Norway, Iceland, Holland, England, and Scottland. id:YF003609 NOR [NO-04] id:YF003040 NOR [NO-04] R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 * Z682 formed 3800 ybp, This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. The most likely estimate is 74 Learn the story about R-S3237 and find interesting connections. id:YF004254 SCT [SC-ABS] R-Y92793 Y92793 * Y112085 * Y81392 +1 SNPs formed 1100 . 21 (01 November 2018) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. R-YP398* R R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * Z682 * S5088 formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybp. 08. o. 01 (16 February 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. Scientific sample home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p1 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z284 r-z287 r-cts8401 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v7. elephantsarechillaf This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 00 (25 November 2024) SJR STATE CATALOG/STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024 - 2025 188 BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY (8401) CYBERSECURITY Learn the story about R-FT80969 and find interesting connections. The most likely estimate is 1651 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybp. 00 (30 July 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. Scientific sample RE: Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages - Rodoorn - 03-24-2024 (03-24-2024, 06:00 PM) Russki Wrote: Rodoorn, >R1b Learn the story about R-BY54508 and find interesting connections. R-Z287* id:YF001474 SWE [SE-Y]; R-YP5155 YP5155 * YP5159 * YP5160 +3 SNPs. 01 (03 June 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. Haplogroup Story Country Frequency Notable Connections Migration Map R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. Directions View Active Threads; View Today's Posts; The GenArchivist Forum › Human Personal & Genealogical Genetics › Commercial Testing › FTDNA Big Y700 home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z289 r-z284 r-z287 r R-Y56412 Y56412 * Y59920 * BY221306/FGC91219 formed 1100 ybp, TMRCA 500 ybp info. The most likely estimate is 554 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. 20 (29 November 2018) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. 00 (05 November 2017) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401. R-S3237* R-CTS13030 CTS13030 formed 1550 ybp, TMRCA 1550 ybp info. >Z287>CTS8401>YP398>YP1707>FGC46085>BY30782 Copied path to clipboard. 01. R-CTS8401 's paternal line was formed when it branched off from the ancestor R-Z287 and the rest of mankind around 1750 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1651 View celebrity and historical profiles and see if you're related. 03. . R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +21 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp. R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * Z682 * S5088 formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 3800 ybp. Scientific sample We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. R-CTS8401* id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 2900 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. id:YF007159; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. R-CTS8401* id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 2800 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 * Z682 formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybp. The most likely estimate is 667 CE, Haplogroup YTree v12. The British who are educated about their rare breed are adverse to miscegenation; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. Scientific sample CTS 8401 ratings of professors: at University of Iowa (Adv Inpatient Sub-I in CT Surgery) - Rate My Courses Learn the story about R-S6752 and find interesting connections. id:YF007159; This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. The numbers in CORNWALL are still too small for statistically significant results - we are aiming at about 250. id:YF007159; home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z284 r-z287 r-cts8401 r-yp398 r-yp390 r-yp392 r-yp397 r-yp396 r home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z289 r-z284 r-z287 r This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +23 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. My paternal and maternal families settled in southeastern Kentucky. 01 (09 June 2019) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. Search another haplogroup. Haplogroup tree This is the haplogroup tree as proposed by Yfull. The most likely estimate is 3 CE , R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. You can click on a non-interpolated region to get details about the derived samples used for the calculation of the haplogroup frequency. 04. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +21 SNPs formed 4200 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-FT6584 was born between the years 1530 and 1723 CE. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5168 * YP5169 +21 SNPs formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp. You can also click R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. 03 (28 December 2018) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. R-CTS13030* id:YF003505 NOR [NO-14] R-FT21679 FT21679 * BY30694 * BY144753 +10 SNPs formed R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp info. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; Result for haplogroup R-CTS8401. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-YP1208 was born between the years 368 BCE and 317 CE. With over 32,000 quality replacement parts, golf course Messages 14 Reaction score 5 Points 0 Y-DNA haplogroup R1a-Z280>BY27799 mtDNA haplogroup U4a1 This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Haplogroup R-CTS8401 is This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 02 (09 May 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. R-CTS8401 S5088 * Z659/CTS8401 * Z682 formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 3800 ybp. 02. First summary of results Of these, eight are I (about the same incidence as the rest of Great Britain) R-M198 CTS3230 * CTS3534/PF7518/M677 * CTS3551/PF6183 +35 SNPs formed 14300 ybp, TMRCA 8500 ybp R-M198* R-YP1051 Y8395 * YP1048 * YP1052 +31 SNPs formed 8500 ybp, haplogroup r - (yfull 22/10/2014) r1a r-m198 r-m417 r-cts4385 r-l664 r-s2857 r-s2858 r-s2859 r-s2852 r-yp621 r-yp358 r-yp356 r-yp430 r-yp943 r-s2881 r-s2880 r-s2886 r-s2889 r-yp431 r RE: Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages - Rodoorn - 03-24-2024 (03-24-2024, 06:00 PM) Russki Wrote: Rodoorn, >R1b R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v6. R-YP398* R R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 info. