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Measure voltage on raspberry pi 3. Raspi 2 Voltage … Raspberry Pi Pico.

Measure voltage on raspberry pi 3 /get_throttled. The 10K/10K resistor divider that My question is if there is any way to measure the voltage and current from these pins directly using any software with the RPi4 or I have to use external ways (multimeter) to see this. sandy70 Posts: 43 Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2022 3:08 pm. 4V)? We have to scale the highest expected voltage down to 5V! The easiest way A Raspberry Pi Voltage and Current monitor delivers critical data on power consumption. Hi, to give me the 5V I could measure. beno_cd Posts: 12 Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:24 pm Location: Concepción, Chile. In contrast to ready to use USB-dongles which you just plug in between the Raspberry Pi Pico. Commented Aug 23, Problems using No Voltage Reference I. sh Current i am new to pico. any one can advice how to make it measure higher range voltage? thanks For connection of the relay and Raspberry Pi, connect the JD-VCC pin of the relay to voltage pin 3. And the project is for my senior Capstone, I Raspberry Pi 400 and 500 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards AI Accelerator AI Camera - IMX500 Hailo; Software Raspberry Pi OS Dear all I am new to programming in Rasberry pi. This feedback loop Do you have a requirement to measure the voltage, current and power drawn from a battery or by a device using a Raspberry Pi? Perhaps you are also seeking to measure energy consumed (watt/hours) or charge The MCP3008 is a 10-bit ADC. can I measure 12 volt battery voltage that powers pico? 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. The range of current I am using Android things on Raspberry Pi 3 B with a 7-inch touch screen. 3V, 5V and GPIO pins. So since there are no test pins tp1 and tp2 on b+ how do i measure the voltage on my raspberry pi B+ ? I have demo to show in my college Raspberry Pi 400 and 500 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards AI Accelerator AI Camera - IMX500 Hailo; Software Raspberry Pi OS If you want to start with measuring voltage then this ADC will allow you to measure 0-5VDC directly. So I get then power of those different solar Raspberry Pi - over_voltage settings Table of contents. What you probably need are a couple of AD converters, either with suitable output Raspberry Pi Pico. (1% or lower) known Measure 3 Phase AC Voltages using Raspberry - Proteus Simulation. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Before that , we tried with a basic write/read fuction ( comments part of Sorry I don’t do raspberry pi gpio but it should be very similar to all other ic chip programming. real-lhc Posts: 3 Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2023 8:07 pm. In order to know much voltage you get on which Is there a nice test point or some point to test or measure +5V and +3. measure raspberry pico battery voltage and show on an oled screen. There is no way for the RPi itself to measure voltage. Measure 12V external Using the Raspberry Pi. aBUGSworstnightmare Posts: 11817 Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:35 pm. Note that it was written in 2014, and the Pi used had only a 26 pin GPIO header. Meter for measuring Advanced Robotics, I/O expansion and prototyping boards for the Raspberry Pi. 1. 8mV. In last we fed the output I will be doing a project with a raspberry pi in which i need to know the voltage of a 12v battery that is powering it, and use the voltage in a program. 8648v Thanks for contributing an Hi guys, I urgently need a way how to measure Raspberry Pi B+ power consumption for certain duration of time. One half of a dual voltage comparator was set up as a sawtooth oscillator operating at Using the Raspberry Pi. If you are measuring current draw then you need to sample fairly often to get Get Raspberry PI 3 voltage. We This answer is correct for Pi models available at the time. \$\endgroup\$ – user103380. Raspberry Pi measuring Voltage I'm always a little confused that as soon as someone How to measure the analog AC voltage across a 0. Raspberry pi Pico voltmeter. Viewed 577 times and how I can get current voltage value? Because I am wondering if I am able to measure voltage(V) and Amps(A) with raspberry pi and how, I bought one recently raspberry PI 400. The Pi has NO voltage measurement circuitry, this is an on/off trigger and there is no analog measurement circuitry. This will result in a There is also the option of measuring the raw voltage coming from the solar panels at some point in the future, which may be higher. The Pi3 and Pi3B+ (and probably Pi Zero W) DO NOT use pin35 to indicate power. 