Psyllium husk pregnancy reddit. It's been a small miracle.

Psyllium husk pregnancy reddit. Or check it out in the app stores .

Psyllium husk pregnancy reddit I buy my psyllium powder in the bulk bins at Winco and add it to oatmeal. Here's some more info on the subject from a quick reddit search Hi - did your bile reflux get better with the psyllium husk treatment? I had my first endoscopy last week, and my GI said I had a lot of bile in my stomach, and mild gastritis. If you're looking for something to help keep you less hungry I'd suggest adding some protein to your breakfast. Each plant can produce up to I take Psyllium Husk powder to catch up on my fiber intake and motility. I need to see if this is a Psyllium Husk Powder: Psyllium husk is often available in the form of a fine powder, which can be easily mixed into liquids or added to foods. there are two variants of fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. The only fiber which is soluble, has high water-holding capacity, has good viscous/gel-forming capacity, and is non-fermenting/mildly fermenting is ispaghula husk or psyllium husk (seed of the plant Plantago ovata). "Hara hachi bu" For various reasons I'm currently experimenting with a mindful eating intervention. A subreddit for folks that have struggled with weighing at least twice their ideal body weight, to talk with other people and share stories, trauma, and just whatever else they want to talk about but ultimately want to get healthier. I make sure to drink plenty when I have it. it has no flavour and works like a charm! i mix it in watery oatmeal. I settled on taking a fibre so i have a question this was my first time taking psyllium husk, and put it in a glass of water & let it turn into gel and ate a few spoonfuls of gel out of the mug. Between breakfast and lunch I'll take ~tsp of psyllium in a cup of water Generally eating a fiber rich diet. My GP put me on psyllium husk when I reported feeling constipated with back pain - he told me to take two doses a day for a month. If you decide to try this, be sure to drink 2 big glasses of water with it. I need to see if this is a placebo or not but I've been taking Metamucil lately to help my meals pass easier. If it works for you, keep doing it and maybe switch up your fiber sources just so your body doesn't get used to psyllium husk. I would go with both, but if I had to choose just 1, I like psyllium husk just a bit better even though it's more work to A WARNING: holy shit - careful with psyllium. Honestly I would recommend chia seeds soaked overnight in coconut milk over psyllium, I never found psyllium to be that helpful. Filling, and also yucky, but in a good way. I'm used to psyllium husk here in Sweden, which is actual unprocessed husk. Im assuming the Psyllium husk is probably ok with regards to not breaking the ketosis, but I’m guessing the Apple cider vinegar might stop the Autophagy. If you do psyllium make sure to start slow and taper up. The first few days they worked wonders for me, I had a few movements which looked / felt much more formed and healthy. You get two free lipids tests (one for a baseline and one to check for improvement), 30 day supply of natural supplements (psyllium husk and plant sterols) and one month of our heart health course. it thickens the oatmeal to a good eating texture & can’t really taste the psyllium. What psyllium husk does is absorb water. Also, it's giving me a constant dull headache. Days 1-3; chronic bloating, constipation & no appetite. I'm constantly satisfied. Today is day 5 of this daily chronic anxiety with no understanding why and just had my first glass of psyllium husk and within 30mins feel this wave of calm. Yes, there are mindful eating apps and 1-10 hunger-fullness scales that seem counterintuitively backwards to me, or even more complex things I don't care to understand. I also add it to my homemade pancakes, add to no bake cookies- 86 grams Now psyllium to 12 ounces butter scotch chips & 1/2 cup peanut butter & 5 cups Rice Krispies- melt chips & peanut butter and psyllium & pour over krispies - makes 36 to 40 little cookies (eat 2 ). Psyllium husk shakes five times a day. My rectum is so clenched and inflamed that if I don't get enough fiber, the stool will cause bleeding on the way out. Mar 2022 Total Cholesterol: 238 HDL 70 Triglycerides 93 LDL 148 Non HDL 168 I've taken psyllium husk powder on an empty and full stomach, as well as taken 2 teaspoon doses 2-3 times a day. Reply reply Sounds logical. But, imo, 15 calories 3 times a day is not gonna break your fast or even slow down progress, so give it a shot and report back! 70 votes, 32 comments. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I don't know if that's normal, if it's just me, or if it's something that will go away when my body gets used to taking this stuff on a regular basis. I have been taking it occassionally without issue ever since around 8 weeks. It helps with weightloss by getting you to eat I've been taking psyllium husk for about two weeks, 1tsp at breakfast (always mixing it with at least one large glass of water), 1tsp at lunch, and then movicol in the evening. I take psyllium husk capsules daily and have for years. You end up going once a day, and you end up only wiping twice (both clean!). Stir around, and bbserve how thick or thin of a paste that appears to be. I’ve recently started using psyllium husk powder (pills) as a way to try and make anal prep easier, because I’ve heard some people swear by it. Bottle reads: EXP 08/2018 Thanks in advance! I used to take it just drinking it in water before it thickens as instructed, but recently I’ve been mixing smaller amounts of whole psyllium husk into foods like oatmeal, stir fry, etc. I have found that soaking the powder for a little before drinking it makes it more effective. The tummy taters help with gas pain and cramping, and the psyllium husk majorly bulked up my stool. Senna is an "aggressive laxative". I’ve only gone once the past 2 days which is unlike me. From my understanding, psyllium husks expands with water and so when you consume some and drink water, it expands making you feel fuller and thus less likely to eat. I used to take 3 capsules of Pure for Men which is about 2500mg total. iHerb is a great site b/c you can get discounts at times when they run sales w/free shipping. Psyllium husk is a special kind of fiber. It’s a low FODMAP fiber supplement and if you email the company they’ll send some free samples. Fiber IS good (in general). Word of advice: psyllium husk can add to your constipation if you don't drink enough. If I use both daily it comes out to around ~18g of fiber everyday. Also, if the psyllium husk doesn’t work for you, try citrucel or benefiber which are not psyllium husk. It helps with weightloss by getting you to eat Just be aware that psyllium husk can cause cramping and bloating, especially if you're not drinking enough water. Just found out I’m pregnant. Posted by u/stigglit1 - 4 votes and 3 comments He's happy, loving and a full grown big guy. Sorry if this question has been asked a million times over, but is it okay to take psyllium husk with other supplements? I can’t remember where exactly but I think I’ve seen posts on Reddit, or elsewhere, that said that psyllium inhibits supplement absorption. Using Psyllium husk as a fiber supplement but can't tell whether this breaks your fast or not Archived post. It can get really bad. I couldn’t stand the powder Metamucil. I’ve had friends and family take my advice and they have all told me they have seen positive results from using it. 5 g three times a day) and found that psyllium lowered LDL-cholesterol compared to wheat dextrin. They don't work for everyone, but they work for me. You can also get it on Amazon. Since psyllium husk seems to consist mostly of fiber, I'm wondering if a serving or two during the first two days of any fast as well as an hour or two before a refeed would break We did psyllium husk but we got it through our vet, I wish I could help you with dosing but ours was for large dogs. Can anyone who uses it successfully give me some advice? The norwegian version contains: sucrose as the sweetener, and they're about 3,6 grams psyllium husk and the rest is sucrose as the sweetener. A safer space for all pregnant people. Psyllium husk is special in the respect. Here's how to use it: Mix with Water : Add a teaspoon or two of psyllium husk powder to a glass of water, juice, or a smoothie. 1 Tablespoon of psyllium husk powder contains 6g soluble fiber. So for the past couple years whenever I take supplements I make sure to do it a Psyllium husk gives me a smoother movement compared to wheat dextrin, but wheat dextrin is entirely soluble and dissolves completely in hot beverages or cold beverages, and soluble fiber is good for lowering cholesterol. true. That being said, I take it as capsules when I get problems on the toilet, So, do I take psyllium husk before or after meal? Right now I’m taking it after meals, about an hour after I have eaten and my stomach is so bubbly but I do take Restore for helping the walls of my bowels to get stronger (doctors suggestion) and it has to Sounds like you did it correctly. The latter types of bacteria will get