Unity jump while moving. So this is the script I have attached to my .
Unity jump while moving Here is my script using System. In your Animator, you most likely have multiple states, each one for each state of your character. as of now if I jump while moving I will carry on in that direction however I can't change the direction I am heading while in the air. isgrounded” as a conditional seems to break the gravity completely, and no matter the strength of gravity, the character just floats down. lockState = CursorLockMode. But It might be useful (or not). Here is the ThirdPersonCharacter Script that Feb 29, 2024 · Hello, I have made an FPS player movement script using CharacterController and there is an issue when the player is moving up a slope and jumps. Jun 21, 2022 · Forgive me, my understanding of vectors is new and limited with regard to game mechanics… In the real world, loosely speaking, if I were to jump off a moving object (say a train) then my jump motion is the result of my own generated motion combined with the existing motion of the train. Collections; using System Nov 23, 2010 · So the case is that I have a 36 frames long jumping animation and the jump itself starts at frame 12, where my object raises along y axis. Notice how you set your y velocity to 0 when a or d is pressed. Whenever I turn when he is moving, the character model and camera dont seem to turn as fast as they should be. Look at your code for moving left or right. Modified 2 years ago. My character does this fine on a windows computer but when I compile a . If i was Oct 18, 2014 · Hi guys, I am new to unity and new to scripting. 1f1), but I’m having a lot of trouble preserving my character’s momentum, specifically while airborne. (need to jump around 110cm fast). forward always calculates orientation of transforms forward even if you look Jul 23, 2021 · I'm a newbie. I am VERY new to coding (basically I have never seen C# before lol) so I looked on some scripts on the internet which I can copy and paste to my script. isGround if condition, but still doesn’t work. using System Apr 16, 2017 · Advanced Player Movement - Move while Jumping? Hi, I want to make a basic Vehicle Movement system… but I can’t figure out to allow the player to move while jumping in the air? Here is what I’m working with. Mar 1, 2010 · guys when i jump and move it works fine, but when i move the camera angle and then try to move in the air it stays on global positions and doesn’t follow where the character is moving… please help! May 18, 2020 · I am a beginner and am creating my first ever slightly big game( have made some small ones). 929688, 1180. Some time ago I created simple moving script that would use transform. How do I jump? I’ve tried to use collision, raycasting, booleans, all to no avail because the ground is somewhat uneven and the ground doesn’t Mar 10, 2020 · My issue is that the player sometimes (occasionally) doesn’t jump up while moving. FindGameObjectWithTag("Player Nov 28, 2021 · Hello, so I have started to learn a bit of Unity yesterday and I wanted to make very simple 3D first person game. Dec 28, 2017 · I’ve looked at every post possible on this forum and others and I cannot for the life of me even begin to understand what I need to do to get my character to jump and move at the same time. I achieved this, but sometimes the input isn’t read. Generic; using UnityEngine Mar 21, 2022 · Title, I don’t want my sprite to move for a second when the attack button is pushed. However, while I am standing still and I jump I cannot move in any direction at all (like in real life) and that is what I do want. The camera is overhead looking down, and focuses on a point that is between the two characters, and will zoom in and out depending on how close they are. I’m trying the rigidbody for the first time and I’m using rigidbody2D. But if the object is able to jump, it is unable to move towards the right Mar 10, 2022 · Probably your player trying move into air, you can set your camera to child of moving parent body, and adapt controller scripts to the parent transform. 1. I tried to put my even out of the . Movement While Airborne: The script allows movement modifications regardless of grounded status, which can give the illusion of walking on walls. OK, so I wanted to get a straight answer how to Jan 26, 2015 · I’ve been having trouble controlling the player while he is in the air after jumping. APK and run it on my android tablet with touch controls (GuiTextures) he simply will not Jump while running May 30, 2020 · Hey guys, Having an issue where the player will not jump when moving directly against a platform or object in game, the jump function utilises rb. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class playermovement : MonoBehaviour { public CharacterController2D controller; public Animator animator; public float runSpeed = 40f; float horizontalMove = 0f; bool jump = false; // Update is Aug 18, 2020 · What you can do to reduce the jitter is to set the “Skin width” to 10% of the radius (in your case 0. I wrote about this before: the Unity example code in the API no longer jumps reliably. The script is provided below. Move() twice in one single frame, the grounded check may fail. Hi all, I'm currently trying to learn how Apr 1, 2012 · Sorry for the Bumping. Jumping Is Not Working As Expected Unity 3D. Essentially, my problem is this: the player can move left and right just Jun 24, 2014 · The discussion was based on the system shown in the tutorial. 