Pubg 8x scope guide. You can find this attachment in Ground loot.
Pubg 8x scope guide This enables you to zoom in while This guide is OUTDATED. 1. This scope is probably one of the most ignored items in the game, as most players usually just ignore it or they don’t already have a Sniper Rifle. Mastering the 8x Scope in PUBG Mobile. Some of you may already know this from using them in real life or in something like Arma. Media Gallery Mar 13, 2024 · Quick Guide to Using the Scope. Step 4: When you find PUBG Mobile in LagoFast Mobile Booster, click the “Boost” button. Adjusting the sensitivity settings for your scope can make a world of difference. 3rd Person No Scope: 80% 1st Person No Scope: 49% Red Dot, Holographic, Iron Sight and Canted Sight: 40% 2x Scope: 20% 3x Scope, Win94: 17% 4x Scope, VSS: 11% 6x Scope: 9% 8x Scope: 10% TPP Aim: 40% FPP The 8x scope works very similarly to the 4x, though at this point in time I can't 100% say with certainty what each hash mark represents because there are no reference numbers on the hashes themselves. You can find this attachment in Ground loot. It’s a challenging but rewarding weapon for skilled marksmen. 3x Scope is a good scope that mostly uses in a medium range fight. Attaches To: AKM, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K For tips and suggestions to get the best performance from your PC while playing PUBG, check out our Graphics Settings Guide and increase Here is how you figure out how far away other players are by just using an 8x scope!Enjoy guys!Music: Sappheiros - Reminiscence Outtro Music: MK2 - Destructoid When using the 8x scope, your field of view on your ADS is multiplied 8 times. Feb 23, 2022 · Sensitivity settings are one of the vital factors in excelling in any competitive game, and PUBG Mobile is no exception. If you have a scope attached to your weapon, this action will automatically let you see through the scope. Feb 13, 2025 · Win94: A lever-action sniper rifle with a fixed 8x scope. GUIDE: How to use the new 8X SCOPE for the KAR98K & the SKS (New Ballistics) Twitch PUBG Highlights Credit : WackyJacky101 - Nov 27, 2017 · Seems only the 8x or 15x can zero distance. This is simply due to the fact that ADS FoV is normalized, and therefor a similar effect will happen on all scopes. be/w74JPyGE_N0How to use the Kar98k with an 8x Scope? How to hit PERFECT headshots at Feb 10, 2025 · The 8x Scope provides a significant level of magnification and allows you to accurately engage with targets at long distances. Avoid high magnification on SMGs; they’re best for close-quarters fighting if you only want to shoot from the hip. The highly requested scope guide for the new 8x using the kar98k and the sks is here! (+exclusive bullet drop graphs)Enjoy guys!Music: Sappheiros - EmbraceOu Here is how you figure out how far away other players are by just using an 8x scope! Enjoy guys! Music: Sappheiros - Reminiscence Outtro Music: MK2 - Destructoid. This chapter contains information about the weapon modifications available in PUBG. My Personal favorite for ARs and Snipers. fandom. I have taken out the horizontal ticks as they are used One VERY interesting thing I found was that between 100 and 500 meters the aiming points of the 4x and 8x scope are very close together = very low bullet drop. This is the most important sensitivity settings in PUBG: New State. Attachment tersebut menjadi item penting bagi pemain dengan gaya sniping. Jul 5, 2021 · 8x Scope ; The 8x scope is the most restricted attachment among all the scopes in PUBG Mobile. While sensitivity may often boil down to individual preference, it is always advisable to keep a balanced sensitivity to develop a constant reflex memory over time. TPP good for close and mid range. It is essential to know when to In this video, I go over all of the basics with each optic sight in PUBG on the Xbox One! Hope you all find this helpful and if you did, please consider leav Feb 10, 2025 · The Cheek Pad slightly reduces the scope time, decreasing the recoil and making reloading faster. . To scope