Neighbor cut my cable line. This time, he LITTERALLY cut our line.

Neighbor cut my cable line I came home yesterday and saw that my neighbor cut branches and stems off without asking for permission. Could be a neighbors cable, or it could be abandoned cable for your house. The cable line passes through our backyard airspace. About fifteen minutes later, it cut off completely. few months later i was having trouble with my Oct 4, 2021 · If you’ve taken all these precautions but still cut an internet or cable line as you’re digging, stop and immediately call your provider so they can repair it. It simply will not connect to the internet through the DSL jack it's always been connected to. Nov 15, 2020 · That's a service outage from November 12 to November 20 or more because a careless Rogers technician cut my main cable line that gives me all my Rogers services including my home phone and my mom is elderly and she has a lifeline and we do not have a cell phone at all along with my internet service being down and when I'm on call for work I Posted by u/Sho_nuff_ - 5 votes and 14 comments A buddy of mine hunts on my property and came across an area that had been cleared/trees cut down at the back end of my property. Can I take legal action? Your neighbor is entitled to cut ivy growing from your yard into theirs up to their property line. If you want to prune, chop or cut down… View Post If it’s hanging over your property line, the portion of the tree over your property is yours to maintain but I suggest calling an arborist to make sure you don’t kill the tree, which you could then owe compensation to your neighbor for. When my new neighbor got cable installed on the 17th, the technician cut my cable for whatever reason. I called Cox cable (my provider). Jan 11, 2024 · Who is responsible for cutting overhanging tree branches? Can a utility company cut my trees without my permission? Can I Throw My Neighbor’s Tree Branches Back in Their Yard? Can You Sue Someone for Cutting Down Trees on Your Property? Cutting Down Trees Without Permission in 2023; Contact us I accidentally forgot later that day and drove over with the mower and cut the cable line, to my neighbors house. If you aren't in a situation where it seems like the cable would run from the pole to any other house but yours that may be it. My neighbor cut my tree in Virginia. Luckily they were able to break the cable away from the main further down in front my house so that it didn't cross neighbors yard. When the next person came out to repair it, they dug a deep trench so it would not be cut again. I found him with the 4 wires stripped from each end, and he was wrapping the wires together, and going to use wire nuts and electrical tape. Feb 28, 2024 · If a tree branch is hanging over into a neighbor’s yard or a public space, the property owner may be responsible for cutting it back. Someone put a new rogers line through the trees. The "technician" who came to my house on 4/28 refused to move the cable, or to even go up the pole and verify if the neighbors wires were tapped into my line or not. · actions · 2012-May-28 1:25 pm So my cable went out earlier this week, as did my internet. We encourage posts either from, or directed towards Cable Field Technicians, Cable Line/Maintenance Technicians, Headend Technicians, Fiber Technicians, Engineers, and NOC workers. Sep 3, 2024 · Sharing is Caring: Boundary Trees. I have reported this twice now. May 29, 2018 · 1. The blue cable to the left was also cut. Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is not legal advice, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. 1. SOME companies still offer analog channels (meaning you don't need a cable box). AT&T Fiber technician came to install my internet today but he needed to access my neighbor's backyard to dig the line through their property. If you want to trim overhanging branches of your neighbor’s tree, it is always best to ask for permission out of respect, even though you don’t really need it. As in, the branches have no problem stressing out the line when it's windy. Like what? May 6, 2020 · On Tuesday, may 5, 2020, Verizon contractor was working on my neighbors' yard and cut my line to the internet and cable. We have AT&T and there is a line from the street pole that runs over the neighbor’s back yard ( 15 ft up) to reach our property. Aug 23, 2013 · It takes three or four weeks for your neighbor to get a surveyor out, but when the surveyor arrives, the weight of the lopsided tree has cause it to bend significantly away from your property. My neighbors cable line runs the length of my front yard, it was hand buried to 0-4" depth. Dec 22, 2014 · My company was installing a fence and the homeowner had called to get all the lines marked, but apparently one was missed and