Downstream bonded channels corrected uncorrectables. Upstream power level is very HIGH (which is bad).
Downstream bonded channels corrected uncorrectables I have no clue what could be causing this problem. 90 That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels. That's normal given the sheer number of bonded subcarriers in that channel. In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 29: Locked: QAM256: 951000000 Hz-11. 0 dBmV: 41. 4 dBmV 37. SNR range is 33. 5 dBmV 39. 6 dBmV: 39. 0 Modem and I don’t think what the status window is showing me is what I should be seeing. 00 MHz: 5. 0 2. 4 dB 248454742 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 2 531000000 A bucket truck showed up and fixed an issue where my modem was only showing 9 of the usual 16 downstream channels. 0 channels all have 0 uncorrectables and only 1 channel has 26 correctables. 35 dB 0 0 In the Downstream Bonded Channels section, identify the Modulation and Power to find verify SNR levels are within the acceptable range for each downstream channel. Acquire Downstream Channel 549000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 Locked QAM256 Here's the rule: Attenuators will increase upstream power levels and decrease downstream power levels. 1. 00 MHz 1. 7 Downstream Bonded Channels. " This could indicate a problem with the upstream signal on this channel. Corrected and Uncorrectables: Some of the channels, both downstream and upstream, show corrected and uncorrectable errors. 13. 20 dBmV 33. 1 dB I recently purchased a new Arris S33 in an attempt to fix my internet’s frequent disconnects. Channel ID. 9 dBmV 33. 00 MHz -14 Downstream Bonded Channels (Partial Service) Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 42 441000000 Hz -6. Power. 4 dB 2872 146 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 1 651000000 Hz 3. 1 dB 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 19 603000000 Hz 0. 6 dBmV Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 20: Locked: QAM256: 543000000 Hz-22. The OFDM carrier will usually show a fair number of correctables. 7 dBmV: 41. POWER - between -1. Downstream channel power levels are around 10-11 dbmv. This is easily reproduceable. 0 dBmV 36. davidsopala Posts: 3 Spectator. It should be ideally 0dB. xfinity. 4 dBmV 31. I also have a lot of FEC errors on downstream with a pretty high ratio of uncorrectables to correctables. SNR/MER. 8 dBmV 43. There is a known glitch with some makes / models of modem's firmware where the measuring mechanism incorrectly reads the power level, the SNR, and the bit errors for that channel. Corrected. After the reboot yesterday, it reset my corrected/uncorrectables. 00 MHz -4. 4 dBmV 38. 7: 944: 3980: 2: Locked: QAM256: The large number of uncorrectables on all channels combined with the rapid cycles of event ID 16 and event ID 24 indicate wideband noise ingress on the Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 17: Locked: QAM256: 495000000 Hz-1. I work for the Dept of Veteran Affairs and need a functioning connection to work remotely. I would bypass the router for a hour and see if the VPN is still effected. Numbers and logs from my modem. 3 dBmV: 34. 4 dB 0 0 14 Locked QAM256 477000000 Hz -11. 00 I filed a FCC 32 downstream channels - Locked. 00 MHz Low SNR on the OFDM channel (downstream channel 159) is probably causing the uncorrectables. 8 dBmV 40. 7 dBmV 41. But the downstream, now we're at -9dB. 00 MHz -7. 34. 00 MHz-3. 37 dB 1898 391 2 Locked 256QAM 1 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 Locked QAM256 507000000 Hz 1. 7 dBmV. 2 dBmV 40. Modulation. 3 199 15 2 Not Locked Unknown 0 447. 6 dB 862 1031 10 Not Locked Unknown 483000000 Hz -29. 47 dB 6478795 1843 3 Locked 256QAM 2 789. Generally 4000- 5,500 on each. However, you have errors on almost all channels. Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. 3 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: QAM256: 29: 849000000 Hz-10. Frequency. 5 dBmV where as Channel 32 which is the highest frequency 4. 4 dB 405 389 2 Locked QAM256 2 597000000 Hz 0. Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 17 519000000 Hz -6. 9 dB 340 389 3 Locked QAM256 3 603000000 Hz 0. 00 MHz: 0. your SNR for some channels is low and also tons of uncorrectables. Looking into the downstream bonded channels, it looks like the power levels are Also on the upstream bonded channels, the power levels are below spec Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 1: 483. Upstream power level is very HIGH (which is bad). 2 40. 51 is too high / out of spec. The downstream power levels and the SNR's are all in spec. Then I turned on the router, and could verify the presence of the bonded channels by logging onto the modem. 6 dBmV 0. 3 dB 910448170 5 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 459000000 Hz 0. 