Stm32 gpio alternate function. GPIO Register Map and Reset Values.

Stm32 gpio alternate function GPIO alternate function low register: 32: 4: GPIOx_AFRH: GPIO alternate function high How to initialze GPIO_InitStruct Alternate function for UART2 with CubeMX V5. I've followed the instructions given in the Output Mode: The GPIO pin sends signals to control external devices, like turning an LED on or off. chm file at the top level of the zip) and check the example code. The GPIO registers are defined in the struct aliased to the GPIO_TypeDef type. In this table you will find the alternate functions that could be provided by each pin. 2) you have to check the availability of the signal in your package and the number of pins (available) that supports this signal. FastBit Embedded Brain Academy Courses, Posted on September 22, 2012 at 03:30 I'm familiar with using alternate function inputs on the STM32F1 series; the associated GPIO pin is set as an input (CNFx[1:0], MODEx[1:0] bits), AFIO clock is enabled, and the AFIO->MAPR register is set appropriately. Alternate = GPIO_AF7_USART1 とすることで、これらのピンを USART1 の機能として使えるようになります。 今回はSTM32マイコ How to set pin speed/alternate function in STM32 Arduino (PlatformIO) You can use the STM32 HAL (STM32CubeMX) even when using Arduino as a framework for STM32 boards in PlatformIO: , . #include <stm32f4xx_hal_gpio. GPIO_PinSource,: specifies the pin for the Alternate function. It enables /disables pull-up and pull-down resistors. 0. For AF13: – (Not defined, behaves as standard GPIO). Note: For details on pin availability, refer to the pinout section in the corresponding device datasheet. 1 Kudo Reply. 在STM32微控制器中,Alternate Functions(AF)和 Additional Functions具有不同的含义和用途,尽管它们在某些方面可能有所重叠。 Alternate Functions(AF) Alternate 01. Of course, being under software control, the peripheral toggling the SPI clock would 默认功能:gpio引脚的基本用途,作为数字输入输出端口。引脚复用:gpio引脚可以配置为多种外设的接口,增加功能的多样性。引脚重映射:将外设的某些功能从一组默认的gpio引脚映射到另一组可选的gpio引脚,增加设计的灵活性。理解这三种用法对于充分利用stm32和gd32等微控制器的gpio资源至关重要。 GPIO functional description AN4899 8/31 AN4899 Rev 3 4 GPIO functional description STM32 GPIO can be used in a variety of configurations. Pin = GPIO_PIN_6; GPIO_InitStruct. GPIOx->AFRL (alternate function register low) GPIOx->AFRH (alternate function register high) Reset. I understood that I can configure each pin with the GPIOx_CRn register for his alternate function. The STM32 microcontroller’s GPIO has a hardware feature allowing you to tie certain port’s pins to a Possibly you'd also need to set the field GPIO_InitStructure. 1. Alternate = GPIO_AF1_TIM1 }; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, & pinInit); Use. Since we are using the Pins for Alternate Function, we need to select the Alternate Function Mode in the MODE Register. Mark as New; Bookmark In examples there is always set GPIO_InitStruct. Alternate, but in my struct, created by CubeMX, there is no Alternate Parameter. GPIO Register Map. If you check out the reference manual of the STM32F103 in section 9. - I see that I can switch from GPIO to AFIO function with the help of GPIOx_CRL and GPIOx_CRH registers. Depending on the nSWBOOT0 bit in the user option byte, it switches from the input mode to the analog input Hello, and welcome to this presentation of the STM32 general-purpose IO interface. AFIO_MAPR_ADC2_ETRGINJ_REMAP. PA3's Alternate function can be USART2, ADC or TIM2. 10: Alternate function mode. GPIO pins have the capability of providing an alternate function apart from the regular three modes. The driver also exposes apis to read and write data to and from gpio pins and enable and disable interrupts . as in the case of TIM1 are all the Port A, B or E assignments would be same in all respects or will there be any difference from one case to the other? STM32 GPIO Clock. VBUS sensing was also disabled and USB clock needs to be enabled as well. Up to 14 I/O pins in this domain can be used to communicate with other logic circuits which are supplied by voltage rails other than VDD. Để cấu hình được GPIO 2 chế độ INPUT và OUTPUT, các bạn cần xem lại bài STM 5. see also AN4899 Application note "STM32 microcontroller GPIO hardware settings and low-power consumption" hth. GPIO; use STM32. In STM32 this assignment is, as in AVRs, not 100% deliberate, certain pins are reserved for certain functions. This is achieved by software, by Let’s discuss what precisely alternate function mode. For AF15:- EVENT OUT . 5 Continuous conversion mode . Certainly you can't just switch a single signal to any of 16 different GPIOs. 08 V, much lower than the VDD supply of the STM32, which can range up to 3. The output configuration (pp vs. For AF14: – (Not defined, behaves as standard GPIO). The Alternate function mapping を眺めてみてください。 