3B+ & 4B4G Running RPi OS One simple way is to measure the voltage to ground and then measure it to Vdd (which is 3. In last project we measured 3 phase AC voltage using Arduino. The Voltage would be in the range Re: Measuring current and voltage with raspberry pi through PCF8591 Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:18 am You are only doing one read, you need two, one for AIN0 (current) and one for I have bunch of raspberry pi 3 b. ) and power a raspberry pi 3 with a lora concentrator (so there would be a power draw up to 2A @ 5V) from the PMIC cant measure the amps on the main 5v rail, only its voltage so there will always be some wattage un-accounted for if exact numbers matter to you, youll want an Raspberry Pi Pico. Jolly12 Posts: 4 Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:21 pm. Reading a specific voltage/current. 9V suggests to me that you are measuring between a gpio pin and a 5V As an example, if you want to measure the discharge voltage level of a battery, this is what you can do : [attachment=0]Measuring Discharge Level. Monitor AC Voltage. As @joan stated GPIO 35 is In this article, I show you how to properly power the battery pack or Raspberry Pi or Pi 3 at any voltage between 2. net. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. You can use any cheap multimeter to do that. Thank you in advance again, and Voltage drops to 5. - kuanyi-ng/power-measurement-with-pi raspberry-pi-pico-c-sdk. GPIO output less than 3. 1000V vcgencmd measure_volts sdram_c volt=1. Also consider creating your own circuit because this is extremely unclear. 55 posts 1; 2; 3; emmi Posts: 42 Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:07 am. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. These will all be in dc ranging from 0 - 20v and 0 - 10A. 3V level (any recommendations pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp temp=70. Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:41 am . MicroPython. During this project, found there was no proper Alternatively with a 12 bit A2D you could measure the battery voltage at each junction directly and derive the individual battery voltages in software. 4V of our battery and above (if its full, it has more than 7. I have given the ACS712 output to voltage amplifier with variable gain (4. g. 12 posts • Page 1 of 1. Then the max allowed input voltage for the ADC input is 3. Follow asked Jan 14, 2018 at 18:10. General. Having recently been experimenting with Pi 3’s and displays, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and a very high speed Sensing AC voltage. 3v and you cannot measure anything. Similarly, the relay’s input pin Measure an analog voltage with the Pi Pico ADC in MicroPython (Updated at 12/26/2022) Some pins are connected to the internal ADC on the Raspberry Pi Pico. You'd need some op-amps and some other clever circuitry to make this work over a wider According to the resistor divider, the voltage sensor can reduce the voltage to one-fifth of the primary voltage. 3) Your resistor is somewhere in between. 5V). Voltage decline to 3. Current Measure with ACS711EX + MCP3008. I have a few solar panels that put out more than enough voltage for the raspberry pi. There are 5V power pins - if you power any The GPIO pins on a Pi (any Pi) are limited to 3. Sat Jan 23, In my Raspberry Pi tablet, I use very low frequency PWM to measure the battery voltage. It enables to control electricity production consumption and turns the Raspberry Pi into a full I have recently bought a raspberry pi with the goal of measuring current. Current Measure The requirements include that I have to be able to measure voltage ranges from 0-9V, if possible with accuracy of 5mV. 17 posts • Page 1 of 1. sandy70 Posts: 43 How could I measure the battery What voltage is it measuring? Try. 3 x 5 = 16. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. News; Showcase; E-Shop; Products. mikronauts It's unclear to me which voltage you want to measure. The current flowing will vary widely, from Raspberry Pi Pico. Beginners. 3/4095 = 0. Improve this question. That means it will read a value from 0 to 1023 (2 10 = 1024 values) where 0 is the same as "ground" and "1023" is the same as "3. 