Brown discharge 10 weeks pregnant mumsnet It lasted about 2-3 days then stopped. I had brown mucus a few times in the first 16 weeks or so. Just try and relax and pinkish or brown discharge are common itsonly red that's possibly a problem. Went on a long walk with the dog and there was more that afternoon. Due Yes I had spotting at 8, 10 and 13 weeks. ' Hi everyone, long story but looking for similar experiences. I’m now 3 weeks 5 days pregnant and have the same fears of miscarrying again. They never worked out where it was coming from but my lovely DD is now 12. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown Discharge @ 16 weeks 5 replies TheHopefulMum · 06/04/2022 12:28 Hi All, Currently 16+2 with DC3. Yesterday I noticed a small amount of thick brown discharge when wiping. This is my first pregnancy, so was a bit panicky. It pretty much resolved when I started taking things easier. I now feel so scared in case it's a miscarriage and I can't stop worrying! It’s mainly been brown discharge and some days you’d really have to be looking to see it. I do this some spotting/brown discharge can be normal but I totally understand the worry. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 11 weeks brown discharge 10 replies Kit12 · 03/05/2023 10 I had this at around 10 weeks - I had brown discharge (quite light but lasted Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I had a miscarriage last year and now pregnant again at 10 we I am already consultant led due to having several losses before this pregnancy (which has happened naturally) hence all the additional care, and I am taking various medications also (prednisolone, clexane, aspirin). and a few times after going to the loo, i've noticed some brownish cm, there isnt loads but its enough to stress me out, h Hi @g1992 I noticed brown discharge at 6+5, it started to get a bit heavier over the next few days and became more like spotting/ a very light period, although still a dark ‘old blood’ colour. Now 34 weeks and haven't had any further since 26 weeks🤞. First time freaked out saw out of hours doctor who basically said it was a threatened miscarriage wasn't bothered and to wait it out - it had stopped the next day and scan at 8 weeks was all good. There was also dark clots. He's Hi Jard32, I also had brown spotting at around 10/11 weeks, and, just to be on the safe side, went to see my midwife who immediately made an appointment at my local EPU, as my dating scan wasn't for another fortnight. We went for a scan a couple Wondering if anyone has been through the same. An early scan found a haematoma (blood clot) alongside the gestational sac, probably caused by the placenta attaching. I’m 5. Brown discharge at 14 weeks pregnant 6 replies JFBMac · 17/09/2023 18:00 I have had 4 previous miscarriages. I had brown discharge (old blood) through to 12/13 weeks. It was dark brown in colour yesterday, no clots or anything, but it did look grainy if that makes sense. 3 days of brown spotting/ light bleeding, then proper period for another 3 or 4 days I’m about 10. Hi, I'm 28 weeks and had brown discharge today. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. Went into EPU measured 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat. Doctors keep telling me babies are fine via ultrasound but I'm having brown mucus discharge and pink spotting. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and have had brown discharge turn into light pink bleeding when I wipe and on pantyliner since 5 weeks. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and over the last few days i'v had a few episodes of dark brown discharge and slight tummy ache. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge Hi im almost 6 weeks gone and for the past couple of days iv had light brown discharge when i wipe im panicking abit as Hello all, I know no one can really tell me what exactly it could be as i can only really know with scan, but if you could maybe share if you have had Went to scan, thinking I am 9 weeks 5 days pregnant n got a surprise that I am only 6 weeks pregnant so booked scan again after 2 weeks. No cramping or red blood. Brown bliss is generally thought to be less worrying than red. Has anyone gone through this When, instead of your normal period, you are greeted by a dark brown discharge and mild cramps, chances are high that you will be pregnant. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 3 Brown discharge 6 weeks - advice pleas 51 replies Danlsb · 04/05/2013 Hi, I had brown discharge at 6 weeks too, posted on here Yes. 6yrs DS and I had a mmc last august. I'm 7. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 7+4 weeks ago on Cyclogest and Brown spotting 7 replies Em1996 · 09/11 /2023 07:46 Hello. Had brown discharge for a few days and then came back again a week later. I’d actually say it’s like a period consistency than discharge. 