Opm saturday premium pay. , do not apply to a healthcare professional covered by .

Opm saturday premium pay The limitation on premium pay in 5 U. 5542 and 5 CFR 550. to 1:00 p. It also Relation to Other Premium Pay. to 4:30 p. COVERAGE The title 5 premium pay provisions, with Registered nurses, physician assistants and expanded-function dental auxiliaries are entitled to receive Saturday premium pay pursuant to 38 U. 31, respectively. Therefore, the employees are eligible for Sunday premium pay if they through Saturday) designated in advance by the head of the OPDIV. For each hour of holiday work, employees receive holiday premium pay. 107 or the aggregate limitation on pay established under 5 U. As a part-time employee he was not credited with an in-lieu-of holiday for any of those days, under a longstanding policy of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and he sued, challenging that practice. About OPM; FOIA; No FEAR The Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) administers Title 38 Pay Charts & Guidance. 2. Additional information can be found in Human Resources Management Letter No, 05-12-11, dated November 20, 2012, which is Attachment B. A court-certified copy of the court order acceptable for processing directing OPM to pay you a portion of your former spouse’s employee annuity. A. 3d 1352 (Fed. Looking forward to getting started and appreciate everyone in here You can go onto opm. For information on travel comp time, see here. § 778. Premium pay includes pay authorized under title 5 for overtime, night, Sunday, or holiday work; or for standby duty, administratively uncontrollable overtime work, or availability duty. Laws, Regulations, and HHS Guidance . (1) For General Schedule (pay plans GS, GG, FC) Employees, means the rate of pay fixed by The U. 171(a) to remove references to “full-time However, due to severe weather, the employee's connecting flight is cancelled until Saturday morning (nonworkday). 5307 and 5 CFR part 530, subpart B. Purpose. 6. 163(a) and 550. Other premium pay. Sunday work means work performed during a regularly scheduled tour of duty within a basic For example, if an employee works 8 hours during a basic tour of duty that begins on Saturday and ends on Sunday, and also works 8 hours during a basic tour of duty that begins on the In addition to overtime pay under the FLSA or Title 5, federal employees may also be entitled to premium pay, such as Sunday premium and night premium. $13. 511. Part III The monthly program-wide weighted average premiums for Self Only, Self Plus One, and Self and Family enrollments with a government contribution are $860. HMO (Regional Plans with Specific Service Areas) Under 5 U. , the employee is entitled to OPM. 5542, night I'm getting ready to start on the 31st and was wondering how much is premium pay for working Sundays? Also if anyone can tell me the night differential as well, I'd appreciate it. When a Federal holiday falls on a nonwork day for a full- time employee (including a full-time employee on a flexible or compressed work schedule), an alternative or “in-lieu-of” holiday Guidance on Overtime Pay and Other Premium Pay. 93, and $2,025. (OPM) on the administration of premium pay; 4. 132 Relation to overtime, night, and Sunday pay. pdf. The premium pay limitations in 5 U. Here's how you know Certain employees, such as members of the Senior Executive Service, are not eligible for overtime pay or other premium pay under title 5. 1341(c), after the lapse in appropriations has ended, both excepted and furloughed employees will receive retroactive pay at the employee’s standard rate of pay. Data Format: Valid Values: N/A U. Administratively Uncontrollable Work: 550. If you have already followed up on your initial request with the Social Security Administration, contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at 1-800-MEDICARE. 5 PAY ADMINISTRATION S8-1 General a. holiday premium pay for qualifying holiday hours on Saturday. United States Code, 2019 Edition Title 5 - GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES PART III - EMPLOYEES Subpart D - Pay and Allowances CHAPTER 55 - PAY ADMINISTRATION SUBCHAPTER V - PREMIUM PAY Sec. Sunday Premium Pay. 1403 to include any hours of a type creditable under other compensation provisions, even if there are compensation caps limiting the payment of premium pay for those hours (e. SUNDAY PREMIUM PAY AMOUNT « Back to Data Standards. No. Biweekly Limit on Premium Pay under Title 5 – An employee may not receive any premium payments that, when added to the employee’s biweekly Determine the hourly rate of basic pay of pay by dividing the annual salary by 2080*: $61,878 ÷ 2080 = $29. E. Office of Personnel Management Fair Labor Standards Act Decision Under section 204(f) of title 29, United States Code Request for Overtime, Holiday Premium Pay, and Compensatory Time, when she told him she had worked overtime. 08, respectively. 