2. Id like to make a new script in which the players jumpheight is dependant on how long you hold down a button, left mouse button for example. The setup was successful,but every time jump while moving, the player falls very slowly. I have a character animation set up that goes from idle to run. Here is the ThirdPersonCharacter Script that came with the asset I’m using. Apr 19, 2016 · Ok, I understood the essence of the problem. Move(moveDir * Time. Collections. I cant jump if I'm moving BUT I can move if I'm jumping. So after I turn, when I try to move him Feb 18, 2017 · Hello, Im a bit new to programming and i have a little problem with my code and game mechanic. What I have now work for movement but jump is more like jetpack, it does slowly speed upwards. So I wanna make an endless runner game in unity but I can not figure out the coding for the movement I want to be able to jump while my character is moving constantly forward. Locked; player = GameObject. 1 Like bernhardoj February 9, 2018, 7:29am Jul 30, 2022 · Hi everyone! I’m toying around with a 2D platform game, and I’m using the starter code from Brackey’s, I’m sure some are familiar with it. I got the code for the moving forward part but I can not figure out the code for the jumping. The character jumps normally if the game is not reading any other input, but if i try to jump while moving, the character does not jumps almost at all, or if i move while jumping it keeps floating. But right now I face a little problem with combining the movement and jumping part. Aug 19, 2021 · Learn how to jump in Unity, how to control jump height, plus how to jump without using physics, in my in-depth beginner's guide. My character controller script follows the 2D character controller tutorial posted on this site. fixedDeltaTime) when the player jumps, while the surface anchor or gravity are set such that the slopes work as expected, the player correctly moves for the first frame of the jump, then immediately snaps back down. maybe swing arms upward as if jumping but don't actually move upward. when pressed left displacement key, move from "jump" to "jump&moveleft" or similar and when unpress return to jump state increasing the frames you spent moving to left. cap magnitude to <= 0). The characters will jitter while moving. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 5 months ago. The player would jump almost double the height when sometimes, almost always. 0F; public float gravity = 10. I am trying to make a simple game but am having trouble with rotation when my character is moving. This means that when I jump, I stop moving and only go up in the Y direction for a bit then Feb 9, 2018 · You might want to set the platform as parent to your player while he is on it, then he should move along with it. Time to start debugging! Here is how you can begin your exciting new debugging adventures: You must find a way to get the information you need in order to reason about what the problem is. If my character is standing on a moving object in Unity world (3D), say a train, I can detect I’m on the Sep 8, 2020 · Hi, so I have that problem. Now if your character is falling, your velocity. I want it to be like an arch jump, but its more of a right triangle. when i just jump and not walk it works, when i press right arrow its going forward with the walk animation but when i"m trying to jump while moving its stays in walk animation. When i move the character sideways, he sometimes bump / bounces / jumps a little bit into the air, i think its because he bumps into the corner of a box, even that the Apr 3, 2018 · PS: just to clarify all states numbers are correct and in the code I’m just trying to make it work for the right arrow for right now. By default, a Raycast could detect multiple layers unless specified. When I stop moving and go back to idle it gets sharp again. using UnityEngine; using System. Anyway, I’m still trying to learn C# and parsing and whatnot. May 15, 2011 · Hello. Here is my full PlayerMotor script: public class PlayerMotor : MonoBehaviour Dec 30, 2013 · Hi I am making a 2D Platformer in Unity 4. Solution Steps Step 1: Debugging isGrounded Jan 14, 2020 · im new to untiy but i always wanted to make games i made a movement script but whenever i try to jump while moving it doesnt let me. Everything is working great, BUT when I run my character becomes blurred. Nov 23, 2010 · So the case is that I have a 36 frames long jumping animation and the jump itself starts at frame 12, where my object raises along y axis. GetAxis("Horizontal"); float v = Input. 