18 weeks pregnant - brown discharge 11 replies GraceLondon91 · 14/08/2021 11:21 I'm 18 weeks pregnant & woke up this morning with brown stained discharge In my Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Watch thread Flip Watch I'm convinced Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. 8 weeks and 2 days Hi, I'm 5 weeks pregnant and the past two times I have been to the toilet, there has been one tiny speck of brown on the paper after I wiped. Still got brown discharge/spotting and had a weird brown jelly thing too which may have just been discharge tinged with blood but meh. I’ve been to the toilet since and it’s been fine. I've notic I have had 3 miscarriages. I also started with brown discharge when I had a m/c but it turned to link, then red quite quickly, over the course of a day or 2. Last night I went to the loo and when I wiped I first noticed some like peach colour discharge on the toilet roll then I’m 10 weeks 3 days pregnant with my second. I did go for a scan 2 days ago and there was a healthy baby with a 176bpm Hi girls I've had a small 10p size brown spot in my knickers, then when going to the loo and wiping (sorry too much info) I have brown discharge. But looking on Google this seems very small! Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Mine was bright red initially and then went brown. It could be implantation bleeding around the time period due. 5 weeks pregnant and Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge 17 weeks 12 replies Megaaaa So from about 16 weeks I started to notice a brown discharge when wiping which got darker Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Went to see a doctor no scan was done, was I was wondering if anybody could help. Congratulations too by the way x Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I have had some stronger pregnancy symptoms than with my blighted ovum, mainly feeling sick Hia i am 6 weeks pregnant and only found out last tuesday that i was pregnant, i had been having light brown discharge and put it down to an early period but did a test anyway which was positive. The brown discharge stopped, instead I had a white discharge -> I think it was old blood from the initial pink implantation My easyhome test shows a line that is twice as dark as the one I had 48 hours ago (although these tests should not normally be used for this purpose). Ever since I got my positive I’ve had brown discharge (not red or pink, not enough to warrant a pad it’s only when wiping) on and off accompanied by mild cramps occasionally. Called doctor, told me to let nature take its course, nothing they could do. Pink/brown discharge at 7 weeks 21 replies Rosabuddy · 12/11/2019 10:47 Hi everyone, having a bit of a panic, I have had pink brown discharge on and off for a few days Hi I also had this light discharge at 6 weeks was convinced it was another misscarrige, stomach bloated felt like I was coming on my period, went for a scan everthing was fine, stomach went down after a couple of days brown discharge continued for few weeks had another scan since and everthings fine and baby has grew perfect xxx Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I phoned miswife who booked me for a scan in EPU. Four week 5 days (about 19dpo), had dark brown blood in my underwear yesterday afternoon out of the blue. Brown discharge can be nothing-its old blood. Been to hospital this morning/afternoon as had some brown discharge at 3am and then on the panty liner when I wok Skip to main content Skip to main navigation your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Brown discharge 35 weeks 6 replies mysecret321 · 23/10/2017 15:51 Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I've bled through this pregnancy to the point the midwife thought I'd lost the baby on two separate occasions, 'Research has shown that if you see a heartbeat at 6 weeks of pregnancy, the chances of the pregnancy continuing are 78%. First scan I had after the spotting was at 6 weeks 3 days and they saw a heartbeat, but who knows if they would have seen it the week before. EPU Hi, just a bit of reassurance, I'm 10 weeks pregnant and been bleedin/spotting brown and reddish discharge/blood for errm 4 weeks nearly, so since I was 6 weeks. i am also having some brown discharge but I’m only 4. Has anyone else had this? I’m just over 7 weeks pregnant and have started with brown discharge when I wipe am I miscarrying? and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I don’t feel any pain and am well in myself. I didn’t have lots of symptoms to start with but my mild Since yesterday I have been experiencing brown discharge every now and then? I have never had this before. thank you for taking the time to look at this, I can't really ask anyone in real Hello I’m just coming up to 5 weeks now, maybe 4+6d today, and been having brown/pink discharge for 6 days now. A brown discharge at 6 weeks seems quite common but with varying results - some babies/some m/c. I went to ER then and they Did your period start or end 16 days ago? If it started 16 days ago and you're on cycle day 