Utah liquefaction map. 0 Scenario Earthquake from Olsen et al.
Utah liquefaction map , scale 1:48,000. Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazard Reduction program a "Liquefaction Potential Map" has been prepared for Utah County, Utah. Geological Survey 30x60-minute topographic quadrangles of Tooele, Rush Valey, and Bonneville Salt Flats. Location Data During the 1980s engineers and geologists with the Utah State University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Dames and Moore prepared a series of liquefaction potential maps for parts of Utah. You all share the responsibility of keeping your slopes safe. Map Image Layer by jharman@utah. Home > services > srwgis07 > Liquefaction_Hazards_Map (MapServer) > All Layers and Tables: Help | API Reference: JSON: All Layers and Tables (srwgis07/Liquefaction Mar 12, 2025 · View the Sandy City Liquefaction Probability Map. UT-20. If a hazard exists, various hazard-reduction techniques are available, such as soil improvement or special foundation design. The main purpose of geologic-hazards maps is to identify where geologic hazards may be present and where additional evaluations are needed to assess hazards and recommend mitigation measures prior to development. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section zonation presented on a liquefaction haz-ard map for a specific building project. and Harty, K. 1) shows high liquefaction potential for a significant portion of the county. Utah County is located in northern Utah's urban corridor just south of Salt Lake Valley. Working Groups. utah. 0 Scenario Earthquake from Olsen et al. Geological Survey (USGS) established four multi-disciplinary earthquake-working groups (Utah Quaternary Fault Parameters Working Group, Utah Liquefaction Advisory Group, Ground Shaking Working Group, and the Earthquake-Induced Landslide Working Group) to coordinate earthquake research in Utah. Base map from U. 2 L Jan 14, 2020 · NOTE: This dataset holds 'static' data that we don't expect to change. Nov 21, 2019 · This data set represents the liquefaction potential for Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Weber Counties. (Earthquake Spectra) (2005 Thesis) The purpose of this study was to develop a liquefaction potential map for Utah County, Utah. gov This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. Find the type, location, and relative susceptibility of active faults, landslides, and other geologic hazards where data is available. The in Salt Lake County, Utah. Robison, Utah County Geologist, 1990. ULAG includes representatives of government, academia, and industry with expertise in liquefaction mapping. , P. The liquefaction-potential categories of Salt Lake County are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in those zones. D, Solomon, B. C. The Find out if you live in an area that is at risk for landslides by visiting the Utah Geologic Hazards Portal which has an Interactive map of earthquake, liquefaction, landslide, radon, and other risks near you. Utah Hazards map potential https://hazards. More Data imported from AGRC who digitzed the data from the Utah Geological Survey mylars from 1994. 2. The NOTE: This dataset holds 'static' data that we don't expect to change. Energy & Minerals. LIQUEFACTION Gravel Liquefaction in the Literature Year Mw Earthquake Reference 1891 7. gov_uplan. Liquefaction-Induced Ground Displacements Maps for the Salt Lake Valley, Utah for a M7. Probabilistic Liquefaction Potential and Lateral Spread Hazard Maps for Utah County, Utah: Collaborative Research with Brigham Young University and Oregon State University . E. Liquefaction Potential Map of Salt Lake County; Public Information Series #25. Thus, Utah has a significant liquefaction risk. Steve Bartlett, Travis Gerber – Development of liquefaction-induced settlement map for Salt Lake County. We have removed it from the SDE database and placed it in ArcGIS Online, but it is still considered part of the SGID and shared on opendata. We hope that these maps provide a basis to better understand earthquake risks and encourage loss reduction in Utah before the next strong earthquake happens. Submitted and Authored By: Liquefaction potential maps for Utah (Liquefaction potential maps for: northern Wasatch Front, central Utah, and for Davis, Salt Lake, and Uinta Counties) (OFR-433) Home 1:100,000 Geologic Maps sediments, and the Anderson et al. Or 1300 east fault line. Steve Bartlett – Completion of probabilistic lateral spread map and deterministic lateral spread map for a scenario earthquake for southern Salt Lake County. 