3. I am trying to find the best way to get my player (a cube that can move in 8 directions) to stay attached to the ground, (which has sloped areas as Mar 10, 2020 · My issue is that the player sometimes (occasionally) doesn’t jump up while moving. Can someone help? Heres the script im using. I suspect this isn’t a very complicated code but I don’t know how to do it! Thanks. The draw back is that they can not change direction while in the air. Also wanted to add inertia/momentum, but that seems to be too advanced for me right now. And the animation I have here is Inplace (He goes up in y and comes down back). As soon as its jump force reaches it’s height, it immediately starts descending, Here is my code: using . Once you understand Aug 10, 2021 · Put any condition when jumping to move to another animation. Events; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { public CharacterController2D controller; public May 4, 2011 · Happens to me too. 1) What would be the most easiest way to move my object forward while it's in ai… Aug 31, 2023 · Hey 🙂 I’m working on a Unity 2D project and using a Rigidbody2D for my character. However, when I jump while moving, two things happen: the character flies off the map and the editor gives this error: Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 1362. Collections; public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour Oct 19, 2023 · This is on Unity because they have failed to update their example code which still to this day tells you it is okay. Translate to move the player, rigidbody. Space)) { Jump(); } } Your current version says, that moveDirection should only change if the player is grounded, which is not true when the player jumps. In addition to this, the jump height is drastically reduced if the player is moving. So how can I have it so that when you jump, you can still move side to side (left to right)if you have no s… Mar 20, 2018 · This script that I got here is allowing me to move, run and jump. x, rb. Probably camera changing your moving object’s rotation and player trying to move in the direction to you’re looking because of “transform. 0f; private float Gravity Nov 26, 2014 · Here’s my code var moveLeft: KeyCode; var moveRight: KeyCode; var jump: KeyCode; var m… If I’m moving left or right, I can’t jump until the left/right keys are released. The character can’t jump while moving left or right. It is not able to move diagnoally regardless of my directional input. How to fix this? using System. I watched a few videos online on how to compile some sort of code for basic movement and jumping / double jumping abilities. Not getting what to do, Please help me. When I jump and simultaneously move against a wall (which has another collider), the character loses its upwards velocity, causing the jump to Sep 15, 2018 · The movement code seems to conflict with each other. legacy-topics. system December 5, 2015, 1:08am 1. However, I recently ported over to Android, and added in Touch controls, I used the standard asset single joy stick with May 10, 2017 · I’ve written a basic movement script for an FPS, but I’ve come across an issue where if the player is moving while in the air, they almost float back to the ground, but if they are standing still, the jumping functions normally. 20 hours ago · All colliders in Unity belong to one or more layers and interact based on physics settings. The Jan 18, 2024 · When i’m trying to jump while moving about the wall/blocks my Rigidbody character just stuck in the wall. The first issue is that when my character jumps UP, it can only move vertically. Here is my camera controller code: Transform player; Transform playerHead; float sensitivity = 300; float yRotation; float xRotation; void Start() { Cursor. It’s weird, here’s the code: [SerializeField] private LayerMask platformsLayerMask; public Rigidbody2D rb; public float MovementSpeed = 100f; public float JumpingHeight = 100f; public BoxCollider2D bc; public float fallMultiplier = 2. Collections; [RequireComponent (typeof (Rigidbody Nov 5, 2023 · I made a Player Controller for my game. I am curently working on the animations and playermovement. Collections Dec 13, 2019 · This sets moveDir to Vector3. Once it does jump, the player can simply glide back and forth. Method 2 (recommended): Use the physics engine to jump. What i have now is that when i press a key, a set amount of force is added to the player. A standing still jump alone is pointless. If I jump without moving, it’s fine. I reported it to Unity via their docs feedback in October 2020. I’ve viewed this and unfortunately he does not cover the precise problem I was talking about, in fact he uses an identical system to the previous tutorial, which is good and consistent. Oct 1, 2021 · if(isGrounded) { moveDirection *= moveSpeed; if(Input. float h = Input. I want it so when I release forward while jumping it’ll keep the momentum. May 8, 2016 · Hey everyone. But when i press Jun 5, 2024 · Hi all, I ran into a weird bug. It appears to be that if the object is moving towards the right, the object is unable to jump. Trying to use animation to move the character forward, while attacking (such as seen in War in the North or the Return of the King games) it causes the character to reset it position while playing another animation, or if you equal the character position to the last position of the animation, the position goes duplicated by 2, once you May 20, 2019 · Thanks for the reply - now that moving while jumping works, I need to use normalize so the character doesn't walk much faster when moving diagonally (ie. However, if I jump while moving at the same time (or the other way around) it seems to make the gravity heavier. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { private float movementInputDirection; private bool isFacingRight = true; private bool isWalking; private bool isGrounded; private bool Apr 18, 2019 · When I move left or right and jump at the same time, my character jumps up half the height than it would if you stayed still, then it just floats down diagonally instead of falling. I’ve set up a jump mechanic where I calculate the jump velocity and apply it to the Rigidbody using the MovePosition method. Secondly, I can’t seem to get my jump to feel smooth. I have two functions, one of them (MovePlayerNoAirMove()) allows the player to jump, let go of all controls and maintain their trajectory until they land. With the movement script as it is, the player character will either crouch while jumping (and pressing the down key while jumping), or do the walk animation if you press left or right Nov 8, 2021 · I started a month ago with unity. I have a project that uses the Input System and a rigidbody-based character. Please Help. This code was made using unity and the player that this code is attached to is a capsule. ) But if that can't happen, I would like to know how to change this script so that I can move Apr 26, 2016 · Good evening, folks! I’m designing a 2D platformer in Unity (version 5. z Nov 25, 2024 · Here's a few possibilities that I can think of with the limited info: 1. Since you update these values after you detect a jump, your jump is overwritten. GetKeyDown(KeyCode. Jul 4, 2017 · Alright, here’s a convoluted situation: (See 3D world spinning with Mario on a planet moving around the planet and the camera following him, only this is in 2D so it’s easier to figure out…kinda) Pretend I’m playing 2D super mario galaxy. Could someone help me out please? using UnityEngine; public class movementcontroller : MonoBehaviour { void Update Mar 20, 2014 · I’m new to Unity. For example if I have a car object that is moving in a straight line on a loop and my player stands on the roof of the car, the player is supposed to move with the car by default, unless I intervene by moving my May 20, 2021 · Hello guys. Sort of if he/she has a gliding mechanism like a small parachute or something to slow the decent. However, I’ve encountered an issue. In this series, we focus on using object-oriented programming best practices to write cleaner, more maintainable code in Unity. So the way I was trying to do this was simply through assigning some velocity for the object through its Rigidbody2D component’s . But when I use it it downscales the jump height to between 0 and 1, so be barely lifts off the ground. Collections; using System Feb 14, 2021 · unity character not moving while jump. I have modified the script provided in Unity - Scripting API: CharacterController. So i have to move my character forward programmatically while playing the animation and it should look smooth. 0. However, a standing jump will not allow my character to move in any direction. Jul 18, 2023 · I have a standard isGrounded check for my Unity3D character controller but I cannot figure out how to move my player automatically while standing on an object/surface that is moving. Dec 28, 2017 · I can run and then jump and my character will jump in the direction its facing. However, if I hold forward to keep moving into a wall with a ledge and I hope then VRChat finds a way to add back in default run and jump without an abusable wall jump. I want to be able to continue moving the character in different directions while jumping, but removing “controller. Here is my code: ( sorry for the really bad organisation, i’m just trying to get part of codes from here and here, i’m learning from scratch ) using UnityEngine; using System Oct 7, 2012 · Hi everyone, I’m trying to make a basic movement engine for a rpg game without using the character controller or a rigidbody. I found many of them, but some of them weren’t working at all, some of I have my cube jumping around, but if he’s not moving before hand, he just jumps straight up and then back down. Collections; public class Movement : MonoBehaviour { public float speed; public float jumpPower; public Transform Jun 16, 2019 · Hello. I’am using this script for another project and got the same problem. I’m using 2D sprite with box collider and rigidbody2d. So how can you fix it? One simple method of creating a faster jump is to increase the Gravity Scale of the Rigidbody component: Feb 22, 2014 · Hello. And I can’t have my character to jump while on the move(it can if it’s standing still). velocity. 05) and reduce the “Min Move Distance” to zero. It seems that when the player jumps up a slope it does a ‘mini jump’ sorta thing, and if I stop during that jump the player continues the jump upwards? It’s hard to explain so I made this really bad diagram: Here is the code I use to make the Feb 1, 2014 · So i’ve already modified the basic character controller package, but i’m not sure exactly how some of the functions work. Transform. I’ve only got this one script and a 2D physics material and I can’t really spot the issue. Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this and or how to fix it? Sep 3, 2023 · Hi, I got this problem in a simple 2D Player Movement script when jumping while moving horizontally. Here’s my code public GameObject portal2; public GameObject portal1; private Jun 27, 2020 · I am building a 3D game and I want my player to move while he is jumping, but I do not know how to do it. I’ve done some research and tried to implement it in a few different ways based on older search results, but nothing so far has worked. This series is written in collaboration with Peter from the Sunny Valley Studio YouTube channel. using System. If I hold down the right arrow and moving and I jump, then the jump goes less than half the normal height. 1) What would be the most easiest way to move my object forward while it's in ai… May 22, 2023 · I am using Unity’s input system with character controllers. Once in the air I can move, however. Whenever I move my cube, using WASD and Spacebar for the jumping action, everything seems to work. I Dec 5, 2015 · Unity Discussions Move Player while Jumping C#. This is very realistic, but not too much fun. public GameObject player; public float speed; private Vector3 offset; void Start() { offset Jun 14, 2016 · Im new to unity and im trying to make a 2d game that requires my object to move towards the right and jump Unfortunately, im unable to make the object move and jump at the same time. y member to jumpSpeed. forward”. It looks like someone landing a parachute instead of jumping. It sometimes works, sometimes don’t. Oct 1, 2021 · Unity Controller: Moving while jumping. I also noticed that if i look down while walking forward and jumping it jumps lower. it is an fps game. Jun 10, 2021 · I’m making a multiplayer game and I have movement including jumping, the problem is that while still, I can jump just fine, but when I move it won’t let me jump at all. velocity = new Vector3(moveVector. You can find more information about it here: Unity - Manual: Character Controller component reference. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps!! CharacterController controller = GetComponent Jul 10, 2018 · So, I am very new to Unity, and coding in general. y is 0, so when you press the jump button you move up at a speed of +10. Fall slower? (Only if jump button is held Nov 10, 2018 · Here is the code I currently have however I want to be able to move mid-jump. I’m having two major issues with my jumping. 3 (new 2D Tools) and everything seemed to be going just fine until I added Jumping… My character Jumps fine but my problem is that he wont jump while Running left or right. What i am trying to do is: I want to have my Character run constantly without having any acceleration. How do I fix these issues? A video I took: My code: public float moveSpeed; public float jumpForce; private Rigidbody2D rb; //health public float playerHealth; // Use this for initialization void Start () { rb = GetComponent Apr 27, 2024 · Hello, i’m trying to make a 3d character controller. I’ve been following the video tutorials posted on this site and youtube. 5f; public float lowJumpMultiplier Sep 27, 2015 · Hello! I have made a jumpscript that makes the Player jump and double jump. After I make him jump while idling, I can make him stay in the air Aug 19, 2021 · How to increase jump speed in Unity (to prevent a floaty jump) While the basic physics-based jump in Unity works well, the type of jump it produces can be too floaty for some types of games. Feb 16, 2016 · Okay, so I want to create a script that makes my character goes to left/right in constant speed. Move and done these things. For some reason, when I move around objects, my Camera shakes. However, while I am walking or running (using the same script) and I jump my player will stop in the air in an instant (not like in real file). I am using Unity Version 2020. Heck, even VRChat designed worlds are made to jump onto things sometimes. The reason I don’t want to use them is because there is no element of gravity in my game (you can’t jump or fall). y might be -6 or something, so when you press the jump button, your new velocity. I’ve tried changing things for hours and logically, it doesn’t make sense to me why it’s not working. GetAxis("Vertical"); Vector3 movement = new Vector3(h, 0 f, v); Vector3 moveVector = transform. It feels like I’m May 25, 2014 · Hi, While trying to learn the different stuff around Unity, I am writing a script for my Cube GameObject. 