Qumagie not working
Qumagie not working. Also the folder settings are lost after reboot. Clear your the browser cache. Cons: - automatic metadata tagging is not that smart — only basic common-sense info and sometimes wrong, - Can be very slow especially Face Recognition and updates with very large library (much slower than QuMagie as it uses deeper AI engine and For the shared folder you give access to different user accounts so everyone can access and see them. span. The article contains incorrect information. It's worked well for me for more than a QuMagie 2. Jan 10, 2020 · The good news is all the tags I've made still exist in PhotoStation & QuMagie. When I log out, all open windows are closed the next time I log in, so I presume what you are seeing is the expected behaviour. For details, see Installing an App from App Center. Uploaded everything. Same here, mobile app works file, but doesn't work on web version any more. Featuring a streamlined user interface, a built-in timeline scroll, integrated AI-based photo organization, customizable folder covers and a powerful search tool, QuMagie provides you with a brand new photo management and sharing solution. Download and install QNAP AI Core from the App Center to take full Sep 7, 2020 · Currently installed versions: QuMagie Core 2. Choose the path of the folder which contains photos/video files and then click Apply to save the settings. Work = User Iphone. First you have to activate SSH on the two device. \exiftool. I can manually add new photos via Windows File Explorer to the NAS photo directory. Add a Comment. I recently updated the QuMagie app and today I can’t see the map displayed under my photos. I've got a TS-877 on the latest 5. Your media library should now be working correctly, but if this didn’t fix the issue for you, please feel free to May 18, 2018 · I continued testings with separate QNAP-applications and noticed Video Station also show these re-generated thumbnails as well as QuMagie. ( 2023/11/02 ) [Enhancements] - Improved photo view mode. For QTS versions 4. Oct 10, 2023 · Hi there, I didn't find a thread dedicated to my problem with QuMagie, so I decided to start my own. Endless Pros: - TensorFlow AI + automatic metadata tagging, - manual “tagging” of keywords in photos. Password: admin. 3. " Download and install the application onto your NAS device. Now I see since a few months ago, purchasing a CAYIN MediaSign license you can make your Qnap QuMagie integrates QNAP AI Core AI image recognition that enables facial recognition (People Album), subject identification (Things Album) and similar photo recognition on your NAS. \DSC_1545. Turn on Shared Albums. QuMagie is a QTS photo management application that uses AI to help you manage photos and videos stored on your QNAP NAS. With QuMagie Mobile, you can browse photos on your QNAP NAS anytime, anywhere. But me as Admin see everything. QuMagie integrates QNAP AI Core AI image recognition that enables facial recognition (People Album), subject identification (Things Album) and similar photo recognition on your NAS. Mar 6, 2023 · QuMagie user: User only has permission to access a subfolder within a Multimedia Console share folder. PS> . QuMagie features a Installing and Managing AI Engines. Sort by: Oct 25, 2019 · Just the day when creating all the miniature pictures was done (which was yesterday), QNAP had the update to version 1. Open Qmedia on your digital media device. Second : make sure the path to the files on the new NAS are EXACTLY the same (for instance : photos/YOUR FOLDERS. You could use HBS3 and do a restore job, that I think runs in the Note: 1. Input passwd then press Enter. S. 2. 4. But then i load QTS file explorer, and thumbnails are generated slowly at realtime. 2. The image file isn't indexed in Multimedia Console. Jan 3, 2023 · The MAC Address column in Qfinder Pro. - Other miscellaneous enhancements have been added to improve overall user experience. Nov 12, 2021 · QuMagie did a decent job of recognizing most of people in the photos, but I noticed it completely missed some people. Jun 26, 2023 · Qumagie does not inlude the option to view folders [Qphoto can] which would have been handy to differenciate between owners and or subjects, using Qumagie for this is very time consuming without being able to use face tagging or location data. Mar 14, 2024 · Uploading Live Photos from iOS device to NAS via Qfile/QuMagie’s auto upload function and all I see are just still pictures without the related 3 seconds videos. May 22, 2008 · I have never used QuMagie, but whatever info you have might help someone else (to help you) Jan 3, 2023 · The NAS has not generated thumbnails for the images, or thumbnail generation has been disabled. QuMagie integrates facial recognition and object recognition to make browsing and organizing photos and videos easier than ever before. And unfortunately, I was too quick updating. 