in PUBG PC, all you need to do is right-click your mouse. Helped me get some headshots today ːsteamhappyː Nov 8, 2021 · 8x Scope: 5-10% ADS Settings The Aim Down Sight sensitivity – or ADS – is extremely important to adjust according to your preference because you will be firing your weapon aimed down most of the time. Aug 10, 2020 · Here's a quick guide on the best locations to find an 8x scope in PUBG Mobile's oldest map. The 8x scope in PUBG Mobile. Become a pro at PUBG with this handy guide. Kar98k, M24, S12K, AWM, SKS, M14 I know it would be a ton of work, but it'd be absolutely amazing if you could expand this to other scopes and weapons. Watch the VSS video, and the old 4x one, the extra shit in the scopes is for range-finding, but if you don't have time, you have to guess based on map knowledge and watching tracers/impacts. This scope can be used on sniper rifles and DMRs to win long-range battles in the game. Helped me get some headshots today ːsteamhappyː The 6x Scope is a sight type attachment introduced to BATTLEGROUNDS in Update 12. Jun 22, 2021 · Certain shooting games like PUBG allow for players to aim down the sights (ADS) for more precision. I spent several hours to find any informations about reading this scope and find NOTHING. You get a minuscule magnification increase and the use of iron sights or scopes to line up with Jan 1, 2018 · Эту задачу любителям PUBG облегчил WackyJacky101 – он составил простой гайд по использованию Kar98k и SKS в связке с прицелом с восьмикратным увеличением. Yesterday, I found a 8x and want to try my new skill and saldy the scope is now like this. Jan 29, 2018 · 8x Scope. It is also has a zoom function built inside the scope that will allow you to By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to use scopes in PUBG and you will be able to use them to your advantage in-game. Quick Fix for Your Scope in PUBG. Let’s dive into the details. The 8x CQBSS Scope is a sight type attachment in BATTLEGROUNDS. Oct 19, 2024 · 2x Scope: 40; 3x Scope: 30; With these settings, you can quickly aim and shoot, making you deadly in close-range combat. stabmoc egnar esolc no desucof si thgiS toD deR eht ekil thgiS cihpargoloH . 6x Scope: 20%; 8x Scope: 10%; PUBG Mobile Shooting Sensitivity Settings. We will cover that in a future article which will be a deep dive into bullet drop with all types of guns and scopes. 3rd Person No scope: 120% 1st Person No Scope: 104% Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 57% 2x Scope: 40% 3x Scope: 30% 4x Scope, VSS: 25% 8x Scope Scopes – Red Dot Sight, Holographic Sight, 2x Scope, 4x Scope, 8x Scope Note: • Not every scope is compatible with every gun. 5-6x dual role scope, although in-game the scope can only zoom out to a minimum of 3x magnification for balancing purposes. Its reticle is really accurate but complicated at the same time. Once you’ve attached a scope to your weapon, tap the scope icon on your screen to aim down sights. Hal itu memberikan keuntungan untuk mengintai dan menyerang musuh dari jarak aman. With the item takes up 20 capacity in your backpack, it is rather a waste to lug around. First things first, head into your game settings. Also make use of the focus feature, which can be used by pressing . Types of Scopes in PUBG. Here is the best Mk14 loadout in PUBG Mobile: Muzzle: Compensator; Stock: Cheek Pad; Scope: 8x Scope; Magazine: Extended Quick Draw Magazine; We have chosen the 8x scope as it is an incredibly reliable pick for long-distance combat. You can obtain this scope attachment from Ground loot but it is rare. Be sure to also check out our PUBG Secret Locations guide to increase your chances of securing top-tier gear. Dec 25, 2024 · PUBG Mobile Best Weapons: Your 2024 Guide I’m Toxigon and today we’re diving into the world of PUBG Mobile to figure out the best weapons. These 2 attachments will mainly reduce recoil and better Mar 14, 2024 · Today, we’re diving into how to use the scope in PUBG PC, ensuring you can take your sniping game to the next level. To use the scope in PUBG