Airflow get dag name from context. The result of templated arguments can be checked with airflow tasks render. Javier Muñoz. A DAG has been created and it works fine. This repository has some examples of Airflow DAGs. The following code solved the issue. Use get_task_instance() utility function to obtain a TaskInstance. The dynamic nature of Airflow allows for the generation of pipelines that can adjust to varying workloads and data patterns. context = get_current_context() The key part of using Tasks is defining how they relate to each other - their dependencies, or as we say in Airflow, their upstream and downstream tasks. Params. 0 and added new functionality and concepts (like the Taskflow API). Option 1 should work if you just change the call to xcom_pull to include the dag_id of the parent dag. e. manual runs). You can run the DAG examples on your local docker. Jun 22, 2022 · You can use Airflow API to extract information about your workflows. Variables. Sep 16, 2020 · I want to be able to test a DAG behaviour by running a backfill. Returns the last dag run for a dag, None if there was none. python import task, get_current_context @task def my_task(): context = get_current_context() dag_run = context["dag_run"] dagrun_conf = dag_run. 10, in gcp composer. Sep 13, 2018 · That is great info but doesn't really answer my question. datetime, use the dag's last execution date as your time filter. _driver_status = "SUBMITTED . from airflow import DAG. The starter template for Apache Airflow version 1. Architecture. utils. For scheduled DAG runs, default Param values are used. – mochatiger Feb 29 at 22:23 The skipped states are propagated downstream to allow for the DAG state to fill up and the DAG run’s state to be inferred. Using airflow 1. In addition, JSON settings files can be bulk uploaded through the UI. I have a BranchPythonOperator that uses the date of the dag run to decide about which branch to go. Provide context is required to use the referenced **kwargs, which I usually name that as **context. Answered by Taragolis on Oct 10, 2023. Table containing DAG properties. Note. start_date will provide the start date (as opposed to the execution date) of the task: from datetime import datetime, timedelta. It will be the page with the log for that failed DAG run. Aug 8, 2018 · When the task instance is cleared, it will set the max_retry number to be the current try_number + retry value. Sorted by: 2. 1 Answer. Variables, macros and filters can be used in templates (see the Jinja Templating section). Instead of hardcoding a datetime. Param values are validated with JSON Schema. Airflow components. For example: get_row_count_operator = PythonOperator(task_id='get_row_count', python_callable=do_work, dag=dag, provide_context=True) Functions. python import get_current_context. In addition we can read from XCom in the podOperator but the dag_run configs are not working, any help Dec 10, 2018 · You will see the list of Slack Workspaces your email is associated with. This allows the executor to trigger higher priority tasks before others when things get backed up. The guide to quickly start Airflow in Docker can be found here . – A dag also has a schedule, a start date and an end date (optional). In Airflow 2. The context objects are accesible just by declaring the parameterss in the task signature: Apr 6, 2023 · How can I extract the hour of an Airflow DAG execution date as a variable and perform manipulations on it (such as multiplication by a factor or subtracting from a value) while ensuring that the DAG can be rerun with a different execution date? I currently write. Set priority_weight as a higher number for more important tasks. dag_id. Click the buttons on top of the task list. execute (context) [source] ¶ Derive when creating an operator. operators. find(dag_id=dag_id) Here's an easy way to get the most recent run's execution time: Templates reference¶. This tutorial builds on the regular Airflow Tutorial and focuses specifically on writing data pipelines using the TaskFlow API paradigm which is introduced as part of Airflow 2. Click on Create Token next to the workspace where you want to send alerts. Sep 6, 2020 · 1. DAG context is used to keep the current DAG when DAG is used as ContextManager. For example, a simple DAG could consist of three tasks The ExternalPythonOperator can help you to run some of your tasks with a different set of Python libraries than other tasks (and than the main Airflow environment). For each schedule, (say daily or hourly), the DAG needs to run each individual tasks as their dependencies are met. Dec 7, 2018 · I use Airflow to manage ETL tasks execution and schedule. scheduled or backfilled. python_operator import PythonOperator # Master DAG with DAG("master_dag", schedule_interval=None) as master_dag: def push_data_to_xcom(): return "Hello from Child DAG!" May 12, 2020 · Get task_id of failed task from within an Airflow DAG level failure callback Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions 0 Sep 29, 2023 · To create a DAG in Airflow, you'll typically follow these steps: Import necessary modules: You’ll need to import airflow modules like `DAG`, `operators`, and `tasks`. answered May 2, 2020 at 16:01. models import Variable # Normal call style foo Jan 1, 2018 · There is no --conf option for the airflow test command but you can work around this by passing parameters to the task's python_callable. 