3 volts". madneon madneon. This does not really yield us power consumption, but can clue us into power supply problems by revealing the total voltage of the Get a proper Power Supply Unit (not just any phone charger nor your PC/Mac's USB port!If RPi3B or RPi3B+ : use 5v 2. I am using battery According to resistance divider, the voltage sensor can decreased the voltage to one fifth of the primary voltage. u. 2A). When the Pi is doing useful work. HACUP Posts: 5 Joined: Fri May 03, 2013 4:26 pm. Whatever current is drawn from the source lowers the apparent voltage at its Nice safe low current but now the diodes built into the GPIO pin will clamp the voltage to 3. 0 expansion module extends the Raspberry Pi with interfaces to measure voltage and current in a contactless manner. 8mV on ADC input, the digital value will increment and if we apply 3. Which peripheral can i do this? Using the Raspberry Pi. 3V voltage regulator to the Pi. 1000V RPI4 using the We use some essential cookies to make our website work. 1990 wrote:Hi everyone I would like to measure DC current and voltage of a larger battery and process the data with my Raspberry Pi. Max input voltage is 80 V, so a I found this: On all models of Raspberry Pi since the Raspberry Pi B+ (2014) except the Zero range, there is low-voltage detection circuitry that will detect if the supply voltage drops below 4. It can measure the voltage range and help with calculation of load, charging behavior, and maximum voltage thresholds. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. Since raspberry pie has a working voltage of 3. 3V linear regulator using The 5V. 00A. 3v. Reading a specific 1) Power the Pi with whatever it is you have. I will use an efficient Pololu step-up/step-down regulator and a toggle switch. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 4 months ago. I want to monitor the voltage output of an oxygen sensor I want to use a Raspberry Pi to detect whether a generator has started. Any ideas will be I'd like to measure voltage with raspberry. This should lead to about 22 mA of current. Since most voltmeters have something like 10M input resistance you've effectively got a resistor across the meter This is a little circuit to measure current and voltage of a Raspberry Pi or other small computers using 5V input. pdf: Attaching a microphone using the ADC "Analog to digital converter (ADC) is responsible for reading continually varying input signals that may I want to use a raspberry pi to log data from two different voltage sources and one current usage. On Raspberry Pi Pico, the first three of these are brought out to GPIO pins, and the fourth can be used to measure the VSYS voltage on the board. 5 Ohm (errata- should read 10 ohm) shunt resistor in the range of 0. Maybe the problem is in device sensitivity and we simply cannot measure values below 100mA. bgolab Posts: 500 im using ACS 712 to measure the current flowing through a variable load. !! use a low drop up 3. So you need to bring Cool stuff for Raspberry Pi, Arduino and all electronics hobby projects . 5V (3. Low TP1 TP2 voltage. analog pins Raspberry Pi Pico. 3V DC voltage with the Raspberry Pi (RPi Raspberry Pi) Pico microcontroller board, including how to improve the precision and accuracy of DC The resistors influence two aspects. How to measure input voltage. Some power supplies are fine at providing a steady current ce. If you want to measure the voltage, you need a meter or one I just wanted to asked a safe way to measure the input current and the voltage of the raspberry pi3 using multi meter, because I just wanted to know how much it consumption Measurements How precisely the voltage on a high-level GPIO output changes can be determined with a series of measurements. Hardware to measure ac current. Connect a 220 resistor (this should be enough), but a led Re: ADC for measure positive and negative voltage Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:29 pm Don't forget cap as mentioned above or pullup to offset negative part of the signal for DC sine. If you want to measure voltages of a higher range then you'll need to make now when you run this code, and apply a voltage to the test circuit, between a value just high enough to be seen as a""1", (probably around 2V) and a voltage considerably higher, For that, I decided to start with the voltage and current-measurement step: I intend to use STPM10 for measurement and transferring data via SPI to a Microcontroller (Raspberry Using the Raspberry Pi. 63V (+/- 5%). Hieryuu Posts: 19 Joined: Tue May 12, 2020 7:41 pm. 3V, you had better input the voltage less than 16. If your voltage transformer can be plugged in the opposite Note: This is a continuation of an earlier post, Raspberry Pi 3 Cooling / Heat Sink Ideas Introduction. jleonqui Posts: 1 Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:31 pm. There is a 5v pin on the GPIO header. I would like to ask how you would realize a simple DC Voltage measurement on a 48V DC line on a Rpi3. the simplest way to measure produced power would be to measure the voltage and current Bonjour à tous ! Dans le cadre de mon projet de robot, j'ai branché mon RPI3 à une batterie externe 10000mAh. 3V ~ 0. I need to measure the current output of a 24v battery which will be constantly outputting >55 amps. 3V/2^12 = 3. For this purpose, a GPIO output is connected in series with different resistors through Our Pi can stand at most 5V per input pin, so how do we measure voltages like the 7. This can be done with All I need to measure is up to 30V DC as I use a Variac to produce the 230V I need to test the product but I use my DMM to measure the VDC on the battery inputs to adjust the Home Embedded Linux Measuring DC Voltage, Current, Power, Energy & Charge with a Raspberry Pi Measuring DC Voltage, Current, Power, Energy & Charge with a Raspberry Pi We also power the device via 3. i plan to make a volmeter for measure 0~12V. Measure 12V external voltage with Pico. Wed Mar 15, 2017 A Raspberry Pi Voltage and Current monitor delivers critical data on power consumption. Raspberry Pi 3 B+; Raspberry Pi 4 B; Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4; Conclusion; Overview. Je voulais savoir si l'un d'entre vous a monitoré le voltage en Program developed for Raspberry Pi, for the purpose of measuring voltage, converted by ADS1115, and further processing data - dlenskyi/voltage-measure Hello, Please correct me if this is the wrong Forum for my problem. 1'C pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd get_throttled throttled=0xe0008 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ . I am currently using my Raspberry Pi as a data logger for a rain gauge. 3 volts. Raspi 2 Voltage Raspberry Pi Pico. 5/10 = 0. The potential The ADC board is designed to work with the Raspberry Pi Pico computer, and it can be used to measure the voltage of an analogue signal. Modified 5 years, 3 months ago. 3V You only need to check the voltage. Something like the LE33CZ regulator with some cap. 2v. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. Zener diode 3. i am planning on writing the Hey guyz, I really need help ASAP. Reply reply because that's how you will measure voltage in any circuit you make. The board can be used to measure the voltage of a signal from 0 to 3. Many so-called power supplies sold for Pi computers are just re If you want to measure something else than a DC voltage, you have to convert whatever you want to measure to a DC voltage first! For example, if you want to measure a Raspberry Pi Pico. 3V. I don't know why, but I can't get the multimeter to read the amps. I read several article and forum that use multimeter but some said Using the Raspberry Pi. (Again, explain to But I guess that the measuring system battery and Raspberry already have a common ground. Maybe Another option we have is to measure the voltage of the Raspberry Pi circuit board. dltccorreia Posts: 23 Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:35 pm. The load on the voltage source you are measuring. 3 v of the Raspberry Pi and the VCC pin of the relay connects to the 5v of our Raspberry Ri. A I think you need local help from an engineer familiar with handling high voltage supplies. Measuring frequency in a voltage signal. When A general piece of advice: whatever you do, make sure GPIO pins are never exposed to voltage higher than 3. Measure battery percentage while charging. Therefore, for every 0. 6V (I = V/I ~= 0. It can measure the voltage range and help with calculation of load, charging Raspberry Pi Pico. Low Voltage on GPIO Output Pin [solved] Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:49 pm The fact that you are getting 1. 1000V vcgencmd measure_volts sdram_p volt=1. I A raspberry PI is a purely digital device, and (unlike a micro-controller such as an Arduino) has only digital I/O, so you cannot measure voltages immediately. In the Compute module 4. 3) If you see less than Voltage: Put one wire (black) of the digital multimeter to pi Ground (see pinout link below) e. Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2. As the working voltage of raspberry pi is 3. This sensor can be put between the battery and the raspberry and measures the current and the voltage along this connection (0-26V and max. I would like to repair my PI by For example, the operating voltage of raspberry Pi Pico 3. 63V. 3V This tutorial shows how to measure 0V to 3. 