Mobile, you first need to have a weapon that supports a scope attachment. In order to aid this process, it'll be best to hunt down the 4x, 6x, and 8x scopes. Like the real item, it features back-up iron sights on top but these are not usable in the game. There are four main types of scopes in PUBG: Red dot sight: This is the most basic type of scope and it provides a simple red dot in the center of the screen. Jul 2, 2020 · ADS Sensitivity of 6x: 20% Other ADS Sensitivity . Sep 30, 2024 · Memilih senjata PUBG untuk dipasangkan dengan attachment scope 8x bisa menjadi kunci kemenangan. Finding an 8x scope in PUBG Mobile can seem like finding a needle in a haystack, but it’s not impossible. was not sure if that scope was the one pubg also uses. Holographic Sight is a scope attachment that mostly uses for close range combat. (1) GUIDE: How to use the Kar98k with 8X SCOPE in PLAYERUNKNOWN's BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) (2) GUIDE: How KAR98K with 4X REALLY WORKS + NEW RANGEFINDER - PLAYERUNKNOWN's BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) +20 - It is the 8x yes. Be sure that you'll never miss a single shot playing with such a controlled sniper rifle. A quick tap on the right mouse button lets you aim down sights (ADS) for a more precise shot. The sample size is a bit too low at this point to share with any accuracy but a sneak peak shows the M249 as the most common weapon at 12 drops, followed by the M24 at 7 drops. However, if you don't have it 1 day ago · Mini14 is the sniper rifle with 3 attachments slots such as: Muzzle, Scope, and Magazine. Get ready to dive into the festivities and make the most of the PUBG 8th Anniversary Jun 21, 2019 · This trophy will take a considerable amount of time. i had read through the wiki to find the scope vss has on then read through the scopes wiki to find its magnification. The AWM can be equipped with a variety of scopes, including the 8x and 15x. The 8x scope also gets weaker as the match progress. Quick Answer: Snagging the 8x Scope. The AWM has the highest damage per shot of any weapon in PUBG Mobile. 3x Scope: 36; 4x Scope: 36; 6x Scope: 36; 8x Aug 9, 2017 · Here is a guide on how to use your weapon's scope in PUBG. Kredit; PUBG Mobile Indonesia. Basically this means that you really don't need to zero your weapon using a 4x Scope on up to 500 meters, unless to aim for absolute accuracy. Mar 14, 2024 · Easily Scope In With This Simple Trick. yalp ot elor tnatropmi na evah meht fo lla dna eliboM GBUP ni sepocs fo sepyt Just to give a quick text guide of how to use the VSS's different "triangles" and the range finder that it has available on its built-in scope. As for Equipment you'll be glad to know the 8x scope is the most common drop so far. 5x. This scope is very versatile due to its simple rangefinder and Aug 11, 2017 · Range Guide for 4x Scopes Very helpful if you dont like zero-ing or dont have the time. Step 5: Finally, go back to PUBG Mobile and start playing it without any lag. Guns to Use 8x Scope On 3 days ago · Scope Guides & Tips. It is only compatible with snipers and DMRs. Red Dot Sight is a scope attachment that mostly uses for close-range combat. The 8x sight will only fit on sniper rifles, making them deadly from long range. Below, we've compiled a comprehensive list of the PUBG best weapons 2024, covering all maps, not just competitive ones or fan Nov 24, 2021 · At 300 meters with an 8x scope, you will need to aim at the first dot below where the two lines meet in the center of your screen. Mar 14, 2024 · We’ve got your back with a simple guide to get you back on target. The Extended Quick Draw Magazine is the best magazine attachment in PUBG Mobile. 2x Scope is mostly used for medium range combat because it provides a really accurate reticle inside the scope, with one circle and one dot so you can track moving target easily but there is also a cut out of invisibility around the scope as well that It would be more helpful to see the shots in action, maybe with the scope points on the right while talking about the different bullet speeds as you're using them. EnjoyMusic: Sappheiros - RestlessOuttro Music: I found many usefull informations but this reddit guide: credit to u/Xmortus. 