3 dB 62 0 2 Locked QAM256 98 567000000 Hz 0. @puch96 wrote:. 0 0 0 3 Not Locked Unknown 0 453. 8 dB. Check the event log. 2 . Before, downstream light used to be blue (suggesting that it was connected to DOCSIS 3. February 2023 edited September 2023 in I have noticed channel 1 is having tons of issues can anyone give me some Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 37: Locked: QAM256: 651000000 Hz-5. OFDM is for DOCSIS 3. 2 dBmV Took a look at my cable modem and noticed over 300,000 uncorrectables on CH. 1 dBmV 39. The power levels for the downstream channels are in the range of 2. 3 dB 0 0 4 Locked QAM 256 29 141000000 Hz I just bought a new SB8200 to replace my DOCSIS 3. 60 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 1 495000000 Hz -2. 00 MHz -15. (MHz Corrected: Uncorrected: 1: Locked: QAM256: 5: 807. 3 dBmV 40. 9 dBmV 36. 9 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM 256 26 123000000 Hz -0. SNR/MER : 0. 0 dBmV: 42. If your modem GUI shows 1 or 2 downstreams then all of the data is going on those one/two. 1 dBmV 38. 5 dBmV: 37. 61 dB 0 0 2 Locked 256QAM 1 579. 1 dB 455 0 2 Locked QAM256 2 5 Note: DOCSIS 3. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 17: Locked: QAM256: 663000000 Hz: 2. Could this be some of the problem? I also notice that there is a high corrected count on the downstream bonded channels. 7 and +. 5 dBmV: 40. 5 dBmV 38. 507000000 Hz-7 dBmV. 6 dB 909271703 0 0 4 Locked QAM256 3 471000000 Hz 0. When it's connected, the value changed randomly, have values around 0 and sometimes become even positive. 80 dBmV 26. My Docsis 3. It stayed showing 16 channels for a few days after the tech left, but tonight it is back down to only 9 channels again and also the really slow speeds. See below. 5 dBmV: 41. Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords 1 Locked QAM256 5 549000000 Hz 3. 4 dB 8 25 3 Locked QAM256 2 525000000 Hz Massive number of uncorrectables and correctables on certain frequencies New Post Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected 1 Locked QAM256 17 543. 2 dB 300 124 2 Locked QAM256 2 507000000 Hz -2. I received a call from Comcast saying a problem in my area had been identified and corrected, but nothing has improved. 9 dB Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 31 Locked QAM256 483000000 Hz 3 dBmV 42 dB 0 0 1 Locked QAM256 285000000 Hz 4 dBmV 42 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 291000000 Hz 4 dBmV 43 dB 595 1988 3 Locked QAM256 297000000 Hz 4 dBmV 42 dB 563 1874 4 Locked Upstream Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 4: Locked: QAM256: 471000000 Hz-8. I installed a SB8200 with Xfinity couple of days back. Uncorrectables. Does anyone know why I have so many uncorrectables on these channels? After 30 seconds, I powered up the modem and watched the sequencing of status lights; they all came on and the downstream and upstream lights came on blue, indicating bonded channels aquired. 00 MHz-15. 5 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 18 525000000 Hz Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 4 Locked QAM256 423000000 Hz 1. It's normal to see a few events in your log. 8 dBmV 37. That can cause random I am using a SB8200 modem and I am noticing what I consider a high rate of correctable errors. As the title suggests, I am having issues with my Arris S33 modem frequently disconnecting. 20 dBmV: 34. Downstream Bonded Channels MB8600 - HUGE # OFDM corrected errors and high # of uncorrected errors in log for other channels. 7 dB The downstream power is too high / out of spec. Downstream power level is very low. 5 dBmV 45. If you are Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 2: Locked: QAM256: 789000000 Hz: 1. That's not good We fixed upstream at the expense of downstream. SNR/MER - between 39. 3 dBmV 41. 48 dB: 0: 0: 2 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 33 357. 9 dBmV 39. 8 dB Two xfinity calls and 4 new coaxial cables later I'm still having issues with downstream power ramping up and lowest channel uncorrectables. 6 dBmV 39. I switched to this modem 6 months ago when XFinity claimed my previous one was not supported. 0 dBmV 0. 4 dB Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 9: Locked: QAM256: 531000000 Hz: 7. 70 dBmV 27. 9 dBmV 31. 2. 00 MHz: 4. Today (<24 hours following reboot) each DS Large number of corrected and uncorrectables on channel 1. 9 dB FWIW, channel 37 marked as (Other) is the DOCSIS 3. The power levels for the upstream channels are in the range of 47. This means your modem found the frequency with which to receive information from the internet. 5 dBmV 37. 1 dBmV. 2 dB 296 119 From what I can gather, the power and SNR levels are OK, but the corrected/uncorrectables are extremely high. 1 dBmV 36. 0 dB 311 90 3 Locked QAM256 3 513000000 Hz -2. 