0. For instance, to list all DAG runs for a specific DAG: Nov 17, 2022 · 1. That makes no scene. The TaskFlow API is new as of Airflow 2. According to Airflow documentation, a context dictionary is passed as a single paramet May 26, 2019 · The approach uses the Airflow task object extracted from the key-word arguments supplied by Airflow during a DAG run. python. e. x can be found here. current_state() As I want to check that within the DAG, it is not neccessary to specify the dag. get_dagrun(). dag_id) . models. I have many DAGs, each one notifies to Teams with different values for in MsTeamsWebHook operator. In the callable, if kwargs['test_mode'] is set, you can retrieve the parameters to build a dummy DagRun object like so: from airflow. Let's take a before and after example. 2. Here is a description of how we can do that: First, we need a reference to the task instance. Operators can communicate with other systems via hooks. 9 (GCP Composer). Task groups can also contain other task groups, creating a hierarchical structure of tasks. 10. Overridden DagRuns are ignored. In Airflow, a DAG -- or a Directed Acyclic Graph -- is a collection of all the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies. Can you suggest a way to get current status of a task (other than the one being executed) in the same dag run? DAGs. conf where dagrun_conf will be the variable containing the DAG config parameters Mar 2, 2022 · Utilise the find method of DagRun class. I'm able to access it in a pythonOperator and write to xcom. TaskInstance ("task_id", execution_date). You are printing the dag object if you want to get the dag name you need to get it from the dag object as: def execute_dag_run(**kwargs): dag = kwargs['dag'] print ("dag_id from dag:") print(dag. I know I can use macros to get the execution date. This means that there is no need to import get_current_context anymore. This tutorial will introduce you to the best practices for these three steps. See Operators 101. Oct 10, 2023 · 1. If t Mar 30, 2018 · Try using {{ var. You can read the Rest API documentation here. Jan 10, 2011 · Can I use a TriggerDagRunOperator to pass a parameter to the triggered dag? Airflow from a previous question I know that I can send parameter using a TriggerDagRunOperator. Params enable you to provide runtime configuration to tasks. To add upon that. Jun 4, 2023 · This can be useful when you need to pass information or results from a Child DAG back to the Master DAG or vice versa. So you could do something like: ti = # whatever method you do to get the task_instance object. A dag (directed acyclic graph) is a collection of tasks with directional. Here you can find detailed documentation about each one of the core concepts of Apache Airflow™ and how to use them, as well as a high-level architectural overview. ti = context['task_instance'] for t in ti. The DAG documentation can be written as a doc string at the beginning of the DAG file (recommended), or anywhere else in the file. python import task, get_current_context. You could also use TriggerRules to set tasks downstream of your ETL task that will trigger based on failure or success of the parent task. Mar 20, 2022 · In addition to that, in their DAGs, they needed to take a different flow according to the state of our DAG execution. You can access information from the context using the following methods: Pass the **context argument to the function used in a @task decorated task or PythonOperator. try_number. log. asked Jul 29, 2021 at 3:28. get_last_dagrun(dag_id, session, include_externally_triggered=False)[source] ¶. Both contain dag_id as attribute. Jun 18, 2022 · But if your callback is called with a context for a task different from the failed task (In all cases it picks a random task_id from within the DAG), it would be a bug in airflow, so you can create a git issue and provide the log to find the bug and fix it. But my new question is: Can I use the parameter from the dag_run on a def when using **kwargs? So I can retrieve the xcom values and the dag_run values? Using decorators to define your Python functions as tasks is easy. Invocation instance of a DAG. python import PythonOperator from airflow. get_task_instances(state=TaskInstanceState. conf ['myValue'] via the KubernetesPodOperator in airflow 1. The following come for free out of the box with Airflow. Workloads. value. Once you have the context dict, the 'params' key contains the arguments sent to the Dag via REST API. Learn more about Labs Is there a way to reference Airflow task group by group_id similar to referencing tasks dag_instance. Apr 27, 2022 · I have to create a Kubernetes cron job that will try to get the current status and duration of a particular DAG. More context around the addition and design of the TaskFlow API can be found as part of its Airflow Improvement Proposal AIP-31 May 3, 2020 · 0. conf_path }} -- that should get you to the VariableAccessor instance in the template context, here. However, the issue is that I have to pass the execution_date macro