5f; public float lowJumpMultiplier Mar 6, 2015 · I made a little game in Unity and I finally got the movement controls with touch input to work. I tried many Options, like the Constant Force 2D Component, but in every option there was it! The Acceleration! Right now i have an option that works with velocity and a Vector2. I can run and then jump and my character will jump in the direction its facing. I made the jump and it works fine, unless the character is moving. So this is the script I have attached to my Jan 2, 2017 · Hello, I need help with fixing script, I simply need basic ASDW movement and one hit SPACE jump (forbidden jump while in air) with public floats so I can test it and set the right values. I’m seeing this odd behavior: when I jump, the X and Z members of the movementVector in the player script are reset to 0, even though I’m only setting the . With the following code, the player jumps a very small amount in the air and comes back down. Everything is working fine until I try moving my characters in the same direction. Collections; using System. Jun 13, 2017 · I’m trying to create a simple behaviour for an object in my scene in which it’s constantly moving forward at a given speed but when it collects some collectibles, it also jumps (while moving forward). velocity in its Start() method and then when it collected Jan 30, 2014 · Hey, i’m playing around when some movement for at character, i’m using a rigidbody, and i’m moving the charater around, only in the X and Y axis, on boxes with box colliders. Collections; public class basicMovement : MonoBehaviour { public float speed; public float jumpSpeed = 8. I’m using a rigidbody 3d for my third person game,but there’s a small problem. By expanding our basic project with additional features, we Jan 24, 2013 · Hello! I understand the question I’ve posted is probably pretty confusing so I’ll try to clear it up. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { public float moveSpeed; public bool isGrounded = false; public bool Ismoving = false; public void Update() { Jump Nov 6, 2018 · Hi guys, i was testing my game when i have noticed something potentially strange Its a 2D Platformer, so i can jump (More or less high depends on how long u push the key), and moving And of course moving in air etc But if i move, then i jump, my jump will be more high that if i was stationnary can i do something for resolve that ? Mar 20, 2023 · So, like the title says i cant manage to make the player jump while moving, i have placed a print before everything to see what happens, and from what i see isGrounded is true while idle and its ok and normal, but it become false when moving except sometime that it become true(so its random), so the game for some reason when the player moves thinks that the player is in the air, even tho its Nov 10, 2021 · Hello, all. Here is the script: using UnityEngine; using System. TransformDirection(movement) * Speed; rb. Generic; using UnityEngine; public Oct 24, 2024 · If I immediately set the player’s rigidbody position to position + (_currentVelocity * Time. Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. If you need to move the character up in your animation, you can animate the "Armature" or "root" GameObject. here’s the some of the code code. You can see it on my gif. May 17, 2018 · So I’m writing a character controller, to move the character I’m using translate, to jump I’m using translate and a raycast ground check, I also have my own gravity so I’m not using a rigidbody at all and this is very intentional. I'll edit my post in a minute with Nov 21, 2016 · Hello, i’m trying so hard to make my character ( a cube ) keep going forward while jumping, but I just can’t find a solution. My movement script: using System. It jumps fine while moving but, when the character is not moving, and I press the jump key , it flies indefinitely into the sky. But when the player does not move while jumping, the player falls normally. “FIRST PERSON MOVEMENT in Unity - FPS Controller - YouTube” This is the video i used to make my script. The Dec 17, 2024 · Welcome back to our five-part series on writing cleaner code using design patterns and SOLID principles. Nov 6, 2018 · When you’re on the ground, your velocity. It's a very simple doubt yet I don't know how to. I know some of you may be familiar with DastardlyBanana's FPS Package. y is only +4, so it’s much weaker. I wanna make my character jump forward by 1. If you call . Each of my arrow keys contain a script and then later calls the "RobotController" script to start the movement. Questions & Answers. In the screenshot below, note that in the animation window you don't see "PlayerPref: position" but instead see "Armature: position". 0F; private Vector3 currentPos; private By default while grounded I have the vertical velocity set to -2f and if I change its value to something like -10f I am able to jump down slopes perfectly and consistently, but I can't set it to that by default because then when my player is falling down/falling off the edge of objects, the -10f velocity will make the player fall extremely fast Oct 17, 2022 · The reason that you can't jump while moving left or right is because you overwrite your "horizontal" speed when you move. In your animation, don't make the player jump. deltaTime); If you want to keep the previous direction you need to remove that last line in the else, or add some logic inside it to move while in air May 23, 2022 · (i created this post again cuz i forget to add tags in previous one) Hello, i have a issue in my 2D game when my character is on platform which is moving up and down jump is very low when platform go up and very high when platform go down when character is on platform, platform becomes parent of that character gameobject private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D