0x. And in case you'd like to see how these aim points were found - well I'm boldly guessing that they originate from these videos: 4x 8x CQBSS Scope – This variable power scope is a must-have for anyone wishing to engage targets at long ranges. Mar 15, 2024 · If you’re all about getting that perfect shot from a distance in PUBG Mobile, then knowing where to snag an 8x scope can really up your game. 8x Scope is a long range scope that can only attach with sniper rifles and semi-automatic sniper rifles. This variable power scope is a must-have for anyone wishing to engage targets at long ranges. Jul 1, 2020 · The Kar98K in PUBG Mobile (Image Credit: PUBG Guide) The Karabiner 98 Kurz or Kar98K is a great weapon for long-range engagements. Players with long-range shooting experience will enjoy the intense zoom this scope can bring to the table. Anyway, a good way to remember is that: 300m is in the middle between the center and the first marking, 600m middle between 1st and 2nd, and 900m middle between 2nd and 3rd. Pro Tip: Sniper rifles require patience, precision, and good positioning. (pubg guns guide damage /range /recoil) 5 days ago · Sight & Guide. For a comprehensive list check this. After 300 meters the amount of drop begins to vary between the different weapons. Mar 12, 2025 · Step 3: Launch PUBG Mobile then search “PUBG Mobile” in LagoFast Mobile Booster. 100 meters is quite a far distance in PUBG, so a scope would be preferable in order to make life easier. GUIDE: How to use the new 8X SCOPE for the KAR98K & the SKS (New Ballistics) - PUBG Source : 原來用8倍鏡都有咁多學問! 4分鐘成為狙擊高手! 5 days ago · PUBG MOBILE ; By : Ratanak ; Last updated on: 2025-03-16 10:00 PM More Scope Guide Article: Red Dot Sight: Holographic Sight 4x Scope: 6x Scope: 8x Scope GUIDE: How to use the new 8X SCOPE for the KAR98K & the SKS (New Ballistics) - PUBG Source : 原來用8倍鏡都有咁多學問! 4分鐘成為狙擊高手! Feb 10, 2025 · Here is the best loadout Kar98K loadout in PUBG Mobile: Muzzle: Compensator; Stock: Bullet Loop; Sight: 8x Scope; With such a loadout, the Kar98K reaches 87 Stability, making it one of the most controlled sniper rifles in the entire game. gameguidegurus on February 6, 2025: "One Emoji For This 8x Scope . Muzzle: Compensator Foregrip: Laser Sight Stock: Cheek Pad Sight: 4x Scope Magazine: Extended Quick Draw Magazine Although many players might consider utilizing the 4x Scope a controversial decision, this attachment allows you to maintain the balance between zoom and recoil. emag eht fo soiranecs tnereffid rof tneiciffe dna laedi era taht eliboM GBUP ni sepocs 6 fo latot a era erehT sepocS fo sepyT Ã . It is ideal for weapons with high muzzle velocities as compensation of gravity and bullet speed is not required as much compared to On the OLD 8x, as u/Xmortus clearly explains it, you can use the horizontal lines below the red dot and compare it to the Shoulder width of your target to determine the distance and then use the horizontal lines or zeroing your scope to shot. Full attachments Mini14 is very powerful and the recoil is easy to control when shooting the enemy in long-range. CAMERA SENSITIVITY. But, it might be tough to find 8x Scope especially if you are playing solo. A selection of scopes, including 4x, 6x, and 8x, will be available to players. Sammy Cooper | There are currently four scopes in the game: 2x, 4x, 8x, and 15x. Using a scope in PUBG PC is more straightforward than you might think. When using an FoV of 90, the 2X Scope will magnify by exactly 2. You can find this attachment in Ground Loots. Scope 8x PUBG memungkinkan pemain untuk membidik dengan presisi tinggi di perang jarak jauh. It not only adds extra ammunition but also allows you to have a faster reload speed. 