Kay tremolo schematic. Awesome! Posts: 2641; Total likes: 87 ^^ Fuzz Skull ^^ .

Kay tremolo schematic The 3 control knobs provide a multitude of effect possibilities: the Depth control determines the strength of the effect, the Rate knob controls the speed and the Wave pot alters the LFO waveform from triangle to square. Previous topic - Next topic. Discover how this circuit can enhance your guitar playing experience. This is achieved by adding a switch that allows you to toggle between Fast and Slow modes.  The schematic (included) looks like a lot of Download KAY 610 service manual & repair info for electronics experts. Sadly, i can't find any sound samples for this build anywhere, and im just wondering if May 23, 2006 · Over the last two days I put together a Kay Tremolo from Dragonfly's veroboard layout. My Kay circuit had a wicked octave effect and if I'm not mistaken, it's a very similar circuit to the Super Fuzz. The speed control determines how fast the tremolo effect oscillates, while the depth control adjusts the overall strength of the effect. This was created after Jimi Photon mentioned that he wanted an optical version of the Harmonic Tremolo. ) Or use a 100K pot in place of R7. Schematic 6. The rubber bottom mat is in LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Ronsound 704 (Second version) schematic [Kay_704-2_schem] - Solid-state amp (7 transistors) 3 inputs, Volume and Tone controls, tremolo 8 ohm spkr Nov 8, 2011 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op 5. Top. 1992T Super Bass/Tremolo 100w Major Series "The Pig" 200w 18-Watt Series 1958 18w 1973 Lead & Bass 18w 20-Watt Series 1958 Lead 20w 1973 Lead & Bass 20w 1974 Lead & Bass 20w 2061 Lead & Bass 20w JMP Series 1961 Lead 50w 1962 Lead & Bass 50w 1964 Lead & Bass 50w 1968 Super PA 100w 1992T Super Bass Tremolo 100w 2003 Master PA 100w 2078 Lead 100 Nov 5, 2024 · Colorsound tremoloColorsound tremolo schematic point Perf and pcb effects layouts: colorsound tremoloColorsound tremolo share pcb blogthis email twitter. The Rate mode Switch allows the user to switch between capacitors, altering the behavior of the tremolo. One of the key features of the Luna is its modified version of the Tremulus Lune circuit, which includes optional modifications such as the Symmetry control and Aug 14, 2012 · Just a little side note: tremolo's transistors are not the same as in schematic: BC109 is the current mirror LFO's is a BC114 and the variable resistor is a BC172 The Throb Tremolo is a modified version of the Schaller Tremolo circuit, designed by Mark M. I think it's important to make sure these two transistors also have identical gains. Ronsound 704-A schematic [Kay_704-A_schem] - Solid-state amp (7 transistors) 3 inputs, Volume and Tone controls, tremolo 8 ohm spkr Includes parts list and instructions 4 pages Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. Saves. LFO is a relaxation oscillator, with “triangle” (more like a sharktooth) and square outputs. Apr 6, 2006 · I'we built the kay tremolo from Dragonfly's layout, but I cannot get it to work. The results I came up with based on much of the information in this thread are as follows: - used MPSA42 transistors (gains between 110-130, purchased from Tayda) - implemented the depth mod withour the 68K resistor in series Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. The Kay Tremolo is a choppy and percussive tremolo effect pedal. Read more… May 21, 2013 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Created Date: 1/21/2002 9:29:45 PM Jan 6, 2009 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Tremolo Boss TR-2 Kay T-1 Tremolo Matchless Vibrobox Nobels TR-X Uni-vibe Model 915 Wah 60-70's Wah Variations Colorsound ChuckaWah-FET Colorsound ChuckaWah-LED Colorsound Wah Swell DallasArbiter FuzzWahFace Dunlop Crybaby Original ElectroHarmonix Wah ElectroHarmonix EH-3009 Queen Wah Fender Fuzz/Wah Ibanez WH-10 Japan RP-2 Fuzz/Wah JEN Wah/Vol I recently built the Kay Tremolo clone from the schematic at GGG. Kay Tremolo project by General Guitar Gadgets. For this no need registration. Insert: I see now that the schem I was working form is a little different. We created several and we have redrawn some schematics that were already available on the internet for readability or ease of use (these needed an easier-to-read format, corrections or part identifiers). The Kay Tremolo from GGG seems to be the best candidate for the job - i really want a "choppy" tremolo. View and Download Kay t 1 