Eve online carrier ratting 2020. 0 this being the top tier sec level for spawns.
Eve online carrier ratting 2020 (Futhark Kais) January 6, 2020, 3:32pm 1. There are two carriers that can be optimized to rat with, the Thanatos and the Nidhoggur. 5% bonus to Reading time: 12 mins 馃晳 Likes: 36 Jan 6, 2020 路 EVE Online Forums Question about super carrier ratting. So ppl, i like to ask for the input from comunity. (Veldspar though) 2 RR-leshaks can run command posts (3RR, 1 large smartbomb), barracks and info sanctums (7-8 minutes per site, 90mil blue loot each) and the easy relic/data site (trinary hub, evac center), get AB and 4 RR for info sanctums and MJD for the rest. I’m in Guristas space, so I use Jan 9, 2018 路 Most likely yes. Super_Dazz (Super Dazz) February 28, 2020 WTS 25m sp Thanatos Pilot EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Oct 10, 2024 路 Ratting is the hunting and killing of NPC pirates, which can appear in asteroid belts and cosmic anomalies, and also near to gates in nullsec space. The I run hordes with a Thanatos and a raven navy issue. My fighters only have 12 rockets each and there’s more battleships than that in the Anoms. If that happens then the already low income they’re getting just got paused and they lost the value of the ship. Thanatos bonuses: • 5% bonus to fighter dam… May 31, 2018 路 Hello guys, thanks for the guide. Hello All, Keyes reporting in. Apr 20, 2020 路 We have made it to the end of the capital line, save our money and fit the thing and now have lost rattings guns and Boson and now tank. PvE Ships & Modules. I don’t remember what it was with just the rattlesnake, probably around 23m max. Dec 19, 2018 路 Sure is!!! Those extra dank 4m-2m more tics will pay themselves back in 5833. In face of recent changes, i think the carrier for ratting, is dead. Do you split your fighters into two groups of seven, or focus their fire in groups of 14. 6-2b) - focused carrier, no waste skills at all - ready for ratting with 11 drones (13 drones will be in near 2 weeks) - awesome drone skills, sentry 5 - very good navigation skills - basic armor tanking (capital armor doesn't needed in ratting) - basic engineering for effective fitting - easy cross-training to another carrier Starting bid 5b I run hordes with a Thanatos and a raven navy issue. Couple of MTUs, More tank, cap booster, Stabs ect. Damit sich 0. If you have spent the 2 months training T2 fighters and you're still losing fighters after 2 months, eve is not for you, biomass asap. Oct 25, 2017 路 Hello all, I have recently joined a corp in Providence and would like to take a crack at the bountiful combat sites/ratting. besides, the way I do, its so fast… lol dont want to compromise the time I get. I keep getting 10/10 escalations that I have to sell off to other people because…well I dont wanna move my carrier 8-9 jumps to do them. As for the details specific to warp-ins and such, I dont know. Since then, change upon change has been piled on to take them down a notch, but as tends to happen it’s gotten to a point where the ship class has been nerfed into the ground and is no longer in a usable state for PvP. If you are in Rogue Drone space, I am not sure what works there. The very reason I’ve an active tank on a thanny. 2008 came along and jacked my time. bravecollective. They’re frequently targeted, yes, but they aren’t 100% targeted. Preferably a nidhoggur pilot, but a Thanatos would also be considered. 999999999999999999% less on other ships. Nov 14, 2020 路 Site is finished nothing on grid to scram, warp off and one lot just remains there as if he didnt get the warp command. Let's carefully estimate the carrier makes 30M per hour more than the 1k dps HAM tengu while not using ammo (realistically the difference is this or higher, over extended timeframes I would estimate 40-50mph more given my average income is 45m ticks). 