2x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses for medium range combat. Kar98K M24 AWM SKS Mini14 Mk14 SLR But I guess it's right in the middle between the center of the scope and the 300m marking. If you get used to these settings, you will be able to easily destroy the competition without any recoil issues. Obtaining an 8x Scope may be the only challenge when acquiring these attachments. Remember, different scopes offer different levels of zoom. So, how exactly do you use a scope in PUBG PC? Let’s break it down so you can start hitting those long-distance shots with ease. Feb 7, 2025 · There are three main reasons for this gun's superiority. We’ll ta Aug 19, 2019 · PUBG Guide Table of Contents. • The 8x scope is mostly, but not exclusively, there in Air Supply Drops. This makes it particularly useful for sniping or taking out enemies from a distance where magnification scopes may not be as effective. It can kill a player wearing a Level 2 helmet with a headshot. Feb 10, 2025 · Here is the best SKS loadout in PUBG Mobile:. GUIDE: How to use the new 8X SCOPE for the KAR98K & the SKS (New Ballistics) Twitch PUBG Highlights Credit : WackyJacky101 - Aug 19, 2019 · PUBG Guide Table of Contents. It is 6 days ago · Scope Guide & Tips. You sort of did that with the hitting a moving player section. Page up and down will either do nothing, change the color on the 3x or change the crosshair on the 6x Hellfire Phoenix Nov 21, 2018 @ 9:20pm Two days ago we started a spreadsheet tracking what loot we find in crates. Practice your aim and learn to anticipate enemy movement to become a deadly sharpshooter. It is ideal for weapons with high muzzle velocities as compensation of gravity and bullet speed is not required as much compared to weapons with slower bullet velocities. 3x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses for medium range combat. 62mm firearms, which have more power and range and are ideal for sniping. When using an FoV of 80, the 2X Scope will magnify by exactly 2x. . Here is the scope of the VSS put onto a white background. When using an FoV of 103, the 2X Scope will magnify by exactly 3. From 100 meters to 200 meters you can place the scope directly on the enemy head and bullet will hit directly where your aim. If you want to toggle between different types of scopes or sights you have equipped, you can do so by right-clicking and holding it down. The reticle also features a stadiametric rangefinder suitable for standing targets between 300 to 800 meters. Defensive Playstyle (Long-Range Combat) If you prefer keeping your distance and sniping enemies from afar, lower sensitivity settings will provide better accuracy and control over your aim: 4x Scope: 20-25; 6x Scope: 15-20 Jan 9, 2025 · We'll help you choose the ideal weapon for your playstyle. The scope has exceptional range, and it can be toggled between 4x zoom and 8x zoom that helps the players regulate their aim and crosshair accordingly. This scope is perfect to pair with sniper rifles. So, whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, this guide's got you covered. Sep 16, 2017 · It's Here! The Mini-14 Bullet drop guide, how to use 4x and 8x scope with the Mini-14 ? What compensation is required?At which ranges will it be easiest to u A much requested aim guide for the newest long range scope in PUBG. Jul 5, 2020 · 1 – About the 8x Scope. Red Dot Sight provides an accurate dot in the middle inside the scope that tells you where your bullets are gonna go. I read the part of this guide about the 8X, you can see the scope on this picture. Jan 2, 2025 · Put the 6x scope on your 7. Nov 20, 2024 · Check out this insane long-range shot with the 8x scope in PUBG! 