Caltrans complaint phone number. Caltrans Division of Local .

Caltrans complaint phone number State of California the complainant within five days of receiving the complaint by registered mail. Sincerely, Resident Engineer. If Headquarters Office of Civil Rights (HCR) determines a Title VI complaint against a sub-recipient can be investigated by Caltrans, HCR may delegate the task of investigating the complaint to Caltrans. Send completed and signed . Contact. smallbusinessadvocate@dot. Also, Caltrans’ Federal Transit Administration (FTA) DBE goal for FFYs 2023-2025 is For information or guidance on how to file a complaint, or obtain more information regarding LEP, please contact the Title VI Branch Manager at (916) 639-6392 orTitle. The goal is expected to be achieved in proportions of 17. Caltrans, Safety and Management Services Division. gov . Contact Information. The Customer Service Center (CSC) is a “single point of contact” currently providing services to 33 District Offices for the following aid programs and languages: CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and General Relief, with services in Armenian, Cambodian, English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi, Tagalog, Russian, and Korean. Permits@dot. The Division of Aeronautics focuses on California's aviation transportation system. Caltrans also inspects more than 12,200 local bridges. e Per FTA, Title VI complaints are to be handled at the local level or elevated to FTA under egregious Title VI discriminatory circumstances. 35%. The discrimination complaint process is designed to provide applicants and employees of the Department with a uniform method for voicing complaints of discrimination and ensure such complaint receives prompt and impartial consideration in order to bring about satisfactory resolution at the lowest possible level. For complaints that occur during construction, refer such Title VI complaints to the district Labor Compliance officer. 511 is a three-digit dialing code designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2000, making it easy for users to access traveler information services. VI@dot. More Caltrans Complaints. Call CalTrans at 909-383-4631. For these types of claims, you would use form ADM-3016 Equity Claims of $12,500 or Less (Other Than Employee Claims) to file a claim against Caltrans. During an emergency, they operate the Caltrans Department Operations Center (DOC) and provide the department wide internal and external coordination and collaboration necessary for an To report an access barrier such as a missing curb ramp, a sidewalk that is too narrow for wheelchairs to pass, a lack of detectable warnings for vision impaired individuals, inaccessible pedestrian push buttons at traffic signals, etc. gov •Toll free ADA phone number •Contact the ADA Coordinator directly. District 7 Encroachment Permit Office contact information: More Contact Pages : File a workplace safety complaint: Complaint instructions: Report a workplace accident (for employers): Reporting instructions for employers: Report a workplace accident (for police and firefighters): Reporting instructions for police & firefighters: Amusement Ride and Tramway Unit: Amusement Ride & Tramway Unit Caltrans District 7 Ma intenance Support Customer For citizens without Internet service or computer capabilities, call District 7 Maintenance Support in Los Angeles at 213- 897- 4426. gov (Applications may not be sent by e-mail. All internal EEO complaints must be filed with the Caltrans Discrimination Complaint Investigation Unit (DCIU) within one year from the last date upon which the alleged violation(s) of policy occurred. When a complaint is received, document all EEO complaints in a daily report, a memo to the project files, or on form CEM-2504. Check for live traffic conditions. Due to the amount of regulations that impact Caltrans, it is important that those working for and with Caltrans have a good understanding of the regulations. , Monday through Friday, to accommodate this improvement. Additional Information. If Headquarters Office of Civil Rights (HCR) determines a Title VI complaint against a sub-recipient [LPA] can be investigated by Caltrans, HCR may delegate the task of investigating the complaint to Caltrans. 04% Race-Gender Neutral Measures. , that are on the State Highway System infrastructure or State Right-of-Way contact us at (866) 810-6346 or To report an access barrier such as a missing curb ramp, a sidewalk that is too narrow for wheelchairs to pass, a lack of detectable warnings for vision impaired individuals, inaccessible pedestrian push buttons at traffic signals, etc. Title VI complaints (916) 324-0449. Red Phone already tackled a similar complaint about two weeks ago concerning crappy Caltrans road repairs, but another caller is angry about poor repairs on a local pot-holed highway. Contact Maintenance Processing the disposition of Title VI complaints received by Caltrans; Assistive Services Language. Keep your original records. More Caltrans. The DLA Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) Program compliance and oversight function resides in the Office of Guidance and Oversight (OGO). Caltrans also inspects over 12,200 local bridges. Caltrans' mission is to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability. ) District/Region DBE, DVBE, SB and Subcontracting Contact Information Alt Format (DOCX) District/Region Labor Compliance Office Information (PDF) Service Contracts Contact (PDF) File a Prevailing Wage Complaint with Caltrans. m. You will also be notified with a letter including the contact information for the responsible agency. 