7 hours of ratting. go and do some sites. May 21, 2020 路 Anyone know if the Triglavian ships are any good in pve? More to the point I am a carrier pilot ratting in null sec. Sep 27, 2017 路 I use alts in opposing systems to get +1 jump warning, plus I use intel chat when ratting. I probe the fighters down warp Carrier to the prober recall fighters still no response. Just hoping to get PVE HAW guns back at 5000 dps. Is this common as its happening too often now. Feb 19, 2018 路 LF a place to super carrier rat that is quiet space & oops for small gang pvp system1 (system) Closed May 20, 2018, 3:13am 2 Apr 5, 2020 路 Hello fellow capsuleers! I am a returning eve player from Germany and looking for options to get back in the game. Mar 7, 2018 路 EVE Online Forums WTS 24m SP Thanatos Carrier Ratting Pilot. Thanks EVE Online Forums Aug 15, 2017 路 Drone boats don’t have the gun/launcher DPS/application to deal with things like that except the Gila and possibly the Rattle with some application issue. 0 this being the top tier sec level for spawns. 11: 610: Dec 13, 2020 路 220mil praxis can run integrated terminus sites solo, but money is bad. Carriers can use space superiority fighters to kill the fighters from supercarriers, effectively removing much of the effectiveness of their larger counterparts. I have to admit that I play EVE for fun, not for logic. 2k DPS when you're not using the missile abilities, 3. The carrier costs 3B in the ratting fit (high end estimate, bad carriers are cheaper than EVE Forums » Deutsches Forum » Probleme und Problemlösungen » Carrier Ratting: Nerfed? - Kopfgeld: 5% Weniger? - Kopfgeld: 5% Weniger? Topic is locked indefinitely. Am I able to solo any of the combat sites in a BC? Should I stick to a certain class of site like Den’s or lower? Should I find something else to do Apr 7, 2020 路 When carriers first started receiving heavy nerfs back in 2017, they were an unbalanced mess, a clear “I Win” button against even moderate sized subcapital fleets. I’ll add my two cents before said changes are announced. But as all things. Wormhole Space. Marketplace. Sad thing is, with insurance, some carrier fits will cost you less than a marauder. You can make 275m ISK/h with a single character? Then just get a second one and multibox The point being, dont risk getting your corp/alliance pissed at you because you are an idiot ratting with a carrier and you have to call everyone to action because you got tackled. Just find out your fighter's orbit range, change your default orbit to that and use the w key to get your fighters onto their next target if your weapons are cycling. I have now finished the preliminary report on Carrier ratting, requested by Leadership due to the massive amount of Apr 24, 2018 路 FWIW, whenever I’ve used a carrier for ratting, the fighters WERE the priority targets. Dec 4, 2024 路 Personal opinion: I enjoyed the Forlorn Hubs a lot when I was still carrier ratting. You can early trigger the next waves and the ships themselves are mostly squishy and easy to destroy. Feb 17, 2018 路 Looking to buy a carrier toon. Sep 15, 2017 路 Carriers do not afk anymore; their fighters only act on commands. Integrated terminus is a joke. Communications Center. While you train those put your carrier pilot and cyno alt in vnis. Feb 28, 2018 路 This may jave been answered already, but I just started up carrier ratting recently and run drone hordes. C5s solo, no escalation. Eve is a game, not a job. So I went and looked at some of the health values for battleship rats, and it turns out typical “Effective” DPS you’ll get from most battleship rats is going to be in the 300-400 range (that’s accounting for the fact that it ignores resistances). I personally would like to see more ratting in carriers, however every null-sec entity has their own rules, and I fully understand and support entities that wish to not rat in carriers. Not willing to loose a ratting carrier yet, until I buy another 3 or so. If this is insufficient to wipe the floor with their fighters, give Nov 12, 2024 路 Ohk, so I have looked at the pyfa preview for the new ships- which seem to be mostly accurate except of course for the damage calculation. You definitely should stay aligned, and have an emergency cyno to jump out to if the need arises. Probably in a carrier. First is a Cerberus. So I want to fly the big capital ships - even when its not logical 馃槈 Actually I can fly a Nidhoggur and a Phoenix. Also make sure it is 10+ belts the more belts the better. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Feb 5, 2021 路 The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Is it still worth the effort? Also, as being pretty rusty I’m looking for advice about what ship would be a good choice to join small ratting fleets (3-4 ships), considering that this is a BH hole, and luckily I’m mostly skilled into caldari ships. But tbh we all know playing alone is boring so I want I run hordes with a Thanatos and a raven navy issue. Abandon and scoop said fighters. Apr 19, 2020 路 Hi. You can fight npc caps from 300+km away and you won't need a tank or help. 9 or -1. Character Bazaar. I legit parked a carrier and focused more on leveling up my trader alt. May 3, 2021 路 I have some interesting info to share about belt ratting in drones space. This helps keep fighters moving and alive. Ich habe das einmal mit ~4 Freunden gemacht. Easy as that. You will need to pick a system with a sec status of -0. Brought to you by The Vanguard Syndicate allia Dec 15, 2017 路 Hello! So, I’m reactivating this account and looking for a null sec corp with decent space to rat in. 3 to 11666. It’s hard to say if the loot is outweighing the 3rd VNI ratting or not. Always align toward your safe spot. Nov 15, 2023 路 You absolutely must be proficient at controlling your fighters to successfully rat in a carrier. I can see a mining rorqual but not a ratting carrier. C3s solo. Mar 30, 2020 路 I was ratting in a rattlesnake with alt in dominix for awhile making like 15m-19m per tick on each account. Support the site. 5% bonus to fighter hitpoints per level See full list on wiki. But if you really want to know the answer to your question, get a carrier, you'll be making that much. When you'll make more in your carrier than in 2 vnis then it's the time to undock. Carrier ratting is not as safe as some other ships, but it's much safer than, say, marauder ratting. But good luck breaking even before you are caught and killed. Apr 23, 2018 路 At FanFest it was made clear that CCP was unhappy with Carrier and Super ratting. It makes you a much bigger target so you have to figure if that is worth it or not. Don't bother scripting for tracking. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. In my opinion better options exist with T2 fit battleships (or even naga in the case of serpentis) Feb 20, 2020 路 It’s funny that so many of the people hating on null sec and carrier ratting are themselves ratters or mission runners that never expose themselves to the slightest risk and are therefore creating ‘free isk’ far worse than any carrier ratter. Battleships getting grapplers arent the answer either. But I want to take it step by step, slowly. Sep 18, 2017 路 So I am a ratter and I want to kill them faster. I just wanted to know the opinions of carrier owners; what is the best carrier choice? Seeing that fighters or drone are carriers only offense, which one has the most offense dps output? I like the look of minmitar carriers, but I’m not sure how to Thanks for posting this. Not using the Networked Sensor Array because of unsafe space. The ticks were not much worse than a pure Forsaken Hub/Haven diet. It’s just going to make carrier ratting untenable in the first place. Change alignment to next anom on the second to last wave. I’m always losing fighters, never lost any drones. Aug 4, 2017 路 This is an overview of carrier ratting taken from this guide: Carrier Ratting Guide. I can’t do all this and carrier rat though, the carrier takes too much focus to not lose a fighter. The variable spawn points ensured that no smarty bot or ishtar bots would come there. Needless to say they look cool and I want an excuse to use EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. If a vexor, or any variant, is afking in a site then they are expecting to lose their ship when a neutral comes into system. Code it in that the guns only damage ships (RAT SHIPS) with a code that has it and does -99. It is highly recommended that you keep a Cyno Recon Ship on a dockable structure in a nearby system while ratting. got nidhogur . Now, I can either blind warp in, and hope I don’t bounce off or get stuck in a rock, or warp in and try to place a safe bookmark to warp back to in my carrier. PvE Gameplay Center. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others. If you see any improvements that are simple and significantly impactful, please let me know. A ratting carrier is cheaper than a pvp fit for one, don't bother with a refit. Players receive bounty payments for killing rats. Nov 20, 2017 路 Hey guys, im searching a pve minmatar Carrier ratting Pilot for Max 30b Please link your eveboard xPoetti_ThePainTrain (xPoetti ThePainTrain) November 21, 2017, 7:01am Jun 25, 2023 路 Carrier ratting (PvE) in a Thanatos in EVE Online. Thanks. I don’t mind the occasional PvP, but mostly just want to log in, undock and rat (Carrier Ratting) while relaxing to music, comms, or youtube. Carrier ratting: standard carriers generate like 120-160m/hr but is input heavy and so for same level of input required super ratting is more worth it (~300M/hr) For dreads the only place they make good isk is whs but only if you have T2 siege and T2 ammo/guns. IDK why people put a cyno on a ratting carrier… id hate to accidently hit that lol… yea. From: Fleet Master K. Super ratting is at least a reasonable income, but you need a high brm system to really make it worthwhile, and those basically dont exist in sovnull. Dec 20, 2017 路 This is an overview of carrier ratting taken from this guide: Carrier Ratting Guide There are two carriers that can be optimized to rat with, the Thanatos and the Nidhoggur. In PvE, carriers are sometimes used for very grand-scale ratting . Oct 26, 2018 路 Ratting: switching from carrier to super will multiply the ticks per 3 (50M->150M) but the cost/risk will raise from 2B to 25B… same for pvping: switching from ferox to HACs, etc So yes it is worth, but it depends on you to know if you wanna take the risk and invest a so huge amount of money. You can basically use any carrier to rat in but the Thanatos and Nidhoggur have both bonuses to fighter damage and the Niddy even to Nov 8, 2018 路 Returning after a long while and I’m moving to C5 with a few friends. They feel it is too much. Finally got to zero fees because my carrier cover on miners was legit the bomb in nullsec. I have Amarr Cruisers V and BC IV and T2 Medium Lasers (Beam and Pulse). Carrier ratting is just horrible isk/hr. 0 Carrier ratting lohnt braucht man ein ok SOV system mit upgrades, am besten noch eine ESS dazu. I’ve been experimenting with 2 VNI perma ratting, 1 carrier doing Sanctums and then using my 4th alt to loot and salvage. Ballistic Control System II Ballistic searching for some solo ratting ship/fit for null angels hub/haven atm im using 2x cheap fit tengus 510dps/hml/nova - need some ship that can do it solo in about same time, but can also align/warp relatively fast (yea im not interested in ratting in carrier), and is not more expensive then both of those tengus together (about 1. Also, risk assessment would be appreciated! I got carrier on my 3rd account and will eventually use my Thanny with Geckos / Fighters whatever I need and use that for ratting, together with 2 other ships from my other 2 accounts. May 23, 2019 路 This is an overview of carrier ratting taken from this guide: Carrier Ratting Guide There are two carriers that can be optimized to rat with, the Thanatos and the Nidhoggur. This in turn led to a dramatic loss in their popularity for PvP, with dreads essentially replacing them. If you want to have a deeper inside on how to fit a ratting ship just read the other parts of my ratting guide. Wir sind in eine Renter Allianz rein mit unser kleinen corp und haben nichts anderes gemacht als mit Carrier und Supercarriern Anoms zu ratten. Plus have to deal If you're just ratting you are fine with only level 3 Cali. Nevermind I get it I was using the wrong type of heavy fighters ^^ //// I managed to get my hands on a supercarrier on Sisi to try out this gameplay (I want to know if this is a long term goal for me to look for or not). I only make 32m a tick. Aside the always present danger for ganking, now you will have to pay a extra carefull atention for your drones, turning the ratting with carrier a really stressful job. Flying a carrier with suboptimal skills means dank 35 mil ticks considering you're not losing any fighters. Mit IV skills hatte ich dann so 150mil ISK/h. I’m not PC, not easily offended, and pretty easy to get along with. Dont try a phoenix as you will fail miserably. Still carry a PVP fit . Dark_Engraver (Dark