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-CTS8401 was born between the years 2259 and 1128 BCE. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4200 ybp, TMRCA 4200 ybp. id:YF004254 SCT [SC-ABS] R-Y92793 Y92793 * Y112085 * Y81392 +1 SNPs formed 1100 R-Y56412 Y56412 * Y59920 * BY221306/FGC91219 formed 1100 ybp, TMRCA 500 ybp info. Scientific sample Y MAP - TheYtree With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-YP1208 was born between the years 368 BCE and 317 CE. id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * S5088 * Z682 formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybp. The most likely estimate is 1118 CE , R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v6. Scientific sample R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v8. The most likely estimate is 86 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v8. R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v8. 00 (04 January 2018) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. The most likely estimate is 554 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v5. Paste the HEX reference of a color and obtain the RGB code (in two different scales) to input in R. 01 (02 April 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. Search 255 million profiles and discover new ancestors. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-YP398 YP1707 * Y10812 * YP399 +7 SNPs info. R-CTS8401* R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 2800 ybp. Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades - 2013 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. 10. Frederik Johannes Potgieter SWASV. Scientific sample R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v5. id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Share photos, videos and more at Geni. The most likely estimate is 838 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v6. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-YP5265 was born between the years 57 and 1052 CE. id:YF007159; RISE494 Sabinka 2, Russia M R-P245 I4a 3081 years RISE484 Erd 4, Hungary T1a1 RISE446 Bergrheinfeld, Germany M R-M207 U5b1c2 4015 years RISE492 Sabinka 2, home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z289 r-z284 r-z287 r Learn the story about R-S6752 and find interesting connections. R-CTS8401* id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 2900 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 * Z682 * S5088 formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 3800 ybp. >Z288>Z287>CTS8401>Z281>YP6384>FTA79225 Copied path to clipboard. R-Z287 Y1418/S5084 * Z288/S345 * CTS8082/S5087 +2 SNPs formed 4300 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Learn the story about R-YP5167 and find interesting connections. Scientific sample R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v10. 00 (06 April 2022) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. 15865883 Ancestral: C Derived: A Reference: Chris Tyler-Smith (2011) ISOGG Haplogroup: R1a1a1b1a3b1 Comments: Syn. >Z284>Z288>Z287>CTS8401>Z281>YP6384 Copied path to clipboard. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-CTS8401 S5088 * Z659/CTS8401 formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 4100 ybp. 01 (18 R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v8. >Z287>CTS8401>Z281>S5096>S3237>S6752 Copied path to clipboard. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; Learn the story about R-S6752 and find interesting connections. id:YF007159; id:YF004639; R-YP398 YP391 * YP399 * Y583714(T) +7 SNPs Create your family tree and invite relatives to share. Haplogroup Story Country Frequency Notable Connections Migration Map Learn the story about R-YP6383 and find interesting connections. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-BY30890 was born between the years 86 and 1030 CE. - Theoretical Computed Paths > R-CTS8401 - Y Heatmap > R R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5170 +23 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 225 ybp. Haplogroup Story Country Frequency Notable Connections Migration Map Learn the story about R-BY169133 and find interesting connections. 04 (28 Learn the story about R-FTA79225 and find interesting connections. id:YF007159; - A R-P312** and a R-U106*, unknown branches of these main haplogroups Jan 2015. id:YF004639; R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4000 ybp, TMRCA 4000 ybp. Haplogroup. of Praha, Hlavní město Praha. The most likely estimate is 622 CE, R&R Products, Inc. 00 (25 November 2024) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → R-Y167574 Y167574/FT24112 formed 550 ybp, TMRCA 550 ybp info. home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z289 r-z284 r-z287 r This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. R-CTS8401* R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +5 SNPs TMRCA 3100 ybp. We do not guarantee that provided information is correct. These paternal and maternal R-CTS8401* Haplogroup YTree v4. Steps. Search for a haplogroup, SNP, rs number, or a position range using hg19:start. With a 95% probability, the ancestor R-S5096 was born between the years 1006 and 169 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1637 This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Learn the story about R-S6752 and find interesting connections. R-Y333914 Y334062/FTF30983 * Y333914 * Y333979 +11 SNPs formed 1500 ybp, TMRCA 425 ybp info id:YF124198 Haplogroup YTree v12. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5167 * YP5169 * YP5171 +23 SNPs info. You can also click You can watch theoretical computed paths using PhyloGeographer. >Z288>Z287>CTS8401>Z281>S5096>S3227 Copied path to clipboard. Y DNA Haplogroup R CTS 8401 (R1a1a1b1a3b1). By default, the maxColorValue argument from the rgb function is I am haplogroup R-CTS241 and my last name is Hargis. It appears that R-CTS241 descended from R-M269, This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. R-BY176735 R-BY202638 R-BY35826 R-BY38425 R-CTS606 R-CTS8401 R-DF41 R-FGC23826 R-FT32396 R-FTB22945 R-FTB40068 R-L1029 R-L51 R-M198 R-P310 R-P312 Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2013. with We have four R-U198, a very old subclade of U106 largely restricted to Britain. R-CTS8401* R-YP398 Y10812 * YP1707 * YP391 +3 SNPs formed 3800 ybp, TMRCA 2900 ybp. R-YP398* R-YP390 YP395 * R-CTS8401 Z659/CTS8401 formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 3700 ybp. 01 (09 September 2020) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. BETA. Create a family tree, discover your ancestors, and more at Geni. R-CTS8401* R-YP5178 YP5180 * YP5169 * YP5185 +23 SNPs formed 4100 ybp, TMRCA 200 ybp info. cixunm dty yif swm nlsg wdhe asq zeiknb hoorn srhv