Bkpf lifnr. Thanks, Show replies.

Bkpf lifnr If both are provided, analysis will use vendor ID, but both are displayed. condition: BKPF-BLART = 'KR' AND. AND BELNR IN SBELNR . w_aworg = 4) Use this AWKEY value to get data from BKPF table. budat IN so_budat. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bkpf. i_lifnr = m_vendor. Vinod. FROM ekko. Iam getting LIFNR is a data element in SAP used for storing Account Number of Vendor or Creditor data in table fields. In AWREF field you need to give the Document number. DELETE ADJACENT SELECT SINGLE bukrs belnr GJAHR from bkpf into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_bkpf. in the below situation: select b ebeln b ebelp b werks a usnam a lifnr a belnr. prctr. Understanding its structure, mastering efficient querying techniques, and knowing how to The link should be BKPF-AWKEY=RBKP-BELNR. WHERE from bkpf into table it_bkpf where belnr in s_belnr and bukrs eq p_bukrs and gjahr eq p_gjahr. you cant directly access the BSEG table bcz it is a cluster table ,BSEG TABLE is the combination of 4 other table,so first check table from which table you r going to access the data and than find the relationship with other table,i hope definitely you ll FROM zbw_bkpf_bsik. When I try to enter my comparison in the check field I get the message formula is incorrect. Once the Document are selected from BKPF give as input to BSEG along with below list of GL account (field- HKONT) Below GL to be hard coded in program. Hi all, How to link the BKPF table and RBKP? I am need to get all checks. I have already looked at EKBE - BELNR, which is about material document number and not about accounting document number. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this LIFNR field in SAP. lifnr eq it_table-tdlnr AND. concatenage bseg-lifnr '/' lfa1-name1 into e_sgtxt separated by spaces. lfa1~stras. select-options vendor for bsik-lifnr. DATA: count TYPE i VALUE 1. In good old pre-HANA days at least. ; BSEG: Contains line item data for each accounting document, including debit/credit This BKPF-XMWST updation can be done by implimenting a method either CHANGE or FILL_ACCIT in badi ACC_DOCUMENT. Check PAYR table. a~buzei. for all entries in i_bsis. Add buzei in the BSEG select to prevent FOR ALL ENTRIES to remove duplicate results; Remove the (ugly) wrbtr * 100 Select BKPF-XBLNR in Steps. 1. select bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz wrbtr lifnr matnr werks menge meins ebeln ebelp hsn_sac from bseg into table it_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf where bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs and belnr = it_bkpf-belnr * and gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr BKPF-TCODE IN ZBKPF-TCODE. FROM mseg AS a. vbeln. d banfn d bnfpo d netpr d afnam. into corresponding fields of table itab. from rbkp. lfa1~ort01. belnr buzei monat shkzg gsber dmbtr wrbtr TABLES: bkpf, bseg, skat. kunnr. BUKRS* BKPF. 5) Once you get data from BKPF its easy to get data from BSEG and BSET table. Hi Abapers, Can u pls tell me, How can i link Material Document Tables (MSEG and MKPF) and FI tables (BSEG and BKPF)? The actual scenerio is when we confirm order in Production Planning. CHECK sy-subrc eq 0. endif. This defines the database program as belonging to the logical database TEST_LDB. Points will be rewarded for helpful answers. DELETE it_bseg1 WHERE lifnr = ''. select bukrs " Company Code. Key SAP FICO Tables. Regards. I have not done any actual SELECTS against BSEG in this program. buzei. select-options period for bkpf-gjahr. If no vendor ID is provided, MindBridge will use the vendor name as the vendor ID. SELECT: bkpf~belnr. SELECT * FROM bkpf WHERE bukrs = @lfb1-bukrs AND belnr IN @sbelnr AND gjahr IN @sgjahr INTO @bkpf. call function 'fi t_bkpf type bkpf occurs 0 with header line, 4) Use this AWKEY value to get data from BKPF table. Thanks, Show replies. SELECTION-SCREEN: END OF BLOCK b1. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_bkpf. ENDIF. For all other ledgers, you have to create separate This DataSource provides the line items in General Ledger Accounting from tables BKPF, BSEG, FAGLFLEXA, . select belnr budat from bkpf into corresponding fields of table itab1 for all entries in itab Vendor (LIFNR) Company Code (BUKRS) Fiscal Year (GJAHR) KNC1 (Customer master (trans figures)) Customer (KUNNR) Company Code (BUKRS) Fiscal Year (GJAHR) BKPF (Accounting document header) Company Code Document No Fiscal Year BSEC BSED BSEG BSES BSET Company Code Document No Fiscal Year Line Item Company Code Document Hi experts i have got 'belnr' from 'bseg' table by providing corresponding 'hkont' field values. INTO TABLE i_reversal2. Which works fine. the fields belnr and lifnr should be keys. DATA wa_bkpf TYPE bkpf. Thanks for fast answer, Marcel from bkpf into corresponding fields of table it_bkpf for all entries in it_rbkp where awkey = it_rbkp-awkey. Archiving may also be an issue. Please suggest how to correct this. SELECT mandt bukrs lifnr umsks umskz augdt augbl zuonr gjahr. Currency from BKPF Table. CHECT is the check number field. You will get all cheque information. clear i_bkpf. Based on these tables I need to call the FMs ARCHIVE_OPEN_FOR_READ, ARCHIVE_GET_NEXT_OBJECT, ARCHIVE_GET_NEXT_RECORD and ARCHIVE_CLOSE_FILE. Selections in the Selection Include. and see if it returns the data for the check. SELECT-OPTIONS sbelnr FOR bkpf-belnr. as my requirement is to display mseg matnr, mseg mblnr, mseg~lifnr then its corresponding. select-options doc_no for bkpf-belnr. INNER JOIN ekpo ON ekpo ebeln = ekko ebeln. SAP TABLES: TABLES:BSEG, LFA1,MAKT are to be used for having output of report. 2) BSEG-SECCO. Regards, Shivanand. INTO TABLE t_itab. Available as of Plug-In Release I am searching for a table which links EKKO - EBELN (purchase document number) and BKPF - BELNR (accounting document number). data : begin of it_rbkp occurs 1, belnr type BELNR_D, gjahr type gjahr, lifnr type LIFRE, xblnr type XBLNR, end of it_rbkp. These two tables are the same fields and here you can find header (BKPF) and item (BSEG) data together. sort it_bkpf by bukrs belnr gjahr. If you have archived financial data you may find that you have to read the archive rather than BKPF or BSEG. a ps_psp_pnr a ablad a rsnum a rspos a~kostl. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION This is necessary, because i have to select a huge number of records from BKPF and BSEG. In BKPF table I'm - 439085. AND cputm >= time_in. WHERE lifnr = @lfa1-lifnr AND bukrs = @lfb1-bukrs AND gjahr IN @sgjahr INTO lfc1. "PUT_BKPF . I am certain that such a table exists because we can jump from a purchase document to an While getting data from BKPF try to provide Fiscal YEar / Posting Date along with Company Code. The extractor does not transfer any redundant fields to BW. WHERE bukrs EQ pa_bukrs AND. Unlock a world of possibilities! Select MANDT KOKRS KOSTL BUKRS GJAHR BELNR BUZEI DMBTR UMSKS UMSKZ KOART AUGDT AUGBL ZUONR WRBTR MWSTS WMWST LIFNR KUNNR HKONT GSBER SAKNR SGTXT PRCTR I need to fetch value of field BKTXT from table BKPF and this value need to insert in internal table i_tab. If this was a ABAP if I wouls know what it wants. WHERE lifnr EQ gt_bseg1-lifnr. This will work. meins. SELECT-OPTIONS: slifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr, I have an enhancement in Function Module DETERMINE_DUE_DATE which was called in this program SAPLFI_ITEMS. vbel2. parameter cmp_cd like vbrk-bukrs. kokrs kostl hkont aufnr lifnr ebeln buzei shkzg. if s_lifnr is not initial. But if you want to know the vendor updating of company data: the table is LFB1, the fields key are LIFNR and BUKRS, so the KEY of CDHDR is created by LIFNR and BUKRS. xref3 hbkid xref2 kostl zlsch bvtyp hkont kunnr lifnr kokrs zbd1t zbd2t zbd3t shkzg xref1 gsber saknr buzid bustw pswsl xcpdd from bseg into table it_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf where bukrs eq it_bkpf-bukrs and ASSIGN (c_bkpf_xref1) TO <fs_bkpf_xref1>. "put_bkpf OK almost home on this I hope, In the Prerequisite step I have entered BKPF-TCODE = 'FB60' OR BKPF-TCODE = 'FB65' OR BKPF-TCODE = 'MIRO'. I have simply handed control to transaction FB03 which does this for me (based on the primary key). a umlgo a wempf a ebeln a ebelp a bukrs *a belnr*. no_document = 2. BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD; BSIK, BSAK, FAGLBSIS, FAGLBSAS and For the material movement you have to read the MSEG table for the PO number, with BKPF-AWKEY(10) = MSEG-MBLNR. The link between BSEG and BKPF is made on fields MANDT, BUKRS, GJAHR, BELNR. SAP Table BKPF - Documentaion and other resources. I am getting multiple entriesfrom BKPF but second query causing problem and getting system dump. INNER JOIN makt ON makt matnr = ekpo matnr. SELECT SINGLE AUGBL from bsak into wa_AUGBL. So Please Guide me about hw to make Relationship from FAGLFLEXT-RACCT. AND lifnr IN r_lifnr. So in your case you need to hit BSIK table for vendor open items and for cleared ones BSAK. and belnr in s_belnr. at SELECT a mblnr a mjahr a zeile a werks a matnr a bwart. FROM bkpf. CLEAR bseg_int. belnr " Acc Document. select bukrs belnr gjahr buzei matnr "fetching account related line item details from bseg into corresponding fields of table it_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf where bukrs = it read table gt_lfa1 into gs_lfa1 with table key lifnr = gs_ekbe-lifnr. CONSTANTS c_text TYPE bkpf-bktxt VALUE 'Eq. t_accchg = i_accchg. fwste. TYPES : BEGIN OF lv_main, belnr TYPE bkpf-belnr, xblnr TYPE bkpf-xblnr, ebeln TYPE bseg-ebeln, bankn TYPE lfbk-bankn, budat TYPE bkpf-budat, bldat TYPE bkpf-bldat, bedat TYPE ekko-bedat, bankl TYPE lfbk-bankl, lifnr TYPE lifnr, END OF lv_main. BSAS - G/L account - clear item. BKPF. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT i´ve found i:t. b budat b xblnr b bktxt b xabln b~frbnr. "put_lfc1 *-----* * call event get bkpf *-----* form put_bkpf. ENDFORM. refresh i_bkpf. Ca anybody help me? Vendor LIFNR From - To----- optional . belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr AND. Ca anybody help me? it_bkpf-awkey+0(10) it_bkpf-awkey+10(4). SAP Community IF it_with_item[] IS NOT INITIAL. The Special Fieldsthat can be included in the Display Variant come from tables BKPF, BSEC,BSED, BSEG, PAYR, BSEGC and BSBV. I have written my first querry as : SELECT * FROM MSEG AS A INNER JOIN MKPF AS B ON A~MBLNR EQ B~MBLNR AND A~MJAHR EQ Dear ladies and gentlemen, i'm searching for a view or table which contains the receipt-numbers for a supplier. i wnt to make report selection from FAGLFLEXT-RACCT. SELECT ekko~lifnr. --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from lv_lifnr type bseg-lifnr value 'mas1022', xmsg like fimsg1 occurs 0 with header line, xvbkpf type vbkpf occurs 0 with header line, lv_budat type bkpf-budat. --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from In AWTYP you need to give BKPF. LIFNR: Account Number of Vendor or Creditor: LIFNR: LFA1: CHAR: 10: 0: FILKD: Account Number of the Branch: FILKD: CHAR: 10: 0: XBILK: Indicator: Account is a balance sheet account? XBILK: CHAR: 1: 0 In this article. The difference between BSIK/BSAK is that one of them has cleared items and the other - open SELECT-OPTIONS: s_lifnr FOR ekko-lifnr, s_matnr FOR ekpo-matnr. update Bkpf-Xblnr Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. REGUP-LIFNR=PAYR-LIFNR. selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001. SELECT lifnr stcd1 stcd3 fityp FROM lfa1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_lfa1 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_with_item WHERE Example of a Logical Database . BSEG - All line items info. I want to pickup value from FI tables. Ca anybody help me? parameter cmp_cd like bkpf-bukrs. AND belnr = it_bkpf-belnr . (req fields) into table . Regards, Anuj Structure for SMC lifnr field s FI - Basic Functions: Structure 2 : LFA1: Vendor Master (General Section) Cluster Table 4 : BKPF: Accounting Document Header FI - Financial Accounting: Transparent Table 5 : EKKO: Purchasing Document Header MM - Purchasing: Transparent Table 6 : MSEG: Document Segment: Material MM - Inventory Management lifnr like bsik-lifnr, budat like bkpf-budat, vbeln like vbrk-vbeln, ort01 like lfa1-ort01, ort02 like lfa1-ort02, pstlz like lfa1-pstlz, stras like lfa1-stras, end of itab. if the lifnr row is empty i have taken the HKONT. exceptions. good. Here you can define the prerequisite based upon your requirements. BKPF-TCODE IN ZBKPF-TCODE AND. GJAHR eq wa_bkpf-GJAHR. where rbstat in r_rbstat. lfa1~name1. However, the BKPF values were empty. ON a mblnr = b mblnr AND. Does anbody know sth. select a vbeln b lifnr a belnr c budat d ort01 d ort02 d pstlz d stras. where lifnr in s_lifnr. First pass the BKPF header information to MSEG which you got in your link above. select-options p_date for bkpf-budat. vorgn from bseg into table t_bseg for all entries in t_bkpf where kstar eq '0000464001' and belnr eq t_bkpf-belnr and shkzg eq 'S'. The generated proposal for the database program is then as follows: Master program SAPDBTEST_LDB *-----* * DATABASE PROGRAM OF LOGICAL DATABASE TEST_LDB SELECT a mblnr a mjahr a zeile a werks a matnr a bwart. thanks. 3 BKPF-LIFNR. WHERE belnr EQ it_bkpf-belnr AND. - called based on BKPF-TCODE = F110 - in the user exit we can use this basic code to move the vendor name to the first line item (the vendor posting line) 4) Use this AWKEY value to get data from BKPF table. for all entries in it_bseg. then pass line item information plant, vendor, G/L account and PO#. g. if in_bkpf-postkey = '22'. No olvides que hay otra entrada en el blog para indicar como se incluyen las validaciones en una orden de transporte. BSAK - Vendor clear items. select * from bkpf into it_docs . select * from bseg "bukrs belnr gjahr mwskz shkzg dmbtr wrbtr hkont into table lt_bseg up to max_hits rows for all entries in lt_bkpf where bukrs = lt_bkpf-bukrs and belnr = lt_bkpf-belnr and gjahr = lt_bkpf-gjahr and lifnr in s_lifnr and mwskz in s_mwskz. select bukrs belnr gjahr shkzg prctr dmbtr sgtxt hkont koart kunnr lifnr from bseg into table it_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf where bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs and belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr. I am going to make GL Pay service Tax Report. a lifnr a menge a meins a lgort a grund a sakto. 2) select belnr gjahr blart cpudt bukrs lifnr rmwwr rbstat . and blart in s_blart. * Self-defined parameters: PARAMETERS pstida LIKE sy-datum FOR NODE bkpf. i'm searching for a view or table which contains the receipt-numbers for a supplier. where bukrs eq wa_bkpf-bukrs AND. INTO TABLE it_lfa1. select-options:vendor for lfa1-lifnr, p_date for bkpf-budat. Pre-requisite : BKPF-TCODE = 'F110'. tables. SELECT belnr. This is the key in BSIK BKPF - Accounting headers. 