Command legend is unrecognized stata. The third way is to use -grc1leg- or my -grc1leg2- command.
Command legend is unrecognized stata I don't understand what is going on and I am worried > about my programs and system . legendoptions—Optionsforspecifyinglegends Description Quickstart Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Alsosee Description Thelegend()optionallowsyoutocontrolthelook Joe, I think you maybe right. stata输命令怎么才能生成标题和图例,一直都是commandis unrecognized - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Stata command ** is unrecognized万能懒人快速解决方法 . 2, and was using the following code to run an anova test: webuse systolic anova systolic drug but I get this error message: unrecognized command 急!急!急!求求各位大佬,stata15出现command esttab is unrecognized? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 command headings is unrecognized r(199); – stata; coefplot; Share. The Look closely at the legend, and you will see the population ranges are titleoptions—Optionsforspecifyingtitles Description Quickstart Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Reference Alsosee Description Oumayma Bahammou It seems that there might be a problem with running ardl on Small Stata. As @Wouter signals, you should install directly. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. ssc install estout, replace checking estout consistency and verifying not already installed installing into c:\ado\plus\ file c:\ado\plus\next. With the regress command, you have estimated an ARDL(1,1,1,1,1,1) model. 更新Stata程序:在Stata中键入“update all”命令,更新Stata程序。 5. Sjy00o的博客. Post Cancel. 87195人浏览 · 2022-07-02 11:54:22 spa小白菜 · 2022-07-02 11:54:22 发布. 3k次,点赞5次,收藏4次。我们可以使用在stata终端中使用python query查询使用的python解释器。这个主要是因为stata使用的那个python没有安装scikit-learn包。然后下载scikit-learn包,之后重启stata就可以正常使用了。_cross-fitting 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 3 个回复 - 3239 次查看 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 我之前已经将pvar2帮助文件和pvar2. stata12 的legend函数的使用问题-经管之家官网! 讨论unrecognized command: xline错误及解决方法。 stata15无法识别调用plus外部命令,报错:command XXX is unrecognized 如何解决?解决办法: 查看stata文件夹下是否有profile. st: unrecognized command: _anovaparse. 4. 为什么我去中心化显示command center is not unrecognized那个absorb 我按照你说的装不上去 为什么我去中心化显示command center is not unrecognized【stata吧】_百度贴吧 资源浏览阅读184次。资源摘要信息: "成功解决stata软件中 command pwcorr_a is unrecognized问题" 关键词:Stata软件,命令错误,解决方法,. 如果你尝试运行`legend`作为命令并且收到了"command legend is unrecognized"(未识别命令)的错误信息,那是因为你可能误解了它的使用方式。 要调整图例,你需要在绘制图形时添加`legend ()`选项。 例如: 这个命令会创建一个散点图和一条折线图,并且给它们分别加上了图例。 如 Jul 5, 2023 · 当Stata提示命令未识别时,可以通过使用findit工具寻找替代命令或调整安装路径来解决。 简易方法是使用findit命令寻找并安装相应插件,而正规方法涉及修改profile. trk already exists _____ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of syed hussain [[email protected]] Sent: 11 February 2013 12:07 To: [email protected] Subject: 学习某个 计量模型 ,运行别人的stata命令,电脑却显示command XXXX is unrecognized. May Boggess, then of StataCorp, also contributed to his project. )这样的形式啊,为什么无法识别命令? [图片] [图片 · the code in #2 will not work if you attempt to use it interactively; it is meant to be used as a do file; if you want to run it interacdtively, you must delete all the "///"'s so Stata will realize it is all one command Mar 14, 2022 · 当stata提示信息“unrecognized command: xxx”时,意味着命令“xxx”无法识别。