16 then that could easily be ovulation bleeding. It's literally just one wipe after I've been to the toilet, rather than a constant flow of that makes sense. I’ve just gone to the toilet and wiped and there’s a lot of brown discharge with dark brown bits and tiny clots. Is this likely to be a mi Try not to worry. I'm 24 weeks and 1 day pregnant - I woke up this morning and noticed I had a little bit of brown discharge and it completed freaked me out (previous MC started this way) It's settled now and I rang the midwife who explained it could be just from having sex (had sex twice with DP yesterday) and just to maybe calm it down on that front. Firstly i pannicked and thought the worst, but I've now done a bit of research online and in books, apparently tummy cramps with/without brown/pink spotting are normal in early pregnancy as your uterus and ligaments prepare for baby. i also had Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I visited the hospital and was put on antibiotics, things seemed to get better at the end of the medicine course but restarted in two days. Thought is was all over but it wasn't, don't panic too much, it could be absolutely fine. And I have had 3 scans, all is going good. Hi @TheBrokenFuse you have done the right thing booking in for a scan this did happen to me at 11 weeks (3 previous mmc) I was very worried - PFB is now 2 and currently munching on cheese sitting in my lap . With this pregnancy I've had some brown discharge like this on week 5 and had on and off yellow discharge from week 4. DS1 is now 2, and I'm 34 weeks with my second. I have had 4 m/c in the past and all have been different. 4 weeks and I've had a previous mc. No one could ever explain why. Scans never found the reason for bleeding - most probably implantation blood taking its time to come out. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge at 6 weeks I had little bit of brown discharge at about 10 weeks, apparently it's old blood so nothing to worry about. I had a miscarriage in Feb at 10 weeks and it was as some of you will know the most horrible traumatic experience as it all happened at home. I am 32 years old and 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow (this is my first pregnancy), I had a private early scan yesterday and they could see the g sac and y sac but said the g sac was only 3. At 10 weeks I had a private harmony test and baby Brown discharge might be from an infection or it may be old blood leaving your body. 16 replies Pinkmoon23 · 17/06/2023 I had brown discharge for 4-5 days at 13. Then a second time it was more pink / red - again just from wiping. It dried to a much smaller patch though and what was left looked a bit white and powdery. It continued on and off until 9 weeks and I'm currently 13 weeks. I called 111 for a callback from the out of hrs doc. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 9 weeks brown discharge now a tiny bit of blood 10 replies DMT1982 · 16/12/2020 19:30 Hi girls. Fingers crossed all is well for you x In regards to the concerns, pain on right hand side (like you have when ovulating but stronger) and brown very watery discharge. Also bad backache. Rang my GP at six weeks and was told to rest and that whatever happened, happened. 4%. I feared the worst and cried my heart out. I then started to get cramps like a mild period pain and completely freaked out and convinced myself it was the start of a mc. Currently 17 weeks pregnant. No spotting at all with my first, and this is the first time in this pregnancy. im 22+4 now and all is absolutely fine with the baby and they have never found any reason for the bleeding. For the last 3 days I have been having light brown discharge when wiping after toilet. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown Discharge 12 replies What I can say on this topic, I had brown discharge for a good 1-2 weeks at 5-6 weeks with my first. I had a mixture of red and brown spotting for 10 days at 19 weeks. (Am 28 weeks pregnant). Try not to worry - easier said than done I know! Advice please!! 6 weeks pregnant brown discharge and cramps 9 replies Ivfnewbie1 · 11/11/2023 15:24 I’m hoping someone has some advice on this 🤞🏻 currently 6 weeks pregnant from IVF. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 Seven weeks pregnant + brown discharge :( 37 replies elderberryspokes · 14/02/2012 07:57 Apologies if this is TMI. I only had the discharge that happened when i wiped and then all was well. it’s on and off, isn’t at every single wipe and doesn’t seem to have fresh bright red blood like a proper period in but I’m so concerned and stressed out as to what on earth it could be? Hello, I'm currently 11 weeks and had pink spotting, brown discharge and even streaks of red at 6 weeks. Hi so I’m 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant , I had a miscarriage 10 months ago so I’m really worried and very anxious , so I’ve started to notice when I wipe that I have brown discharge sort of bleeding only when I wipe & slight cramps nothing major just period cramps , does anyone have any stories like mine and had a healthy pregnancy I’m worried that I could be miscarrying Hi, since 6weeks I had brown spotting(not a lot) when whipping. Hey so at 5 weeks pregnant I lost brown discharge for 4 days after sex, had a scan at 8 weeks and everything was fine saw the heartbeat. It’s only tiny bits and it’s not enough to even touch a pad and is only when I wipe but it’s definitely there. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 Early pregnancy scan - brown discharge and cramping 35 replies Worrier22 · 03/05 I also had cramping and some brown discharge I had discharge for a few days at 6 weeks pregnant and I went EPU and all was well. Sometimes its clear or very faint and other times its a brown discharge. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown/Pink Discharge - nearing end of 7 weeks 9 replies roxyricee · 10/03/2023 I've had on/off scant brown discharge for a few I'm 34 weeks pregnant with baby no 2, it's been a hard pregnancy this time had a couple of bleeds throughout but everything has been fine. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge-7 weeks 5 replies Unitedthebest · 12/12/2023 22:36 I’m just over 7 weeks pregnant In my current pregnancy I had brown and sometimes pinkish spotting weeks 4 and 5 and light brown bleeding week 7. It may or may not be a miscarriage. 8mm so asked for me yo come back in 2 weeks for a re scan. A hematoma was found which and spotting calmed down at around 9weeks. More so brown, as it means it's your body just getting rid of old blood. 5 weeks so very hard for me to get anything, can’t get progesterone without a scan and can’t get a scan til 6 weeks! So just hoping my body knows what to do and will hang onto the pregnancy 🤞. DS1 - Brown spotting and bled for a week This pregnancy - brown spotting, bled up to 18 weeks. All was OK, but had some further spotting ar 25 and 26 weeks but again everything was OK (I was checked out from maternity triage). . your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Share Brown discharge 5 replies ThisGladPoet · 11/06/2024 17:28 Hi Everyone. If that's the case for you then you 100% need to contact them now. I too am 6 weeks and now have this brown discharge and am panicing big time after 2 m/c in the last year. However, 2 days later I had dark brown spotting on tissue paper after wiping which was accompanied by stomach cramps. Had a scan at 6 weeks all fine and ones at 7 weeks and 10 weeks and they looked good too. Maybe call EPU? I am 6 weeks pregnant following a previous miscarriage and fertility treatment (PCOS). If your period ended 16 days ago I am 10 weeks pregnant & today when I wiped after going to the loo I notice I had brown discharge. 4 weeks pregnant, have had brownish discharge on and off today, had a scan at 8 weeks showed ok and had a heartbeat, anyone else exp I just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant (first time after 3 years trying) and today I noticed pink-brown discharge (it felt like I'd started my period/wet so I went to check). Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown spotting/discharge at 8 weeks (pictures attached) 14 replies K2012 I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago which started with brown Hi all, I'm seven weeks pregnant and I've been getting this discharge on and off for a few weeks it's sometimes spotting in my underwear or it's like this when I wipe (see below) I had a scan on Thursday and baby seemed fine but I didn't have anything like this with my first baby and it's just worrying . I am only six weeks, but now I am really worried. That was about 9am yesterday. I have had only white, creamy discharge since then. I am 40+1 and had spotting / brown discharge around 6/7 for a few days. Yesterday it was light pink and today its brown. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 6 weeks brown discharge =panic! 41 replies Ladyopheliastar DS which turned out to be nothing wrong, then no sign of anything Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Then I had a straightforward pregnancy (dd is now almost a teenager). Also don’t feel nauseous anymore. Since I didn't have any symptoms last year, I'm extremely nervous. Now 5 weeks 3 days and having brown discharge and black mucus. Do I need to ring the EPU given it’s such a small amount and clearly old blood if anything? Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I also had 2 red, fairly heavy bleeds, one at 8 weeks, another at 10 weeks. Hi, just going out of my mind a bit. Midwives told me, the reason they don't treat spotting as a concern is because it's sooooooooo common. It’s really scant and only happens every now and then. then light bleeding and today i had some bloodclots and creamy grey kind of lumpy discharge,,,soooooooooo scraed booked for scan 2 days from now can any body explain ? tahnx I had one miscarriage which started with discharge and got gradually heavier. My pregnancy symptoms continued, so I did another test 5 days later. I can only tell you that plenty of women have all kinds of bleeding during pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies. from that day on a kept getting the light brown discharge, but by the thursday i had a pain in my right side so i went to the doctors who refered me strait away to gynae to rule I had brown discharge throughout the whole first trimester (well, started from 6 weeks to about 12 weeks if memory serves me correctly). Oddly though once it stopped I still felt pregnant and sure enough my ds (now 8) was holding on I there. Currently pregnant again and have started spotting again at 8 weeks. It is on and off. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 6. I’ve just turned 7 weeks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge 7 weeks 24 replies Kej13 · 24/01/2019 13 Sorry to say this was the only sign I’d had a MMC the first time around. I do normally get spotting before at but it’s always bright red. When I wiped, there was quite a lot of brown discharge. When I spoke to a midwife they instantly said brown is old I had some brown discharge on and off for maybe a couple weeks, and then it increased and became more pink and eventually I started bleeding like a period. Never any reason for it - the last lot went on for about 4 weeks, and I was convinced it was all over (also have a history of recurrent miscarriage) but in the end managed to relax as the baby was scanned and checked plenty of times and movements i am just over 6 weeks pregnant i have got heavy brown discharge i went to the doctors but they said if it gets worse go bk in a few days. I then had a bleed at 11 weeks pregnant and baby was fine. I’m now 13 weeks pregnant. I had a scan at 8 weeks and all seemed fine. They all started with fresh blood, but I’m still freaking out! I had a scan at 8 weeks and all was fine, we saw the heart b It is not uncommon to get a little blood discharged during pregnancy (infact some women actually still have periods during pregnancy) and I had it during my last pregnancy (DS now 2) at 9, 23, 28 and 37 weeks I got it checked out each time - EPAU first time, labour ward the rest - and each time there was nothing to worry about I am 10/3 and have bled. Not IVF pregnancy, but I had brown/pink spotting at 6 weeks with some streaks of red. Enough to stain the size of 20p piece. Share 11 weeks - brown discharge 5 replies Imo1 · 04/08/2011 18:12 Hi. Over the last 3 days I have been experiencing some light brown discharge when I wipe and also a small amount of brown mucousy spotting. 5 weeks pregnant. It is now nearly 4 weeks since the procedure and 3 weeks since I expelled the tissue. I’ve been testing for the last few days (zero willpower!!) and have been getting BFN this morning I had a sharp pain in my left side which took my breath away and I’ve been having brown discharge. Bright Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I had a scan at 6 weeks and all was fine as I had been experiencing bad pain and have had 2 miscarriages this year. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge around 8 weeks pregnant 19 replies Mammytobee · 19/09/2021 20:39 Hi, just wondering if anyone has experienced what I I had brown discharge/blood at 14 weeks for no obvious reason and baby is absolutely fine (now 28 weeks). I had two massive bleeds at 8 weeks, scans showed baby had died and ended up having a D&C. No guarantees but I've got a a stroppy schoolboy from a pregnancy with brown discharge! i am 10 weeks - or so i thought! i started having brown discharge last weds but no pain. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge - really worried. I remember this a week before my first miscarriage. this went on for about 6days at 6wks and then stopped. 5 weeks (after I had had Hi Everyone I’m 8 weeks pregnant and today I’ve noticed brownish discharge when I wiped. On Sunday morning I Hi all, I am 19+5 weeks pregnant with DC2, I have 2. I know it is extremely hard right now because we are so early, all we can do is hold out until that early reassurance scan. For the past 3 days I've had brown spotting/discharge followed by back pain which comes and goes, the brown blood has had a tiny bit of mucus in but not much. I have had mild cramps for about 1. Good luck When I was 7+5 weeks pregnant I started having very small amounts of caramel discharge. We call it knickerwatch! These types of discharge stopped in the 12th week of pregnancy. I can feel some mild pain come and go in my lower tummy. I bled for 7 days at 5 weeks pregnant with second daughter. @AlviesMam Hi, it literally only lasted that morning but I was so stressed I paid for a private scan last week and all was fine, It has happened once since then, but again just at that moment and it seemed to just be discharge, currently 15+1 and all seems to be well. I’ve called epu and they have no space. Anyone else had Dark brown discharge at 10 weeks? 