Pycharm import from parent directory. ipynb src/ some_script.
Pycharm import from parent directory I cant import my module "browser. reports. py is part of the parent directory of the current files directory and I have added a sys. py - (you'll need an empty __init__. py. Nevertheless, I can still execute bar. 1 Python 导入父目录中的包 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Python中导入父目录中的包。有时候,我们的项目文件结构可能会导致需要在子目录中导入父目录中的包或模块。这对于组织代码和模块化开发非常重要。我们将探讨两种常见的方法来解决这个问题。 阅读更多:Python 教程 方法一:修改sys. If you want to be able to import params into cars/honda. The other one is called app and I have app/utils. In my case, the solution was to ensure all the tools I was running that created output I didn't You have to make sure work_dir is added in to sys. py Try chaning the import to from . Said differently it must have been imported as its directory name, or directly executed with python - m package_name. Add the parent directory of the Nth predecessor of the current module to sys. py "from package2. 0 I thought of restructuring by putting the alembic directory inside api directory, still not able to import models. py is part of the parent Issue resolved by making my parent folder of my project as the root folder and make root as Source Root. path looks hacky, if I should change the project structure, then please suggest. I've looked in the airflow source and found imp. You can see where a given module is loaded from doing something like this: import numpy; numpy. 1. When importing from a module situated inside a directory, construct your import statement correctly: Renaming and Reorganizing: Sometimes, simply renaming your project PyCharm is claiming a local import is an unresolved reference, but when I run the script through Run/Debug mode (yes, while the import is still highlighted as red) the script runs PyCharm shows a wavy redline for a "from import"-statement although the statement itself is valid: from NBDocxHelper import * NBDocxHelper. I always either add the top-level directory manually into the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Consider this structure: parent_folder/ ├── src/ │ └── module. path programmatically using __file__. import module) or modify sys. It is a built-in function of the sys module that can be used with a path variable to add a specific path for interpreters to search. py which contains a class My_Main_Class, and that class has three modules inside of it?That's what your diagram says right now. My source modules have imports that reference other files in the same directory and it works when I run that code, but when I try to run the test suite, VSCode can't find the modules. Solution 2 : Set the source directory of the project as src as it currently is the parent directory of src. py, make sure you are working in directory spam—or alternatively, that /path/to/spam is in sys. py, it should work seamlessly because they are in the same project. PyCharm will use the project's source directory to resolve it, which means you might need to manually add a directory in the project settings to help it resolve the imports. Or use os. importError: attempted relative import with no known Simple answer: you should make a package in your directory tree and PyCharm will pick it up easily. I did try to set the project folder ('0_-_Learning Python') as the source folder (you can see that the top folder at the left pane int the screenshot is showing in In each of the assignment folders, I have 2 python files. py, I want to import MyClass. PYTHONPATH 是一个环境变量,用于指定 Python 导入模块和包时应查看的目录列表。. txt" My directory structure is as follows. The root module , At the "Project Structure" settings, there is only one Content Root, namely the parent directory of root. At same level as 'a', there is another directory 'b', which The folder where 'common' and 'sites' locat is named 'father' I'd like to import common/util. py In test/data/__init__. my_module is a folder not a module and you can't import a folder, try moving my_mod. vscode/launch. 1. I know how to exclude this directory in my PyCharm instance. 1 PyCharm errors on valid same-directory imports. import sys sys. So if you run app. I have python code in one project, call it project B, that imports python packages from project A, but PyCharm can't find the source. In the main. You can do it in Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project: XYZ -> Project Structure. import script By converting MyProject to a package, you would be able to import constants like: from MyProject import constants # Rest of your code After that, you need to add the root of your MyProject to your python path. For example Now, in MyProject. Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 19:08. Pycharm ModuleNotFoundError: No module named // python import from child directory fails. player import Player where one dot means relative to current module, another dot means relative to parent. PyCharm wants me to do "from . helpers import myfunction. py is in dir1. Example - import sys import os. You only declared the exception folder to be a valid Python package and therefore that's the root package you can start importing from. request_handler import Shelf from models. Handling imports when running script from a parent directory of proj. If main is a package, then you can use relative imports here. py tests. json following some tutorials but it didn't work. # imports from pathlib import Path import sys # Get my_package directory path from Notebook parent_dir Given the following project structure: test/ data/ __init__. py files in beta and gamma, but not in alpha), go in the alpha directory and type: pip install -e . file import ClassName Relative import: from . py I have this import statement: from folder1. append(str(pathlib. append('/path/to/module')). Quindi, se aggiungiamo la directory genitore da cui dobbiamo importare il modulo, Python cercherà automaticamente It looks like the source isn't in your PYTHONPATH which is why you're unable to import it. pathusing the append()method. 因此,如果我们从需要导入模块的位置添加父目录,Python 将自动查看父目录并找到所需的模块。 In the example above, if main. But PEP 8 whines about I have created a new pyCharm file and im trying to bring in my anaconda 3. I really would like to avoid every developer needing to mark this directory as # Is it the same python interpreter? import sys print(sys. I am using PyCharm 2020. In the Jupyter notebook note. From Python 3. Although, I plan on running this user1. py", line 1, in <module> from extractors. Let's say you make two files, one in your project's main directory and I am using Pycharm version 2024. getcwd()) # Are there any discrepancies in sys. Instead it's an absolute import. 1 enter image description here. Stack Overflow. In main script, I coded: import module1 import module2 The two empty modules were imported without problem. Pycharm cannot import module from Parent folder name. Example: Our tests create a directory called . PyCharm: add folder to the project. It includes the directory Python was started from, plus a set of folders containing Python modules. py: in order to access function in states. core import GameLoopEvents The parent directory is in my PYTHONPATH, and there are __init__. directory (top-level directory) . Changing directory doesn't have anything to do with module load. The -m flag ensures that the script is executed as a module, allowing the import statements to work correctly. I'm working in a conda environment devenv on a Flask project, using PyCharm, and have a project directory like this: /some/path/project_root/ migrations/ static/ templates/ reporting/ __init__. __file__ I’m as surprised as many that there is no ‘import file’ or ‘add file’ option in Pycharm. 7 environment (that ive been using for Jupyter) that has all my packages. In "Demo. In mac, what @andere said above is correct for setting working directory. mod, __name__ is set to __main__, not pkg. I have an import statement like this: Import directory into pycharm. Here is the directory structure: directory1 +-- directory2 +-- test. py: The second line shows how to retrieve the parent directory of another directory. from trace_recursion import trace It worked fine, but then I noticed that commenting out sys. This answer is currently off on a few important details regarding __name__ and sys. At the same time, the bot worked, but pyCharm highlighted the import in red and did not give hints. Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 8:14. py module. Perform the relative import. you implicitly assume that you sources root is src, that's why when you define src as such` it works. It contains directory 'a' which has mypython. /libs') import MyClass. py In pycharm I have to specify from src. Path(__file__). @svangordon: I guess I figured it out. But in PyCharm I'm getting the "attempted relative import beyond top-level package" problem when I try to run my tests, and ONLY while in PyCharm. In the Select Path dialog that opens, specify the directory you want to import and click OK. vscode/settings. py code to use sys. bar. And, as mentioned earlier, the plugin directory needs to contain an __init__. mod; relative imports are resolved using __package__ rather than __name__ in this case. Pycharm 相关使用方法 本文主要针对自己在使用pycharm过程遇到的一些问题进行简单总结,方便之后查找。之后再遇到相关问题会继续补充。1. For example, how to import Resource\Resource and both Robot Framework and Pycharm will work OK with it that would mean using . append(". 7x, import os filename = os. py", I have to import the Helper file. 0 Imports using PyCharm don't work on command line. ” This helps PyCharm understand where to look for your code. So, I'm getting a bunch of Unresolved reference errors in PyCharm. However, if your code is in a different folder, say working_dir/src/ (like classic java/scala file structure) in that case you still need to set your Sources Root. Right click on your project, I assume both these files are not in the PyCharm project root and please correct me if this is not correct. append. abspath(os. 4. introduction or import GAME. py project/ __init__. myfile import main; main() (setuptools generates similar scripts automatically based on entry points specified in your setup. 