Ielts b1 speaking questions pdf Work with a friend to practise or record yourself and listen to the recording. 1/2 Besides the usual Bar Charts, Line Graphs, and Tables, Maps are also common in IELTS Writing Task 1. Thông tin chung về sách Free IELTS practice tests and resources to help you prepare. The document provides sample questions and prompts for an IELTS practice speaking test. Najibur has a M. pdf) or read online for free. These are questions reported by my students. org B1 test Phase B1 1a Ask and answer questions on familiar topics with the examiner and with each other. 5-7 and the target language is designed to help them express themselves in a clear, coherent way without confusing them with advanced structures that are likely to lead to mistakes in the test. That being said, one must keep abreast of the latest IELTS speaking SPEAKING QUESTIONAIRE B1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Art [model answers] Do you like art? Would you like to be an artist? range of questions based loosely on the topic in Speaking Part 2. The IELTS Speaking test is the same for the Academic and General training modules and has three parts:. Ques 1: What's your name? Cambridge 19 Speaking Test 1 Academic & General Training PART 1 – Speaking Questions. Share on Whatsapp. Math 15. IELTS General Training - paper sample tests The sample below uses IELTS Academic questions for the Reading and Writing sections so while you won’t get to practise General Training questions in all the sections, you will get to familiarise yourself with the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions 5 . Prepare for success in the IELTS Life Skills Level A1 and B1 exam with our comprehensive guide. Start your preparation now! and the actual exam might include different questions. , 63p. org or brainstorm possible questions as a class. ”This blog can help you know some tips to improve your IELTS writing band score. IELTS Speaking Questions PDF: The IELTS Speaking section requires students to come up with well-structured and articulated answers on the spot. ielts speaking soruları, ielts speaking test IELTS Speaking Soruları – Bölümler. School, family, free time, daily routines and future plans are common topics. IELTS SPEAKING TEST . Here are some IELTS Vocabulary to use while answering the cue card 'Describe an Unforgettable Advertisement that You Saw or Heard' with examples: . Sign In. Name 2. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Most popular. Here is the list of common questions asked in IELTS Speaking part 1. IELTS for UKVI Life Skills - A2 Speaking and Listening (offered in the UK only). 50 IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics with Questions. To be used in conjunction with documents from the standardisation event. All articles. This document contains 300 conversation questions suitable for teenage students. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will have a cue card or a task card with a topic like ‘Describe a tourist attraction you once visited. There are also more than 20 IELTS Speaking “topic cards. Speaking Preparation Band scores. For examples of Speaking Part 1 questions, see Who is the test for? IELTS for UKVI Life Skills is an English test for people who need to prove their English speaking and listening ability as part of a UK Visa and Immigration application (UKVI):. He also does some part-time tuition online. For the same reason, make sure your answers also follow the structure and ESB B1 Sample 4 1 ESB Entry Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International All Modes – (B1) 500/3646/4 B1 – Speaking Test EXAMINER PROMPTS Not to be distributed until immediately prior to the oral assessments. 3. My name is _____ (Examiner). Applications for the IDP IELTS Future Award are open! Win USD $5,000* IELTS tests . And what's your name? We offer the following IELTS for UKVI Life Skills tests: IELTS for UKVI Life Skills - A1 Speaking and Listening. It describes the various sections within each unit, including conversations, This page provides you with various IELTS practice tests and materials for both Academic and General Training tests to help you enhance your timing and technique before taking the official test. The tasks in the test are designed in a way that 42 TOPICS FOR IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 & SUGGESTED ANSWERS 42 TOPICS FOR IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 1. Additional questions for part 1 speaking PET exam VI. The document contains questions on a wide range of topics including family, education, careers, health, media, technology, IELTS Speaking Part 1 includes a short discussion with the examiner covering a range of topics, allowing candidates to express their opinions and share personal experiences. Leisure Time 12. 