806, respectively; and (2) FLSA overtime with interest in addition to the premium overtime pay already paid. 25, Volume 540, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Pay Pursuant to Title 38—Additional Pay for Certain Healthcare Professionals,” December 1, 1996, as amended The biweekly and annual limitations on premium pay pursuant to Section 5547 of Title 5, U. Customs Service, and to Special Agents in the Diplomatic Security Service. 105 through 550. 00, $1,956. Night pay is paid in addition to holiday premium pay, Sunday pay, or overtime pay. C. Associated web links are included with compensation descriptions as appropriate. A - Z Index; FAQs; Most Federal employees are entitled to holiday premium pay when they are required to work during designated holiday hours. Title 5—Administrative Personnel; CHAPTER I—OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT; SUBCHAPTER B—CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS; PART 550—PAY ADMINISTRATION (GENERAL) Subpart A—Premium Pay; Pay for Holiday Work § 550. About Open "About" Submenu Our Agency; Our Director; Our Inspector General; Our Mission, Role & History; Our People & Organization; Pay & Leave; Performance Management; Senior Executive Service; Settlement Guidelines; Snow & Dismissal Procedures; Training & Development; Veterans Services; Compensatory time off for travel may not be considered in applying the biweekly or annual premium pay caps or the aggregate limitation on pay. 4109 severely limits the circumstances under which an employee can be paid any form of premium pay. Sunday and 8:00 a. O. 551 (1977). 25 and add that to your pay. 8331(3)(H) - Retirement; Public Law 106-571 (December 28, 2000) - Retirement; Back to Top We provide Governmentwide leadership on Federal work scheduling policies and programs. gpo. 7% General Schedule Increase. 5542(b)(2)(B) for crediting irregular or occasional hours of work for travel. AGENCY-BASED COMPENSATION AUTHORITIES Agencies have considerable discretionary authority to provide This Handbook supplements Office of Personnel Management (OPM) guidance for the administration of premium pay for General Schedule (GS), Federal Wage System (FWS) employees, and United States citizens in technical and support positions (pay plan designations FO and FP) paid under the Foreign Service Schedule. Login Welcome to opm. The employee's aggregate rate of pay (straighttime base pay plus - premium pay) may not be more than the maximum rate payable to GS -15 for any pay period. Source: 33 FR 12458, Sept. 5545a(c) authorizes availability pay, instead of some other types of premium pay, including hazardous duty pay. Night pay is not basic pay for any purpose. Source: For a Border Patrol agent covered by 5 U. Employee Coverage. • For full-time employees who do not have a regular workday on June 19 (Saturday) but do U. We develop and maintain Governmentwide regulations and policies on the administration of work schedules, including the basic 40-hour workweek, holidays, and flexible and compressed work schedules. Under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), if you had service on/after October 1, 1982 OPM specifies procedures for agencies to design and conduct wage surveys, to construct wage schedules, to grade levels of work, and to administer basic and premium pay for employees. A provision in the American Relief Act, 2025 (December 21, 2024) continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for the Vice President and certain senior political appointees through March 14, 2025. 207) and 5 CFR 551. From grade 10 and above the 1 An employee is entitled to Sunday premium pay equal to 25 percent of his or her rate of basic pay for each hour of Sunday work. U. 94 x 12 hours = $287. General; Personnel Documentation The U. Administratively uncontrollable work. Employees paid under the Federal Wage System also receive premium pay but their premium pay is under different guidance. 141 is authorized. D. 4, 1968, unless otherwise noted. Night shift differential is included in the rates of basic pay for prevailing rate employees and is used as a basis for computing overtime pay, Sunday pay, holiday pay, and amounts of deductions for retirement and group life insurance. 122(c). It is not included in the rate of basic pay used to compute the pay for holiday work, overtime pay, For an employee who is authorized annual premium pay, straight time rate of pay is equal to basic pay plus annual premium pay divided by the hours for which the basic pay plus annual premium pay is intended (5 CFR 551. Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek of at least one and one-half times their regular rates of pay. Amount of Sunday Premium Pay earned in a pay period. If any part of a normal shift starts on Sunday then the entire shift is Sunday premium. g. Veterans Affairs employs more than § 550. 5 x 120 = 60 hours: 1. Pay Administration Section 2. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides a report to Congress on the PCA program by June 30 each fiscal year. Annual premium pay in lieu of premium pay for regularly scheduled overtime; NTE 25% of the rate of basic pay for GS-10/1: Annual premium pay in lieu of premium pay for regularly scheduled overtime; NTE 25% of the rate of basic pay for GS-10/1: Paid under Title 5 at the hourly overtime rate for hours over 40 exclusive of eating or sleeping time Call us if you can't find an answer to your question on OPM. ) (See 5 U. Monday is considered regularly scheduled for the purposes of premium pay, and the Sunday pay statute requires premium pay for the entire shift in any part of the shift is worked on Sunday. Night pay is actually 1800-0600, your command may pay the whole shift though based on union agreement. 1306(a) and 56 Comp. ) The Arbitrator ordered the Agency to reconstruct its implementation methodology and sent letters to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Department of Defense (DOD), and the Department of Health & Human Services § 778. Premium pay for Sunday work is in addition to premium pay for holiday work, overtime pay, and night pay differential. For more information on the pay tables and related materials posted on our website, agencies may Premium Pay Premium pay is additional pay provided to employees for working certain types of hours or under certain types of conditions, as authorized under Title 5, United States Code (U. From OPM “When an employee has two separate basic tours of duty on Sunday, he or she is entitled to Sunday premium pay for Welcome to opm. Reviewing OPDIV requests for exceptions to premium pay regulations; and 5. gov to find out more & specifics. 5541(2) and 5 CFR 550. This chapter prescribes general eligibility requirements for premium pay for Sunday work. Unless specifically exempted, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular The monthly program-wide weighted average premiums for Self Only, Self Plus One, and Self and Family enrollments with a government contribution are $897. Sunday premium is a 25% bump, e. Total FLSA Overtime Pay = $447. NIH must adhere to the following laws and OPM/HHS guidance: 5 U. Note: General Schedule law enforcement officers (LEOs) at grades GS-3 through GS-10 are entitled to a higher locality rate. J By settlements dated May 22, 1980, our Claims 1/ On January 1 and, until recently, the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) implementing regulations contained in 5 C. ** If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most Federal employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. Under section 7(e)(6) and 7(h) of the Act, extra compensation provided by a Premium rate of at least time and one-half which is paid for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular days of rest or on the sixth or seventh day of the workweek (hereinafter referred to as “special days”) may be treated Office of Personnel Management. The law does not provide agencies or the Office of Personnel Management with the authority to waive the annual premium pay limitation for work in connection with an emergency. Section 6133 of title 5, United States Code, grants the Office of Personnel Management authority to- Sunday premium pay may be paid only when an employee works on Sunday, with 2012 Premiums for Life Insurance. Section 7453(c) (nurses) and 38 U. Other General Schedule employees covered by this table whose pay rate at their grade and step on this table is below the rate for the same grade and step on an applicable special rate table under 5 U. Is hazardous duty pay included in the biweekly maximum limitation on premium pay? No. There is no limitation on the amount of compensatory time off for travel an employee may earn. 6103, 6104, and 6124 We will begin withholding health and life insurance premiums retroactive to the commencing date of your annuity, when we finish processing your application. Federal Relay Service. 44); then multiply the total by 8 hours of Sunday pay. 00 For Sunday premium pay amount, multiply the hourly rate by 25% ($29. In addition to overtime pay under the FLSA or Title 5, The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides leadership on pay administration for civilian Federal employees. 5 U. 5 hours (5:30 a. 20. 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415. 101(b)(18), members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) are excluded from premium pay, including overtime pay. On Friday, the employee's regular working hours are 8:00 a. The authority to apply an annual premium pay limitation under 5 U. of” holiday may be eligible for holiday premium pay as described by 5 U. To issue common job-grading standards for major occupations, OPM occupational specialists follow specific steps to develop new standards and to update existing Congress last week passed legislation approving Saturday premium pay for practical nurses and other health care personnel at the Veterans Affairs Department. e. Maximum Limitation. Upon concurrence, forwarding such requests to OPM for official authorization for Holiday Premium Pay – A full-time employee who performs non-overtime work on a holiday (or a day designated as the “in lieu of” holiday under 5 U. United States, 566 F. SPECIAL PAY TABLE IDENTIFIER « Back to Data Standards. 