as an API param to be able to Aug 8, 2018 · Yup it is possible What I tried and worked for me is. I can not use Variable. May 2, 2017 · It is actually fairly easy: from airflow. FAILED): # type: TaskInstance. execute (context) [source] – The name of the Airflow connection to use. Jan 11, 2022 · Is it possible to get the actual end time of a dag in Airflow? By end time I mean the exact time the last task of the dag gets completed. Variables are Airflow’s runtime configuration concept - a general key/value store that is global and can be queried from your tasks, and easily set via Airflow’s user interface, or bulk-uploaded as a JSON file. Which means I have to add two more tasks just to read and write from variable. Context of parsing for the DAG. In the context it's thereby available by the task and dag macro. datetime(2021, 1, 1), schedule="@daily", ): EmptyOperator(task_id="task") Basic Python. Variables can be listed, created, updated, and deleted from the UI (Admin -> Variables), code, or CLI. Apache Airflow's dynamic context is essential for creating flexible and dynamic DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs). from airflow import DAG from airflow. Here is an example of the function: from airflow. Refer to get_template_context for more context. 9. empty import EmptyOperator with DAG( dag_id="my_dag_name", start_date=datetime. Returns: Jan 10, 2010 · I know I can filter afterwards, from dag_runs, with a for loop all dags that where in the desired day but I would like something more efficient that does not bring from the db all records. User interface. Type of return for DagRun. 0 and contrasts this with DAGs written using the traditional paradigm. as example: Dec 4, 2018 · @joeb, i tried using TaskInstance from airflow. The callable only writes the latest execution date to a file so you can implement the function the following way: def store_last_execution_date(execution_date): '''Appends latest execution date to a file. models import DagRun. operators. Access the Airflow context. today() But what i'm looking for is the execution date dag (airflow. Airflow operators. While defining the PythonOperator, pass the following argument provide_context=True. This context is the same context you get in jinja templates . scheduled runs), or by an external trigger (i. I simply created a function to loop through the past n_days and check the status. In the Grid View of the Airflow UI, task groups have a note showing how many tasks they contain. – May 14, 2021 · The code above works just fine but, the so called context objects, are directly accesible in task-decorated functions. The PythonOperator op_args parameter is templatized. Architecture Diagrams. base. Airflow Dags actually have a class called DagRun that can be accessed like so: dag_runs = DagRun. The starter template was originally written for Apache Airflow versions 1. y2k-shubham. dag. You can configure default Params in your DAG code and supply additional Params, or overwrite Param values, at runtime when you trigger a DAG. blog/airflow/execute-context) to fetch the current run_id: Oct 11, 2021 · I'm trying to understand what is this variable called context in Airflow operators. Dec 10, 2021 · I want to build a unit test for a function which uses get_current_context in Apache Airflow. I am trying to run a airflow DAG and need to pass some parameters for the tasks. dag_parsing_context. I need this JobID for tracking and log creat Working with TaskFlow. E. task. Context is the same dictionary used as when rendering jinja templates. The function is used within multiple tasks to create a filename used to read and write to the file from these different tasks. Exceptions are only passed to the failure callback on the task level, so configure the callback either on your operator, or via default_args on the DAG to all operators: process_name, default_args=default_args, schedule_interval='@daily', Jul 3, 2018 · A few things you can try: Define the functions you want to call as PythonOperators and then call them at the task level instead of at the DAG level. I use. Jan 7, 2021 · There is a new function get_current_context() to fetch the context in Airflow 2. task_id='myTask', python_callable = task1, op_kwargs={"name": "{{ dag_run. ex: airflow trigger_dag 'dag_name' -r 'run_id' --conf '{"key":"value"}' Sep 6, 2020 · 1. Nov 30, 2022 · Here is the solution I find for it from the stack overflow answer . g. So we implemented a custom sensor operator and here is the code with the Operator that does literally nothing. With current solution I have to ling DAG to 2 functions (success and failure) and those functions to the common function in library. We can get the list of failed tasks by using passed context only. In the following code block, I am trying to show all possible ways to use the configurations passed, directly to different operators Aug 24, 2021 · You can define on_failure_callback on the DAG and on the task level. x. _driver_id is None: raise AirflowException( "No driver id is known: something went wrong when executing " + "the spark submit command" ) # We start with the SUBMITTED status as initial status self. EXEC_HOUR = '{{ execution_date. Click the arrow next to names of task groups