2. py are empty. If both of them are packages (i. py, module2. So pkg is only a package that you can import and treat as a package if the parent directory is on the module search path. py in it. The following example shows how this can be don Use relative imports within packages (from . The reason why PyCharm might allow the first might be due to using a @nbro & Amber: FWIW, I think something subtle has changed with regards to __init__. g. py file inside the project's directory. Skip to main content. path? # this is the list python searches, sequentially, for import locations # some environment variables can fcuk with this list print(sys. a) will work in both PyCharm and console. About; Products In PyCharm, how do you add a directory from one project as a source to another project? (2 or put project2 inside project1 or start your project from the parent folder of project1 & project2 – Cyrbil. e. 3. I have split my python code in different folders and I'd like to treat them as separate projects in PyCharm. Hot Network Questions Is it possible/ethical to try to publish results on ones own medical condition as a patient? Is Jambavan a Chiranjivi? How I am trying to access a text file in the parent directory, Eg : python script is in codeSrc & the text file is in mainFolder. py, I found the below difference. Also, Python adds the script's directory rather than the current directory to sys. py file as a script, Python added the pkg/core directory to the module search My Pycharm is autogenerating imports of this form: from submodule. append方法将父目录添加到搜索路径中可能会导致一些问题。 Or open the parent directory of your plugin in PyCharm, not the plugin directory. py code. books import Books and now you can use the methods in your environment with the parent directory being appended using the sys. The src subdirectory is marked as the sources root. Method 2. Everytime I enter the dot after the directory "whatsapp", only par, not and main are shown as the only options. py files to each top level folder you have and I even use Refactor->move directory but became broken import links. py I'm writing a main. py files, in the same directory, main. But for some reason the only packages that are brought in a few random ones. The available options are: The current working directory is not a package. py │ ├── main. One can easily check this by doing the following: If project_title was your source your imports should look like: from src. The fact that the file that is importing the module module_a. py files in the parent directory and this directory. 传参和路径设置 在进行代码调试的时候,再进行传参和路径设置的过程中总是会有一些问题,故需要点击Edit Cinfigurations。 I have following directory structure: ProjectRoot is root project directory. Commented Apr 29 You have a file called my_file. py from inside sites/site_a. path and python cannot find where models is (work_dir is not in sys. where one dot means relative to current module, another dot means relative to parent. py from pathlib import Path DATA_DIR from project2. It doesn't have to contain anything, it can just be a blank file. e basically importing a module from a parent directory) from demo import sayHello It works but in Pycharm it says unresolved reference. This is safer and easier for future debug than using sys. path or PYTHONPATH. py file, yes, and are loaded as a module when found on the module search path. " directory) in implicitly in the PYTHON PATH. This avoids the issues with relative imports. However, if your module is outside the my_project directory, PyCharm won't be able to find it without additional configuration. But in pycharm, it will always add work_dir in sys. But by running the pkg/core/main. mod2" is underlined meaning "unresolved reference". Python: install module on correct path in OSX. py on my desktop i have a folder called 'Python' inside it looks like this: - Desktop Import file from parent directory? 1. Note that this approach assumes that the parent directory is a valid package and is For a module to be seen as a package, not only it must have __init__. I tried to use: from father. path 第一 在pycharm中绘图时一般只能存储在文件夹中查看,但总是出现报错:FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory。修改了各种路径形式,绝对路径和相对路径都报错。所以是权限问题,于是我尝试改变存图目 然后,我们可以使用import语句导入所需的文件,例如: from parent_directory_file import * 在上面的代码中,我们使用了from parent_directory_file import *语句导入父目录中的一个文件。 需要注意的是,使用sys. – Joshua Fox. The main. I want to import python file module_dir into module_sub_dir. that should make the trick for you. py with the foo import when using the Run/Debug mode. subsub import myfunction. py so it will be treated as a package. py, but its giving erros. util import bjam_signature The problem is that in all of my python files, PyCharm doesn't recognize the b2 package since, in reality, the b2 package is just the src directory. dog. path command. script2 because I'm opening the project from the parent directory of src. To test your code, you say import eggs. In that case, you can import top-level packages directly by name without a relative import; you should directly import from Particularly PyCharm tries to run unittest test cases from the directory where the test file is, and would always fail the . Share. My issue is that the The ones with little green/blue dot is Python Package, the one without is Directory. It works well except when the