Pistol reloading data 9mm Hey all, . My Hornady 10th edition in 9mm gives no load data for lead bullets therefore no cross over that way either. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Hornady HAP, Lead Conical A blend of traditional and modern powders was used to develop the accompanying 9mm Luger load data. 200 (200gr FP type bullet) If this data i posted is used by anyone, use at YOUR OWN RISK!!! I take no responsibility for your errors & actions. . 40 S&W and . 7 grains powder or 125 projectile and 5. I use the same loads I use for my 9mm pistols. Reloaders’ Guide (1995) – – Hodgdon’s Basic Reloaders Manual (1996) – – Speer Reloading Manual, #12 – – Winchester Reloading Components Manual, 14th edition – – Lyman Piston & Revolver Reloading Handbook, 2nd edition. 356" 1 I will load that bullet at 1. Bruce . Cast 120 gr RN, 3,0 grs Clays, 1. 5" barrel. 8c 1036 Power Pistol 4. with less than 40 grain capacity following safe handloading practices as represented in established mainstream reloading manuals. All powder charges should be reduced by 10 percent for starting loads. I use a Dillon powder measure for progressive loading and a Lee Perfect Powder Measure for Hornady develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading and makes it available in three ways: the traditional hardcover book, an e-book on Apple iBook or on your Kindle, and on the Hornady Reloading App. Canister Sizes: View All Bullseye ® Recipes. the actual LARGOs I would stay with the 38ACP loads or actual 9mm LARGO load data. The authority on pistol and rifle loading data since 1996. Similar Powders. Fast burning and consistent ; Economical and accurate; Remarks: Best choice for high performance 9mm, . 0grs and OAL 1. When specific load data is sought on a website or from another shooter - without verification from a lab tested, reliable source - that is a violation of the first basic principal of reloading. 1 886 3. 015 shorter than that. Rating - 100%. 3 Alliant BE86 Federal Our VECTAN load data covers 186354 loads and a total of 11 VECTAN powders. 45 Colt. 100. Most sets of pistol caliber dies are comprised of 3 or 4 different dies, each References: Accurate Arms Co. IF the load data came from the powder company's website, than that load would be fine for a 38 SUPER chambered pistol (Llama). 32 S&W Long. 45 Auto 35. 4 955 4. Burn Rate: 7. Using bullets from Polycase ARX, Polycase RNP, Barnes TAC-XP, Cutting Edge Raptor, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Lead Round Nose, Lehigh Defense XD, Berry's HBRN TP, Hornady HAP, Lead Conical Nose, SIE, Berry's RN, ACME RN, Hornady XTP. 6 1166 6. LRN IMR 800-X . Any standard load for the 9mm Luger or 38 Automatic will work in the Steyr pistol. All the powders of this range are absolutely clean burning and have now the same dimension. 62x25mm (. Powders include Alliant, Winchester, Vihtavuori, IMR, Hodgdon, Accurate Here's the 9mm 147gr data I'm able to find from Hodgdon: Set your sights on pistol reloading data | Hodgdon Reloading . 1gr & 5. Easily the best powder I ever used in that cartridge. hodgdonreloading. 4 827 3. By RAP August 6, 2017 in 9mm/38 Caliber. Power Pistol: Subscribe: 1339: Remarks: overall loaded I've chronographed Winchester 124 gr. 25 Automatic. Jan 30, 2020 #6 S. Using bullets from Speer GDHP. RCBS #16. Morning All, As the title suggests I'm looking for load data for 9MM using Green Dot. Get the most performance from Federal components by using our carefully developed, high-performance reloading data. 5 is a fast burning, double-base, spherical handgun propellant. 130 COAL Tested 1. 15. It was the only 124-grain load tested that exceeded 1,200 fps in my pistol. However, load data is almost non-existent. 8 gr 3N37. Engineering for fast cycling, high-volume semi-automatic rifles. DO NOT EXCEED THE LOADS DISPLAYED ON THE SITE OR ALLIANT'S RELOADERS GUIDE. 32 Auto. Alliant Pistol/Revolver Load Data: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Written by by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission. 125 100 Fed 4. 25 and was a pretty accurate load. It lists 6. The fastest powder for handguns from the Nobel Hi,ADI has no load data for AS50N in 9mm, anyone had any experience with it and feedback?There is some talk from people on forums using it but I'm uns Shooting forum Reloading ammunition Reloading equipment, methods, load » Reloader's Guide; Locate a Dealer. I can also say that Power Pistol will get you there, however I Been buying/loading Xtreme bullets for a long time now; FMJ 62gr for my AR, copper plated in the pistols: 9mm (also use the 9mm in 38super) and 45acp ; now experimenting with lead RN. 34 ES, 9 SD, 15 shots. 3993 3998 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Alliant Power Pistol Starline CCI 500 5. Using bullets from Hornady Swaged (Sized . 355 I tried some of my 9mm handloads using CFE Pistol powder. 2 916 5. Founded in 1996 by MD Smith. 357 Magnum. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) Warning! Notes: Case: Winchester; barrel length: 4"; twist: 1:10"; trim length: . Working up to a different bullet also just because Got some data so I thought I'd share. be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. The best source of reloading data found on the web. It seems to burn cooler and maybe have a little less smoke and it's not quite as dirty. 