in the task list. I have prepared a simple DAG with task that displays execution date (ds) as a parameter: Sep 24, 2020 · 2. Under the Traditional syntax tab below, there is a basic ETL DAG with tasks to get data from an API, process the data, and store it. This might be a virtual environment or any installation of Python that is preinstalled and available in the environment where Airflow task is running. DagTag. Apr 20, 2016 · Such as a dag that 'downloads all newly added files'. If you want a specific page in the UI for that DAG, say you want the 'Grid' view of a particular DAG like the picture I attach, you can simply hardcode the URL and include this URL in your slack May 9, 2022 · Get early access and see previews of new features. Thank you very much for this. ) When triggering the DAG, I provided a configuration JSON from Airflow web UI, which is {"name":"foo"} But the problem is that the name specified in JSON can only be access Nov 6, 2023 · Task groups are a way of grouping tasks together in a DAG, so that they appear as a single node in the Airflow UI. Certain tasks have the property of depending on their own past, meaning that they can't run until their previous schedule (and upstream tasks) are completed. Apr 1, 2022 · And with the following DAG: myTask = myPythonOperator(. Apr 11, 2017 · When we do a dagrun, on the Airflow UI, in the "Graph View" we get details of each job run. The Airflow context is available in all Airflow tasks. For example, a simple DAG could consist of three These Airflow default variables are only instantiated in the context of a task instance for a given DAG run, and thus they are only available in the templated fields of each operator. Jun 21, 2021 · I can get the url of the DAG but I need to get the URL of the specific DAG execution so I can provide that link in the callback functions which sends a notification. How do I read the JSON string passed as the --conf parameter in the command line trigger_dag command, in the python DAG file. Jan 10, 2010 · airflow. kwargs['dag_run']. 4 instead you can use get_parsing_context() method to retrieve the current context in documented and predictable way. The DAG examples can be found in the dags directory. get_parsing_context () Return the current (DAG) parsing context info. logging_mixin. def run_this_func(ds, **kwargs): if kwargs['test Templating the PythonOperator works different from other operators; variables are passed to the provided callable. A DAG is defined in a Python script, which represents the DAGs structure (tasks and their dependencies) as code. DAG documentation only supports markdown so far, while task documentation supports plain text, markdown, reStructuredText, json, and yaml. Below you can find some examples on how to implement task and DAG docs, as DAGs. Control Flow. from airflow. Context provides a lot of useful information specific to a DAG run. is_first = ti. From TaskInstance object, you can get start_date & end_date. DagOwnerAttributes. Architecture Overview. AirflowParsingContext[source] ¶. strftime("%H") }}' Jan 30, 2020 · I built a custom operator on Airflow that calls an API to fetch data and then write it to BigQuery. Bases: airflow. Use the SlackAPIPostOperator (Remember to Jun 21, 2019 · I have implemented email alerts on success and failure using on_success_callback and on_failure_callback. :param execution_date: The last execution date of the DagRun. models. But is it possible to pass parameters when manually trigger the dag via cli. It can be used to group tasks in a DAG. 3. get_task('task_name')? Nov 24, 2020 · Airflow, however, does not stop us from using XCOM to communicate between DAGs. airflow. # We want the Airflow job to wait until the Spark driver is finished if self. A dag (directed acyclic graph) is a collection of tasks with directional dependencies. There are three ways to declare a DAG - either you can use a context manager, which will add the DAG to anything inside it implicitly: import datetime from airflow import DAG from airflow. ex: airflow trigger_dag 'dag_name' -r 'run_id' --conf '{"key":"value"}' Jul 25, 2021 · The DAG starter template / boilerplate. ScheduleInterval[source] ¶. Step 1 returns a list, so we sort it by the last execution date. I'm riding the struggle bus pretty hardcore right now with this on. Additional custom macros can be added globally through Plugins, or at a DAG level through the DAG. Deploying Airflow components. Task groups can have their own dependencies, retries, trigger rules, and other parameters, just like regular tasks. We can get that, for example, in the PythonOperator when we set the provide_context parameter to True: Aug 17, 2020 · Variables in Airflow are a generic way to store and retrieve arbitrary content or settings as a simple key-value store within Airflow. I know, that I can use the context dictionary ( https://composed. conf['name'] }}"}, provide_context=True. So the log link that you are including in the alert should take you to the Airflow UI. 0, and you are likely to encounter DAGs written for previous versions of Airflow that instead use PythonOperator to achieve similar goals, albeit with a lot more code. get because they need their own PythonOperator. Trying to use