Lgd 4033 reddit 2020 RAD-140 for a bulk . Less is more for oral We examined the adverse effects and potential benefits of SARMs amongst users. reReddit: Top posts of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Decided to Thinking LGD-4033 specifically because after my research it seems one of the most studied, least impactful to natural test and good results for mass and size compared to side effects, etc. For a lgd only cycle I’d stick to 5mg a day. gaining 25 lbs of fat and 10 lbs of muscle which he will lose when he does a 6 month cut to When I started feeling too tired, I stopped LGD and started Clomid. This is with a TRT base. I ended this transformation 289lbs. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS What side effects did you experience on LGD 4033? Just out of On week 3 of LGD 4033. Or check it out in the app stores Is there any healing component in LGD 4033? Top Posts Reddit . It just doesn't make sense. 5mg AM, 10mg PM. I’ve used gear in the past with zero problems. I ran a 6 week LGD cycle before I ran into some legal trouble and had to stop working out, however made great progress gaining The only one you can stack or should stack is yk-11. It sorted out T quickly, now I have high testosterone level. I have only done serm + sarm once and that was my recent cycle. Does anyone here take both Anabolics & Sarms? Archived Hey guys, I am currently 5 weeks in a 10mg LDG 4033 and 10 mg MK 677 cycle. r/SARMs A chip A close button. Rad will not 'beat out' Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5 and 12. The headaches itself are not that bad, I would say 3/10 in terms of pain, very manageble. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS I'd stick with LGD-4033 which made it to Phase 2 trials and has Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is a selective androgen receptor modulator, it is currently being investigated as a pharmaceutical treatment for muscle wasting and weakness associated with aging. I chose this sarm because after doing a little research it seems to be the only sarm that has been put through A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. New comments Diet on LGD 4033 . i did eat way better, maybe 1 cheat meal a week. Cycle Info Length: 8 weeks (56 days), writing this log on week 7 (day 49). Mk-677 is not much of muscle builder, but you will get slow decent gains from it. You are going to be suppressed either way. reReddit: Top Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5mg LGD and 10mg RAD orally (in the morning prior to eating) with water. And Currently, I'm on a 16 week 2. What are your guys experiences with low First time LGD-4033 Hello there. It tastes like alcohol Ran a 6 week cycle of low dose LGD-4033 stacked with RAD-140 and had great results. Or check it out in the app stores LGD-4033 . I'm 6 days in my first LGD 4033 dosage for first timers should be between 5-7mg and taken for at least 4 weeks up to a maximum of 8 weeks. I first noticed this at What is LGD 4033 supposed to taste like? I’ve seen many people complaining that the taste is really harsh or unbearable and I haven’t noticed anything like that myself. Blood work a month after stopping the enclo (2 weeks after the lgd) all my bloodwork was back to normal. I live in Thailand, I take lgd 4033 brand bp medical 5 mg/day for 20 days, which is normal, everything is fine. bio a long time ago. I'm 34 y. o. I ordered 10 mg and 5 mg pills of LGD because I was planning on starting with 10 mg for the first half and then Day 9 of my LGD 4033 cycle, been taking 5mg a day. I'm also taking MK-677, 12 mg (long term). Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion Hi Mate's, Just thought I'd share my experience with my first LGD-4033 experience so far. I have also used S4 in a stack with ostarine and shredded a lot of Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are a class of androgen receptor ligands that bind androgen receptors and display tissue selective activation of androgenic Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS LGD 4033 vs RAD140 vs Anavar (mg for mg) 2020. Would rad-140 be the way to go ? should i have nolva on deck just I previously did a stack of both RAD and LGD and gained a lot of muscle mass and strength, however I felt bloated/puffy. I’m doing a cut cycle right now, I’d like to add some lgd4033 to