source file is intended to be run as a module (-m option). When I tried to run: import module3 You need to mark your project directory as "Sources Root", just right click upon the directory in pycharm, Mark Directory as, Sources Root. folder2. py Traceback (most recent call last): File "polygon_extractor. Absolute import: from parent. py in your shell, only FlaskControlPanel will be inserted into sys. First image shows PyCharm interpreter the second the folder directory with all my packages. load_source to load modules that exist outside of the dag directory? In the example below this would be importing either foo or bar from the common directory. You can try few things: 1- Add your mod_a. py, to import module A, I can write I have several python projects started from git repos, all related to each other, that are all open in one PyCharm window. load_source. I ended up just opening the file in the project, right clicking in the Project File pane on a file and opened that file in explorer to confirm the In foo. Load Directory I created a new project in pycharm and set it as root. py file itself which worked in Python 2. If you directly execute of import a module that happens to be inside a package folder, none of the package I had the same issue when I tried to import a new class, however I could successfully import functions from a file in the same directory. Should I continue or should I use the relative path like below, then I get no warnings. This is so the working directory contains the plugin directory. The code actually works in command line (without putting the directory in any PYTHON PATH) but also in pycharm, which is ironic. append(path_to_parent) import parent. ("go up to my parent directory") and then specifying the location to the target file from there. parent)) import A. Navigate to: File -> Settings -> Project: YourProjectName -> Project Structure Mark the directory containing your module as “Sources. For example if a python source file includes:. I work with python 3. parent. Often, running the program from terminal fixes the issue because the program thereby "inherits" the environment variables. – Kate Zz. file1 Here's something I made to import anything. py In python 3 all imports are absolute unless a relative path is given to perform the import from. ) Then, from within any test function, you can import modules relative to that top-level folder (such as import geom. " My project directory is "app", "framework" and "models" directory are the places where i am writing my code and all these have __init__. py │ ├── functions. py file. python only looks in certain places for py/pyc/pyo etc. getcwd())+"\\foo. That works, and I can live with it. py) – After struggling with PyCharm's Mark as project root I found a solution. cat. py) instead of all the files, you would use: I would like to exclude some directories as excluded in PyCharm via a flag in the matching directory. append (see right pane of screenshot test api. This is because python only looks in the current directory and sys. here and here. – marking the parent directory Directory0 as "Source Root" like said above; AND. So if you want to be able to import things that way, that means treating src as a package. Then created a script at the root level that holds some variables i want to import in the scripts of sub-directories. 2 and I have to update my test_api. I have a small piece of python code : import os curr_path = os. This is Python: a module is either a file, or a directory with __init__. pipeline_tools. First off: everything works fine when I try to import my package from the command line, or run pytest in the project directory. 1 on Linux. from . I know that I can add the project 'lib' as dependency for the project 'app' but then in app. @danielrvt: put it in a script in foo's parent directory: from foo. py is spam/eggs/__init__. To fix it I had to prefix each of them with the subdirectory's name and a I am using Pycharm and its Run in python console feature. yaml' How to fix my import statements? optionally: Is there a shortcut for Pycharm users? python; pycharm; python-import; Share. import module_dir This doesn't work either as it gives erro. (The path to the directory depends on the OS you're using, and you didn't specify which one it is. Specifically imports of other modules in the same directory as the __init__. Pycharm cannot import module from One of the purposes of a __init__. If that's not what you want, please edit your question appropriately. path, and so wont find my_mod. If you want to run a single test file (such as test_util. py to the same folder as the cool_script. py into the file example. But modules are files in Python, and they certainly can't be contained inside of classes. py and being able to import other modules in the same directory. I'll borrow files from the Solution #1 and add some The correct relative import would be this: from common import foo However, relative imports are only meant to work within one package. path automatically. py) in the same directory. 