Engraver) February 1, 2018, 11:21am May 13, 2018 路 Carrier Ratting Guide. How do you regulate your volley usage to get the most out of it, or do you just blow them all and the rest of the site use primary guns only? Best to just go with the best carrier for Ratting, since the change of surviving is marginal between the ships you might as well make as much isk as possible before you die. They used to be 1/5th the price and have way more application/dps than they do now. I want to rat as safly as possible in Null- or Lowsec. First idea was a Tengu, but I guess it’s just not enough in such EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. So here are my two Ideas for “Faster” and somewhat inexpensive. Pimped out Kronos/Golem can reach 4k DPS sitting on top of where the rats spawn with Void/T2 Torps, Carriers only do about 2. It wont impact anything but some people would like to officer hunt in titans. It was going to cause serious issues with the eve economy, so their combat ability was nerfed. Nov 25, 2024 路 The addition of all these rocks and structures to Drone Horde sites have made carrier ratting excessively difficult. C5s solo, one escalation. . Changes are coming. Aug 17, 2017 路 Simple solution would to make carriers and super carriers do 1/2 to 1/3 damage to subcap npcs, but 100% damage to npc capital npcs and ev… Yup, I’m hoping for a more widespread Null version of Incursion content, but put the lower end fleet size at around 5 and then scale up to like 10, 20, ect, and N+1 for stuff like the Shipyards. So I’m trying out the Hel, with random Pve fit (4 DDA 2 tracking link 1 nav comp and 4 Fighter Units). My killboard is a catastrophe 馃槈 So I need the protection of a corp. May 19, 2020 Multiboxing c4 sittes. Making isk isn't just based on what ship you use, but how much traffic the system gets, which anomalies you do, and how plentiful they are. In such systems the only rare belt spawns you will encounter if you run the belts enough are infested carrier(60 mil bounty), sentient infested carrier Feb 13, 2020 路 EVE Online Forums WTB MJD for carriers For ratting its already super hard to catch a ratting carrier, because he can permaaligne. I live Mar 8, 2020 路 Mmm because its fun i guess, its great practise too, taking 10-20 odd t1 cruisers to try to kill a carrier that has minimal support would be good content for them and their FC would likely take it, most of the fights ive had in my videos arent an overwhelming force on either side and ive nearly lost a few times, im actually really looking forward to the fights that i lose because they will be epic EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. com Feb 3, 2020 路 Boosters, general DPS, anti-fighter, anti-sub cap, heavy tackle, various flavors of ratting. After fighter & NSA nerf. EXCELLENT Amarr Carrier Ratting Toon-Amarr Battleship V-Amarr Carrier V-Capital Ships IV-Jump Drive Calibration V-Jump Fuel Conservation V-Jump Drive Operation V Dec 30, 2020 路 Just head on the youtube and look for tier 6 abyssal 1 billion/ hour video where you buy a Deacon and two assault frigates and run tier 6 abyssal sites in under 20 minutes each and earn 1 billion an hour with 70-90% success rates. The last couple of weeks I had created my own corp to get 0% corp tax and just grinded LVL4 missions to fill up the pockets a little and in the meantime I studied the recent changes at least some of them, like market and such). Was worried about asking about it for fear of the flood of "carrier ratting is bad, you'll get dropped and it wont be worth losing 2 bill for 50mill ticks and you're clearly too retarded to watch local and prealign to a safepos" sort of posts. February 13, 2020, 9:16pm 10 Feb 21, 2021 路 EVE Online Forums Ratting C5. Subcap, but any reasonably cheap ship would work (< a bil). Unlike carriers, dreads can’t receive reps while putting out a reasonable amount of DPS Nov 6, 2019 路 A good carrier should get about 60m per Tick (180m/h) Super maybe 300-350m/h Titan ratting about the same as a super, but less apm All supercapitals will need another Toon with a in a recon, so you can get a Cyno. Ballistic Control System II Ballistic It makes you a much bigger target so you have to figure if that is worth it or not. To: GOTG Ratting High Command, GOTG Carrier Division, GOTG Ratters, SPAIs. Nullsec ratting. 