4. Mar 28, 2024 · QuMagie supports many RAW file formats, but your files may be in an unsupported RAW format. It works fine with photos but not with video. I had to set permissions to transcode inside of both QuMagie, VideoStation, as well as double check CAYN player was installed and running. Screenshots. Open Video Station. I am trying to get QuMagie to auto upload my photos from my iOS device and it fails when trying to do so. QuMagie and Photo Station will be unable to display an image if a thumbnail has not been generated for that image. Can't see the sub-folder 2020 in QPhoto or Photostation, and the uploaded photos from Qfile don't show up in the Shared photos. I think that should work. 2 of QuMagie ready. Go back to the Home screen. This can be done through the QTS App Center. I've configured QuMagie on my nas as i believe it should be by setting up a source folder with my self as a user having full access. Tap the name of the Shared Album. Try accessing the NAS using Incognito mode in Google Chrome. First of all you need Qfile to do the trick, not Qphoto. There are 3 major highlights that we want to share with you: AI people/things/places QuMagie mobile upload works and then later doesn't. If you want to provide additional feedback, please include it below. QuMagie integrates AI deep learning algorithm that enables facial recognition, subject identification, and geotagging photos on your NAS. Your login credentials are incorrect, or your account is no longer valid. Code: Select all. 1. I can live with fewer features, but they should work and the user experience should not consist of waiting the whole time. Could be there something broken in regards to Apr 8, 2023 · If some keyboard keys stop working on your device, it doesn't necessarily mean they've malfunctioned and need to be replaced. Jul 12, 2021 · Configuring Qmedia. Qumagie indexed them and their info showed up in qumagie, but they were not viewable (just showed the default placeholder icon and clicking on one to view it just gives an infinite loading wheel. However, it's more a building block for a photo management solution. Field. I also noticed QuMagie AI only picked up one person out of eight people in a recent white water rafting color photo -- may be helmets and chaos of Nov 5, 2021 · Very slow QuMagie upload from iPhone. We each had about 7,000 and 5,000 photos respectively and the uploads took around 24 hours or so (based on the fact that background uploading doesn't work well). 3. Featuring a streamlined user interface, a built-in timeline scroll, customizable folder covers, iOS® Live Photo display, a powerful search tool, and view your recent searches, QuMagie provides you with the ultimate photo management and sharing solution. The login dialog does not appear, when starting it from the starting screen of the NAS. 00 KB/s. I am afraid to click any "Restart" buttons in the AI Jan 6, 2022 · The second problem is that both QuMagie and PhotoStation do not read the relative EXIF information, they always work with the DB. P. I chucked a little over 1,200 photos into a QNAP NAS to see how well QuMagie would catalogue these photos, what information it would retrieve and how it would let Dec 21, 2022 · If connecting to a remote NAS, try accessing from a local network. 0 (Windows 10/Chrome) QuMagie iOS 1. If your NAS is a legacy model: Use the command config_util 1. MAC1 on the MAC address sticker, which is found on the rear of your NAS. The only way to access photos in QuMagie is through the folders tab. How ever, Caying Mediasign Player does not. I ended up finding the resolve for this in case anyone has issues. The article is too complicated. Dec 13, 2023 · Go to Multimedia Console > Content Management > QuMagie > Edit. On the QuMagie app, Sign in Click the three lines top left Go to settings Storage management click clear cache. Works with me at least. The Multimedia Content database is corrupted. Manually add pictures to the shared folders and set auto backup to the private folders. The Things Album now also identifies Documents and Screenshots as separate categories. com/2021/01/01/nas-buyers-guide-2021-get-it-right-first-time/Buying your first Network Jan 16, 2024 · To start using QNAP QuMagie for photo management, follow these simple steps: 1. Mar 27, 2020 · こんにちは。Chrisです。 前回の設定編では、NASは簡単に設定できることを紹介しました。 さて今日の記事では私が個人的にも愛用している写真管理アプリ「QuMagie」を紹介します。 クラウドではなくNASに写真を保存する理由 私は写真撮影が趣味です。