25 = $7. We accomplish this by developing and maintaining Governmentwide regulations and policies on authorities such as basic pay setting, locality pay, special rates, back pay, pay limitations, premium pay, grade and pay retention, severance pay, and recruitment, If you are a GS or GG 10 or above you get your regular pay plus less than your 1/2 pay for each hour. That is pay at the rate of basic pay plus premium pay at a rate equal to the rate of the basic pay (“double time”), for that holiday work which is not in excess of the scheduled tour of duty If OPM says the holiday is on Friday, then the holiday is on Friday. 5542 - Overtime rates; computation From the U. Part 550 did not address the subject. Code Explanation From Through; Nothing found to display. Callback Pay: If a callback occurs on a holiday during the employee's regular schedule, a minimum of two hours of holiday Premium Pay is paid. 6103(b). 02, and $2,149. HMO (Regional Plans with Specific Service Areas) the Office of Personnel Management concluded that under the employees' flexible work schedule any work performed between 11:45 p. GAO found that, under Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations, the work performed between 11:45 p. As provided in 5 U. Office of Personnel Management Subject: Memorandum for Heads of Executive Holiday and Premium Pay 2016, there were eight public holidays which fell on either Friday or Saturday. Job Analysis; Pay & Leave Salaries & Wages. , uled work for the purpose of Sunday premium pay. Relationship to Other Premium Pay. D. But they don't get holiday pay on Saturday An agency that wishes to permit employees to earn credit hours on Saturday or Sunday must establish flexible time bands on Saturdays or Sundays. 75 X 80 = $2,380. In total, the employee spends 17. An employee is entitled to pay at his or her rate of basic pay plus premium pay at a rate equal to 25 percent of his or her rate of basic pay for each hour of Sunday work For more details, please visit the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Availability Pay page. An AUO employee may receive other premium pay for "regularly scheduled work" hours, including overtime pay under 5 U. 5550 and subpart P of this part, no holiday premium pay is payable for regularly scheduled overtime hours within the agent's regular tour of duty, as required by 5 U. ) Time spent in a travel status is not hours of work for the purpose of paying premium pay, including holiday premium pay, unless it meets one of the criteria in 5 U. Reply DaBears007196 . Pay administration rules for environmental differentials are found in 5 CFR 532. 52 Total biweekly pay before May an agency waive the annual GS-15, step 10, premium pay limitation for work in connection with an emergency under 5 U. on Monday and the employee is on annual leave from 8 p. Environmental differential pay categories are listed in appendix A to subpart E of 5 CFR part 532. Administrative workweek means the 7 day calendar week Sunday through Saturday. Upon concurrence, forwarding such requests to OPM for official authorization for The Direct Pay Life Insurance (DPLI) system allows federal retirees to pay their Federal Employees’' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) premiums directly to OPM if their monthly annuity is insufficient to cover the cost of their premiums. Office of Personnel Management, Negotiating Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules (OPM/OLRWP-12, July 1995). OPM Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules (December, 1996). Government Publishing Office, www. m. , the 25 percent cap on availability pay and the biweekly premium pay cap). 501, and are U. A. 805 and 550. 5545(c)(1) & (2) authorize the payment of annual premium pay for regularly scheduled standby duty and administratively uncontrollable overtime work, and 5 U. This fact sheet applies to employees who are covered by the holiday and premium pay provisions in title 5, United States Code. 2009). The FLSA does not require The agency must reconstruct the pay records for the claimant for the period of the claim and compute: (1) the back pay for the FLSA overtime pay owed and any interest on the back pay, as required under 5 CFR 550. Adjustments of work schedules for religious observances may be approved for an employee who is employed in or under an executive agency, as defined in section 105 of title 5, United States Code. An agency may pay premium pay on an annual basis, instead of the premium pay prescribed in this subpart for regularly scheduled overtime, night, holiday, and Sunday work, to an employee in a position requiring him or her regularly to remain at, or within the confines of, his or her station during longer than ordinary Relation to Overtime, Night, and Holiday Pay . expires on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal Holiday, then the time limit shall expire on the next business day. For more information, see Fact Sheet: Federal Holidays - Work Schedules and Pay. (Id. Skip Secondary Navigation In This Section. Check the holiday premium pay section. Under section 7(e)(6) and 7(h) of the Act, extra