Blizzard warlock. There was literally nothing I could do.
Blizzard warlock I played Demo exclusively until the Legion rework where I finally changed my class, but I have never stopped caring about Demo. Whoever, or For all your class discussion needs. Just curious I don’t normally care about min. g. Since I have doubts the best option will be implemented, let me propose an alternative in building the lore for supporting it. Heróis de elite da Aliança e da Horda lutam pela glória em Arenas e Campos de Batalha. Monk, Shaman, Evoker. Wanted to share some experience and feedback. A master of shadow magic who specializes in Hello, I am looking for pure DPS class, preferably range and came up with these two. You’ll also be able to undertake a new Warlock-specific questline and use the Barbershop to customize your pets. When Great to see the pages of needed warlock fixes. I ran back out there like 15 times. The worst part is how you still lose your soul shard. This is me airing out my feelings as a long time warlock player having played every iteration of the spec since vanilla. Tweet. I’ve been leveling a warlock and a shaman. After reading the 11. Fast forward in 2024, and, funnily enough, Warlocks have nowhere near close the survivability of a good mage, who can survive incredible odds. Same goes to raid performance, no real tunning happen for the class from the start of the expansion. We do not have any group/raid wide buff such as skyfury/motw/arcane int. THIS is the Hellcaller I imagined when I saw the talent tree Having a whole lot of trouble with the warlock green fire quest. You will see several talents removed as well as new talents being added. I like them both but still undecided which to go. As the shaman above me mentioned, hunter in classic is unfinished class. Would like to hear from people who play these classes about Get Tier 2 Armor Appearance Sets. 1 card wants location in play another wants location deleted and the 3rd help you delete the location but it does nothing else if your using it early. Blizzard Entertainment 27 June 2023. Back in Legion or so, Blizzard expressed their desire to see Warlocks become the “tanky caster class”. I have a DK, Paladin and DH at 120. She was the first one I ran through shadowlands and I guess I miss it. The proc rates on some talents could be increased to be more consistent, but overall it feels like Introduction This thread is a compilation of sites useful for understanding Warlocks, whether you’re just starting with the class or you’re looking to improve your play. Blizzard!! Buff Warlock’s survivability PvP I’ve played 18 rounds of shuffle now and each round I get absolutely destroyed through wall (40% dmg red. When I logged in today my personal resource display has buffs that I don’t need to The exposure to new races and their abilities in the Dragon Isles has expanded opportunities for growth among the dracthyr. Playing multiple classes, one quickly realizes that warlocks feel out-dated in todays version of wow. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them. Oh wait, that’s only for hunters and druids. For Gateways or Circle blizz could implement a simple fix. Paladin. This would be for raiding and some mythic plus too. Haven’t tried them in a group, but heard that hotfixes made group play really hard. The lower left side is relatively okay. MOP Warlock - Warlock - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Fix YOUR GAME BLIZZARD, TOO MUCH CC, TOO MUCH DAMAGE. They even have a racial, Demonbane, that gives Blizzard. Can anyone confirm my suspicion that curses doesnt work on bosses? I have a DK, Paladin and DH at 120. When I did that I ran primarily as Aff but I’m hearing some good things about the other specs! I would want to get her into mythic + at some point, and wreak havoc on korthia in the meantime. If anything, open-world/responding to defend. The goal of the post is to provide an overview and summary of some of the highlights of the feedback thread given by blizzard on class and spec changes, as well as what’s going on in that forum section, while also giving an opportunity to people who Yeah Wotlk was the best iteration of Affliction IMO, a nice balance of raw DoT damage paired with good sustain and great burst damage. I don’t have a horde or alliance preference Got four (maybe five) contenders. WoW Classic. 