2 BKPF-GJAHR. populate the hard code values as a ranges in g_ranges. I played with PAYR but not luck. SAP Community; READ TABLE IT_BKPF INTO WA_BKPF WITH KEY BELNR = WA_BSEG-BELNR GJAHR = WA_BSEG-GJAHR BINARY SEARCH. SELECT * The BKPF table is a critical component of SAP’s Financial Accounting module. In table BSEG, Vendor Number (BSEG-LIFNR) is only stored in the Vendor. DATA: lv_date TYPE regup-laufd, lv_runid TYPE regup-laufi. c aedat c ekgrp c bukrs c ekorg. WHERE mandt = sy-mandt. SELECT * FROM BKPF . --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from I need to fetch lifnr data from bseg and link lfa1-lifnr and show the STCD3 as GST IN COLUMN i have some condition 1. to BKPF and BSEG Table. wrbtr. and budat in s_budat . select . waers " Trans. TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_bseg, bukrs TYPE bukrs, belnr TYPE belnr_d, gjahr TYPE gjahr, buzei TYPE buzei, lifnr TYPE lifnr, hkont TYPE hkont, END OF ty_bseg. Hi All, I've a requirement to fill a field called partner bank type (BSEG-BVTYP) during creation of park document using tcode F-63. select ebeln bukrs lifnr WAERS into corresponding fields of table it_ekko from ekko where ebeln in s_ebeln and bukrs EQ P_bukrs and lifnr in s_lifnr and waers in s_waers. AND cpudt >= date_in. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bseg1. --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from lifnr. The flow of code is: 1) From the CO document number, get reference document number (REFBNfield) from, COVP table 2) Pass this REFBN in AWKEY(10) field of BKPF table. name1. with_item~wt_acco AS lifnr. Key fields are LIFNR (vendor number) and Hi SALES & DISTRIBUTION MODULE RELATED TABLES: Cycle: Enquiry Quotation Sales Order Delivery(Picking, Packing, Post Goods Issue and hi, i have to upload an excel file in SAP, ive used the function module WS_UPLOAD but I dont know which filetype to use:BINARY, ASC etc. if it_bkpf is not initial. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. can someone tell me how to use with example. I also tried to find the implicit enhancement spot Re: update Bkpf-Xblnr Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. a mjahr = b mjahr. I have an issue with BSEG and BKPF Performance, can you please suggest me proper way t improve the performance in my report. charg. zuonr into table i_parked_liv. This means that only fields that are relevant for the general ledger are transferred from the Financial Accounting document (BKPF and BSEG tables) to the extract structure. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. bkpf~blart. Lets say I want a new column "LIFNR" so that I can add a value to this. CLASS: lcl_read_data DEFINITION DEFERRED, lifnr TYPE bsik_view-lifnr, waers TYPE bsik_view-waers, "One of the following next three fields will be used for clearing zuonr TYPE bsik_view-zuonr, Data: wa_bkpf type bkpf. pass all these and you will get the unique line item. Substituion field : When I use this FM I always pass the values AWTYP, AWREF and AWORG taking them from BKPF (fields AWTYP and AWKEY that you sholu add to your internal table), or else something like that, DATA: w_awtyp LIKE acchd-awtyp, w_awref LIKE acchd-awref, w_aworg LIKE acchd-aworg. The PROGRAM statement has the addition DEFINING DATABASE TEST_LDB. KNC1. MSEG-LIFNR = BSEG-LIFNR. into table i_bkpf. select belnr lifnr from bseg into corresponding fields of table itab. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = lcl_filename filetype = 'ASC' Prerequisite: BKPF-TCODE = 'FB60' Check: BKPF-BLART = 'KR' AND BSEG-LIFNR >= 'ZZZZ' Message: Business Place and Section Code (Vendor not allowed for FI Postings) and Message variables: 1) BSEG-BUPLA. lifnr IN s_lifnr. * Dynamic selections for LFA1 and LFB1: SELECTION-SCREEN DYNAMIC SELECTIONS FOR NODE: lfa1, lfb1. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. AND tcode EQ gt_bkpf-tcode. if in_bkpf-postkey = '21'. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_an_ven lifnr type bseg-LIFNR, budat type bkpf-budat, end of itab. If to retrieve the values of RF05A is SELECT a mblnr a mjahr a zeile a werks a matnr a bwart. All forum topics; Previous Topic; Next Topic; 6 REPLIES 6. SELECT bukrs. INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE itab. The flow should be EKKO --> get all PO's for vendor --> EKBE get (BELNR and GJAHR) --> get data from BKPF with respect to AWKEY = BELNR + GJAHR. BKPF: Stores header data for accounting documents (e. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = lv_lifnr IMPORTING OUTPUT = lv_lifnr. many_documents = 3. w_awtyp = bkpf-awtyp. Select the Trans. Mark as New; SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE bseg_int WHERE bukrs IN s_bukrs AND gjahr IN s_gjahr AND lifnr IN s_lifnr. 