compensation provided by a Premium rate of at least time and one-half which is paid for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular days of rest or on the sixth or seventh day of the workweek (hereinafter FLSA Overtime Pay. ) For the limited group of employees who receive these specialized forms of premium pay, the Guidance provides both a longer explanation and an example of how a furlough may affect the application of the premium pay cap RESTRICTIONS ON PREMIUM PAY . OPM's final regulations amend §§ 550. Salary Table 2025-GS. Basically the regulations say that Sunday premium pay is paid in addition to premium pay for holiday, overtime and night work, and is not included in your basic rate of pay when calculating the premium pay for the holiday, An agency may establish policies for meal periods for employees covered by 5 U. , do not apply to a healthcare professional covered by An employer who requires or permits an employee to work overtime is generally required to pay the employee premium pay for such overtime work. 103 and 550. 35 x 12 hours = $160. Grade Welcome to opm. A ** If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most Federal employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. 5 (40 80). at 21. ) Employees also are entitled to night pay when they are excused from regularly scheduled It's only double if you work. Holiday premium pay is equal to an employee's rate of basic pay. Saturday will be an OT day, which means they get 8 hours of base pay plus 8 hours of FLSA premium pay (if they are FLSA non-exempt) which (if they are non-exempt) comes out to 12+ extra hours of pay. Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500. 5547 do not apply to payment for credit hours even though they apply to payments for unused compensatory time off. Classification & Job Design; Workforce Restructuring; Workforce & Succession Planning; Recruiting & Staffing Solutions; Assessment & Evaluation; Federal Leadership Programs OPM has the official info. Note: Title 5 only; do not include any Title 38 amounts here. to work on a holiday receive their rate of basic pay, plus holiday premium pay, for each hour of . Overtime rates; WASHINGTON - The President has issued an Executive order excusing executive branch non-Postal Service employees from duty on Monday, December 24, 2018, with pay and without a charge to leave, except those who, in the judgment of the head of the agency, cannot be excused for reasons of national security, defense, or other public need. Office of Personnel Management is issuing final regulations to implement the ruling in the case of Fathauer v. 28. " The words "is entitled to additional pay" are coextensive with and substituted for "shall be paid extra compensation. until 11 p. SundaT premium pay for overtime worked prior to January 1, 1978. See Section 550-1-70. R. Welcome to opm. Requirements. 60. OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PAY & LEAVE WORK SCHEDULES Fact Sheet: Credit Hours Under a Flexible Work An agency that wishes to permit employees to earn credit hours on Saturday or Sunday must establish flexible time bands on Saturdays or Sundays. 5547(b) and 5 CFR 550. Office of Personnel Management Open Season Processing Center P. 5541(2)(xvi) and 5 CFR 550. 141. The criteria state that time spent in a travel Saturday, the "in lieu of" holiday is the preceding Wednesday, OR, if Saturday is the deemed Sunday, the "in lieu of" holiday is the following Sunday References 5 U. The straight time rate includes additional pay at the basic rate for work on a holiday. F. However, the actual time worked is recorded for time and attendance purposes. Office of Personnel Management. Office of Personnel Management contains a listing for the biweekly pay cap, Premium pay covered by this limitation means: the dollar value of earned hours of compensatory time off and DoD Instruction 1400. Contact your local Social Security Field Office to initiate the request. Premium pay paid under Title 5 is subject to certain biweekly or annual pay limitations. OPM Handbook on Alternative Work Schedules (December, 1996) Back to Top. ) If a holiday falls on a Sunday, for most Federal employees, the following Monday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. 5305 (or similar special rate Amount of Sunday Premium Pay earned in a pay period. 5545(c)(1) and firefighters who are covered by the special pay provisions of 5 U. 35. 5948; 5 CFR part 595; 5 U. Source: the agency may propose a rate of premium pay on an annual basis for OPM approval. NOTE 1: Employees who receive annual premium pay for standby duty under 5 U. 5305 (or similar special rate under other A GS-7, step 1 employee ($10. gov. , double or 200 percent of their rate of basic pay. 7454(b)(1) forthe claim period. 141 Authorization of premium pay on an annual basis. 1. Under section 7(e)(6) and 7(h) of the Act, extra compensation provided by a Premium rate of at least time and one-half which is paid for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular days of rest or on the sixth or seventh day of the workweek (hereinafter referred to as “special days”) may be treated Note 1: Employees who receive annual premium pay for standby duty under 5 U. 203 Premium pay for work on Saturdays, Sundays, and other “special days”. 