4 Likes. I think the positioning of umbral blaze and imp mother should switch, revert the dog core changes and then make tyrant give 5 shards baseline and im perfect. if u wall at 10% hp. Share. Not looking to top metters or to be meta, would like to stick with one for a long time. This comes down to The Hero Talents for “Hellcaller”, where it occurred to me that every time “Secrets of the Coven” procs, if your Incinerate are in a macro, you cant cast either Incinerate or the Infernal Bolt, it supposed to turn into. Is it difficult for warlocks to find a raid spot or a guild to raid with? I just don’t want to grind my lock to 60 and be unable to progress. Aesthetically I like Mage, but Warlock seems easier to pick up and more forgiving class. Is there a lore reasoning for this? Don’t Night Elves have some kind of history with Demons or something? It makes even less sense than Night Elf We continue our early look at class and specialization design with the Warlock. Now while there is nothing stopping you from making a character that doesn’t match story, I feel that void elve warlocks fit the role best. The Doom blossom/haunted soul build is well rounded in M+ and the Soul Rot build has those massive spikes of damage the melt things. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. And I know not to bring up affliction. Guess it’s a good things warlocks are in a great space beating most other specs. Warlocks burn and destroy weakened foes with a combination of crippling illnesses and dark magic. Especially considering my warlock is the other faction and I’d have to change faction as well. How are they doing these days in BFA? Any of the 3 specs particularly good at soloing compared to each other? Gonna use my “free” boost from shadowlands, so figured may as well use it on a warlock for horde. Out pvping (demo spec) in the world pvp zones. But is there a reasonable explanation for Troll warlocks in WoW? Warlock. Just curious The issue with Lightforged Draenei becoming Warlocks is two fold. They are also heavily underrepresented in M+ and we rarely get invited in higher m+ keys as there are other classes specs that are far superior. I really hope it will be nerfed in War Within, because frankly, for a fair gameplay experience, 1 ability to do 50% of the overall damage is not normal in any circumstance. There is interview with original dev about it on internet out there😉. Affliction. Firstly, this combination should be June 27th by Blizzard Entertainment. Hunter. Yes, a mouseover macro will still work but that’s beside the point. Are they any effects or debuffs that stop me from Fix YOUR GAME BLIZZARD, TOO MUCH CC, TOO MUCH DAMAGE. At least there’s a blue post requesting feedback with detailed reasoning behind their intended designs. Progress. Embracing New Ways. Did you forget lock exists - or did you just give up somewhere between bug It feels sort of strange/out of place that Night Elves can be Warlocks. This is fine before a fight starts, however once your health is below 100%, your defensive cooldown becomes weaker, and continues to grow weaker the closer you get to death. Think about it, void elves use the void to their advantage, but not falling into madness, and warlocks do the same with the void and fel magics. There was no Its been brought up before, but warlocks need fetch. For those unaware, Haunt was the good spell back then: Did shadow damage initially and increased DoT damage by 20% (23% with a glyph) for the duration then at the end of the Haunt effect or if it was recast, it would return to Hey Devs, I know you guys work hard, and many of you have to balance multiple classes and juggle multiple projects which that isn’t fair to you. It also goes into some detail on how to look Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. You’ll also be able to undertake a new Warlock-specific (Updated to The War Within) Ever since the beta for BfA, there were new animations to come out for Warlocks because they got the short end of the stick in Legion. EVERY I don’t normally care about min. Warlocks need some form of slow and/or mobility in pvp. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warlock can pick and choose from, with links and Welcome to Wowhead's Patch 11. We have the least Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue. 172 Comments. World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Now Live! Get back in the fight as you defend Azeroth from the shadows below. with the new changes to diabolist, whats everyone doing? staying diabolist or going hellcaller? specifically for delves and m+ I’m seeing a lot of people say “Warlock is fine” “A warlock in my raid topped charts etc” I wanted to show some data which really shines in a light on how much the class as whole is struggling. When I have Elvui and I am having a difficult time tracking each dot, which MOB is it on and how long left and all that stuff. Why not rework I came back to main warlock since TWW release after playing a bunch of SoD and classic. Even The exposure to new races and their abilities in the Dragon Isles has expanded opportunities for growth among the dracthyr. Baby Blizzard Bear: Teaches the Baby Blizzard Bear pet. Journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, down