Praying and fasting for a husband testimonies. So was the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:27). Heavenly Father, I come to You with a humble heart, seeking a breakthrough and open doors in my life. Heal my business. A young single Air Force man stood and asked prayer for his Air Force friend who was seeking a wife and asked the church to pray for him to find a wife. Dec 19, 2021 · As a cancer practitioner for 30 years, I have encountered at least one terminal cancer patient who was healed by a worldwide prayer effort on his behalf. You will find that as you fast, your mind becomes sharper and clearer. Esther’s Fast Prayer Points 1. The lesson was fun for the kids, but my favorite part was getting to give the kids 5. Here are some scriptures to pray over your future husband: Proverbs 13:20 – “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. James 5:15 (NIRV) “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. This guide will explore the importance of fasting and praying for relationship restoration and provide helpful tips for those who want to embark on this spiritual journey. Heavenly Father, just as You used Joshua to lead the Israelites, Lord, let the Holy Spirit lead us in this time of prayer and fasting. Feb 24, 2022 · Make me a woman who fears You and loves You with all that I am. The improved diet increased overall energy, and led me to engage in a 12-day water fast. Fasting for the purpose of prayer and communing with God helps to reverse this. in eight months. These acts Feb 6, 2024 · Prayer to Prepare for a Time of Fasting and Prayer. 4. Jun 3, 2015 · Here is a powerful prayer for financial breakthrough. From Moses to Jesus, figures in the Bible turned to fasting and prayer during times of reflection (Matthew 17:20-21), repentance, and seeking God’s guidance. Our marriage has serious problems, which is leaving me emotionally broken. God knows our hearts and desires, and He also knows what is best for us. As a new believer, I had learned about fasting. Whether you have a positive or negative influence on your husband, well, that is for you to weigh for yourself. The Spirit gets on top of the flesh, causing it to submit to the things of God rather than the things of man. I pray for financial breakthrough over my present and over my future. The word "fast" or "a fasting" is tsom in the Hebrew and nesteia in the Greek language. 3 Father God, in Jesus’ name, I lift my spouse up to you. Give me the patience to wait upon You, my God. Nov 2, 2020 · I know that You have the perfect husband for me, not a perfect man, but someone who is perfect for me. Fasting taught me to put my marriage in the hands of the Lord and not in the hands of my very human husband. Speak new life into everything I do. In Acts 10, we see Cornelius engaging in a period of fasting as he seeks God’s guidance and wisdom. May he consider his role as priest of our Jul 20, 2021 · There is incredible power in the biblical practice of prayer and fasting. This video gives you a step by step guide on how to fast and pray for a breakthrough. Ending the Day of Prayer and Fasting: Have a special evening meal to break the fast Nov 25, 2022 · Esther Fasting Prayer Points. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but Joining Cru, I worked in the Virgin Islands and Mexico, and after meeting my husband, Ed, in the Philippines. Lord, Your Word says that You have given us free will. As long as I have the peace of Christ in my heart, I'll have peace in my marriage. Be sensitive to the way of the Spirit for what you should give up, and for how long. I commit to fast from _______ (what you are fasting from) for _______ (length of time). In this post, I share a few of my biblical fasting adventures and the lessons God taught me through each fast. Nov 6, 2020 · #3DaysFastingAndPrayers 11/06/2020. The Bible addresses fasting for repentance, sorrow, deliverance, guidance, and help. Mar 12, 2019 · Fasting And Prayer Day 1. Mark 9:14-29 tells us about a time when the disciples were unable to cast a demon out of a boy. “Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist. I declare miracle prayers for money to help me with my debt. Wonderful Lord, I pray that You would bring to me a man who will be the spiritual leader of our home and one who builds up Your church. What is it like to fast as a Christian? What is the best advice for someone new to fasting? Read these testimonies from Christians who fast. He said I was foolish in thinking that the arm of flesh would get me a job. Heal my sickness. This video is unavailable. "You preach on God's agenda and not on man's approval. Jesus, the Son of God, was a man of fasting and prayer (Matthew 4:2). Fasting is a way to humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). You might also notice a Jan 11, 2024 · Helping you make your spiritual experience the best it can be during this 21 days of prayer and fasting (January 11th – January 31st, 2024) As 2024 begins, we want to start the year with a 21 days set apart to seek God with all our hearts in prayer and with fasting. