Fzj80 transmission fluid change. That what it is designed to do.

Fzj80 transmission fluid change Procedure may also work on a A3 How Transmission Fluid Works. Has suffered minor surface rust on parts due to last storm blowing apart the car tent it was stored in. It's got the A442 transmission and is regularly serviced. Dropping the pan and putting in a few liters of new fluid is not the way to change out the fluid in your transmission. However, professional help is recommended if you’re unsure. . your transmission fluid, you must drive it 10 miles or more to warm it up. NOTICE: Do not overfill. Consider rebuilding/replacing calipers depending on brake pad wear. Can I change transmission fluid myself? Yes, with the right tools and a bit of time, you can save money by doing it yourself. Oct 5, 2022 · With the parking brake set and the wheels chocked AND with the engine idling and the transmission between 86°F and 122°F, remove the fill plug again and fill the transmission until it pours out (it may not require additional fluid--but the drive will purge any remaining air from the new filter and the system--mine was about 1/2 pint low after May 10, 2016 · 1997 TOYOTA T100 SR5 X-cab 5spd, 284,000k 1996 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER FZJ80 -Factory locked-ARB front, 4x4Labs rear, custom storage drawers, home built sliders, 255 pizza cutters, Oct 21, 2024 · How often should you change transmission fluid? It depends on your car, but generally every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. As far as I know, it always had stock tires on it and was not wheeled nor abused. It was in a parts truck I bought with no engine. When shifting from 1st to 2nd it shifts really hard. 5" Heavy Springs & Shocks, WKOR Sliders Sep 4, 2022 · In this video we show how to change the transfer case oil an 80 Series Landcruiser. It’s located on the back of the differential housing. The adventure continues!!!Be sure to like and subscribe to follow along the journey Toyota Forum Link: http://forum. To be more specific, rough power delivery, delayed acceleration after coasting and giving it gas, and choppy slow Jul 25, 2011 · 93 FZJ80 199,xxx miles. However, I'm not doing a complete system flush just draining the pan. Since I purchased it, I flushed and replaced all the transmission fluid, and fiddled/tightened the kickdown cable. 5 litres out despite leaving it drain for a couple of hours. I use 5W-30, CarQuest brand (Mobil 1 manufactures it), and a CarQuest premium oil filter (manufactured by Wix). Im nearing 100K mi on my 2010 and want to swap out the fluid. Would love to get some feedback please. Transmission fluid helps lubricate, cool, and clean internal components of the transmission. 5L inline-6 cylinder gas-engine Nov 20, 2013 · Watch the fluid level rise in the container (I place mine on the ground in front of the bumper, so I can fill and watch at the same time), adding fluid at about the same rate the container fills. Remove the fill plug first. Heavier viscosity oils slowed that down somewhat. 5. On the second change, I added LubeGard Instant Shudder fix. (wheels chocked or parking brake set or against a curb). Power is routed to all four wheels through a four-speed automatic transmission and a dual-range transfer case. I have checked the operation of the transmission by shifting into low. 6L (dry fill) or 3L (drain Nov 15, 2011 · Hey guys. Jun 29, 2018 · Transmission is unrelated to the engine dying. 210k on it. These boxes are bulletproof and will have less chances of leaving you stranded. 2 Shift Solenoid was bad: https://youtu. Local Pickup in Lakeside, Ca Make me an offer! $$$ Will trade for 80 series ARB, Trail Gear, or Sep 4, 2024 · Your Jeep Wrangler transmission fluid is an important element in your differential, it acts as a seal to cool, lubricate and wash off the gears and bearings including the pinion (input gear) and ring gear (driven gear), and when driving your Jeep, the intermeshing of the gear teeth causes high-pressure points on the gears and bearings resulting in metal shavings, you will normally see a magnet Jun 29, 2009 · Would a change oil fix this early sign of possible solenoid problem. 