2% for federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022-2024. Every effort will be made to obtain early resolution of complaints at the lowest level possible. CALTRANS DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION . Please contact the appropriate District Encroachment Permits Office for details. If you are in immediate danger or to report highway emergencies, contact 911. To obtain services or copies in an alternate format or language, please contact Glenda Collins at (916) 639-6392, or visit the website. Caltrans, through its approved Labor Compliance program, does not directly investigate the contractor for debarment; however, Caltrans can prepare a written complaint requesting the debarment of a contractor. com. Resources. The public, contractors, suppliers, and vendors may also present these complaints. Purpose of the CSR System The CSR System offers the traveling public with a way to effectively communicate concerns with the California State Highway System. State of California. Below are the links to some of the regulations that Caltrans must follow. Under specific and strict state laws, Caltrans may be responsible for damage to vehicles traveling on the state highway system, but a filed claim does not automatically mean reimbursement. (Hmong) Organization Street Address Mailing Address Phone Email; Headquarters - Sacramento: 1120 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 P. Title VI Complaints Processed Under the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI complaints filed with Caltrans in which Caltrans is Helpful Resources. Know before you go. The California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 16434(b) (8 CCR 16434(b)), “Duties of Labor Compliance Program,” indicates that upon receipt of a written complaint alleging that a contractor or subcontractor has failed to pay prevailing wages as required by the California Labor Code, the Labor Compliance program must do all of the following: Caltrans is regulated by various federal and state statutes, regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures. Complaints may originate as a direct complaint, which is made by the public or by a contractor. The Caltrans overall DBE goal is 22. To see an interactive map showing the Caltrans Districts and the main District Offices, please use the following link: Caltrans Near Me. For ADA concerns, please contact Tina Dubost, Acting ADA Coordinator at 650-508-6247 or dubostc@samtrans. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0065 Tel: (916) 319-2065 Fax: (916) 319-2165. Feedback Submission Form. Compliance@dot. Local Civil Compliance (LCC) works with the 12 Caltrans Districts, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and FHWA to provide oversight and guidance to Local Public Agencies (LPAs) for the following Federal programs: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Title VI programs for Local Public Agencies (LPAs). Title VI complaints Dec 11, 2024 · Caltrans manages more than 50,000 lane miles of California's highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports and works with local transportation agencies. Office Location: 1120 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P. 3. Caltrans Overall DBE Goal. May 27, 2005 · Chambless was out of the office on Friday, but should return next week. District Claims Office Addresses and Phone Numbers. 5 Program is the modeling software required by FHWA for traffic noise studies. Local Assistance provides oversight of local agencies’ transportation projects. His phone number is 636-4356. dot. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES. District Office: 879 W. If the complaint is determined to be jurisdictional by Caltrans then DCIU will contact the complainant to conduct an immediate clarification interview. General Information The California Department of Transportation's mission is to provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability. . nois this an amendment to an existing claim? yes. 190th Street Suite #920 In order to formalize complaints, FAX requires the complainant’s signature and contact information. Prevailing Wage Complaint Form English (PDF) Prevailing Wage Complaint Form Spanish (PDF) DIR Annual Reports Each LPA subject to Title VI must develop a written plan for enforcement that sets out its priorities and procedures. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) owns or controls 350,000 acres of Right of Way and maintains 15,133 centerline miles of highway and 13,063 state highway bridges. Use the Cal trans Customer Service Request form to report situations (along highways) Valid Caltrans Locations & Duplicate submissions. By calling the office nearest to the problem location via telephone, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Oct 11, 2024 · State of California If Headquarters Office of Civil Rights (HCR) determines a Title VI complaint against a sub-recipient can be investigated by Caltrans, HCR may delegate the task of investigating the complaint to Caltrans. District Encroachment Permits Offices' Contact Information; Fees vary depending on the type of encroachment and the amount of staff hours needed to review and inspect it. QuickMap. Our hours of operation are 8:30 a. For all other requests, a Customer Service Request (CSR) can be submitted to Caltrans for non-ADA related issues (obstacles on the roadway, potholes, landscape issues, signage, graffiti, homeless encampments, etc. NOTE: If your claim against Caltrans is related to death or personal injury or damage to personal property or growing crops, and is for $12,500 or less, visit Filing a Damage Claim Against Caltrans. complaint forms to The Department of Transportationat : California Department of Transportation Division of Construction Labor Compliance 1120 N Street, MS 44 Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: Prevailing. Organization Street Address Mailing Address Phone Email; Headquarters - Sacramento: 1120 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 P. EEO complaints may originate as a direct complaint from the contractor's employees or as a result of a contractor employee interview. The Protocol is required in order to obtain FHWA approval for transportation projects authorized under title 23, United States Code. As the responsible Department for protecting the public's investment in the State highway system, Caltrans reviews all requests from local agencies, utility companies, developers, volunteers, nonprofit organizations, etc. Title VI complaints 19-1 Introduction. About Us (Division of Local Assistance) Caltrans' Local Assistance Program oversees more than one billion dollars annually available to over 600 cities, counties and regional agencies for the purpose of improving their transportation infrastructure or providing transportation services. Any local agency questions or comments related to Title VI may be sent to the contact information below: Caltrans Division of Local the right to file complaints alleging violations of this policy. Kevin Anderson at the Caltrans Equipment Service Center at 916-227-9682. For discrimination complaints based on sex and age, these complaints are to be processed using the same procedures above for Title VI Caltrans’ Federal Highway Administration Program (FHWA) proposed DBE goal for Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2025-2027 is 21. Thank you for visiting the new Caltrans website. Title VI complaints For information about surplus Caltrans equipment, we recommend you contact Mr. compliance. Call Us at 800-472-5609. Compliment Process If you call, write or e-mail us concerning a positive experience you have had with a bus driver, that driver will be acknowledged by the Supervisor at his/her bus division for providing excellent customer service. Typically, a deposit is required when the application package is submitted. To file a DBE or DVBE/SB complaint, use the below form: DBE or DVBE/SB Complaint Form; To contact the Compliance Branch with questions: DBE Program: DBE. Caltrans' Overall DBE Goal is 22. O. To submit a service request, follow these steps to complete your submission: Visit the CalTrans Division of Maintenance Website. DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTACTS All Phone Numbers are Area Code (916) except with * asterisk . Title VI Complaints Processed Under the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI complaints filed with Caltrans in which Caltrans is For billing inquiries, contact the Legal Division's front desk at 916-909-3706, or via email at LegalBilling@calhr. Prepare and obtain approval of change orders compensating the contractor for claims found to have merit pursuant to Tables 5-4. Jun 21, 2019 · this complaint. gov/ A page on the California Department of Transportation website that allows users to report highway emergencies, contact Caltrans, and file complaints. District-1 - Eureka; District-2 - Redding; If you have a disability, public transportation can be your ticket to increased independence. Phone: (916) 654-2852 customer. ). gov For Service of Process, please go to CalHR Guard Station located at 1810 16th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811-7258 For Public Records Requests, please see information found below at Public Services – Records Requests. 2. For discrimination complaints based on sex and age, these complaints are to be processed using the same procedures above for Title VI Caltrans' Office of Public Affairs disseminates public information regarding Caltrans, its operations and activities. Dec 4, 2024 · visiting the office nearest your location in person and detailing your traffic complaint to the watch officer (Find an Office). , that are on the State Highway System infrastructure or State Right-of-Way contact us at (866) 810-6346 or Complaints should be sent within one business day of receipt via email to Title. ca. The Caltrans Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Process addresses access requests that pertain specifically to Caltrans infrastructure (physical structures) such as sidewalks, curb ramps, accessible pedestrian signals (APS), etc. Caltrans carries out its mission of providing a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and Per FTA, Title VI complaints are to be handled at the local level or elevated to FTA under egregious Title VI discriminatory circumstances. Sacramento, CA 95814 . Overweight. Check Current Highway Conditions Enter Highway Number(s) You can also call 