🎯 In this short, we show off some expert sniper skills, landing a perfect headshot from a d May 24, 2021 · PUBG beginners guide: How Battlegrounds works and how to survive until the end game Not all scopes work with all guns - you can't put the 8x Scope on the M16 for instance, which was made an The 6x scope is based on the ELCAN Specter DR 1. The 6x Scope is a sight type attachment introduced to BATTLEGROUNDS in Update 12. Nov 12, 2021 · 2x Scope: 120-125%; 3x Scope: 60-65%; 4x Scope: 50-55%; 6x Scope: 40-45%; 8x Scope: 30-35%; Camera and Scope Settings. Mar 14, 2024 · To look through your scope in PUBG on Xbox, you need to aim down sights (ADS) by holding down the Left Trigger (LT) on your controller. Cara jago jadi MVP, ikuti guide setting sensitivitas dan layout PUBG Mobile GPX Rosemary. I only pick these 3 scopes because it is a true sniper scope that projectile accurately from middle to long-range. Mar 6, 2025 · Guide & Tips. Feb 1, 2025 · Scope Guide & Tips. Feb 25, 2025 · gameguidegurus on February 25, 2025: "One Emoji For This Combo M24 and 8x Scope . You can find this scope attachment in Ground Loot. 8x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses in long-range combat. In our PUBG Settings and Options Guide we cover everything from sensitivity to video settings to optimize your game. Nov 13, 2023 · Long-term engagements rely largely on excellent scope management in PUBG Mobile. com Jul 5, 2021 · The 8x scope is the most restricted attachment among all the scopes in PUBG Mobile. It's a powerful attachment to have for long-range weapons. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Each type of scope, from red dot sights to 8x scopes, has its own sensitivity slider. Go HERE for the CURRENT version: https://youtu. Let's be real, choosing the right weapon can make or break your game. Holographic Sight provides an accurate circle reticle inside the scope that hardly bounces when firing but also cuts out some of the visibility around the scope that reduce the chance of spotting enemies. PUBG Best Weapons and Attachments Tier List. 8x Scope. Mar 5, 2025 · PUBG Mobile & BGMI Best Scope Sensitivity Settings 2025 🔥 | No Recoil + 2x 3x 4x 6x 8x Scope Setting📌 PUBG Mobile & BGMI Best Scope Sensitivity Settings 20 Mar 7, 2025 · Aim Placement - 4x, 6x, & 8x. Business, Economics, and Finance. #bgmiclutch #bgmiclips #bgmi #pubg #bgmishorts #bgmireels #pubgmobile". Quick Steps to Scope Mastery. First things first, the 8x scope is a game-changer when it comes to long-range combat. Pubg 8x scope guide ot tluciffid yrev ton si ti, epocs eht no ni mooz on si ereht ecniS . This will help you aim more accurately at distant targets. The 6x scope is a rare world spawn, being the highest powered scope for guns that don't fall into the category of DMR or sniper rifle. If there was a master guide showing what this aiming sweetspot was for not only the bolt-actions, but the various DMRs and ARs as well and for the 8x, 6x, 4x, and 3x, it'd be an amazing resource. Finally, the AWM has the best one-shot kill potential in the game. So, how exactly do you use an 8x scope in PUBG Mobile? Keep reading to find out the best strategies and tips. Muzzle: Pistols – Suppressor (P1911, P92, R1896) Shotguns – Choke (S1897, S686) Mar 14, 2024 · Let’s dive into how you can aim better and spot enemies from afar using this powerful scope. (on bolt snipers, hold the fire button down to stay scoped in) See full list on pubgmobile. Attachment that should be prioritize when building your Mini14 are Muzzle, and Scope. 2x Scope: 30%; 3x Scope, Win94: 1%; 4x Scope, VSS: 14%; 6x Scope: 10%; 8x Scope: 1%; TPP Aim: 40%; FPP Aim: 40%; Read Also: PUBG Mobile New Weapon Leaked, Introducing MG3, the New LMG Replacing M249 on Airdrop! PUBG Mobile Beryl M762 Weapon Guide, a Flexible AR with 3 Flexible Firing Modes! PUBG Mobile Introduced 2 New Mythic Sets, House DJ and well we are both lazy and trust me its harder to find out than you think. Crypto We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 3rd Person No scope: 120% 1st Person No Scope: 104% Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 57% 2x Scope: 40% 3x Scope: 30% 4x Scope, VSS: 25% 8x Scope . Oct 21, 2023 · What is the best gyroscope mode in PUBG Mobile? There are three modes when it comes to the gyroscope in this game: Off; Scope on; Always on; The first one will keep the gyroscope off at all times. Feb 11, 2025 · The Mk14 has four attachment slots: one for the muzzle, stock, scope, and magazine. dpcfbddsunowucrwjtsxwsoicyolroihqkmxyrfkqmltkdyiwyiyxrvskoiumzrnhywwopljeab