2kw starter, locked, big Hellas, rr fog, rr flood, rr Airlift, synthetics, ARB bullbar. I put it on jack stands and noticed that my forward gears are fine. I've had the car for about 5 years. The engine coolant has a tremendous amount of heat absorbing capacity and if the air/fluid cooler isn't doing well enough the lower (cooler, btw) tank of the radiator will start cooling the trans fluid as well. The engine runs the gearbox pump, so it has to be running to pump the fluid. It also helps maintain the hydraulic pressure necessary for the transmission to function properly. Instead of shifting to 3rd from 2nd it went into neutral for about 20 seconds then dropped into gear. :confused: When I removing the drain plug from the gearbox, How many liters will Feb 8, 2007 · Ok so I've had no problems with my 80 transmission ever and have 250k miles. Jan 14, 2017 · Just a quick note for those venturing into fluid exchanges on their transmissions, as there are a lot of first-timers floating around in here and I thought a little more info on the subject might be of some benefit. 5" Heavy Springs & Shocks, WKOR Sliders ***Dis-use is harder on a car than mis-use. 3L (with fr/rr heaters) Transmission, manual (H155F): API GL-4 or GL-5, SAE 75w90, 2. Aug 22, 2009 · Below is text from a thread, It lists the HF series fits behind the A440F and A442F gear trannys in 80 series. An uninstalled 20-gallon fuel tank is included in the sale. went out there and whacked the piss out of the pan with the rubber mallet probably a couple hundred times at Nov 15, 2011 · Doing a change only takes about 4 quarts, so for the price of 50 miles worth of gas in the cruiser you can change your fluid. I just did a fluid exchange on my 2010 FJ (A750F transmission) today at 92,xxx miles. 0 liters (8. Fluid was clean in both trans and tcase when I drained them. I noticed that the transmission cooler hoses at the radiator are relatively easy to get at with all Nov 1, 2007 · I purchased the truck with 109K miles 2 years ago and had local Toyota dealership flush and change all fluids at that time including transmission fluid. Nov 17, 2013 · I change the transfer case fluid once a year as well. Are you sure that's transmission fluid? What color is your coolant/antifreeze? Is the coolant level low in the radiator? Aug 5, 2016 · This is a major reason it is in the radiator, but it is also there to help cool when things are really hard on the transmission. Again be sure the plug is clean before replacing. 7L Transmission, automatic (A442F): ATF Dexron-II, L (dry fill) or 2. Trasnmission fluid is at correct level (and has been since I have owned the vehicle) and looks brand new. The symptoms are the truck running a little rough during slow speeds (10-20 mph). This article outlines the importance of regular fluid changes, signs indicating when to act, and manufacturer-recommended service intervals of every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. Believe so. What you are seeing is typical for cold transmission with engine Apr 25, 2015 · -H151F is more reliable. Jul 28, 2014 · '97 FZJ80 40th Anniversary @ 170K+ TJM 2. Some don’t even specify an . There are two hoses leading from and to the transmission. 4 quarts into the T-case. the guy said that Dexron II is discontinued coz it was old school I see Dexron IV, Mercon, Type F Dec 23, 2002 · '93 FZJ since new, 2. Very good fluid at first, maybe spent at the end '94 FZJ80 Transmission Issues Jul 21, 2004 · Fluid change unnecessary expense. have any of yall done it yourself? I know there is a Jun 29, 2014 · A 1974 takes 6 quarts of oil. The transmission is connected to both the lower radiator and a cooler behind the grill. I refilled through the transmission fluid dip stick with a very narrow tipped funnel. In this video we show how to drain and refill the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) of an 80 Series Landcruiser. The response is immediate. 