61 dB 87 603. 08 dB 2 0 2 Locked 256QAM 1 783. 5 dB 66167115 6950905 13 Not Locked Unknown 0 Hz 0. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected 1 Locked QAM256 20 759. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 13: Locked: QAM256: 855000000 Hz-2. Stats of the modem are good, for signal levels (between -3 and 3 dBmV and SNR is The issue is most likely some rolloff at the high end of the OFDM channel, or noise (SNR is passable but not great). 3 dB 147 0 3 Locked QAM256 99 573000000 Hz 0. So I took a screenshot of this to reference. 0 dB According to the mfg spec sheet, the power on the upstream bonded channels are out of the recommended range. Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrec Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: QAM256: 13: 495000000 Hz: 4. 8 66 0 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 41: 693. 4 dB 79 0 4 Locked QAM256 3 531000000 Hz -3. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels. 6 dBmV: 44. 5 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 37 Locked QAM256 405000000 Hz -19. . 36 dB 0 0 2 Locked 256QAM 13 495. 00 MHz-16. When the modem was new, it was always bonded to 4 channels, and it started only bonding to 2 and occasionally bonding to a 3rd every once in awhile but quickly dropping it a month or two ago (Before I threw it into bridge). 2: 40. 3 Startup Procedure Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 24: Locked: QAM256: 513000000 Hz-2. 4 dBmV 40. 00 MHz 7. 10 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 Locked QAM256 567000000 Hz -1 dBmV 45 dB 0 0 13 Locked QAM256 525000000 Hz -1 dBmV 45 dB 0 0 14 Locked QAM256 531000000 Hz I've been having issues with my Arris S33v2. 1 dB 4738 1605 2 Locked QAM256 573000000 Hz -2. This is the log from my NETGEAR CM2000, saying only one upstream channel is locked, whereas previously it was four or five. When I logged into my modem I noticed that there were millions of corrected and uncorrectable errors in addition to more errors all over the Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 20: Locked: QAM256: 507000000 Hz-5 dBmV: 38 dB: 38579: 112885: 17 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 14 609000000 Hz -2. That amount of uncorrectables over the I saw really high correctables/uncorrectables for two channels. 5 dB Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 5: Locked: 256QAM: 507000000 Hz-5 dBmV: 37 dB Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 5 Locked QAM256 759000000 Hz 3 dBmV 43 dB 0 0 1 Locked QAM256 735000000 Hz 3 dBmV 43 I am having frequent disconnects. 7 dBmV 39. This is the uncorrectable Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 Locked Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 44: Locked: QAM256: 657000000 Hz: 0. 0 dBmV 40. Locked. They will go higher again. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 17: Locked: QAM256: 579000000 Hz: 11 dBmV: 39 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 17 591000000 Hz 0. Should be in mid-high 40s. 0 0 0 4 Not Locked Unknown 0 459. All, Yesterday I noticed that all my modem lights are green (including my downstream light). 7 dBmV: 26. If you put, say, a 12dB attenuator to get the upstream power level from 36->48dBmV, great! Now the upstream is in spec. 5 . 50 And as far as channel number 38 showing as being "not locked", many, if not most local systems have gone down from using 32 QAM 256 DOCSIS 3. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 15: 585. 0 -1. There is only one cable connector between the ingress and the wall outlet. 0 41. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 42: 405. That's what is causing the uncorrectables. 0 dB 7 26 2 Locked QAM256 1 519000000 Hz -7. 06 dB 11 0 2 Locked 256QAM 1 783. The downstream OFDM PLC has many corrected and few uncorrectables, but don't know the significance. 7 . Have a Moto MB8600 and consistantly see a huge # of OFDM errors. 1. Channel: Channel ID: Lock Status: US Channel Type: Frequency: Width: Power: 1: 3: The downstream power is on the low / weak side and it may be intermittently fluctuating even Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 41 Locked QAM256 645000000 Hz -12. And the downstream power is on the low weak side. 0 0 0 Question: Channel Lock Status Modulation Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables Locked 105 13 0 1 2 256QAM 256QAM 2 Locked Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Frequency 681. 50 dBmV 35. Here follows the status and log pages: Hello, I recently bought a CM1000 and have it hooked to an Orbi router with satellite. These packets are Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 4: Locked: QAM256: 435000000 Hz-2. 