one of the workers cut the neighbors cable line. Industry workers should feel free to post pictures of work you have completed, pictures or stories poor installation practices you have come across, and funny pics. He put a new one in Guide to Neighbors and Tree Dispute Laws. Mar 19, 2017 · An individual is only allowed to trim a neighbor’s tree up to the property line. There is a small chance the neighbor that cut it 'possibly' could have been in the right. yet that same morning, i saw maintenance people on my neighbors Jun 27, 2023 · Hello, The my neighbor's cable line was cut while I was landscaping my property. Assuming that the severance was accidental, Comcast reconnected my cable, and I approached my neighbor to tell her what happened. After he left, our internet was back on. They're relatively democratic. I see the cable wires bundled between my door and the neighbors they have been cut. I was impressed that this specific vandalism had happened. Sure enough, he had. This is 10000% something my parents would do/recently did. · actions · 2012-May-28 1:25 pm As the title implies, I'm wondering what I can do about my neighbor cutting my coaxial line for my internet. 19 hours ago · My neighbor cut my ivy without permission. He may not enter the neighbor’s property to trim or destroy the tree. They could not fix the problem remotely. Both Technicians agreed poor connection and put in construction request. Whose responsibility is it to pay for the limb being removed? Anyway, cable guys come out to install and say they are going to have to run a line across the neighbor's driveway and yard. Neighbor's grass is freshly mown. Sep 10, 2024 · Recently, my internet went out, and It took me three days and a visit from Comcast to figure out that the cables running under the driveway were cut near the access panel under my neighbor's house. In total about a 600ft long and 50ft wide path had been made with machinery and anywhere from 17-19 good sized oak trees were cut down. First things first is to not get overwhelmed. In most cases, we don't have the ability to send someone out on the same day. It looks terrible and the cut down branches won't come back - ever. You must also call 811 and report the damage. Half a line (separated from my box) was dangling in the neighbors driveway. the My neighbor's electrical service line crosses my property thru a tree in the middle of my yard. Here are five frequently asked As a telecom worker, there is a chance the line was aerial trespassing. Kinda pissed me off to be honest. What are the odds my idiot neighbor cut my line while digging in his front yard? I came home today to find my modem suddenly and supposedly broken. You want to talk to your neighbors in a positive tone. It could backfire. I talked to the workers immediately and they said they did NOT. Your neat straight vertical line of cuts are now an angled line with the top located 3 feet onto your neighbor’s property.  I want it re-placed on their proper My cable line extends from the back corner of my house, over my neighbor's back yard and connects to the source on a pole in the alley way. Noticed my bigpond modem had blue light, meaning no cable internet , just back-up slow wifi- anyway, next door neighbor at same time was demolishing house and excavating Out of curiosity, I checked my dial before you dig plans, and my internet telstra cable went to a pit next door, then onto street. Would have resulted in my front yard being torn up where the actual right of way was. After about 3 hours I decided to call them back again only for them to inform me that I was the only house on the block without internet access. The electric company, Xcel had come to fix it. For example, if the tree is located on public property, such as a park or median, it is typically the responsibility of the government or municipality to Sep 10, 2024 · Dealing with a neighbor’s tree that’s creeping over your property line? Knowing the dos and don’ts can save you a lot of headache. They used a trenching machine and took about a day to run 800 feet. It will vary based off how your cable provider delivers services. It seemed like a really specific and determined type of vandalism. Trees got out of control after 10+ years of bot being taken care of and were physically touching our house. Verizon came and put in a proper underground conduit and ran the fiber through it. Before digging please call Telephone Co. Thank you all for your comments and allowing me to vent. Here’s the lowdown on what you can and can’t do when it comes to trimming those pesky overhanging branches in Ohio. Comcast used to have a few "basic" channels still on analog, but I cannot confirm that they still do. I’m in the US :) i’m not sure of the guy said which cable it was. Assuming the cable company has an