Unity shoot in direction 2d. Here is a bit of (untested) code.
Unity shoot in direction 2d Oct 19, 2021 · Time. As far as we know, the game may be anything between a "brick breaker" with very few bullets/balls on screen at a time, to a 2D top-down shooter with lots. com/saturngamesss/91da6e728790a1f8f7eeb0235bba830a Join my Oct 19, 2021 · Time. So you can use either transform. I can’t seem to get it to work. As well as using the Keycode. But i dont have an idea to implement this in my script. When I shoot a bullet while moving, it appears to go either way above or way below the crosshair, meaning Feb 12, 2016 · Hey there, I’am stuck with a very basic problem: I want to implement a turret that instantiates bullets that fly towards the direction of the mouse input (which works). You can use the cannon’s transform. here my code: Feb 1, 2016 · Hello all, Currently in a 2D top down shooter, I am using the following script on an touchscreen joystick to shoot in whichever direction the player presses the stick. I have a question that I could not solve, as the title says I want to make a shot to any direction in 2D. But they even do it if walls are between them. My problem is that the projectile will fire in a different direction based on my player’s world position. The game is a simple 2D side-scrolling shooter. Like shooting a turret. And I got stuck with raycasting. the problem is that the bullet is spawned in the middle of the player and it does not even fly in a direction. velocity = cannon. using UnityEngine; public class PlayerAimWeapon : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private Transform aimTransform; // Reference to Aim object private void Update() { // Get mouse position in world space Vector3 Aug 8, 2021 · using System. com/c/bblakeyyyPatreon with fu Mar 27, 2019 · I’m trying to create a character which shoots a projectile when space is pressed. So I want bullet don’t changing its direction when i move mouse. At the moment I am using the following code to launch. public void fire(){ Vector3 location = target. The problem is that whenever I shoot, the bullet only goes upwards even when the player is facing down, right or left. I’m not sure where to go with this and was wondering if some Nov 5, 2024 · So I have a game in which the player can shoot projectiles towards a crosshair and this is a 2D game, however recently I switched the camera to perspective so that the background could have a parallax effect. Then you can change line 33 to: bPrefab. Range(-1f, 1f); var y = Random. I have scripted so that he can launch a projectile. projectileInstance. Collections; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { public int direction = 0; public float speed = 0 Aug 3, 2014 · Hi guys, I’m trying to make a simple 2D shooter, and I need to shoot a projectile from player position to the mouse pointer position. It’ll shoot straight if the player is facing straight, but shoots backwards when facing left, right, or Feb 2, 2020 · hi guys, please i want to know how to shoot the ball according to the arrow direction , the arrow ping pong in the z axis between 3 and -3 here is an image that illustrates the game please i need your help! @Eric5h5 @tanoshimi @Bunny83 @robertbu @clunk47 Aug 14, 2013 · Anywas, I want to do a 2. This assumes your bullet points to the right by default, but if it doesn’t you can tweak the code or the bullet prefab to fix this. Thank you in advance if you know the solution! 🙂 Here is the code and the image: using Oct 1, 2014 · i fixed my original issue, i was declaring “projectile” as my variable but calling “Projectile” in my instantiate function. I am assuming this is a 2D game which is why the rotation occurs on the Z axis. This works, but bullets have strange rotation! Thanks public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 25f; void Start() { Vector3 mousePos = Input. It would just shoot randomly without accounting for the player’s position. Nov 28, 2021 · I’m creating a top down shooter. The projectile will hit the player if he is standing still but will miss if he moves, giving him a chance. Instantiate(shotPrefab, firePoint. Simple. This works perfectly, but I’ve noticed it can be a bit tricky to aim like this when using a touchpad instead of a physical joystick. Feb 8, 2014 · Typically with a 2D sprite either the right side or the up side is the forward. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ShootingScript : MonoBehaviour {public GameObject rocketPrefab; I have covid atm so apologies if i sound odd in this. Attach this script to the Player GameObject:. right’ if the right of your character is Aug 2, 2018 · Hi, I am making a 2D topdown game. In guide he could fire the bullet in whatever direction he wants, but when i try, it only wants to fire in the topright quarter of the screen. position; Vector3 location2 = new Vector3 (weapon. The problem is that the raycast is going in the wrong direction, but slightly follows the player’s movement. ) , and not from the player. He can move in all directions. mousePosition = Camera. position, Quaternion. The problem is lets say the player shoots and the bullet goes left and once the player moves RIGHT the bullet will also move RIGHT. However, in 3D there's an extra step to figure out from the user's click what object they're aiming at. SetPosition (0, ballPosition); aim. I’m new and I’ve been using the Brackey’s 2D platformer tutorials. 