K1 max vfa D3D K1 Hardware Modifications This repository is dedicated to providing a centralized location to the hardware modifications that the D3vil Design team has created for the Creality K1 and K1 Max. pulley puller). I have the 20 teeth pulleys and will not change those. Upon turning the unit on, it started going through the setup, but as the bed raised I heard a popping noise coming from inside. 2 校准流程(可参照压力提前,和最大体积流量的校准流程) If you don't know what you are doing dont upgrade 8mm is not recommended for stock printers. Dec 26, 2024 · Hi! UPDATE! [26. 5 = 15 Jan 16, 2024 · Over- und Undershoot um genau zu sein. Looking at that upgrade it’s a nice looking, well engineered solution however for me I don’t like an unsupported MGN12H rail, especially on a K1 Max. g. The gliders I downloaded from cults3d, a design made by “lashigt”, and made some adjustments on them by making the holes for the teethed gears little bit larger to 4mm diameter so I could use m4 bolts for the Idler gear 20T 5mm. This was designed in an effort to remove and replace the 36t pulleys on the stock steppers, this resulted in a shift that lowered the threshold of VFA from ~250mm/s to ~175mm/s. With a fast 600mm/s max speed and an impressive 20000mm/s² acceleration, it ensures fast and accurate prints. I see one ringing at the hole, but the rest seems to be VFA. I don’t have new teethed pulleys or any other upgrade. Auf gegen die VFA Wellen. The part looks small, so it might be that the printer does not accelerate to the desired speed. 01. If pulleys sit too tight you can This guide explains the whole process to root Creality K1 and K1 Max. K1 Max, the flagship FDM 3D printer of Creality, is a combo of print speed, print quality . Total weight of the moving mass is now 70 grams lower compared to stock gantry :) Weight Comparison of modded elements: Stock (519g): 2 Rods of X = 297g 2 Stock X Blocks = 112g Printhead Carriage (with graphite bearings) = 110g Aug 10, 2024 · I made the X Axis modification/upgrade by installing a linear rail MGN12 on my K1 max. In this video, we will go thr This mod fixes K1 issues namely excessive ringing/echo, unstable print quality, frequent maintenance, also it makes printer quiet. Ciò rende K1 Max ideale per la prototipazione e la stampa di campioni di design. solid infill 350, topsurface 200, gap infill 350, travel speed 500) printing the vfa lines go away. Also applies to K1 I assume. I had gone through a lot of steps I could find online without any Jul 16, 2024 · After some testing I noticed that at high speed (e. This modification includes the integration of a high-quality linear rail MGN12 and fixes some of printer design issues like, replacing original idler pulley with idler gear, providing significant improvements in motion accuracy and greatly reducing Jan 8, 2024 · The K1 (Max) has also a VFA problem at speeds below 140mm/s (+/- 20mm/s), keep that in mind - check if the walls are really printed with a higher speed. If you don't know what you're doing, I don't recommend following this guide. Note: Some of the firmwares Creality K1 Max 3D Printer—offering high precision and fast printing with a large 300×300×300mm build volume, AI-powered real-time monitoring, and auto-leveling. 9 degree stepper motors - 17HS6401S 0. Upon inspection, I believe the plastic items are covers for a conduit channel inside the Nov 14, 2023 · - Etwas Spannung aus den Gurten genommen um die VFA Wellen zu reduzieren. I am very happy with it and want to share this with other K1 max users I have the setting “slow down for better layer cooling K1 / K1Max VFA reduction through pulley replacement (get rid of ringing and ghosting!). Irgendwelche VFA (Vertical Fine Artefacts) kann ich überhaupt nicht erkennen. Man kann etwas tunen aber wirklich helfen tut bisher nichts. One of, if not the main problem of the first generation of the K1 / K1 Jan 21, 2025 · However it comes at a high cost as you need x3 linear rails vs 1 and also potentially unnecessary as testing has shown that a single rail on X is all that’s needed to remove the VFA. Eines der, wenn nicht das Hauptproblem, der ersten Generation des K1 / K1 Max si L'elegante K1 Max è caratterizzata da un grande volume di costruzione di 300 x 300 x 300 mm, ha uno spazio di stampa massimo con un utilizzo più efficiente dello spazio, il che significa che la stampante si distingue anche per le sue dimensioni compatte. 9 degree steppers, they have high torque, low temperature, do not need custom wiring. Jan 18, 2024 · Insbesondere Außenwand und VFA hab ich momentan probleme mit der qualität vom K1 max, die nötigen 120-140mm sind doch recht flott und dabei bekomm ich massives ringing trotz inputshaper, das muss ich mir noch genauer anschauen. You have to remove stock motor pulleys. 