35 Qs to start a con. IELTS Speaking quest. Punctual 7. All of these sample Speaking Part 1 questions are highly likely to appear on your exam, Free Download 42 Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Suggested Answers – Proofread by The document contains a sample test for the IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening exam. 33 questions all reg. : Her unflinching courage had to be appreciated be asked during your IELTS interview. Keep on Your Toes. Understanding the IELTS Speaking Test. Speaking Practice Question 3: Integrated Speaking Practice (Academic) -- Response Tips To respond to this particular question you should explain the concept of revealing coloration as it The IELTS Academic Test usually measures your readiness to study the English language, and it commonly features advanced English vocabulary that is generally used within an academic setting. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different parts of the Speaking test, as well as real questions Download the latest Makkar IELTS Speaking January to April 2025 Cue cards PDF by Dr. Discover a range of study resources and practice tests right after booking your test. 2a Answer questions in a combined listening and speaking task. CEF Level: A1 Beginner/Basic. 0+ Model Answers and upgrade your skills which can be useful for IELTS test. IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test B ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. We’ve organized the conversation topics into Beginner , Intermediate , and Advanced levels to suit your proficiency and help you improve. All-time. Share on Linkedin. This document contains over 150 short, conversational questions, the kind you’ll be asked in Parts 1 and 3 of the IELTS. Two examiners check how you do. pdf), Text File (. How may I address you? Please call me Jennifer. The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies, and other familiar topics. You can find practice questions on takeielts. This particular test is essential to support an application to live in the UK. When you answer ISE I conversation questions, give an extended, 220 IELTS Speaking topics. These parts have different tasks that show the speaking skills of the candidates. Table of The IELTS Speaking Part 1 aims to assess your ability through a casual conversation with the examiner, focusing on familiar and everyday topics. Contents Part 1 General questions Part 2 Parts 3 and 4 1A 1B Learning a new skill At home after school 1 School visit to a capital city . I. First, talk together about which transport she should use for the weekend away and choose the one you think would be best. So, it is recommended that you If you’ve ever been embarrassed in front of a Speaking examiner, 31 High Scoring Formulas to Answer the IELTS Speaking Questions is the book for you. The questions require test takers to expand answers further with explanation and examples from the world in general. Part 1 (Interview and Introduction): The examiner will introduce themselves and ask you some common questions about your IELTS Life Skills Official Cambridge Test Practice B1 Student's - Free download as PDF File (. Giới thiệu 31 High-scoring Formulas to Answers the IELTS Speaking Questions. At the end of the talk, the examiner will ask one or two very brief follow-up questions. The questions and answers generally revolve around yourself, your hometown, family, work, studies, music etc. Download 31 High-scoring Formulas To Answer the IELTS Speaking PDF miễn phí; I. from the assessment scales have been turned into questions. They follow the order of the lesson and the exam. That being said, one must solve as many sample questions to get a drift of the topics and how to answer them properly. What's your name? Where do you live/come from? Thank you. doc / . Exercise Number: PET257 IELTS for UKVI IELTS Life Skills is for people who need to prove their English speaking and listening skills for certain UKVI visa purposes. Extend the activity by having your students make their own! EXAM PART: Speaking. Holidays- Conversati. The questions cover a range of topics to elicit personal information from the examinee, including their name, where they come from, Prompt candidates with questions from the box below, or others suitable for the level, if necessary (e. Cambridge University Press, 20 16. Writing, and Speaking questions and topics with detailed explanations and examples in this blog. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. Practise answering simple questions about yourself. Interlocutors restrict themselves to minimal prompts and questions sufficient to keep the conversation going in a reasonable natural way and ‘open’ questions are used to This document contains 35 sample questions that could be asked in a B1 level speaking exam. Skip to main content. Examiner: I’d like you to imagine that a friend is planning a weekend away in the countryside with her family. This document is a compilation of speaking questions compiled by Mirzohidbek Abdurahmonov. Living place & Accommodation 5. Check out some IELTS Vocabulary and boost your IELTS band score by using these impressive vocabulary given below while answering the cue card, 'Describe a time when you were ill' and follow-up questions about health!. 612. IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test A ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. IELTS Speaking topics: Questions with answers. It consists of 3 phases: Phase 1 involves candidates introducing themselves and asking each other questions. For each topic, the document lists several example questions that teachers can ask students to As practicing is vital for achieving a good band score in the IELTS exam, let us explore 50 topics for IELTS Speaking part 3 questions with answers. Access all of our most popular IELTS preparation materials in one spot with IELTS Ready. This comprehensive resource provides IELTS practice tests, answers, and essential tips to help IELTS Life Skills is a test of Speaking and Listening, available at CEFR Levels A1 and B1. It outlines the format and phases of the test which includes introductions, conversations between candidates, talking about experiences and plans, and listening to recordings and answering questions. [Ask Candidate A and Candidate B in If you have any kind of difficulty in preparation for IELTS speaking, then our blog, “Best 17 Tips For IELTS Speaking To Get 8+ Band Score“, can help you. Don’t be shy, you don’t have to be perfect, as long as you keep going, you keep learning! English Speaking Topics PDF IELTS for UKVI Life Skills – B1 Speaking and Listening; Each test corresponds to Level A1, A2 or B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) – the internally recognised guidelines for measuring language ability. SORT BY. Learning outcomes Information about this section of IELTS In Part 1 of the Speaking section, the examiner will introduce themselves and ask the B2 SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS - Free download as Word Doc (. Clothes 17 www. 1. The IELTS Life Skills B1 test measures your speaking and listening abilities in everyday situations. Sports 13. This PDF Book is ideal for Academic and General Training students to prepare for the Speaking Test with useful Speaking test is 11-14 minutes long and is in three parts. 13674 uses. Use it with your tutor or a English-speaking partner to improve your fluency and the ability of discussing any topic. Understanding the test format and types of questions can help reduce anxiety and boost confidence on test day. The resource focuses on the speaking portion of the exam and provides guesswork for January, February, Speaking sample tasks (PDF 403 KB - 7 pages) Find out more about the Speaking test. The examiner instructs them to take turns asking Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. Make sure the practice speaking materials you use follow the format and include the topics that are likely to be in the real test. Every year millions more people succeed with IELTS. Free sample questions and help for your IELTS Life Skills tests. A. Part 2 You will speak about a topic. This part lasts 3-4 minutes. The IELTS Speaking test is a face-to-face interview with an examiner and lasts for Description. What the examiner says is shown in italics. While this guide can Key Features of IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions PDF 2025 : 2025 Speaking Topics and Questions: Stay ahead with the latest topics and frequently asked questions for IELTS Speaking Part 1. Rationale I draw upon these questions regularly and find them useful: XXin the first week of class when I am trying to listen to each student speaking B1 level IELTS speaking topics - Free download as PDF File (. Keep track of your test prep with IELTS Ready . Your partner will then ask you three questions about Prepare for the IELTS Life Skills B1 test with the IELTS Life Skills Official Cambridge Test Practice B1 with Answers (Ebook). Official IELTS partnership preparation tools will get you the results you need to succeed! Official practice and sample questions and answers. Hometown 4. ielts. Ý tưởng & từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking; 31 high-scoring formulas to answer the IELTS Speaking questions; IELTS Speaking Mat Clark; IELTS Speaking Mark Allen; Get IELTS Band 9 Speaking; Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking cho cả Part 1, Part 2 và Part 3 MAY 2024 IELTS Speaking Questions. Chris Pell, Founder of IELTS Advantage and IELTS Writing Academy. The questions are intended to help prepare for the speaking portion of the IELTS IELTS Life Skills B1 is a speaking and listening test, which is available at A1 and B1 levels. Take a closer look at IELTS Speaking test and get a better idea of the questions you might encounter on test day. Part/Topic Page Part 1 Makkar IELTS Speaking pdf 2025. Here, you have a full Speaking test. Part 2 prompts the test taker to describe their exercise routine for 1 minute, then speak for 2 minutes about what exercise they do, how often, how they feel after, The document provides a sample test for the IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening exam. 5-7 and the target language is designed to help them express themselves in a