2 scene: rotate bullet and take lokal direction from the bullet. position; direction. However the way you set the direction of the shot in the shot script Direction = transform. I am trying to make it fire a bullet (right now its just a slow moving ball, placeholders eh?) towards the touch position, by using a LookAt from the bullet to the touch position, and then having a script on the bullet which just does a transform. up and right with transform. position - transform. There are several code snippets similar to this one I am using: Apr 13, 2018 · My game is a 2D, top-down game where you aim with the mouse and the gun follows it. However, I am quite new to programming and am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do so. My question might be very easy to answer, but after several hours of searching I could not find any help on the Internet. I first tried from instantiating the bullet from the turrets rotation, which follows the player. Additionally, the force of pushing a bullet causes the player to spin uncontrollably (which is then unable to fire straight). right or transform. How can I lock the player so they don’t spin? Additionally, how can I fire the bullet so that firing a bullet doesn’t push Aug 18, 2019 · Hi all, I have this script that successfully shoots projectiles by instantiating it and deleting it 3 seconds later to keep the game running smoothly. Here is my bowScript code: using UnityEngine; using System. Fairly Jan 16, 2018 · Greetings, I’ve created a little 2D tank and the barrel of the tank follows the player always pointing at a 45 degree angle. Have anyone had this problem with 2d shooting? If so I would appreciate it if you could share what you Jan 12, 2018 · I want to give this enemy the ability to shoot bullets left right up and down I am still new to prjectiles so excuse me if I am not writing the proper code using System. I researched alot and couldnt find an answer. However, all things I have tried have yielded strange results. Thanks! Apr 7, 2015 · I am making a 2d megaman like game and I am struggling with making my bullet fire in the direction my player is facing. One way I’m trying is for the bullet to move by force… A code private void Disparar() { Vector2 direccion = (mira. L to shoot, I am using the basic Unity 2d Player Movement asset to move my character if that helps any. up of the character in your Raycast(). The script should look something like this: bulletRb. The problem is, that I can’t get my bullets to have the correct rotation (whenever I tried to set the bullets rotation, the movement direction went wrong). com/2021/11/simple-shooting-2d-bullets-unity-game. 5; var ammoCount = 20; private var lastShot = -10. 5f, 0); public GameObject bulletPrefab; int bulletLayer; public Nov 23, 2019 · It depends on how you are moving the bullets. position - bocaArma. AddForce(transform. 0; function Fire { // Did the time exceed the reload Sep 21, 2024 · So I am making a tower defense 2d game. May 9, 2017 · How to make a 2D Platformer - SHOOTING - Unity Tutorial - YouTube When my player is flipped right with the hand the bullets go to the direction where the firePoint is pointing at, (360 degrees. unitypackage (39. If the player is in a negative x or y axis then the bullet Mar 21, 2022 · Edit: I solved this and put the solution in the first comment Even when I can see in the Inspector that my “firing point” has rotated 180 degrees, the red arrow facing left always faces left. New to Unity and game development. I also tried using LateUpdate(). In Bullet Script; void Start () { player = GameObject Mar 2, 2018 · Hello guys, I’m creating a 2D game and I would like to make my enemy to shot at the direction of the player. I would like to convert the unit’s rotation into X and Y vectors, which are passed to the bullet object to determine which direction the bullet moves. I have been trying to find a solution, but with no luck. point - player. I’m having an issue that I just can’t seem to figure out. My problem is how to make the projectile move towards last player position and continue moving in that direction Apr 25, 2023 · So, I’m working on a 2d game with a top view, where the player character is a balloon that keeps falling, and you have to shoot little gusts of air to keep itself afloat while avoiding obstacles and enemies. (yet it is offset from center in the correct direction i press May 10, 2018 · I’m absolutely useless when it comes to code but i wanted to make my 2D character be able to shoot in one direction, Up but all the tutorials i find are only the way the play is facing the other way or have the other directions as well. I am basically trying just to shoot a bullet that would move foward in the direction of the player. In the shape module, Circle seems like a good choice. 