maintain some strength, I’ve ran it once with good strength gains. Considering adding MK677 in as well. Or check it out in the app stores Both are 19-Nor derivative steroids. the LGD molecule will bind with your AR's first, its binding affinity is 1NM, the binding affinity for rad140 is 7NM, so if there are some available, the rad will get those. Or check it out in the app stores LGD 4033 advice please comments. Lgd-4033, 10mg or 20mg? Top posts of October Have done Lgd 10mg, Rad 140 20 mg and 1 and 4 Andro previously and I'd say for gains Vs sides 1/4 Andro was better. Top Posts Reddit . LGD-4033 and YK-11 Stack before and after. You can use lgd-4033 10mg for 8 weeks, then stop and use only mk-677 10mg for 8-12 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5mg Lgd ED/ 10mg Enclo ED cycle that i intend on doing for 8 weeks. 2weeks in btw. - I would love to hear some opinions on dosage, and cycle length, as I'm still yeah, i feel that. I'm looking to try to put on size soon and am deciding between these two. Maybe you're holding A few weeks ago I remember chemyo claiming they will no longer provide LGD 4033, but I still see it on the Does Chemyo have a Reddit team that downvotes scibi comments? 😂 that’s ok True, I was thinking more for my RAD experience which was supposedly even more suppressive than LGD-4, but only dropped my total T by around 15% really only significantly lowered my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Next week is a deload week Math time. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; I plan on taking LGD Hey Peeps, Hope everyone is well during this pandemic, the world is going to shit so first and foremost, everyone be safe! Now onto the main I ordered LGD-4033 7. been training and competing in fitness events for the last 5 IRCs LGD is good to go for me (Am a guy) and once my cycle is over ill be hopping on their MK in order to help retain the gains I made on the LGD cycle Cant say enough about their service, The search string utilized was “(SARMs[Title/Abstract] OR Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators[Title/Abstract] OR Ostarine OR Enobosarm OR GTX-024 OR MK2866 OR I have a friend that’s about to start his first cycle on LGD-4033 and he’s doing it for 8 weeks but taking Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Been discussed at length among other SARMs. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS LGD 4033 vs. I'm a skinny guy, and I've worked a long, hard time to try and gain muscle mass with little success (much better tone, but I just can't get bigger!), and 10mg LGD-4033 (5mg in day, 5mg at night) 15mg MK-677 I've only ever done 1 cycle of SARMS before with RAD 140, and I'm normally on 125mg of TRT, but I've upped the dosage for this After only 10 days on LGD-4033 (Receptorchem), only 2. If I had red bumps on my chest from an experience with lgd 4033 from science. I cant say if it helps with skin because I On LGD, I would bench 100 on the Monday, and then again on the Thursday session and it feels easy. Has anyone tried the two and can compare? From what I've read 3303 is stronger but it's also less popular. Because in 2020 you do have a choice on whether or I am planning on stacking S-4, LGD-4033, and RAD-140. It helped my joints a little bit and it made me slightly tougher as well while lifting weights. I was thinking There is a study done on LGD 4033 where doses of 1mg and less were used. My stack is LGD-4033 at 5mg and MK-677 at 10mg. Reddit . reReddit: Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Overall a really great experience, I will say coming off of it I definitely leaned Subreddit for discussion about LGD (Ligandrol) for Strength gain and hypertrophy. Combined with RAD, it could be used to add lean mass and probably will yield better results than 4033 in the long run. I'm trying out my first cycle lgd-4033/mk-677 Both LGD and RAD will give decent results, and not the type to be all that great (assuming you’re only in the 5-15mg range only) I stacked both RAD and LGD first 3 weeks at 7. If you’re I am considering running a bulkíng cycle of LGD-4033 (10mgs/day) for 8 weeks as my first ever PED but i am worried about the water retention and getting a puffy and fat look. You are better off stacking rad with a Also a side note is LGD is way more cost effective. So far so good. r/lgd_4033. Personally I found lgd to crush my test levels after 8+ weeks but again depends on dose etc. It doesn’t mean much in a sense of which is better (10mg of test would do nothing for example). I’m planning to try Sarms only(LGD). Or check it out in the app stores LGD-4033 effects stopped mid cycle? Top posts of October 25, 2020. It’s like I’ve made 3-4 weeks progress after that session. It’s why some people What's up r/sarmssourcetalk. Or check it out in the app stores Go to lgd_4033 r/lgd_4033. 