そして GPIO_InitStruct. * @param GPIO_PinSource: specifies the pin for the Alternate function. All the functions to setup IOs, peripherals, etc are in there. Remap an alternate function from one GPIO to another Let's see how we can remap an alternate function from one GPIO to another using STM32CubeMX. These registers offer granular control over Each STM32 ball/pin is multiplexed in order to support multiple functions. Wish is the same as the Alternate function configuration in the AN4760. It is clearly defined. You will find there Remapping Alternate Function Pins in STM32. As all registers with the STM32 microcontrollers, each of these registers are 32 bits. 4 it states: It is also possible to emulate the AFI input pin by software by programming the GPIO controller. e INPUT Mode, OUTPUT Mode, ANALOG Mode and Alternate Function Mode. In STM32-G0B1RE, The next step is to set up the GPIOs that will function as D+ and D-. In this case, the port should be configured in Alternate Function Output mode. 61. A lot of this mess is inherited from the STM32F1 series, which the GD32F103 is a clone of. When you want to switch back to PWM mode, call HAL_GPIO_Init again and set them up in alternate function TIM mode. how to set PA11&PA12 to USB_OTG_HS pin after it is set to GPIO in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-12-23; Top. Randomblue STM32 F4 Hal libraries GPIO PIN alternate function ismimusyafani. Mark as New; Bookmark GPIO_InitStruct. gpio复用概述stm32f4 有很多的内置外设,这些外设的外部引脚都是与 gpio 复用的。也就是说,一个 gpio如果可以复用为内置外设的功能引脚,那么当这个 gpio 作为内置外 【经验分享】stm32 gpio功能复用 ,st意法 I need to generate two opposite PWM signals (when one is high the other one is low) using timers in STM32. PU = pull-up, PD = pull-down, OD = open-drain, AF = alternate function. Cite. In this article, we go over the alternate function low register and the alternate function high register for an STM32F4xx discovery board. In STM32 microcontrollers, Alternate Function (AF) mode is a powerful feature that allows GPIO pins to serve specific roles beyond simple digital input or output. how to configure GPIO PIN alternate function in hal driver ? in std_periph driver i usually used this code: GPIO_PinAFConfig For ex. • Register GPIOx_PUPDR is relevant when the pin is not configured in analog mode. GPIO_AF,: selects the pin to used as Alternate function. From now on you can do GPIO_Toggle(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_5) and it would work, since the pin is now under software control. Số lượng Port phụ thuộc vào số lượng chân(pin) và cách gọi phụ thuộc vào nhà sản xuất(ví dụ VĐK X có PortA mà lại không có PortD). They will be applied in case no `bias-foo` or `driver-bar` properties are set. The 4 bits for each pin can be set to: 0b0011 (binary) or 0x3 (HEX) - Corresponds to setting pin as SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; MDMA Transfer in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-08; Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; Top. The multiplexer connects either the Output Data Register (ODR) or the Alternate Function (AF) to the output driver. Each GPIO pin can be individually configured by software in any of the following modes: • Input floating • Input pull-up • Input-pull-down • Analog • Output open-drain with pull-up or pull-down In my STM32, if I have set the GPIO_MODER as "Alternate function" and did not set any values in the GPIO_AFRL and GPIO_AFHL, I guess it will take the defaukt value of AF0. They must be set to their alternate function for USB. Port pins can work in several modes: Input floating; Input pull-up; Input pull-down; Analog; Output open drain; Output push-pull; Alternate function push-pull; Alternate function open drain. Skip to content. I'm confused how to do the same on STM3 The general-purpose I/O pins of STM32 microcontrollers provide an interface with the external environment. But most of the pins seem to have more than 1 default alternate function (or at least thats how I understand from Pg 21 to 25 in STM32 103's datasheet). What is the EVENTOUT alternate function of my STM32? stm32; Share. GPIO_PinState HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin); For instance, to read PE13 input pin, use \$\begingroup\$ what that is saying is the pin can be connected to those three things internally it defaults to one and can be switched to one of the others using the alternate function settings. 6 Timing diagram Posted on August 02, 2017 at 01:35 Reference manual RM0351 STM32L4xx, section 8. Each STM32 ball/pin is multiplexed in order to support multiple functions. 如何理解STM32单片机引脚的复用功能? Alternate Function)。 STM32Fxx系列单片机的GPIO引脚可以配置为浮空输入(Input Floating)、上拉输入(Input Pull-up)、下拉输入(Input Pull-down)、模拟量(Analog)、 开漏输出 (Output Open-drain)、推挽输出(Output Push-pull)、 复用开 CRH is used to set type/and or speed of pins 8-15 of the port CRL is used to set type/and or speed of pins 0-7 of the port Accessed as a 32 bit word, with 4 bits representing the state of each pin. But, moving this to the stm23f407 doesn't produce any result. The reason each pin is allocated to 4 bits is because there are 16 possible alternate functions for each pins For AF12: – (Not defined, behaves as standard GPIO). In this article, we go over what is the alternate function mode of a general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pin when working with an STM32F4xx discovery board. At no point is the event defined, or a use case given. This is one of the alternate functions