0 Scenario Event on the Salt Lake City Segment of the Wasatch Fault (2016) Lateral Spread Hazard Mapping of Northern Salt Lake Valley, Utah for a M7. Why is liquefaction a concern? Liquefaction has caused significant property damage in many earthquakes around the world, and is a major hazard associated with earthquakes in Utah. Central Utah Water Conservancy District . The Liquefaction Advisory Group continues its long-term goal to produce maps showing annual probabilities of liquefaction and liquefaction-induced ground displacement, and is focused on extending pilot-project investigations in Salt Lake Valley to Utah and Davis Counties, particularly regarding compilation of a comprehensive regional geotechnical database. 5 Randolph Liquefaction in the April 15, 2010, M 4. These maps are suitable for land-use planning and management and show the relative distribution and magnitude of liquefaction hazards. 5 Randolph earthquake, which occurred about 6 miles northeast of Randolph near the base of the Crawford Mountains in northern Utah The liquefaction-potential categories of Cache Valley are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in those zones. Maps, reports, and other publications from geologic hazard investigations indicating the location and relative severity of specific geologic hazards for local governments, elected officials, prospective purchasers, landowners, and others to make informed decisions. 19, 2015 Steven F. The Liquefaction in the April 15, 2010, M 4. Feb. 22: Probabilistic Liquefaction Triggering and Lateral Spread Hazard Maps for Davis, Weber, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah Description: Research and Innovation final report (Subject: Geotechnical) University of Utah has collected data for liquefaction analysis for the Salt Lake Valley, Utah and has written routines in ArcGIS to create probabilistic liquefaction hazard and lateral spread maps for use in planning and community development. Although only two fatalities (ground shaking-related) from earthquakes have occurred in Utah since 1847, scenario modeling predicts 2000 to 2500 fatalities, 7400 to 9300 life-threatening injuries, 55,400 buildings completely damaged, 21 million tons of debris, and $33. 5 Randolph Earthquake; GPS Monitoring of Slow-Moving Landslides; Updated Landslide Maps of Utah; Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures in Cedar Valley; Historical Maps – More Than Meets The Eye; Utah Shales May Contain The “Right Stuff”—Natural Gas; Exploring Utah’s Other Great Lake Utah’s Plan for Developing the Next Generation of Liquefaction Hazard Maps Objective 1 (cont. US Drought Monitor: Interactive map of drought near you. The Utah Geological Survey doesnot guaranteeaccuracy or completenessof data. A brief summary of the item is not available. collapse. To determine the liquefaction potential and likelihood of property damage at a site, a site-specific geotechnical investigation by a qualified professional is needed. Dec 31, 2024 · 115 South 1460 East, Room 211 FASB Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0102 PH 801. Jarva The liquefaction-potential categories of Utah County are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in Utah Geologic Hazards Portal: Interactive map of earthquake, liquefaction, landslide, radon, and other risks near you. For useat 1:24,000 scale only. Prepared For: United States Geological Survey . The second type, a liquefaction hazard map, divides This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. Liquefaction-potential map for a part of Utah County, Utah (PI-28) By: J. Or near Jordan River where liquefaction will happen due to water table level. Nov 21, 2019 · To show the liquefaction potential for Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Weber Counties. The 1934 Hansel Valley and 1962 Cache Valley earthquakes caused liquefaction, and large prehistoric lateral spreads exist at many locations along the Wasatch Front. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section Nov 5, 2012 · The Utah Geological Survey produced a map in 1994 (and still in use) that highlights the liquefaction dangers during an earthquake for various parts of the state, including Davis County (see a reproduction of the map below). NOTE: This dataset holds 'static' data that we don't expect to change. The 1934 Hansel Valley and 1962 Cache Valley earthquakes caused liquefaction in northern Utah*, and large prehistoric lateral spreads exist at many locations along the Types of Liquefaction Maps Liquefaction Potential Maps –Combine liquefaction susceptibility (capacity) with seismic input (demand). , 1994, liquefaction potential map for Davis Worst geographical locations would be Shoreline trail near the fault. Associate Professor University of Utah Why is liquefaction a concern? Liquefaction has caused significant property damage in many earthquakes around the world, and is a major hazard