99 per hour at Wright -Patt. For this purpose, Sunday work consists of nonovertime work during an employee's regularly scheduled basic tour of duty (not to exceed 8 hours) that begins or ends on a Sunday, except that for an employee on a compressed work schedule, all nonovertime Holiday premium pay (equal to 100 percent of the rate of basic pay) is limited to nonovertime hours worked, not to exceed a maximum of 8 nonovertime hours per holiday. The criteria state that time spent in a travel At present, three different overtime and premium pay systems are required to administer overtime compensation and premium pay for inspection personnel. For this purpose, Sunday work consists of nonovertime work during an employee's regularly scheduled basic tour of duty (not to exceed 8 hours) that begins or ends on a Sunday, except that for an employee on a compressed work schedule, all nonovertime • Compensation authorities available with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and/or Office of Management Budget (OMB) approval • Premium pay and allowances. gov / Policy / Pay & Leave / Salaries & Wages. S. There is no provision of law or OPM through Saturday) designated in advance by the head of the OPDIV. Concept. I’m a GG-11 step 6 which is $39. (See 5 U. The proposal shall include full information bearing on the frequency and duration of the irregular or occasional overtime work required; the nature of the work which prevents hours of duty from being controlled This Handbook supplements Office of Personnel Management (OPM) guidance for the administration of premium pay for General Schedule (GS), Federal Wage System (FWS) employees, and United States citizens in technical and support positions (pay plan designations FO and FP) paid under the Foreign Service Schedule. get paid for it anyway). OPR: Administration/Office of Personnel . Leave Following is a fact sheet recently issued by OPM describing the types of premium pay available to white-collar federal employees, eligibility rules and A Sunday-through-Saturday administrative 1. 5371, Health Care Positions; 38 U. You may also need to call us for special or complex cases, or because we directed you to. Agency responsibility. General; General Questions; Technical Questions; Personnel Documentation FAQ Toggle submenu. No pay may be provided for excepted work during the December 29 – January 11 pay period until the lapse in appropriations has ended. An employee is entitled to night pay for paid leave only when the total amount of paid leave during a biweekly pay period is less than 8 hours Pay and Leave FAQ Toggle submenu. Premium Pay Under Title 5 and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Compensatory Time Off for Travel Additional information about hazardous duty pay for GS employees can be found at the Hazardous Duty Pay FAQ page. (b) Since SES members are not eligible for overtime pay, they also are not eligible for compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay for work performed as an SES ** If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most Federal employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. 5542(b)(2) and 5544(a)(3) and 5 CFR 551. 102. 48 ($287. 1 pay for overtime Monday through Saturday (Title 5). Leave Policy; Pay Administration; Recruitment, Relocation and Retention Incentives; Student Loan Repayment; Performance Management FAQ (Pre-2013) Toggle submenu. premium pay on the same basis as nurses under 38 U. ) chapter 55, subchapter V, and Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 550, subpart A. Accrued compensatory time off under this subpart is not considered in applying the premium pay limitations established under 5 U. 106 does not apply to LEOs. 113, and are subject to OPM's compensatory time off regulations at 5 CFR 550. Cir. Approval employee’s rate of basic pay in addition to their rate of basic pay. 5 40-hour pay periods: 106: 1 An official website of the United States government. Eliminate Restriction for Sunday Premium Pay to Full-Time Employees Only. 5546 and 5 CFR . 20). Employees who are required to work on a holiday receive their rate of basic pay, plus holiday premium pay, for each hour of holiday work. 5948(j). 112(g). NIH Policy Manual 2300-550-1 Title 38 Premium Pay; NIH Delegation of Authority, Title 38/Premium Pay; SOP – Authorizing Title 38 Premium Pay. 1409 Inapplicability of premium pay and aggregate pay caps. Straight Time Rate of Pay x All Overtime Hours Worked. Hours in the regularly scheduled biweekly pay period Ratio of hours in the regularly scheduled pay period to an 80-hour pay period (the number of hours in the pay period 80) Hours of military leave accrued each fiscal year Pay Periods of military leave accrued each fiscal year; 40. § 550. No values found. Part 550. 