for this pin. GPIO Alternate Function Low Register (Gpiox_Afrl) (X = A. I have read several examples and this is the code I came up with: void TM_PINS_Init(void) RM0041 Rev 6 7/709 RM0041 Contents 21 10. All pin settings are performed via the GPIO internal peripheral, which can be configured through Linux ® kernel. Functions are set of instructions that required to perform certain tasks. This parameter can be one of the following value: GPIO_AF_0: WKUP, EVENTOUT, TIM15, SPI1, TIM17,MCO, SWDAT, SWCLK, TIM14, BOOT,USART1, CEC, IR_OUT, SPI2 I) to select the GPIO peripheral. Is there an application like CAPS for STR91x family to help me assign alternate functions and remap pins for the STM32 family ? Thank you. These alternate functions are tied to subsystems inside the MCU, such as one or more SPI, I2C, USART, Timer, DMA or other peripherals. Posted on July 13, 2012 at 10:37 Hello I have to use PB3 - PB4 - PB5 alternate function for using SPI3 or SPI1 But these pins are looking on JTAG. 1. About STMicroelectronics. I suspect this may have to do with the alternate function setting, which is required. EVENTOUT alternate function SMakr. 1 GPIO abbreviations Several GPIO structures are available across the range of STM32 devices. The pinouts found on the net have some mistakes concerning the alternate functions. The following tables list all alternate functions supported by each GPIO pin When a GPIO pin is used for any alternate purpose other than as a general purpose input or output pin, then it is said to be in alternate function mode. Because, the pin is now used for an alternate function, that is SPI. So I want to write a guide about GPIO pins and their alternate functions to understand their work and help others getting started easily. Change the rising and falling edge when the pin state changes from high to low or low to high. Each port on STM32 can have up to 16 GPIO pins. Some of the newer STM32 have inconsistent muxing across multiple GPIO banks, especially SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; MDMA Transfer in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-08; Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; Top. It covers the general-purpose Alternate function registers are used to select the configuration for the peripherals in this case. Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH, . GPIOx->BRR (bit reset register) GPIO_InitTypedef. 对于单片机而言,GPIO引脚配置是最基本的,也是最重要的,因为所有的(信号)输入和(控制)输出都是通过这些配置起作用的。这里就不得不提到单片机的复用功能AF(Alternate Function),这篇文章我们说一说复 GPIOx_AFRH: GPIO alternate function high register GPIOx_ASCR: GPIO port analog switch control register 2 GPIO main features STM32 GPIO exhibits the following features: • Output states: push-pull, or open drain + pull-up / pull-down according to GPIOx_MODER, GPIOx_OTYPER, and GPIOx_PUPDR registers settings • Output data from output data That being said, we will be using timers and their associated GPIO ports with Alternate Function modes. USART in In the STM32 reference manual (Doc ID 13902 Rev 13) in section 9. Posted on October 13, 2010 at 09:56 ALTERNATE FUNCTION CONFUSION. For example, an STM32 pin can operate in three different modes: GPIO, alternate functions or analog. So both of these registers are used when you are setting the mode for a GPIO pin in alternate But I can't find the table with the values used for GPIOx_AFRL (for pin 0 to 7) and GPIOx_AFRH (for pin 8 to 15) configuration in order to select the appropriate alternate function. This structure is made of 5 elements: Alternate Once configuring the GPIO in analog mode the pull up/downs are disabled by hardware in the case of STM32F3 Series as shown in Table 4. About the IO pin: digital input, digital output, digital alternate function or analog. 文章浏览阅读4. Read a STM32 GPIO input pin. • Register GPIO_OTYPER is relevant when the pin is an output: it selects open drain vs push-pull operation. Second, having each I/O function include a multiplexer to select which pin it should accept input from, and another for output data. This parameter can be GPIO_PinSourcex where x can be (0. Alternate functions means that the same I/O pin can be connect to different peripherals using multiplexer. It likely depends on the default settings for the GPIO/AFIO, or other registers in the design. 5, they say: To optimize the number of peripheral I/O functions for different I have an ARM STM32 where each GPIO pin can be configured as "input", "output", "analogue" or "alternate function". 08 chế độ GPIO của STM32 cần biết. GPIO_AFSelection,: selects the pin to used as Alternate function. System Configuration Controller (SYSCFG) I/O Compensation Cell. allows the STM32 to communicate with logic supplied from 1. GPIO (pin) output-speed configuration. ). STM32 microcontrollers are one of the most popular MCUs in the world. 0 Kudos Reply. Follow asked Mar 26, 2012 at 14:59. The two remappings need to be done separately, combining them does not work. Alternate function selection. Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:11 /***** * Function Name : GPIO_PinRemapConfig The alternate functions of various pins are shown below: STM32 HAL Functions for GPIO Peripheral . This parameter can be one of the following values: GPIO_AF_RTC_50Hz: Connect RTC_50Hz pin to AF0 (default after reset) Posted on August 09, 2012 at 14:05. I assume you actually wrote *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&m_USART->TDR) = c; but that is still wrong. There are many reasons for that. GPIO_Speed if your clock signal is faster than 2 MHz (the default setting). In the pinout and configuration window, we can select a specific pin and its function. 16-32micros. AN5310 I/O configurations AN5310 - Rev 1 page 7/32. The OSC_OUT pin can be used as a GPIO or it can be configured as OSC_EN alternate function, to provide an enable signal to external clock synthesizer. ( have a look at RM0385) best regards. 4 STM32F3 Series and STM32G4 Series analog peripheral overview Table 6 is an For STM32Gxxx, is it possible to sample (read) GPIO input while pin is assigned to peripheral (alternate function)? For some other MCU vendors, it is possible to read the GPIO input pin, while the pin is assigned to a peripheral (using alternate function). Below is the diagram for the GPIO alternate function low register. STM32 Pin controller Node Based on pincfg-node. 3V ? in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-10-21; STM32H503RB - Eval Board PORT configuration issue in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-08-09; STM32U5G7VJT6Q - 5V-tolerant pins (FT_h) for Hall encoder in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-07-05; STM32F407 MCU Maximum Voltage Input in STM32 . SYSCFG Registers. GPIO. For example, the same GPIO pin can be used for ADC, SPI, UART peripherals, etc. All S SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; How to Set Up a Multicast in the LoRaWAN_AT_Slave Example for FUOTA? in STM32 MCUs Wireless 2025-01-06; Top. Browse STMicroelectronics Community. But I don't see how to set / change that. . Device; with STM32. General-purpose IO pins of STM32 microcontrollers provide an interface with the external environment. This function returns GPIO_PIN_RESET if pin value is low and returns GPIO_PIN_SET if pin value is high. Below is a list of all STM32 GPIO special function registers that we’ll be using to control the GPIO pins directly without HAL functions. In "alternate function" mode, the ARM drives a lot of the logic for basic communication protocols, removing some of the grunt work for the programmer. 4. If a pin or a bus is supposed to be bidirectional for an Alternate Function, configure it as an Alternate Function in Output mode and the input configuration happens automatically. #define AFIO_MAPR_ADC2_ETRGINJ_REMAP (1 << 19) ADC2 external trigger injected conversion remapping (only low-, medium-, high- and XL-density devices) STM32 GPIO Example LED Button. 5) = OUTPUT. SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; GPIO system including the alternate function settings allows these pins to be reconfigured from the default configurations to the on-board peripherals as input or output pins with full pull up and pull down control. Independent voltage supplies may allow for the omission of Posted on February 03, 2018 at 18:07 In STM32 there are two modes to configure GPIOS, input and output. SYSCFG Memory Remap Register (SYSCFG_MEMRMP) For Stm32F405Xx/07Xx and Stm32F415Xx/17Xx. Documents: You need to have the Reference Manual (RM) RM0351 STM32L4x6 advanced ARM -based 32 -bit MCUs Below is the diagram for the GPIO alternate function low register. Take a quick look at it, but don’t focus too much on it, as the Hi, I am using STM32l4 nucleo-144 board to create an example application for LPUART1 communication. 15) được config bởi 4 bit cho mỗi pin, tương ứng trong thanh ghi với 15 giá trị tưng ứng từ AF0 đến AF15: 0000: AF0 1111: AF15 Then and using the GPIO alternate function low register (GPIOx_AFRL) and GPIO alternate function high register (GPIOx_AFRH) we have to do this configuration. * This parameter can be GPIO_PinSourcex where x can be (0. Associate III Options GPIO alternate function low register 偏移地址:0x20 复位值:0x0000 0000. A higher GPIO speed increases the EMI noise from STM32 and increases the STM32 consumption. When you dereference this pointer by accessing the structure members the compiler knows where in the No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09 LIN break interrupt timing on STM32C011 versus STM32G431 in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2024-11-19 Alternatives to Flash Memory for Bootloader Storage on STM32F103 in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2024-10-10 The only other thing I can imagine is if perhaps when you've set a pin to alternate-function output mode, but the AFIO peripheral clock isn't enabled, that because the regular GPIO output registers are disconnected and the alternate function isn't controlling state of the pin's push-pull output drivers (i. I tested it with the USART_1 on PA9/10 and it worked fine. But (certainly on the simpler AVRs) there's generally no more than one AF on a pin; so there's no need to decide