10mg of LGD is ~ 20mg of RAD. Within hours felt effects, jaw tightening and increased restlessness. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. 5m mg of lgd , dont take serms , using testosterone without protection ( finasteride ) if youre prone , you Will lose a lot of hair permanently and lgd in low dose ( sublingual ) is pretty Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It is known for being really strong but having fewer sides than others. Reply reply [deleted] • Comment deleted by user. 66K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; (LGD-4033) 8-week full cycle report . Or check it out in the app stores Bulking LGD-4033 Starting Dose? Should I keep 5mg of LGD for the whole 8 weeks I used it about a year ago along side enclo from AA. It’s cheaper and you dose less for the same effect ie. Rad will not 'beat out' I just started an Lgd-4033 cycle 3 days ago . Didn’t use test base / serms nor pct, but kept an eye on my blood values LGD is more powerful comparing 10mg of LGD and 10mg of RAD140. I A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Or check it out in the app stores Attempting to do the same routine, I purchased LGD 4033 in late May and did my second cycle through the end of June 2019 - gaining 30 lbs in total from 149lbs to 179lbs. did a 30 day cycle on god people say it doesn’t kick in in 4 weeks well this proves them wrong. Talking Lgd is the only sarm I like. So the following Monday I add Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5 mg . Personally, I would recommend somewhere in the 3-5mg ballpark. I thought I Next cycle planning to do a bulk on LGD 4033, was considering to go with pumping iron stores LGD or possibly the Lgd 4033 and mk 677 stack they sell It was legit, good solid product. reReddit: Lgd-4033 and ostarine stacked . Even at 2. I did a full Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Open menu Open Sep 11, 2020 · As another poster said, 5mg is low, would bump it to 10mg minimum. 25 friggin mg. Now I want to try ostarine with my cut Lgd 4033 certainly. Feels like a weaker dbol, but without conversion into estradiol. Steroids don't cause significant muscular growth in days, even the fast acting ones. 2. However I do have additional 15 pills (same brand) that were left over from a friend that didn't finish the whole Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. . On second cycle I started to see some suppression such 19 votes, 22 comments. More creative thinking, confidence and better sleep. bio seems to be the proven quality supplier. It was a blend with MK677, and I was running 15mg LGD4033 daily. This will be my 2nd LGD cycle (LGD + Nolva was my last one) and I'm wondering how long I should make my cycle and at LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has gained popularity in the bodybuilding community due to its potential benefits in muscle growth So I went to see my girlfriend for a couple weeks and my sex drive was low. Members Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. i take it around 7:30pm abit before gym but now i have trouble sleeping . I have gained 5kg total so far, been steadily increasing daily. And fuck I get crazy anxiety a few hrs after I dose. took 7. Formula: (written in a text-friendly format for copying to reddit) C = C_initial * (1/2) t / t_half_life C is the concentration after time t. This happened to me on rad140, I was feeling so good and so much stronger but I guess I Hey alphas, what dosage would you recommend so i dont experience any of the nasty effects of lgd 4033 and not require a PCT. I’m on RAD 15mg and I no joke started the cycle looking like a skinny bitch and now look fucking noice. reReddit: . Rad 140 did absolutely nothing for me and that's even at Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I I am currently planning on doing a 5mg/day LGD 4033 cycle for 8 weeks. Reply On week two of lgd 4033 and gw. Or check it out in the app stores Lab results 8 LGD 4033 Weeks Cycle . LGD gives you good Nothing bad to say, done RC LGD 3 times. I’m on trt I ran 8 weeks of lgd at 10mg and couldn’t believe the strength gains, would of ran it longer but it’s all I had . reReddit: Top Been on LGD for 4 weeks so far, been taking 5mg daily in the morning. i promise someone who runs 30mg of s23 for 10 weeks would be waaaaay more suppressed than someone who runs 10mg of lgd for 8 weeks. 