でもお気に入りの写真をスマホに入れ Any help appreciated. Backup and storage options : Synology Photos excels in comprehensive camera roll backup and efficient management with options like new photos only , resume tasks , and scan all photos . But the time it takes from tapping the app on the phone to being able to actually browse our photos is just painful and a near-dealbreaker. The main usage will be the sharing of photos/videos with each other. I se the background task, however QuMagie doesn't show anything in Album -> People. Hello! I am planning to use QuMagie to manage my photo library. On the top right corner, click . It integrates different recognition systems to Jan 11, 2023 · In QuMagie and Photo Station, this home folder is the user’s Private Collection, and its contents are only viewable for them. May 12, 2022 · Prior to using Qumagie, I used the Auto Upload feature of QFile to backup both mine and my wife's iPhone Photo Library. New here. The image isn't uploaded to a Content source in Multimedia Console. Locate the NAS. Select AI Engines. Input reboot then press Enter to reboot the NAS. There are of course a few limitations, most of which we can live with. Apr 1, 2020 · After seeing your review on QuMagie’s AI tagging, I now feel that this is a worth while feature that I would like to utilize. The site can't be reached: NAS_IP_ADDRESS refused to connect. I can not find how to generate video thumbnail in QNAP. After you've configured the NAS, the next step is to connect it to Qmedia. Here make sure Autologin is On, NAS and QGenie setup properly. In qumagie , I can create the smart album which returns photos showing Sep 4, 2020 · If your media files still don’t show up in your multimedia applications, please try going to Control Panel > Applications > Multimedia Management > Media Library tab and click on the “Rebuild media library indexing” button. Also i see that in the File Station, the thumbnails for mp4 videos are also missing, while again for avi are shown. Hey folks, I am currently setting up a QNAP NAS for my whoel family to use. For this reason, these folders cannot be included as a content source. At the end of things I want each user to be able to NOT see each others photos. QuMagie features a May 14, 2024 · QuMagie Mobile integrates with the QuMagie application on your QNAP NAS to allow you to directly manage your multimedia files on your NAS. The image file format isn't supported. Jan 15, 2021 · In the multimedia console overview, the correct number of videos is shown, but still on the QuMagie the mp4 videos are not available. Jan 25, 2024 · 2. They can read, write, and delete anything within the folder or any subfolders, but can't access anything outside of the folder. Install QuMagie Core. As said, UP TO NOW Qumagie is a big dissapoitment and a step down from Qvideo and Qphoto. Does anyone know what I can do to make it work again? I've set many faces before upgrading Qtier, but now all disappear, Blank white page when i click Qumaige 2. I am assuming that the photos being B&W and having aged is some of the problem. My serach results in this forum about this issues was without any results. Folders must be configured as content source folders in Multimedia Console > Content Management > Content Source > QuMagie before their contents are accessible in QuMagie. nef (Nikon raw) images, but still generating quality thumbs for . x86 (Intel and AMD) and 64-bit ARM QNAP NAS require QTS 4. As many before me, I was surprised to see that Qnap apps/devices didn't read HEIC photos (and HEVC, HEIF), which is now the standard format in iOS devices. Mar 20, 2017 · Advanced folder permissions is a feature of QNAP NAS provided for you to configure the access control of users and user groups to the folders and subfolders. But, pictures in that subfolder do not show up in Photostation. To copy the database to your user folder for easy access. 1) When geotagging a photo using the QuMagie desktop interface, the respective GPS tags written to the EXIF section of a JPG file are broken. Download and install QNAP AI Core from the App Center to take full QuMagie iOS app fails to auto backup. Moreover, with QuMagie Mobile, you can view That link you sent looks super interesting, thank you. I have also some AVI ones and this ones are shown. With firefox, delete the cache (not the cookies). What I'm doing wrong? Thanks. The question is does the QNAP TS-231P2 support the QuMagie AI feature? Or will I have to look for a more powerful NAS? QuMagie Mobile displays all photos of the person. Jan 5, 2021 · I'm not sure that it has anything to do with the firmware - certainly QuMagie is not "volunteering" to indexing new photos after I added them. For my, Yes, the latest build have some issues with some albums cover images and small photos thumbnail, already