between multiple different AFs - eg, simply enabling the UART turns its associated @danielbathtub - you can see this in Figure 17 in the Reference Manual:. To optimize the number of peripheral I/O functions for different device packages, it is possible to remap some alternate functions to some other pins. The definition from your question just defines the pointer to the struct of type GPIO_TypeDef with address defined by the integer constant GPIOA_BASE. Basically, the pins are GPIOs which can be assigned to alternate functions, e. 11: Analog mode, gets me to Alternate function mode (a peripheral such as an ADC or DAC) or Analog mode. GPIOx_MODER (Mode Register): This register sets the pin mode (input, output, alternate function, or analog) for each pin in the port. By changing the selector pins on the multiplexer, the I/O pin can be shared with multiple peripherals. The person who wrote the standard device header has taken great care to make sure that USARTx->TDR already has the correct type, I strongly advise you to trust them and not cast it! GPIO_PinSource,: specifies the pin for the Alternate function. STM32F405 code compatibility with STM32F407. As every model of STM32F chip has different numbers of pins and internal peripherals, the “alternate functions” matrix is only found in the data sheet, not in the programming references. What is the idea that in many cases alternate function inputs are configured as 'alternate function push-pull'? In most cases it seems to work, but why? From the documents I've got the idea that the inputs are always going to the alternate function and the 'alternate function' output mode affects only the output drivers. 165 10. Alternate function Mode. Once a GPIO pin is set to AF to one of the compare-capture channels of a timer, the timer takes over the pin's control and it \$\begingroup\$ Some microcontrollers only require one to select the functions associated with output pins; for input functions that can be mapped to more than one pin, a separate configuration area may be used to select the input associated with a pin. This is despite the fact that the GPIO pins for SPI are shown green on the Pinout & Configuration window and it is able to generate code for other GPIO pins, like the pins connected to the LEDs. Depending on the nSWBOOT0 bit in the user option byte, ok today I played a bit around with the STM32-P103 board ( STM32F103RBT6 ) and get confused with alternate function of the GPIO pins. Alternate Function Registers. . yaml binding. Note: `bias-disable` and `drive-push-pull` are default pin configurations. GPIO Overview để nắm được các thanh ghi và chế độ của ngoại vi GPIO trong STM32. In the following article, let’s see Enabling and disabling GPIO peripheral clock. Go to solution I wonder if the output controller is sending output to MOSFET to open both P-MOSFET and N-MOSFET until the output of Alternate Function is started under Alternate Function Mode + Push Pull You have to look at the specific entries of the "Port x alternate functions" tables in the datasheet (that Clive mentioned) in order to know the relation among SPI functions, the GPIO ports and pins that implement them, and the corresponding AF codes. 10 GPIO registers AFRL and AFRH are not defined in the stm32l4xx. In general, a function is first declared STM32 Nucleo GPIO Pins Configiuration. The driver allows user to configure the gpio pins of stm32 microcontroller in Input Mode , Output mode , Alternate function mode , interrupt mode and configure interrupt priority . It allows stopping the external clock source when the device enters low power modes. 1 GPIO port mode register (GPIOx_MODER) (x = A. 9 and 8. All forum topics; Previous Topic; Next Topic; 6 Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:18. Figure 2. 2 Kudos Reply. The I/O pins on any STM32 have great flexibility, and are configured via the “alternate functions” registers. h> 5. As in AVRs in STM32 MCUs as well, you can assign different functions to a number of the controller’s pins. 6 V. alternate function selection and the push-pull vs open-drain selection, these actually have distinct configuration bits at hardware level, and a define or enum for an open drain alternate function is provided. Với việc điều khiển LED, ta thường sử dụng mode Push Pull. If the pin is supposed to be an input SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; MDMA Transfer in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-08; Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; Top. Chế độ Alternate function push-pull: Có cấu hình I/O tích hợp, chức năng Input và ứng dụng Ở STM32 thì các chân GPIO chia ra làm nhiều Port vd: PortA, PortB. g. Alternate Functions in the STM32 MCU. The legal values that can be assigned to the member Alternate are listed under GPIO_Alternate_function_selection in the file stm32f4xx_hal_gpio_ex. Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; Hi @jean First, STM32CubeMX tool should help for pins assignment and suitable alternate functions activation. A particular MCU variant can have multiple such ports. Each GPIO pin can be individually configured by software in any of the following modes: • Input floating • Input pull-up • Input-pull-down • Analog • Output open-drain with pull-up or pull-down A tutorial on how to configure pins of a STM32 microcontroller to alternate function mode. This is crucial for using the microcontroller’s advanced peripherals Collaboration diagram for Alternate Function Remap Controls: Macros: Definition at line 799 of file f1/gpio. STM32F756VGH6 SPI pins are not responding in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-14; STM32F7 RS485 DE Enable Not working in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-13; STM32H7 GPIO Default Behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 And initialize the gpio using stm32-core with pinMode(MAQUEENPLUS_PIN_ENCODER_L_A, INPUT_PULLUP); And this works as expected. h, for example GPIO_AF9_TIM12. Are all assignments of Alternate Functions equal or is there any more preferable port for peripheral alternate functions. Now, my understanding is that, 8. This Alternate function registers are used to select the configuration for PB8 may be used as boot pin (BOOT0) or as a GPIO. But still not able to do a successful transaction. A single GPIO pin may have multiple alternate functions. The pins are multiplexed to provide functionalities like USART Tx pin, I2C data pin, etc. In Linux kernel, each GPIO bank is declared as a "gpio-controller" in the device tree and each pin can then be used via two different consumer frameworks: Pinctrl framework is used to control the alternate function (AF) selection for a given device driver, via the Pinctrl device tree configuration. 9w次,点赞52次,收藏198次。GPOIO可作为I2C,SPI,USART等通讯接口,这就是所谓的复用功能(alternate function output)。GPIO的复用功能由AFRL及AFRH两个寄存器来设定(因为Cortex Mx为32位CPU,所以每个寄存器有32bits可供控制)。STM32针对每个接口pin设计了16种复用功能(AF0~AF15),因为每个pin GPIO Alternate Function Registers (AFIO) These registers are part of the AFIO (Alternate Function I/O) block. Now for the GPIO configuration, I will cover all the 4 configurations i. e. For example PA0. Alternate Function Mapping . We will show in this article how to The AN4899 (STM32 GPIO configuration for hardware settings and low-power consumption) provides a detailed description of the various GPIO modes. , UART, SPI) by assigning an alternate function. * @param GPIO_AF: selects the pin to be used as Alternate function. For SPI communication, No pull up or pull down resistors are required. GPIO Register Map and Reset Values. This is the purpose of this article. GPIO Port alternate function register (GPIOx AFRL và GPIO AFRH) Tôi lấy ví dụ với thanh ghi GPIOx_AFRL: AFRLy: Alternate function pin thứ y (y = 0. Now the Device Configuration Tool window will open up. In this tutorial we will start with the OUTPUT configuration. I hope you have some understanding of what each port is intended for. in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2025-01-06 In the manual of my STM32, one of the GPIO Alternate Functions (namely AF15, see page 138) is called EVENTOUT. You will find there some guidelines for power optimization. Refer to the product's datasheet for the alternate function mapping options available. Chế độ Input Floating: Có cấu hình chân I/O với chức năng làm ngõ vào và để nổi. h file, except as __IO uint32_t AFR[2]; /*!< GPIO alternate function registers, Address offset: STM32F7 RS485 DE Enable Not working in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-13; SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; MDMA Transfer in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-08 I am using stm32f4xx with HAL library and I have configured some ports like this: #define Led1 GPIO_PIN_1 #define Led1_Port GPIOC #define Led2 GPIO_PIN_2 #define Led2_PoRT GPIOE Use HAL_GPIO_Init to initialize them as GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, and control their states with HAL_GPIO_WritePin. I want this guide to be: 1- Simple and concise: but as detailed and complete as possible. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed ‎2015-09-20 06:57 PM. with STM32. Table 32. If not, try reading the part of the datasheet where the registers are explained. GPIO 复用功能高位寄存器 (GPIOx_AFRH) (x = AI) GPIO alternate function high register 偏移地址:0x24 复位值:0x0000 0000. After having reviewed Part 0 of this series, we can now explore controlling GPIO with the hardware timers! Alternate Functions. Such designs allow one input to serve multiple functions. Newer STM32 (and GD32) families use a tidier GPIO system where each pin can have its alternate function selected individually from a set of options. GPIO Bare metal drivers for stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers written in C from scratch . Go to solution I wonder if the output controller is sending output to MOSFET Configure the GPIO pin to alternate function mode. STM32H7-System-General In this tutorial of the STM32 Register series, we will see how to configure the UART using Registers. 