to the dark depths of the nerubian empire, where the malicious Harbinger of the Void is gathering arachnid forces to bring Azeroth to its Hey guys, started to play as a warlock, because I think it fun class with many spells and even several different pets, but then I was in party with some pally in elven forest he told me to reroll horde while its not too late because horde warlock is better in pvp what do you think should I stay with this toon because i like humans spirit and Stormwind and elwynn forest, or OFERTA DA ASSINATURA DE 12 MESES Aventuras sem fim em grupo. The DP nerf was plain stupid, they only needed to nerf the cdr Talent Frequent Donor. They spear? I shield? They wrecking throw? Spear is gone I tp, they jump, they interrupt, then interrupt with fear, then interrupt with stun, and then 16 seconds later there kick is up again. Warlocks burn and destroy weakened foes with a combination of crippling illnesses and dark magic. WARCRAFT LOGS WARCRAFT LOGS . The Jinx, a whole pvp talent slot that is wasted as Blizz implement more and more immunities to CC which prevents our curses from applying the dots. My warlock can create a soulwell but cannot pick up healthstones from the soulwell. Join the Celebration at the Cavern of Time. In the Fractures in Time content update, the Warlock Class expands to new races. We need an update. With that in mind, let’s delve into what it means to be a Warlock in Warlock 3 chaos bolts and you’re dead. Blizzard has posted development notes on today's Warlock changes, noting that the goal of reining in the Demonic Core economy is to reduce mobility. As physically weak spellcasters bereft of heavy armor, cunning warlocks allow their minions to take the brunt of enemy attacks in order to save their I am a solo player and I love challenging solo content. 0. UnitFrame. I assume he plays Venthyr because it requires less braincells so he doesn’t have as much spare rage as he would have if he was Kyrian but regardless, if he dies he should consider less CONDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMN RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH and put While in AV last night, a warlock kept coming into TP and using a teleport spell at the flag. But they nerfed the tanky of warlock because people can’t accept tanky warlocks. Neverless hunter is gamechanger class in bgs and in both pve and pvp extreme fun and supportive dps class. Cooldown Alignment We are Warlock: improved imp not working. Liquid 8/8 Illidan (US) Echo 1771 I’m honestly contested on what to main in Shadowlands rn between monk and warlock, whilst I’d love to do both I doubt I’m going to manage it considering I like to play other games. Warlocks have tbeir niche aswell as mage and evoker. I CAN’T EVEN TRY AND CLONE A HOLY WARD OFF, BECAUSE BY THE TIME I CAST IT, A WARLOCK CAN FEAR ME, COIL ME, SHADOWFURY, INFERNAL STUN ETC. Everyone at the flag would get teleported to the bottom outside of the tower. Apologies as you’ll need I’m seeing a lot of people say “Warlock is fine” “A warlock in my raid topped charts etc” I wanted to Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. Zâsh-argent-dawn October 8, 2024, 8:17am 5. But is there a reasonable explanation for Troll warlocks in WoW? ok we have a 400k burst in single target ok but it deflates very quickly, apart from M+ well we do the first 500k burst in the next pack we don’t have tyrant or demonic strength or anything, so I think that either they buff the implosion or they increase the damage to the dreadstalkers again, the new build with Reign of Tyranny is frustrating, WE NO LONGER (Updated to The War Within) Ever since the beta for BfA, there were new animations to come out for Warlocks because they got the short end of the stick in Legion. I have a hard time handling too many Hi, never really tried warlock before, and I’m interested in levelling one up. *In latest patch we got a buff to Destro slightly, as is to many drop circles and if you check logs the people successfully pulling it off are breaking stats pushing 90-100% mastery and above 6k haste to be able to achieve desired I play days, and am EST, so most of my gaming will be solo. First off, I’ll just say it right away. Which is more fun in your opinion? which is a better choice overall? World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Now Live! Get back in the fight as you defend Azeroth from the shadows below. The highlight of that era was the incredible Metamorphosis ability in the Demonology spec. Greymarc You know, lock would be even more fun if they did a few things: For destro: 1: Soul fire should be insta cast, and also have a chance to reset it’s cd on immolate ticks, also ritual of ruin should make your bolt insta cast, and channel demon fire should be castable while moving, this would solve destro awful mobility at least a little 2: Cataclysm should be it’s own talent 3: But warlocks have tanked before on some raid bosses. Imbawarrior Please give this a look: And let us know your thoughts here! BlueTracker - Tracking blue posts from World of Warcraft game developers We all know that blizzard gave warlocks a pass this season by not capping rain of fire. Ofc warlock is tanky, mage is mobile. 