主要包括三类:第一类是Stata自带的,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\base”文件夹下,这些命令通常不会出现无法识别的问题;第 Apr 20, 2010 · stata做倾向得分时,已经安装了boost命令,但还是显示unrecognized command,为什么?,stata15出现“command xlabel is unrecognized”怎么解决?,STATA 运行ddml crossfit出错 Cross-fitting fold 1 unrecognized command,在下新手小白,在学Stata legend命令报错 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Jul 2, 2022 · Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? spa 小白菜 87292人浏览 · 2022-07-02 11:54:22 spa小白菜 · 2022-07-02 11:54:22 发布 下面以metabias安装包为例,所有其 Sep 17, 2021 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. ilhas matthias. Hello all, I wanted to use the following command (in a do-file): Can anyone help me on what to use? If anyone has some good resources to learn Stata more in depth, that would be more than welcome. 使用pwcorr_a:在Stata中键入pwcorr_a则可使用此命令计算两两变量之间的相关系数及p值。 Dear Statalist Members, I've run into a problem using grc1leg, which puts a single legend on a combined graph. -distinct- requires Stata 8 only and the revised version may be installed 请问找不到winsors2命令怎么办 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) 27 Commands everyone should know Contents 27. In Stata, default attributes for the objects of a graph are set by so-called scheme files. If you type -findit winsor- from within Stata you will see that there are two available commands: winsor and winsor2 Type -ssc describe winsor- and -ssc describe winsor2- to see what they do. Jorge L. 2The by construct 27. I'm rereading the help file now, and as it says, it takes the first graph's legend by default. 6 weight. 01-14 6248 这段时间 【command stats is unrecognized】请问这是什么问题呢,stata小白求指教 - 新手入门区 - 经管之家 (原人大 reg2docx命令输出失败!求解答 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Oumayma Bahammou It seems that there might be a problem with running ardl on Small Stata. 用事件研究法,画一条线图的时候,运行yline()那个就报错成command yline is unrecognized,请问怎么解决 Enzo Coviello used -levels7-, presumably because he himself was using Stata 7 when he first wrote -stcompet-. /// is only allowed in do-files and programs. Are you (a) running a do file, or (b) running code from the do file editor window, or (c) pushing code line by line into the command window. This command combines graphs using a single common legend compared to the I tried using the dropmiss community-contributed command, but it does not seem to be working for me even after reading the help file. But, after executing my code, arpios sdm viocrim q23, r ar(1), I received the message: "command arpios is unrecognized r(199);" Any advice would be appreciated. 在下新手小白,在学Stata时候显示command estadd is unrecognized,应该如何解决呢 - Stata专版 - 经管 在此前的推文中,我们介绍了 reghdfe 命令的使用,参见 「reghdfe:多维面板固定效应估计」。 该命令在控制个体效应,多维固定效应,尤其是 倍分法-DID 分析中得到了广泛的应用。 然而,最近多位用户反映,更新 reghdfe 命令后,即使是执行帮助文件中给出的最简单的例子 6 legend options — Options for specifying legends all specifies that keys be generated for all the plots of the graph, even when the same symbol is repeated. 07-05 4万+ Stata command ** is unrecognized万能懒人快速解决方法. Hi all, I'm actually stuck with my code. (. local lbl 1-3 4-6 7-9 tokenize `lbl' forvalues i = 1 / 3 { gr_edit . sorry, Suddenly, Stata stopped recognizing basic commands such as > "clear". The easiest way to deal with this problem is to combine the four graphs without the relabel option and then post-process the produced graph as follows:. weixin_28948785的博客. First, there is no context on how you are issuing code. To install: ssc install winsor- or -ssc install winsor2- depending on which one you want. ado安装到stata的base文件了,而且通过search soc 找到了好多soc的安装资源,几百个,安装 stata无法识别reghdfe命令怎么办?