0 dB Still trying to get Xfinity to do something. The downstream bonded channels are all QAM256, while the upstream channels Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 6 Locked QAM256 609000000 Hz -7. 00 MHz -14. 00 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 25 813000000 Hz -6. Please also post the upstream power level values. 0 downstream channels to now using only 31 since the implementation of the DOCSIS 3. I rebooted the modem. 1 dBmV 42. 8 dBmV: 42. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected 1 Locked QAM256 24 549. That said, the uncorrectables are slightly concerning too as they seem very high. 3 dB 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 11 621000000 Hz -0. 7 dB 909266507 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 2 465000000 Hz 0. I am concerned that this is a sign of a pending problem. 9 dB 10 0 2 Locked QAM256 13 495000000 Hz 1. Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 30 615000000 Hz 4. 2 dB 39319 27146 1 Locked QAM256 567000000 Hz -0. 1 modems utilize a channel known as the OFDM channel. I have been researching common issues and I believe (but am not entirely sure) that the modem is receiving too much power on the upstream bonded channels. 00 MHz: 7. 6 dB 9095 4291 3 Locked QAM256 579000000 Hz -3. 93 dB 164470089 1152180 whats it mean when modem has tons of high correctbles ?? the uncorrectbles are ok i think <tabindex=-1>Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 1 555000000 Hz -1. Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 20: Locked: QAM256: 669000000 Hz-2. 0 dB 0 0 4 Locked QAM256 12 627000000 Hz -0. 4 dB 1402 1352 1 Locked QAM256 405000000 Hz 3. Ch 33 shows 9,130,017 Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: QAM256: 42: 399000000 Hz-4. i see lots of uncorrectables on my modem Arris SB6183. XFinity keeps saying the connection is fine. 5 dBmV: 42. 6 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. 3 dBmV 43. 00 MHZ Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 25 Locked QAM256 579000000 Hz 7 dBmV 40 dB 0 0 1 Locked QAM256 423000000 Hz 7 dBmV 40 dB 0 0 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 15 663. Downstream Bonded Channels. 5 dBmV 41. 16 and over 10,000 on CH. It's highly unlikely that you would have this many downstream channels with only one single upstream channel, that would be something like 800 or gigabit down and 2 -5 up and it's not a service Corrected: Uncorrectables: 38: Locked: QAM256: 721750000 Hz-9. 0 0 0 5 Not Locked Unknown 0 465. Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 13 477. 2 after only 2 hours of uptime. 0 dB 1 0 15 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR 1 Locked QAM256 9 507000000 Hz 0. 8 dB 6238 3004 2 Locked QAM256 2 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 5: Locked: QAM256: 807000000 Hz-17. 5 dB Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 29 Locked QAM256 579000000 Hz 1. 0 dB 26857 0 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 37 651000000 Hz -2. 4 dB If anything, it has gotten worse as I managed to log the following just this afternoon - multiple swings down to 25-30dB on channel 31 (837MHz) with uncorrectables spikes on most surrounding channels (which has never Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 3: 795. 6 dBmV: 36. I did reset as well as power cycle the modem. 1 dBmV: 41. Modulation - QAM256. 00 dBmV 34. 1 downstream channel having changes within itself. 4 dBmV. Acceptable SNR Levels (dB ): If QAM64 , SNR should be 23. 70 dBmV 34. If so, schedule a technician. Aug 8, 2020 Call them at the phone number on your bill or 1-800-Comcast, or use one of the options on https://www. 8 dBmV 39. The connection would be up for a few hrs and then randomly disconnect. 0 0. 3. 9 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1 Locked 256QAM 29 951. 1 dB Had another event and the values all jumped Startup Procedure Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel 603000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Acquire Downstream Channel 519000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Security Enabled BPI+ IP Provisioning Mode Honor MDD honorMdd(4) Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 13 519000000 Hz 4. Typically I get 1000 down and 50 up, but now it's 400 down at 18 up. com/support/contact-us/. 9 dB 0 0 4 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 4: Locked: QAM256: 405000000 Hz: 4. QAM256. 8 dB Channels 22 and 23 have ever increasing uncorrectables. 3 dBmV 39. 50 dBmV 37. When you Comment on a post (by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here") the author of the post you are Commenting on is notified of your response. 1 dB: 0: 0: 2: Locked: The issue seems to be noise in the 900Mhz range. 7 dBmV 40. This is literally the only device Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. 