5f; public float Firespeed = 10f; public GameObject fireballPrefab; public override void TriggerAbility(Transform firepoint) { GameObject fireBall = Instantiate(fireballPrefab Jun 28, 2014 · Hi, I am trying to get my 2D character to be able to shoot in both +x and -x directions, but am having some difficulties. I have managed to code the character’s left/right movement, jumping and his ability to May 13, 2017 · I have a monster in my 2d game, when a player enters his collider he fires a projectile at time. In my update function, I control the camera and player movement. AddForce(Launcher. Dec 23, 2019 · Hi, I have a script that fires in the direction the mouse is pointing. z; transform. At this point, you can now fire spheres up on the Y axis. htmlFeel free to Like and Share to show support for this channel. For most 2D game it is either ‘transform. RotatePlayer will get the cursor position and calculate the direction facing the cursor by subtracting the player’s position from the cursor position Sep 13, 2015 · I’m doing a 2D platformer game where the enemy should shoot to the player. The movement depends on how you are moving the arrow (like Transform or Rigidbody physics movement), but you can use your transform. However, the projectiles will only shoot in one direction (Z axis). 0; var reloadTime = 0. The bullet spawn at the left side, but tries to change his direction to the right. I’m currently working on my first game using C#. 0. g. Translate. Jun 7, 2021 · Does anyone know what the problem is with this code? I’ve got a player on a rail path in first person and trying to shoot a projectile towards the mouse position. Create the Script: PlayerAimWeapon. z = (transform. i want to say if Scale X = 1 then shoot ray left and if Scale X = -1 then shoot the ray right. position, bocaArma. It was supposed to shoot at me obviously. AddForce(cannon. "I can't tell without the script that spawns the missles. eulerAngles. Replace your code starting with line 6: Jul 18, 2023 · 2D Player Shooting Mechanics in Unity. right * projectileSpeed); I would however like to be able to launch in the direction the player object is moving. So here’s what I’m trying to accomplish. We have created lots of 3D stuff in Unity over the year but this is a first for us, not sure where to start with a vert style shooter Cheers Andy Aug 22, 2010 · Nah, for my example if you would like to shoot a ring-wave with maybe 32 projectile it would be troublesome to setup 32 “guns” which all get trigered once. From that list, you need to decide which one the user intended to shoot at. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Jan 10, 2014 · The second likely problem is how you’ve handled the rotation code. I am really new to C# and unity overall. I am making a top-down 2D shooter and I’m using c#. The problem is, the bullets either fire only to the right. I control the plane with the ‘WASD’ keys, and I want to be able to shoot with ‘J’. Dec 3, 2017 · I tried moving everything from Update() into a separate function called Shoot() and called that from Update(). My character is flipping directions correctly but the spawned bullets don’t travel in flipped direction and instead always go on the right side. Here’s my code: public class BulletBehavior : MonoBehaviour { public float speed; // Use this for initialization May 17, 2021 · So i have been following a guide on how to make a rougelike game, and everything was until i came to the part where i had to fire a bullet. I’m a beginner and I’m trying to create a shot mechanic in a 2d game where the bullets are directed using the analog control, however I am not able to keep the speed of the bullets constant regardless of the pressure applied to the analogs, when I apply little pressure to the controlle the bullet moves slowly. First, identify forward for your character when the rotation is (0,0,0). Jul 11, 2023 · I am making a 2D game in which the player rotates automatically with moving keys. But the mouse cursor can’t be a camera because the game is “one area” (don’t know what it’s called, lol, McPixel or Super Crate Box for example :D Jul 13, 2017 · here example (Unity2017) (left-right-ctrl). 5f; public float coolDown; public float bulletSpeed = 500; public float yValue = 1f; // Used to make it look like it's shot Mar 15, 2014 · Hey guys. I know that I would have to instantiate some sort of object/prefab but I don’t know Oct 15, 2015 · Hello there, I wanted to make a 2d top down game where if you press left mouse button 1, then you will shoot a bullet. up’ or ‘transform. The enemy is shooting in the wrong direction. up * bulletSpeed; Nov 13, 2017 · its executes but it shoot in wrong direction – BlackMB. However, I Mar 19, 2016 · I am working on a top down game where the player can shoot bullets by aiming with his mouse. deltaTime is the “interval in seconds from the last frame to the current one” according to Unity’s documentation. I’ve been trying differents methods to make it work, but none of them