【急】 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) 知乎是一个提供问答的平台,用户可以在这里提出问题并获得答案。 stata做倾向得分时,已经安装了boost命令,但还是显示unrecognized command,为什么?,stata15出现“command xlabel is unrecognized”怎么解决?,在下新手小白,在学Stata时候显示command estadd is unrecognized,应该如何解决呢,stata bootstrap中介效应检验出现“command bootstrap r is unrecognized”,【command stats is unrecognized】请问这 I guess it's related to the way in which Stata draws the line like the difference between lowess and connected scatter but not pretty sure. Interactively omit the /// and type 请问在stata中使用shp2dta未被识别该怎么办? 请问在stata中,使用shp2dta命令后出现“command shp2dta is unrecognized”该怎么办? 显示全部 总之,command xtabond2 is unrecognized 是STATA软件中的一条错误信息,说明STATA无法识别xtabond2命令,需要进行对应的处理来解决。 ### 回答2: Command "xtabond2 is unrecognized" 出现的可能原因是因为 Stata 软件中没有安装 xtabond2 命令或者这个命令是非标 二、遇到任何command xxxxx is unrecognized r(199) 只需要输入findit xxxxx,跳转后会出现于图三的界面,也是单击虚线下的安装包,一般是下载第一个,安装即可解决问题。 例如:我出现command metan is unrecognized(r199), stata的xtest识别不出来! - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Re-labeling does not work because grc1leg draws again each graph before it combines them. New. After running my regression suppose I did Stata中出现command tabstat is unrecognized? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) 使用STATA软件做敏感性分析出现“command metaninf is unrecognized”,为未安装Metaninf模块。 ①命令行输入: ssc install metafunnel ②命令行输入: ssc install metaninf 出现安装完成即可。 xtitle语句修改 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) As of version 15, Stata graphs permit translucent elements, which are invoked by “ % #” following a colorstyle (where # is a percentage of opacity). Join Date: Mar 2015; Posts: 50 #17. 141 commands 27. 但因为 legend命令报错 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Hi eveyone , when I am trying to do parallel trend test, I use the command " eventstudyinteract lnpunishamount pre*y current post*y ,absorb(city year) stata无法识别外部命令,报错command XXX is unrecognized:stata无法识别调用plus? stata无法识别外部命令,报错command XXX is unrecognized:stata无法识别调用plus怎么解决? 文章浏览阅读578次。遇到 "command xthreg is unrecognized" 的错误,意味着Stata中没有找到名为 "xthreg" 的命令,这通常是因为这个特定的模型或者函数不在Stata的基本安装包中 command xtabond2 is unrecognized 是STATA软件中的一条错误信息,常常出现在尝试使用xtabond2命令时。 文章浏览阅读7w次,点赞7次,收藏28次。当stata提示信息“unrecognized command: xxx”时,意味着命令“xxx”无法识别。主要包括三类:第一类是Stata自带的,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\base”文件夹下,这些命令通常不会出现无法识别的问题;第二类是自己下载的外部命令,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\plus”文件夹 I am using Stata 11. 2. do文件; 新建的方法可以打开stata,打开do-file编辑 采用答主托马斯营的方法下载后stata会显示下载路径,如图所示,根据路径找到sgmediation2. With the ardl command, you obtained an ARDL(2,1,0,1,1,0) model. ado安装到stata的base文件了,而且通过search soc 找到了好多soc的安装资源,几百个,安装 Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? spa小白菜 . 请问大家改x轴刻度时候,一直出现command xlabel is unrecognized是什么情况呀有什么解决办法吗? xlabel无法被识别【stata吧】_百度贴吧 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 地图 采购 当stata提示信息“unrecognized command: xxx”时,意味着命令“xxx”无法识别。主要包括三类:第一类是Stata自带的,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\base”文件夹下,这些命令通常不会出现无法识别的问题;第二类是自己下载的外部命令,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\plus”文件夹中,可以自己在安装stata后设置下stata的 今天下午自己在做到Pearson 相关性分析 的时候,发现stata自带的pwcorr命令并不能给显著性水平标注上所有的星号,只能印一个*,满足不了论文上的结果输出要求。. Doing so creates two . Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If you could send this log file to me by e-mail, I can have a look into it and try to find out whether we can provide a fix for the problem. For example: dropmiss command dropmiss is unrecognized r(199); missings dropvars force option required with changed dataset Instead, as suggested in one of the solutions, I tried the following: Don’t worry about it. 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 3 个回复 - 3236 次查看 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 我之前已经将pvar2帮助文件和pvar2. Can anyone help please Aug 6, 2020 · stata15无法识别调用plus外部命令,报错:command XXX is unrecognized 如何解决? 解决办法: 查看stata文件夹下是否有profile. 1 41 commands Putting aside the statistical commands that might particularly interest you, here are 41 commands that everyone should know: Getting help [U] 4 Stata’s help and search facilities help, net search, search Keeping Stata up to date 怎么我的stata没办法识别logout命令呢? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) I installed the arpois command for use. 计量经济学 中经常要对数据进行缩尾处理,winsor是Stata中常用的缩尾命令,需要安装才能调用。. 检查命令的拼写是否正确。确保 当stata提示信息“unrecognized command: xxx”时,意味着命令“xxx”无法识别。主要包括三类:第一类是Stata自带的,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\base”文件夹下,这些命令通常不会出现无法识别的问题;第二类是自己下载的外部命令,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\plus”文件夹中,可以自己在安装stata后设置下stata的 I haven't tried grc1leg on this kind of problem, or indeed much at all, but the problem you're facing can be avoided altogether. 2f")'"', /// color(red) placement(se)) /// legend(off) This produces the desired graph (for the most part*): (rather 首页 想用vertical转置画出平行趋势检验的图,出现了vertical is a class的报错,还有command unrecognized的情况,能解答一下吗,刚接触stata不久实在搞不懂 想用vertical转置画出平行趋势检验的图,出现了vertical is a class的报错,还有command unrecognized的情况,能解答一下吗,刚接触stata不久实在搞不懂 stata画图legend命令 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) stata做倾向得分时,已经安装了boost命令,但还是显示unrecognized command,为什么?,stata15出现“command xlabel is unrecognized”怎么解决?,在下新手小白,在学Stata时候显示command estadd is unrecognized,应该如何解决呢,stata bootstrap中介效应检验出现“command bootstrap r is unrecognized”,【command stats is unrecognized】请问这 stata命令显示unrecognized command: xtreg是什么问题有两种可能:1,该命令没有提前定义;2,没有安装完成该程序的模块。 Thank you for your submission to r/stata!If you are asking for help, please remember to read and follow the stickied thread at the top on how to best ask for it. Old. Best. stata15无法识别调用plus外部命令,报错:command XXX is unrecognized 如何解决? 解决办法: 查看stata文件夹下是否有profile. Stata是一种统计分析软件,它在社会科学、医学、公共卫生、经济学、金融等领域广泛应用。作为一名研究生,你需要使用Stata来进行数据分析、建模和预测等工作。Stata具有易于使用的界面、强大的数据管理和分析功能、广泛的统计方法和模型、丰富的图形展示等优点,使得它成为研究生进行数据 From Philip Ryan < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject Re: st: Can someone tell me what is wrong with this legend command? Date Sat, 27 Mar 2004 14:01:43 +1030 stata做倾向得分时,已经安装了boost命令,但还是显示unrecognized command,为什么?,stata15出现“command xlabel is unrecognized”怎么解决?,在下新手小白,在学Stata时候显示command estadd is unrecognized,应该如何解决呢,stata bootstrap中介效应检验出现“command bootstrap r is unrecognized”,【command stats is unrecognized】请问这 stata12 的legend函数的使用问题 12 个回复 - 18614 次查看 目前在学stata12 发现有个问题,就是legend函数不能用 比如我敲入以下命令 legend( label(1 "July") label(2 "January")) 系统就会提示“unrecognized command: legend” 请问哪位大侠知道是怎么回事? 2014-8-27 13:27 - ljr1984 - 使用STATA软件做敏感性分析出现“command metaninf is unrecognized”,为未安装M 不为良相 阅读 14,629 评论 0 赞 5 将stata数据导出存储为excel数据的步骤及命令 command spatwmat is unrecognized 解决办法 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) If you are using the code from GitHub and the help from the Stata Journal, that may be behind this. command matsort is unrecognized r(199); Any ideas why? thanks! Tags: None. 6w次,点赞86次,收藏357次。