instruction manual online. which later became Electra and then Crate. The Kay is a very choppy and percussive tremolo, Schematic and pcb: Schematic. Tremolo ea guitar schematic pedal modified rog diy pedals guitars led projects circuits tagboardeffects vintageTremolo ea groove modified run off Ea tremolo revisited--reagenerated tremoloTremolo mbc improved placa Mar 21, 2014 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Nov 15, 2024 · Kay™ tremoloEa tremolo schematic pictures, images & photos Tremolo pedal troubleshooting (no output)Tremolo schematic reverb tube circuit add guitar compact tubes power large. Apr 1, 2007 · Revised Kay Fuzz Tone schematic. It is capable of producing a range of sounds from classic “50’s style” shimmering tremolo to a synthy, delay-like chop. It features a Depth, Level, Rate and Rate mode Switch control. 01u cap) where it joins the . First and foremost, Dragonfly's layouts have definitely helped me build great sounding, classic pedals. Components, Build Notes, Wiring Diagram 7. It also Also known: KAY T-1 T1 TREMOLO; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. 8k resistor in the schematic). All components are original. Extremely Rare! The plastic enclosure has zero cracks, maintaining its vivid blue and chrome looks. Awesome Inc. Different from the smooth tremolo that everyone likes so much. I recently learned that the same transformer is listed for champ and princeton, which surprised me. Here is the wah circuit: Have Kay tremolo in front of me but no camera, what resistor was wondered about? Started by Sir H C, April 10, 2007, 10:51:26 AM. Kay™ Tremolo Bill of Materials Text; Kay™ Tremolo Schematic; Kay™ Tremolo Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram; Kay™ Tremolo Ready-For-Transfer Printed Circuit Board Layout Here is a list of the schematics that are exclusive to this site. Apparently similar to the Vox Repeat Percussion tremolo, but a little smoother. Based On: Kay Tremolo. Kay put several things in different colored wah enclosures, tremolo, wah, and a bass booster. and it sounds like a charm: rich, fat and rounded. List of Guitar Fuzz, PreAmp, OpAmp electronic circuits and electronic schematics for a variety of Guitar effects and distortion fx. Kay™ Tremolo Problems with Dragonfly's Kay tremolo; Problems with Dragonfly's Kay tremolo. If you want to Produced in the same line as the legendary Kay Fuzz Tone, this little blue pedal has a classic tremolo reminiscent of imported catalog amps. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp This page has a lot of guitar amplifier and distortion pedal schematics on it. 2. Ideally, redesigning this circuit, I’d add input and output resistors to ground to prevent popping. Martinic colorsound tremoloColorsound tremolo 50% off "colorsound tremolo" by martinicvstbuzzTremolo colorsound mean. Powered by Dec 6, 2004 · Hey everyone, i'm looking for a specific kind of tremolo project to add to my to-do list. Notes. " Slava Ukraini! "try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again". Dec 8, 2020 · Quote from: antonis on December 08, 2020, 02:10:53 PM IMHO, better try to tweak R7 value. This thing has been giving me headaches for ever, I'll have to try your layout now. 5Y3 rectifier tube, 12ax7 preamp, 12ax7 tremolo, 6V6 power tube (Class A). theme. The Boss TR-2 Tremolo pedal generates the classic tremolo effect, periodically changing the volume of the sound. It appears you could put an LED in series with that 1k8 resistor going toward the collector of the oscillator transistor (the only 1. Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz Feb 26, 2012 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Explore the electronic circuit diagram of Kay Tremolo Schematic designed for guitar effects. I think it's still on my breadboard, I'll go check. Previous topic - Next topic Aug 27, 2012 · DrNomis Old Solderhand Information Posts: 6855 Joined: 16 Jul 2009, 05:56 my favorite amplifier: Self-Built Valve Amp Head :) Completed builds: Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face,Tone Bender Professional Mk 3,Tone Bender 3-Knob,Baja BK Butler Tube Driver,Baja Real Tube Overdrive,Roger Mayer Octavia,EH Soul Preacher,Tech 21 XXL Distortion,MFOS Weird Sound Generator. I suppose the input impedance of the kay tremolo is bad and this preamp solve this Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals.  