8, failed in Python 3. Therefore, I intend for Python to pick the outmost data dir when doing an import from it. Is there a way to achieve that same effect so you don't have to prefix everything with Foo1? How to import modules from parent sub-directory. states import myfun. py to the parent directory and adjusting your import. , there are _ _ init _ _ . json and . It's either you create top level packages by adding empty __init__. If you run this before importing 'my_package', the notebook will be able to import utils. py file in the parent directory and following these steps, you can import modules from the parent directory into your Python script located in a child directory. I can directly run that statement using PyCharm, but when I run it with VSCode I get the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'folder1' I tried modifying . py file there are Some authoritative names have commented and/or answered about the general problem of relative imports when trying to run a script within the module directory here: Relative imports in Python 3. path when running python 文章浏览阅读2. Import the parent module of the current module using its fully-qualified name. import Helper But PyCharm doesn't recognize this unless I mark the directory containing the Helper files as Sources Root. ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package I find that the safest way to do this is by navigating to the parent directory before running the import statement and, more importantly, returning to the original directory afterward. py └── another_module/ You should mark parent_folder as a Source Root and use: I want to be able to have a separate dir for my test suite (which have imports from the source code). py another_script. path). Import from above. file import ClassName # look for the module file in same directory as the current module Could be that your IDE uses different Python modules directory. Commented Dec 22, Unresolved reference in Pycharm for importing modules in parent directory. I've tried all of the above many times. A little clarification for mac users. Or you can look here for an answer telling you how to import from other directories. How do i tell Pycharm The code in the screenshot works fine but Pycharm cannot see businessnetworkcouk (or any other module in the folder projectsites) and complains about unresolved reference. About; Products attempted relative import with no known parent package. What matters, however, is python path - a set of directories where Python is going to look for modules. I use PyCharm and I'm trying to import a class/module from a script into another script. dirname(os. What would the syntax be if previously Foo1 was in the parent directory and one coded something like from Foo1 import *. append('. chdir('. path to include directories where modules reside (sys. important import Important # ValueError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package And this errors were keep showing even if I added a __init__. After this, I created a 3rd python file (module3. I have a two . marking projectsites it runs perfectly fine in PyCharm however when I do this in extractors directory emadboctor@MacBook-Pro extractors % python3 polygon_extractor. bar import SomeClass. path. /') from . Specifically, with python -m pkg. Will that still work, will i just need to cd into that folder before running it? The difference between insert and append can be found in this question: Effect of using sys. Using sys. split(dir_parent) PyCharm Import files with same name in different folders. txt I am currently using this syntax with python 2. Step 3. 0. This works as expected when running from the terminal but not in Pycharm. For me, I have to search through the code to find out what are the Try chaning the import to from . I've already tried . zip archive containing some of the files from the PyCharm settings directory. Make sure to set the working folder as Sources. path and relative path to add it to sys. Answer: Essentially, "Mark directory as sources root" adds the root of your project (the parent of the src\ folder) to the PYTHONPATH variable. First of all, when I uncheck the settings (in both the "Python Console" from flask import Flask app = Flask(__main__) if __name__ == " So this is my code and I don't think anything is wrong with it, I downloaded flask from pycharm and . So, I marked my directory "Assignment 01" as Sources Root. py module which I want to import to the importhere. How to fix it properly/permanently has been discussed numerous times; e. project/ jupyter/ note. py PyCharm only allows my import to Ensure that your current working directory is not the one that contains these files. Another approach is some ugly code like the following one: try: import A. project\ __init__. Keep in mind that I'm doing this from a Windows 11 machine. fileB import Class does Skip to main content. The current working directory is test. py and external. Select your working folder and mark it as Sources. Here's the result of the unix tree command: root_project ├── subfolder │ └── sub_script. PyCharm is looking for ${PROJECTROOT} Pycharm import unresolved. 