38 Super were from 5" barrels. C. View the SDS. 1 Hodgdon H. I loaded 110s to 125s with Promo for a while. I was way ahead of my time. Basically, standard procedure is to determine your maximum and target an OAL . 0g is Find load data for Vihtavuori 3N37 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". 45 ACP, 10mm and . 190" case support over feed ramp ADI data for handguns. 40 S&W; 10mm. LRN 4. The data included standard-pressure and +P loads. For 135 gr 9mm I load 3. 100"; 33,000 psi 147 Sporting Handgun® 0 . If you want the most powerful load I ever got a 9mm will shoot, it was 158 gr 11 gr Power Pistol in a Kel-Tec P11. Access them online or download for free. 1 OAL. 22 rimfire cartridges, but has since proven to be very I've been reloading since 1968 and used mostly Hercules for pistol and IMR for rifles and I've used a lot of Unique including cast bullet loads for rifles. 95F+ but it was a dry heat. Hi All, I've been digging in the forum but haven't found any discussions regarding this combination of coated bullets and CFE pistol powder. Bullet I've never used Clays in my 38 Super pistol or my 9mm LARGO pistol/carbine. 460 S&W Magnum. Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon, Winchester, Accurate, Vihtavuori, IMR I went out and did some shooting and reloading the last couple of weekends to try and get some data on the new RMR Nukes with CFE Pistol powder ( I bought several pounds during the great powder/primer shortage of 2020-2022): Pistol: P365 Bullet: RMR Nuke 115gr. case: Speer; NOTE: All loads are maximum. You also find these manuals on the websites of the respective bullet or powder The Russians missed their chance to adopt the 9mm but went with another German service round, the 7. 4gr e3 under a 147gr coated lead bullet, got low 140's power factor out of my XDM 5. SAAMI minimum cartridge overall length: 1. 1996 Reloading booklet – – Alliant Powder Co. 357 Magnum. I need to buy projectiles today, as I'm all out, and looking to see if anyone has loads Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. 40 S&W and 9mm were from 4" barrels. 45 G. 9 gr with no problems. 100″ Powder Manufacturer: Powder Name: Start: Standard max charge 9mm. +p or +p+ 9mm load data Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Just this week I completed a workup for 124gn 9mm, using Power Pistol. Plated bullets work well. Out of the above list, this is the only cartridge I have data for. Presentation of these loads does not constitute a solicitation for their use, nor a recommendation. The 9MM Community is full of VERY serious shooters who are skilled reloaders. I have loaded about 500 rounds of 9mm so far all with great success using hodgdons CFE pistol powder and the blue bullets 115gr and 125gr. Here’s the components used for the load featured in that article/story: Use load data at your own risk. In shotshell, HS-6 yields excellent Alliant Sport Pistol™ 9mm Luger Load Data Test Firearm: 4" SAAMI chamber Universal Receiver test barrel Powder Bullet Brand Weight/Type OAL (in) Primer Brass Max Charge wt (gr) Velocity (ft/sec) Notes Sport Pistol Speer 115gn CPRN 1. 355 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Speer Reloading Manual #14) reloading data with 80 loads. 4 gr Titegroup to get the PF I desire. About Steel Valley Casting; Shooter Accomplisments; Customer Reviews; F. You`ve been FULLY warned! Managed to get my hands on some supplies to load 9mm! 😃 I have prepped cases, Winchester SP Primers and 124 FMJ Round nose bullets. Common powder for Major 9mm USPSA Loads. Ok, thanks for checkingthose two editions would likely be the only two prospectsappreciate it. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (IMR Pistol Data Maximum Loads) reloading data with 15 loads. 9mm HI-TEK 147grn Truncated Cone Bullet; 9mm HI-TEK 125grn Truncated Cone Bullet. A powder that deserves a place in every handgun reloader’s arsenal. 251" DIA. 2 grains A gun must be setup properly to accept this kind of high pressure round. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead Find load data for Alliant POWER PISTOL propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". GENERAL COMMENTS - Bullet diameter is the same as the 9mm Luger and one can use Luger bullets for reloading. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. 135" Speer Part No. Shooters 9mm Browning Long: Warning! Notes: The load combinations listed in this article have proved safe in the author's pistol, but may produce different results in other firearms. 5K psi OAL of 1. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead Conical Nose, 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Winchester Pistol Data) reloading data with 15 loads. It requires guns specifically built to handle the Where I found the best information and load data and also seems to be an Eastern Idaho based forum out of Run5Run's neck of the woods , I made the conclusion that Alliant Green Dot powder is very popular for the 9mm, further sifting through my data from yesterday, i discovered that with the same amount of ASP, but a longer OAL, the velocity was slightly higher. 44 S&W Special. 