easement through the neighbor's yard (they most likely do) then the cable guy did the right thing. My neighbors cut their coax cable & it's sitting on my property. Repair Service” on the box, so I think it’s a telephone box then? It’s weird that it’s so janky and runs across my porch like a clothesline and then runs under my neighbors back door. Could have possibly been installed improperly by the telecom company. This is not a police matter and you would have the burden of proving your neighbor deliberately and purposefully cut your cable. Familiar with this problem, we went out to see if our neighbor had disconnected our line. I never really knew these ancient-old people but it wasn't even 2 hours after that the cable company installer and a guy in nice pants and a tie were out there burying the new cable. My cable line extends from the back corner of my house, over my neighbor's back yard and connects to the source on a pole in the alley way. Things were fantastic for months. After a storm, a tree on my yard fell on the power line running from the street to my neighbor. The house next door is being flipped and they cut down the line 2 weeks ago. He also found 3 others. My husband and I were trying to figure out why our internet wasn’t working, and we found out why. When I came home my cable stopped working. I’d say around a dozen branches were cut to the trunk, said branches being wrist width or bigger. However, you can seek legal action if your neighbor has pruned your ivy on your property, causing damage to your plant, or if they have trespassed to remove your ivy. Different cities and counties in Virginia have their own tree laws. Whether it's a neighbor's dog causing damage to your fence, or sap-dripping tree branches hanging over your driveway, knowing your rights is important before attempting to negotiate an amicable resolution to neighborly disputes. The problem was that the cable line was cut leaving the cable box. I'm worried that it could come down in a big storm and cause damage to the line or my home. I would also contact FPL and the cable company and check out r/treelaw for some helpful tips. My issue is that my neighbor's back yard is overgrown with tall shrubs about 20 ft tall that are in contact with my cable line. They had their fence removed. It worked ok. If they have full cable, someone somewhere is missing an extra cable box. Neighbor is there, he says no, you can't do that, I'll cut it down. ) Feb 26, 2024 · I have been a loyal customer of Comcast/Xfinity for 10 years. A new line was dug in my yard but never connected to my house or I’m in the US :) i’m not sure of the guy said which cable it was. So my parent's neighbor just strings it on top of their fence in the ugliest way possible.  The line has been laid on my property despite no easements or entitlements to do so. How do I schedule a technician to come and r My husband and I were trying to figure out why our internet wasn’t working, and we found out why. Hard to tell from this video though. No easement. I know I have to make sure my lines don't cross a neighbors property. Found it one day while ripping out plants. I called rogers and they sent someone and said my cable line was cut. we think someone on the maintenance team cut the wire on accident. If your neighbor cut some of your trees in Virginia, here are some things to consider before taking any action. Most HOAs aren't terrible. yet that same morning, i saw maintenance people on my neighbors We encourage posts either from, or directed towards Cable Field Technicians, Cable Line/Maintenance Technicians, Headend Technicians, Fiber Technicians, Engineers, and NOC workers. Jan 10, 2023 · Two neighbors moved in and subcontractor for Xfinity cut my line and installed a splitter on my cable wire. Edit 2: The “cable box” says “Underground cable. I don't know these neighbors very well but they are always very friendly and polite when I do see them. A week later a bell truck was parked in front of my house. ya they did this to my neighbor in the trailer park we use to live in didnt notice the wire when i went to mow the grass. Don't know if it's live but looks unsafe. Tree from neighbor 1 fell across property line and damaged neighbor 2’s tree. Apr 26, 2021 · Thank you for the update @user_016578. made a miserable job of cutting the yard. They came back out and ran a new cable, and then another second guy came out and buried. The employee who cut it no longer works here. Wasn't willing to fork up the measly $100 to get it properly burried. He completely destroyed it. Earlier some idiot contractor had been cutting at the cement for some reason with a bladed device and I guess they cut all the wires and didn't notice or didn't care. I didn’t actually intend to cut the cable. Mar 21, 2019 · Across the