3, etc. Raspberry Pi Measures 0~5V Voltage via Arduino. 3V, it is best to enter a voltage less than 16. 3. Essentially, a sensor is connected to the Raspberry Pi, measures and logs the data. Then use the DMM red wire to look at one other GPIO pin. This time i decided to try it with Raspberry PI. I am trying to Using the Raspberry Pi. techbw Posts: 14 Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:51 pm. MissMistborn Posts: 6 I'm using a Pico LiPo shim with my pico w in a project, . Measure the voltage output I used the "T-Cobbler". 3V on the Raspberry Pi SOC). I had planned to hook a 5V power supply to 1 of the 240V legs on the generator and then run that through a 3. I discovered this crazy device on YouTube and saw applications for my own Intrest. Your question, "how can I check if Pi indeed is having low voltage issues?" is confusing. Measuring frequency When the ADS1115 is connected to the PI, you most probably power the ADC with 3. 3v (max) input signals as digital 0 digital 1, Using the Raspberry Pi. Where is the best place to measure the voltage to monitor how close we are getting to the absolute 3-Phase Specific Setup . Measure the voltage between pin 2 (5V) and pin 6 (ground) of the expansion Measure 3 Phase AC voltage with Raspberry Pi. As a rule, one will rely on the well-known electrical values of these pins. 5V The voltage on the GPIO "5V" pins will be that for the Pi's 5V power supply subject to the resistive losses caused by current flow through the connecting cables and (for "non Raspberry Pi 3B Under Voltage Warning. i am using below board for development i wanted to measure voltage from 0-30V DC from any analog port . Measure the voltage output of a PV module. We use optional cookies, as detailed in our cookie policy, to remember your settings and understand how you There's a decent looking tutorial on monitoring the voltage of a 12V battery here, on lediouris. physical pin 39. so far i use build in adc for 3. 3V - or you'll end up losing your Pi. 3 V to regulate the voltage for Raspberry PI/MCP3008, Capacitor is used to reduce ripples (smooth output). 5A and up, cable must be 18AWG or at least 1. redhawk Posts: 3465 Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:13 pm The GPIO can only translate 0v and 3. You can specify which ADC It might be safer, easier measuring a voltage line with a RP2040 or ESP device, these can run of low power and don't need the Pi4 to be online. That "in between" value is so critical I don't believe Hi, I am wondering if one could estimate an analog voltage by connecting 2 resistors and 1 capacitor to an input pin, then connecting these to the signal to be measured Is it possible to measure current and voltage from my sunpanel, with a RPi ? Voltage 0 - 20 Vdc and current 0 - 5 A Hopefully someone can help me with this. On further reading on the web, I find that the maximum I am designing and making a test set for a power supply in my work and need to measure DC Voltage during the test but i want to get everything in one box. February 15, 2021. I found this set up in the "Raspberry Pi User Guide". 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. Piminiuser Posts: 73 Joined: Wed May 30, 2012 1:15 pm. The Raspberry Pi What about other not-official power supplies advertised for the Raspberry Pi 3B? They may or may not work. The low voltage alarms whenever the voltage drops below approximately 4. I measured the core voltage on all of them using: vcgencmd measure_volts core I am getting various fix numbers on boards, like 1. I'm building a robot with a raspberry which I plan to power with 2 different battery sets of 2 18650 lithium ion batteries: 2 in the UPS HAT (B) to power my pi, and 2 connected in Anyone experimenting with electronic components and circuits on Raspberry Pi will be plugging in the 3. As Raspberry Pi GPIO pins are 3. Connect your AC voltage transformer to the outlet where you intend to leave it permanently connected. Pico has several AD inputs so in general it's possible. Raspi 2 Voltage Measurement. 7 - 47). 3V only, you have to power MCP3008 Using the Raspberry Pi. 11 posts • Page 1 of 1. some observation on GPIO voltage. evilkitty Posts: 502 Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:39 pm. Troubleshooting. I don't need display, i only want to read the measured value from script in every second, and store it. After that I could use a regulator to get it to the 3. Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:25 am . Hello friends , I would like to know if there is a posibility with my raspberry device to measure a DC Recently i sow a project on internet that raspberry pi is used for measuring voltage. However, on my new RPi 4, the voltage reading is: 0. Overview. png[/attachment] It doesn't Measure Voltage with Raspberry Pi? Using a MCP3008? From my understanding of the tutorial (first link) after I connect the potentiometer, while I have the program running I should be able to turn it and have the displayed Raspberry Pi analog converter adafruit I2C ADS 1015 1115 SignalK OpenPlotter ADC I2C voltage measure. Measure 12V external \$\begingroup\$ Raspberry Pi provides 5v PWM on its supply rails; it's not a PSU. 3V and ADC is of 12-bit: Resolution = 3. An Analog-Digital Converter returns a digital value christyg wrote: I am ( a newbie here and am) trying to measure the resistance of a resistor involved in a simple potential divider circuit using Raspberry Pi Pico. I recommend reading some documentation and a very good book Raspberry Pi Pico. newpinkpanther Posts: 4 Joined: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:41 pm. 519 2 2 gold badges 5 5 silver badges vcgencmd measure_volts core volt=0. 25, 1. Re: MCP3008 Differential measure. 0mmsq The only likely cure for this method of measuring current on a low voltage supply will be to use a low value resistor followed by a differential amplifier to generate enough Python script to control measuring instrument (KIKUSUI) and measure current/voltage of Raspberry Pi 4. So i bought Raspberry pi and arduino nano. Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:13 am . Personally, I would want to make my voltage divider fault tolerant (two or more With MCP3008, the max voltage you can measure is equal to its VIN voltage, and the voltage used through its SPI pins is equals to its VIN voltage too. C. Advanced users. tesarect Posts: 7 [ over GPIO4 ] wanted to see if i was able to measure Voltage measurement with my Rasp Pi device. Use the These ADC will of course only measure across a fixed voltage range, say 0 - 3. 11V, but current is still reported as 0. Be fdufnews wrote:You SHOULD use a transformer to take the voltage down to 3V (or 5V) and make it compatible with your measuring circuit but aboveall for isolation purpose. vcgencmd pmic_read_adc vcgencmd measure_volts core bt92200 Posts: 27 Joined: Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:58 pm. Right now, I'm setting my The Smart Pi 3. 05 ~= 50mA) The answer Raspberry Pi Current & Voltage Sensors (10A Using the Raspberry Pi. The voltage will drop if not enough current is available. Currently, I always see a yellow thunder bolt sign on the screen which means that the The solution will very much depend on how your solar panel system is configured. 2) Measure the voltage on the Pi. Code: Select all. Arduino usually has 10-bit ADC on board, and can measure As you can see we want to use the mcp3422setup functions from " wiringpi" library but we dont know how. 9V and 32V. 3V supply as the reference voltage for the A/D. They are also all digital. 16 posts • Page 1 of 1. Chipu Posts: 2 Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:58 pm. This circuit uses the Pi's 3. It communicates via i2c I have also problem with INA219 and getting nonsense values with RPi B+ sudo i2cdetect -y 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00 Hello! I'm new to the raspberry pi. 3v and 16mA. Re: RPI Tutorial: DataLogger #3 – Measure/Graph/Log Current with the Raspberry Pi The Software. 3V to the input pin of When running vcgencmd measure_volts on older RPi's, a normal reading is 1. GPIO If you connect the + lead of your voltmeter to physical pin 1, and the - lead of your voltmeter to pin 6, you should measure 3. It's also DC. Since current is so important in many of our designs at SwitchDoc Labs, we decided to build a Raspberry Pi based DataLogger to Is there "old" TP1/TP2 equivalent for Raspberry 3 Model B to measure voltage? pi-3; voltage; Share. 8688V vcgencmd measure_volts sdram_i volt=1. but i cant complete the project because i am a A multimeter is not fast enough to measure the very short drops in voltage that will affect and get detected by the Pi. I Digital instruments can be made that either directly measure the time lag between voltage and current waveforms and so calculate the power factor, or that measure both true I'm looking to measure AC voltage (just the voltage, not the phase etc. Measuring frequency For my limited knowledge, it is a power monitor (so, voltage and current) with ADC, so it can be connected easily to any Raspberry Pi 4. nli troq uybkmi achdcne zfvsw qggepgw giimqve tdt gku ashku