out-competed by those that can thrive on FODMAPs and realistically would not be likely to colonize the small intestine, I wouldn't think. But god, the sugar content was ridiculous and the taste wasn’t anything to write home about, either. We’re offering one month of our program for free, in exchange for feedback rn. Funnily enough I started craving pickle juice like a pregnant woman and So below I have posted my March 2022 lipid panel vs my recent November 2022 lipid panel, before and after below. As long as you're eating a fiber-rich diet, you can probably stand to cut way back on the psyllium. I've also tried taking it right after mixing it, but I think it makes it worse. Though keeping up with psyllium and morning tea still supports me after a few days of less healthy eating. I found that most sources say it's safe to take during pregnancy. Hey I was in the same boat as you some time ago so I'll try my best to help out. Is it safe for pregnant women to consume psyllium husk? During pregnancy, it is essential for women to prioritize their health and well-being, as they are not only taking care of themselves but also nurturing a developing fetus. As per ConsumerLabs' breakdown for Psyllium Husk, the majority of tested psyllium husk products failed to meet the "Approved" cut-off, surpassing the daily lead limits set forth by FDA/California state. I have always taken them in the morning and I’ve had to retrain myself to take it at or just after dinner since I fast in the AM. The Metamucil kind of psyllium husk is overprocessed. I'm starting a 2-week round of Metamucil tomorrowsince I live in the United States and tomorrow is the 4th, I'm cheating a bit tonight with the obligatory burgers and other awful food and drink. Sure, you get much more into a package, making it cheaper, but it's also hard to dose. I want to embark on a 6 week prolonged water fast. This worked really well for me. Tried everything, elimination of foods, enemas, colonics, fasting, gluten free, dairy free, you name it, I have tried it! I’ve been taking psyllium husk for a while now, without psyllium husk I would only have one bowel movement a week if I was lucky , so it’s a lifesaver for me! However since I started taking it I just look like six months pregnant my stomach is so bloated and I have so much gas ! Most fiber is actually gassy, at least at first. Psyllium husk is not stressed enough to how beneficial it is to our health. 10g psyllium husk powder (alternatively I've done 5g psyllium husk + 1/2 tsp glucomannan or even just 1 tsp glucomannan) 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin 1-2 teaspoons pumpkin spice mix. Maybe an egg or a bit of cottage cheese. . Excited to try it out, as with anything new, I added a spoonful of it to my daily yoghurt and oatmeal. I’m taking them in pill form, but I could do it another way. So far it hasn’t really done anything. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. 17 votes, 24 comments. Well, I started taking psyllium husk fiber at the end of 2018, and began having headaches/migraines around that time, but didn't realize the two were connected until now. That's the only trial I can find comparing the two for cholesterol in a cursory literature search. I will also take a few supplements as well as electrolytes too of course. I would say the capsules barely work for me. It's been a small miracle. Never looked into the psyllium husk again or the complications she spoke of but have heard it works great. Pregnancy with IBS D. If I have a work dinner or am on the road I will take those before my meals. More posts you may like r/kimchi. I recently started psyllium husk powder (I can't handle Metamucil ingredients these days) and I'm ok when I avoid eating wrong foods and avoid touching bothersome chemicals. So 1 teaspoon three times a day = 1 Tablespoon per day. Psyllium husk is a type of fiber derived from the seeds of a shrub-like herb called plantago ovata, which is grown around the world but is especially common in India. I’m also a really big food texture person, and the goo texture is one I really struggle with. Her theory is I was flushing out available fiber which would be required to rebalance the ecosystem. Fiber doesn’t do anything if you don’t drink enough water. ) and they come in medium/large-ish containers I bought flaxseed, Chia seedand Psyllium husk all in powder form. I only took the one dose, but my lower abdomen is absolutely on fire. Or check it out in the app stores pencil like stool. Recommendation: Use psyllium husks to bulk up your meal with fiber. 