2010-2014 I played off and on but the changes made it hard. I am a returning player, last time I played was before Triglavian ships came out. Id like to know from the more experienced thanny ratters. Any fit that can tank a full site from up close will very low DPS and no amount of “kill stuff int he right order” will change that. So Talk about cover. Get your Omega codes here. The place is C5/C6 space. Feb 1, 2018 路 Forsaken Hubs and Forsaken Rally Points work for smartbomb ratting. docx. Dude - rock mining was a breeze. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. I had been using a Sentry Dominix to rat in but felt it was slow going and was hoping for something faster. I was in the market for a carrier, just because I wanted one. Preferably afk. This is an overview of carrier ratting taken from this guide: Carrier Ratting Guide There are two carriers that can be optimized to rat with, the Thanatos and the Nidhoggur. Would dreads now become an option? If so what dread, and what fittings? Could someone post ship and fittings here please? Thank you in advance. A rat's bounty is tied to its ship class, and closely tracks with its expected difficulty. Aug 6, 2017 路 Background: Carriers have recently undergone a number of nerfs due to their incredible success at ratting. that. Drone space if it matters much. (You should be using eve survival or something like it for wave trigger info) Carrier ratting is great but that is a lot of training to get through. A max skilled carrier should out damage most common HAW dreads, and do it over a significantly longer range, but it does so at the expense of durability. No secondary weapon system like rails or Apr 20, 2017 路 guys, what is an average tick for ratting in a carrier ? and is this fit any good ? [Thanatos, Thanatos corp pve cheap] Damage Control II Capital Armor Repairer I Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Navigation Computer II Imperial Navy Cap Recharger Capital Cap Battery II Omnidirectional Tracking Jun 12, 2017 路 So with the recent to come nerfs to carrier and super ratting via drones by 20-30%. L5 missions in a carrier. Carrier ratting. Ishtars, VNI and Myrmidons don’t orbit far only to be AFK. I’m a pretty relaxed person and enjoy talking with people about w/e. A handful of times, i’ve warped INSIDE a rock and had to cyno myself out after asking someone else to clear the Jun 26, 2019 路 Hi forums, Comet here. Mar 13, 2019 路 With the carrier NSA tackle and application nerf, how many people think it is going to lead to an up-tick in marauder and dread ratting? Obviously the fundamental flaw to dread ratting was their 5 minute siege, but I have to wonder if an alt couldn’t fix that and get you under 5 minutes. Trained up my skills to use a carrier thinking it would be a lot better. Thanatos bonuses: • 5% bonus to fighter dam… Sep 15, 2017 路 EVE Online Forums Carrier Ratting Guide. Not all of the skills trained yet, but working on that. 1k with faction DDAs + Missile Attacks, so Marauder has higher damage and more consistent ticks. My drone skills are a little lacking though. Aug 7, 2018 路 The fitting concepts for a ratting carrier are very similar to fitting any other ratting ship. Thanatos bonuses: • 5% bonus to fighter damage per level • 2. A guide on controlling your fighters can be found here. My dream is a corp how has a Sep 15, 2017 路 Carriers do not afk anymore; their fighters only act on commands. Jul 16, 2020 路 I am looking for full focused Carrier Pilot for Ratting purpose Pilot Needs to have t2 fighters Budget is 20 Bil, can be stretched a little depending on the pilot. The main danger of carrier ratting is warping to an anomaly 30, 40 or 50 AU away, have a neut jump in and shotgun the anomaly you're going to (It Yes, If you run rock havens (the rats always spawn at 0km at the smugglers gate). Go For it!!! So ppl, i like to ask for the input from comunity. Until now I was a solo player and I was extremly often ganked. There’s a very simple solution: Change aggro tables on rats in existing anoms and put fighters at the top of the list, 100% of the time. ajfeaekydkzubeyzqjdbspplxfoplyileofgzcjtyjhgjcenuvuajliwvqbihqfijipbcrfj