7. Is it possible to use imp. I have the following structure and I am using the below to import functions ( i. You can add the parent directory to PYTHONPATH, in order to achieve that, you can use OS depending path in the "module search path" which is listed in sys. py path (before the script run) to your Python's path as suggested by @CristiFati. So here is the problem: PyCharm doesn't know you are going execute So absolute imports starting with project directory (like import A. py file to make it a package if it doesn't already have one. How to import python file located in same subdirectory in a pycharm project. player. Set __package__ to the fully-qualified name from 2. "Helper. a as module_a 通过将其添加到 PYTHONPATH,从 Python 的父目录中导入模块. dirname(__file__ from b2. all init. But when I try to execute the file through plain python3 terminal I get an import error, solved by substituting the previous line with from states import myfun Here are several methods to troubleshoot and resolve the import issues in PyCharm: Method 1: Adjust Project Structure. Googling "import class from another folder" I find I should do this: from sys import path path. Either way, do not attempt to work in directory eggs. In the parent directory, we have a subdirectory, geeks. So you can easily add the parent directory like following: # file_b. py from inside site_a. You can just add the __init__. ") I have included a screen shot. I have not tried when two packages are in that directory, but at least if there is only one package in the directory and you do that, you can in another Python file type import beta or I think it is a fair request as, if I am not wrong, python allows to import a module from the same directory. py" because i cant load my third directory (here: "enums1"). As a You didn't provide any hints to your project structure, but its likely that your Project Root is set to the parent directory of your Python module (or even further up the hierarchy). But we have many developers and many projects. The second part is only for Pycharm: PyCharm is created to handle large projects, and often your program is not in the base (root) directory of I don't know if pycharm is anything to do with the problem, or if it's me being noob. I want to import the file test. Is there anything I can do to get PyCharm to recognize the src directory as the b2 package? Import directory into pycharm. Let's say one project (folder) is called 'lib' and I have lib/utils. Hot Network Questions However, PyCharm complains that "import foo" is an unresolved reference and underlines the whole thing in red. By creating the init. py files in the proper places but it must have been loaded as a package. You could insert another line saying dir_parent, _ = os. Python : Having issue to Import a function from a file in a different folder. py __init__. append(path) when loading modules. As displayed. The file works and opens fine on IDLE where I created it but when I try to run/import on terminal i get this – Dov. 3, referencing or importing a module in the parent directory is not allowed, From the below example you can clearly understand this. import to say is that I am looking for a solution that will fit any machine, as I want to share this project on github to the public. Why cannot I import a . py, module1. from components. py" and "Demo. Remove the current file's directory from sys. When you don’t know what the file path to your parent directory is, then you can 用pycharm写代码时,当import无法识别同一个文件夹中的文件,提示“attempted relative import with no known parent package”时,这种问题可以用下面的方法解决: 打开File->Setting->打开 Console下的Python Console,把 In the same directory of states. insert(0, path) and sys. 在PyCharm2017中同目录下import其他模块,会出现No model named 的报错,但实际可以运行 这是因为PyCharm不会将当前文件目录自动加入source_path。在当前目录右键make_directory as–>Sources Root python I create new project in PyCharm with Venv, I add a new line line to the _virtualenv. 4w次,点赞24次,收藏133次。简介:PyCharm是Jetbrains公司开发的一款收费的Python开发工具,PyCharm功能非常强大(Jetbrains公司开发的IDEA工具都 from . Improve this answer. The settings jar is simply a . PyCharm errors on valid same-directory imports. demo import sayHello Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog But when I import modules from main. . path) import caffe print "Done. An alternative method for importing scripts from parent or sibling directories is to add the directory to the system path before importing it. Thus, if you're running a script in /main/ and doing something like import A. py file) then you can do import GAME. py, which in turn contains a class MyPython. Add the parent directory to the sys. Make sure the directory above your import is marked as a source root. Running packages can be a bit odd. I know there are lots of questions regarding Python relative import, but I was not able to find any I have the following directory structure: project | - src There are classes in the interesting. One quick way of setting this up is to right click on the folder you want to be you For example, I use PyCharm. Of course, you have to still copy this script around to local directories, import it, and use the path you want. You can see in the screenshot that in mod1. jar file to the settings directory. py) in the directory. Story. Use os. py into I'm confused about how PyCharm determines the path Python uses to locate modules and packages. py file from command line. Now i am trying to import the modules written in framework and models directory from python code whithin "app" directory. 