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. He fills us with His love, His strength and grace, and His Spirit. I feel Fasting and Prayer: 2 Stories. Though there is not a prayer mentioned, we know she was a woman of prayer because of the powerful ministry she had. Mar 30, 2023 · Step 3: Ask God for Guidance. DO NOT EVER MARRY A MAN WHO GUESSES TO MARRY YOU. I didn't think he needed one, but that is what happened. Let him visit your father. When we fast, we receive blessings that would not have been ours had we not sought God first above all else. Let him MAKE IT KNOWN the intentions he has for you two. Adding fasting to your prayers can bring about breakthroughs in even the toughest situations. Prepared for church group and individual use by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in coordination with the Revival and Reformation Committee. Jul 15, 2021 · I come to you today as bare and plain as the day I was born. Physical Health (Healing, Restored Health, Protection, Rest) “The prayer offered by those who have faith will make the sick person well. Combine fasting with fervent prayer and meditation on God’s promises related to finances. Here’s why. ” (NIV) Colossians 3:5 – “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. It's written in your word that your peace passes all understanding. Fasting and Prayer are Mentioned Together in Scripture. A Prayer for You, His Wife. The neighborhood they focused on is very diverse—with homelessness, drugs, and mental illness but also families Jess’s Story. Sugar fast – no sugary drinks or food. Help us each to be selfless spouses who seek to bless and give to one another. —1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Related topics: fasting · fasting and praying · fasting for family · prayer and fasting · prayer for fasting · Ramadan. Help them to live for You, Father. Everyone’s experience and Jun 13, 2016 · June 28, 2010 I began a fast that lasted until July 2, 2010. As I continued fasting eight more. 10. Jan 4, 2022 · Prayer is a ready weapon in the spiritual battle ( Ephesians 6:18 ), and fasting helps to focus prayer and give it resolve. g Yonggi Cho, Pastor with the largest church if ever he had to counsel anyone. 1. This article brings together two stories On this page you will find testimonies on prayer and fasting. Marriages CAN be restored. Heal my children. When Jesus arrived, He cast out the spirit, and the boy was set free and healed. one meal fast – skip one meal and dedicate that time to prayer and Bible reading. Th actual prayer time, rather than talking or sermonizing. Like, Share and Subscribe -My 3 Days Fasting And Prayers -Testimony- God is Still Doing Miracles fast and pray to God. Heavenly Father, I humbly come before you and consecrate this time of fasting to you. For God’s provision and favor. Prayers For Breakthrough And Open Doors. Prepares us for the Work of God. 5 5) Prayer To Bring Back My Husband. The literal Hebrew translation would be "not to eat. I confess the sins of my ancestors (list them). For God’s healing power to be released in my life and the lives of those Jul 24, 2020 · These motivations keeps our heart separated from God . In the video below, Nicole Hinton tells her testimony of Faith and how she “avoided the counterfeits” by obeying God. Jul 25, 2014 · 40 Prayers to Pray Over Your Husband. Jul 22, 2019 · He is real. Fill my spouse and I both with Your Spirit, Lord. And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set A Wife's 7-Day Fasting and Prayer Guide Introduction No doubt, a wife is the one most significant influence in her husband's life. Deric and Amber Moen are Novo staff who relocated from Spain to Southern California. You are led by the Spirit" February 20, 2023. All glory to God for the wonderful things He has done for me. May 19, 2020 · Help us to be a reflection of your love for us and help us always to seek you first in our marriage. No. Again, on July11, 2010 fast until July 16, 2010. Fasting and prayer can restore or strengthen your intimacy with God. He made a commitment to God to go on vegetable fast and quit smoking during the 21 days of fast and prayer. I decided to extend the fast to 7 days on water only and continued to read the daily encouragements — Day 1 fasting, Day 2 fasting etc. Ask the Lord for forgiveness. As a Godly wife, I need to fervently pray for my husband every - single - day. 5. A Prayer for Your Husband’s Work. You may become moody, but this is only natural as your fleshly nature is being made to surrender to the Spirit. 