1 概念描述. - Plopsi Dec 22, 2024 · Hello, I opened a new K1 Max from the Creality Store this week. If you would like to support the team to fund future projects, you can visit us at our Patreon . According to the formula: Max volume flow = Starting volumetric speed + Observation height * step That is: Max volume flow = 5 + 20mm * 0. During unboxing, I noticed many exposed wires and several parts that I did not see mentioned in the setup videos. der K1 (max) hat da mehr probleme als andere. - Bettnivellierungsschrauben eingebaut um mein um 1,5mm schiefes Druckbett auszurichten. Key components to buy : 1pcs - Li… I do not understand your last question. 3. Posting "examples of your work" is just advertising in disguise and will also be removed if not K1 related. 0 in early 2023. Apr 13, 2023 · Creality K1 / K1C / K1 Max / K2 Plus. 在"校准"选项卡中选择"vfa",输入起始流量、结束流量、流量步距三个参数,切片软件生成打印测试模型。默认情况下,起始流量为40,结束流量为200,流量步距为10。 3. Dec 13, 2023 · Creality K1 and K1 Max as the flagship of Creality, released in April 2023. I would recommend (quite expensive) LDO-42STH48-1684MAC 0. outer walls 200 inner walls 350, sparse infill 450, int. Dec 22, 2024 · The printing results are great (Less till no VFA anymore on your prints) and a big improvement of the K1 max without having to root the machine. Jun 10, 2024 · This is a special mod for X-axis Gantry, an advanced upgrade designed to enhance the precision and print quality of your Creality K1-Max printer. Caso queira seguir o video de referencia fica o link abaixo:https://www. This is how I fixed issues with ringing / VFAs for the K1 Max. Am besten einen VFA test machen und das beste niedrigste (wenn's nicht zu hoch ist (<100mm/s)) als outer wall speed eintragen. You can use a bearing puller to do that (some people use printed pullers e. Jul 19, 2024 · Going over my experience with the second version of the K1 Max. The hot end’s 32mm³/s max flow accommodates a wide range of filaments including ABS, PLA, PETG, TPU and more. 9 (Affiliate), they are not ideal, hot and have lower torque then original, but I get less VFA. 5. K1 / K1Max VFA Reduzieren durch Pulleytausch (Weg mit Ringing und Ghosting!). Join group. By default, the starting flow is 40, the ending flow is 200, and the flow step is 10. Select "VFA" in the "Calibration" tab, input the three parameters of starting flow, ending flow, and flow step, and the slicing software will generate a print test model. Ob das beim Bambu anders ist? Keine Ahnung. Jan 19, 2025 · ** Now Compatible with ALL Creality K1 Series Machines - K1 / K1C / K1SE & K1 Max ** ** UPDATE Feb 2025 - Now compatible with Cartographer 90° Bed Levelling Probe ** Tried of VFA issues on the Creality K1 printers? Want a solution to remove VFA but not impact build volume? Also want a solution which means you don't need to root your machine? Then look no further. Jul 27, 2024 · I have printed a set in petg for linear X axis rail and bought a 400 mm rail mgn12 +railcarriage mgn12 and want to use this to replace the x axis rods on my K1 max. Comprehensive guides to K1 Max I use 0. 2025]: Meeting expectations - The set now includes carriage assembly instruction and a new lighter design of a carriage with dedicated cable holder. ¶ 3. The advantage is to have full access to the firmware and configuration files in order to be able to make changes to them. 5 VFA (Vibration) ¶ 3. I got my Creality K1 Max a Neste video exemplifico como fazer o ajuste na correia da impressora 3D Creality K1. (but maybe you can buy a new bearingholder and bearing at the topback in the middle) Based on this conclusion, we can calculate the max volume flow. Das Lidar beim K1 Max wird benutzt zum 1) Nivellieren der Druckplatte, 2) Flow Rate Kalibrierung, 3) Überprüfen der ersten Schicht. Sieht jetzt so aus: - K1 Max gerootet um Orcaslicer ordentlich verwenden zu können und vor allem den Inputshaper fix zu installieren. The printing results are great (Less till no VFA anymore on your prints) and Jan 17, 2025 · The needed parts I downloaded from cults3d, a design made by “lashigt”, see : 3D file Creality K1 MAX Full Linear Mod (LiDAR compatibile) - No Root Needed! 💭 ・Model to download and 3D print・Cults The printing results are great ( no VFA anymore on your prints) and a big improvement of the K1 max to a machine of industrial quality Aug 11, 2023 · Es ginge also noch schneller, aber dann möglicherweise zu Lasten der Qualität. Meanwhile, AI began to sweep all industries with the advent of GPT 4. In this article, we will comprehensively introduce the K1 Series printing parameter settings to If you've ever struggled trying to adjust your printer and had a lot of difficulty, you'll find the Creality K1/K1 Max magical. 1 Concept description. Jun 19, 2024 · Stepper pulley remover for the K1 nd K1M stepper motors. Changing the original K1 Belt with the Joints keep in min ¶ Why Is K1 Max So Fast and Smart to Print Quality 3D Models? FDM 3D printing is constantly evolving. Currently, it is making a big pivot towards fast printing speed. 5 vfa (震纹) ¶ 3. slasjekforziczenaaflwuzdjvsqpsjrepffndzcriixuxjqowucmepvbzzyqyxavaccpnwnru