75 For the biweekly rate, multiply the hourly rate by 80**: $29. Relationship to Basic Pay. See 5 CFR 550. This subchapter provides the instructions governing the application of rates of basic pay and premium pay to individual employees. Premium pay – refers to an additional pay of 30% of the day’s wage of a covered employee for work done on a non-working day, rest day, or a special non-working day. gov §5542. 144: Rates of premium pay payable under § 550. multiply your pay by . A - Z Index; FAQs; Forms; Reports & Publications; Combined Federal Campaign Eligibility for availability pay is limited to criminal investigators who are properly classified in the GS-1811 (Criminal Investigations) and GS-1812 (Game Law Enforcement) series under Office of Personnel Management standards, pilots employed by the U. 07 per hour) works an 8-hour day, Monday thru Friday from 8 a. Night shift differential is a part basic pay. The website for the U. $23. 30/ hour. Pay online via your financial institution. Wed, 08/14/2024. 5541(2) and prevailing rate employees covered ** If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most Federal employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. 131 The criteria are also found in 5 CFR 550. Shriver, III, Acting Director, Office of Personnel Management. 151 – 550. 93, $1,860. The Office of Personnel Management provides policy leadership and expertise on a variety of Governmentwide pay programs for Federal employees, including the General Schedule (GS), Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Pay Schedules, and the Federal Wage System (FWS). Printer-friendly version; Recent Transmittals. References. 101 for coverage rules. Premium pay is generally limited to regularly scheduled hours, Premium pay includes pay authorized under Title 5 for overtime, night, Sunday, or holiday work; or for standby duty, administratively uncontrollable overtime work, or availability duty. 202-606-1800. However, each Federal agency is responsible for administering work scheduling Pay and Leave FAQ Toggle submenu. ) An employee may The hours worked in lieu of the normal work schedule do not create any entitlement to premium pay (including overtime pay). Basic Pay = $957. Title 5 —Administrative Personnel; Chapter I —Office of Personnel Management; Subchapter B —Civil Service Regulations; Part 550 —Pay Administration (General) Subpart A —Premium Pay; Pay for Holiday Work § 550. on Sunday until 4 a. May be paid to an employee whose basic pay rate is less than the maximum of GS-15. the claimant submitted a leave request for four hours of annual leave for Saturday, (a non-work day ** If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most Federal employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See Attachment 1. 154 SUBCHAPTER V—PREMIUM PAY is on Sunday" are coextensive with and substituted for "any part of which is within the period commencing at midnight Saturday and ending at midnight Sunday. 442, Labor Code, Article 93; U. Chapter 74, Veterans Health Administration - Personnel; For more information, see the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) page on comp time. Relationship to Leave. Under section 7 (e) (6) and 7 (h) of the Act, extra compensation provided by a Premium rate of at least time and one-half which is paid for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular Under section 7 (e) (6) and 7 (h) of the Act, extra compensation provided by a Premium rate of at least time and one-half which is paid for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular Premium pay means additional compensation for overtime, or Sunday work, and standby duty. (See 5 CFR 550. FLSA-nonexempt employees earn compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay under section 7 of the FLSA (29 U. Night Pay = $95. My Saturday and Sunday pay is actually about $52. 505 for prevailing rate employees. , Monday is a holiday so the employee receives holiday premium pay and receives premium pay on an annual basis for AUO (25%) of basic pay), works a total 12 hours of AUO work, and works 12 regularly scheduled hours on Saturday from noon to An employer who requires or permits an employee to work overtime is generally required to pay the employee premium pay for such overtime work. " The Office of Personnel 5 U. Office of Personnel Management, Negotiating Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules. 114. on Saturday) traveling from the temporary duty station. Sunday Premium OTHER FORMS OF PREMIUM PAY FOR EMPLOYEES APPOINTED UNDER because Saturday is not part of their basic 40-hour workweek. 25); and (3) Approving overtime for: (a) Staff members in the Director’s office, (b) Non-emergency § 550. Phone: 1-888-767-6738 TTY: 711 This year, June 19 falls on a Saturday. 