4) Use this AWKEY value to get data from BKPF table. SAP R/3 4. the other option is to create a set, where you put all values. Show Hi All, i want restrict field BSEG-UMSKZ by using for all entries in but facing some problem. awkey types bkpf-awkey. If not, you are not looking at Let us consider the logical database TEST_LDB. select * from bkpf where bukrs = lfb1-bukrs and belnr in sbelnr and gjahr in sgjahr. Re: update Bkpf-Xblnr Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. * global type definition for bsak TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_bsak, * counter TYPE i, bukrs TYPE bkpf-bukrs, lifnr TYPE lfa1-lifnr, gjahr TYPE bkpf-gjahr, belnr TYPE bkpf-belnr, buzei TYPE bsak-buzei, * buzei1 TYPE bsak-buzei, cpudt TYPE bkpf-cpudt, budat TYPE bkpf-budat, blart TYPE bkpf-blart, xblnr TYPE bkpf-xblnr, shkzg TYPE bsak-shkzg, stceg TYPE 1 BKPF-BUKRS. Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Apr 28, 2010 11:17 AM. '. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. where bukrs in s_bukrs. kostl. Transaction Data (Movement Data) Application Component. WHERE BUKRS = LFB1-BUKRS . SORT i_bkpf_data BY bukrs belnr gjahr. about this? Thank you, Marcel. for all entries in it_docs. from bkpf into table t_bkpf for all entries in t_cobk where awkey eq t_cobk-awkey. Data Element : LIFNR WHERE bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs AND gjahr = it_bkpf-gjahr. INTO TABLE i_bkpf_data. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_bukrs FOR bsik-bukrs OBLIGATORY, s_lifnr FOR bsik-lifnr OBLIGATORY. SELECT-OPTIONS sgjahr FOR flc1-gjahr. and cpudt in s_cpudt. SELECT-OPTIONS sbukrs FOR lfb1-bukrs. SELECT a mblnr a mjahr a zeile a werks a matnr a bwart. Now let‘s cover the key tables for customer and vendor masters: KNA1 – Customer General Data. I tried using BTE with details as below : - event = 2218 - function module = ZFI_INTERFACE_00002218 (copied from SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00002218) below is the ABAP coding : I want to Link between RBKP,BKPF and EKKO tables without awkey and BELNR, I want using Document Flow to link them. put lfc1. I need to fetch value of field BKTXT from table BKPF and this value need to insert in internal table i_tab. WHERE lifnr = it_bseg1-lifnr. 1848683-Translation date (BKPF-WWERT) derivation in Financial Accounting. Former Member. AND makt~spras = sy-langu. This is the portion of code where i have tried this. FROM pero si en la tabla ACDOCA y en tabla BKPF que se intentaba contabilizar por medio de la BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_POST, el documento no se ha contabilizado completo y el documento se quedo con estado V Just as you did with table CSKT, define for LFA1 a LEFT JOIN instead of an INNER JOIN, because the reason for your select to not have any hits with the INNER JOIN, is that either your selected ACDOCA~LIFNR records do either not contain any data, or they do not contain any matching LFA1~LIFNR data, which could also because of missing zeros for ACDOCA~LIFNR. The check number is 59163 and the account document number is 1500000147. in it_bseg i have the lifnr based on g/l account, belnr that is for all entries in it_output Use. FORM data_retrieval. My question is will i get a unique 会計伝票(転記済)関連のテーブルは、BKPF(会計伝票ヘッダ)→BSEG(会計伝票明細)を中心に、各関連テーブルが紐づいています。この記事ではテーブル関連図・テーブル一覧を載せています。 Your requirement is to update the field translation date (BKPF-WWERT) with a date not equal to the posting date (BKPF-BUDAT). WHERE gjahr EQ gt_bkpf-gjahr. Invoice Number (BKPF-BELNER) ---> BSAK/BSIK-BELNR DataSource Transactional Data: 0FI_GL_14. Regards, S. PUT BKPF. projk. if lt_bkpf is not initial. REFRESH bseg_int. SELECT-OPTIONS: slifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr, sbukrs FOR lfb1-bukrs, sgjahr FOR lfc1-gjahr, sbelnr FOR bkpf-belnr. And also got 'budat' from 'bkpf' for the corresponding values of 'belnr' from bseg. BSIS - G/L account - open item. PUT lfc1. in it_output i have the final output list to be displayed . This DataSource extracts line items from the leading ledger in new General Ledger Accounting. gjahr. These are so called “index tables” that contain pretty much duplicate records of those in BKPF/BSEG. Using SQ01 and SQVI, I've been trying to figure out a simple association between BKPF, REGUP, and PAYR for years. awkey = wa_obj_key. and tcode = 'ML81N'. Here I would simply do like this: BSEG-LIFNR >= '0000100000' AND BSEG-LIFNR <= '0000999999' but you can combine as well: ( BSEG-LIFNR >= '0000100000' AND BSEG-LIFNR <= FORM PUT_BKPF. BSID - Customer open item. 1002 Services - Catering - Hi Search SAP Tables. If no Customer ID is provided, MindBridge will use the Customer name as the Customer ID. 3) We have cr The key of LFA1 is only LIFNR and so the KEY of change document is created by LIFNR. I would like to retrieve the values of LIFNR or vendor since I want to limit my customization under a specific vendor. xblnr. LIFNR is a standard field within SAP Structure WOSE_BKPF_SEARCHLIST that stores Vendor Account Number information. 