7 7) Short Prayer to Get My Husband Back. Dear Lord, I come to You in my longing and present my requests to You in faithfulness. During your fast, practice generosity by giving to those in need. Verse Concepts. Juice fast – drinking only 100% juice. Sep 26, 2023 · Specific Prayer, Specific Answers in California. It was on a Wednesday evening prayer night. The early church fasted before starting any major work. During the 21 days of prayer my greatest request was "Lord change my life, I want to fall in love with Jesus again. Help me to May 17, 2023 · Prayer 2. The young man who was seeking had been saved in this church but had been moved to another location Jul 22, 2020 · As a wife, I have the unique opportunity to be my husband’s number one prayer warrior, the person who prays for him when he can’t find the words. As this testimony points out, fasting and prayer are very beneficial to our home and to us personally. Please pray for me. I did these tips and manifested my husband faster than expected. Some individuals may believe they have a demon or perceive themselves as terrible people, leading them to fast as a form of self-punishment. And when you fast, it's like prayer 2. Meat fast – no meat for a period of time. Start with Gratitude: Begin your prayer by expressing gratitude to God for all the blessings in your life, including the desire to find a husband. Rather than dismiss this miracle as man. He recommend that they go to the prayer mountain, fast for one week and if the problem still remain, he increases to 10days up to 40days and they come back with great testimonies. It was during this fast that the Lord reprimand me. Moses fasted 80 days. Jun 3, 2015 · One would hardly see us praying together. On the third day of the fast, I stopped sleeping for five days and nights. Priscilla leads and teaches others how to follow after Christ. Father, You see what (insert husband’s name) is doing. During this time, I was in a 5 month I was amazed at Natalie’s testimony about seeking God ALONE, giving, praying and fasting (Mathew 6: 2,5,17). Give us the courage to overcome what is standing in front of us. -Ja In Lee 416-16 Shin Kel Dong Yeong Dong Po Ku, Seoul, Korea. Mar 30, 2020 · The importance of prayer and fasting are seen throughout the stories in these Bible verses on Fasting. “I need someone to pray for me and advise me on how to fast and pray. Also, pray for wisdom, discernment, and clarity to make the right decision when it seems you have the answer to your prayer. By adhering fairly strictly to Fit for Life principles, I lost 40 lbs. ” (Stormie Omartian, from the book, “Praying Through the Deeper Issues of Marriage”) And that is what we want to show you here in this topic. clear. Both the Old and New Testaments feature multiple instances of believers practicing fasting and prayer together. See, God’s will and plan for you is Jan 31, 2018 · When we prioritize God and His kingdom, as we do when we fast and pray, God responds. The bible says And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for th Sep 17, 2023 · Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pray for a husband: 1. I became new in heart and attitude. I pray for a miracle in this situation I’m in. I lay all my fears and anxieties at your feet, trusting you to sustain me throughout my fast. One man, one woman may be all you need to have your dream job. Jul 7, 2023 · 2 2) Miracle Prayer To Bring Husband Back. Apr 8, 2022 · Fasting for Financial Breakthrough. David tells us he fasted, prayed and mourned until he received a response to his inquiry ( Psalm 35:13-14 ). Thank the Lord, because this year is your year of dumbfounding miracles. Help us to grow stronger in love each and every day, and to always prioritize our marriage. May 6, 2024 · Open doors of opportunity, and grant me success and fulfillment in this new role. Thank Him for His love, provision, and the many good things He has given you. Prayer for Patience. Dear Christ Jesus, I come to You with my financial problems. On September 9th, 2001, I left for my friend’s house in Ebonyi State for a spiritual retreat. So, next, ask God for guidance and direction in your search for a husband. One, in particular, that has affected me was a vision God gave me …. Through fasting and much prayer I grew Dear Lord, I pray for your peace to rule abundantly in my marriage and home. This led them to commission more believers to go and share the gospel ( Acts 13:2-3 NIV ). I pray for divine guidance and opportunities that align with Your purposes for me. Mar 25, 2020 · Here are 23 powerful prayers for a future husband. You must ask God for profitable relationships. Feb 16, 2024 · The combination of fasting and prayer invokes God’s power and can bring about miraculous outcomes. Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was there, prophets and teachers: Barnabas, and Simeon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. Please share this video this I was filled with joy, for there was hope after all. Help me not desire a partner more than I desire You, but rather continue preparing me to enter The Jericho Prayer. 16. I tend to fall for the games most The most significant Biblical characters, with the possible exception of Abraham, were all men of fasting and prayer. Joel tells us ( 2:12-13) that God declared we return to Him with all of our heart in fasting, praying and 5. I will call her Laura to protect her privacy. I did a fast for 2 months, stayed faithful and God came through in a surprising way. com Mar 20, 2018 · Every biblical fasting experience is different but we can all learn from each other’s walk. Heap grace, grace, and more grace upon him/her to seek You and be hot-on-fire for You. Fasting made my husband a new wife. This is the day to pray! Closing: When closing the prayer time, sing a few songs of praise, thanking God for what He will do. Written by Melody Mason for the Day of Prayer and Fasting global initiative. No longer did I need to base my responses on the way I felt. No more good intentions or excuses, there are many benefits to praying consistently and intentionally for your husband. pray for ten days. 8 Final Words. We see her mentioned in Acts 18:2-3, Acts 18-19, Acts 26, and Romans 16:3-5. Jesus told a story about how it can help us find the spiritual breakthrough we’ve been seeking. Have you been blessed through prayer and fasting? Please write us and share your testimony. Luke ( 18:12) tells us he fasted “twice a week. Heal my house. I did not wait, but with my Bible and hymnbook I. During the fasting, I prayed to God to open my womb for greatness January 28, 2021. Ponder: Learn from the early church how fasting and prayer coincided with worship. . Encourage members to continue praying for the marriages of those they love. ” (NIV). Steve and Staci share how a day of prayer and fasting every Thursday Prayer and Meditation. My contract was terminated on 4 May 2012. I embarked on a three-day, morning to 6 pm fast. Cornelius, a devout and generous Roman centurion, is a compelling example of fasting and prayer in the Bible. Lord, I commit this new job into Your hands. May 28, 2020 · Can a husband and wife complete the 3 days dry fasting together? I’ll have to “answer” this question with another question: What did the Holy Spirit of God tell you to do? Waiting on God for a future husband prayer points and Bible verses to navigate this season of waiting and trust in God's timing. I come to you on behalf of my husband, Lord, and lifting up my marriage to You. Prayer and fasting? I talk about it in this video! Watch till the end for my 3 breakthrough testimonies #prayer #fasting #breakthroughNow available on Ama Mar 18, 2021 · On this video I share what I did to go from single to married. In Jesus’ name, amen. Jun 18, 2018 · Load More. And when you add your faith to your prayers, you get way more than you could ever imagine. Lord, make known to me the secrets needed for my marital breakthrough. Fasting is a way to stop looking at things of this world in order to focus more fully on the Lord. Anna, the prophetess mentioned in Luke 2, served God Aug 17, 2023 · Experience transformative fasting and praying for a godly future husband, aligning your heart with God's plan. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Jul 6, 2020 · Before setting out from Babylon, Ezra proclaimed a fast “that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods” ( Ezra 8:21 ). Please keep your peace within me. Nov 8, 2019 · 1. Give us the instructions for our victory just like You did for Joshua. See full list on adornedheart. Pray For Relationships And Connection. There is no doubt that the power of fasting and prayer has opened the door of God’s blessings to us. The Lord will heal them. Both Old Testament followers of God (Ezra 8:23; Nehemiah 1:4; Psalm 35:13; Daniel 9:3) and the New Testament church (Luke 2:37; Acts 13:3; Acts 14:23) combined prayer and fasting when fervently bringing a request to God. A significant purpose of prayer is our transformation. Amen. Righteous Lord, I wait on You and will be of good courage, for it is You who strengthens my heart. Dr. It's direct communication to God Himself. Pray: Father, make me more aware of who you are and therefore increase my worship. Her e-mail was essentially a desperate plea for help. Prince of Peace, in this union of fasting and prayer, I seek the peace found only in Your presence. So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. One prayer point you must not forget to pray while fasting and praying for a job is to ask God to connect you to men and women of influence and power. 