reported in my case, but if your issues are bit different, please, a ticket! marck479. Jan 3, 2023 · This issue could be caused by one of the following: Your account does not have permission to access the folder the images are stored in. The Qmedia landing page opens. Firstly, you need to install QNAP QuMagie on your QNAP NAS (Network-Attached Storage) device. This implies that if you really wanted to be able to correctly display the facial EXIF information in these, one of these two options would be necessary: The FileStation app doesn’t create a background task, as in it doesn’t show in the main task list, it seems to add it to a FS task list only. When I login to Qumagie with each user this is what I see: Admin: Qumagie reports 0 photos 0. NAS Solutions from SPAN. You can convert your RAW files into a format that QuMagie supports. Install QNAP QuMagie. This subreddit is not designed for promoting your content and is instead focused on helping people make games, not promote them. 1 (or later). COM - https://www. 1 latest app, QNAP 431P latest software: - network speed is very good, upload from an iphone xs work perfectly. jpgs. Then go back to Qfile start screen (list NAS (es)), then go for preferences (cog icon bottom right). You can also automatically upload your mobile multimedia files to the NAS to save space on your device. - QuMagie only reports current transfer rate: 0. Check the comments on the photo or video. All 70423 photos have been seemingly processed, yet I am not able to view a single one. After completing the settings in the NAS, now you can launch the QuMagie on your smartphone and log in. Input this commands. QuMagie Desktop 1. I don't have PhotoStation installed and it doesn't care. In photo station 6, I can use the qphoto android app to show a smart album as a slideshow . Open Multimedia Console. 1 and so I decided to give it a test to find out if all the promises that QNAP made at its original reveal CAN live up to the hype. However, I can only create a smart album that returns photos where both people are in them. For this I will need to restrict the access to the photos dynamically. QuMagie was to be the replacement. by Theliel » Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:24 pm. May 19, 2023 · If you find that some files can't be played after installing Cayin MediaSign player, you should check if the codecs used by the file are supported. Here are the common root causes. However, PhotoStation & QuMagie don't know they exist; ie. I travel allot and I use QuMagie to keep my geotagged photos organized. Locate the media file which can't be played. I'm not sure about that app, but I use Qfile auto upload to get photos from my iPhone to my QNAP. When checking the AI Core in the QNAP interface, all processes are completed (thumbnail generation, indexing, facial recognition etc). Deselect Shared Albums. The article is out-of-date. An dropdown action menu appears. All other albums filled correctly. Edit 2: I use nginx proxy manager. lately I see very slow and inconsistent uploads from iPhone 12 pro max, ios15. Google Photos was obviously an unbelievably convenient and high-performance solution. May 22, 2024 · Sometimes QuMagie and Photo Station do not display the images that you have uploaded to the NAS. The Settings window opens. May 23, 2018 · My understanding is that QuMagie depends on QuMagie CORE module for the face detection. Connect to the NAS using its IP address. - Added support for searching and filtering by albums. Open QuMagie. Hello, QuMagie isn't showing specific JPEG images. You can manage folder permissions from Microsoft Windows or the web-based management interface of the NAS without complicated procedure. It was running swell until I restarted the NAS. Download and install QNAP AI Core from the App Center to take full advantage of AI image recognition. Dec 9, 2020 · 2:32 QuMagie Setup8:00 Plex Setup GuideCompetition for the NAS giveaway and a winner has been notified. by sln_999 » Fri Nov 05, 2021 5:28 am. This was the last part of our 4 part series of webinar QuMagie integrates QNAP AI Core AI image recognition that enables facial recognition (People Album), subject identification (Things Album) and similar photo recognition on your NAS. jpg. I messed around with a bunch of settings and I *think* I got it working. Note: 1. Personal = Admin Android. Configure QuMagie: Once installed, open the QuMagie app and follow the initial setup wizard. To enjoy full QNAP AI Core AI image recognition function, 4GB RAM models are recommended. 