May have been made by Sound Projects/Lectrolab. Kay™ Tremolo | General Guitar Gadgets Oct 13, 2024 · Tremolo mbc improved placa componentesTremolo ea debugging Kay™ tremoloZweeno log blog: ea tremolo. Tremolo isn't working, but I will be checking if the tube is bad and also trying to turn on the c Dallas Arbiter™ Trem Face™ EA Tremolo. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. Aug 30, 2024 · Kay™ tremolo Martinic colorsound tremolo Used vintage 1997 colorsound tremolo effect pedal. Depth mod on October 23, 2019. The trimpot is used to bias the BJT in its “sweetspot”, which may vary depending on the LED/LDR . Parts list (BOM): Parts list. Aug 15, 2021 · Simple tremolo circuit using LDR’s. Since this is tag board construction tracing the circuit can get a bit confusing. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp You'd have to disregard the offboard wiring stuff in that image (jacks, switch). Read more. The Kay T-1 Tremolo originally came in a plastic housing with a treadle that controlled the speed. In the Fast mode, the tremolo Schematics. UPDATE: this layout can be considered VERIFIED, full working and great sounding. I am indebted to General Guitar Gadgets for the schematic. Look up "offboard wiring" or some such thing. Pastas que contêm este Pin Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. General Build Instructions; Improved EA Tremolo Build Instructions; Improved EA Tremolo Bill of Materials; Improved EA Tremolo Schematic; Improved EA Tremolo Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram; Improved EA Tremolo with Trem/Boost footswitch Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram Oct 19, 2024 · Tremolo colorsound tagboardeffects layouts fx guitarTremolo kay schematic guitar effects Colorsound tremolo dragonfly layoutAn in-depth look into the different types of tremolo. I was wondering if there was a way to get the oscillator that controls the tremolo speed to go up into higher frequencies in order to produce more of a ring-modulation style effect in addition to the cool/weird tremolo that this thing does.  Similar to many Kay amplifiers. Started by midwayfair, March 06, 2013, 10:59:17 PM. 101. There are hundreds of pages of Tube amp information on my library page. Custom Kraft was the House brand for S. That ought to do it. All tubes are Sylvania. Anyone have a good place on what components to check out Oct 23, 2019 · Kay TR-1 Tremolo w. One of the key updates in the Throb Tremolo is the increased speed range. Shares. Oct 30, 2024 · Tremolo kay schematic guitar effectsTremolo schematics schem tag Colorsound tremolo schematic pointColorsound tremolo. M. It has a very nice choppy sound, and can get into the Machine Gun Chopyness. Kay™ Tremolo | General Guitar Gadgets Check Details Jan 2, 2008 · Kay - Tremolo (T-1) Discussion regarding early stompbox technology: 1960-1975 Please keep discussion focused and contribute what info you have 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. Kay Diagrams, Schematics and Service Manuals - download for free! Including: kay 500 amplifier schematic, kay 500 schematic, kay 505 amplifier schematic diagram, kay 506 amp schematic diagram, kay 515 amplifier schematic diagram, kay 520 amplifier schematic, kay 550 amplifier schematic, kay 550 schematic, kay 610 amp schematic diagram, kay 700 amplifier schematic, kay 703 2nd amplifier Nov 21, 2005 · Kay T-1 Tremolo: Kay » tremolo pedal » , schematics available at Schematic Heaven; Related. Schematics: Acoustic: Acoustic B450 B600h Acoustic_165 Acoustic_470_service_manual Kay_tremolo Klemtecholette_b40n Korg_cmp-1 Lovetone_brownsource Dec 19, 2019 · Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. The circuit itself is simple, where a Twin-T oscillator circuit is fed into the output. Heck, the Tonebender tutorial taught me how to do stripboard in the first place. 50% off "Colorsound Tremolo" by MartinicVSTBuzz Colorsound tremolo share pcb blogthis email twitter. Print. . This one fired up immediately. In addition to these basic controls, the pedal also includes two Hummingbird is a tremolo pedal designed by EQD, based on the vintage “repeat percussion”. The second LED in the BJT collector is used as a “rate” indicator. Tremolo sabrotone modified. Revv G3 Pedal. LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Jul 14, 2019 · For some reason I thought it said 2x 6V6, but you're right it's single ended with a tremolo. Click the link above for Tube amp info, Schematics, Board building information, Projects, Mods, Transformer diagrams, Photo's, Sound clips. Apr 1, 2020 · Schematics and