country, the most heated disputes between neighbors often involve fences and meddlesome trees that straddle property lines. We confronted him and he was obviously angry and even admitted to cutting the line. it stopped working while he was out there and my xfinity app says there’s no modem detected. Sep 11, 2011 · This morning I went out where our cable is attached and goes underground and 2 lines are cut right in half. I was confused as to why my cable was working when I took a closer look I have arborvitaes along my property line. com I inadvertently cut my own cable tending to my rose bushes in the flower beds the cable company ran my cable through. Aug 15, 2019 · About the 'accident' taking down the cable: that's up to your conscience, but Verizon is likely to simply replace the cable, if the neighbor wants cable access. For about 6 feet close to the house it was actually popping out of the ground. It wasnt' clear who cut it. My family's next door neighbors planted two trees on our property, close to the property line but on our property. I turned it on and off again. There was no disclaimer in the contract about damages. Some places it is literally on the surface. Sometimes if you have connection problems they will run a new line from the pole but leave the old one. The city suggests my neighbor's have a prescriptiveeasement. Aug 15, 2019 · I have Fios and had a barely buried line. While cutting my beds, I sliced my cable line buried a cool 2" down. Hello, I operate a tree service in Washington state and am currently working on a clean up/mitigation situation for a tree that lost a huge codominant trunk from an otherwise healthy horse chestnut tree. My husband is trying to get a hold of our ISP now, but I am very concerned.   Need urgent help and chat and phone I cannot get past silly unrelated questions and reach a person. Aug 21, 2005 · The neighbor's contractor was working right at the property line and cut my phone line. Turns out the other cable company had made a service call on Thursday and was the only person with access to the locked rooms where this happened. My own cable cuts right into and through my mulch bed. ) our neighbors are moving, so I’m really hoping the cable company messed up and cut our house and not theirs. . Feb 22, 2020 · I had a Rogers cable run in my front yard a couple of yeas ago which was barely a couple of inches below the grade level. Unfortunately he only buried it a few inches deep and a couple months later my neighbor cut it with a shovel when he was working on his sprinklers. Cable television based services also require the cable receivers. Understand Virginia state tree laws. (If it’s an electrical or gas line you’ve severed, call 911 first and clear the area. The house next to that, which is on the corner next to the phone pole? The cut line Oct 2, 2024 · My neighbor is installing a new cable line after theirs was cut. I am hoping TWC does not charge for the new line, because if so, I am going to have to talk to my neighbor about it. An example, my provider is Spectrum, and in our area, your cable modem (for internet services) has to be registered. My signal is weak, internet disconnections, and my tv will pixelate. Didn’t cut it but was damned tempted. Our internet line has now been cut down by our neighbor for the second time. My concern is that is that it was one of the 10 mature trees on my property and I’m worried about it affecting my property’s value.   Very frustrated! My neighbor has a large tree that has a rather large limb hanging over my service line. If a tree springs up on the property line, shut the front door—it’s a shared baby. The house next door is vacant -- the tenants just moved. While grading with my tractor bucket, I cut the line accidentally. Sep 4, 2008 · Yes I had my Rogers line cut one day. They got Spectrum Cable service, and the representative ran a cable line from the pole near our backyard at a 45 degree angle to their house. ALL cable boxes are digital now. It shouldn't cost too much and if your neighbors are normal, they will be cool with it.   It was 2in below the surfaceso about what an edger can do. I was not home when it happened but came come to see the tree and some yellow tape around my back door. Today Cox representative said the line was cut by Verizon. They refused to allow him saying either me or AT&T need to give them in writing that we would be responsible for all potential damages. The only May 2, 2022 · These people have added a third mystery cable several months ago which intersects with mine at the corner pole, and I fear they may have tapped into my cable line. So i called Comcast and a tech came out and we saw the cable line had been cut. The cable guy from my company came Saturday and after checking the various rooms that the cable goes through we found that the cable had been cut. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. If you pay for the cable to be run, just have somebody run a new cable the same way as the old (or pay to have it repaired). I agree with your concern about clearance, though. The Tech did also confirm it was NOT an Xfinity Mobile van in my area yesterday morning so likely won't ever find out who is responsible for this. (See attached photo. Most areas require that a permit be obtained when removing certain types of trees. Take Ohio, for example. The line from the service pole to his house cuts catty-corner across my backyard and over my swimming pool. They temporarily lay the cable across the ground (within their easement) to start service to the new customer, then another crew comes out at another time to bury the cable. About a month ago the neighborhood internet went out for 3 days and when it came back up we've noticed a drop in speed and the rooms furthest from the router would have barely any signal. This time, he LITTERALLY cut our line. The city utility wants ongoing trimming of my tree so the wire doesn't get rubbed by the tree growth thus causing an electrical fire hazard. If it isn't registered, it gets "sandboxed" and doesn't actually provide internet access. 10 feet isn't enough - if you're simply moving a ladder around, it could constitute a hazard. The homeowner paid to fix it but sent us the bill for just under $500. According to my neighbors He also left my neighbors without service after being their hours saying something was wrong with there computer, TVs and wiring. The area also is now bare other than some debris left from cutting the trees. I had the same situation but with a single neighbors cable run going all the way around my back yard. As the title implies, I'm wondering what I can do about my neighbor cutting my coaxial line for my internet. I called Comcast. Affected my upstairs neighbor's, too. Then, one day my internet just stopped working. Off topic but wondering if someone can answer this for me. My dad decided to cut them back quite a bit basically imagine Jun 2, 2023 · Hello, A contractor was burying our neighbors cable and I believe he may have cut my cable wire. office staff said the maintenance people never go on the roof and that they’re not licensed to touch the cables. Jan 11, 2024 · My new neighbor wants me to cut down a tree she says is damaging her property and she wants it removed. 2. Unfortunately I can’t post pictures in this subreddit it seems. My SO enjoyed getting to know her neighbors through her HOA and the only complaint in her community is ONE GUY that drug a Christmas tree through the building leaving a sappy mess wherever he went, brings in a bunch of random guests (during COVID! and there are seniors living in the unit), has had noise complaints from the neighbor See full list on yardblogger. The tap is across the street, and the line runs from the tap, to a telephone pole (both in their swail) less than a yard away, then up and across the street to my house aerially. They've been abusive in past so feel very uncomfortable to speak to them. needless to say i found out shortly after mowing that area when my neighbor came out bitching i told him to call twc and bitch its not my fault the idiot should have buried it. He basically cut out a giant rectangle the size of a RV. The previous cable line servicing their home goes from the utility pole by our backyard and parallel to our fence and then 90 degrees to their house. My nextdoor neighbor has Xfinity. SO. I know this can be resolved because the neighbor has other lines from the same pole that were rerouted down along the service lines so that the lines to his house run along the fence and do not hang over my backyard. I called immediately, but they said they could not get my cable reinstated until the 29th! Now I have been without cable for a week and cannot get cable for another week. The kicker is this is the 2nd time in the last two years he has cut my line and he is aware that my internet line runs along his backyard in an easement that is off his property. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. i just know it’s an internet cable on the roof and that’s where the cut is. Do you know if your neighbor is having service issues since the line was cut? If service is impacted, we'll need to send a different technician out versus a field tech that would just repair the line for a safety issue. My neighbor discovered this cable connected from her house to ours and we don't know why it was done. Ruined their neighbor's cable stuff. Jul 26, 2022 · A contractor cut my cable line (buried) and I"m not dead in the water. I did everything. dwkyv ovkmva hwob szw ygvu axqjn oyrzwmoc cjkiej sekluy uof ylgow rpibus nbkp kigohm qgidqm