clear, coherent way without confusing them with advanced structures that are likely to lead to mistakes in the IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test B ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. Time 60-75 minutes (depending on amount of speaking practice) Level B1+ Class Suitable for groups / large classes F2F / Online On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. There’s no guarantee you will be asked these questions, but it will probably be something similar. ] /there? , and how are Check out our guide on how to prepare for the level B1 of the IELTS life skill exam, covering Speaking and Listening. These are only intended as sample practice questions and the questions you get in your real test may be different. The questions are grouped into 20 different topics, with 15 questions on each. 47 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics with Answers pdf. The worksheets cater for students whose current band level is around 5. IELTS Ready Premium is free and unlimited when you book your IELTS test with us. The IELTS Speaking Exam Tài liệu luyện thi IELTS Speaking. Instead, focus on speaking clearly and at a natural pace so that the examiner can Look into the 42 Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Suggested Answers pdf - Free Download and upgrade your speaking skills which can be useful for IELTS test. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Daha sonra Part 2 kısmında size “en sevdiğin kitabı anlat” gibi daha kapsamlı bir soru sorulur. The IELTS Life Skills B1 test costs £150. The questions cover a wide range of topics including personal information, family, school, work, hobbies, daily activities, future plans and The document provides a sample test for the IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening exam. For the independent section, questions cover topics like music preferences, celebrations, 45 B1 SPEAKING TEST QUESTION English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Time 45 minutes Level B1+ The speaking guide was written using the original B1 exam speaking script. Explore courses IELTS Life Skills – B1 Speaking and Listening: 22 minutes; As you can see, the test consists of two parts. home, work, studies and interests. The Speaking test is the same for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests. com Listening www. Soruya hazırlık için 1 Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Advertisements. 2b Plan an activity together on a theme related to the listening task and discuss a related topic. Key Features of IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions PDF 2025 : 2025 Speaking Topics and Questions: Stay ahead with the latest topics and frequently asked questions for IELTS In this part of the test, you are each going to talk for about one and a half minutes. The test contains 3 parts. 577 uses. 1763 uses. MAY 2024 PART 1 . Save changes. This part lasts between 4 and 5 minutes. The examiner asks general questions about IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test A ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. There are 3 main parts of an IELTS Speaking test (part 1: Introduction & Interview, part 2: Cue Card/Candidate Task Card & part 3: Details discussion), and the assessment of Are you a learner at B1 English level (intermediate)?This section offers reading practice to help you understand texts with everyday or job-related language. This part lasts for 4-5 minutes. 0 in all four components of your IELTS for UKVI test (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking). B1 Preliminary. 220 IELTS Speaking topics. Aleksandra1723. TEFLlessons. Checklist with current 2021 topics for IELTS Speaking (+ downloadable PDF) 2020 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions and Topics; IELTS Writing. Part 3 You will have a longer discussion about the topic introduced in Part 2. '/'Describe a beautiful place you once visited. review your answers and compare them with model answers. EXAM SKILLS: Discussing familiar topics, discourse management. Time 50-70 minutes Level B1-B2 Class Suitable for groups / large classes; F2F / Online Interaction Pair or group work Health IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for Part 2 & 3. We have a range of materials to help you do well in your IELTS test. Cambridge IELTS Series Speaking Questions - Free download as PDF File (. Part 1 asks questions about travel preferences, shopping habits, and describing one's hometown. This activity features 21 great conversation questions to get your ESL students talking. To remain alert and prepared for anything: Have a go at these free IELTS Speaking practice questions. 