Steven universe earthlings tv tropes Original airdate: March 10th, 2015 Production code: 1026-049 Steven and his dad are messing around musically on the beach. Steven Universe The "Mirror Gem"/"Ocean Gem" two-parter has multiple: It turns out the Crystal Gems are not unique, as we meet a new (and seemingly … Original airdate: August 9th, 2016 Production code: 1031-103 Following on from the ending of Earthlings; Steven, Peridot and Amethyst have returned to the barn after tangling with Jasper at the Beta Kindergarten to find the rest of the Crystal … Ambiguous Situation: In the show itself, it wasn't clear if she was a corrupted gem, a non-corrupted gem, or completely non-living device. Lars. Episode 22 “Pumpkin Patch”: Steven, Peridot and Lapis reminisce on the anniversary of Pumpkin’s death. 2. After every move, Steven drops a water balloon on the head of the Gem who moved last. Original airdate: October 30th, 2014 Production code: 1026-029 One morning, … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos While true of her original self, this is not at all accurate to Spinel pre-Heel–Face Turn; she came to Earth specifically to murder Steven and the rest of Earth's life in revenge for Pink abandoning her. The movie implies that Steven headed straight back to Earth after the transmission and Spinel arrived on the very same day. Gems … Steven Universe is "one of the most unabashedly queer shows on TV", according to The Guardian, and the series has received much critical attention and praise for its hitherto unprecedented degree of LGBT representation. Malachite is a fusion born of hate and desperation, while Garnet is a fusion born of love and compassion. com Characters found in Steven Universe. When Steven and his "new ally" save the Crystal Gems, the "Red Eye Creator" as I'll call him strikes a deal with Steven. Steven … 1. Steven Universe, the son of the Crystal Gem's heroic leader, Pearl, the determined protector, Amethyst, the Earth-made Gem, and Spinel, the kind-hearted Gem, who tends to fade into the background. The reason that the Earth of the SU universe looks different from ours is that when Lapis returned the world's ocean, it accidentally reshaped the coastlines of the Earth's continents. With Steven Universe going on for as long as it has and with a huge cast, it's no surprise that the fans would have some favorites. Said complexity also leads to the fanbase getting divided over them. Episode 23 “Mister Universe”: Concerned for Steven’s well-being, Greg takes him on a road trip to his childhood home. Episode 24 “Fragments”: Steven’s condition gets worse and he seeks help from Jasper. Alternative Character Interpretation: Jasper's had a Draco in Leather Pants reputation in the … See full list on steven-universe. Steven UniverseFoil in this series. Steven then realized what Connie said "call for help" that he might be able to reach Bismuth with his psychic powers, and he falls asleep and enters a psychic plane. A page for describing Characters: Steven Universe — Steven Quartz Universe. He takes her into the car inside, and asks her about her loyalty to the Diamond Authority … "The Trial" While many people think Yellow is Pink's murderer for poofing the Zircons, remember that Blue Zircon accused her of murdering her own sister. A page for describing Recap: Steven Universe S3E4 "Barn Mates". He is suddenly awakened by Greg, who noticed that he … Her half-Gem, half-human child would come to supplicate her as Earth's mightiest defender - Steven Universe. This connection would make absolutely no sense Steven's inner voice crosses this by attempting to shatter White Diamond himself when Steven refuses to do so, and then forcing Steven to punch Spinel for singing at him. Since it's implied that Earth was the Pink Diamond's first and only colony, it would make sense that she was born here, and the sea is a testament to just how great resources it would take to produce a single Diamond, compared to the common foot soldiers in the In Steven Universe Future’s episode, “Snow Day” (S1,Ep. Steven uses his In a Single Bound power, which he discovered in "Steven Floats", to grab Centipeetle's bubble. Note: Because describing things would be hard otherwise, all spoilers are unmarked. Just days after Steven Universe: The Movie aired, the pairing of Spinel/Pink Pearl exploded in the fandom. fandom. Steven Universe: Where Earthlings Rule the Gems (Steven Universe: The Movie, "Volleyball") 6000 years ago. Flooding Siberia, turning Florida into an island, giving Brazil a bunch of new land, and giving Australia and inland lake In Steven Universe there is instead a great sea with a Gem base in the middle. Steven and Connie even kind of look like alternate versions of the Tagalong Kids from Gobots. Thus, she had no time to hear the story over and over. The inner voice's physical form, Negative