2) issue the command. Check if the video or audio codecs are in the supported list. HEIC files require a CAYIN MediaSign Player Plus License. The QuMagie was not working after I upgraded the Qtier in my TS-453Be with 2 x 1TB M2 SSD (RAID1) I tried to reinstall the app but still not working. Click Settings. After you added your NAS to the list and configured checked for sure you can connect to it. To check if the Google TPU device is successfully running on the NAS, go to Control Panel > System > Hardware Just installing qumagie as i updated the NAS after the latest CVE's and i'm realising again with all the junk thats been pushed to my nas, and the retiring of photostation (which was a bit crap anyway though qumagie just looks like a rebrand) and most of all forcing acceptance of new license terms, and the pushing of more unremovable software to my NAS - no, i don't particularly trust this Dec 23, 2021 · As well QNAP AI Core was updated to the latest version 3. Experience a Whole New Photo Management Solution with QuMagie AI Image Recognition Technology. com/spanstor/Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want toyou're only Jun 9, 2023 · To enable on-the-fly transcoding, perform the following steps: Log into the NAS with an administrator account. Once installed, open QuMagie and configure the basic settings. Admin = Admin PC. Those looking for an alternative photo storage solution should look no further than QNAP NAS! The smart album is for 2 people and I would like all photos where either of them appears. Content that users want to share with others should be saved to public shared folders. (1. May 31, 2022 · QNAP QuMagieを活用しよう! さて、そんな悩みに答えてくれるのが、QNAPのNASと写真管理ソフト「 QuMagie 」。 NASはこのような小さな本体に、「ハードディスク」という大容量のデータ貯蔵装置を入れ、登録した人がデータを出し入れできるようにするものです。 Map Missing from QuMagie Places. However, there is a (relatively) easy way to "encourage" the indexing: 1) log into your NAS via ssh. To keep it simple for now and try to understand it I am just using 3 Users. This means that the default administrator login credentials are: Username: admin. The NAS has not generated thumbnails for the images, or thumbnail generation has been disabled. Now, when starting QuMagie, I do not see more than a white screen. 1 or earlier, the default administrator password is "admin". Follow the instructions to change the admin password. The photos are still located relative to their positions, but without the map it’s hard to be specific about exactly where I took them. Anyway, sorry four double post, if there are Jan 1, 2021 · NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose? https://nascompares. Similar photos are categorized into album “People ”, “Things”, and ”Places”. On your Mac: From the Photos app, choose Photos > Preferences. Then, you can generate video thumbnail in Qumagie. QuMagie features a streamlined user interface, a timeline scroll, customizable folder covers, and a powerful search tool. After that if I try to run Facial recognition by using Multimedia Console -> AI Engines -> Facial Recognition -> Restart it doesn't change anything. The Add NAS Manually window opens. If I download them to my desktop, they display fine. I don’t Jan 15, 2024 · Root Cause. . QuMagie Core supports Google TPU devices. 1 (iPhone X) (1) QuMagie Core 2. Handling mutiple users, especially with QuMagie. The On-the-fly Transcoding Permission window opens. (I upgraded to the plus version for HEIC files, not sure if it was needed for MOV files). Jan 1, 2021 · NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose? https://nascompares. ISSUE: Multimedia Console/QuMagie is incorrectly generating tiny, very low quality thumbnails for . Take a new picture, uploads the new picture. Let's begin. Any help with this?? Thanks!! I believe you need to install the Caiyan media player. Sometimes, keys cease to respond simply because the keyboard drivers go corrupt, you disable some keys mistakenly, or the keyboard settings get misconfigured. All "ignored people" still exist. Anyone else having similar issues? I am on QTS 5 with a TS-653D. Overall it's just poor software quality. 0. [Fixed Issues] Jun 10, 2019 · QuMagie by QNAP is now available in Beta in QTS 4. I'm just getting into using my nas as a photo store platform, rather than a file storage platform and quMagie looks plausible enough. I have managed to get this working, I have changed the default http port of qts to 80 and pointed to it in nginx proxy manager, it doesn't work with https port on qts, maybe Google Photos will end its free unlimited storage in June 2021. Tap a photo. Done :) Hello All, I'm fairly new to using qumagie but long story short i setup qumagie and had everything work perfectly right out of the box Jun 25, 2021 · Re: General QuMagie Video and Photo showing and thumbnail issues. Configure QuMagie. This process can take a while. Download and install QNAP