这篇博客介绍了如何在Stata中使用spwmatrix和spatwmat命令生成多种类型的空间权重矩阵,包括基于距离的邻接矩阵、近邻数量矩阵、一阶和二阶反距离矩阵以及经济和反经济地理权重矩阵。通过putexcel命令,这些矩阵可以导出到Excel文件中供后续分析使用。 st: Problem with using eststo command. May I ask you to run the following code from a do-file. From: "Weichle, Thomas" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Creating a variable; Next by Date: st: Re: increasing time burden during resampling; Previous by thread: Re: st: Command to identify number of unique individuals; Next by thread: st: exiting Stata from within Stata; Index(es I am using a written code which utilizes the cohort-component method to conduct population projection. Menu Graphics > Histogram Description histogram draws histograms of varname, which is assumed to be the name of a continuous variable unless the discrete option is specified. One may begin with the graph region with no data but a titleoptions—Optionsforspecifyingtitles Description Quickstart Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Reference Alsosee Description eventdd is a Stata program which estimates panel event study models and generates event-study plots. – Y axis, X axis, Titles, Legend, Overall, By twoway options any options documented in[G-3] twoway options fweights are allowed; see [U] 11. Add a Comment. 下面以metabias安装包为例,所有 如何安装,使用winsor命令? - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) I produce multiple quantile regression plots in Stata, which I then want to combine with the community-contributed command grc1leg. Join Date: Feb 2021; Posts: 8 #2. . Another use is in presentations. 如何安装outreg2命令 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Bei welchem Problem in Stata erscheint die Fehlermeldung "command is unrecognized" und wie kann ich das Problem beheben? which means I already have -estout-, but I couldn't run the code as stata keep saying command -esttab- is unrecognized. Programs that used to work are interrupted at various stages due to > unrecognized basic commands. You're right. I tried to reinstall the package, but this what I got: . ado安装到stata的base文件了,而且通过search soc 找到了好多soc的安装资源,几百个,安装 What is the step by step cpde to build a graph reflecting mixed effects linear regression model for age and gender as fixed effect and weight as the response using Stata? Home; Forums; Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. 贵宾:通行论坛特权+数据库权限 command legend is unrecognized. ado,所以出现了“unrecognized command: metan”。你可以尝试一下在命令窗口输入search metan,安装一下metan命令。 search metan----->点击 SJ-9-2 sbe 24-3 metan-----> 点击“click here to install”。 这样应该可以解决问题,下面是截图,你试一下。 The idea behind grstyle is to provide an easy way to change the default look of Stata graphs. 1. 1 41 commands Putting aside the statistical commands that might particularly interest you, here are 41 commands that everyone should know: Getting help [U] 4 Stata’s help and search facilities help, net search, search Keeping Stata up to date ado, net, update [U] 28 Using the Internet to keep 文章浏览阅读7. 方法一:ssc install winsor2; 方法二:findit winsor2; winsor2的使用. do文件; 新建的方法可以打开stata,打开do-file编辑器; 内容写为(参考连玉君老师Stata: 外部命令的搜索、安装与使用): adopath + “D:\应用软件\Stata15\ado May 31, 2023 · 总之,command xtabond2 is unrecognized 是STATA软件中的一条错误信息,说明STATA无法识别xtabond2命令,需要进行对应的处理来解决。 ### 回答2: Command "xtabond2 is unrecognized" 出现的可能原因是因为 Stata 软件中没有安装 xtabond2 命令或者这个命令是非标 Thanks for the answer. "Quick Question" is just a way of getting attention I guess since I am in deep trouble because of this delaying problem. ). winsor2 var, cut (1 99) replace PS:表示对数据进行上下1%缩尾处理,直接替换,不产生新变量。 -winsor- is a user-written command. I have used -esttab- before with no problem on my old laptop, so I don't know what's going on here when I change to Stata: Two way plot, add text to second line using coordinates of the second axis (`median',"%6. From: Tim Evans <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: Bootstrap to compare ROC area on imputed dataset; Next by Date: st: xtpcse - "no time periods are common to all panels" Previous by thread: RE: st: unrecognized command: _anovaparse; Next by thread: RE: st: unrecognized command: _anovaparse; Index(es The third way is to use -grc1leg- or my -grc1leg2- command. do文件; 如果没有,新建profile. For example, I get the message : "unrecognized > command: _gmin ". Stata: Two way plot, add text to second line using coordinates of the second axis (`median',"%6. In addition to allowing all Stata's -graph combine- options, grc1leg2: (a) suppresses the display of the legends on the component graphs;* (b) creates and positions a legend in the combined graph by borrowing the legend previously defined for one of the user-selected component graphs;* 为什么我去中心化显示. Or the other way round. edit_tick `i' /// 二、遇到任何command xxxxx is unrecognized r(199) 只需要输入findit xxxxx,跳转后会出现于图三的界面,也是单击虚线下的安装包,一般是下载第一个,安装即可解决问题。 例如:我出现command metan is unrecognized(r199), stata15出现“command xlabel is unrecognized”怎么解决?,在下新手小白,在学Stata时候显示command estadd is unrecognized,应该如何解决呢,stata bootstrap中介效应检验出现“command bootstrap r is unrecognized”,【command stats is unrecognized】请问这是什么问题呢,stata小白求指教,“command tabexport is unrecognized”stata中出现这个 通俗来说,stata是个大兼容包,只要补丁能贴上,形状是否完全适配不影响其运行。 所以,当出现command ** is unrecognized时,最简单的方法是找到这个命令的替代品(一样的功能,各路大神创造出的多种数据包)。 示例问题: xlabel无法被识. Controversial. I occasionally found this command cmogram developed by Christopher Robert, with whose code I can quickly get a same picture: cmogram demvoteshfor2 demmv, cut(0) scatter lineat(0) qfitci You translate those files into a format usable by Stata with the shp2dta command. eventdd additionally includes a number of post-estimation procedures such as joint tests of significance of event lages and Thanks to Kit Baum as usual, -distinct- by Gary Longton and myself has been updated on SSC. At 08:14 AM 3/29/2008, Jn wrote: Hello Statalisters, I am having trouble getting -prvalue- command to work in Stata 10. Open comment sort options. graph3. Many twow ay commands will include a legend. _____ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 9:37 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: st: RE: graph combine & single legend Not a problem in itself as -legendfrom()- is not needed. You need code so that you can exploit the by() option's scope for arranging all the scaffolding stata如何安装asdoc命令? - 知乎 文章浏览阅读1. 安装winsor2. One of the advantages of the ardl command is that it chooses the lag order optimally according to the Akaike or Schwarz/Bayesian information criterion. Evidently Stata thinks that headings is a command in your view and it can't find any such. 然后,我就发现其实 连玉君 老师已经有一个叫 Home; Forums; Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. The authors use different syntax. The grstyle set legend command is used to place the legend at the lower right side of the plot (position 4) and remove the frame around the legend. 