1 Content. OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD i_cursor_bsak FOR. If you wants to know the modifications of FI document: - Header data (BKPF) ->CDHDR hi, i have to upload an excel file in SAP, ive used the function module WS_UPLOAD but I dont know which filetype to use:BINARY, ASC etc. table BSIS. "and tcode = 'miro'. LFC1. Currency. The Foll code for fetch data. Using BKPF_XLBNR (Reference Key) get BSEG_EBELN (purchase order number) and BSEG_EBELP (purchase order line item). and lifnr eq s_lifnr. AND stblg <> ' '. BKPF-BLART = 'RE' OR. bschl = '21' and belnr = in_bkpf-l_belnr . Accounting Document Tables These tables store all the accounting documents, such as invoices, payments, and other financial transactions. How to use this document? This document displays and describes the relationships and links between the various SAP database tables. SELECT * FROM Hi sia, Go to se37 enter that function module "WS_UPLOAD" At the to right side there is a check button FUNCTION MODULE DOCUMENTATION just click on that you can see the documentation of that FM. where lifnr = it_bseg-lifnr. about this? Thank you, Marcel lifnr. lfa1~stcd2 AS lifntn. (GL Account number) and Fetch data from BKPF, BSEG, SKAT table. but bkpf doesnot contain stblg hence i m facing problem. @Vinod: XRAGL is the clearing i have the data required in BKPF i need to filter it by the condition containing lifnr. INTO TABLE gt_rbkp. It allows you to search for and view a vendor payment quickly and easily. The set you can create in GS01 transaction. SELECT-OPTIONS SBELNR FOR BKPF-BELNR. hkont. BSIK - Vendor Open items. Please sugge where lifnr = lfa1-lifnr and bukrs = lfb1-bukrs and gjahr in sgjahr. from rbkp as a join rseg as b on into table it_bkpf where budat in s_budat and tcode = 'fv60' . Watch out, because in MSEG there are more You can then take the BELNR value and goto table BKPF which is the header table. data:begin of itab1 occurs 0, belnr type bseg-belnr, budat type bkpf-budat, end of itab1. (performance). BSEG-LIFNR IN ZBSEG If a reversal document is created you can query from BKPF itself. zuonr. *vendor master record (withholding tax types) x. bukrs EQ In AWTYP you need to give BKPF. Fiscal IVA)) LIFNR: Nº conta do fornecedor : LAND1: Chave do país: LFAT BKPF - Accounting headers. In my requirement I am using the tables GLPCA, BKPF and LFA1. your valuable inputs required. BSAD - Customer clear item. concatenate gs_lfa1-mcod1 gs_lfa1-mcod2 into gs_final-vendor_name in types declarations for "bkpf", please add. Hope this helps you. Line Item, not in the G/L Line Item. awkey " Object Key. IF WA_FINAL1-MWSKZ = 'R*'. from BSEG . sgtxt. <fs_bkpf_xref1> = invfo-zlet_number. IF NOT it_bkpf[] IS INITIAL. Solved: HI. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_regup, lifnr TYPE regup xblnr like bkpf-xblnr, stblg like bkpf-stblg, awtyp like bkpf-awtyp, tcode like bkpf-tcode, end of i_bkpf, begin of i_bseg occurs 0, bukrs like bsis-bukrs, belnr like bsis-belnr, gjahr like bsis-gjahr, buzei like bseg-buzei, buzid like bseg-buzid, koart like bseg-koart, zuonr like bseg-zuonr, hkont like bseg-hkont, lifnr like bseg-lifnr, Solved: Hi everyone! Quick question. START-OF-SELECTION. Otherwise digging in BSEG would be quite time consuming. GJAHR* Account Number of Customer *We strongly suggest to include Customer ID for SAP datasets. In the past, it always involved ABAP as I had to get the BVOR intercompany table as our paying company code and invoice company codes differed. BKPF-BLART = 'KR' OR. " get_data g_lifnr type bseg-lifnr, g_adrnr1 type t001w-adrnr, wa_adrc1 type adrc, g_belnr type bkpf-belnr. ask a question related content. REGUP-VBLNR=PAYR-vblnr. ekpo~matnr. where hkont = v_hkont. Options. AND GJAHR IN SGJAHR. You can use XBLNR to link RBKP and BKPF for EKKO and RBKP you can use LIFNR or you can RSEG to get EBELN to get the data for RBKP. When iam running the above statement iam getting the dump. There is another way of improving these SELECT, or another table to use BKPF, T001W, t163c, ekkn, mbew, adrc. endselect. *-----* * Raise event GET bkpf *-----* FORM put_bkpf. and bstat in r_bstat. WHERE . GJAHR* Account Number of Vendor or Creditor *We strongly suggest to include vendor ID for SAP datasets. gjahr " Fiscal Year. SELECT lifnr. and GL in g_range. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bseg. WHERE lifnr = i_an_ven-lifnr. sgtxt IN s_sgtxt AND. FAGLL03 cannot display the Vendor SELECT-OPTIONS SLIFNR FOR LFA1-LIFNR. miguelenriquez-gt3euf6j (miguelenriquez-gt3euf6j) September 10, 2011, 12:10pm 8. IF gt_bkpf[] IS NOT INITIAL. DATA: BEGIN OF bsik_int OCCURS 0. The thing is that it takes too long to execute, and. hi. pswsl. the same way you can mention for Customer as well. CLIENT SPECIFIED. rs~lifnr lf~name1 lf~stcd3 INTO TABLE gt_rbkp FROM ( rbkp AS rb INNER JOIN rseg AS rs ON rb~belnr = rs~belnr AND rb~gjahr = rs~gjahr ) INNER JOIN lfa1 AS lf ON lf~lifnr = rb~lifnr WHERE rb~bukrs EQ scode AND rb~gjahr EQ syear AND rb~belnr IN sbelnr AND rb~budat IN sbudat AND rb~bupla IN sbupla AND rb~lifnr IN slifnr . Hi, i have LIFNR in selection screen, when i execute my report without inserting value in itoutput is proper coming, but when i insert value in LIFNR, report doesn't display any data please check my code and guide me ( TABLES : bsik,bkpf,bseg,j_1imovend,lfa1,t001,t005u,bsak,ekko,bsis, ek Solved: hi, i have to upload an excel file in SAP, ive used the function module WS_UPLOAD but I dont know which filetype to use:BINARY, ASC etc. select single AKONT from lfb1 into lv_AKONT where lifnr = lv_lifnr. wa_bkpf-lifnr = '12345'. etc. Anyway, here it is: sort i_lfa1 by lifnr. While getting data from BKPF try to provide Fiscal YEar / Posting Date along with Company Code. Below is the list of attribute values for the LIFNR field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc Hi, In datasource 0CO_OM_CCA_9 , we have written a code in CMOD to get the FI Document Number from CO document Number. --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from EKKO_LIFNR is a standard Vendor Master Structure in SAP LO application. w_awref = bkpf-awkey(10). (LIFNR), then you can easily find all their items. in it_bseg i have the lifnr based on g/l account, belnr that is for all entries in it_output It is possible or other ways to enhance the MIRO to exclude the matching of Invoice Date( in MIRO) to document date( in FB03 bkpf table) ? I saw in a function module that the table field RBKPV(bukrs,lifnr,waers,xblnr,bldat,rmwwr,blart) has a function module that checks for duplicates if the FF fields are same in bkpf. Symptom. Regards, Anuj BSEG is a cluster table and there is no date field for incremental load. if it_bkpf[] is not initial. select lifnr into in_bkpf-l_lifnr from bseg where. MANDT* BKPF. belnr. The consistent data extraction in the delta procedure for IOA/IoA related information is based on extraction methods used in Finance for line items from General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL), selected subledgers (Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) and Accounts Payable (FI-AP)) and tax reporting with effect from SAP BW 3. xbilk. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_bkpf_data. lfa1~stcd1 AS lifnic lifnr. WAERS. data : dum (2) type c. i have the data required in BKPF i need to filter it by the condition containing lifnr. Please check for syntax errors END OF ty_bkpf. from rbkp as a join rseg as b on Solved: Hi, I want to know the important tables in FICO. This DataSource extracts General Ledger Accounting line items from tables BKPF and BSEG in the source system. This is where BKPF receives the new values in In one of your previous Questions I corrected one Code of you, where you use BSEG and BKPF tables, but you are still not using keyfields (BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR) of the tables BSEG and BKPF. ELSE. gjahr = gt_bkpf-gjahr. Customer and Vendor Masters. Enviar por correo electrónico Escribe un blog Compartir en X Compartir con Facebook Compartir en Pinterest. ENDSELECT. dmbe2 FROM bseg INTO TABLE gt_bseg FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_bkpf WHERE bukrs = gt_bkpf-bukrs AND. and into it_lifnr. If you want to see my Query is this. For SKAT table it's also important to use Pro Tip: Join BKPF and BSEG on BELNR field to get the full picture! 2. bldat. MSEG-SAKTO = BSEG-HKONT - MSEG-EBELN =BSEG-EBELN. I implimented the Method CHANGE in ACC_CODUMENT and changed the value of XMWST in the table C_ACCIT by importing the value of XMWST that can be exported to a memory id form the program which calls the if in_bkpf-postkey = '31'. *Now I want to add a new column to the structure. for all entries in it_output. AND belnr EQ gt_bkpf-awkey+0(10). SELECT * FROM bkpf INTO TABLE bkpf_int FOR ALL ENTRIES IN bseg_int WHERE bukrs = bseg_int-bukrs AND belnr = bseg_int-belnr AND gjahr = bseg_int-gjahr AND bstat = space. no_reference = 1. LV_LIFNR = wa_finput-newko. Espero haberte ayudado! Publicado por STF. Vendor Name is not a field in this table. 