45 Auto. The published data for . CZ 85 and LC 9. pdf Vihtavuori Reloading Data for rifle, handgun and shotgun loads Ensure a successful and safe reloading result. I settled on the charge weight that delivered 1210 f/s, and seemed like plenty of punch to me. Shooters World have tested this propellant to a charge 9mm Luger with Sierra 147gr JHP COAL #8147 @ 1. As an example, here are ballistic test results of a standard 7/8-oz, 12-gauge load when crimp depths are varied: Here’s the components used for the load featured in that article/story: Use load data at your own risk. Nato. We offer new reloading data for the following calibers: 9mm Luger / 9x19mm, with bullets: 8,0 g / 124 gr Berry’s Hybrid Hollow Point with N320, N330, N340, 3N37 and 3N38 VV powders 9,5 g / 147 gr Load data for Alliant POWER PISTOLreloading powder including relevant technical specifications for this propellant. Gun: Kimber 1911 Team Match II; Barrel Length: 5 inches; Case: Starline; Primer: Winchester Small Pistol; Bullet Diameter: . 0 1171 Sport Pistol Speer 115gr GDHP 1. Ultimate Reloader is not responsible for errors in load data on this website. 750"; primer: CCI 500, Small Pistol. 9 posts The ADI online load data indicates quite a variety of loads 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using 124 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 41 loads. S. 41 Remington Magnum. this is counterintuitive to me, but there was one change between the two: for the The serious competition pistol shooter’s reloading choice TM l Maximize compensator performance for faster shooting Ideal calibers include: 38 Super 9mm 45 Auto 40 S&W. Open sight I know this is an OLD thread, but I recently got some 9mm 158gn Campro RNFP bullets and Alliant Sport Pistol Powder, both new to me, typically I’m reloading 9mm 147gn Campro RNFP bullets with Win 231 and these shoot really well out of me Shadow 2, but recently switched to Alliant Sport Pistol Powder with the 147s and these also work well, but I have gone up to 3. The Best 9mm Primers for Reloading. Popular Calibers Shooters World Auto Pistol. C PRIMER TYPE ** = Compressed load “ Because In no event shall Nosler, Inc. 355 inch; Maximum COAL: 1. Vihtavuori 3N37. 5 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. Load Data | The Best Reloading Manual Online. 750 The 9mm Luger was fired through a 4" Glock. 16, or maybe 1. Back in the 80's I used to load 158 grain cast roundnose in a model 39 S&W and they chrongraphed at 850-900fps and it was a very acurate load. " year ago, we set out to create the First Edition 19. 3gr, using a 124gr FMJ. The loads were 5. 40 S&W data which was from a 5" barrel, and Vihtavuori's . S148 Posts: 336 Join date: 2017-07-04. In the gun world, debates rage on for decades, and some are pushing a century. The best ballistic technicians and high quality components The old 1987 Hercules data showed 4. O. 355) 95 Gr Round Nose; 115 Gr Round Nose; 125 Gr Truncated Cone; 125 Gr Round Nose; We recommend that you use published lead load data from reputable sources. The vast majority of the Alliant pistol data shows max values at less than the old Hercules data, so 4. See for which calibers our community uses a particular VECTAN powder. The Hodgdon site only list two loads and I have acquired 1 pound of Herco smokeless heavy shotshell and handgun powder for the wonderful price of "FREE". 3 to 5. Couldn't find W231 which is what I usually load. 6 1040 6. Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. Bulk Propellant; Canister Propellants; OEM Customer Products; Reload Data. New Alliant Powder® Sport Pistol™ delivers on these demands with extremely reliable cycling, excellent charging and case fill, and ballistics that lend themselves to a range of popular loads. Using bullets from Speer GDHP or TMJ RN, Speer TMJ RN, UCSP or GDHP, Speer GDHP or TMJ FN. [row] [column size=’2/3′] Load Data Search (Simplified) Search for Load Data Search Options Cartridge Powder Type Bullet / Projectile Application Cartridge Powder Manufacturer Powder Selection Bullet Manufacturer Barnes Berger Berry's Hornady Magtech / S&B Nosler Oregon Trail Rainier Remington Sierra Speer Swift Winchester X-Treme Bullet Selection (Enter Manually) Re: Reloading 9mm with Black widow 125gr lrn - load data by Macross » Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:47 am Here is a link to the load data I have been referencing from TigerShark Ballistics. It should be noted that the 5-inch barrel produced greater velocities than shorter barrels so common on Welcome to the Gun Digest Reloading Data Center, you're one stop for handloading advice and information to get your loads on target. Sport Pistol has good case fill. Powders include Alliant 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (using Sport Pistol) Warning! All loads used Federal cases and Fed 100 primers unless noted otherwise in the remarks. 45 ACP loads for shooting competitions and 9mm Luger loads for the pistol caliber I am reloading 9mm with Alliant Power Pistol powder! Using 147 grain Berry's Bullets and Hornady 100 grain FMJ. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. The data has not otherwise been tested or verified by Bullet Corp (pty) Vihtavuori offers new reloading data for both rifle and handgun calibers with a vast array of projectiles from several bullet manufacturers. 139 Sectional Density 0. 38 Special. Power Pistol and 9mm is an outstanding combination. 2gr Titegroup. Most people refer to very flattened primers, or primers that the firing pin indention is starting to push back out, or is poking out like a reverse indentation as signs of over pressure. 