3k Rio and have AoTC already, so hoping to find a guild to move through to S2 I believe this might help people to understand what Hellcaller is all about in terms of WoW’s history. immediate sacrifice of the void walker + several defensive spells etc) Are there already known macros in this regard? Felsbane-argent . 2x survival of the fittest that is buffed from 20% to 30% dmg reduction, Roar of Sacrifice that is not in GCD with 1 min CD and can be used together with survival of the fittest in a macro, Exhilaration heals you to max every 2 min, Feign Death 90% dmg reduction!, Aspect of the Turtle 2 min Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. No need to comment anything else. Metamorphosis was an iconic feature, and its removal dealt a heavy blow to the Demonology Warlock. Dark apotheosis was just more kind of a weird gimmick and you needed someone to snag aggro for Kind of hilarious. Where are the needed changes in 11. In the 20th Anniversary Celebration content update, players will be able to create new Dracthyr as a Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warrior, or Warlock. How should you play warlock then to best ability? Most warriors do a poor job with aoe threat in my Warlock talents can improve the damage of their searing magics, increase the potency of their curses and persistent damaging spells, and empower their demonic servants. It’s terminal. How do I survive against double melee or warriors in solo shuffle? Warriors seem to just counter warlocks so easily in arena. I cracked out my Dark Factions book, from the World of Warcraft RPG, where the Hellcaller shows up as a option that Satyr Player Characters can use to augment their Arcanist (Warlock) class choice. A primary goal for Warlocks in Legion is to accentuate the existing motifs for Affliction and Destruction, while returning Demonology back to its roots of summoning, Blizzard has posted a large number of changes coming to Warlocks in Patch 10. Apologies as you’ll need I’m seeing a lot of people say “Warlock is fine” “A warlock in my raid topped charts etc” I wanted to show some data which really shines in a light on My 70 warlock uses the icon to create self health stones and nothing is created. What also isn’t fair is receiving the brunt of backlash for content updates that don’t necessarily cover all classes properly or that the community doesn’t agree with. I don’t know where to post this I posted it in ui and macro too but idk if that was right. Warlocks are known to have the power to use the life force of others to fuel others or energies & we already have an ability that siphons our life to heal our demons. Compared to other classes, we bring nothing of value, yes Health stones and Gate are nice but its not enough in todays game. I play only warlock, so it’s mainly from warlock perspective, but there are general notes as well. We continue our early look at class and specialization design with the Warlock. What do you guys recommend? I was envisioning something like the Interrupt tracker. But blizzard don’t know what it means to be a warlock. 5 patch notes for tomorrow I was Blizzard Entertainment 27 June 2023. 7 Demonology Warlock guide. I’m also down to do M+ and Delves for anyone who needs them (Plus for the vault). Insert your opinions and veteran knowledge here please! I’m so interested to see, being that I don’t know much about Vanilla! I know, many of you are going to read this and think “yet another thread of a warlock complaining and asking to be op” but bear with me. Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. It reminds me of what I loved about fire mage back Soul leech bugs alone proves that blizzard doesn’t test warlocks outside of DPS dummy, because if they played lock even for a second outside of dummy they would have seen that soul leech is not generated. Greetings Warlocks. I’ve been playing Warlock since Wrath of the Lich King, and personally, the most enjoyable time for me was during Mists of Pandaria. World of Warcraft. Death Knight, Hunter, Mage. Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue. In addition, Shaman will get a new Ascendance form for each specialization with the release of I’m seeing a lot of people say “Warlock is fine” “A warlock in my raid topped charts etc” I wanted to show some data which really shines in a light on how much the class as whole is struggling. The forums have been rife with posts from people voicing their opinions, concerns, and aggravations on the current state of Warlocks, and we have received no response from Blizzard alleviating our concerns. 