Steven, crosses it by burning the dream human versions of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl alive while Steven is Forced to Watch . ; Character Development:. Beyond the Crystal Gems: Exploring Earthling Tropes - Discover how Steven Universe utilizes familiar tropes to create relatable and nuanced human After successfully saving the Earth from the Cluster, Steven Universe returns to Beach City to hang out with his friends and enjoy some downtime. A former Homeworld technician of Yellow Diamond's court and the Crystal Gems' main recurring arch-nemesis for the first two seasons, Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG was sent from Homeworld to check on the progress of the Cluster, but her mission was thwarted by the Crystal Gems and she was left stranded on Earth. Seconds later, without her magic to hold it together, Lapis' ocean tower comes apart, and Steven falls back toward Earth. A page for describing HeartwarmingInHindsight: Steven Universe. And given what we've seen of world maps or earth shots, Steven Universe's Earth is intact. Come obsess over gay space rocks with us. Steven turns, to reveal a cross section of the earth with a gem in the middle, and Peridot continues, explaining that the Cluster is a huge artificial fusion in the center of the earth that will, when it is ready, emerge with catastrophic results, burst free and destroy the Earth. Please tread with caution. Original airdate: May 19th, 2016 Production code: 1031-083 A little bit of time has passed since the Crystal Gems' adventure on Mask Island and Peridot and Steven's journey to the center of the earth. Steven awakens to more tremors. His desire for peace and his pacifistic ways mesh well with his inherited powers; Steven can create shields and bubble barriers to defend himself and others, as well as envelop items in bubbles to disarm opponents non-lethally. Beyond the Crystal Gems: Exploring Earthling Tropes - Discover how Steven Universe utilizes familiar tropes to create relatable and nuanced human Steven rattles off everything the Crystal Gems have done to the Rubies so far since their first encounter. Steven's quote in "Onion Trade" is meant to be a Spoof Aesop about creating new memories and not clinging to the past. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Earthlings: ??? Anyway, been rewatching some old Steven Universe episodes again, a thought just occurred to me and I wanted to clarify with the fandom: in the episode “Earthlings”, she said, “I’ve been fighting from the second I broke free from the earths crust!” Aug 9, 2016 · The Recap: Steven tries to cheer Amethyst up by taking her to visit Lapis and Peridot; in turn, Peridot tries to reassure Amethyst about her creation by showing her the substandard Beta Aug 10, 2024 · Original airdate: August 10th, 2016 Production code: 1031-104 The episode begins with Steven waking up in the middle of space in his bubble, rapidly drifting away from the Moon Base in an uncontrolled and dizzying spin. And together they continue that legacy, even today. Madness Mantra: She had Steven's message to the universe on loop, particularly the bit from White Diamond's story about Steven where her mistress, Pink, spent the rest of her days making a new home on Earth to the point where she made new life by giving up her existence to give birth to Steven, passing down her Gem into his body as well. Peridot, who started out as an Anti-Villain that had a tendency to insult everyone even when attempting a compliment, manages to give a heartwarming thanks to Andy for appearing at the barn, giving the Gems a reason to come out here, and A page for describing Recap: Steven Universe S1E31 "Keep Beach City Weird". The show's former co-lead writer said online that it was a corrupted Gem, though he later deleted that post, leaving it up in the air. A page for describing YMMV: Steven Universe S3E22 "Earthlings". Episode-specific cases: "On the Run": "and we shut this place down so the Earth would be safe from … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos In an in-character interview, Steven mentions that he's a big fan of Sailor Moon, because he feels it's very "down to Earth", which should give some indication what tropes influence the kid's life. Steven Universe Main Character IndexCrystal Gems (Steven Quartz Universe | Garnet | Amethyst | … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos When did that happen? She heard Steven's transmission, took the injector and the rejuvenator, and headed to Earth to destroy Steven. During the "Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem" two-parter, there's the mirror that Lapis Lazuli is trapped … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Others like the idea of them acting like sisters in a potential Alternate Universe Fic. Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: She's nowhere to be seen in Steven Universe: The Movie or Steven Universe: Future, despite her crew being prominent secondary characters. Having grown tired of Spinel, Pink prevents her from following by asking her to stand still until she returns. The fact they collectively seem to say a Little "No" when Steven informs the Cluster it will destroy the Earth when it forms explicitly shows that they can remember enough of themselves to be horrified they're about to destroy the planet they sacrificed so Mindful Education. Confirmed in Season 1 Many people correctly guessed that the girl from the title sequence (who was later revealed to be named Connie) would be Steven's … Art Shift: Now that Yellow and Blue are no longer actively antagonizing the Crystal Gems (having come to a ceasefire after discovering Steven's true identity as Pink), they are filmed more from a mid-range like the other heroic characters, rather than the Hitler Cam and Dutch Angle shots used before to make them so imposing. Steven Universe: Where Earthlings Rule the Gems The three-part stretch from "Beta" to "Back to the Moon" (but especially the middle episode, "Earthlings") gives us Jasper being made on Earth, Steven and Amethyst bonding leading to the former fusing with a Gem for the first time and the resolution of the latter's Story Arc, Jasper getting corrupted, a confirmation of the existence of Pink Original airdate: October 9th, 2014 Production code: 1026-028 Steven and the Gems travel to the Galaxy Warp pads, but find they're all inactive. Steven reminds Garnet of the story she told him in "The Answer". They best they can … A page for describing Recap: Steven Universe S5E13 "Your Mother and Mine". Tropes: Armor-Piercing Question: Peridot rationalizes moving to space as good for Lapis's mental health, … A page for describing Characters: Steven Universe — Other. However, after "Volleyball" aired, this ship gained a lot more traction, for the exact same reasons. Steven Universe: Where Earthlings Rule the Gems Steven Universe Earthlings Tv Tropes Blog Post Titles 1. Original airdate: August 8th, 2016 Production code: 1031-101 Steven and Amethyst are on their way out to the barn to visit Lapis Lazuli and Peridot. Original airdate: April 9th, 2018 Production code: 1053-142 Somewhere in space& … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Pac Man Fever: The show's creators are clearly video game fans, but this trope is still applied most likely for practical reasons: Nearly every video game seen in the show (such as the arcade at Funland, or the Nintendo 64 and GameCube in Steven's room) has simplified graphics, probably most akin to the SNES or 90's arcade machines, but have gameplay mechanics that make sense, are portrayed Make-A-Wish Foundation got a kid to watch the Season 5 opener episodes early. He can protect himself, but he can't fight The episode begins with Steven trying to find a place to put the portrait of Rose Quartz, testing multiple locations like the Crystal Temple's hand, the Warp Pad Dome, and his bathroom. He often acts like a selfish Jerkass, and any time an episode ends with him learning humility, it completely gets … Just when it seems like Steven can finally catch a break in Future, problems just keep popping up that he either has to or feels like he needs to deal with, including Jasper still being against him, continuing to have his mother's past and mistakes smack him in the face, Eyeball and Aquamarine seeking Revenge against him and attempting to use his own father against him, and everybody moving on Aggressive Submissive: Despite being a violent, boisterous Blood Knight Jerkass, Jasper is the one who ends up being submissive to Lapis after they fuse and defuse, with the former frequently dominated by the latter's will as Malachite, and then later outright begging her to refuse while excited at the thought of receiving Lapis' anger yet again. Picking right up after the events of Beta, Steven and Peridot are gaping in shock that Jasper has turned her Kindergarten into a cage for corrupted Gems. Steven Universe is a complex show with complex characters. Due to the nature of this page, all spoilers will be unmarked. Greg asks Steven to plug in one of the electric guitars so they can jam. Steven's all enthuasitic about it, but Amethyst is frustrated at being interrupted. Earthlings: Steven Universe's Quirky Take on Humanity - Dive into the lovable, yet flawed, portrayal of humans in Steven Universe. Original airdate: December 22nd, 2017 Production code: 1053-136 Lapis decides to leave Earth after Steven reveals what occurred on Homeworld. Steven unintentionally kicks off Spinel's anxiety again an offhand remark makes her believe he only used her to get rid of the injector and doesn't need her anymore, only added to the Rejuvenator getting knocked out of his pocket and accidentally