001) Turns out quite a few foods and things I touch cause me diarrhea. So for the past couple years whenever I take supplements I make sure to do it a Just opinion but I’ve found psyllium husk to be more drying (slowing fast digestion) and more effective at carrying out toxins. Join our Discord server today using this link. Oh, I thought of an idea to visually show what the psyllium husk is doing. I been 9 months pregnant for the past two days since taking it because I didn't properly hydrate the psyllium. There was a report in ConsumerLab about lead levels in Psyllium husk, which many of use as a source of fiber Well, I started taking psyllium husk fiber at the end of 2018, and began having headaches/migraines around that time, but didn't realize the two were connected until now. At some very specific small dosages it does increase digestion speed via lubricating action, but in most cases it does the opposite by increasing volume of your stool. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. 6-15 grams psyllium husks (once a day, no more) a moderate amount of insoluble fiber from natural/vegetable sources oil in my diet (no longer an issue on keto) Without a doubt Psyllium does slow digestion and cause a lot of water retention (detectable on the scale) if overused. I've got some psyllium husk 700mg pills and haven't yet started them, but looking for Before you eat. According to a comment in that reddit thread, the best brand had 0. 2 mcg of lead per 5 gram serving. Psyllium husk may help with diarrhea symptoms but obviously won't cure any underlying issues, like if you had an outside cat that picked up giardia. Psyllium husk is only a laxative because it "pushes". Will take a day or two to see full results. This trial compared wheat dextrin and psyllium husk (both 3. 2nd, if you've ever taken it before, you would know that it slows down digestion immensely at most dosages. First, a PSA: I was looking at the scientific literature on psyllium husk fiber supplementation and LDL cholesterol, and the effect size is bonkers large. This time , I want to include daily fiber intake, using psyllium husks. I am unsure if psyllium husk is the same as psyllium seed. I’m nauseous, having diarrhea, gas, migraines, and can’t sleep due to the pain. But tomorrow is back to business. I use the fiber capsules as well. So I’ve decided I’m going to try some psyllium husk capsules instead. Psyllium husk is "gentle". If wrong sub then sorry but I've got a near full bottle of Metamucil Psyllium Husk fiber tablets and am just curious if it's still safe to consume. So after having a bit of uncleanliness during a recent hook-up and noticing a general lack of fiber in my diet, I decided to get some psyllium husk fiber from the store. Fiber first. Posted by u/Any-Suit-4117 - 1 vote and no comments Anyway, with your information, it looks like I'll be able to safely take psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is closer to resistant starch or cellulose, that only specialized bacteria that subsist in low-nutrient environments can thrive on. I started taking psyllium husk for cholesterol/💩 reasons but I've noticed lately that my GERD has been about 50% better since 40 votes, 31 comments. Online I found contradicting information regarding its possible effects on things like zinc and magnesium absorption, but nothing on absorption specifically This is generic Psyllium Husk 😅 Unless you mean as a bag of loose powder rather than powder in capsules. Metamucil 4-in-1 fiber came in 4th out of 8 for fiber content per serving, 4th out of 8 for cost per 5 grams, and came in 3rd from the highest (out of 8) for lead levels. Does anyone have any information about actual lead levels In psyllium husk and You said you stopped taking psyllium husk and it got worse and still blame it? sounds like you got some condition that affects your electrolyte levels. Stir 17 votes, 24 comments. Good luck! Psyllium added bulk and sunfiber made it like you took miralax. Jan 7: psyllium husk at 4 05 pm. I managed to bottom a few times without douching and it was really clean and not smelly. The only problem with them is the texture. I Name: Now Foods Psyllium Husk Powder 24-Ounce Company: Now Foods Amazon Product Rating: 4. NOW foods Psyllium Husk Powder . I just have to be sure to drink a lot of When I google that, Psyllium Husk is what pops up. psyllium husk is a soluble fiber, which actually has 2kcal/gram in comparison to insoluble fiber which is essentially 0kcal/gram! Reply reply Fiber provides bulk for stools and helps reduce health issues such as cardiac risk. 5 Fakespot Reviews Grade: A Adjusted Fakespot Rating: 4. I was using whole foods psyllium husk flakes for a while, bought the Anthony's ground psyllium husk from Amazon while texture is different I actually prefer the flakes to the ground in my rolls. 