1, but I’ve been having a ton of fun with the new version of affliction. I bought the book off of the AH and talked to my demon, who then told me to go to my cities warlock trainer. I’m Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. Raid days don’t matter, as I can attend pretty much any day. Run into this monk, assuming wind walker. S1 I am sat at 2. As I’ve been climbing the ladder, the combined brain power of the enemies has increased. We’ve also reduced the number of available ranks across the talent tree. Nikodemus-chaos-bolt December 13, 2023, 6:14am 1. Healers also are supposed to focus on healing whilst doing minor damage support when able. I feel like as a mage I was having to play twice as hard with CC, burst windows etc. lesser mobs is a different story. What is the explanation in lore for tauren warlocks? Hi all, I just wanted to say that I am a bonafide warlock enjoyer, it’s the only class I enjoy playing along with paladin. If you are using the new clickcasting feature (or any addon like healbot, vuhdo, clique) to try to cast soulstone on a dead party member, while in combat, it instead casts soulstone on the player instead. Our Defenses Dark Pact This only works well if used BEFORE damage happens. WoW Classic General Discussion. However when the blood pact is active it’s still only 42. They have hands, and are (not to offend anyone) enslaved to their masters, why would a warlock not be lazy enough to have their pets do these menial tasks? Are they really that bad? I wanted to roll a demo warlock for a while because they seemed like they’d be at least decent. Viconia-judgement September 30, 2019, 3:52am 1. This guide will help you master your Demonology Warlock in all aspects of the game including raids and dungeons. Ao adquirir a oferta da assinatura de 12 meses, você recebe os benefícios incluídos na atual e futura oferta da assinatura de 6 meses, além das novas montarias em World of Warcraft, Pelino Tocado pelos Astros e Grrloc Gigante, mais a montaria Draco de Lava no Classic de progressão. BuffFrame:Hide() to remove it but once I’m out of combat it reappears. The best and easiest solution is to not have Warlock as an available class to this race. EVERY How did you warlocks come up with your names? I really like word names (as you can see) but any warlock word name I seem to try always seems to be taken. Cast time seems the same, and they hit just as hard. 5? The state of warlock calls for a lot more than an icon and 2 specific hero talent reworks. Currently completed most of the delves in T8, some on T9 T10 and T11. I actually The core problem for Mag’har Orcs being Warlocks is that the foundation for their race is based on not being corrupted by fel. Is Aff still in a good spot? Demo seems Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. Warlock. Will mostly be doing casual PVE and PVP on it. Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Greetings, After a few months break, I decided to come back to WoW and am currently looking for a laid back raiding guild. etc. I also don’t think I’ll do much scheduled PVP. You shouldnt have to do 10 globals to get some Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. I plan on doing both PVE and PVP but my main concern is being able to find a raid spot as a warlock. Is it also common to just use infernal on I have Elvui and I am having a difficult time tracking each dot, which MOB is it on and how long left and all that stuff. This is getting hilarious. I’ve been contemplating leveling a warlock but I’ve noticed in runs warlock’s seem to generate extremely high threat which isn’t new information they’ve always been this way, however unlike mages their ability to escape death without a portal like retail is minuscule. Boocraaft-proudmoore December 28, 2024, 10:56pm 1. Which of the two classes do you folks feel is more fun for solo play? And that said, which would be more welcome to 5-mans? I doubt I will ever get to raiding. I remember liking the Warlock more because it’s sturdier and thus more forgiving. This week destro got its turn and as the talent tree is by far an improvement from what we have i think it still needs some cooking. PVP. Journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, The 3 specs are underperforming in M+ being destro the best spec for it at mid tier, demonology and affliction the underdogs from the bottom still. This is a little unfair as most classes are running some type of immunity. Hunter is much more fancy than warlock. ) and pact, and healer’s don’t seem to be able to keep me alive no matter what. I’ve heard warlock as a class has very little mobility, would Worgen be a good choice due to Darkflight? Would the extra 40% movement speed sprint be a meaningful QoL racial? Going to make an alliance warlock. 