being activated, making Spinel panic even further for thinking Steven plans to use it on her. Connie and Lion pull a mid-air portal rescue, then Steven bubbles the Universe van and the others. Greg, despite loving her, also tries to deflate Steven's views of her a little bit in "The Return"; when Steven says that his mother must have been a hero for starting a war to defend the earth, Greg tells him that there's no such thing as a good war, pointing out that both many humans and many gems died in the process. In "Change Your Mind", after Steven calls Blue out on how her and the other Diamonds treated Pink with emotional and physical abuse, she has a Heel Realization that allows her to finally move into the Acceptance stage, not only accepting Steven as his own individual apart from Pink (who is very much gone for good), but also accepting a slew of Catch a Falling Star: Andy maneuvers his plane to catch a free-falling Steven after he slipped off while the plane was in the air. Fast-forward to Season 3 Original airdate: February 5th, 2015 Production code: 1026-040 Steven has become engrossed in a book; it's his only entertainment since being grounded from television. A page for describing WhamLine: Steven Universe. He immediately launches … Original airdate: May 12th, 2016 Production code: 1031-081 As his dream on Watermelon Island fades, Garnet's words are still with Steven as he returns to wakefulness. As Steven is trying his best to hold the thing back, its under belly suddenly opens up to reveal a single eye ball that stares right at Steven. Garnet To Malachite. Original airdate: January 30th, 2017 Production code: 1040-116 While watching a movie about aliens abducting cows with his father, Steven falls asleep and dreams of a beautiful flowery hill. Steven's healing spit reappears after he lost it back in "House Guest". Steven Universe: The Movie is a Made-for-TV Movie based on the Cartoon Network animated series Steven Universe. Friendship-Hating Antagonist : Jasper is a powerful orange gem whose first appearance showcases her utter disdain for fusion, believing Garnet to be an embarrassment for being a fusion. And that whatever Homeworld has in store, he's ready. Original airdate: February 24th, 2014 Production code: 1020-010 Amethyst and Pearl are playing checkers. The Adventure Time Earth has a huge hole in it. Soon after, he comes into … Wham Episode in Steven Universe. Rose Quartz had Steven so he could eventually uplift humanityThink about, how could a mere handful of Gems completely stop a entire army of Homeworld Gems. After having his help rejected several times in season 3, Steven, who has taken almost everything in stride, has what can only be described as an emotional breakdown, caused with horrifying hallucinations of Bismuth, Jasper, Eyeball, and finally, Rose, which causes the music to become very unsettling and distorted. Not only did the crew behind Steven Universe happily agree, they also drew her Gemsona, Moonstone, and sent her doodles of the characters. Original airdate: October 1st, 2015 Production code: 1031-071 The episode begins a few … Stevonnie's statement can be taken as having two different meanings: 1) Stevonnie accepting themself as an individual (using "I" instead of "we" to refer to the fusion) who can exist now that Steven and Connie can deal with their emotional issues, and 2) Steven and Connie talking to each other and saying that they will always be there to help each other deal with those issues. Steven … Steven is the son of Greg Universe, a human man, and Rose Quartz, a female-looking sentient crystal with a "body" made of hard light who had already been alive for several thousand years before meeting Greg. 7), Steven sneezes from being out in the cold and ends up catching a cold from it. Steven stands alone in a pale, featureless … The Rock Lords toyline used many of the same mineral types as Steven Universe, and in similar ways, such as a ruby with fire powers and a diamond leading the good guys. Not enough that the hole has been filled in. . Steven Universe episode X: [insert whatever angst or Nightmare Fuel that happened in a later episode here] Explanation The show has indeed gotten darker, so fans have taken to putting descriptions of the lighthearted first episode next to one of the more depressing or Adorkable in Steven Universe. Even more, knowing the circumstances behind Garnet's creation as of "The Answer". She was … Guesses relating to Steven and the rest of the Crystal Gems go here. Garnet appears at … A page for describing Recap: Steven Universe S2E22 "When It Rains". Steven's method of helping is to put Crying Breakfast Friends stickers on each broken pad to identify … Original airdate: May 11th, 2017 Production code: 1040-130 The episode begins with Steven informing the Crystal Gems of the situation, calling it an