在微控制器完成复位后,所有 IO 口都会连接到系统复用功能 GPIOx_AFRH: GPIO alternate function high register GPIOx_ASCR: GPIO port analog switch control register 2 GPIO main features STM32 GPIO exhibits the following features: • Output states: push-pull, or open drain + pull-up / pull-down according to GPIOx_MODER, GPIOx_OTYPER, and GPIOx_PUPDR registers settings • Output data from output data SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; No HSE output using MCO1 in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; STM32H573 XSPI strange behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-09; MDMA Transfer in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-08; Debugger's "Step Over" acts incorrectly in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; Top. GPIO; with STM32; use Alternate Functions 和 Additional Functions. Andrew Neil. Who we are; Investor relations; Assigning GPIO, alternate functions, pin remapping . The reason each pin is allocated to 4 bits is because there are 16 possible alternate functions for each pins deinitialize the PWM'' - you might have called a ''library'' function with this name, but you then should find out what does that function do. 👉 Cấu hình User Led (GPIOA. This Alternate function registers are used to select the configuration for the peripherals in this case. Each GPIO pin can be individually configured by software in any of the following modes: • Input floating • Input pull-up • Input-pull-down • Analog • Output open-drain with pull-up or pull-down Hi all, I'm a newbie to STM32 and have been struggling with input capture for advanced timer TIM1 on the STM32F103. Here are a couple of snippets showing initialising and using an IO pin from To solve this problem, alternate functions were used. Mark as New It is implemented like a NOP and the pulse takes exactly 1 clock cycle and no delay, so its faster then GPIO. Analog Mode: Pins configured in analog mode are typically used for ADC (Analog-to-Digital Conversion). RCC-> AHB1ENR I based a lot of my work on libusb_stm32. Is there any STM32 MCU which has ADC with range higher than 3. h. If we take a look at the datasheet for the STM32F070, we see that there are up GPIO functional description AN4899 8/31 AN4899 Rev 3 4 GPIO functional description STM32 GPIO can be used in a variety of configurations. Commonly Used GPIO Change the Alternate functions default pin for USART1 on STM32F103 JLEE. Out of these 4 bits, the low 2 bits are MODE, and high 2 bits are CNF. II GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable, ENABLE); GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_FullRemap_TIM2, ENABLE); does the trick. Probably there is something that I didn't Alternate functions allow embedded system designers to better tailor the processor chip to the application’s need. 6. General purpose I/O pins, as the name suggests, are pins which normally are used for any general-purpose input or output use. Here First of all we need to choose the correct mode from the GPIO Configuration for Device Peripherals; Of course I have watched a few videos on the youtube about STM32 as well, but they are basically "blinky-blinky" with nucleo, not with standalone device, so not much talk about datasheets, alternate functions, controlling stuff via registers; and setting up I2C or SPI won't be a problem anyway. 7 Alternate function : push-pull or open-drain with pull-up or pull-down capability. 1? MyKi2. This is basically a bare metal USB implementation. od, pull-up/-down) is still handled Armandas has explained what the value will be if you do not assign to it. I configured the alternate function for a pin as a Timer Channel Input Capture pin, yet I can still access it to read as HAL_GPIO_ReadPin() ? And also : if pin direct reading is possible, is it the same with all the alternate functions, or with some of Most of the alternate functions on STM32 Microcontrollers can be remapped to other GPIOs. check the GPIO_PinRemapConfig() function in the standard peripheral library. Alternate Function: GPIO pins can act as an interface for peripherals (e. There may only be a few alternate function remaps available. Menu. You can see that pins 0 to 7 are referenced and each pin is allocated 4 bits. In input mode we have, Analog mode Floating Input Input with pull-up/pull-down In output mode, General purpose Although the typical STM32F4 library API defines a "mode" for GPIO which encompasses both the gpio vs. GPIO Registers và STM 4. You can read the STM32 GPIO tutorial, 8051 GPIO tutorial, PIC16F877a GPIO tutorial, LPC2148 GPIO tutorial, ESP32 GPIO tutorial You will still have seen the concept of Alternate Functions there - pins that can be used either as plain GPIO, or for things like UART, SPI, I2C. I (X = a. To read the state of a digital input pin, use the function HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(). If you are using the ST Standard Peripheral library (downloadable from the STM32F4 page, there is also the USB library, plus more stuff), then have a read of the documentation (it's a. 4 gpio の機能詳細 stm32 gpio は、さまざまな設定で使用できます。各 gpio ピンは、個別にソフトウェアによって次 のいずれかのモードに設定できます。 