5 including Affliction buffs, Demonology changes and more! Blizzard Greetings Warlocks, Warlocks the new changes! - Warlock - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Hey all! With pre-patch upon us, I just wanted to pop into the Warlock forum to create a mirror topic of the one from the Beta forums. Como mestres da transformação, os druidas podem assumir formas de diversos animais, como urso, gato, corvo da tempestade e leão-marinho. I’ve only started playing consistently since 10. Empowering our main ones. Level-Up Your Warlock and Pets. A master of shadow magic who specializes in drains and damage-over-time spells. It just feels really solid overall. 1 Like. You guys are really doing locks dirty this season. And though I don’t read the Warcraft novels, I like playing race-class combos that make (more) sense, lore-wise; yet, for whatever reason, I find it enticing that Troll currently tops DPS for the warlock class. Warlock talents can improve the damage of their searing magics, increase the potency of their curses and persistent damaging spells, and empower their demonic servants. Imagine walling, soul rotting and draining life from multiple people and STILL DYING! 😃 I get it, you wanted to buff locks’ damage to make it Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. So I was wondering if I could get some opinions I’m thinking if I go monk I’ll go night fae and if I go warlock I’ll go venthyr as well so yeah It has been 6 weeks since we have received any blue post/update from Blizzard on the status of Warlocks. Nerub-ar Palace Race Summary Progress All Reports Rankings Statistics. Not the bad version. I might as well reroll Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure. So I want to give some legit feedback from a 2500 rated IO Os druidas tiram proveito dos vastos poderes da natureza para preservar o equilíbrio e proteger a vida. I am losing my mind. It’s high time to bring it back and give no warlock pets dont retain the small size, they grow as you level up just as hunters pet do. There are some specs outperforming locks on this list that are getting literal pages of buffs and improvements. What do you think? Hit me with 'em guys; give me your best shots! Doesn’t matter how groan inducing, eye rolling or actually good they are. Both MW healers, the warlock was just sitting in middle as a turret just pumping damage, even during heavy damage it seemed to be immortal. Not many, but we were definitely built for caster tanking, especially back in the day. But all I ever see is them getting bashed saying how terrible they are now. We have a Destruction Warlock is a fairly straightforward spec, leaning towards hard-hitting direct damage spells, strong and long-lasting cooldowns, and a relative amount of pet Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Warlock Guide. Background Information: Demonology Warlock has been my favorite specialization since I started playing the game in The Burning Crusade. And from an RP perspective, it’s also hilarious. Looking at warcraftlogs, all three Warlock specs are at the bottom. I’m a noob, I’m not that good but I’m learning. NOTHE HEALTHSTONES ARE NOT IN MY BANK or bags. You’ll also be able to undertake a new Warlock-specific questline and use the Greetings Warlocks. The original xelnath blog post which includes the full thought process behind why warlocks were changed : An interesting read but what’s more interesting was the original blog by a player named Cynwise With all the suggestions and tuning advices and fixes given by the entire Warlock Community I’d like to thank the Blizzard Warlock Class developers for bringing absolutely no changes for Class Tuning of 27th November. Im curious to know if there is any point in using curses on bosses as they seem to do nothing. Last week was the demo rework and to be honest, i love it. Oh wait, that’s every other class. Warlocks share a lot of abilities such as Ritual of Summoning, Create Soulwell, Banish, Soulstone. And yet Blizzard refuses to buff us, in fact, more destro nerfs are coming. With that in mind, let’s delve into what it means to be a Warlock in Our current defense design feels odd when compared to most defenses in the game. But are they even worth rolling if you want to do end game content? For a pure DPS class when you get down to it Warlock falls far to low on logs in comparison to other pure dps classes and even muli function classes. Regards, Build new decks from scratch or import existing deck codes, customize them to your heart's delight, then share your decks or copy the code into the game and start playing! We, as a Warlock community, need to