2f")'"', /// color(red) placement(se)) /// legend(off) This produces the desired graph (for the most part*): (rather 说明. dta datasets, one corresponding to each file. Follow My guess is that you're using /// interactively. 验证安装:在Stata中键入“which pwcorr_a”命令,若提示pwcorr_a的路径,则说明pwcorr_a已成功安装。 6. m0_63452498的博客. This shall create a Stata log file named ardl. do文件; 新建的方法可以打开stata,打开do-file编辑 Stata 空间计量 SSCI Python. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? 热门推荐. Thanks in advance! Share Sort by: Best. real matrix Leslie(real vector L, real vector m) {n = length(L) M = J(n,n,0) // lower diagonal has survivorship ratios for (i=1; i < n; i++) 如果你已经安装了 `moremata` 包,但在 Stata 中使用 `winsor` 命令时仍然出现 `command winsor is unrecognized` 的错误提示,可能是因为你的 Stata 版本过低,不支持 `winsor` 命令。 `winsor` 命令是在 Stata 13 中引入的,如果你的 Stata 版本低于 Stata 13,那么 `winsor` 命令将不可用。 27 Commands everyone should know Contents 27. I was deleting files in my computer last night and I deleted a bunch of Stata files with the name regression in them because I didn't need them anymore. Comment. 7k次。本文介绍了如何在Stata中解决xlabel无法正常使用的问题,重点在于利用选项修改横轴刻度标签的显示。通过示例代码展示了如何在图形上正确标注横坐标中的特殊字符,如逗号。同时推荐了相关 一、问题:date函数转换日期,显示错误(date命令无法识别;command date is unrecognized)。 解决:原数据为在Excel中存储的八位数字(如:20180101,列名为time),导入stata后该列显示数据类型为“long”。 I wasn't talking about glitches, it's just that this commands are not complete in themselves. See help for adopath and sysdir commands. ado文件,路径设置 Stata是一款在统计分析领域广泛使用的软件,它的强大功能和灵活性使它成为许多研究者和数据分析师的首选 xlabel legend title is unrecognized,请问作图时 command xlaleg xtitle ytitle 都无法识别是怎么回事呢?是需要ssc install什么吗? 谢谢解答,经管之家(原人大经济论坛) 你的stata模块中是不是没有metan. grpaxis. Q&A. r(199); 用findit也找不到cells、stats、legend. In my opinion, a complete command would plot the lines together with confidence intervals and in a tidy way. Many thanks again! Best Regards, Luka. It does not come with Stata. 请问:stata在用时为什么老是出现unrecognized command: metan 文章浏览阅读3. 07-02 8万+ Stata如何解决command is unrecognized? 仍然报错_reghdfe工具变量报错解决方法. From: Amal Khanolkar <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: Problem with using eststo command; Next by Date: RE: st: Problem with using eststo command; Previous by thread: st: Problem with using eststo command; Next by thread: RE: st: Problem with using eststo command; Index(es): Date; Thread For example, the legend that comes with msymbol(p) is almost never readable, even when the color of a swarm of points is. The command xline(2007) gives "command xline is unrecognized" so I must have done something wrong I think. I want to do a graph like this one for my paper research and I don't know how to fix these errors in my code. Apologies for replying to a previous message and including it - simple oversight. 17 Sep 2021, 11:01. I would look carefully for different versions of this command on your system. The only sure signal that you have installed something is Stata being able to see the files, which should be in whatever Stata calls PLUS. It doesn't work even when I use the tool bar. I attached a screenshot of what I am doing. Yes that would be great! I am really struggling with STATA at the moment and not too sure what command to use! 出现"command xxx is unrecognized"的问题通常是因为Stata不认识你输入的命令。这可能是因为你输入的命令有误,或者你没有安装与该命令相关的程序包。以下是一些可能的解决方法: 1. is not a valid command name r(199); end of do-file I thought this implied that I erroneously included a space that is being interpreted as a cmd somewhere but haven't been able to figure it out, making me suspect I do not correctly understand how to use string inputs in 在网上找了很久安装包,但有些需要论坛币,我又没注册账号,就很难办。 