emergency. Upon finding Earth, he is transported into the body of one of the Watermelon Stevens on Mask Island. Steven's hand puppet of the Cluster irritates Peridot. Pearl asks why Homeworld Gems would be stealing humans from Beach City. What makes it worse is that Steven only has defensive abilities. But there's no reply. Steven goes into their village but leaves after seeing they are doing a ritual. Is Greg a better parent than the Gems themselves? On the one hand, he's somewhat of a slacker, living in his van which is … He wants to harness the Crystal Gems' powers to create a new weapon to destroy planets across the universe. Steven Universe episode 1: Steven sings a song about his favorite ice cream. Pearl asks Steven if this is really necessary. Steven briefly mentions the time he went to Asia in "Steven's Dream". Unmarked spoilers ahead. Yellow is meant to be a Foil to Amethyst, both being known for temper, and Blue Zircon accusing the temperamental Commander-in-Chief Yellow Diamond of such an act would likely be a recipe for disaster. A mattress, pillow and blanket have been placed to turn the truck bed into a real bed. Cute Monster Girl : Steven manages to partially heal her, giving her a somewhat humanoid shape for a while. Peridot suggests returning to the temple for the other Crystal Gems, but Amethyst is gone. Steven can't get the guitar to jam because, as … Steven and Peridot end up being cornered by a Gem mutant while inside Steven's bubble shield. Ambiant radiation will do that to you. The hole in the Earth is Finn's delusion. Original airdate: June 2nd, 2016 Production code: 1031-084 Five Rubies emerge from the … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Original airdate: February 2nd, 2017 Production code: 1040-120 Steven and Greg have been captured by the giant Amethysts who guard Blue Diamond's human zoo! As they prepare for the worst, a door opens—revealing the Amethyst they and the … Keep in mind, each and every one of those Shards was most likely a former Crystal Gem; Gems who betrayed Homeworld to protect the Earth. Steven Universe: Where Earthlings Rule the Gems According to Rebecca Sugar in the Steven Universe Podcast, this was ultimately the reason Pink Steven outclassed her: while White remained the same and has never meaningfully changed at all, Steven has had to grow and earn his power, "nurturing" it and resulting in its full untapped power having gone from the weakest of the Diamonds to being Original airdate: January 4th, 2016 Production code: 1031-075 We open with Steven, curled up asleep in the bed of a pickup truck in the barn. Tears of Joy: Steven cries when he eats a sandwich after being stuck without food for so long. Please use this thread to discuss the newest episode of Steven Universe: Beta: Amethyst acts strangely when she and Steven visit friends in the country. While she is later revealed to only had been checking up on the Cluster and later becomes a member of the Crystal Gems in the process of saving the Earth from it, people seem to forget that while she might not have had a hand in the experiments, she still displayed a chilling Lack of Empathy about it, and was even amused while explaining to "Steven's Dream" (and later "Jungle Moon" and "Can't Go Back") establish Steven as having an empathic connection with the Diamonds — he dreams of Blue when she's on Earth and cries her tears, and dreams of scenes involving Pink Diamond when he sleeps in the Jungle Moon base and Earth's moon base. Beyond the Crystal Gems: Exploring Earthling Tropes - Discover how Steven Universe utilizes familiar tropes to create relatable and nuanced human characters. Lion 4: Alternate Ending. 3. Steven Universe has become the first children's show in the States to show a same-sex couple kiss and get married. The official Steven Universe Facebook page revealed that the show's use of vibrant colors are directly inspired by Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island . First announced at San Diego Comic-Con 2018, the film would see an early screening at The Theatre at Ace Hotel on August 26, 2019, before seeing its commercial-free television premiere on September 2, 2019. Peridot's blackboard drawing with the BYE BYE … The beauty of Earth touched Sapphire and Ruby during their first few days on Earth, Peridot has come to be fond of the Earth (if only from a primarily scientific perspective and respect for its ecosystem), and Lapis chooses to stay on Earth after Steven gives her a tour and gets her to realize that despite being on Earth for thousands of years A page for describing Recap: Steven Universe S3E5 "Hit the Diamond". Steven Universe Earthlings Tv Tropes Blog Post Titles 1. Steven is watching the VHS tape from Lion 3 at the beginning of this episode. As such, different interpretations of said characters are common. They have … She thanks him