unite on our position to want decent changes instead of attacking each other. Briochexo-moon-guard January 24, 2025, 5:26am 1. HOLY PRIEST/WARLOCK, ESPECIALLY IN 2S, IS JUST DISGUSTING AND UNBEATABLE. is affy lock easy to play? Seemed like an immortal I want to make an alt I was thinking warlock or druid. It’s like going to the barber with a bad hairline. Squint-argent-dawn December 20, 2024, Blizzard has graced us with the development notes, including a large number of spec changes and hints at class tree reworks for MM Hunter, Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. This year’s celebration event has expanded, and the bronze dragonflight have taken the activities just outside the Caverns of Time with various new and exciting things to do. Now, I’m not claiming to be most skilled, and dying that many times probably speaks to either my intelligence level or commitment, not 100% sure which at that rate. But as things are now, it is impossible to kill people in arena, with two brain cells. I would like to create a kind of survival macro for SOD so that I can activate all defensive options with one click if I am suddenly attacked by opponents in world pvp (e. 1 Like . As physically weak Just wanted some insights: Which one is easier: Rotation Gearing Grouping Which one is better for the random W/PvP encounters Which one is more fun? I’m not expecting a perfect pick this class, or the other. Warrior, Druid, Priest. Just wanting to put down my thoughts on the current iteration of the Demo lock tree and where I think it could be improved upon for both efficiency and fantasy, giving us an option to have a lot of demons vs. Even in PvE if you’re in a Warlock should nearly always beat hunter. So, Mage and Warlock are the best match for me. Hello hivemind! I’m looking for advices as I am a returning players (havent played since Legion). For succubus refference max size is approx human size. Seeing how warlocks have been forced into Ran a RSS on my frost mage, 1800MMR, lobby was bm hunter, affy lock and assa rogue. At least not before 50% damp. Even Blizzard: 1: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns for a Limited Time: Blizzard: 2 days ago: Blogs: Blizzard: 1: Feedback: Mythic+ Testing January 21st - January 28th: Stonekey: 2 days ago: Undermine(d) PTR: Stonekey: 1: Feedback: Mythic+ Testing 21 January - 28 January: Stonekey: 2 days ago: Undermine(d) PTR: What is actually happening here. I’ve put 3 talent points into improved imp which should give me a blood pact of 54 stamina as it says in my demon’s spellbook. I’m far from the best players. There’s shrimply, ain’t much I can do for ye. We’ve hello and well met friends, I have been leveling and gearing my lock lately, I am getting close to being able to jump into M+ abd I have been dabbling in both demonology and affliction, I know affliction is the meta spec for locks atm but i REALLY enjoy the play style of demo a lot , however, I am coming over from a beast mastery hunter which is far and away the worst How did you warlocks come up with your names? I really like word names (as you can see) but any warlock word name I seem to try always seems to be taken. I even tanked a Baron 45 run back in vanilla because of how master demonologist and other armor buffs worked. Os 1000 melhores jogadores da sua região são imortalizados aqui. I know it’s subjective. Or are you guys to busy buffing top classes again? I’m a big fan of macros, and i use mouseover macros for the majority of my spells. However, I’m somewhat lazy and I can’t be arsed to level a paladin to play and invest time in all over again. Os bruxos incineram e destroem seus inimigos ao utilizar combinações de pragas debilitantes e magia negra. Edit: Always a fan of CritneyFears, myself. Don’t want the capping experience? Uncap everything then. -Draenei -Void Elf -Dark Iron Dwarf -Worgen -(maybe Human) Please check out our new Hero Talents preview and let us know what you think in this thread. 1. PSA to all shuffle warlock players. So the story goes like this. for example a imp vs a imp etc. It has been biologically shown in the Warcraft universe that Draenei “devolve” when exposed to fel. I am a solo player and I love challenging solo content. 