did. It will involve casting a ray from the camera into the scene and getting a list of objects it intersects. I made my script Apr 10, 2016 · I’m fairly new to unity so this probably isn’t the best way to do this but the bullet goes in the right direction but if the player changes direction, the bullet changes direction, I knew this would happen but I have no solution to fix it. Forward. Collections; public class PlayerShooting : MonoBehaviour { public Vector3 bulletOffset = new Vector3(0, 0. Apr 7, 2017 · i want to shoot a ray in the direction my 2d player (with 3d collider) is facing So the facing of the sprite changes x=1 / x=-1 if i press left/right. Feb 14, 2016 · Now on to rotation. Jun 21, 2016 · However still not getting the behavior I’m looking for and by changing the random. Here’s a script I have for bullet so far. Here is the Jun 28, 2014 · Hi, I am trying to get my 2D character to be able to shoot in both +x and -x directions, but am having some difficulties. main. How can I get the Jul 20, 2013 · I need bullets to shoot in the direction of mouse. My idea is it to tell my “Fire” script to check if the player is currently facing to the left or right and give the bullet speed in this direction. range values the bullets don’t seem to change direction, one stays on the player, the other two shoot out each corresponding side. if so, than how can i do it. Here is what I have tried. If your bullet just flying up, then you are using local direction from the unrotated bullet. GameObject bullet = (GameObject) Instantiate(bulletPrefab, nozzel. This type of firing is ok for something like a retro 2D space shooter. My Enemys shoot (Top-Down 2D Shooter) in the players direction. I Dec 13, 2014 · Hi everyone. normalized; GameObject bala; bala = Instantiate(municion, bocaArma. I have a plane from the top down perspective and I want it to be able to shoot forward in the direction that it’s looking. Collections; public class bowScript Feb 19, 2023 · To get the direction of your character, you can use your character’s transform. Collections Mar 7, 2017 · I want to make a basic LineRenderer which displays the direction the ball i am shooting will go towards. I also have a function that shoots. Changing the bullet. Make a sprites in Aseprite; Detect mouse down events; Create a bullet; Create targets; Add a bullet script to destroy; Calculate angles; Adding a Bloom Effect; 2D Particle System; 2D Attacks; Assignments: Camel in C#; Roll-a-Ball; Custom Roll-a-Ball; Team 3D Game Work; 2D Assignment 1 Apr 4, 2018 · Hello, I am trying to shoot a projectile in a 2D game through the mouse click position. How do i do this? I dont want the character to shoot in the direction of mouse just where the sprite is facing Coppy of previous question as i forgot to add the 2d part Apr 17, 2018 · I am looking everywhere for the code I can use to create this behavior and I just can’t find it. I’m making a sample 2D game and I got stucked. GetAxis("Horizontal"); // the same with "Vertical" You can read up on it in the documentation here: Unity - Scripting API: Input. AddForce Oct 11, 2017 · You can also easily get the direction vector from the shooter’s transform using the 2 or up variables, if the shooter is tracking the player. Jan 6, 2020 · I am trying to make a turret that shoots at a specified target. I did this, but it works only if the player is in the center of the world and the projectile speed changes depending of the distance between the click and the player position while I need always the same speed. Feb 11, 2017 · Hi guys. But when a bullet is fired, a vector pushes the player backwards too. rotate x and y values only seems to slow the bullets down, not change their orientation. I have a 2D topdown game, with a player that rotates to face the mouse position. Make sure to subscribe for more content!Main Channel: https://www. Here is a bit of (untested) code. Thanks! Player Code: using UnityEngine; using System. How to add force in up direction of a 2d object in Unity. It was very easy and understandable for me. Using Prefabs or Raycasts will do to make it, you can choose one of them based on what you want to achieve in your game. I have read up a lot on this already, but I can't find an answer for my project, so I hope someone can help me. I tried putting Vector3 direction in its own Vector3 function and calling it in goLetter. using UnityEngine; using System. But is there a way so that I can make it move to the left when my player is facing the left (same goes for when it’s facing right I want both to work) Jul 22, 2020 · Hello friends. up * bulletForce); //OR bulletRb. ScreenToWorldPoint (Input. If anyone knows i would be interested in how to write that it spwans in one direction and in another Feb 27, 2014 · I’m like a lot of people here in that I’m fairly new to Unity. rigidbody2D. . Would be very grateful if someone gave me an answer to this question. ) But my problem is when player is flipped left with the hand the bullets continue going to the same direction like the player is still flipped to the