PCB. Besides amplitude modulation, there’s an one pole low pass filter modulation in tandem. Also known: KAY AMPLIFIER 506 VALVE; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. Drill Template, Licensing and Usage Introduction The people from EQD revisited another classic forgotten pedal, as is the Vox Repeat Percussion Tremolo, adding volume and depth control, plus the rate mod toggle that switches in between capacitors altering the behavior of the tremolo. This was my first fully finished guitar pedal, so it’s rough but ready. I'll bet the transistor gets near cut-off before it turns around, so the LED would probably pulsate. The switch is a great point of versatility, allowing to cut bass on darker amps or (viceversa) to add more fatness on bright amps, and more, the tone knob still allow to rectify it with precision; I've tried it in the "fat" mode on my 1959HW with '68 specs. Started by svstee, February 13, 2009, 11:38:31 PM. Kay Tremolo Schematic. Mais sobre este Pin. Download KAY TREMOLO service manual & repair info for electronics experts Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians This site helps you to save the Earth from electronic waste! Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. Tremolo pedal schematic circuit ea bs170 modified veroboard building made transistors weekend diy guitar instead parameters here use look descriptionEa tremolo schematic Tremolo pedal ea schematic schematics output troubleshooting clone looks Nov 4, 2013 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Dec 23, 2011 · 1965 Kay 704 Vanguard Vibrato Find the full review here: Kay 704 Review The Kay 704 Vanguard with Vibrato was the world’s first all transistor solid-state guitar amp, introduced by Kay Musical Instruments in 1962. Stomp Box Schematics. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. EUR B/1860 Repeat Percussion; The OLD SCHOOL tremolo pedal is designed to replicate the vintage tremolo sounds of tube amps. Mar 14, 2005 · I can't believe you make it this easy. This site helps you to save the Earth from electronic waste! KAY 703C 2ND SCH. This is a unique sounding tremolo. 22u cap, you can croc clip the outer lug of a 1Meg pot to it and clip the middle lug to any component lead at that junction that will allow it. It takes the classic chopper effect and refines it, smoothing out any rough edges and making it even better. If the site has helped you and you also want to help others, please Upload a manual, circuit diagram or eeprom that is not yet available on the site. Feels like I have been looking for mistakes on this thing for hundreds of hours, and from probing I have found that I have no signal after the first cap. 50% off "colorsound tremolo" by martinicvstbuzzTremolo kay schematic guitar effects Martinic colorsound tremoloColorsound tremolo. Awesome! Posts: 2641; Total likes: 87 ^^ Fuzz Skull ^^ I used the schematic here: Feb 16, 2025 · Cardinal Tremolo (Vactrol-base Harmonic Tremolo) - schematic & discussion. Ratings (9) Average product review List of Guitar Fuzz, PreAmp, OpAmp electronic circuits and electronic schematics for a variety of Guitar effects and distortion fx. KAY T1 TREMOLO SCH Dec 14, 2003 · 1) Discovery of the day is that my tremolo works and sounds MUCH better when I put the "Don Tillman preamp" (basically a very simple FET buffer with 3db gain) in front. A lot! Kay_t-1_tremolo Klemt_echolette_ng-51 Klon-centaur-schematic Korg_phs1_phaser Nov 22, 2011 · This is a Kay Tremolo Circuit, with a few different parts. Mar 31, 2012 · Factory schematic: Attached is an unverified vero layout I made. KAY TREMOLO. Right now I'm looking at the Kay Trem schematic at GGG. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp Feb 2, 2015 · Here's a 1590A candidate. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Guitar Pedals and Effects Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Jun 4, 2020 · This is dope! I have been messing around with this today, I added a 10K pot between the LED and the collector of the transistor (Currently using a 2n2222) And it seems to be working pretty decent as a depth control (By controlling the brightness of the led) Still looking into how to get rid of the 555 click (Very new to the 555 and electronics in general) Dec 29, 2007 · Boss TR-2 Tremolo schematic & mods Chandler Kay Fuzztone (F-1) schematic Keio Keio Synthesizer Traveler guts shots Guild Guild Foxey Lady (2 knob) schematic KAY T-1 SCH. Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. I also have another v The Luna Optical Tremolo is an analog tremolo pedal that is based on the popular 4ms Tremulus Lune circuit. Summary created by AI from the original source. A schematic of the original design is included for those curious cats. Colorsound Tremolo 50% off "colorsound tremolo" by martinicvstbuzz Sep 17, 2010 · Hi - sorry to revive an old thread, but I recently have used this to help me recreate my version of the Kay Tremolo. The schematic (included) looks like a lot of their work, it is Custom Kraft 500 Guitar Amplifier Tube Tremolo. If you lift the side of the 100k resistor (whose other end connects to the . Jorge Arcas. Guitar fx layouts: schaller tremoloEa tremolo Perf and pcb effects layouts: run off groove modified ea tremoloEa-tremolo por mbc. Jan 2, 2008 · Kay - Tremolo (T-1) Discussion regarding early stompbox technology: 1960-1975 Please keep discussion focused and contribute what info you have 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Sep 1, 2013 · Additionally, the topology allows a simple switching mechanism to go between the harmonic tremolo and a "normal" tremolo. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp List of Guitar Fuzz, PreAmp, OpAmp electronic circuits and electronic schematics for a variety of Guitar effects and distortion fx. Sep 8, 2012 · LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Nov 3, 2009 · I recently picked up a vintage Kay model 504 amp - it seems to be a copy of that time's Vibro Champ. Just found the correct schematic (I think) and haven't probed yet. All Categories Bass Bitcrusher Compression Compressor Digital Distortion Envelope Filter Modulation Noise Gate Octave Phaser Power Supply Ring Modulation Speaker Amp Sustain Tremolo Vibrato Boost Buffer Cab Sim Chorus Delay EQ / Filter Flanger Fuzz Overdrive Power Preamp Mar 17, 2024 · Tremolo types different schematic they depth into look waves talk select let use do 1977 colorsound tremolo colorsound > effects Tremolo 1975 colorsound audiofanzine Kay™ tremolo Skip to content User Manual and Diagram Full List 8mileshigh wrote:Thank you Lucifer, I built a Kay Fuzztone years ago and yes this makes sense. LucifersTrip Resistor Ronker Information Posts: 413 Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 11:39 my favorite amplifier: Companion Psychedelic Machine Completed builds: Mosrite Fuzzrite (Si), Mosrite Fuzzrite (Ge)[2], Get Lo-Fi Fuzz, Fuzz Face (Ge) [2], Fuzz Face (Si) [3], Mos-Face, Vox Tone Bender, Kay Tremolo, Os Mutantes Fuzz [2], Psychedelic Fuzz, Smokey Amp, Sunn Buzz, Jen Fuzz, Fancy Fuzzbox, Muff Fuzz (op Author Topic: Kay Tremolo voltage readings (Read 1534 times) LucifersTrip. Kay™ Tremolo. Jen PE-404 Repeat Percussion. L. I don't see voltages on the schematic, but it is close enough to work in that circuit. For this no need registration. It has a single speed knob that allows you to control the speed of the tremolo effect. T1 TREMOLO; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. Oct 22, 2024 · Ea tremolo schematic pictures, images & photos Tremolo kay schematic guitar effects Tremolo schematic. Typically, you use a stereo input jack and the "-" battery connection goes to one lug and the "-" to the board goes to the otherinserting a jack turns on the effect. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers. Wiring layout: Wiring. Quote from: mirzaand this depth knob will work? Probably, but I should think there'll always be some trem effect there (though it should reduce it). Tremolo pedal effects circuitMartinic colorsound tremolo plug-in software (download) Colorsound tremoloColorsound tremolo Schematics, circuits, PCBs and veroboards for guitar effects pedals. It features speed and depth controls that allow you to adjust the intensity of the tremolo effect. Email This BlogThis! Schematic is avaiable HERE . (make it 47k or so. Nov 3, 2023 · Got this pretty cool all solid state 60's Kay 704 with an out of control tremolo oscillator, up in the 100's of Hz or more. It offers six knobs that provide precise control over the waveform, allowing users to shape the tremolo effect to their liking. Apparently RG's version with 11 transistors and two matched FET pairs was putting people off! Schematic: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Have a nice Day! See related repair forum topics below Maestro Fuzz Tone original schematics - FZ1 and FZ1-A. Very choppy. eayrgmm vxxf mpjr rosrbzi oypq tamndxw tflmui azv qejnq gwahpbq gnl ihev srd jzjxmsv fekbduj