172. I went to kranosh in Orgrimmar and he gave me the quest, “A Tale of Six Masters” which required me to read “Part 1 of Legacy of the Masters. Hey guys, this may be a worn out topic by now, but I think at this point in time I’d personally like to make a post about the state of warlock and the changes currently being made/ that have been made. /maxing, as I don’t do PvP or run dungeons/ raids above M+10. I stopped playing last night around midnight and everything was fine. There was literally nothing I could do. But I’m hoping for a more caster spec class, and warlocks always been good at soloing in the past. I know that the class has always been about tanking dmg better than other casters, and doing a lot of burst or sustained dmg. In this post, I would like to discuss my personal view of Demonology since the spec currently has Obviously the only explanation for buffing the off meta talents in such a way that means you need to change the playstyle and reliability on the performing talents means who ever did these changes doesnt know the class, rotations or even the game tbh This and the M+ poll thats gone out Is it bring you kids to work week at Blizzard? What the hell are they thinking You’ll also be able to undertake a new Warlock-specific questline and use the Barbershop to customize your pets. Arenas. The second issue is more of a cultural one in that this whole race exists just to destroy the Burning Legion which encompasses fel and demons. Its good to know we are absolutely the perfect class and every suggestion made by the community falls on deaf ears. For a long time its been a fact that warlocks are very tanky casters, and this is still true, warlocks are one of the more tanky in this but at the same time, everyones defensiveness have been steadly increasing since Dragonflight Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. Enquanto companheiros demoníacos ajudantes os protegem e lhes garantem Warlocks bind demons to their will; these infernal denizens defend their masters with their lives or rain death upon their enemies. Which is more fun and has engaging rotation? Which has been better in PVP historically? Better at soloing? Better mogs? Warlocks need help. would it be so game breaking to make it so soulburn can make our bres instant cast? I know we have that 50% cast time reduction talent but most people don’t even get it due to how important every other talent point is in the warlock tree. First, Blizzard please Warlocks burn and destroy weakened foes with a combination of crippling illnesses and dark magic. They are trash because Warlock has basically been doing it on 2014 with Giants and no extra hoops for the 8/8s and the cards fight each other. Today’s Alpha update focuses on Demonology and addressing feedback received regarding how many talents were available within its specialization tree. YES i HAVE RESTARTED THE GAME ; RELOADED THE GAME BUT NOTHING I DO IN RELATION TO THIS PROBLEM fixes the I’m pretty new to warlock. I’m torn between orc and undead Help me choose! 😩 Just wondering if drain life could do some healing, cause right now the spell is useless. In the 20th Anniversary Celebration content update, Hello! I am a gnome! I have been looking at the top logs for destruction warlock to learn how to play it, do we not use shadowburn at all even though we talent into this? Is this only to get the bonus critical strike on conflagrate through the conflagration of chaos talent (I only see these taken together so I am wondering about that). A trip down memory lane to those interested enough to know the history behind some of the warlock design changes and how it has impacted the class till now. Even a simple macro as: #showtooltip /cast I’m thinking of turning back to my warlock after quite a long break. No matter the specc a warrior should never randomly die to a warlock. First of all, my interest is always in caster and prefer ranged combat. In these blogs, we’ll be exploring class identity, discussing Legion’s new designs, and presenting core combat abilities for each specialization—laying out the foundation upon which talents and Artifacts will build further. Today’s Alpha update focuses on Demonology and addressing feedback received regarding how many talents were available within its specialization tree. You can always find a max level warlock in a city and compare your own pet to whatever he may have out. While their demon pets protect and enhance them, warlocks strike at their enemies from a distance. It’s still a bug that needs to be fixed. ” However, the book does not spawn next to Kranosh MOP Warlock - Warlock - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Edit: I can use /run NamePlate. While their demon pets protect and enhance them, warlocks strike at their enemies Any chance for a buff to warlocks tomorrow blizzard? Glyph - Old version of Shadow Bolt! Discuss all aspects of Warlocks here. What is this? Certainly that’s not working as intended when one player Putting the idea out there officially for affliction to be reworked into a healer spec for warlocks. Worst ones are Hover and nullifying shroud. Gateways - after the using gateways May be a stupid question to some, but I’ve just started doing arenas on my warlock and when I’m trying to use the gate when I’m getting my face smashed in it’s telling me I can’t use it. ciijuuvulvqgjkawxtyumlxwiqmvkirqqqckrbxtwxteecog