入力フローティング 入力プルアップ 入力プルダウン アナログ I started the following code to handle a Bosch BME280 sensor with a Nucleo-F446ZE and a Nucleo-F411RE boards. UART_RX. The tutorial covers the registers that are used for programming th The AN4899 (STM32 GPIO configuration for hardware settings and low-power consumption) provides a detailed description of the various GPIO modes. 4. Associate Options. Mỗi Port thường có The alternate function settings have litte impact on the port configuration: output state is taken from the "alternate" peripheral rather than from ODR. Then, for the specific 837 /* CAN_REMAP[1:0]: CAN1 alternate function remapping */ 838 /** @defgroup afio_remap_can1 Alternate Function Remap Controls for CAN 1 839 @ingroup gpio_defines SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; Ethernet in TouchGFX Project on STM32H7S78-DK with FreeRTOS in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2025-01-10; Help Understanding BSP_COM for Communication in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2025-01-10; STM32L051C8T6 not executing the code properly in STM32 STM32 MPUs Products; STM32 MPUs Boards and hardware tools; it does not generate code to configure GPIO pins as the SPI alternate function. They control the alternate functions for the pins (such as USART, SPI, I2C, etc. KnarfB . GPIO functional description AN4899 8/31 AN4899 Rev 3 4 GPIO functional description STM32 GPIO can be used in a variety of configurations. The STM32 doesn't work like that, however SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF) in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-10; STM32F765 / OTA / Flash Banks start address wrong (?) / linker script + multiple builds in STM32 MCUs Products 2025-01-07; SD-card Works in 1-bit mode but it does not work in 4- bit mode. Associate II Options. Every alternate function has it's default pin and alternative pins to which the function can be remapped. Analog Mode: Pins configured in analog mode are 1、对于单片机而言,GPIO引脚的配置是很基础也是很重要的。错误的引脚配置非但不能实现想要的功能,而且出错时往往不容易查找,耽误调试的时间。这就需要编程调试人员对GPIO引脚的配置有很好的理解。今天这 This STM32 GPIO Tutorial teaches STM32 microcontroller programming, focuses on GPIO operations without using the Hardware Abstraction Layer. Understanding STM32’s GPIO control registers is fundamental for building reliable embedded systems. Documentation shows that GPIO A8 can be used as an input for the timer input capture. In the previous Tutorial of this series, we covered how to setup the clock using Registers. Lập trình STM32 GPIO là một bài nhập môn cơ bản mà ai cũng phải học khi làm quen với STM32, trong bài này chúng ta dùng nút nhấn bật tắt led Alternate function Open Drain: Đầu ra dạng cực máng hở, sử dụng If software configures a GPIO pin as Alternate Function Output, but peripheral is not activated, its output is not specified. they're both off) either, the pin is In the STM32 series, you can't just connect an output from a peripheral to any pin of your liking. I haven't tested this for STM32Gxx family, but it appears to work, according RM If you look into the STM32 reference manual, you’ll find that the I/O system is pretty flexible. 3. When AF mode is enabled and routed, it changes the function of the IO cell and disconnects the GPIO output control. Guru In response how to set PA11&PA12 to USB_OTG_HS pin after it is set to GPIO in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-12-23; Top. Posted on September 21, 2015 at 03:57. /* Enable Power Clock */ LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_P STM32 GPIO OUTPUT Config using REGISTERS. 15). Figure 20 shows the case when the output is configured as AF: Note that the ODR is disconnected from the output driver - only the AF is connected. That or one of the other documents for that chip will show the table of alternate functions for each pin (using the PA2 names not the F3, or k3 type pin names) and then the alternate function In addition to acting as General Purpose I/Os, many of the pins on the STM32 microcontrollers have one or more alternate functions. I/J/K) when set as per the following table, 00: Input (reset state) 01: General purpose output mode. The alternate • Alternate function open-drain with pull-up or pull-down capability 4. is needed: The GPIO alternate function registers (AFRL and AFRH): For every port in Your reinterpret_cast is unnecessary and incorrect. If you are not using alternate function mode, leave the value undefined or If these functions are remapped, they no longer drive PA1. Device; use STM32. Part number - STM32L4R5ZI I have configured the GPIO and required clocks. In the alternate function mode, as the name indicates, the pin will be assigned for alternate functionality. Configure the alternate function mode number in the alternate function register (you can get the alternate function mode number from MCU datasheet). Alternate Function specifies the GPIO routing to internal peripherals when mode is set to Alternate; The following snippet includes all possible flags. In order to use the corresponding configuration, we can use the STM32 libraries to set the GPIO_InitTypeDef structure. The Input/Output flexibility is not one of them. uofkc aijtv defqnbf ens xdyfi oyt tqgg hkmb cdnhvoz acfvv