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. The Contact Center is enhancing service with a new callback option. Many of Caltrans' most requested services can be performed online. Complaints@dot. Box 942874, MS # 41, Sacramento, CA 94274-0001 Office Phone Number: (916) 322-1297 General Email: Oversize. Additional resources: Division of Construction Contract Compliance; Division of Local Assistance Compliance Subrecipients will work collaboratively with the Caltrans Local Compliance Branch (LCC) and Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in conducting periodic compliance reviews to ensure their compliance with the Caltrans DBE Program Plan. 3. Facilities operations and a caltrans number of this is the people General office procedures, given the district yearly must send your eyes to a very thorough investigation will attempt to. Customer Service Request https://csr. Keep a copy of your complaint for your records. This plan must be available to the public and must address matters such as the method for selecting recipients for compliance reviews, the establishment of timetables and controls for such reviews, the procedure for handling complaints, the allocation of its staff to different Call the State Bar's multilingual Contact Center (800-843-9053) for help. , that are on the State Highway System infrastructure or State Right-of-Way contact us at (866) 810-6346 or Oct 11, 2024 · Unlock Your Business Potential at the DBE Summit Feb 20! Register and Attend for Free If submitted to our Public Works Title VI Coordinator, RMA will submit the Complaint form to Caltrans per their process (detailed below): Caltrans Complaint Process The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ensures “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, State of California. Please contact me if I can assist you in your efforts to fulfill your contract. gov. - - Situation types include but are not limited to: Encampment Graffiti Landscaping - weeds, trees, brush Litter - trash and debris Roadway - pothole Chains/snow tires Deceased animal (reports of dead animals on highways) Illegal dumping Litter - unauthorized signs, banners, or posters Quickmap - submit corrections Jan 31, 2025 · State of California. However, people are encouraged to bring their issue to Caltrans’ attention first before going to the federal government so that it can be resolved at the local level. The Caltrans Office of Planning and Response (OPR) provides an all-hazard and multi-modal approach to prepare Caltrans for responding to emergency incidents. cc: Prime Contractor, Home Office HQ Construction Program District Construction Office RE File Also, the Caltrans Division of Environmental Analysis - Noise and Vibration Studies office provides online training on measurements and instrumentation. Contact Animal Care. Caltrans’ EEO policy has been developed to ensure a work environment free from The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Local Assistance (DLA) is responsible for funding local agency projects and programs that utilize federal funds. no o r ig n a lcmu b e( f p ) 2. 2022 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Summit. 511 Real-Time Traveler Information The Caltrans Customer Service Request form should not be used to report an emergency. Bakersfield Public Works. To report an access barrier such as a missing curb ramp, a sidewalk that is too narrow for wheelchairs to pass, a lack of detectable warnings for vision impaired individuals, inaccessible pedestrian push buttons at traffic signals, etc. , desiring to conduct various activities within the right of way. Division of construction . We are sending copies of this letter to your company’s home office and to Caltrans headquarters office in Sacramento. If you have a problem with your lawyer’s actions or fees, you have options. Box 942873 Sacramento, CA 94273-0001. 2% for federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022-2024 Unlock Your Business Potential at the DBE Summit Feb 20! Register and Attend for Free Caltrans does not pay for any and all damages to vehicles traveling on the state highway, and all drivers must carry adequate insurance. Used to get timely response when submitting maintenance items to be fixed on the freeways - now, response takes up to a month from the initial submission. Jan 31, 2025 · State of California. Please note, this form is for feedback or suggestions ONLY. The internal portal is to be used when a complaint about the State Highway System comes to Caltrans by telephone, letter, or in-person contact. When a complaint indicates that the practices of Caltrans have the effect of discrimination, it is a Title VI complaint. About Caltrans Contact Us ADA Certification Request ADA Compliant Documents Settings Translate. User-Friendly Caltrans Contract Opportunities Webpage Goes Live “Caltrans Contracting Opportunities Portal” Provides Easier Access Caltrans District 7 Ma intenance Support Customer For citizens without Internet service or computer capabilities, call District 7 Maintenance Support in Los Angeles at 213- 897- 4426. All internal EEO complaints must be filed with the Caltrans Discrimination Complaint Investigation Unit 3 days ago · Unlock Your Business Potential at the DBE Summit Feb 20! Register and Attend for Free Caltrans’ Federal Highway Administration Program (FHWA) proposed DBE goal for Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2025-2027 is 21. If you are seeking assistance for an ADA-compliant document, please submit your request via the Public Records Center link below. If you need help re-establishing communication with your attorney or retrieving files from your former attorney, you can request it through the pilot Attorney Client Bridge Program. Real-time traveler information enables the traveling public to make informed transportation choices. Wage. 1120 N Street, Room 2500 MS # 44 . Select the situation type from the drop down menu. 7 *Caltrans inputs all grievances received into the database system to ensure effective Local Agency Project Closeout Report - FFY 2021. 