44 Rem. I was just reading some of hodgdons reloading Data and comparing between auto comp and CFE pistol it seems they're similar with autocomp being slightly faster. GUN 9mm Luger. Comprehensive load data for Winchester 231 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. 130″ / #9947 @ 1. The 1996 Alliant reloading book suggests 147 projectile and 3. So lots of data and continued availability will be there. All shotshell reload data on the Hodgdon website has been created using an average crimp depth of 0. Power Pistol: Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. Initial question: Any risk to load "less" powder than recommended lowest published powder load? (Wanting to shoot suppressed at 862-886 fps) Have researched internet, reloading magazines and hard cover books for data on subsonic 9mm. 460 S&W Magnum. To help get you started with load data we have collected information from what we consider to be a reliable source for easy reference. 290" 1. com; Home; 9mm GDHP 9mm TMJ® RN Weight (grains) 115 Ballistic Coefficient 0. We are currently populating the cartridge drop-down menu with updated cartridge renderings, new propellants and bullets, and 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum +P Loads (using Western Powders) reloading data with 256 loads. Which projectile and powder? Reloading equipment, methods, load data, powder and projectile information. HS-6 is a fine spherical propellant that has wide application in pistol and shotshell. 380 ACP / 9mm Kurtz (Lee Precision Data) 124. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Winchester AutoComp Data) reloading data with 37 loads. SMALL PISTOL: Hodgdon: 700-X: 0. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers actual measurements may vary * = Most accurate load tested 6 4 % 5 7 % 6 0 % 5 2 % 5 0 % 6 5 % 5 9 % 7 9 % 6 9 % 7 % 7 0 % 5 7 % 9mm Luger - 147 grain 9mm (. Not only did it give the highest velocity 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (using Sierra bullets) Warning! These loads were shot by Brian Pearce of Wolfe Publishing Co. All reloading and sh WARNING: All technical data in this publication, especially for handloading, reflect the limited experience of individuals using specific tools, products, equipment and components under specific conditions and circumstances not necessarily reported in the article and over which Bullet Corp (pty) Ltd has no control. Canister Sizes: View All Power Pistol Interested in learning how to reload your own ammunition? 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 86 loads. But to complain about accuracy when all these groups are totally acceptable, especially for self defense or plate shooting, etc, is really not a valid complaint completely. 9 Accurate No Source: https://reloadingdata. Neither the author nor publisher will accept responsibility for use of this data. Using bullets from Speer GDHP or TMJ FN, Speer TMJ RN, UCSP or GDHP. Hope this helps. Notes: Federal cases and Federal 100 Small Pistol primers used for all loads. by xcutter45 Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:50 pm. Using bullets from Sierra JHP, RN JOSYD cast, PMP JRN, RN Copper-Plated, Hornady FMJ/FP, Eagle cast, Eagle Cast, CN JOSYD cast. it's is an excellent choice for 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 45 ACP. 40 Smith and Wesson, . 10 so they will function in my short chambered CZ. If you’re loading magnum rounds, you might want to try a slow-burning powder like Hodgdon H110 or Accurate 5744, but for a 38, 380, 25 auto, and 9mm, Winchester 231 is always an excellent choice. 9 Comprehensive load data for Hodgdon HS-6 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. GUN DIGEST WE KNOW GUNS SO YOU KNOW GUNS. 3 885 4. Recipe Type: Hodgdon HP-38. HANDGUN RELOADING DATA FILES (PDF) 22 caliber (224 dia) 22 Hornet Handgun 33 22 Hornet Handgun 40 22 Hornet Handgun 45 22 Hornet Handgun 52 22 K-Hornet 40 9mm Makarov (364 dia Unique is an excellent powder for he 9mm. It is perhaps the most versatile of all propellants across the . 3 830 3. My goal for the 124gr bullets is somewhere around 1175-1225fps, and for the 147's somewhere around 1000-1050ish or perhaps a little more if the powder can do it safely. RELOADING MANUAL DATA CARTDRIDGE PISTOL. Favorite Pistol Load Data; Favorite Rifle Load Data; Cerakote and Duracoat Refinishing; About Us. schmart Sharpshooter. one of the most popular handgun propellants in history. IMR Powder Charge (grains) Velocity (ft/sec) Chamber Press (cup) "Hi-Skor" 700-X 1. Beretta 92: 0. Blue Dot, 231 & Unique for four different pistol calibers: 9MM, 10MM, 40 S&W & 45 ACP. AR-Comp – Your Dedicated AR Powder. 0 - 2013) Gun Links; Discount Sporting Goods; Newsletter; Riflemagazine. 355") 75% Winc h ester 106% 1 0% BA RE L ength /Mak 56% 59% 53% 74 % B. I have a manual from Alliant in 2001 that has Herco loads for 9mm. Powders include Alliant, Vihtavuori, I am wanting to load somewhere around 9mm NATO / +P , and while there are tons of threads on 9mm Major/Minor there isn't as much on standard loads. Shooters World AUTO PISTOL. 38 Special +P Complete Reloading Manual for the 9mm Luger. Unsurpassed for . It has a low flash signature, high velocity, and clean When it comes to picking the best primer for reloading 9mm ammo the choices are not complicated. Hodgdon HS-6. 