7% lower in the psyllium group than in the placebo group after 24-26 wk (P < 0. Who knows why this could cause bad headaches like it has, but headaches *are* listed as a potential side effect if you google around. 46 votes, 70 comments. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I've put fibre in the loony bin with "fat bad, killer cholesterol, salt bad, red meat kills, Public dietary advice for diabetics and freelee the banana girl". 7% and 6. Psyllium husk is a food, just like chia seeds, that you can add to everything from bread dough to soup to add soluble fiber to your diet. This is really quite troubling as I take psyllium husk fiber every day and have done so for going on a decade. When feeling hungry this afternoon I decided to have 10 grams in a glass of water and drink it before it formed a gel. A vet friend suggested psyllium husk, 1/2 tablespoon morning and night. Psyllium Husk for diarrhea . So Psyllium Husk is made up of almost entirely soluble fiber. I just read Glucose Revolution by Jessie psyllium husk making ibs-d symptoms worse? Question i have ibs-d my doctor has me on psyllium husk tablets,my bowel movements have bulked up but i’ve been rushing to the bathroom even more unable to hold it. Like 12 or more months? The only thing that cured my chronic constipation was going back to regular calories. It's low FODMAP and a known prebiotic that some people with IBS also use. Some brands contain more than others. I started taking psyllium husk for cholesterol/💩 reasons but I've noticed lately that my GERD has been about 50% better since A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I’ve got some Swanson’s husk capsules that contain 610mg per capsule. I guess the title says it all, but I've recently started adding psyllium husk to my diet and have (subjectively) found major benefits in terms of digestive health. You can pretty much get psyllium husk from anywhere that has a pharmacy section (think Walgreens, Target, etc. However it's quite expensive so I bought the powder. This sub is a haven from the flood of misinformation that is widespread on Reddit and over much of the internet. Psyllium husk Suffered constipation for 10 plus years on and off. I really couldn't stomach psyllium husks (metamucil), they made me so gassy even with a half serving. Well if you watched the video it will have illuminated a lot - but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Or check it out in the app stores I take psyllium husk every day, Fellow moms, we can get our pre pregnancy bodies (almost) back! Left is 2 years after my first kid. 1200 a day is torture for me, because I can easily eat an entire pizza and still want more! Since taking these, I haven't even felt hungry. It becomes a gel like mass so it acts as a binder. Successful-Bit-6182 I'm in first trimester and nothing seems to be helping. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. You dose it differently - one to two tablespoons a day in (at least) 16 ounces of water. It has great soluble fiber content, but I also read psyllium husk can be detrimental for general nutrients absorption. Th ground is gritty and turns purple whereas the flakes had no such issue and texture was the same. Anyway I feel sickly after my BMs with psyllium husk, tbh. Jan 8: psyllium at 3 30 pm. I was looking to do 10g of psyllium husk daily alongside with a great vegan diet (no processed foods) and exercise. 5g, if you weigh 70kg that's a dosage of 0. I've become a psyllium husk fan. Sharing treatments, cures, causes, news, case studies, medical articles, and personal experiences are very welcome. Until recently when he wasn't expressing his anal glands fully and the stink was so bad that I was having to clean him up twice a day, bath him every 3rd day and he would get stinky maybe 2 hours later. 4 mcg of lead per 5 gram per serving and Metamucil, which was the 3rd from the highest, had 3. Is it safe to use chia seeds and psyllium husk powder combined in a water bottle? Doing OMAD and I’m pretty sure I’m not getting enough fiber. placebo (no psyllium husk) group: Serum total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were 4. Also, make sure you drink a good amount of water in the day. Since day 1 I've been adding some Psyllium Husk (around 5grams/meal) to my meals to keep my fiber intake up, which has been very helpful in the bathroom dept. A sub for enthusiasts, DIYers, or just those curious about this fermented gift from Korea. However, it's still a fiber, and it's indigestable. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds. Psyllium husk is insoluble fiber which is mainly helpful in digestion - so moving things along in the gut. The recommendation for daily fiber intake is at least 25 gm for women and 38 gm for men. ulcers, functional dyspepsia). To answer your question though, it depends on the calories and the goals for fasting. Bathroom around 11 pm. Benefiber (easier & more options to consumer) seems to work better on a healthy & regular gut. I take 2 doses daily. So same thing other than sweetener. When you have constipation, you don't have enough water in your colon, so drinking more water makes it absorb more water so that the stool becomes soft with the presence of psyllium husk gel that is formed when it mixes with water. Do you take the capsules or the loose psyllium husk? Maybe it doesn't work for you at all but for me, the loose works a million times better than the capsules. Alot of people like the NOW brand psyllium. (I have IBS-D) View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I did 1 at breakfast then 1 at breakfast and lunch, etc It has great soluble fiber content, but I also read psyllium husk can be detrimental for general nutrients absorption. I’ve been having really good success with psyllium husk + heathers tummy taters. PGX WellBetX fiber caps work great , easy to take & the fact that Dr Mark Hyman endorses it is an added benefit. Just a note, but after my initial March 2022 lab, I started immediately taking Psyllium husk daily, so I have been on husk since March and still take it daily. There are different qualities of various fibers that determine their utility and beneficial role in IBS. 06g per kilo, over 800 times lower than what the studies used for reference. When I took loose psyllium husk, morning and night, with a shit ton of water, I had big, wonderful, regular, easy, clean wiping poops. I'm nearly at the end of week 4 on MJ and I seem to have settled into a pattern. It's recommended to get 15g soluble fiber per day to help lower LDL. I work for a cholesterol health start up (zizi. It is not absorbed by your body, but rather pulls water into the intestin. New to gastritis? Please view this post for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Psyllium husk helps me so much! I did used to get crampy with them but as long as i drink a bunch of water it was never a problem! Also i never take the metamucil one i take some organic one i find at a east Indian grocery store. I’m happy to report that was exactly the issue and now the morning of my break, I always eat about a tablespoon of powdered psyllium husk. psyllium husk is a soluble fiber, which actually has 2kcal/gram in comparison to insoluble fiber which is essentially 0kcal/gram! Reply reply My grocery store has plain psyllium in a different section than the Metamucil. Unless you live in the woods snacking on berries all day then it’s a good idea to supplement with it. It is mostly I feel your pain. If not, you could bump it up to 2-3 Tablespoons per day. A longitudinal study was done that began with patients on high-fiber diet and some ended up having zero fiber in their diet. Here's how to use it: Mix with Water: Add a teaspoon or two of psyllium husk powder to a glass of water, juice, or a smoothie. Days 4-7; slowly regaining appetite and zero side effects. psyllium husk is a soluble fiber, which actually has 2kcal/gram in comparison to insoluble fiber which is essentially 0kcal/gram! Reply reply We did psyllium husk but we got it through our vet, I wish I could help you with dosing but ours was for large dogs. Whether your stomach is empty or full doesn't seem to matter much. I wouldn't blame fiber. From months back when I used to use myfitnesspal daily I would average about 10 grams a day. If you're ready to get started eating only fatty meat and animal source foods, check out -- https://www 1st, Psyllium husk is 70% soluble fiber, and 30% insoluble. Bitch, when I tell you dry, that shit tasted like the sahara desert. A 2018 study says that psyllium seed helped prevent recurrence of GERD. It does say it can help with diarrhea but it also says that it can reduce blood pressure, which I don’t think I want considering I already get A user shares their experience of taking psyllium husk powder once a day to relieve constipation in pregnancy and gets positive feedback from other users. I couldn't be more certain that's not what your doctor meant by "use psyllium" but if you're struggling to get it Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I also like