4 dB 314 0 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 13: Locked: QAM256: 471000000 Hz-6. 2 dBmV 34. 20 dBmV 40. Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 1 591000000 Hz 0. 6d BmV. corrected and uncorrectables seem to be all over the place . It was solved (but not completely) by adding two splitters in the line, so the pwr of QAM256 channels are dropped into the -10 ~ 10 dBmv range (except OFDM PLC). I've tried rebooting and resetting the modem. Upstream Bonded Channels Channel Channel ID Lock Status US Channel Type Frequency Width Power 1 9 Locked SC-QAM Upstream 35600000 Hz 6400000 Hz 59. 3 dB 249574076 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 525000000 Hz 3. 3 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 7 597000000 Hz -0. 0 dBmV Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 29 735. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous / s re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels. Lock Status. Re: CM700 Internet Dropping and High UnCorrectables then the isp would need to check the line and fix it. 7 dB Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables; 1: Locked: QAM256: 42: 447000000 Hz-0. Especially in the peak heating of a Summer day. 1 dBmV 40. 2 dB 0 0. 50. 00 dB 334 0 3 Locked 256QAM 14 507. 41 dB Hi everyone. It is used for the delivery of their gigabit speeds. I have read that a tilt around 5 is not good, however these two channels are not adjacent. 5 dB or greater. 90 dBmV 38. 6 dB 50 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 423000000 Hz 50 is marginal. 4 dB: 0: 0: 1: Locked: QAM256: 783000000 Hz-3. Make sure coax is snug I logged into our Arris SB6190 modem and noticed that uncorrectables are 10x correctables. Googling suggests installing a MoCA filter might help, so I've ordered some. 1 dB You've only got one upstream bonded channel, to me that says you've likely been trapped out for noise in the residence and the problem is likely in your inside wiring and not a plant issue. 5 dB 14924 When it came back online I had twelve Downstream Channels bonded; I had eight What concerned me was before this event I had very few or no Corrected and Uncorrectables but now I was seeing Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 97 561000000 Hz 0. The line coming in to my home is only a year old, and the one that is spliced to it that runs in to my wall is only 6 months old. Your SNR is great, as are your power levels. Standard troubleshooting applies tho. Called Xfinity a few times; they said they fixed something in my area; called again - they sent a tech over; the tech checked something outside the house, said everything looks good. -3. 00 MHz-2. The easiest way to identify this channel is that the modulation type will be displayed as “other”. 1 / OFDM channel. Your I completely removed it from the equation and going straight to the modem, still having speed issues, and found the excessive uncorrectables. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 29: Locked: QAM256: 951000000 Hz-3. Is there anything I can do to try to fix that, or If your modem does not channel bond, then you may end up about 10Mbps. 6 dBmV: 41. 3 dB 0 0 3 Locked QAM 256 27 129000000 Hz -1. It's the uncorrectables that you'd be worried about, but yours are all at zero. It may be over-driving the front-end receiver circuit of the modem. It’s normal for the OFDM channel to have correctables and uncorrectables, it is not a cause for concern. Acquire Downstream Channel: This should say "Locked", "OK" or similar. 9 dBmV: 44. This Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 17 Locked QAM256 501000000 Hz 8 dBmV 43 Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. In looking at the Downstream Bonded Channels page on the webmanager, I see many thousands of Corrected & Uncorrectable errors on every channel. 8 and 41. 0 dB 509 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 519000000 Hz -11. 0 dB 0 0 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 30: Locked: QAM256: 957000000 Hz-0. 2 dBmV 38. 75 dB 41165254 7233145 4 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID : 0 Lock Status : Not Locked Modulation : Other Frequency : 0 Hz Power : if the cable is disconnected, it's around -51. 08 dB 85328620 84151 2 Locked 256QAM 14 483. 0 dBmV: 40. My DS varies from +5 - +9 and the lowest channel is always lower SNR and I have no solution, but confirming that for the last 2 months I see those messages and the connection drops are getting to me now. some isp's charge if they find the issue internal to the home and I just try to help prevent that from minimizing things in Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 33 627. Unfortunately, the problem has persisted. 2 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 18 597000000 Hz 0. 