colPlatform) //script Nov 5, 2022 · I am trying to make an first person camera for my game. I am having some trouble with the FPSWalkerDB Script. Basic stuff, making it able to jump, move, etc etc. addforce to jump, and puts the camera as a child of a pivot whitch itself is a child of main character (script should be somewhere below if I figure out how to do it). My character can jump while moving left but can’ t jump while moving right. I decided to try to make a player move and look around. This is my code right now: public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { private Animator anim; private CharacterController characterController; public float Speed = 5f; public float RotationSpeed = 240f; public float JumpSpeed = 8. e. addforce in a standard jump function but I can’t seem to work out how to solve this problem? Besides this the jump function works fine 🙂 (also I’ve scoured the net for hours to no avail unfortunately) Cheers! Mar 11, 2013 · So we are using a rigidbody and a character controller we wrote that is just moving the player to the left and right but as we move left and right the player is hopping every so often randomly. (Well, first of all, for some reason, the standard Character Motor script wont work instead of FPSWalker, and if you know of a way to use this instead I would prefer that. When I try to jump forward, I have to press and hold the forward motion. Aug 21, 2021 · Hello everyone, I would like to know how I could make my character move forward while jumping to climb an obstacle while standing in front of him I put a jump but he jumps in place and I would like if he jump and press forward to move a little thanks pd: in 3d Oct 10, 2012 · Honestly I am having similar issues along with it not working correctly while holding down WA, WS, SD and then hitting space-bar to jump. I have attached a character controller to it. y, moveVector. Feb 3, 2020 · I’m trying to make a script for a Character Controller that allows for movement changes midair and clamps the magnitude of movement when keys of two axes (so a character doesn’t move faster in the diagonals). I’ve build the world up from 1x1x1 boxes. It just seems silly to not be able to jump in a game while moving, but then still jump while standing still. zero before you try controller. If he is moving, however, ie I am pressing the keys to move him, he slowly ascends, seemingly ignoring gravity or the amount of force the Rigidbody added until I stop pressing the keys and he descends as desired. I can’t really explain it any better, but here’s the script I am using: using UnityEngine; using System. This allows my movement script to move PlayerPref without the animation overriding the position. Here is the code using System. I hope it helps! Mar 31, 2014 · I have a custom script that I’m using to control my character’s movement instead of the character controller. I’m making a movement script for a 2d platformer and I’m stuck. i tried to move every gravity thing i found to the beginning of the Update() but still the same. It is a third person camera view, the character is the parent of the camera so it follows him. Sep 3, 2023 · Hi, I got this problem in a simple 2D Player Movement script when jumping while moving horizontally. I'm try to make game using unity and my Jump functionality not working. Feb 18, 2017 · Is it possible to change how fast my character jumps and falls while keeping the same normal gravity? Meaning I want other objects to fall normally but just the character will jump/fall slower if the Jump button is held, and normal fall if it is not. I hope someone can help me. In this case i. I have been working on making my player character jump, and he jumps fine as long as he is not moving. here is the script using System. heres the script: using UnityEngine; using System. Everything is okay, except for the jumping. Same looking up (jumps higher). 056274) (Camera rect 0 0 3840) Here’s a YouTube video that Sep 12, 2015 · I have an autorunner movement script - I’m trying to get jumping while moving working with a CharacterController. It works well except you can’t move in the air while you’re jumping. Works on all other axes and spent the last hour with tech support trying to find out why after removing and reinstalling Unity and its “HUB” which drives me batty wasn’t registering the license. Instead make the player "jump in place" i. What can I do to prevent this problem? If you need code or project, please let me know. I just realized that this mechanism is not the best for the game that i am making. I would be glad if somebody would be so kind and helped me with jump issue as I 20 hours ago · I’m still fairly new to coding. Nov 5, 2023 · Is it this? Keyboard rollover, jammed keys, bad key combinations: If you think it is not the above, then simply prove it isn’t by printing the actual key inputs with some test code. Viewed 941 times 0 . It works literally fine. I’ve been stuck on this issue for days and can’t seem to divine the right info despite my research efforts, sorry if this is a super noob question. Here’s my cam script. qur sbdf clttn hyvpv qkhf mvytnwk vtqfir hoyz mja xmnzsgen lqafp akcqpt brja hcbcggtt kazhku