后来总算找到一个方法: 先输入命令: findit ivreg2 然后下拉选择st0030_3 点click here to install 注: Thanks Nick, I'll take another look at the -update query-. ado以及help文件,复制粘贴到原本stata安装的文件夹里即可(我的是在C盘stata/ado) 已经试过下载在ado\base和plus了,还是显示sgmediation command not found. The default is to generate keys only when the symbols are different, which is determined st: Command to identify number of unique individuals. You can browse but not post. Guzman. 3. Unfortunately, I am working on Stata 14 using my university licence so I have done what I could. 如常用的shellout命令,它不需要指定路径,可以直接从stata内部打开文件,使用起来十分方便. do文件设 Jul 2, 2022 · 如果上面的方法没有效果,那么说明你在进行该命令(ssc install metabias)时,会出现类似下面的情况,按照下图指定的路径(红色部分)打开。 打开后如第二张图,将所有metabias开头的文件删除,然后重新运行ssc legend命令报错 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Aug 27, 2014 · stata12 的legend函数的使用问题 12 个回复 - 18691 次查看 目前在学stata12 发现有个问题,就是legend函数不能用 比如我敲入以下命令 legend( label(1 "July") label(2 Aug 6, 2020 · 当 stata 提示信息“unrecognized command: xxx”时,意味着命令“xxx”无法识别。 主要包括三类:第一类是Stata自带的,统一存放于“D:\Stata\ado\base”文件夹下,这些命令通常 stata12 的legend函数的使用问题,目前在学stata12发现有个问题,就是legend函数不能用比如我敲入以下命令legend ( label (1 "July") label (2 "January"))系统就会提示“unrecognized Jul 2, 2022 · 如果上面的方法没有效果,那么说明你在进行该命令(ssc install metabias)时,会出现类似下面的情况,按照下图指定的路径(红色部分)打开。 打开后如第二张图,将所有metabias开头的文件删除,然后重新运行ssc It's a > two-way graph and I have one variable (SexRatio) which I'm plotting > separately for Blacks and Whites. AutoModerator 初学stata ,绘制箱线图给y轴加标题时,提示ytitle无法识别,command ytitle is unrec - Stata专版 Y axis, X axis, Titles, Legend, Overall, By twoway options any options documented in[G-3] twoway options fweights are allowed; see [U] 11. The variable has no descriptive > labeling, so I wanted to change the Jul 5, 2023 · 通俗来说,stata是个大兼容包,只要补丁能贴上,形状是否完全适配不影响其运行。 所以,当出现command ** is unrecognized时,最简单的方法是找到这个命令的替代品(一样的功能,各路大神创造出的多种数据包)。 Aug 29, 2022 · stata 学习 stata散点图修改横纵坐标时显示command ylabel is unrecognized?网上搜的都是y(x)label(. I then prevailed on StataCorp to adopt -levels- as an official Stata command during the There are problems on various levels here. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox Sent: 17 November 2011 16:40 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: st: unrecognized command: _anovaparse Despite what you say, this 求助:如何安装coefplot - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 3 个回复 - 3240 次查看 在进行PVAR回归的时候出现’command soc is unrecognized‘,是还要再安装哪个包吗? 我之前已经将pvar2帮助文件和pvar2. 0. Top. The minimal working example (MWE) of my code is : STATA 运行ddml crossfit出错 Cross-fitting fold 1 unrecognized command 2018-01-22 跪求好心人帮忙。 stata操作中,输入命令为什么总是提示un 2011-08-02 stata程序显示unrecognized command: 8 2016-06-26 Stata求指教为什么我的stata无法回归,显示unrec 3 2016-04-09 stata里,输入correlate v1-v15是可以的, 2011-08-21 我在使用stata回归时,想使用cluster2,但是sta Thank you for your submission to r/stata!If you are asking for help, please remember to read and follow the stickied thread at the top on how to best ask for it. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. plotregion1. smcl in your working directory. This feature does not exist with the the pssbounds command. Improve this question. When I ran the following section of that code, I got an error: "command real is unrecognized". This gives control . eofh yyolv xyyylv xbyae zkwhwxbod ityb lmfc bavpm fihf gskv