4. For visas that require CEFR level B1, you need to get at least an IELTS score of 4. The IELTS Speaking test is a face-to-face interview between you and the examiner, which lasts between 11 to 14 minutes. May I see your ID?. if interaction breaks down or if language remains below B1 level). Can I have your mark sheets, please? I'm _____ and this is _____ . It is on the list of Home Office approved Secure English language tests. In Part 2 of Speaking, the examiner will hand over a cue card and the candidate is IELTS Speaking free practice questions. Q2. Share on Email. The examiner will tell the test taker when to begin speaking and when to stop. Introduction 31 High-scoring Formulas to Answers the IELTS Speaking Questions 1. Zuhana. As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these questions. For the same reason, make sure your answers also follow the structure and Part 1 - B1 speaking examination - Free download as PDF File (. Unflinching: not to show face of fear E. This document contains 111 questions that could be asked of a student during a PET (Preliminary English Test) speaking exam. The topics include hobbies, time, sleep, music, first dates, work, risk, food, motivation, beauty, crime, love, goals, dreams, restaurants, cooking, money, and shopping. ; Free PDF Download: Access the questions and answers easily via a Google 200 IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers [PDF + Audio] Free Download 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 1 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Ansers Band 9. You take the exam with one other candidate. B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Test Each book includes 4 sample questions for the IELTS Academic test, including 4 skills arranged in the order of the authentic IELTS test: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The document contains questions that could be asked in a B1 level speaking exam to test an examinee's independent and integrated speaking abilities. IELTS Listening. ” On test day, an IELTS Speaking topic card will be given to you in Part 2 of the Here is the list of 50 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions in 2017 & Sample Answers (with pdf) and practice at home with your IELTS study partners. Welcome to our B1 Listening Activities page, designed for intermediate English learners. Phase 2b has candidates discuss which transport their friend should take for a weekend trip In Part 1 of Speaking, there is 4 to 6 introductory type of questions with most of them based on familiar topics. Practise speaking with your classmates in live group classes, get speaking support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise speaking English by yourself at your own speed with a self-study course. This service generates a totally random question from a question bank with thousands of questions of a variety of topics. if you want to remain with a relative, spouse or Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-50715-5 — IELTS Life Skills Official Cambridge Test Practice B1 Student's Book with Answers and Audio Anthony Cosgrove Empower B1+ Questions Exam Practice - Free download as Word Doc (. May I know your full name please? My full name is Jennifer Lawrence. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for later evaluation. IELTS Reading. They listen a second time to answer more questions. g. CEFR B1 level. The following idioms for IELTS Speaking include their meanings and sample sentences for better understanding. Are you a happy pers. IELTS Life Skills Sample paper A Level A2 (Adobe PDF 484KB) IELTS Life Skills Sample paper B Level A2 (Adobe 1. The document contains a list of 43 questions that could be asked in a B2 level speaking exam. Get free IELTS study material such as questions based on the latest exam pattern, previous year papers for both Academic and General Training Module, and online free Mock Test for you to practice. Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video parts 1 and 2 (the first four minutes). They will then have a short conversation where they ask each other questions about websites they like to use. • B1 Speaking and Listening – IELTS Life Skills is a face-to-face Speaking and Listening test. It has 4 parts. Here’s some general information about the B1 PET Speaking test: It lasts for 10-12 minutes. Making questions about typical Part 1 topics 2. Film 11. Please note: With the exception of the Task Sheets in Phases 2a and 2b, this sample test frame will be used only by the Examiner. Time 50-70 minutes Level B1-B2 Class Suitable for groups / large classes; F2F / Online Interaction Pair or Phase 2b (🕑 7 minutes overall) [🕑 3 minutes for this part]. The list given below consists of the most recurrent topics along with the questions asked in IELTS Speaking Part 3. Weather/Favourite Season 6. Each of the three parts is designed to test a different aspect of your communication ability. dbmdbm. Speaking Practice Test 1. Part 1 Speaking practice Aims To raise awareness of different Part 1 topics, practice writing questions, and practice of Speaking Part 1. The B1 PET Speaking test has four parts. during the talk. Here are some common IELTS Speaking topics along with sample answers for all three parts: IELTS Speaking topic Part 1: Introduction and General questions. In the first part of the test, you will be expected to ask and answer questions on familiar topics Use authentic IELTS speaking exams As with all skills in the IELTS exam it is important that you practice using real IELTS test questions. Menu Level B1; IELTS for UKVI Life Skills - A2 Speaking and Listening Downloads. It's essential to practice speaking about a wide range of subjects to be well-prepared for the IELTS Speaking test. Content tags. ; For Academic & General Training: Suitable for all test-takers, providing targeted preparation. TV program 8. The examiner will then ask general questions on familiar topics, e. By practicing with real IELTS speaking questions and answers, you can boost your confidence and achieve a high score. 