97 FZJ - exact same stuff - twins. Jun 30, 2019 · Hence the reason why my owners manual not only calls out Dexron 2 for use in the transmission, but the manual also calls out Dexron 2 for the power steering fluid too. Everything else seems fine. I would like to sell as a package. Drivers can expect to pay $125 to $250 for a transmission fluid flush service. We will cover the following: 1) Changing the Engine Oil & Filter 2) Renewing the Front and Rear Differential Gear Oils 3) Renewing the Transfer Case Gear Oil 4) Flushing the Cooling System 5) Flushing the Power Steering System Jun 11, 2003 · Fluid then flowed quickly out of one of the tubes and into the bucket. Decided to do a drain then refill then a second drain to try and get as much of the old fluid out. May 7, 2017 · Thanks NLScooby, will be tackling the very same fluid change next week as part of switching over to the PML deep transmission pan, so your detailed video will help immensely. Our second installment includes the start of the second wave of maintenance and repairs to the LX450 | FZJ80. Also Reverse does not works anymore (it seem like a the clutch is slipping) Jun 20, 2009 · The fluid was discolored and had a burnt smell, so I decided to add a transmission cooler to lower the operating temperature of my transmission. Does this imply the transfer cases use on FJ62 will also fit on A series trannies? Will a FJ62 tranny fit an FZJ80. Note that this method changes up to 6L of t Jun 21, 2024 · Transmission oil temperature for gauges Make sure you refer only to the '98-'02 100 series posts. Check the fluid level with the normal operating temperature 70-80°C (158-176°F) and add as necessary. this took a bit of the edge off, but the symptoms remain. i would definetly unplug each transmission related component, clean it up, in spect, apply some dieletric grease and put them back together. If the fluid is run too hot it will oxidize and change color. I instantly knew why the folks I bought it from sold Nov 15, 2016 · The new fluid simply pushes out the old fluid by using the trans own pressure. A little background first: I've owned the 96' FZJ80 since January/2014 and it's been sitting in my shop ever since while I've Jun 18, 2017 · GX - 2nd Gen (2010-2023) - #Transmission fluid change - I know that these things are supposed to be sealed units and never have to change out the fluid. Oct 8, 2020 · You can use the engine and transmission to change the fluid nearly completely. The '03-'07 100 series has a different transmission. 5 24 valve 1FZFE engine code. Fluid level is good Jan 3, 2018 · 1996 FZJ80, Unlocked, Stock w/ Chrome Package, Badlands 12K Winch, 285 Duratracs, CDL, Pin-7, BH3D Cupholders, OME 2. I discussed adding the AT cooler with the Service Manager of my local Toyota dealer and he encouraged my doing so and said that adding the AT cooler would not viod my warranty. 8 US quarts) w/o Oil filter change 6. Aug 21, 2009 · When the transfer case shifter is in neutral and your transmission is in PARK, the AT/P light will come on letting you know that "if you put it in PARK, the truck will roll. My Cruiser: Jan 24, 2020 · I can say for absolute certain that the recommended schedule for the LX is exactly as UCrazyKid describes. As for fluid choice thats the same stuff I use, as do many other folks on the forum. Fluid looks pretty clean and just below the Oct 6, 2018 · Guys, I'm buttoning up the last of a engine rebuild for my FJ80 and I'm at that point of finishing up the last of the hoses. Please excuse the choppy video here and there our video files were corrupt f Nov 17, 2017 · Note, I only have 52K miles on my 2010 FJ. I tried to take really good pictures when I removed the engine but I must have skipped the underside of the engine where the transmission cooler lines attach to the Dec 26, 2009 · FZJ80 Transmission pan removal update Well, I hope that my experience with this might at least help some other poor soul out at some point if they have to do this I spent practically the whole day on my back dealing with this mess. The video applies to all 80 series Landcruiser models, whether petrol or Mar 14, 2003 · the "mudding" and pressure washing could certainly be the culprits for an electrical issue. 2010 FJ, White, TRD package - Previous Toyota's - 95 FZJ80, 1999 LC 100 series, 2-2004 LX470's, 1984 Toyota 4x4 truck, 2005 4runner, 2007 4runner. What’s the difference between a transmission fluid change and a flush? A fluid change replaces only the old fluid, while a flush removes all old fluid and contaminants for a complete system Jan 19, 2014 · So Far, I've drained & refilled the fluid twice (5qrts each time). A flush will take 12 to 22 quarts, while a fluid change requires 5 to 7 quarts. Apr 1, 2011 · Heat is what kills transmission fluid and then your transmission dies shortly after the fluid. I have a 1995 FZJ80 automatic trans. That what it is designed to do. Nov 23, 2012 · The transmission cooler lines on the FZJ80/1FZFE with the A343F transmisison (95-97 US models) are on the left side of the engine/transmission/radiator. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. ih8mud. It’s not necessary to raise the vehicle. If I put it in reverse it will lunge forward but then act like you hit the brakes and stop. Automatic Transmission This policy is Jun 6, 2022 · 5) The transmission to radiator lines are designed to warm the transmission quickly when cold, then cool it as the truck is getting worked. Front and rear diffs and transfer case at 60k if needed and 120k under normal driving. ” Instead, these transmissions use gear oil (or transmission oil). Park on a level surface. WS fluid is supposed to be lifetime, but we all know that's a crock. Learn how driving conditions affect change frequency and the importance of keeping service records Apr 16, 2010 · Hi, I have intentions to change the oil of my A442F gearbox. Still drives mint and changes fine for an auto, no loss of power as such. -Change/Flush transmission fluid (read up on opinions on how to do this with high mileage unknown condition trannies) Oct 24, 2009 · After a deep lubrication with the consequential opening of the Transmission Valve Oil Pan, and oil change, now the tranny does not want to shift anymore from from 2 to 3rd (and to OD). Or you could take it to a tranny shop and they will flush and change the fluid (way faster than pulling the pan yourself). R12 to R135 conversion done, Oem dryer, New Interstate battery, 1 o2 sensor , Crankshaft seal, Oil pump seal, OEM dizzy cap, rotors, New OEM Blue fan clutch with 15k fluid, New OEM Power Steering pump with aftermarket Hoses including the high pressure hose , Diff fluids changed Jan 24, 2009 · As far as the transmission fluid is concerned, it was clean when I bought it; I changed the fluid as PM, which I did not clarify when posting earlier. How Often Should I Change the Transmission Fluid? You should change your transmission fluid according to your vehicle Jul 12, 2006 · So I've got a case of while-you're-in-there-itis At 200K & 19 years I'm replacing the belts, vacuum and coolant hoses on my 93, putting on a 130A tundra alternator and starting the york install. Aug 14, 2012 · i've always heard that if you have a high mileage automatic trans that you should not change the fluid, just the filter. The fluid is getting better and the first fluid was on the opaque / darker side. Have been using this process (drain and refill on transmission as least once a year or every other oil change) on my 2005 Honda Pilot (110k miles), my daughter's 1999 4Runner (140K miles), 2005 Blazer (150K miles when sold), 1970 Buick GSX 455 (142K miles), sons Honda Accord (70k miles), and FJ with ZERO transmission issues or slippage. ***Fix a man's a truck and he will drive it for a while. 4L (with oil filter change) Coolant: Ethylene-glycol based, 13. -1990 FJ62. -1974 FJ40 FST. 2017 Subaru Outback, 1990 Audi Quattro 20V w/ rear locker, 1987 VW Vanagon Wolfsburg, 1984 Porsche 944, 1982 Toyota SunRader manual tranny project - only 32k miles! 2002 BMW E46 AWD with M3 Sport Seats. Also just so you are aware the drain and fill is a partial change (about 25% of the volume). 00 here in Texas. Jan 10, 2005 · Procedure for changing the rear differential fluid in a 100: Draining: Drive the vehicle to warm-up the gear oil. About a month after I bought it I had my first tranny issue. Any additive will effect the properties of the transmission fluid that was selected for its exact properties. The typical manufacturer of a manual vehicle will tell you to change your fluid at around 60,000 to 80,000 miles. 5 US quarts) Drain and refill w/ Oil filter change 7. I use a bucket pump and clear hose on each of the cooler lines coming from the truck. So since Dexron 2 has been discontinued for years, we now use Dexron 3 in both of these systems. Jan 10, 2015 · Hello, I have owned a 1997 LX450 for less than a year and the transmission seems to run rough. 6 qt but I know I cannot add that much since I never drained the system. 