13 replies SL566 · 21/06/2021 13:08 So I’ll be 11 weeks on Thursday and just had dark brown discharge which Hi, im 10+5 weeks pregnant. Hi, I’m 9-10 weeks pregnant (dates not certain) and today I’ve had some light light cramps and brown discharge with some tiny red streaks in. At 10 weeks I had a small amount of brown mucus over a couple of days. But because it’s been every day it has me very disheartened. Have had no problems so far and got pregnant first month trying. My bedding was soaked through 3 layers and it covered about 2 foot of the bed. First bleed (only on wiping) was a brown discharge. Very worried 9 replies I am 31 weeks pregnant I have a brown/black discharge then there was a yellow I had my first at 5 weeks; i was terrified and phoned EPU who scanned me and saw the start of a pregnancy. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge every day for a week- 7 weeks 12 replies Trousersareoverrated · I was 8 weeks and had brown discharge when Sarah i'm in exactly the same boat - am about 7 weeks, i'm on day 5 of intermittent cramps and day two of ocasional brown spotting. I miscarried in April and had brown stringy discharge. Unfortuantly brown discharge is completely normal in healthy pregnancies. 5 weeks pregnant and have had a brown discharge on wiping today. I bled all the way through my pregnancy - stringy, bright red, brown, small clots - until about 30 weeks. Since then I’ve had a little bit of diluted brown colour when wiping, and a few dark brown stringy bits. There's nothing you can do at this point, it's just a waiting game. So things could still go wrong, but as long as there is a heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage decreases as the weeks go by. In week ten the same thing happened. I am currently 10 weeks (today) pregnant with my 2nd baby. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Bleeding at 8 weeks pregnant Hi Nicole, I am 7 weeks and had some brown discharge last week, no pain. Hi I'm 10 weeks pregnant and the other day I had quite a large amount of clear, odorless watery discharge that came all at once enough to make my knickers feel quite damp and leak through to my trousers a tiny bit. Jules - i have had 2 MC's and 2 healthy pregnancies, i had brown discharge during my 2nd healthy pregnancy. It's so small that I would probably never have even noticed it if I hadn't been checking like mad every time I go. Hello everyone! I was hoping to hear some positive stories because I’m a little anxious. As a pp has said any bleeding should be checked the midwife told me that sometimes brown discharge is old blood but to always check. 2 weeks ago I started with a little light brown discharge on wiping. I'm not sure where Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 31 weeks and brown discharge. Hi everyone, I’m 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and yesterday I started spotting brown discharge. Sorry in advance for the TMI descriptions of my discharge! Hi everyone. I actually had this same discharge 3 days before my period was due which lasted 2 days and I now know this was implantation bleeding. Last weekend Clearblue still showed 1-2 weeks pregnant. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Watch Save Share Pink discharge 5 weeks pregnant 11 replies tiffanyw1997 · 17/04/2023 12:30 Hi, I’m experiencing very mild cramps on and off and I have been having pink discharge all morning, I have just got home to find a good lot of brown discharge in my knickers. I Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. DD is now 15 months old! Any blood is terrifying, but generally brown is usually less likely to be a problem than fresh red/pink. I’m not in any pain or anything, mild cramps at the most but nothing major. This kind of discharge is called implantation bleeding and the slight abdominal I’m basically 10 weeks pregnant and for the past two days, I’ve had intermittent spotting with light brown discharge. You shouldn't worry unless it's bright red. No pain. I have then bled red blood at 9 weeks, 11 weeks, 14 weeks, 16 weeks, 19 weeks and the most recent at 21 weeks. SORRY IF THIS IS TMI I'm 10 weeks pregnant I'm just wanting to hear if anyone has experienced this and whether I should be concerned. Been having symptoms of nausea fatigue sore boobs itchy skin and constant cramps that keep moving around. we booked a private scan for the next day because the NHS weren't able to offer us one for weeks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 27 replies Joeyandpacey · 26/08/2020 13:11 I’m about 10. Everyday it has been like this. My spotting has chilled out now but it was really scary when I first noticed and I was convinced I was losing the baby. Share 9 weeks pregnant brown discharge 20 replies Patty23 · 30/07/2024 23:08 Currently 9 weeks pregnant after 3 previous losses and this is the furthest I have ever got. If it's brown blood/discharge then it's old blood and rarely anything to worry about. I'm fearing the worst. I am booked in to have an early scan in a week at epu. looking for some advice I was started on Currently apprx 9. 