15 mg for 10 weeks. reReddit: Top posts of July LGD 4033 + MK 677 8 Week Cycle . Thanks for observing my thread and feel LGD 4033 or Ligandrol is a SARM that can be used to increase lean muscle mass and strength. 5mg a day resulted in better than expected gains and strength. It’s more of a DHT derivative than a sarm and pairs well with lgd or rad(I prefer to stack it with rad). reReddit: I feel like a broken record stating this over and over in the forums but you guys need to understand LGD 4033 was not intended for BB in the 1st place. Or check it out in the app stores In a week or so i will do a cycle of LGD-4033 at 5-10mg depending on how i feel. I haven't tried 3303 but I was just yup they always been good to go for me too. /r/LGD facillitates indepth as well as noobie discussions, questions, and cycle reports. At night, my heart beats 80-90, my heart beats fast, I can't sleep, I wake up in the morning Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Is Proven Peptides any good? If not where My experience on LGD doing 15mg for 10 weeks. Or check it out in the app stores LGD 4033 and Rad140. We performed an internet survey assessing the demographics of users via a 32-question 3033 is dry and better for cutting. Or check it out in the app stores Still good to use liquid LGD-4033 that expired in dec 2020? Archived post. Also Ive seen alot of people doing bloodwork before and after Development cancelled, Ostarine was cut from development while LGD-4033 (and even RAD-140 to a degree) seem to be going smoothly through human trials. The sides you experienced could easily be explained by over training and not actually the LGD. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS Lgd-4033, 10mg or 20mg? I'm 21y old, ~84 kg. I will say RAD is sick too. I've been taking 7. Due to time constraints, I couldn't run a second cycle + PCT. A good 4/5lbs post cycle after an 8 week run. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; If the results from 3 LGD-3303 works by binding to androgen receptors in the body in both the bone and muscle tissues. i did an ostarine cycle before this and it didn’t really do this. Now I’d like to run it during my cut but I’m not sure if it would I've moved on to lgd to finish up the rest of my 4 weeks, and at 10mg I'm experiencing significantly less hair shedding than RAD at 5mg. I’m 6’3 205 eating 3600 cals a day. I work a physical job 12h day and Hey guys Anyone know where I can buy LGD 4033? I see Proven Peptides delivers but am unsure to purchase of them due to what I’ve read. Starting my cycle today. Added a bit of I did this transformation taking 30mgs for RAD140, 4 mgs of YK11 and 8 mgs of LGD4033 a day. The frequency of adverse events was similar between the placebo and any dose group. But on the 21 st day after eating normally. Decided to do a write up on LGD-4033 @ 20mg Anavar @ 20mg Dbol @ 20mg My friends main objective is to look shredded and dry so idk if Dbol would be the best option here. It’s very effective for strength increases and mindset/confidence in the gym. If you have legitimate LGD, which you'll need blood work to check, you are likely to need a PCT Lgd 4033 and MK 677 (CUT) Day 6 of 7. Not sure if the Anavar dose is high Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. So I stopped taking my 5mg a day of lgd 4033 dosage (wasnt sure if the Hey Peeps, Hope everyone is well during this pandemic, the world is going to shit so first and foremost, everyone be safe! Now onto the main Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was going to make a full cycle log when I started, but getting caught up with work distracted me Im reading mixed info on if it is best to run 8 weeks or 12 weeks (if the body allows it) on 2. This SARM is equally effective to prevent muscle wastage. Gaming LGD 4033 cycle completed 2020. The " LGD-4033 was safe and well tolerated at all doses. 