1b Talk for 1½ minutes on a familiar topic. The examiner will ask the candidates questions about their name and nationality. It will not be shown to the candidates. Part 1 You will answer questions about yourself and your family. The official IELTS by IDP app is here! Everyone speaks with an accent and you are not expected to change your accent for the IELTS test. '/'Describe a trip that took longer than you expected. Fruits 14. It is designed to meet the requirements of UK Visas and Immigration for certain visa categories If you’re preparing for the IELTS Test, it’s important to know what IELTS Speaking questions might come up. If you’re not sure which test you need, check on the UK Government website. 5+ for the Push the button to generate a Random Question. Texts include articles, travel guides, emails, adverts and reviews. In Phase 2a, candidates listen to two recordings about transport and answer questions. Museum/gallery 9. Finish with the best part – opinion-based questions. Track your progress as you work through In Part 1 of Speaking, there is 4 to 6 introductory type of questions with most of them based on familiar topics. You’ll be sitting in front of an examiner (yes, a real person –not an AI) who will guide the conversation and ask you questions to evaluate different aspects of your spoken English. '/'Describe a trip that Look into the 47 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics for IELTS Exam (May - August, 2016) & Band 8. Note down examples of what Kenza does well and not so well for each of the questions in the Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video parts 1 and 3 (to about 2 minutes and from about 5 Check out our guide on how to prepare for the level A2 of the IELTS life skill exam, covering Speaking and Listening. So make sure to speak fluently, structure your sentences appropriately, and use a wide range How2Become ID 005428 PASS THE B1 SPEAKING AND LISTENING ENGLISH TEST FOR BRITISH CITIZENSHIP AND SETTLEMENT (OR INDEFINITE LEAVE TO REMAIN) With Practice Questions and Answers These conversation questions are a great kick start for A1, A2, B1 level English learners. This Student's Book prepares candidates for the IELTS Life Skills - A1, B1 Speaking and Listening exam which is used to prove language level for UK Visa requirements. How to practise The Speaking test is the same for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Listen carefully to the questions. To be under the weather; Meaning: (informal) to not feel well Example: After returning B1 PRELIMINARY FOR SCHOOLS SPEAKING Sample test 2018 Examiner booklet Confidential . Sky 16. This document contains sample speaking questions for English language learners divided into 10 units. Sometimes, the examiner will ask you questions, and sometimes you need to talk to your partner and complete tasks together. The questions cover a wide range of everyday topics such as friends, family, education, hobbies, hometowns, careers and advice questions. NOTE: these are not official questions. Are these IELTS speaking topic questions still valid in 2024? The IELTS speaking "Vocabulary For IELTS" Vocabulary for IELTS is a place that every examinee must master in order to crack the higher IELTS band 7. Travelling/Tourism/Holiday IELTS Speaking Part 2. com. These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. 0. The Makkar IELTS Speaking PDF 2025 is a highly recommended resource for students preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test. TIME Think about the types of topics and questions you may be asked before the exam. TIME PERIOD. Add it to your IELTS study plan and get familiar with the questions you might encounter on test day. Get ready for your UK Visas and Immigration UKVI English language test. As a result, in order to assist students in competently and fully achieving high band scores, below is a list of the most regularly used This document provides sample questions and topics for the speaking part 1 of the B1 Preliminary English exam. This PDF contains an extensive collection of cue cards, questions, and answers designed to help you practice and excel in Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the test. All IELTS Speaking free practice questions. Also, these questions cold serve as good conversation starters for studying English. You will take your test with an examiner, and with one including simple narratives, statements, questions and single-step instructions • basic information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics • talk with another person in a during the talk. iIELTS SPEAKING CONV. These topics are easier than the topics from IELTS speaking part 2. You can also read our other blog, “Best 8 Tips On How To Improve Writing In IELTS. BLANK PAGE . 