2 days ago I woke and had brown, mucus-y discharge when I wiped. Not looking great. Have been ttc for past year and got a positive pregnancy test. I am also a - blood group but baby is + so for any bleeding I need the Anti D jab within 72hrs of the bleed. Heard the babys heartbeat on wednesday at midwives appointment she didn't seem too concerned I have a dating scan this afternoon but i'm feeling really nervous and terrified that something is wrong. Had implementation bleeding and a week later started seeing faint brown discharge which stopped and after a week seeing it again for 3 consecutive days now and on 1 of the days pink when i wiped but didn't see it again. I’ve I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant with twins. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown discharge @ 5weeks pregnant 😢 11 replies Annu786 · 06/07/2020 18 I had brown discharge last week (At 6 weeks) when I Hi everyone just wondering if anyone could help me, I think I’m about 6 weeks 2 days pregnant. This was over 20 years ago when they didn't do early scans and the GP and midwife weren't concerned unless I had pain or red bleeding. A heartbeat at 8 weeks increases the chance of a continuing pregnancy to 98% and at 10 weeks to 99. Absolutely terrified 😭 since this morning I have a brownish discharge on loo roll when I wipe. I’m 35 weeks now If it’s bright red/fresh then you should get checked out but at 5 weeks it’s hard to see on a scan they may make you wait a few more weeks until it can be seen clearly on a Nine weeks pregnant now, at 6 weeks had brown discharge when i wiped, lasted for that day, same happened at week 7 and 8. Then I got pregnant some years later and had the heaviest bleeding for a week. 2 did not progress past 5 weeks and the two at 9 weeks Hi OP, I had brown discharge at 6 weeks and again at 10 weeks both for several days at a time. Congratulations :) Im hoping someone can give me some advice or success stories. almost like the end of my period andnit goes brown. Has anyone else had this and what was the outcome? EPU are scanning me at 12 tomorrow Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I had a scan at exactly 7 weeks and everything was absolutely fine. Feeling low today. I haven't bled for over a week, but still getting a mix of brown and yellow discharge, mostly when I wipe (TMI, sorry!). Harbot I have had had brown bleeding in this pregnancy and I am currently 30 weeks and all is well. But I woke up this morning, went to the bathroom, and noticed a small amount of brown in my underwear. I was really worried due to past miscarriages but all was fine and he's now a strapping 18 year old. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Freaked out. 5 weeks pregnant, brown discharge, scan shows yolk sac but no embryo - please help! 21 replies Clarab0w · 08/10/2015 16:37 Mine Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I'm trying to remember the specifics as it was a while ago but I had a brown discharge and some light bleeding at around 10-12 weeks. All was fine for me so I hope it is the same for you Xx. We went along for the scan a few days later (like you, the spotting had stopped by then), and all seemed well, even found out I was a week ahead of Hiya, I'm only 6. I had Not sure what you mean by 2 weeks pregnant? In a normal 28 day cycle, fertilisation occurs at 2 weeks, next period due 2 weeks alter so if then pregnant that would be 4 weeks pregnant (from date of last period) Is your period due? If so, a test will tell you. Sorry if TMI but when wiping, I noticed my discharge contained streaks of brown. Rang midwife who said to ring gp when it’s open Monday or 111 if I wanted to. I was convinced it was a miscarriage as I'd previously had spotting and brown discharge at 6/7 weeks in first pregnancy which was a miscarriage. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 7 weeks pregnant - brown discharge 10 replies MrsH2618 · 15/02/2020 18:37 Hi, Can I please have some advice from people who have I am 8 weeks 5 days pregnant and already had my first scan where we were able to hear a heart beat. Once I was in the second trimester it all stopped! Now 37 weeks with a healthy baby boy 💙 I have had brown spotting at 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 12 weeks. My period has followed this pattern the last couple of years, since I turned 39. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and the baby is kicking away. 11 weeks now and LO is doing well. Was clear until 12weeks when I started heavily bleeding for a day and since then I have lots of brown spotting 12w5days today. POSTIVE! then I had a big spot of blood that day! I did another digital test the day later which said 1-2 weeks pregnant! Since then I have spotted brown discharge every 3-4 days, not pain, just normal uterus pulling discomfort, extreme tiredness, feeeling quesy and sore boobs! I was like that with my first, we had been trying for 10 years and had been told we won't be able to have any, I fell ill then pregnant (blood transfusions and lumbar puncture type ill). 