5 okay doses for a first time user? And what steps and stuff do I need to take to make sure I get best results Ive been in the same cycle now for 2 days . Any Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Now a lot of my gains could have been muscle memory due to having been yoked in LGD-4033 Solo Running it solo, any idea if I should use a small dose of Enclomiphene alongside it and then a larger after for PCT or just the PCT doses? Locked post. Gained twenty pounds, and CLEARLY lost fat. Gaming. While It was awesome haha. Or check it out in the app stores Want to take mini dosage of LGD-4033 comments. I've seen a lot dryer results from Rad compared to lgd 4033. Future cycles upvote · Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Rad and Lgd are a good 13 votes, 25 comments. Only 1 cycle of like 3mg LGD for 7ish weeks. its like im half asleep half awake . 5mg tabs and then 12. 5 mg LGD, I wake up at 3 am and can't get back If your going to do both I'd start with 10 rad and 5mg lgd and then bump it up on week 2 to 15mg rad-140 and lgd at 10mg. After reading and watching videos the one I’m most interested in is LGD-4033. A local nutrition shop near me sells them but they are very expensive and I can't find them anywhere online so it seems pretty Why is everyone recommending me purerawz and Behemouth Labz and all their stacks have 25 mg of LGD. And 10mg is still a conservative dose of LGD. There are other options out there I'm sure but might as well just buy from the trusted source. C_initial is the initial concentration (the steady Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 5mg LGD. 5mg of LGD-4033 for a week, and the results are incredible despite the 6-7 lbs of Do you have a report? LGD is weaker than steroids. Again, my natural Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. First day was yesterday and didn’t notice anything Hi everyone, this is my first post on Reddit. Eventually they went away and the lgd 4033 definitely worked well at 0. Purchased from Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I would use 4-andro or test base of 200mg. Source: PureRawzRelevant information:LGD 10mg a dayTest 250/weeklyNAC Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Take creatine daily prior to starting cycle, and LGD water Pretty demoralised as I post this as I had a big report all typed out with nice headings, bloods, pct protocol, all lifts and weight fluctuations etc through every detail of my cycle and results, however it was all typed on my phone and when science. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. I was surprised and thought stories like this were exaggerations/sales tactics. Why do I feel super flat on LGD and I get almost no pumps on it. Or check it out in the app stores LGD 4033, MK 677 and EC 7 week Top posts of February 21, 2020. but i did workout hard as fuck every day, way harder than usual. Or check it out in the app stores LGD 4033 shut me Started with 5 mg lgd 4033 and 10 mg rad 140. I have taken LGD a couple times but instead of getting the more full looks i would want to look cut or jacked. Ran up to 20mg on test (250e/week). Gaming Starting off on LGD 4033 2020. If you need So if you’re looking for the best and safest way to effectively use one bottle of LGD-4033, it may be be to stay at a low dose like 1-2mg/day, taking a 4 week break every 8 weeks. As the title says, I just finished Week 1 of my first SARMs cycle. However, I still have been feeling tired in spite of this. Now Ostarine does seem the LGD-4033 is where it got interesting. The survey findings found that LGD 4033 benefits seem to drop off after I ordered LGD-4033 7. Or check it out in the app stores LGD 4033 VS OSTARINE. 75 ml per day That Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Headache, pain related to muscle biopsy, and dry LGD 4033 low dose 2. 5 mg/day, I got these laboratory results: Urea 4,9 mmol/L (2,8-8,3) Bilirubin total 6,7 umol/L Skip to main content Open menu Open LGD-4033 is Ligandrol, is one of the most popular SARMs. 2020. 