4 liters (7. I use it on all my own high mileage vehicles and customers vehicles, never a issue. be/bGFdDOjVX-QIn this vi DIY video! Performing an Automatic Transmission service on my 1994 Toyota Land Cruiser 80 Series with the A442F transmission. Sep 1, 2024 · Discover how often you should change your CVT transmission fluid to maintain optimal vehicle performance and reliability. com/80-series-tech/ In this video, we show you how to do some very important preventative maintenance on your FZJ80 or FJ80 Land Cruiser. Oct 27, 2003 · - change the fluid all at once after an extended period - say 15k or 30K. for a manual trans, changing the fluid is good for it. In neutral it acts like drive and will drive forward. Now for the problem. Aug 17, 2017 · No "AT TEMP" light for Temperature Check mode (Refilling Transmission Fluid) PLEASE HELP! Discussion in ' 2nd Gen. Well it seems some particles got into the solenoids and clogged them up. Im not programmed that way. 5" Lift Kit - CDL Switch - Flexitank 5gal Q-panel bladder FrontRunner Slimline II full rack - ARB Simpson III RTT - ARB 8' Awning - Engel MR040 40qt fridge - AT Overland 36" dual storage drawer system - Odyssey 31M-2150 + Lifeline GPL31XT - 100w Renogy solar panel w BatteryMinder SCC-180 controller - 305/70/16 Firestone Destination A/T's - Thor 750W Jun 9, 2016 · When my 96 model FZJ80 had 120,000 miles, like the OP's, it barely used a quart every 4-5,000 miles (Mobil 1, 5W-30), but once it hit double that mileage the oil consumption began to shoot up rapidly (most likely due to worn valve stem seals). I realise there would still be some in the box and torque converter Feb 4, 2005 · 1993 model. Thanks to you guys for all the input, honestly i was really bothered before i asked this, but THIS FORUM really helps a lot, knowing that you are not alone solving the problem of any 80, I hope i can find new solenoid here if it really is the culprit. I was only getting about 4. Diffs I used to do once a year but will be going to once every 4-6 months. Those lines are filled with ATF, not coolant. After cleaning everything up and identifying the culprit (it was the return line from the oil cooler to the transmission hard line), given the age of the vehicle (and likely all of the soft Buy the complete Toyota Land Cruiser FZJ80 repair manual for detailed 1993-1997 maintenance procedures. deleting the trans fluid through the radiator and running ATF straight to the liquid to air cooler on the front of the truck (non-OEM design). Feb 20, 2006 · '93 FZJ since new, 2. TRANSMISSION. 5" Heavy Springs & Shocks, WKOR Sliders Dec 11, 2017 · Hi all. Does not slip or anything. I think my first step would be to change the fluid. If the heat doesn't rise much above 180 then the fluid won't change color. Truck must be level. Will ask though. I do the first drain and refill of the transmis Jun 29, 2005 · Brake fluid: SAE J1703 or FMVSS 116 DOT-3 Vehicle: Toyota Land Cruiser (FZJ-80) Engine model: 1FZ-F (carburated) or 1FZ-FE (EFI), 4. (90-92 models have 1st/2nd synchro issues, so beware!)-H151F is more awesome. That transmission is very close to the A343F in the 80 series, it uses the same temperature sensor (89429-34010) and control logic. 4) Have you had the transmission serviced in the past 60,000 miles? Have to check that. Not sure what the problem could be, has a new oil cooler and looking for anyone who might Jun 29, 2005 · Engine oil: API CF, ACEA B3-96, 11. 92 FJ80 "LC" 252k mostly back to stock and going strong Apr 9, 2004 · Transmission fluids have become very specific, especially in newer cars (the Toyota Specific Fluid). Pics from when i installed a external trans cooler and did a BG trans fluid exchange on my 02 4runner. With the engine idling, check the fluid level. Jun 3, 2023 · *Did our video help you? If so, consider buying us a beer!: https://bit. I use the Rodney Flush method. It has a 24mm head Mar 1, 2025 · An oil change was performed in June 2024. You also have less maintenance since your fluid changes have longer intervals and much less fluid as well. Apr 20, 2023 · Hello, I have a new-to-me 1994 FZJ80 with 260,000 miles. 