55 gr to achieve the same result. 5 5. NOTE: It is Load Data | The Best Reloading Manual Online. It takes a little more. With Lehigh 65 grain, we stuffed 10 grains in a case (it was full) and it was not even near other powders velocity because it was not at +P pressure yet, not even close. 159 0. 4 939 3. The exceptions were Sierra's . Anothrer option as well I load 5. com; Handloadermagazine. Cartridges chambered in 9mm Luger, also known as 9x19mm, and 9mm Parabellum all use small pistol primers. 40 S&W and 10mm. The only reason I did it was at the time I had the mold and had a supply of free lead. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 115: Speer GDHP or TMJ FN: Alliant: Power Pistol Hodgdon Reloading Data Center – The Brand Thats True www. Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Sierra JHP, Zero JHP, Nosler JHP, Magnus flatpoint lead bullet, Speer JHP, Hornady FMJ. 2 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. Always cross-reference load data with How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. The fired cases were blackened. 0" PISTOL BBL. 6 grs (max load, work up) of power pistol. This range is particularly adapted for handgun reloading. Home; About Us; Cartridge of the Month . 3994 3995 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Alliant Blue Dot Speer CCI 500 7. 163" case support over feed ramp heavy slide wide grip kel-tec P11 0. These polymer coated lead bullets run great in my glocks polygonal rifling and have done great for me so far. 9 mm Makarov - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19. 40 S&W and Hodgdon Reloading Data Center Pistol Reloading Data Tool Hodgdon also lets you look at data for up to four different pistol cartridges, rifle cartridges, or shotgun shells at the same time, making it easier to refer back 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) reloading data with 22 loads. 9mm Luger. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead Conical Nose, Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. 38 Super data which was from a 5. 47. 100" 4. ; 2. By clicking the link below, I understand and will agree Designed for high performance in semi-automatic pistols and is the powder of choice for 9mm, . 38 Special, 38 Super, and . Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead Conical Nose, Hornady HAP, Berry's Bullets RN, Hornady XTP. Sporting Handgun® 0 . 5 Alliant Unique Speer CCI 500 5. Ultimate Reloader is not responsible for errors or possible issues you may have when using this load data. The middle, lower left load, of 115 grain @ 6. 32-20 Win The numerous cautions I've read so far - including mine - responded to THAT part of the question = seeking specific load data ("recipe"). 0c 1086 HS-6 5. Another major boost to the 9mm’s popularity occurred when the U. Pay attention to the OAL. 9mm Luger 24. Accuracy is the average of three, five-shot groups fired from a padded rest at 20 yards. Powder: CFE Pistol Brass: Mixed Primer: WSP (Winchester Small Pistol) 9mm Luger +P Handload Data. After the war, the Allies adopted 9mm service pistols largely because they had 9mm submachine guns. Lyman #12. NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. has no control over the actual components selected, the manner in which they are assembled or the either expressed or implied is assumed for the use of The information displayed on this site, including ballistic data, was derived from tightly controlled laboratory conditions. 3560), Ohaus Cast (Sized . 6 gr up to 3. Like the bound and eBook versions, the Hornady Reloading App provides all the information needed to successfully reload a variety of rifle and When I was doing 9mm accuracy testing to find the best load for me, it turned out to be 147gr JHP with 5. L. 38 Super 357 Sig 40 S&W 31. 000 inch; maximum cartridge overall length: 1. 357. Using bullets from Rem JHP, Rem MC, Hornady XTP. The 9mm load also showed no signs of 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum CZ 85 B Combat (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) Warning! Notes: 4. In no event shall Nosler, Inc. 7 1132 Hornady has no Sport Pistol load data for the 147 XTP in 9mm in their 11th Edition either. Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books. 260" Speer Part No. Powders include IMR Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 380 Auto, 9mm Luger, . My Lyman 49th manual does not have any published data for this powder for 9mm. Bullet: Berry’s 147 grain plated 9mm Round Nose; Powder: Hodgdon CFE-Pistol, 4. Edited May 15, 2014 by rdinga. FMJ; . During World War II, the Brits developed the Sten machine gun and wrapped it around the 9mm cartridge. 5 958 3. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (using Sport Pistol) reloading data with 11 loads. Given the way things are continuing to go I'm going to have to change that. 2 grains as max for a 125grain lead boolit. Looking for a nice MINOR load that will run in my Sig X5 Legion and my Sig MPX PCC. 357 Magnum; Reloading . 5 0 0. I am looking for load data using: Hodgdon CFE Pistol with Berry's 9mm 115gr FMJ plated. 454 Casull. Power Pistol: 6. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 115: Rem JHP: IMR: 800-X: Subscribe: 1150: Remarks 9mm Largo / 9mm Bergmann-Bayard (Speer Reloading Manual #14) reloading data with 34 loads. 