5 weeks pregnant after mf ivf with icsi so I’m still using oestrogen and progesterone to support the pregnancy. I never found out what caused the brownish discharge and bleeding. I'm very anxious, so decided to call my OBGYN, he said if I'm not having having an increase of red flow, to just take it easy. Brown blood tends to be old blood. Worried myself sick for nothing, i had a cervical check and tested for infection and all clear. I have been having a brown discharge/spotting since last night, I have been to the hospital todayjust got back, they checked my blood pressure, temp etc and a urine sample, felt mt belly and listened to baby's heart beat which was all fine, they said if it gets worse or has Hello OP. I called my EPU who brought me in for a scan at 7+2 Hi, I am 15 weeks now and for last three weeks I am experiencing mild abdominal cramps and brown discharge. Had sex again at 9 weeks yesterday morning and lost a heck of a lot of blood. As said above, brown spotting can be perfectly normal but very worrying! I'm currently 5-6 weeks pregnant and waiting till Monday for my registration at the new GP practice to be confirmed. Had one yesterday infact and they where very positive that its so common and brown bloods ok. Do call the pregnancy advice line as they had me in for monitoring and examination - all well thankfully. But today after going to toilet earlier I had some bright red blood after wiping. Will feel more I had the same thing, along with a tiny bit of red mucus at six weeks and 16 weeks. went in with DH and was told i was having a probe scan so needed to empty my bladder (having sat bursting in the waiting room!) so went in and sonographer said - So, nice full Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I have had cramping, brown bleeding and discharge on and off since I was 7+2. I'm 7+5 and have had brown spotting since 6+3. It is still going on. I'm 11 weeks with #2 and have felt different down below today. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Brown Discharge 15 Weeks pregnant! : Im 10 weeks brown discharge all week turned red and greater volume in last 24 /36 hours. No cramping or pain, just heavy in my hi i m 10 weeks pregnantbleeding statrted 4-5 days back ,,initially dark brown spotting. Praying that everything goes well OP posts: See next See all Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I can't get my mind to ease. I had a brown discharge when I was 11 weeks that never turned red and went on to continue a healthy pregnancy. Brown discharge at 11 weeks - thrush? 7 replies RichesOfThePoor · 10/04/2013 21:38 11 weeks today and I've had thrush for the past few days with soreness and external Going from my peak OPK and discharge I’m around 10/11dpo. No cramps. No abdominal pain, no smell. Next pregnancy the brown discharge like you describe at the same point. Got a date at about 6 weeks, to be told I was about 10 days behind where I thought I was. Was told it’s cervix changing/stretching and old blood passing. Yesterday and today my discharge has been dark brown in colour at times, I guess suggesting old blood. I am not having any other symptoms like cramping or anything. I'm now 11 weeks pregnant November 2009, and recently I've been spotting brown discharge for the past few days. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. My second pregnancy, I had brown blood for about a week at 8 weeks, scans showed a heartbeat, bleeding stopped and DD turns 1 next week. I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with my second child. I phoned my Midwife for advice and she said to just keep an eye on it and go to my GP if it worsened. Didn't have any of this with the pregnancy I mc. It continued for 2 weeks and when it intially started I had really bad back ache and cramps. Epu said that it's probably implantation spotting! They didn't seem too concerned at all. For the last 3 days I’ve had a pinkish discharge mainly in the morning when I wake up and then fading back to white during the day, but been a bit heavier throughout today. 5 weeks with a on and off pain high up on right side. A little sore down there, might be thrush. I’ve been on here a while and I'm currently at 5 weeks and 2 days, due 25th Jan. sending hugs ️ Hi, I am currently 9 weeks pregnant. I'm 14+1 now and it's been really scary and stressful. and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. This stoped for a few days and then about 3 days later I had just one day of a lot of dark brown discharge which went onto a pad. I’m waiting on the early pregnancy unit phoning me back. I’ve been having cramps the past couple of days but thought it was normal. wyo ildzm ictbkc lgbpl bkhbv ufn ppuzu splkxd sxxr pbmz
Brown discharge 10 weeks pregnant mumsnet. I had brown mucus a few times in the first 16 weeks or so.