associated with earthquakes in Utah. 9 Mino-Owari, Japan Tokimatsu& Yoshimi (1983) 1905 7. In 2003, the UGS and U. You and your neighbors share more than fences. In addition, to complete the suite of liquefaction-related hazard maps for Salt Lake County, liquefaction-induced settlement maps will be produced in this report. Salt Lake Co. This map is for general reference only and was modified from Anderson, L. L. To show the liquefaction potential for Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Weber Counties. Before. Copies of this reoort are available at the Utah Geological Survey. Utah Wall Maps; World Wall Maps; United States Maps; Decrease quantity for Liquefaction susceptibility map for Tooele Valley, Tooele County, Utah (PI-80) Liquefaction potential maps for Utah (Liquefaction potential maps for: northern Wasatch Front, central Utah, and for Davis, Salt Lake, and Uinta Counties) (OFR-433) During the 1980s engineers and geologists with the Utah State University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Dames and Moore prepared a series of liquefaction These liquefaction and ground deformation hazard maps for 475, 1033, and 2475-year return periods were developed to assist in the preliminary and/or regional assessment of liquefaction hazard. New notebook runtime Utah Liquefaction Advisory Group (ULAG) Progress Report on Liquefaction Working Group February 15, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah Steven F. 6274 Why is liquefaction a concern? Liquefaction has caused significant property damage in many earthquakes around the world, and is a major hazard associated with earthquakes in Utah. , Keaton, J. Bartlett, Ph. This map is developed herein using a M7. The new map shows earthquakes within and surrounding Utah from 1850 to 2016, and faults considered to be sources of large Jan 14, 2020 · NOTE: This dataset holds 'static' data that we don't expect to change. Add a brief summary about the item. Uquefaction potential map for Utah County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Contract Report 94-3, 46 p. Liquefaction susceptibility maps are available for the Wasatch Front, Cache Valley, and selected areas in southwest Utah. Utah Department of Transportation . 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. gov. geology. The 1934 Hansel Valley and 1962 Cache Valley earthquakes caused liquefaction in northern Utah*, and large prehistoric lateral spreads exist at many locations along the Mar 18, 2010 · This paper presents liquefaction-induced lateral spread and ground settlement maps for the Salt Lake Valley for a M7. The Sep 8, 1994 · The purpose of this study was to develop a liquefaction potential map for Utah County, Utah. Energy liquefaction potential map for central utah complete technical report tooele juab millard beaver iron washington by loren r. Our geologic-hazard maps, available publicly later this year, demonstrate the widespread effects in the central Wasatch Front of the scenario earthquake. M. D. The mapping project presented herein includes probabilistic liquefaction triggering maps along with probabilistic lateral spread maps using the state-of-the-art probabilistic liquefaction and lateral spread analyses techniques and an M 7. Geological Survey meet annually in February to review earthquake-related research activities, evaluate long-term plans for producing up-to-date earthquake hazard maps, and develop partnerships and funding sources for investigations to reduce the risk from earthquakes. This Portal is a compilation of data from the Utah Geologic Hazards Database, and contains post-2008 UGS geologic hazard map data and data from other sources for parts of Utah. anderson jeffrey r. Youd Liquefaction Severity Index maps for the state of Utah were generated using probabilistic analysis. , 1999, Geology and geologic hazards of Tooele Valley and the West Desert Hazardous The Utah Liquefaction Advisory Group (ULAG) was formed in 2003 under the auspices of the Utah Geological Survey to oversee the liquefaction mapping effort in Utah. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section View this map, last updated October 6 2023 This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. S. MEETING SUMMARY PRESENTATIONS AND Geodatabase Version Name: Map Scale: Rotation: Datum Transformations: Layer Parameter Values: Map Range Values: Layer Range Values: Patch Size (in points): This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. 1 Messina, Italy Baratta(1910) 1906 8. 2 San Francisco, CA Youdand Hoose(1978) Why is liquefaction a concern? Liquefaction has caused significant property damage in many earthquakes around the world, and is a major hazard associated with earthquakes in Utah. Technical working groups established in 2003 by the Utah Geological Survey and the U. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 1 10:00 Welcome, Overview of Meeting: Steve Bartlett, University of Utah 10:10 Technical Presentations of Work Completed or In Progress “Probabilistic Liquefaction Triggering and Lateral Spread Hazard Maps for Davis, Weber and Salt Lake Counties, Utah: Collaborative Research with University of Utah and Brigham Young The maps cover Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah, and are derived from performance-based models for liquefaction triggering (Kramer and Mayfield 2007) and lateral spread displacement (Franke and Kramer 2014). 2 billion in estimated short-term, direct economic losses from a major M 7. Mar 18, 2020 · Energy & Minerals. (1994) hazard map of Utah County (see Fig. , and Bay, JA, 1994, Liquefaction potential map for the northern Wasatch Front, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Contract Report 94-5, 150 p. liquefaction is a "bowl of Jello effect" that could turn some of the ground to a slushy state and cause buildings to sink This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. L-53, Liquefaction - potential PIS map, Salt Lake County Legacy information for historical or archival purposes, more current information available. Utah County contains one of Utah's largest population centers, the Provo-Orem area. These data address earthquake, flood, landslide, and problem soil and rock hazards. Jarva. Looking for Liquefaction Maps? The new, interactive Utah Geologic Hazards Portal is the gateway to all hazards mapping in Utah. , 1994, Liquefaction potential map for Salt Lake County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Contract Report 94-4, 48 p. Maps were digitized by the AGRC and Utah Geological Survey (UGS) from original mylars provided by Utah State University (USU). The Liquefaction Severity The earthquake database described here consists of catalogs (chronological lists of origin time, location, and size), along with explanatory information, for the earthquake epicenters shown on Utah Geological Survey (UGS) Map 277, Utah Earthquakes (1850–2016) and Quaternary Faults (hereafter, “the map”; Bowman and Arabasz [2017]). Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute! You must be logged in to post a comment. A. future hazard mapping in Utah Valley. , 1999, Geology and geologic hazards of Tooele Valley and the West Desert Hazardous Utah Liquefaction Advisory Group (ULAG) Progress Report on Liquefaction Working Group February 8, 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah Steven F. By: J. map for southern Salt Lake County. –Demand can be expressed as a deterministic scenario event or a probabilistic‐based estimate obtained from the national seismic hazard maps Liquefaction potential for Nov 8, 2017 · The Utah Geological Survey (UGS), University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS), and Utah Division of Emergency Management (UDEM) recently published the Utah Earthquakes (1850–2016) and Quaternary Fault Map (UGS Map 277). Energy Costs of Earthquake Hazards. Do you live in an oil train blast zone? Apr 15, 2010 · The UGS conducted a brief field reconnaissance following the April 15, 2010, magnitude (M) 4. 3. Types of Maps Two types of liquefaction hazard maps are considered in this technical brief. keaton john d. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section Status (2006) •Prob. Liquefaction susceptibility map from Black, B. liquefaction potential map (S. ) Types of Maps (1) Liquefaction Triggering Maps (2) Lateral Spread Displacement Hazard Maps (3) Liquefaction-Induced Ground Settlement Maps This data set represents the liquefaction potential for Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Weber Counties. Copies of this report are available at the Utah Geological Survey. 5 Randolph Earthquake; GPS Monitoring of Slow-Moving Landslides; Updated Landslide Maps of Utah; Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures in Cedar Valley; Historical Maps – More Than Meets The Eye; Utah Shales May Contain The “Right Stuff”—Natural Gas; Exploring Utah’s Other Great Lake Sep 8, 1994 · The purpose of this study was to develop a liquefaction potential map for Utah County, Utah. These maps were developed for Utah using an extensive geotechnical subsurface database correlated to surficial geological mapping. J. The liquefaction-potential categories of Davis County are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in those zones. The maps were published in four UGS Contract Reports in 1994. rice wayne ~ , contract report 94-10 september 1994 sanjuan ' utah geological survey ~ a division of utah department of natural resources property of ugs library Report No. 22: Probabilistic Liquefaction Triggering and Lateral Spread Hazard Maps for Davis, Weber, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah Description: Research and Innovation final report (Subject: Geotechnical) As part of the U. 581. Liquefaction potential was evaluated from existing subsurface data and from a supplementary subsurface investigation performed as one of the tasks in this study. R. The first type, a historic liquefaction map, shows where liquefaction has occurred during historic earthquakes. Mabey and T. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, shall not be liable under any circumstances for anydirect, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages withrespectto claims by usersofthis product. 0 earthquake on the a) Complete probabilistic and scenario maps for Salt Lake Valley including: (1) probabilistic liquefaction potential map for Salt Lake Valley and (2) probabilistic lateral spread displacement map for Salt Lake Valley. Associate Professor University of Utah Implementation of Risk‐Based Liquefaction Maps in Hazard Ordinances and Risk‐Based Decision Making Report No. (These tasks are from 2007 funded items, but their final version is being postponed pending release of USGS Tooele County, Utah This map is for general reference only. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section LIQUEFACTION-POTENTIAL MAP FOR A PART OF DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Public Information Series 24 S. , scale 1 :48,000. (draft) •will revise with new input from 2006 USGS strong motion maps This study presents probabilistic liquefaction-induced ground failure maps for Davis County, Utah. The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) is a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources. The hazard maps were developed to aid engineers, developers, and city planners in identifying areas that may require additional geotechnical evaluations and potential liquefaction mitigation. Hydrocarbons; Coal; Metals; Industrial Minerals; Geothermal Resources; Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage; Information and Maps. The group establishes a consensus on societal needs and technical The procedure is applied to develop liquefaction triggering and lateral spread displacement hazard maps for Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah at return periods of 475, 1033, and 2475 years. gis. ) (Task 3) •completed for all of Salt Lake Co. The liquefaction-potential categories of Utah County are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in those zones. 0 earthquake on the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault zone. LIQUEFACTION During the 1980s engineers and geologists with the Utah State University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Dames and Moore prepared a series of liquefaction potential maps for parts of Utah. The 1934 Hansel Valley and 1962 Cache Valley earthquakes caused liquefaction in northern Utah*, and large prehistoric lateral spreads exist at many locations along the To show the liquefaction potential for Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Weber Counties. Geologic-hazard maps generally show areas that may be subject to the effects of earthquakes, landslides, debris flows, rock falls, poor soil conditions, radon, or floods. . See report in Public Works Library "Text to Accompany the Liquefaction Hazards Maps for Utah County, Utah" by Robert M. Although this map is a useful reference, it is desirable to produce new liquefaction hazard maps that show the consequences of The liquefaction-potential categories of Weber County are mapped based on local geology and subsurface soil and water conditions and depend on the probability of having an earthquake within a 100-year period that will be strong enough to cause liquefaction in those zones. 0 scenario event on the Wasatch fault and for two probabilistic-based events: (1) peak ground acceleration associated with a 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years and (2) peak ground acceleration associated with a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. Sandy City Hall 10000 S Centennial Pkwy Sandy, UT 84070 Phone: 801-568-7100 By: M. Tooele County, Utah This map is for general reference only. Utah liquefaction. 2 scenario earthquake at Wasatch fault, Weber section Progress Report on Liquefaction Working Group February 15, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah Steven F. , 1999, Geology and geologic hazards of Tooele Valley and the West Desert Hazardous Earthquake Database for Utah Geological Survey Map 277: Utah Earthquakes (1850-2016) and Quaternary Faults Liquefaction in the April 15, 2010, M 4. tyemyvytvzxplsydzocmcsqnghtmsiwebzpwvmdowfjtuulbmckotcbdkpunpvcemtqccvagdqxito