11. Let him LEAD YA’LL down the aisle. In this time of fasting and prayer, create within me a heart that willingly submits to Your loving authority. A Prayer for Your Husband’s Walk. Apr 23, 2014 · Buy Now! I Got My Husband in an Answer to Prayer. Jesus —the ultimate source of resurrection power —can resurrect love that has died and soften your heart toward your spouse. In this post, I want to encourage you to fast as you pray for your prodigal. And help us do all this to your glory Lord. Apr 16, 2018 · Many of us share the grief of a heart broken by the choices of someone we love. A Prayer for Inner Peace and Tranquility. When it comes to praying more extensively for Oct 10, 2023 · 1. Cornelius – Fasting and Prayer. Prayer and Fasting Brings Blessings To Churches God Brought A Beautiful Church Building To The Brighton SDA Congregation. May my work be a reflection of Your goodness and grace. And because of that, I am struggling spiritually. For God’s protection and guidance. 3. I desire to be married and ask that You bring a faithful Christian man into my life. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. It takes you to a higher level of faith and closeness with God. Pretty much every time I fast there is a revelation of some sort. Daniel 10:2. Thanks to your generous support, people who have suffered devastating losses are getting the help they need to recover. 2. As you meditate on passages like Philippians 4:19 and Psalm 37:4, let them strengthen your faith and trust in God’s provision. went to the prayer mountain where I began to fast and. You do not fast like you do today to make your voice heard on high. Jane’s prayer bullets awakened me spiritually to say to the enemy, “Enough is enough!!!”. I surrender my plans, desires, and dreams to Your perfect will. 0. Please grant my marriage that peace now. Whether we look at Daniel receiving visions to answer deep spiritual questions (Daniel 10:3), or Esther receiving favor from the King leading to salvation for her people (Esther 4:16). I was so thankful for the mercy of Christ I continued. Punishing your body through fasting or long prayers in hopes of immediate deliverance can be harmful. He can also bring your marriage to life again. For spiritual breakthroughs in my life and the lives of those around me. I love You and am so Jan 6, 2009 · After praying throughout this 21-Day Prayer, I received a 120 per cent pay increment with a job switch. " Apr 15, 2024 · Fasting and praying are Bible-based disciplines that are appropriate for all believers of all ages throughout all centuries in all parts of the world. Our final point of discussion is how fasting and prayer prepare us for the work of God. If you ar May 22, 2019 · The testimony started when I received a personal e-mail from a stranger. Abba Father, You know why I am pouring out my heart to You today. The bible says that nothing is impossible in Christ Jesus. This act of self-denial demonstrates his commitment to seeking God’s will above all else. It is to be done with genuine humility in order to draw closer to God. A Prayer for Your Husband’s Talk. L – Listen To. Every strongman of my father’s house, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. Here are a handful of the examples I found: The Israelites fasted and lifted prayers of praise and confession after sinning against God ( Nehemiah 9 ). In April 2022, they invited other leaders in Novo to join them in prayer in their neighborhood. Hallelujah! We praise and thank Him for what He has done. Sometimes my prayers were impassioned. “When you fast…your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:17-18, NIV). May 28, 2020 · Here are 15 powerful prayers for a Godly Husband. I decided to pray and fast Friday lunches for Terry’s salvation (with timeouts for pregnancies and nursing). ”. Help me to be faithful and productive in this season. King David said, “I humbled my soul with fasting” (Psalm 69:10). Every strongman of my father’s house die, in the name of Jesus. Elijah fasted 40 days. He rewards us. Thank You, Lord. Relevant message: THE DISCIPLINE OF Jan 1, 1995 · Prayer, Fasting, and the Course of History. . Priscilla is one of the leading women leaders during that time. Jan 10, 2012 · To our surprise, a hospital called my husband on the 2nd day of prayer and fasting (Jan 7, 2012) asking for an appointment for they are planning to purchase the product that we are offering. The theology of fasting is a theology of priorities in which believers are given the opportunity to express themselves in an undivided and intensive devotion to the Lord and to the concerns of spiritual life. A lot of the time, singles who have come to know the importance of praying and preparing for a future husband, find themselves hedged-in in the matter of the will of God for marriage. As we grow closer to Him, our desires shift from what we want—what we think we most need—to what He wants, which is what we actually do need. I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me. Almsgiving and Generosity. " Jan 22, 2019 · It's essential. 