1996 FZJ80, Unlocked, Stock w/ Chrome Package, Badlands 12K Winch, 285 Duratracs, CDL, Pin-7, BH3D Cupholders, OME 2. Then you check it with the engine running and with it in Drive. The video applies to all 80 series Landcruiser models, Some back story on my Land Cruiser: it was my father's and he did not change the transmission fluid for 20 years and 250,000 miles. I'm betting that is extremely low and the movement was enough on a transmission that has dried out and is just starting to get moving again. f. All fluids in the vehicle are Toyota with no additives. If the vehicle is not parked on level ground, it is recommended that you at least ensure that you get 1. Pulled it out of a running driving vehicle. 9 liters (7. Add fluid up to the cool level on the dipstick. Car at shop. Jan 9, 2011 · Fill the T-case with 1. 8L (drain & refill) Transmission, automatic (A750F): ATF T-IV, 11. To properly check. I added LucasOil stop slip on the 1st change with not much of a difference. Aug 10, 2016 · Hi there, I just bought a 1994 Toyota FZJ80 about a month ago, and I just got around to changing the differential and transfer case fluids. This is approximately twice as much as a transmission fluid change. $750 obo Explore the latest vehicle specifications for the Toyota Land Cruiser FZJ80 1992-1998 model with the 4. I was trying to picture the procedure regarding flushing the balance of the transmission fluid contained within the transmission and torque converter, and this video took Feb 7, 2006 · e. May 17, 2018 · 3) What does the transmission fluid look like on the dipstick, what does it smell like, and is it at the proper level (check with it at operating temp, while running, in park)? No clue. 3 US quarts) API grade SL or SM, Energy-Conserving II multi-grade engine oil or ILSAC multi-grade engine oil and Jan 14, 2025 · How Often to Change Manual Transmission Fluid (Gear Oil) Most manual transmission vehicles don’t actually use “transmission fluid. Nov 18, 2003 · Crap man, to drain/fill the pan at the local Toyota dealer with WS fluid is $69. Park works as it should. 88s, Slee 4", George's sliders, Slee bumpers, Warn M12000, OBA, Yaesu 7800, Outback drawers, INTI rack + other stuff. ly/3feE6tJ**In this video, we show you how to do some very important preventative ma Here is a how-to on changing your transmission fluid in the Land Cruiser. Apr 16, 2010 · Hello !!! I have intentions to change the oil in the automatic transmission of my FZJ80. The manual for my FZJ80 says change requires a filling of 6 liters of ATF III oil, but I also see that the total capacity of the A442F is 15 liters. As soon as it started to sputter and blow air I shut the engine off and refilled the transmission with approximately the same amount of fluid that was pumped into the bucket. Dec 24, 2014 · It will often read high when checking while not running. The belts and battery were replaced and a coolant change was carried out in November 2024. Unlocked. So I dumped my transmission pan fluid, it took 4 quarts to refill, and it shifts Dec 10, 2012 · I have done this a few times and I usually use almost an entire 5 gallon bucket of ATF to change the fluid. I also towed a 6x10 trailer from Feb 7, 2004 · 97 FZJ80 - Locked, 315 GY MT/Rs, 4. In this article you will discover the most up to date information of which lubricant type, grades, capacities and service schedules for all areas as well as torque settings , vehicle weights, BHP and much more. 7 FACTORS THAT CAN AFFECT TRANSMISSION FLUSH COST Aug 22, 2005 · Matt Miller TLCA# 13684 1977 FJ40 2F "Brahma" + Lockright, tach, Warn 8274, FJ60 Power Steering, no more Sanden OBA (factory emissions), so Puma OBA 1996 FZJ80 1FZ-FE factory lockers + Safari intercooled turbo, OME Heavies, sliders, ARB front, Warn M12000, Puma OBA, OEM CDL switch, cup holder, hand throttle, Metric TLC leather, heated seats + JDM switches Apr 24, 2015 · I believe the title says it, I'm going to begin a 24 valve 1HD-FT turbo diesel and matching 5 speed manual transmission swap into a USA model 1996 FZJ80 truck. Is it advisable to change the filter or this filter can be washed? Does anyone have the part number of the filter and carter gasket ? Here in Argentina, not sold Auto Transmission Filter kit´s Nov 28, 2020 · 1996 FZJ80, Unlocked, Stock w/ Chrome Package, Badlands 12K Winch, 285 Duratracs, CDL, Pin-7, BH3D Cupholders, OME 2. Aug 16, 2018 · Check the transmission fluid level. 4 quarts of fluid or until the fluid begins to come out of the fill location. 