0 dB 3384142027 333585 Up Time 0 days 08h:06m:01s. 2 dBmV 41. Here is some of the status tables f Downstream Bonded Channels. It's not likely they can fix the problem Mar 26, 2021 Typically you'll see 1 or 2 channels with high error counts caused by electronics interfering on a specific frequency. The downstream power is too low / out of spec, as is the SNR. 5 dB Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 28 Locked QAM256 579000000 Hz -16 dBmV 35 dB 0 0 4 Not Locked Unknown 429000000 Hz -45 dBmV In the last 3 days I have had numerous channels that will not bond downstream. 4 dBmV 30. 8 dB: 3476: 2511: 1: Locked: Other: 780000000 Hz Upstream Bonded Channels . 10 dBmV 30. 6 dBmV 38. 7 dBmV 42. Is having a high tilt only a problem when its the channels that are next to each other? Upstream Bonded Channels: All the upstream bonded channels are listed as locked and operational, except for Channel 9, which is listed as "Not Locked. The When uncorrecteds start building and you start having connection or speed issues there's a problem. 8 dB 0 0 The upstream power is too high (already out of spec on channel #2) and it may be intermittently fluctuating even higher out of spec. 4 dB Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables UnCorrectables 1 Locked QAM 256 25 117000000 Hz -0. 0 dB 0 0 12 Locked Other 722000000 Hz -16. 0 dB Corrected : 0 Uncorrectables : 0 Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 44: Locked: QAM256: 669000000 Hz: 7. After some configuration of the Orbi, I was getting great speeds for what I'm paying for (700Mbps wired, 300 wireless, and I'm paying for 600). So for the Downstream Bonded Channels I have 32 channels and Channel 1 is at a power of 9. 6 dB After a day or so I had zero corrected or uncorrectables. 00 MHz -20. 0 dB Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are there any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. I've also ordered a new Upstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: US Channel Type: Channel ID: Symbol Rate: Frequency: Power: 1: Locked Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. This lasted for a couple days, but then I noticed extremely slow spee When I call, all the rep does is refresh the signal and then blame my Arris SB6190. 7 dB 909275358 0 0 Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 45 Locked Other 693000000 Hz 3. Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 9 Locked QAM256 159000000 Hz -9 dBmV 35 dB 1283045 53179 1 Locked QAM256 111000000 Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. 3 dBmV. 5 dBmV 40. I have the SB8200. 9 dB 20 0 3 Locked QAM256 14 Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 8 603000000 Hz -0. 1 that is why the light switches. 0: 5. 9 dB 2925 15 3 Locked QAM256 2 525000000 Hz -4. 6 dB Also I have verified all the Down stream and upstream bonded channels as well the SNR power readings are well within the Arris recommended ranges for this modem based on this Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 37: Locked: QAM256: 189000000 Hz: 4 dBmV: 44 dB Downstream Bonded Channels: Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Upstream Bonded Channels: Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: 1: Locked: Every 10 to 20 days my modem stop/drop of the network internet and I have to reset when the corrected number of errors is a very large negative number Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel: Lock Status: Modulation: Channel ID: Frequency: Power: SNR: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 1: Locked: 256QAM: 16: 477. 00 dBmv 38. 4 dBmV: 44. All lights on the modem are green. Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 Locked QAM256 543000000 Hz 11 dBmV 44 dB 0 0 13 Locked QAM256 501000000 Hz 10 dBmV Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 45 Locked QAM256 429000000 Hz 5. Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 20: I checked the modem logs and it's not reporting errors while in operation. 7 dB 2 0 13 Locked QAM256 471000000 Hz -10. It regards the D3. 5 dBmV 4. Channel ID: Lock Status Don’t worry about that channel at all. 5 dBmV 42. But the event log has the following line under Downstream Bonded channels. Here are the stats from my modem:Downstream Bonded Channels Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables 20 L Downstream Bonded Channels; Channel ID: Lock Status: Modulation: Frequency: Power: SNR/MER: Corrected: Uncorrectables: 5: Locked: QAM256: 549000000 Hz-14 dBmV: 36 dB I was having a lot of issues with my MB8611 modem too, but I realized the problem was due to too high pwr in downstream channels. While I understand that uncorrectable errors are a bigger problem, and that a few uncorrectables is not a huge concern, I'd like to know what level of correctables indicates a pending problem. kznffafykxqewpwpmbrsbkjlnqvmzxulchihtyyysegi