to add some drops of english toffee stevia. I also like to add extra cinnamon 2 teaspoons Lakanto More sweeteners if you want. Thin stool with less bloating or massive one with loads of bloating (looking like a pregnant lady!). For example, if you read this meta-analysis, the effect is dose-dependent and the estimated effect size is in a range that can have a highly potent impact on reducing A community for discussing gastritis and diseases related to gastritis (e. It has to get to the gel state. It thickens the oats (I've used both steel cut and regular and it's great with either). View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. I take psyllium husk and drink prune juice every day but I've been constipated since the beginning and with all the zofran I'm taking (plus struggling with pregnancy sickness and keeping up my fluid levels) it feels like it's getting worse. If you're eating other forms of fiber, then that may be enough psyllium for you. So will chia seeds. i feel like this is weird i expected the opposite. Unlike a lot of soluble fibers, gut bacteria doesn't actually ferment psyllium husk so there's less gases/acids being formed in the large intestine, meaning less GI distress. So I've recently started taking psyllium husk supplements every morning. Psyllium husk powder is a natural The problem with some fibers isn’t that they “wipe out the gut” it’s that don’t contain food for certain bacteria, so yes psyllium husk is prebiotic, but you should ideally consume multiple It's enough of 2tsp of psyllium husk for me to feel the effect. Salty foods and lots of fat and leafy greens will help. 5 A WARNING: holy shit - careful with psyllium. Has anyone been using Psyllium Husk pills for years to help with feeling full/cravings and successfully kept the weight off? I’m curious if my body will get used to it and it will stop working, which would be disappointing. no extra cost. For example: Monday-psyllium, Tuesday-prunes, Wednesday-something else, etc. For a long time, I confused diarrhea from foods with diarrhea from what I touch. anyone else had this experience? i’m convinced i should stop taking them Once you are a bit back to normal, I would supplement with a bulking agent (psyllium husk). Fiber supplement question (psyllium husk) I don't get very much fiber in my diet at all. My stomach & rectum were really good. That is incorrect. It’s usually cheaper to get a plain psyllium online if you care about cost. Tagging u/Alarming_Walk_7359 u/ConsiderationFormal5 and u/mrizzo10 for awareness, based on comments posted as of this writing. With 4. At 6 months in, 41 patients continued on a no fiber diet and 16 were on a reduced fiber diet. I just read Glucose Revolution by Jessie Psyllium husks are a pretty reliable way to even out my digestive system. I buy the little cups to take for lunch. Without having any knowledge about fasting she immediately thought of psyllium husk. That's just my opinion because I hate psyllium husk powder 🤢🤮 Reply reply Top 5% Rank by size . The studies I have found say about 10g psyllium husk a day can lower LDL and that you may start to see results in as little as three weeks. I can't believe that we aren't shouting from the hills about this. Psyllium also at a glance seems to be slightly better tolerated than wheat dextrin in terms of gastrointestinal symptoms, but Oh, I thought of an idea to visually show what the psyllium husk is doing. I've always had a massive appetite and rarely felt full. I do about a tablespoon mixed in a tall glass of water before all my meals. Then add just a small amount of water to it, like 1 teaspoon of water, or two teaspoons of water. Also, the hunger pangs become way easier to deal with--pleasant, even. Put a teaspoon of psyllium husk in cereal bowl or soup bowl. But even as loose powder some sell it with the notation of 10:1 in the label and some don't so I'm wondering if the 10:1 is just how it's normally measured when it's in powdered extract form like this, but that not everyone puts that on their labels 🤔 Yeah, I usually take about 2-3 tsps but you definitely don’t want to do that right away. Turns out quite a few foods and things I touch cause me diarrhea. I pour some hot water over it and stir immediately for it to form a jelly, add some cold water or juice and drink it. It needs to be soaked in a ton of water - preferably overnight - before using or else it'll absorb ANY liquid in your digestive tract and continue to expand. In reading those two articles briefly, all I saw was him: Call psyllium husk 'twigs and roughage' Say that excessive insoluble fiber is not a healthy solution