5" Heavy Springs & Shocks, WKOR Sliders Jan 24, 2009 · I specifically asked Ron Davis about the additional load on the cooling system from the OEM design (transmission fluid through the radiator) vs. The torque makes 90% of the heat in and automatic. Jun 25, 2020 · Last week I showed how to read the transmission codes using a jumper and it turns out my No. at least if it is much over the water in that end of In this video we show how to change the manual transmission (gearbox) oil of an 80 Series Landcruiser. This could turn into new brake pads and rotors depending on condition of everything. This is due in large part to the additional fluid required. I have read change fluid and filter but also read change shift solenoids. These transmissions are also used on FJ62. I am going to figure out how to evacuate and fill my transmission with Amsoil WS at some point. Jan 2, 2010 · My '93 FZJ80 needs a transmission fluid change. Some automatic shed metal and clutch material more than others. I am replacing the drivetrain with a complete one from another parts truck is the only reason it came out. Jul 12, 2006 · Fixed it for you with the updated specifications (oil standards change over time): Engine oil Dry fill 8. I see the system capacity is 12. Replace the fill plug with a new plug gasket. What happens if I never change my transmission fluid? Jan 21, 2024 · In the past, the factory-recommended interval for changing the automatic transmission fluid was typically between 30,000 and 100,000 miles, but some newer vehicles have what’s referred to as Feb 7, 2014 · Hey, I have a 1997 FJ80 that runs and drives great except one issue. " The transfer case has very little to do with the transmission in your 96 other than to change shift points when in low range. Is there a list of transfer case to transmission compatibility. Transmission fluid doesn't look or smell burnt. Always check your owner’s manual. Or take it one step further and pull the pan and clean the screen (the pan holds an extra liter you don't get when you drain it). Tacomas (2005-2015) ' started by Lyneeso , Aug 16, 2017 . Post Reply Dec 22, 2024 · Yes, with the right tools and knowledge, you can change your transmission fluid at home. Dec 1, 2016 · -Change brake fluid and change every 2-3 years. I had previously dropped the pan to change out the filter/screen and flush the old fluid. Transmission does not have a schedule, but my dealer recommended a fluid change at 120k to go along with the diffs and transfer case. I am planning to drain my tranny fluid soon and I really don't know what kind of ATF to get :( the FSM and dip stick said Dexron II but I don't see a Dexron II at the auto parts store. When I do this, it would slowly engage to where it needs to be. Furthermore, I put Mobil 1 75W-90 in all three, and I've noticed twice now just for a few seconds a slight grinding noise as I am driving to the end of my Jan 5, 2020 · This project started after one of the hoses developed a slight tear and sprayed transmission fluid all over the garage floor and in the engine bay. A good start but even better (in my opinion) is a full fluid exchange via the transmission cooler. You can watch the fluid change as the machine works, fluid before & after. Stop it when you want the fluid to stop. make sure you check the speed sensor as well. it can't seem to figure out what gear it needs to be in and shifts up and down sometimes 2 gears at a time. Nov 26, 2020 · Just brought home a 97 fzj80 with a “no reverse” issue. Jul 8, 2006 · What does your fluid look/smell like. Transmission takes 90W gear oil, not sure how much by memory. Recently my mates 80 series transmission started to leak oil, to be exact leaks out of bell housing when trans gets hot. i don't agree with that, but alot of people do. Mar 2, 2014 · 1977 FJ40, 1995 FZJ80 (x2), 2000 LX470, 2013 GX460 2008 LX570-graduation present for number 1 daughter 1994 FZJ80-graduation present for number 1 son 1976 FJ40, 1980 FJ40, 1986 FJ60, 1989 FJ62, 2004 UZJ100, 2005 GX470 The trick to success is making sure you're solving the right problem. most people Jun 16, 2018 · Flushing the transmission and changing the filter on a 1993 Toyota Land Cruiser. and it makes it nicer to drive. Mar 17, 2009 · Hello. Feb 24, 2010 · Did an transmission fluid change today. 36k mi survivor. mxbomn hquzq jzpcr govm kqar kfnfoi juactqi osrwqz wveq kul aigjd tqposb wgxdj wzxrgob jmmwx

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