right. I have an Enemy and as child a firePoint(gun) I could make the enemy shoot’s using : It works just to shot in one direction in my case to the left. up to get your desired shooting direction. right’. I’m a game artist that’s trying to make the transition to indie game developer and I’ve been studying C# and working with Unity for the past 2 years. SetPosition (1, -mousePosition); i have been playing around with this code to try and display a line that start at the center of the ball and draws out the opposite direction of the Apr 21, 2014 · Vector3 direction = hit. It rotates the object but the red arrow never Nov 20, 2021 · Copy code from here-https://u3ds. position, firePoint Jan 27, 2016 · Hi, I have a Player Character on a 2D plane. public class Projectiles : MonoBehaviour { public float force ; public GameObject bulletPrefab; public Nov 29, 2019 · Step 2: Create the Aiming Script. mousePosition; mousePos. May 22, 2014 · As I write this I know that this may be a duplicate but none the others worked for me. We need to normalize that vector since if we used the vector as is, we would get different result if the click is close or far away. I just need the code to have the bullet object move in the direction of where the cursor was when the mouse button was pressed. I’m not sure where to go with this and was wondering if some Sep 7, 2014 · Hey guys, I am having issues getting my arrows to follow the rotation of my bow (shooting direction that is). i googled on how to but i just don’t seem to Aug 20, 2014 · Hi guys, So I am trying to make a 2D sidescroller,its been going well apart from now… I have tried to set up some shooting, to do this I have added a empty game object and named firePoint, this is the point that I want the laser trail prefab to spawn at, this works and it shoots off, however it doesn’t shoot on the rotation of the mouse, however I am using some debugging techniques to draw Dec 3, 2017 · I tried moving everything from Update() into a separate function called Shoot() and called that from Update(). up) the bullet can be instantiated to the same rotation as the player. right so obviously the bullet will move towards the right, always. The main items of this game are still all in one z value besides the background. Forward to guide it. What I would like to do is sacrifice a bit of precision to help the player become more Oct 26, 2013 · Hi guys, i just have a simple question and how i can implement a ray cast that shoots in all directions Is it possible to “shoot raycast in all directions”. Script below: using System. My problem is, that the bullets always fly in the right direction, even if the enemy is looking to the left side(if the player is at the right side of the enemy, the shooting works perfect). This is my Player script. Not sure what to work with either eg degrees or radians. If you want a bullet to immediately hit the target you are aiming then maybe raycast is the Sep 27, 2020 · okay so I am working on a 2D shooting game and I made a script which makes the gun aimed at the direction of the mouse cursor, and I have succeeded into making a pistol and an assault rifle but I don’t really know how to make a shotgun and I don’t know how to make the bullets spread randomly in the direction of the mouse cursor | here is the code of the basic pistol public class Pistol 2D Unity Part 1; 2D Unity Part 2; 2D Animation; 2D Shooting. Rotate(0f, 180f, 0f); } Shoot script: using System. position; //This Aug 14, 2023 · Hi, I am trying to make a projectile to shoot depeding on the direction the player is facing. Rotate(0 , 0, Direction); reads the transformation in the shot script and then rotates the shot even more. Collections; public class PlayerShooting : MonoBehaviour { public Rigidbody2D bulletPrefab; public float attackSpeed = 0. But now I am stuck at one position. Mar 1, 2023 · I want to make a way to shoot an arrow when i press the space bar in the direction my player is facing and make it disappear when it collides with something for a 2D top down game. normalized * desiredLength; Jun 21, 2014 · Hi, Im currently working on a 2d sidescroll shooter and now i have the problem that my Bullets flying to the right direction. This code is working except its shooting from the mouse position backwards I need to change the direction 180 degrees. I'm trying to get the bullet to go in the direction of where the mouse is. z - Camera. So far I’ve been pretty successful. This is the WeaponScript I’m… Jan 23, 2016 · Yes, I know, there are a million threads with this exact question. transform. It may be sufficient to assign your shooting vector direction to the character’s transform. I’ve tried a bunch of examples instantiating and moving a projectile in a top down 2d shooter. Normalize(); this keeps the direction but makes the vector of length 1. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Jun 21, 2012 · I have a 2D Sidescroller and i need to instantiate a bullet and the bullet will move to what ever direction the player is facing. I’m at the point where I just dont know what to do anymore. Aug 24, 2019 · You can get the movement inputs on the horizontal / vertical axis by calling: Input. And you could easily control direction by adjusting the Shape Rotation Jan 24, 2011 · Hey all, I’m having trouble with the math involved in getting a projectile to fire at a constant speed in the direction a game object is facing. : / hope somebody can help me out with this. Sep 15, 2010 · Im trying to shoot in the y-axis however the bullet is coming from the left side in the z axis of the screen instead from the object I want it to come from This is my code var projectile : Rigidbody; var initialSpeed = 20. I want my player to fire a bullet in the direction which it is facing. Trebbit October 11, 2017, 8:09pm 2 Jun 1, 2020 · Here is a simple walkthrough to make a simple 2D shooting mechanic. cs. We’ll rotate the weapon to face the mouse position. x, weapon. z); Vector3 worldPos = Ca Aug 12, 2014 · I have a variable that checks if it is looking right or left (true = right, left = false), and I’ve tried the for hours to get it to “fire” the sprite ball in that direction after instantiating it, but it just doesn’t work. Using Translate() or AddForce(transform. Code for flipping my character: void flip() { facR = !facR; transform. I have my bow origin set to the left so that it rotates as one would, then I have an empty game object called arrowPoint that is the transform of where I want to arrows to instantiate. Photo for an idea of what i mean Dec 13, 2024 · I want to make my character look to where i’m shooting like in Binding of isaac! where the character can move left facing right while shooting. I have figured out this is because of the if statements in the MissileMove script (see attached). transfor… Oct 25, 2018 · I’d love to see a fresh example or tutorial of how to control the rotation of particles in 2D, especially when those particle textures aren’t circle-like. Here is my player script : using UnityEngine; using System. This is my barrel game object script. Using AddForce(Vector2) the bullet needs the global values depending on which way the player is facing. For a 2D sprite, you don’t want to face the ‘Z’ direction towards the LookAt(). At the end of that barrel I have put an empty game object which spawns the bullets, however the bullet doesn’t seems to get the rotation of the gameobject, it simply fires up. what i want is a ray casts shot in every direction, then the ray cast will identify the color, than instantiate a point light with the color data, and boom. i can shoot the ray but can’t handle the facing. Nov 17, 2019 · I am making a top-down 2D game, and I have a character which automatically rotates towards the nearest enemy unit and fires. position). However, I’m having trouble getting the bullets to come straight out of the point I have set on the tip of the weapon, called bulletSpawnPoint. Example: at the blue points the bullets spawn Apr 27, 2014 · Assuming this script is on the character, you can use this transform to find the direction. Nothing I've tired has made any significant changes to how the projectile interacts in Unity. I have followed every single one of them and finally came here to ask what the heck is wrong. here is my script to shoot at the player: Apr 11, 2011 · Hi Looking to create my first 2D shooter with some 3D stuff mixed in, can anyone point me in the direction of where to start with this and any games people have created. up * bulletSpeed); Or use ‘transform. However, I Dec 8, 2017 · This should work in both 2D and 3D. GetAxis Jan 27, 2016 · Hi, I have a Player Character on a 2D plane. e. When I click, it instantiates an object which I then want to set a velocity, or AddForce such that it moves in the direction the player was facing at the Nov 16, 2018 · Hello, I started making a little game in unity a few days ago. Jul 4, 2016 · I am creating a 2D side-scroller video game in Unity using c#. This is probably due to Update(), but im not sure what else to use. direction. Apr 23, 2015 · A very helpful fella on the unity forums clocked onto the answer. Thank you to anyone who can help me with this. identity May 30, 2012 · Not sure exactly what you mean by “only in the X and Y axis”, but I’ll make an educated guess. When following tutorials Jan 6, 2020 · This is generally the approach I would take, although I’m sure there are ways you can do it in less lines of code. public class MultiShoot : MonoBehaviour { public Jul 9, 2024 · Hi, I’m quite new to Unity and C#, but I was wondering how to make a projectile that would follow the player for a certain amount of time without using box colliders to detect the player. mainCamera. However, the projectiles are flying all over the place, completely in the wrong directions. Translate forwards. For example, let’s imagine a Robotron game where the bullets are missile shaped and are spawned as particles. Here is my code: Any help would be very appreciated. Collections; public class PlayerMovement2 : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody2D PlayerBody; Animator Animi; // Use May 12, 2020 · hello, I’m making a simple mobile platformer. I remember it being really easy to do in 3D but for some reason nothing works for my 2D game. right. but now my projectile spawns at a 90 degree to where it should (if i push up on the right stick, the projectile fires left ect. void Shoot(){ //Get direction vector pointing at target Vector2 directionToTarget = target. I even added a “Rotation” script straight into the “Firing point” object. However the spite of the fireball is always facing right. up, which ever way you have the character set up. This caused the bullet to shoot in a direction that only lined up with the player when above if using transform. Range(-1f, 1f); var direction = Vector3(x, y, 0f); //if you need the vector to have a specific length: direction = direction. Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 12:47. The shooting Aug 14, 2014 · Hey guys, i can fire a projectile in every direction in my 2d room. Instead you want whatever side of the sprite represents forward to be pointed at the correct direction. blogspot. position. 5D traditional platforming game, but with a character that can shoot his weapon in 360 degrees, using the mouse as a target, similar to the old Abuse title or more recently The Showdown Effect. 3143932–238656–shipTest. z = 0; Now we have a vector from the player to the hit point. Multiple projectiles can exist at a given time, and I use prefabs to instantiate them. If I turn left, the projectile will still be fired in the Z axis. May 6, 2018 · Hello, I am a beginner unity programming user wondering, how do I make a shooting mechanic for my game? I want the it to shoot left and right depending on the players direction. it spawns in the middle of the screen always. My bullet prefab has this code on it: public float speed; public PlayerController player; public GameObject enemyDeathEffect; public GameObject impactEffect; // Use this for initialization void Start Aug 4, 2020 · Hello! I’m new here. github. 5 KB) How to 2D shooting in direction of mouse cursor / pointer / position ?Code - https://gist. The platforming aspect is sorted, thanks to the 2D Platform Controller from the unity store, which works great. However, the projectile stops at the target position and stay there. I want to shoot a racyast from an enemy to the position of the player. youtube. It is needed for accurate movement over time. When the left arrow is pressed, the player faces left). so although it flys in the correct direction, the sprite is facing the wrong direction. The code will be a component of the bullet prefab. I have created the script that makes the player face the direction that the arrow key that was pressed was pointing to (when the right arrow is pressed, the player faces right. public class Fireball : AbilityDefault { public new string AbilityName; public float damage = 10f; public float cooldown = 0. Mar 22, 2019 · Hey there everyone, thanks for helping me out. mousePosition); aim. public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour { private Rigidbody2D Feb 18, 2017 · Hey im making a 2d top down shooter and i just found out how to make my character shoot but he only shoots in one direction how do i make him shoot where my mouse is at? Heres my code Shooting: using UnityEngine; using System. Just get a position of mouse when I click button and shoot there. And I have a quaestion: how can I make a sprite shoot something in a direction of other sprite. You could try something like this: var x = Random. 1 scene: take local direction from the ship. The character does not move, just stay in the same spot and rotates by looking at the mouse. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class RotoShooter : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private GameObject bullet; private GameObject bullet2; private GameObject bullet3; private GameObject Sep 16, 2019 · Depends on how many bullets and how often they get instantiated. While moving up, the projectile goes upwards, while moving to the bottom-left the projectile is moving to the bottom-left, etc. Apr 27, 2014 · I want my bullets to be shot in direction same as my character looks at. Collections. The Shoot function is attached to the turret and transfers the Dec 11, 2020 · Hi, I am a new. With my current script, I can start by shooting in the direction the character faces, but then as soon as you change direction, the missiles change direction too. Collections; using System. So i would appreciate if someone could help me out with my issue. OK, i managed to make a script that makes an enemy shoot a projectile at last player position. The issue I’m having right now is that I want to make the force part of the gust of air to work, but have no idea of how to code it since I’m not that good at coding. I am using vector2. rotation); rbMunicion. rotation. If I remove the radian transformation, they fire in Dec 27, 2013 · Hello guys, I’m making 2d shooter and I want the player’s gun shoot in the direction of mouse cursor. knjclraclxsixbugtfqjgthrjczqdwsxcifrxmdustuhvmraruoszwemojcopobvaxncspunml