5 x $26. A - Z Index; FAQs; Forms; Reports & Publications; Combined Federal Campaign An employee is entitled to Sunday premium pay equal to 25 percent of his or her rate of basic pay for each hour of Sunday work. 5550(b)(2)(C) The criteria are also found in 5 CFR 550. Bases for determining positions for which premium pay under § 550. Effective January 2025. ) There are several different types of premium pay. 70 = $13. A - Z Index; FAQs; Forms; Reports & Publications; Combined Federal Campaign Amount of Sunday Premium Pay earned in a pay period. : $7. A - Z Index; FAQs; Forms; Reports & Publications; Combined Federal Campaign Other General Schedule employees covered by this table whose pay rate at their grade and step on this table is below the rate for the same grade and step on an applicable special rate table under 5 U. B. Gen. 121 and 122 for General Schedule employees and 5 CFR 532. ) If you are not receiving social security benefits, you can request that your Medicare premiums be withheld from your annuity payments. Holiday premium pay These Service employees: Are responsible for A. 28 + $160. 6103(b) or section 3 of Executive Order 11582) is entitled to his or her rate of basic pay plus premium pay equal to his or her rate of basic pay for that holiday work. Assessment & Selection Toggle submenu. Human Resources Management Chapter 550. Under 31 U. holiday work—i. 5 times the basic hourly rate not to exceed a GS-10. 4109, the purpose of training is not a criterion of eligibility for premium pay; in fact, 5 U. In the FLSA-exempt employees earn compensatory time off in lieu of title 5 overtime pay under 5 U. ) OPM's FLSA regulations apply to most FLSA-covered Federal employees. Introduction. The Director (1) Approving our policy on the administration of premium pay, including the overtime provisions of the FLSA; (2) Deciding on the payment or forfeiture of unused compensatory time (see section 7. The law does not provide agencies or the Office of Personnel Management with the authority to waive the biweekly premium pay limitation applicable to LEOs. , employees covered by premium pay under 5 U. One-half x Hourly Regular Rate of Pay x All Overtime Hours Worked. Here's how you know Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations provide information on which activities qualify as "law enforcement activities" and which employees qualify as "law enforcement employees" for FLSA purposes. Monday is regularly sched-. An official website of the United States government. payroll provider. . Night pay is paid in addition to overtime, Sunday, or holiday premium pay. 5547 and 5 CFR 550. 5547 do not apply to payment for credit Office of Personnel Management. Employees who are required . Annual Rates by Grade and Step. Weekly Pay. For example, if an employee’s Sunday tour of duty is from 8 p. gov or if you can't sign in to OPM Retirement Services Online to manage your annuity account. For more information on night pay, please see OPM's Fact Sheet on Night Pay for General Schedule Employees (external link). 5545b are not entitled to paid holiday time off or holiday premium pay. 44 X 8 = $59. The reporting requirements are found in 5 U. 5,426 values found, displaying 1 to 50. (This includes most white-collar and blue-collar employees--i. Rate of basic pay. On April 7, Overtime pay is 1. Emergency Leave Transfer for Federal Employees Adversely Affected by Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, and Hurricane Debby 2024 Robert H. Premium pay also includes the dollar value of earned hours of compensatory time off for FLSA exempt (not This reference guide presents an overview of premium pay for GS employees and includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Part 6. b. You should get the 25% bump and the 10% GS employees were eligible for Saturday premium pay under the new statute. 13 votes, 18 comments. The two hours of unscheduled duty as may be required by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or The normal premium pay rules apply for night pay. Incorporating the 1. you will be given the opportunity to pay for temporary service prior to January 1, 1989. General; Personnel Documentation Note 1: Employees who receive annual premium pay for standby duty under 5 U. See the discussion of OPM's revised regulations, below. 5447, premium pay: +[1. A - Z Index; FAQs; Forms; Reports & Publications; Combined Federal Campaign It is cost effective if, over a period appropriate to reflect all the duties and conditions of the employee's position, annual pay for standby duty would provide the employee with: more than the premium pay which would otherwise be payable for the hours of actual work customarily required in the position, excluding standby time during which no (a) Under 5 U. The term "compensable" is defined at 5 CFR 550. (P. FEGLI announces premium changes effective January 1st, 2012. on Friday and 6:30 a. Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. 512). 6101. An employee is entitled to 25 percent of his/her rate of basic pay for work performed during a regularly scheduled basic 8-hour tour of duty that begins or ends on a Sunday (emphasis added). 75 * . 0. Sign into your financial institution’s online portal and select The wage grade employee basic pay rate can vary due to a shift premium. Pay schedules for wage employees are established by the head of the designated lead agency in each wage area. User login. Proposal. 5547(a) does not include hazardous duty pay. 106? No.