AI Core from the App Center to take full Nov 9, 2020 · This tutorial video is about how to import all your photos directly from Google Drive or Dropbox to QuMagie via QNAP's Hybrid Backup Sync application. Now QuMagie is asking me for login info, which it never asked me before and doesn't recognize the login info I type in. Install QuMagie: Access the QNAP App Center through your NAS interface and search for "QuMagie. ) Jun 24, 2022 · The article's solutions do not work. QuMagie is a multimedia application for your QNAP NAS. SSH into the source NAS. May 23, 2019 · QuMagie doesn't support any backup feature, which means that inevitably some day there will be an update (either to QuMagie/Core or Multimedia Console), which will wipe all of your endless hours of sorting, tagging and creating albums. Aug 2, 2022 · The article's solutions do not work. Nov 7, 2022 · Input passwd then press Enter. Are you able to install the QuMagie app in the desktop web version of your qnap? If not, then this program is not supported on your qnap, which is probably too old. Open Photos and tap the Albums tab. By col Qumagie was still generating thumbnails for some of the older photos when I added some more to the storage folders. - Users can now update GPS coordinates for multiple photos simultaneously, as well as edit GPS coordinates manually. However, on the "Photos" section, selecting the "filter" icon on the top Jun 18, 2019 · QuMagie is the next-generation photo management application. What's the issue here? These two files are… Feb 12, 2011 · Qumagie does not inlude the option to view folders [Qphoto can] which would have been handy to differenciate between owners and or subjects, using Qumagie for this is very time consuming without being able to use face tagging or location data. i saw all these apps (Multimedia Console, QSirch, Caynin, Qumagie,) all work on thumbnail generation for month. Under General, click Edit Permission. Customize the storage location for your photo library and select the folders you want QNAP QuMagie, with its customizable folder covers and robust search tools, caters to users seeking advanced customization and detailed photo metadata. Edit: well, this is awkward, I have changed my qnap Https port to 4434 and redirected it with nginx and that is also not working! :S. Nov 8, 2023 · Tap Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Photos. The symptoms of my case is, I can view my photos fine with "Folders" in the left panel, but not on the "Photos" section. 0 firmware, Multimedia Console, paid license Cayin MediaSign Player, and QuMagie installed and running. See the the list of supported file formats below. Jan 11, 2020 · Qfile works fine. You can choose which folders you want to see on de QuMagie app, so you select your private folder plus the shared folder. Coders can take advantage of its built in scripting language, "GML" to design and create fully-featured, professional grade games. I was hoping for a more complete package (like QuMagie). Then you can tap Photo icon at the bottom to view photos. Multimedia Console is set to generate This of course comes at a price, both financially and consumption. Click Add NAS. Use the command storage_boot_init 1. After that was complete I decided to start using Qumagie. Multimedia Console is not indexing these new photos. QNAP AI Core features are not supported by 32-bit ARM QNAP NAS. Right-click the media file and select Information from the drop-down menu. The average x86 Intel i7 CPU in a 4-Bay NAS produces around 35-45W whilst in operation, whereas an average ARM has a maximum use of around 20-25W. Likewise in hibernation or standby, x86 use 10-15W, where as an ARM will use as little as 4-6W. com/2021/01/01/nas-buyers-guide-2021-get-it-right-first-time/Buying your first Network QuMagie and CAYIN licenses. When an image is uploaded to your QNAP NAS, Multimedia Console will generate a thumbnail for that image and applications like QuMagie and Photo Station use the thumbnail when displaying the image. I managed to restrict the access to the folders, however I can still see all the GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy. exe -a -gps:all . 1 Share. Specify the connection information. I have video station configured but I can not get any thumbnail for videos. I just bought QNAP TS-464, installed and ran QUMAggie for my 150k photos. Nov 7, 2011 · Created a shared album on Qumagie, but after open share link on my phone (iphone) it's shows only shared album name, how much photos is in that album, but no photos, just white background. QuMagie integrates AI image recognition and intelligent classification of photos by People, Things, or Places. xb tm da pt jm lf ry rm dh hq