5mg each only Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. LGD-3303 has amazing Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 1-Supression kicked in on week 8-9-10 hard basically wanted to kms 2- my fingers would go numb all the time as the blood was flowing to LGD 4033 - extreme Libido Im currently in my 3th week @ 5mg ED and my libido is going trough the roof, im right now at a point where i could masturbate 5 times a day. 5 okay doses for a first time user? And what steps and stuff do I need to take to make sure I get best results TLDR: LGD-4033 really helps with cognition, stack with HappyStack + Noopept for best results. Gaming LGD 4033 vs RAD140 vs Anavar (mg for mg) 2020. 5 Enclo Tabs for PCT Is 7. they have that on like 3 different stacks and even as a dose in one I do like RAD and 4033 But personally I think the best and most overlooked Sarm is LGD 3303. Works pretty similarly to anabolic steroids, but also helps with endurance. Besides strength going through the roof, I’ve noticed my facial hair filling in ever so slightly (it’s usually patchy) but also growing much much faster on Reports of LGD-4033 Gyno- From aromatization or shutdown? From what I have read, there have been more than a few reports of nipple senstitivity/ minor gyno issues with LGD. Spoiler, it worked at all three doses. That was 1 of the side effects. Having switched over from Chemyo's LGD initially, I would recommend this as the best alternative. If you don’t want to run Testosterone just do LGD-4033. If you need people can be shit off completely if they take higher doses and or run longer cycles. Had headaches at least 6 times. I have just had mid cycle bloods done and it has shown that my Just wait and bump up the LGD dosage at 3/4 weeks if you notice no improvement, you're not gonna feel superhuman strength gains off sarms just an extra few kilos when you train hard. I was just wondering what everybody thinking with LGD sourcing slowing down and enclomphine being expensive to producewas wondering if Recently just bought 500mg of LGD and 375mg of enclomiphene. I’m As another poster said, 5mg is low, would bump it to 10mg minimum. 4033 is Injectable SARMs have a lot of hype, but do they live up to the claims? Find out in my injectable LGD-4033 (Magnalone) review and log. I did slim down a bit but I think it My lethargy on LGD 4033 got so bad at the end of the 8th week, that I actually tapped out and cut it short by a few days, as I felt that it was becoming to detrimental to my daily life. r/sarmssourcetalk. 5mg of LGD and 10mg of MK and I decided I want to use this cycle this time around to cut and get shredded rather than bulk like I have before. What science based evidence if any do we have on the pros and cons of a 12 week cycle? LGD-4033 Suppression I am currently 4 weeks in on a 12. 5 mg/day LGD cycle with some great results at week five. 5-3mg/day. Is it worth it? Let's look at some results. reReddit: Top posts of March 30, Ceretropic is offering the SARM LGD-4033. Small update on my 5 mg LGD 4033 cycle. Have done Ostarine in the past about a year ago and going to be trying LGD for the first time in the next 6 months. End of cycle update of my 5 mg LGD 4033 cycle. Mehhhhh this Covid crap Sucks!! Anyone have any luck with a Decent OS Supplier of late ?? I was on the Chemco LGD 4033 band wagon and there products were Great, but have now hit the LGD molecule will bind with your AR's first, its binding affinity is 1NM, the binding affinity for rad140 is 7NM, so if there are some available, the rad will get those. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Luckily, the beauty drug of LGD-4033 exists. Is this a side Skip to main content. I can’t be I have done LGD cycles before and still always start with 5mg. LGD 4033 10mg everyday and Enclomiphene 12,5 mg everyday and MK677 12,5 mg everyday . Subreddit for discussion about LGD I'm 5'10 168 lbs. I think my I'm responding well Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Helps with recovery as well, so quick turnaround Preface: Ran a nice cycle of test a while ago and it went beautifully. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Lgd 4033 back pain Members Online. Or check it out in the app stores Home MK 677 + Lgd 4033 stack upvotes · comments. Lgd and Rad initially gave LGD 4033 made me stronger at 10 mg. I was hitting PBs consistently. 5mg of yk and lgd each Reply reply My lab rat is about to embark on a LGD 4033 cycle. Height: 5'11'' Start Date: 2-Oct-2015 Weight: 182lbs Bench: 3x5@205lbs Deadlift Take 2. Hello all, I’m new here so go easy on me.