them outside of this context will not work. x and added Airflow 2. cfg the following property should be set to true: dag_run_conf_overrides_params=True. The data pipeline chosen here is a simple pattern with three separate Jul 14, 2022 · In order to load the log file, I need to access the current dag_id, run_id, task_id and try_number. Operators describe what to do; hooks determine how to do work. We call the upstream task the one that is directly preceding the other task. default_args = {. You are looking for the upstream task ids and it should be possible to get these via upstream_list or upstream_list_task_ids. ti = TaskInstance(*your_task*, execution_date) state = ti. See the Python Documentation. If you have a function with context, it's context ['task']. Understanding Airflow's Dynamic Context. Here are some key aspects of Airflow's dynamic context: Sep 24, 2020 · 2. edited Jul 29, 2021 at 3:35. Maybe also this post helps you. There are three ways to expand or collapse task groups: Click on the note (for example +2 tasks). By default the xcom_pull call will look for the task_id 'load_config' in its own dag which doesnt exist. For example: My DAG Best Practices. Aug 20, 2021 · Consider the following example, the first task will correspond to your SparkSubmitOperator task: _get_upstream_task Takes care of getting the state of the first task from the second one, by performing a query to the metadata database: Oct 7, 2020 · 1. max_tries - ti. Click on the Decorators tab to see the same DAG written using Airflow decorators. You declare your Tasks first, and then you declare their dependencies second. Creating a new DAG is a three-step process: writing Python code to create a DAG object, testing if the code meets your expectations, configuring environment dependencies to run your DAG. retries + 1 == ti. Last dag run can be any type of run eg. A dag also has a schedule, a start date and an end date (optional). Jan 12, 2021 · You can access the context as follows: from airflow. In Airflow, a DAG – or a Directed Acyclic Graph – is a collection of all the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies. The function _get_previous_ti() returns the previous task instance, which is the same task, but from the previous task run. DAG | None) – a reference to the dag the task is attached to (if any) priority_weight – priority weight of this task against other task. Upon iterating over the collection of things to generate DAGs for, you can use the context to determine whether you need to generate all DAG objects (when parsing in the DAG File processor), or to generate only a airflow. To use them, just import and call get on the Variable model: from airflow. From the docs : Nov 3, 2017 · Is it possible to get the actual start time of a dag in Airflow? By start time I mean the exact time the first task of a dag starts running. decorators import task from airflow. These were once referred to as context and there was an argument to PythonOperator provide_context, but that is deprecated now, I believe. timezone import datetime def _process ( queued_at, start_date, end_date ): print ( f"queued_at={queued_at Create a Timetable instance from a schedule_interval argument. user_defined_macros arg Jan 15, 2023 · Note you don't need to import and call get_current_context(), you can define the test task as def test(**context) and have access to it. For example, a link for an owner that will be passed as. 762 1 12 31. I have returned 2 examples for you to see a) the state, b) the last execution date, you can explore this further by just returning last_dag_run[0] Args: dag_id (str): The dag_id to check. dagrun import DagRun from airflow. models import TaskInstance. Airflow will increments the try_number by 1 when running, so I imagine you Oct 8, 2020 · 2. I want to start a DAG by reading a variable and ending the DAG by writing to that variable. As a sidenote, the context / kwargs do contain end_date & END_DATE (nodash-format), but not start_date. So that I should be able to notify respective stakeholders that this DAG is running for this much time airflow-dag-examples. Apr 25, 2016 · At airflow. class airflow. We've rewritten the code for Airflow 2. Return repr (self). If these values are not None, they will contain the specific DAG and Task ID that Airflow is requesting to execute. _should_track_driver_status: if self. So adding a method in the class DagRun is not an option for me. Base, airflow. utils. You can use DAG as context: with DAG ( dag_id = "example_dag" , default_args = default_args , schedule = "0 0 * * *" , dagrun_timeout = timedelta ( minutes = 60 ), ) as dag : Jul 29, 2021 · airflow. JobID is something like "scheduled__2017-04-11T10:47:00". LoggingMixin. task_instance_scheduling_decisions. A tag name per dag, to allow quick filtering in the DAG view. Trying to access the dag_run. A DAG run can be created by the scheduler (i. set nor Variable. Oct 27, 2020 · It is just to have cleaner code. DagModel. datetime. Jul 13, 2021 · Two ways: same macros are available in the form of context dictionary passed to execute method of your operator. Bases: NamedTuple. dag import DAG from airflow. Table defining different owner attributes. kn sd jh bd cn oj yy se iw fn