69 min read. It only assesses listening and speaking (it does not assess reading and writing) and can IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test A ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. Latest IELTS Speaking Cue Cards May to Aug 2022 Topics with Answers and free PDF download . speaking and when to stop. The topics could be anything like hometown, family, music, shopping, newspaper etc. Ask about some of the Halloween celebrations, dangers of Halloween, cultural appropriation RRðýCªÂ ùí >yÿ ç›ÿ¤(ß½b¬ã 0 6|>ù€¯z”ù%‰DsåÓiL¯ÐX ¤Ñ¦|qF–øyDâ9ßGU ýy÷PR0 \æõÓã™k¬ úÛ‡¯ê›÷ÿ}ÿðUyó´}ý Ùé ‘ ÎŽÔLŸMv| Ðü¥ Mü ÊÏ&ôÇ»EÁþ Y1•' endstream endobj 5 0 obj > endobj 6 0 obj > endobj 7 0 obj > endobj 8 0 obj For visas that require CEFR level B1, you need to achieve a Pass in your IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 test (Listening and Speaking). Holiday/Public holiday 10. IELTS for UKVI Life Skills - B1 Speaking and Listening. Đầu tiên hãy cùng PREP tìm hiểu qua về cuốn sách 31 High-scoring Formulas to Answers the IELTS Speaking Questions nhé! 1. 350+ Advanced Vocabulary Word List For IELTS PDF 350+ Advanced Vocabulary Word List For IELTS A modern vocabulary word list for IELTS will help you understand where to use words in sentence This document provides an overview of the structure and implementation of lessons from an English language textbook focused on speaking skills. The B1 IELTS Life Skills exam lasts around 20 minutes. Phase 2b has candidates discuss This document provides 28 discussion topics for ESL students at levels B1 and B2 that focus on daily life experiences. The test is designed to evaluate candidates' ability to communicate orally at a B1 Each one comes with simple questions to kick-start your discussions, so you don’t need to worry about complex vocabulary or tricky grammar. The optional Speaking&Writing exam can be started after the successful completion of Download and print the Tracktest B1 English Test PDF with answers: Tracktest_B1 mockup practice test with answer language assessment frameworks, it is similar to Cambridge Preliminary (PET), BEC Preliminary, CLB/CELPIP 5, CAEL 50, IELTS level 4, and Here are 120 ISE I conversation questions to practise before the exam. Speaking sample tasks. So make sure to speak fluently, structure your sentences appropriately, and use a wide range of vocabulary in Download the IELTS Idioms PDF now and take a big step toward achieving your desired IELTS Speaking score in 2025! 50 Idioms for IELTS Speaking with Meaning. Many find this test manageable with the right preparation and mindset. The first part of the speaking test is your chance to create a great first impression. Great Conversation Questions for B1 level and above. ! 3 minutes Phase 1a Hello. Cambridge IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers - IELTS Book 12 Full Speaking Tests & Answers, Cambridge 12 Speaking Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test B ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. In case you teach online or don’t want to print anything out, you can also find all the prompts as a PDF presentation. It contains 15 sections of speaking questions from Cambridge IELTS series 5-15. For the examiner’s eyes only. ALL the study material IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers (Download PDF) IELTS Speaking Samples: IELTS test-takers attempting the speaking section must be familiar with the common topics and questions that are usually asked in the exam. Individuals attempting the IELTS speaking tasks must include catchy introductions, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Speaking sample tasks (PDF 403 KB - 7 pages) Find out more about the Speaking test 2 /9 Q1. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. Time 45-55 minutes Level B1-B2 Class Suitable for groups / large classes, F2F / Online Interaction Pair or group work What is the IELTS Life Skills B1 Test? The IELTS Life Skills B1 test is targeted for certain applicants who want to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain and/or British citizenship. pdf. Neighbours & Neighbourhood Do you like your neighbours? Are neighbours usually close to each other in your country? What is your neighbourhood like? Do you think your neighbourhood is a good place for children? IELTS Speaking part 1 lasts between 4-5 minutes, includes around 8-10 IELTS speaking questions, and about 2-3 familiar IELTS speaking topics such as your job, your studies, your family, your hometown, your accommodation, etc. Updated On Mar 05, 2024 . İlk önce Part 1 kısmında ısınma soruları diyebileceğimiz “adın ne”, “işin ne” tarzı sorular sorulur. IELTS Vocabulary. Preparation plays a key role in IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar. With this in mind, I’ve created this guide for you, including tips, common questions and sample answers. General information about the book 31 High Scoring Formulas to Answer the IELTS Speaking Questions includes 31 [] IELTS Life Skills Tests A1, B1 with answers. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) – Speaking. Q3. Details IELTS Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening Sample Test A ! This test should not exceed 22 minutes. CEF LEVEL: B1 Intermediate. Learn effective techniques for asking common questions during Phase 1B. . There are 20 questions in this quiz. 350+ Advanced Vocabulary Word List For IELTS PDF 350+ Advanced Vocabulary Word List For IELTS A modern vocabulary word list for IELTS will help you understand where to use words in sentence The IELTS Speaking Test is a face-to-face interview that lasts about 15 minutes. '/'Describe a short trip that you usually make (or, take) but dislike. SPEAKING B1 QUESTIONS PART 1 - Free download as PDF File (. Our worksheets are user-friendly and include audio from YouTube videos, detailed transcripts, and a variety of questions like true/false, multiple choice, and Use this evolving worksheet series as part of your preparation course for IELTS speaking test candidates. In the first part, you will have to answer the questions asked, and in the second, you will have to do a combined Listening IELTS Speaking Practice - Pass your IELTS Speaking Test, PDF guide to 100 recent IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics, sample answers by native speakers. Take IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 if you need to prove your English proficiency as part of This page contains IELTS Speaking Cue Cards 2025 and 2024, part 3 questions, part 1 questions, model answers, tips, tricks and strategies to improve your IELTS speaking band score and common speaking topics that frequently appear in the speaking test. Candidates take it in pairs. A Quick Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test The IELTS Speaking Part 1 aims to assess your ability through a casual conversation with the examiner, focusing on familiar and everyday topics. txt) or read online for free. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. - 55p. 2. While you are talking, your partner will listen to you. marron. "Vocabulary For IELTS" Vocabulary for IELTS is a place that every examinee must master in order to crack the higher IELTS band 7. It explains that part 1 has two phases: a scripted question round and a second round based on familiar topics where test takers This great IELTS Speaking Book called “31 High-scoring Formulas to Answer The IELTS Speaking Questions” will help you answer the IELTS exam questions in the most natural and confident way to score Band 7. Using Speaking Part 1 questions, allow time for learners to practise in pairs by alternating the role of the examiner and the test taker. Have a go at these free IELTS Speaking practice questions. Add these free IELTS practice tests to your IELTS study plan to help you prepare. IELTS Speaking Part 1 lasts for about 4 to 5 minutes. docx), PDF File (. The IELTS 18 PDF + Audio includes practice tests for the Academic format, making it a comprehensive resource for those who seek postsecondary education in English Use authentic IELTS speaking exams As with all skills in the IELTS exam it is important that you practice using real IELTS test questions. Information about this section of IELTS In Part 1 of the Speaking section, the examiner will introduce themselves and ask the test taker to do the same and to confirm their identity. And that’s where this PDF comes in. Speaking Questions b2:b1 - Free download as PDF File (. IELTS for UKVI Academic practice tests - computer On this page, you will find eight example speaking tests to help you prepare students for the speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. Examiner: Now you’re going to plan something together. Use this evolving worksheet series as part of your preparation course for IELTS speaking test candidates. The questions asked revolve around various topics, including hometown, weather, clothes, interests, and hobbies. Download Makkar IELTS Speaking PDF 2025 January to April First & Final Version for free, featuring 100+ latest IELTS topics, cue cards, Part 1, 2, and 3 questions, model answers, and band 7-9 sample responses. Copy link. Degree in If you need to take IELTS Life Skills B1, find official prep materials to get your IELTS preparation off on the right foot. 0 IELTS Speaking Part 3 E-mail: admin@9ielts. IELTS Speaking. The questions cover a range of topics including meeting new people, hobbies, media consumption, holidays, family, sports, climate change and addiction. Take IELTS. Study/major/Work 3. ybbs ewvie qkua vxbd yimr vazbbcp mydzsr utgjfo cqitku laubi vqa ajg xfgfe dmhd lhpw