327 Federal Magnum. With Sport Pistol I have to load 3. Using bullets from Speer, JHP, FMJ, Speer CPRN, Speer TMJ RN, ACME RN-NLG coated, Speer GDHP. Nov 10, 2014. 40 S&W. 38 Special. 357 SIG. 124 gr 5. 5 Comprehensive load data for Ramshot Silhouette reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. military adopted the Berretta M9 (civilian Model 92F) pistol in 1985. And at one point I still had a couple of one pound paper canisters of Hercules Unique when it became Alliant Unique and was supposedly "Improved" as far as being cleaner burning. 45 ACP. 18 posts • Page 1 of 1. 356" 1. 15 from a 4 inch barrel. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers actual measurements may vary * = Most accurate load tested 8 6 % 8 0 % 7 5 % 7 8 % 6 0 % 5 4 % 6 8 % 4 9 % 4 3 % 5 9 % 5 4 % 7 0 % 9mm Luger - 124 grain 9mm (. 754 inch; trim to length: . Here you will find load data for some of the most recent cartridges on the market, with more being added each week. It can be used as reference to our calculated loads. Using bullets from Berry's Bullets HBRN TP. 40S&W, 10MM and . The load data I used was from reliable sources, including Hodgdon, Hornady, Lyman, Speer, VihtaVuori, and Western Powders. The 1 st and foremost reason is SAFETY: 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using 90 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 49 loads. Using bullets from Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point, Sierra Full Metal Jacket, Speer Full Metal Jacket, Full Metal Jacket, Jacketed Hollow Point, Lead Reloading the 9mm Luger is an easy process, but there are a few useful techniques for getting the most out of your 9mm loads. A lot of testing is required, working "UP" to a desired load, to evaluate for pressure signs and reliability in different temperatures. 30 Mauser). P. This sections contains the official reloading manuals from those manufacturers who publish their load data as pdf. 44 REM. My 16 inch barrel AR 9 will also feed and function with my light 9mm load. OAL was 1. This is a 1097fps load out of 6 1/2" barreled BH. 5 1004 24,000 PSI 5. Sport Pistol's low-muzzle-flash formulation is also optimized for polymer-coated bullets, whereas comparable powders can dissolve polymer coatings at Our 9mm load is Hodgdon CFE-Pistol w4. Powders include Hodgdon Home; About Us; Cartridge of the Month primer: CCI 500, Small Pistol; barrel length: 4"; trim length: . 9grs and OAL 1. Hodgdon Universal. NRA Life Member 9mm Luger Powder Minimum Maximum Charge (grains) Velocity (fps) Charge (grains) Velocity (fps) Bullseye 3. Load Data: Load data are the recipes published by manufacturers of gunpowder and bullet makers in the firearms industry. Share Based on the 9mm data I am willing to bet it will be a very good, if not great powder for the 40. 125" 1. Winchester 231 powder is also clean-burning and has low muzzle flash. com Good info and pretty good results Switched to CFE Pistol for 9mm in late 2020 when it was the only thing that I could find, and was able to buy 4#. CFE Pistol: Subscribe: 963: Remarks: max load; COL: 1. 1 0 9 9mm Luger - 115 grain 9mm (. Search by City and State. 9c 1030 A-No. Out of a Glock 19 at 10 feet: High 1176 Low 1151 Average 1164 Extreme Spread 25 Standard Deviation 8 According to The Speer Reloading Manual #13 max or near max charges of HS-7, Blue Dot, AA#9, Unique, AA#7, or Vhita Vouri 3N37 will get you to that velocity. com/downloads/speer/reloading-pdfs/handgun/9mm_Luger__115_rev1. Accurate No. An illustration of a computer 9MM (. 380 Auto / . What is the general consensus on the Reloading 9mm. Favorite 9mm Luger Loads 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Lee Precision Data) reloading data 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 160 loads. Powders include IMR, Alliant, Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Winchester, Accurate Vihtavuori N330 for versatile handgun loads N330 handgun powder provides a wide range of latitude for the handgun shooter, serving well for everything from light target to heavier high-velocity loadings. 357 Magnum 37. 3 grains all the way up to 6grs. C PRIMER TYPE ** = Compressed load “ Because Nosler, Inc. The ADI manual is a great guide which is a to cover them. Shooters World CLEAN SHOT. Recipe. Why Green Dot? It's all I have at present. I got up to 1245 f/s (5" bbl) while staying within published data. Learn more » Learn to Reload. 7 1161 8. I load 9mm major, ap100, 7. My typical uses for this powder are . 7 grains powder. A. Not trying to work the Minor floor, just a nice safe plain vanilla load that will Working my way through The Great Powder Shortage of the 21st Century and got some CFE Pistol powder. Velocities are IMR Handgun Data. 357, my favorite load with CFE Pistol is 6. 603. Fiocchi of Italy still loads this round. If we could get more accuracy from this load, it would move up to be top tier. The Hodgon site has the data for 9mm and only 1 load for 40 S&W 115 GR. and links to complimentary product pages. Always cross-reference load data with manufacturer’s published data. 0 904 5. Data is usually close to my final loads. ← Back. It is ideally suited to 38 Special, 45 Auto, and 9mm standard loads. This is a versatile, medium 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (9x19) in a Ruger reloading data with 20 loads. Home; Pistol Loads; Rifle Loads; Gear Reviews; Home; Pistol Loads Reloading 9mm Luger; Reloading . I believe 5. Data was still used since no other data for HS-7 could be found. 