to constipation, for which I agree . Here are some common ways to incorporate psyllium husk into your diet: Psyllium Husk Powder: Psyllium husk is often available in the form of a fine powder, which can be easily mixed into liquids or added to foods. I'd kinda hate to throw away so many but if it's dangerous in any way then so be it. Take psyllium husk because I finally took it this week and had my first normal poop in pregnancy. Study on 2x5g doses of psyllium husk per day (10g total per day) vs. Members Online. From what they were saying, there's a cancer warning on psyllium husk labels for this reason. co). No Before you eat. I usually take one rounded teaspoon in a glass of water 2-3 times a day before meals which comes out to about 10g a day (fiber can also help "counter" fat in the meal so unless you are eating 0g fat then Posted by u/Any-Suit-4117 - 1 vote and no comments Anyway, with your information, it looks like I'll be able to safely take psyllium husk. I prefer plain psyllium husk fiber over husk powder or any product with additives. I use psyllium husk in absolutely everything I bake - it's wicked for gluten free baking to make it hold together and give it additional fiber content. I've had to stop movicol due to increased potassium levels, and now using an extra tsp of from mice studies: it prevented some minerals' absorption by up to 25% at dosages of 50g per kilo of body weight. Drugs. Does Psyllium husk help slow down or stop diarrhea. Chia seeds made me more bloated and gassy and didn’t help :( Not sure why some doctors are so strict about what you can take. 5 TBS psyllium husk powder (no substitutes) (45 grams) (must be a fine powder, not whole husks). I'm wondering the same things. But the lady scared me off haha but also offered some really good alternatives r/AusSkincare is a place for all Australian and New Zealand Reddit users (and anyone else, really!) to come and discuss all things skincare related. This topic came up before and folks were commenting about paying attention to the brand you use as most psyllium husk contains small amounts of lead. If you’ve got experience with this, what dose are you taking? If you ever come across metamucil you would know its main ingredient is psyllium husk and that it thickens when in contact with water. I have been taking psyllium capsules for a few months. I take psyllium husk and drink prune juice every day but I've been constipated since the beginning and with all the zofran I'm taking (plus struggling with pregnancy sickness and keeping up my Yes, definitely: Psyllium powder is definitely safe in pregnancy. r/kimchi. g. Psyllium husk is NOT an "aggressive laxative". com says it may acclerate GERD. I actually like taking it this way far, far better than mixing it into water. Sad to report that a food I knew I shouldn’t have been eating was indeed the root cause of my pain every day for the last couple years I'm reading contradicting information about psylium husk and GERD. I've been taking psyllium husk capsules (bought on amazon), a kind of natural healthy fiber, which have the magical property of helping address both diarrhea and constipation, perhaps constipation more meaningfully because it's a more common complaint among Mounjaro-takers. So if you try it, drink a ton of water with it and don't take too much. I usually mix 3T psyllium and 2T chia seeds in a shaker bottle and down it quick before it gets a chance to thicken. After seeing a suggestion on reddit for it being the "laziest way to lose weight", i've started eating/drinking whole psyllium husk. You may find you have to take a dump sooner than you might normally do the first time or two. I bought the kind thats the husk only with no junk. Prior to taking them, I was constantly hungry. If it had sorbitol my stomach would be messed up, as I react badly to it. A half teaspoon dose seems a little odd unless it's very concentrated. So 2 Tbsp psyllium husk has about 27 gm fiber. I took a teaspoon of an unflavored psyllium husk about 5 days ago, and I’ve been feeling horrible ever since. By bedtime I'm feeling movement in my colon, and I know I'll have a poop in the morning. I also learned psyllium husk is low-fermentable form of fiber so lower risk of feeding the bacteria. Note a study that the American College of Gastroenterology conducted showing that fiber was ineffective in reducing constipation rates. it’s not going to mess up my stomach is it? not trying to get any obstructions from this stuff. However, I am used to simple rating schemes like the Pain Scale and GCS score. I've got UC induced Proctitis constipation right now.