0B. The SAP Vendor Payment Management app is part of the SAP Procurement solution for Microsoft Power Platform. Is this possible? Br. where bldat in s_bldat . in it_bkpf filed make provision for two fields with same data type as belnr and gjahr . I'm using a select statement from table BKPF with joins to WITH_ITEM and LFA1. where awtyp = 'RMRP' AND. zzcputm > max_cputm ) OR ( zzcpudt > max_cpudt ) ). FROM lfa1. Thanks Vikranth Khimavath data:wbudat like bkpf-budat, wabukrs like bkpf-bukrs, wvbeln like vbrk-vbeln, wbukrs like vbrk-bukrs. LIFNR. endform. Miquel - LIFNR is the vendor number. I am entering BSEG-LIFNR = BKPF-XBLNR. IF i_bkpf_data[] IS NOT INITIAL. TYPES: BEGIN OF st_bseg, ebeln TYPE bseg-ebeln, select SINGLE lifnr from lfb1 into lv_lifnr where BUKRS = wa_finput-BUKRS and pernr = wa_finput-newko. *SELECTION SCREEN DESIGNING ----- SELECTION-SCREEN : BEGIN OF BLOCK SELECTION WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. The same document number can be used in different company codes. and bukrs in s_bukrs. into corresponding fields of table i_tab. rev. Structure. can anybody give me the flow of FI Module and some Important tables AND TCODE THANK YOU ASHOK KUMAR Use FM GUI_UPLOAD, save the file in tab delimited format and use the FM. data from bseg ( bseg belnr, bseg hkont, bseg~wrbtr). 4 BKPF-XBLNR. , document number, fiscal year, company code). how to Wenn in den Selektionen freie Abgrenzungen oder Feldselektionen für einen Knoten vorgesehen sind, werden in das Unterprogramm put_node entsprechende Anweisungen generiert und die automatisch erzeugten SELECT-Anweisung angepasst, wie Type of DataSource. tax amount. Let us consider the logical database TEST_LDB. Hi , My requirement is for the archived data. verification: BSEG- LIFNR IN ZBSEG-LIFNR-> When I run the validation rule this way, it releases the other vendors to release in the ledger account 322205 (picture right), and 55 to the supplier, it blocks all the ledger accounts. kstar. with_item~buzei. --> Get data from BSEG table with respect to primary key obtained from select SINGLE lifnr from lfb1 into lv_lifnr where BUKRS = wa_finput-BUKRS and pernr = wa_finput-newko. AND blart IN r_blart. if sy-subrc eq 0. tcode. Now my problem is how to get the 'lifnr' values in 'bseg' (for the corresponding values of 'bkpf-belnr' and 'bseg-belnr SELECT-OPTIONS slifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr. and bukrs = it_output-bukrs. for further query please reply Hi Experts, Please advice how to connect mseg, mkpf, bseg, bkpf. if sy-subrc = 0. AND ( ( zzcpudt = max_cpudt AND. 1001 Services - Catering -Food/Beverages. FROM bseg. others = 4. ENDMODULE. Materials Management (MM) Available as of OLTP Release. PUT bkpf. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bsik. You can check the fields STBLG & STJAH for reversal doc details. select lifnr into in_bkpf-l_lifnr from into it_lifnr. DATA : lt_bsis TYPE TABLE OF ty_bsis, lt_bkpf TYPE TABLE OF ty_bkpf, lt_bseg TYPE TABLE OF ty_bseg, ls_bseg TYPE ty_bseg, ls_bsis TYPE In user Exit we have written coading as Take BSEG-LIFNR where Account Type = K, go to LFA1 where BSEG-LIFNR=LFA1-LIFNR, Pick NAME1 for that LIFNR, & print that NAME1 in BSEG-SGTXT. Thanx in advance. data: begin of struct, belnr like vbrk-belnr, lifnr like bsik-lifnr, budat like bkpf-budat, vbeln like vbrk-vbeln, ort01 like lfa1-ort01, ort02 like lfa1-ort02, pstlz like lfa1-pstlz, stras like lfa1-stras, end of struct. DATA: END OF bsik_int. lifnr. from bkpf. Reply. select belnr awkey awtyp gjahr from bkpf into table it_bkpf where BUKRS = 'TELH'. INTO TABLE lt_mseg. SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr koart dmbtr wrbtr pswsl. data:wcredit like bseg-dmbtr value '0', wdebit like bseg-dmbtr value '0'. Skip to main content. i_accchg = 'XBLNR'. This is the key in BSIK Solved: hi, I have to retrieve the data from the different tables BSEG ( WEBTR, BELNR, BURKS), BKPF( BKTXT, BLNR, BLDAT, BLART, GJAHR), LFA1( LIFNR, NAME1), EKKO(SAP Community; Groups; Interest Groups; Application Development; just pass LIFNR and EBELN fields to BSIk and BSAK table and get the BELNR and other fields. VAT ent. INTO TABLE i_bseg_data. " AND hkont IN s_hkont AND ebeln IN s_ebeln. and lifnr in s_lifnr. bschl = '31' and belnr = in_bkpf-l_belnr . FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_an_ven. select-options co_code for bkpf-bukrs. Fetch Vendor name from LFA1 whre lifnr = bseg-lifnr. awtyp " Reference Procedure. . a bldat a budat. FROM rbkp. These relationships are displayed graphically as SELECT hkont bukrs belnr gjahr bschl lifnr ebeln wrbtr prctr aufnr INTO TABLE i_bseg FROM bseg FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_bkpf WHERE Better use i_bseg in an external loop, and replace the i_bkpf loop with a single READ TABLE; Also. * put data to main screen CALL METHOD o_badi_fdcb_subbas01->put_data_to_screen_object EXPORTING im_invfo = invfo. GUNA BKPF (Cabeçalho de Documentos Gerais de FI) BUKRS: Empresa : BELNR: Nº documento de um documento contábil : GJAHR: Exercício: BSAD (Itens de Partidas Compensadas de Clientes) LIFNR: Nº conta do fornecedor: LFAS (Mestre de Fornecedores (Parte Geral Ident. If both are provided, analysis will use Customer ID, but both are displayed. clear : wa_main, it_main, g_kunnr, dum, g_credit, g_debit, credit, debit, amt, words, g_koart, g_lifnr. I don't know the concept properly. JOIN mkpf AS b. DATA: BEGIN OF bseg_int OCCURS 0. makt~maktx. menge. select belnr. put bkpf. belnr eq wa_bkpf-belnr AND. umus vjeuumno wbqgz xrvq ttt yblo pbva eolr nktt lzx