900" C. 40 S&W and . Its probably not as good overall as BE-86 in terms of 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Alliant Reloaders Guide 2008) reloading data with 12 loads. Load data was just written down and then reloading commenced. IMR Handgun Data. 055″. 7c 947 IMR 700X 3. 38 Special 44 Special shell holders for the cartridges you’re planning to reload. To cut to the chase, any of these primers will work great for reloading 9mm cartridges. Always cross-reference with manufacturer’s load data. I have search this site and the Internet and it varys from 4. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. Universal Starline CCI 500 4. XTP load. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 86 loads. CASE; CCI 500 PR HORNADY 50 GR. 45 Automatic cartridges. With both bullets, I didn't start getting a good pressure seal and clean, consistent burns until I got to The 9mm Bayard case is slightly longer. Wt. 3565 inch), Magma SKU-9-125 roundnose cast (sized . Handgun Data. 44 Magnum. Q; Contact Us; 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Somchem Data) reloading data with 36 loads. 169 inches; maximum case length: . 7-inch barrel; case: Fed. REDUCE RIFLE AND HANDGUN CHARGE WEIGHTS BY 10% TO ESTABLISH A STARTING LOAD. 9 mm Luger - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19 Click on each Powder picture to see detailed explainations, video, load data, shot groupings and more! We tested over 30 powders that can be used for 9MM. Reloading equipment, methods, load data, powder and projectile information. Accurate Shotshell, Bullet and Ammo Reloading Manuals For Load Data Enthusiasts; Home; About Us; Cartridge of the Month; Articles; Signup Exploring New 256 Winchester Magnum Pistol Powders Load Is it just me or do load data for the above seem a bit excessive? Kind of new to reloading 9mm's and powder is a bit hard to come by. 0 gr as max. Let's see how they shoot. I think I ran anywhere from 3. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP or FMJ-RN. Magnum. Powders include Winchester Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. 8c 1039 True Blue 4. 8c 1022 Titegroup 3. primer: Fed. 15, occasionally 1. Second spot went to a 122gr LFP w/4. 14, as the mood strikes me. May 28, 2023, 09:49 AM Could you humor me and look up 9mm data for Hogdon HS-7? There is another thread with a new reloader who got data from a gunshop and says that the data was wrong, that the max load would overflow the case. 9 is the correct min max but I thought I'd ask. Feb 1, 2014 #13 M. The SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure for the 9x19mm is 35,000 psi. 1 740 14400 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using Hodgdon Titewad Powder) reloading data with 2 loads. Most everything points towards using 147 gr bullets. 1 gr of CFE Pistol and it looks significant in a 9mm case that the eye can pick up a charge and a If you want the most powerful published load for 9mm, that would be Vihtavouri first edition 1994. They will be specific to at least the cartridge, bullet weight, and the weight of the powder charge. jeffroberdo Principal Purpose: Handgun loads Remarks: America's best known pistol powder. 6231 Robinson • Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 • 913-362-9455 • Fax 913-362-1307 AutoComp TM Load Data 9mm Luger Starting Loads Maximum Loads 115 GR. Range conditions were HOT. They will also sell you sample packs to see what your gun likes. Burn . ; . In pistol, 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 10mm Auto are some of the cartridges where HS-6 provides top performance. Now my problem is, I can't find loading data for 9mm 120 grain RN lead bullets using this powder. Undoubtedly, these debates aren’t going anywhere soon, but some get especially heated. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using Winchester Powder) reloading data with 60 loads. 500 S&W Magnum. 169 inches; Maximum Case Length: . Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 355 inch), Alberts Swaged (Sized . Accurate Powder’s complete line of smokeless powders for handguns, shotguns, and rifles is lab-tested/engineered to maximize the precision and performance of any firearms. mssmith44 Hi all,Been reloading for rifles for a while but I have just started pistol shooting and got myself a CZ Shadow 1. 45 ACP target loads. No complaints for this load data or the product; contains practical starting loads for most of their bullets in 3 powders. This was back before subsonic loads were popular. Like . 380 ACP / 9mm Kurtz (Western Powders Reloading Guide Edition 5. Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 0 gr might be +P by today's standards and methods. Re: Hornady 9MM 147 gr. 749 inch. Posted May 15, 2014. Oal 1. ULTIMATE PISTOL: D036-07: MAJOR PISTOL: D037-01: HEAVY PISTOL: D37-02: BLACKOUT: D063-02: TACTICAL RIFLE: D073-01: AR PLUS: DO73-04: 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using 115 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 45 loads. Have had good results with it in . I'm looking for load data using Sport Pistol, TiteGroup, or WST as I keep those on-hand at It's not a straight weight for weight replacement either. Alliant Sport Pistol Load Data Alliant Sport Pistol Load Data. More about this powder: Designed for high performance in semi-automatic pistols and is the powder of choice for 9mm, . 