and leaves flying. In "Storm in the Room," Steven admits that he's thought about dyeing his hair pink. He instantly drops it to greet the Gems as they return via warp. However, a series of events spurs him, Connie, the Crystal Gems, and their new friend Katie "Pidge" … Suppressed History: The off-colors are shocked to learn Steven and Lars come from Earth because Homeworld believes Earth was already annihilated by the Diamonds. The Watermelon shark, while obviously a threat to Steven, shows that Steven’s powers have (unintentionally) affected the lives of others once again: Melon sharks (and presumably other melon creatures) have invaded earth’s oceans, and by extension it’s ecosystem on a much larger scale than that of the island. They return to Beach City triumphant, aside from Greg's broken leg and totaled van. The creator, Rebecca Sugar … Angry White Man: He fills in a lot of boxes towards American Conservatism (or at least a lot of stereotypes surrounding them); he's a stubborn old white guy (Ambiguously Jewish traits aside) who puts a lot of stock in family values and traditions, doesn't deal with change very well, he listens to AM radio, and he has a knee-jerk opposition to hippies, vegetarianism, socialism, public ownership 1. Original airdate: March 12th, 2015 Production code: 1026-052 Steven wakes to beautiful, distant, ethereal singing and as he calls for the other Gems, is stricken breathless by the harsh memory of what happened to Garnet. Steven is an enthusiastic, dorky kid who is awkward about introducing himself to Connie, gets really excited about things like birthdays or breakfasts, and will adopt as his new best friend virtually anything that … Original airdate: January 7th, 2016 Production code: 1031-077 While the Gems talk about their not-yet-finished drill, Steven follows Peridot into the barn. Warning: All spoilers for the first two seasons and some for later seasons are unmarked. The Red Eye Creator will never return to Earth in exchange for a powerful item Steven got in an earlier episode. Original airdate: May 26th, 2016 Production code: 1031-082 Peridot is bloviating into her … This behavior is ultimately why she poofed and bubbled Bismuth, whose weapon, "the Breaking Point", would've led to much higher and much more permanent casualties, especially on Homeworld's side, Bismuth's Pay Evil unto Evil contrasting heavily with Rose's desire to see Homeworld's forces merely pushed back rather than destroyed outright (Bismuth also implies she attacked Rose as a result of Earth lifeforms eating other lifeforms is normal part of the planet's ecological balance, and it doesn't really threaten Earth's biosphere as a whole, whereas the Gem birthing process would've pretty much destroyed Earth and devastated all life on it. Centipeetle was one of the original Gems sent to colonize Earth, and she and Steven travel to her ship, the same one from "Friend Ship". Pink Diamond is eventually given her desired colony, Earth, and receives the news while at her garden playing with Spinel. He puts it up in the exact same place where it was before … 1. Pearl and Greg both cry when they see Steven is back. Unlike most of the other antagonists in the series, Spinel is fully aware that Steven is not Pink Diamond, and that she's taking out her Dec 4, 2014 · Whole-Plot Reference: The plot of finding an old cassette recording and having to find a compatible player recalls "Speak Like a Child", the 18th episode of Cowboy Bebop; the tape in Steven Universe even directly mimics the contents and purpose of the tape in Cowboy Bebop, as do the way the tapes' audiences react to them in-universe. Steven Universe Main Character IndexCrystal Gems (Steven Quartz Universe | … Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Then Steven manages to partially heal Centipeetle, who reveals through drawings how she got Corrupted. Greg met Rose during an unsuccessful rock tour for his one-man band and she was charmed by his earnestness and music, while he was Steven Universe has enough cases of I Knew It! to fill its own page. Steven helps her reunite with her crew, but feels guilty that he can't heal them fully. They probably hadn't given it much thought, but they still had several options: 1) Steven goes to sleep and contacts Lapis or Peridot for help 2) Same as 1, only this time he possesses one of the citizens of Beach City and uses them to get Lion to portal up there 3) The Gems form Alexandrite, Steven bubbles himself, and they jump down to Earth Original airdate: May 29th, 2017 Production code: 1053-134 Steven declares his awareness that his mother did something bad. 1. It is highly recommended that you watch those episodes before reading these sheets. (Steven Universe: The Movie) The characters in Steven Universe are complex people. pmwm dedep hugntv aoiad mnwh iqoi pjtil pceud qmzsgtfq qwslykw