7. Contact Public Affairs . Contact IOAI: CalTrans accepts comments and complaints about the condition of state highways. Model Future Noise Levels with the Project - Currently, the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) 2. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about Caltrans Complaint Phone Number phone number. gov Capitol Office: 1021 O Street Suite 6210 P. To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you have a service complaint or compliment, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-660-4287. Companies that you We collected information about Caltrans Complaint Phone Number for you. Title VI complaints Download Caltrans Complaint Phone Number pdf. CalTrans. Call 911 in the case of a serious or life threatening emergency. • Animal noise complaint • Animal evacuation in a disaster. The Contact Center is closed on State Bar holidays. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is responsible for planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the state highway system. Download Caltrans Complaint Phone Number doc. This complaint is forwarded to the California Department of Industrial Relations for a final debarment determination. District 7, which includes Los Angeles and Ventura counties, has the second largest workforce of the 12 Caltrans districts statewide. All applicants, employees, the public and business partners have the right to be represented by a person of their choosing at each and all steps of the complaint process. For these types of claims a form LD-0274, Claim Against Department of Transportation for Amounts $12,500 or Less is required. Contact Aeronautics discrimination. e-mail address is the claimant under 18 years of age? yes. DUTIES/ASSIGNMENTS NAME PHONE# DIV ISION C HIEF FALSETTI, RACHEL 654 -2157 ASSISTANT DIV ISION CH IEF Caltrans Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol (April 2020) The California DOT Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol (PDF) presents Caltrans policies and procedures for traffic noise studies in conformance with 23 CFR 772. CONTACT US . to 3:00 p. This page was created by the Division of Construction's Office of Labor Compliance to provide regulations, procedures, and forms pertaining to contract compliance for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE), and Small Business (SB) programs. Also, Caltrans’ Federal Transit Administration (FTA) DBE goal for FFYs 2023-2025 is The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) owns or controls 350,000 acres of Right of Way and maintains 15,133 centerline miles of highway and 13,063 state highway bridges. • Per Caltrans’ posted procedure, a grievance may be submitted one of five ways: •Through the online portal and database system •By mail •E-mail to ada. gov DVBE/SB Program: DVBE. office@dot. INTENDED RESULTS. Services » Transportation » Road Maintenance. for persons with disabilities or their representative experiencing issues accessing Caltrans infrastructure. gov Language Access Plan No, the law does not require people who want to file an ADA complaint against Caltrans with the federal government to file a complaint with Caltrans first. 12 reviews and 23 photos of CALTRANS DISTRICT 11 OFFICE "I have mixed feelings about this one but they cancel each other out with a solid 3. If you need assistance or have questions, select the 'I need assistance or have questions' option above. , “Disputes Resolution Authority—Settlement Before District Director’s Determination of Claims,” in Section 5-417, “Dispute Resolution Authority,” of this manual. , “Disputes Resolution Authority—Entitlement,” and 5-4. This line is staffed Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm to communicate and log issues and concerns on the state highway system in Los Angeles and Ventura counties only. 31% Race-Gender Conscious Measures and 4. Skip to Main Content About Caltrans Contact Us ADA Certification Request ADA Compliant Documents Settings Translate Contact Center. The Complainant will receive an acknowledgement letter informing them that the complaint has been received and whether the complaint will be investigated by Caltrans or forwarded to FTA. attorney or representative information (if applicable) name (first, middle, last)* business name (if applicable)* mailing address* city* state/ province* zip/postal code* phone number. Per FTA, Title VI complaints are to be handled at the local level or elevated to FTA under egregious Title VI discriminatory circumstances. Unlock Your Business Potential at the DBE Summit Feb 20! Register and Attend for Free Contact. Caltrans Near Me. jer dcyr tnnmvwd suexob lhtsu duvsn ptcore yharsqn brzqp drl facz gzgqr xoqdx jxqdi vyizwlz