4 1002 24,800 I am getting ready to load up some 9mm loads and can only find data from the older Alliant load sheets. 8 CFE is a +P+ load, but quite impressive. Comprehensive load data for Shooters World Ultimate Pistol reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. A crimp that is too tight (too deep) can increase ballistics more than what is expected from the reload data. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, JHP, Full Metal Jacket, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead RN, Lead Conical Nose, Hornady HAP, Berry's Bullets RN, Hornady XTP, Lead CFP. REM. 38. The published load data from the . My plan is to test Sport Pistol with the 147 grain coated bullet as well. 3565 inch). Reviews, reloading tips, gear, and more. 32 ACP. I use Extreme 115 gr RN and 6. 135 100 Fed 5. Velocity is listed as 1165fps with a pressure of 28. I won’t discuss that here because there is no published/pressure tested reloading data available. 3. 151 Sectional Density 0. Designed for high performance in semi-automatic pistols and is the powder of choice for 9mm, . I have about a thousand on hand and I should test them as well. 744 inch. All velocities were measured with an Oehler M35P or Chrony chronograph with the midpoint of the screens at 10 feet. 5c 986 Win 231 3. this powder. 480 Ruger. 150 (124gr FMJ type bullet) Our 45autos are Hodgdon TiteGroup w/5. 754 inch; Trim to length: . 45 grains, hate to know what pressure, never misses a beat, I am one of many who load what we load because IT IS safe and works. 7c 949 Zip 3. Use CCI-500 primers. speer. Vihtavuori offers reloading data for nearly a hundred different handgun and rifle calibers and for shotgun loads, with numerous bullet options for In no event shall Nosler, Inc. 10mm Auto 33. Reduce by 10% to establish a starting charge weight. 32 H&R Magnum. Hodgdon Tite Group. and 9mm standard loads. I just want a good safe starting load. All listed reloading manuals below are free of charge. Ok I know 9mm is the easiest load data to find, but I'm needing help. Home; About; Products. 40 S&W “A man can Shooters World provides reloaders with valuable reloading data and a link to the Lovex® Reloading Guide. Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Barnes TAC XP, Nosler JHP, Sierra FMJ, Berry Plated RNDS, Rainier Plated RN, Oregon Trail Lasercast Lead RN, Remington GS, Speer GDHP, Rainier Plated HP, Berry Plated RN, Sierra JHP, Speer TMJ FN, Rainier Plated TRN, Oregon Trail Lasercast 9mm TMJ® RN 9mm GDHP Weight (grains) 124 Ballistic Coefficient 0. 32 Smith & Wesson Long. reloading data for plated bulletT. About / Support; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up. 5 979 5. My inventory is all 115 grain bullets. Reloader's Guide Alliant Powder Reload Recipes. 45ACP. 141 COAL Tested 1. 25 Auto. reloading data with 2 loads. 5g under 158g SWC. 2 grains powder or 115 projectile and 4. 0gr Power Pistol. Skip to content. USPSA allows 9mm in Open division to be loaded to a Major PF of 165. Be thoroughly familiar with those instructions before using these loads. Comprehensive load data for Accurate No. For . More about this powder: Vihtavuori's 3N37 handgun powder was originally developed for . Skip to main content. Consistency, clean burning, low flash, and a broad range of applications make CFE Load Data 9mm 115gr Berry's Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading This seems like it should be fairly simple. This powder is extremely versatile and can be 9mm Largo Loads reloading data with 27 loads. 45 Colt; 45/70 Favorite Load Data. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. While this is not a super-fast 9mm +P load, it’s around the +P speed expected for this First time loader and I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to load my 9mm luger with Hornaday 115gr fmj rn, CCi small pistol primers and CFE pistol powder. 380 was the last of the calibers I shoot semi-regularly but didn't reload. My goal was simply to check things out for a new reloader who was about to load CFE Pistol for the first time, and it was with 115gr JHP. Use near-max load data and bullets of 127 grains or less for the best performance in carbines. Almost every single load is already compressed at top of standard pressure range+P is compressed more. 125 0. Experience superior quality and performance with Nosler products. 25 A. Oh, 6. The average velocity was 1104 fps, with a spread of 21 fps. Site Supporter. Then, if that creates a significant difference relative to load data, you might want to adjust your load window down from the published data by 5-10%. 3 1128 28,200 PSI 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (147 GR) Handload Data: Warning! Notes: A 5-inch barreled Kimber Model 1911 Team Match II was used to shoot all loads in Starline cases with Winchester Small Pistol primers. 5c 1026 Silhouette 4. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 160 loads. jeffroberdo. The GOLDEN RULE of reloading is to always to begin at the recommended START load, which is between -10% below the MAXIMUM load for most Rifle calibers and up to 15% below for certain handgun calibers.
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