2. a as module_a except ModuleNotFoundError: import pathlib import sys sys. ipynb src/ some_script. The from foo. directoryN. py lines 2 and 3) to be able to import from another directory in line 4 . To solve it, make a Python Package instead of Directory. For example, to import main. Scraping. how to fix flask import eror (there is no No such file or directory: '. You will either need to use an absolute or relative import. I have upgraded PyCharm to 2020. py Open project_root in PyCharm and these imports should work correctly: from my_project import functions or If GAME is a package (meaning it has an __init__. Then Pycharm recognize the working folder as a Source folder for the project and you will be able to Here we will use the sys module and set the path directly to the required module. py means the path is just the relative path test. Hello PyCharm Community, PyCharm shows a wavy redline for a "from import"-statement although the statement itself is valid: from NBDocxHelper import * NBDocxHelper. ipynb, if I do import some_script, then I get ImportError: No module named 'some_script'. py file in it. region) and it knows where to find it since the src directory was added to the path. This will add your current working directory and its parent directory to the list of locations from which you can import. I still dont understand why I could not import my When I went into edit configurations from pycharm, and changed the working directory to that, it worked. I am using PyCharm 2021. You import from Python Package, not Directory. Here is a screenshot of my folder layout and three code files: I'm using Pycharm on windows and "my_working_directory" is my working directory. bar import baz syntax means that you are importing baz from the module bar in package foo. If I have a pycharm project with one python file called main. Please make sure that your project directory and the main folder directory are same – Anurag Reddy. common import util But pycharm reports: unsolved reference 'father' How shall I import util. py file and in th Hello, It's definitely possible to add a relative path in a script/notebook at runtime, but takes a few steps. You can add custom places for it to look with the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or in PyCharm under preferenes > project interpreter > configure Method 4: Correctly Organize Directory Structures. path and you are working in some third place. py The jupyter subdirectory contains Jupyter notebooks and the src subdirectory contains my . PYTHONPATH è una variabile d’ambiente che specifica la lista delle directory che Python dovrebbe cercare per importare moduli e pacchetti. All is fine. py exist, "is not a thing that help much". To import the settings from the command line, simply unpack the . Hot Network Questions What is the origin of "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells?" How do chores fit in with positive discipline? Importa un modulo dalla directory principale in Python aggiungendolo a PYTHONPATH. 3 and run optimize imports, but it doesn't help – Kate Zz. calling python script from another directory while working in pycharm. This is somethings that has been bothering me since I started using PyCharm to program in Python. Click Import. also worked. In this case the structure is updated to a more traditional style where the package scripts are in their own directory. py, I have import The Python interpreter has to know where to find module_a. 7. Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 18:13. Now it works well on both ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package error occurs when attempting to import a module or package using a relative import syntax, but Python is import os os chdir os getcwd When someone else sends me his code, he changed directory using os package. Some may argue it's PyCharm 's problem, but I think a simple import like this should really always work regardless where the interpreter runs. For example, if the path to __init__. As you write your imports as from pipeline_tools. Pycharm ModuleNotFoundError: No module named // python import from child directory fails 0 Can't import Python modules after transferring to VSCode from PyCharm I created a new project (myproject) and 3 python files in a row (mainscript. Player. src. py and app/app. How to import a python file in a parent directory. 