4 4) Short Prayer For Husband To Return Home. 6 6) Prayer For My Husband To Love Me Again And Miss Me. Heal my wounds, dear Lord. On 23 May 2012, I started using these bullets at the midnight hour (with fasting) to grab violently in prayer, MY job which the enemy had stolen from me. Wherever my future husband/wife is, I ask in Jesus’ name that they would be godly. days, God reached down and healed me. Prayer is powerful. Many longtime Christians find that fasting helps them rediscover their “first love” for God again. Jul 21, 2022 · I'm thrilled to share my testimony from my 7-day of fasting and prayer. We all prayed for Terry. Surrender Your Will To God’s Will. Present My Request Prayer. The more we talk and listen, the more God shapes the conversation. Manifest your husband in 2020 by praying, fasting and forgiveness. To illustrate this, let’s turn to the example of Jesus in Luke 4:1-13. " The literal Greek means "no food. Now my husband and I were going to do 21 days of prayer and fasting together! It was like a dream come true for me! And so we began. Please give me patience as I wait for my future husband. Aug 30, 2016 · Praying For Your Husband. internet fasting – this includes social media, email and all other online engagements. Here fasting serves as an intensifier alongside “forward” prayers for God’s guidance, traveling mercies, and hand of favor. I completed the focused prayers on 26 May 2012. Destroy all plans of the evil one and cause a breakthrough in my life today. The main focus of that fast, was for God to bring me a Husband. See also Powerful Prayer Points for Divine Direction. PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGHS Angeline Koh (AN, E469) A member of my cell group, Ammiel was a smoker. God is great indeed! Here’s what you need to do while fasting and praying for a future husband. Apr 20, 2021 · Is God telling you to fast and pray for a Christian spouse? How can you meet "the one" God has for you? What does the Bible say about fasting and praying for May 25, 2021 · So while you are praying and believing God for your Godly husband, remember that your Godly husband is doing the same for YOU. The focus of that five day fast, was for guidance and understanding…. Fasting and prayer are often combined in Scripture. Equip us, Lord, with power and strength. Here are 99 Bible verses about fasting and prayer, curated from both the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, King James Version, arranged from most to least relevant. Mar 5, 2024 · The Biblical Foundation of Fasting and Prayer. Four full days of no food, only drinking water and praying. Matthew 6:16-18 KJV Make the most of this season of singleness, and entrust your dreams to the One who gave them to you. Sep 13, 2019 · Set your heart before the Lord, coming to decide what to omit from your life and for what period of time. I know I have not always had the greatest influence on my husband. We know that it’s in times like these where God reveals His heart and changes ours. Fasting and prayer have their roots in Scripture, with numerous instances demonstrating their importance in a believer’s life. Daniel 9:3. Jan 30, 2014 · I came up with a lesson, based on the object lesson of an empty cup- which represents us as we empty ourselves from the distractions that keep us from focusing on God, and the way God fills us up. I repent of all ancestral idol worship, in the name of Jesus. But then you have fasting. The deal was closed on the 5th day of our prayer and fasting and we received their payment the day after. 6. Feb 15, 2009 · Godly fasting with prayer releases breakthrough power e. You see that he is (insert what he is doing here). For strength and wisdom to stand strong in faith. Mar 29, 2018 · Moses fasted and the byproduct was the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 34:28 ). May he be a man of action for Your Kingdom, initiating new studies and programs for spiritual nurture and ministry. Video unavailable. 3 3) Powerful Prayer For My Husband To Come Home. kg bl cl ik nl vk wc yr du ma