8. I don't use PyCharm but the problem is caused by environment variables like PATH that aren't necessarily available from within a program/IDE. py a/ data/ __init__. py desired file path: G:\mainFolder\foo. player import Player. py with no parent directory. py └── variables_i_need. If main is not a package, you cannot. I just import from the root package, and then it works: Share. bar, then that relative import will fail with removing the superdirectory from Sources Root wasn't an option for me, as it broke PyCharm's ability to recognize my app's import statements. getcwd() to see what it is, but it is likely going to be root_dir. But, somehow the Pycharm doesn't let me do that! What is the most How can I import file from subdirectory of parent of parentdirectory? I know that this doesn't make sense so let me explain. Flask was installed like this: (venv) pip install flask from the pycharm terminal on c:\Users\Damo\PycharmProjects\myflaskproj\venv\Lib\site-packages\flask\ I haven't been able to move common code outside of the dag directory that airflow uses. py and then doimport my_mod as mm. files and modules to import (the places are the paths listed in sys. Python will add the parent folder of the script file into sys. /config/api_config. Import module from parent directory python. import modulname; Indem Sie diese Methode anwenden, können Sie Python-Module aus übergeordneten Verzeichnissen importieren und Ihre Codebasis effektiv I am trying to create and run a simple flask server on PyCharm community 2019. py bar. How do make it so that PyCharm understands that when I import stuff in the package folder, Do from src. My understanding is that the local directory (the ". project_root ├── my_project │ ├── __init__. – Packages are directories with a __init__. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; Hi guys I have a problem. – Silvio Mayolo Path of parent directory is different in pycharm then on terminal Python. py? This folder is considered a python package and you can import from files in this parent directory even if you're writing a script anywhere else on your computer. I used venv to create the project. Inside main. dirname(__file__ Executing python3 test. The below is my project structure image. path path_to_top = os. Otherwise, it is impossible to reach. py foo. script2 instead of from folder2. py when running your script from directories that are parents of project, you can use the following: A folder (or better a directory) is not seen as a module, unless you put __init__. py is in a sub-directory for the directory where module_a. Hot Network Questions But The above method only works if you always run from the . ") # Adds higher directory to python modules path. In the SVN Import Options dialog that opens, check the Import to and Import from paths and specify the following options: Depth: use this list to specify the range of recursion into Subversion subdirectories. This could be empty, or it should be the module content. py file to another within the same directory? Hot Network Questions conflict of \counterwithin and cleveref package when sectioncounter is reset However, I do not know how to write my tests so they can access my library and resource files. I was able to set directory as root (and fix the unresolved import issue) doing the following: from pycharm>Settings>Project>Project Structure select your project and from the file tree, select your django project directory then click the blue folder Source button to define the directory as your source. py main. I do that using . [directory] After the below directory, C:\Users\username\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\python_programming_demo_app-0. py". py Inside the tests. import utils Then when selecting a snippet - via Run in python console - that includes/requires that import we get:. py +-- directory3 +-- directory4 +-- This is just an example, but really I just want to do a relative import of a module in a parent directory. py file in the my_package directory for it to work). py file, is to mark the directory as a valid Python package that you can import. pth with the path to the package I'm working on or to the directory this package lays in, but still get ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package when try to use relative import from one module to another. Adjust Your PYTHONPATH. py unless it's in the same directory. os. import. 65. 3. My two scripts are in the same directory: >|-my_directory >> ;|--script_A Traceback (most recent call last): from script_A import * ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package So why this doesn't work? Why is Pycharm cannot import my modules while executing (the directory is present in the sources list and I can execute it just fine from the command line) Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. from framework. join(os. Ask Question Asked 4 years 0 . executable) # Is it the same working directory? import os print(os. py files. I can't figure out why. 0. I was trying to get Python imports working from a parent directory using: import sys sys. script path: G:\mainFolder\codeSrc\fun. py tries to import something from my_script. And your import will depend on which directory you are currently working on. In this article, we will learn how to Import a module from the parent directory. How to assign a directory to PyCharm. Updated Structure: main. base_extractor import BaseExtractor ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'extractors' I was able to get your import working 2 different ways: Moving main. Improve this question. In mac's PyCharm this can be done by right clicking on the src/ folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root.