Dwarven warpriest pathfinder I am planning this character out through level 20. Dwarves make for excellent medium or heavy armored ancestries because of the feat Unburdened Iron which removes any speed penalties a piece of armor or shield imposes. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Observation 2: Dwarf Clerics slot neatly into "warpriest" roles as "heavier armor", "a shield", and "bashing you with a hammer" are all on-brand. Crypto What? I love the new warpriest! Heck, I even liked the old Warpriest. Our GM is running it as a gritty, low-magic/cash adventure that relies on party strategy and wits to succeed and stay alive. I'm glad the era of Paizo shitting on dwarf clerics is finally coming to an end. I want a typical dwarf with axe (double dwarven waraxe, longaxe or great axe)or hammer (longhammer, etc). 0 The dwarven gods are one large family, with Torag as its patriarch. Finally, if you are really interested in wielding a Warhammer to full effect as a Dwarven Cleric, might I introduce you to the Dwarven God Trudd, the Mighty! His favored weapon is the Warhammer, and he grants the spells Haste and Stoneskin just like Irori. I play my Dwarven Warpriest as a "once a round" striker that should save his Alpha Strike for flanked, low AC bruisers with the Channeled Smite. Be a Dwarf, and take a single level in Barbarian before you go full Warpriest. In the remaster, the size is fixed so our Dwarven Charisma Flaw no longer inhibits our healing output. Jolly's guide to the Pathfinder Warpriest If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. This is my Statblock: ST 12, DX 15, CO 16, INT 10, WIS 16, CH 8 Two questions: What My "Vengeance" divinity concept was an Inquisitor, but a Warpriest would build and work much the same. Pathfinder Community - Warpriest Warpriest I'm currently playing Strange Aeons as a Dwarven Warpriest who's both the party tank and healer. Dwarf- I was leaning towards something like a warpriest or inquisitor. One of the best choices, especially for a Defender, Dwarves get bonuses to two of the Warpriest's most important Ability Scores, Wisdom and Constitution. So you do get some additional weapon options for being a dwarven Cleric, but not the Dwarven Waraxe. You get lightning b However, because dwarven weapon familiarity lets you treat advanced dwarf weapons as martial weapons for the sake of proficiency, at 3rd level when war priest gains training in all martial weapons you would then be able to proficiently attack with the dwarven weapon. However, some are not content with their calling and seek a higher investiture of divine power. First Doctrine (1st): You’re trained in light and medium armor, and you have expert proficiency in Fortitude saves. I need your advice for this. You get the trident as a weapon, which is a solid and reliable option for sword-and-boarding, and also makes you look cool. Character creation with my GM was frustrating, because: I've never played PF, only 2E and 4E. Through the five diverse builds presented, the article showcased the adaptability and viability of the Warpriest class in various playstyles and strategic approaches. I'm usually the guy who gets 'stuck playing the healer' because I strongly prefer a balanced party. Forge Dwarf Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. For a time, Torag ruled the dwarves as a great king in their underground realm. May 6, 2022 · warpriest is 3/4 BAB, like magus, rogue and inquisitor, so you're behind a true fighter. net Aug 28, 2014 · I wanted to build a healer/melée fighter character for a Pathfinder campaign. Step 3: Make your Dwarven Boulder Helmet +1 Sharding. Dual wielding shields is fun and all, but to really capture that "shield-maiden" vibe I would actually go with carrying a single heavy shield (leaving your other hand free to delivery touch spells as needed) and then 2hand the shield when you attack. Tabellar Requirement of the Build: Blessing of Artifice - other possibilies are Rune, Knowledge, Earth and Law but not desired Capable of Melee with a strong hint of Tankyness aka This may not be the most effective warpriest out there, but it should be really fun to play and be able to put out a lot of damage. If you want a full caster you could go Shaman who's CHR requirement can be downsized with certain Spirit choices. A Warpriest who worships an evil deity instead makes a melee touch attack to harm living creatures by the same amount. Jan 22, 2020 · Observation 1: Dwarf Clerics are fairly iconic. Overall you should boast strong saves (with the ability to replace saves with stupidly high ride checks), obscenely high AC (somewhere in the 60s without much work, with extra chances to avoid the attacks), and the Stats. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those Each warpriest must choose a time when he must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain his daily allotment of spells. Pathfinder Wiki Magrim Details Alignment LN Pantheon Dwarven Deities Areas of Concern Death, fate, underworld Domains Earth, Law, Repose, Rune Subdomains Ancestors, Inevitable, Souls, Wards * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. axes or hammers perhaps? A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. War Priest War Priest CR 1 Source NPC Codex pg. Unfortunately, that seems pretty much to be the extent of the weapon's usefulness to me, it's quite nice that it can be reloaded easily but th Pathfinder First Edition Celebration! Going, Going, Gone! Accessorize Your Game Sale; Subscriptions The inquisitor and warpriest are good divine caster options for a dwarf. Warpriest should be done pure, or with a better synergy class. At his great forge, he created the world and the dwarves with his mighty hammer. Offensive Warpriest still works decently well but the reduced accuracy compared to a martial holds it back. The later is really the only one I think is relevant to a Warpriest. Crypto Hi all, I'm in a homebrew game playing a Dwarven Warpriest of Torag where we just attained our 1st mythic tier, and was wanting advice on which direction to go. I want to build an Elf Warpriest since all the Asian weapons are up (only for Elves) 1. Is the 18-20 crit range worth considering or is the waraxe just the better choice? Warpriest - Pathfinder Community Warpriest Feb 23, 2020 · I am making a Dwarf Warpriest Cleric of Shelyn wielding a Glaive. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Pathfinder Battles Promos. I just think they are much better at being defensive - and if built for it can quite possibly be the hardest to kill (sub)class in the game right now. 5 Dwarven Warpriest. Jul 25, 2018 · Download Deadly Delves: Temple of Luminescence for your Pathfinder game at the JBE Shop. I'm not really finding anything great in terms of feats outside of basic shield feats (such as Shield Focus, Improved Shield Bash, and Greater Shield Focus) and possibly Two-Weapon Fighting (since Warshield does better in pairs). ; Perception +13 Also we allow warpriest to choose STR as the class attribute Having said that you do the following: dump WIS and focus on STR, CON and CHA You pick only buff spells and heal - in my setting my warpriest of the Air Goddess gains access to fly, haste and truestrike (the cloistered ones gain shocking grasp, chain lightning and fly) Jul 20, 2014 · Hi all!! I ever admire dwarves, but in Pathfinder and PFS i don't know how to create a powerful dwarven warrior. You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction to reduce damage with a shield. What that nets you is: Rage Fast Movement (retained even in heavy armor courtesy of Dwarf Slow and Steady trait, for a 30ft movement speed consistently) Dwarven Forge (coming soon) Serpentfolk Warpriest. Nyoooom. Human for the bonus feats. Jan 22, 2022 · Dwarf. Unburdened iron is such a good feat, especially with the hellknight feat (armiger's mobility) that gives +5 speed back to dwarves with unburdened iron and can stack with fleet and can stack with tiefling nimble hooves, you can end up with a dwarf in full plate, with +0 str, and 35 speed lmao. BAB CMB CMD HP Fort Ref Will Str Dex Feb 4, 2017 · Warpriest - Nodachi, Two-Handed, plus Dwarven Boulder Helmet. Observation 3: Warpriests who want to go in melee need Str and Con (and some dex) in addition to Wisdom. (H/T to Twilsemail for the inspiration) Dwarven Pantheon Legacy Content Source Gods & Magic pg. [Pathfinder] Feats and Personality Quirks for a Dwarven Warpriest to a Goddess of Celebration So, I have an idea in mind for a very serious dwarf who is a Warpriest (hybrid class for Fighter/Cleric), for a kind of "frivolous" goddess. My stats are Str 19 Dex 15 Con 17 Int 11 Wis 16 Cha 10. We just got 4th level. 5e/d20 > Pathfinder Best way to Bash Heads as a Dwarf Warpriest? PDA View Full Version : Pathfinder Best way to Bash Heads as a Dwarf Warpriest? Warpiests are often found in the heat of battle, striking down foe and infidel alike. Jun 5, 2021 · Dwarf: Bonuses to two of the Warpriest’s most important abilities, a penalty to the Warpriest’s dump stat, Darkvision, and a bunch of really great resistances. I quite like the weapon, and I've been tinkering with the idea of a Dwarven Warpriest that focuses on it. You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction to reduce damage Mar 4, 2025 · The Warpriest can use this ability on an ally as a standard action or on himself as a swift action. Hello! Does anyone have any good builds for the Dwarven Pellet Launcher? Light or Heavy variety. Mar 1, 2016 · Our DM wants to start a new campaign in Eberron. They also do very well with any WIS based spellcasting classes, such as cleric, druid, warpriest, and the Dwarven scholar bard, or any archetype that swaps WIS for the class' usual casting stat. Warpriest Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Basically any martial class, barbarian, fighter, hunter, monk, ranger, even paladin. High Priest Yourdley CR 17. ; Perception +4 Defense AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor) (+4 dodge vs. Aug 16, 2019 · in a few months i'll be playing a campaing with my friends and i'm taking some free time during summer break to know better pathfinder rules. I don't know a lot about Deity choices, but there must be a lot of axe-wielding Dwarven deities. Given that the only thing I have is the d20pfsrd, I feel really lost. Zursvaater respects him as a smith, but considers his dwarven followers persistent pests and teaches his fire giants to enslave dwarves when possible. With the 4E Essentials Warpriest in mind, and having no PF experience, I wanted to build a Dwarf Warpriest. I want/have to go Rapier/Tankard. As such, they conduct Feb 11, 2016 · As vital strike is very nice for Warpriest I wanted to mention Gorum's divine fighting technique as it allows you to a) Vital Strike as part of a charge b) get Vital Strike damage on one AoO per turn. He is eventually touched by Ragathiel's light and trains to become a warpriest. Gnome. Blessings (Su) A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Maybe even a spawn slayer? Also considered just making him the Cleric with that wisdom/con race bonus he has and changing Aewyn. Stoic yet tranquil, Magrim was the one who initially taught dwarves the rituals for connecting with Warpriest Source Player Core pg. 2018 promotional figure. Elf (*) There’s very little here that’s actually useful, not a fan of the elves. Race: Dwarf Highest Stat: Strength Secondary Stats: Wisdom, Charisma Tertiary Stat: Constitution Son of Torag. Greetings playground, for an upcoming - soonish - campaign I am trying to build an Dwarven Warpriest Forgepriest. He serves the god of dwarven artifice and the campaign is heavily inspired by Eberron (so Magetech is not a problem). Medium / Promo. Race: Dwarf Highest Stat: Strength Secondary Stats: Wisdom, Charisma Tertiary Stat: Constitution Aug 15, 2015 · These were from when someone wanted to make a Cleave-focused Dwarven Warpriest some time ago. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Pathfinder Wiki Torag Details Alignment LG Pantheon Core Deities Other Pantheons Dwarven Deities, Dwarven Deities, Gnomish Deities, Order of the God Claw Pantheon Areas of Concern Forges, protection, strategy Domains Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Caves, Construct, Defense, Fortifications I am actually working on a CG dwarven warpriest build [alignment and race are locked] but I am trying to decide between a sword/board tank or 2 hander build. Jun 5, 2014 · I'm building a dwarven warpriest, and am hoping to sell my GM on the weapon idea of a "Dwarven Debating Tankard" -- yes, Cayden Cailean will be my muse as I sling a massive iron tankard on a chain across the battlefield. I expect to use Medium armor. 35 4. He is joined by his brothers Magrim (the Taskmaster) and Angradd (the Forge Fire), his half-sister Dranngvit (the Debt Minder), and his wife Folgrit (the Watchful Mother). War saints are imbued, in part, with the powers of the chosen warriors of light–the paladin. The challenge used to be the requirement of Charisma to increase the healing font. He forged the dwarves from stone, and the fiery sparks of his hammer striking the anvil lit the fire in the Dwarven bodies to become their souls. Pathfinder Piercing the Heavens: N. Dwarf Warpriest Traits. I understand you have a thought process you want, but rage and fervor dont go together easily. Champion's reaction solves a big problem Warpriest has, which is the lack of a good reaction, it gives Lay on Hands, which provides +1 focus point, and gives warpriest a good use for focus points (most domain spells suck for warpriest), and gives heavy armor proficiency. We're currently 12th-level and will be finishing book 4 this weekend. See full list on rpgbot. I'm looking for a build of feats, skills (if applicable) and spells that maximize my damage in melee and healing with spells. Other character choices are locked in. Heritage For heritage, I personally recommend either Ancient-Blooded or Death Warden. Equipment: (That's easy) 2 dwarven war-shield, one enchanted as a shield and one as a weapon, Shield Master allows you to use your shield bonus to apply as a weapon bonus, so you can just stack cheap shield bonuses on both shields and two weapon fight very effectively. 44 XP 400 Dwarf cleric of Gorum 2 CE Medium humanoid (dwarf) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Dwarves are awesome and they go great with many classes. I modded 'em slightly so that other races would also work (like a Tengu) Champion of the Faith - Dwarven Double Waraxe, Two-Handed. Exiled Dwarf: Dwarves who have lost their homelands usually have the relentless and stubborn racial traits, and often have wyrmscourged as well. The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Champion is still excellent. Giant in the Playground Forums > Gaming > Roleplaying Games > D&D 3e/3. Normally, if I'm stuck being the healer, I might as well get to be a dwarf. Dwarf (****) Oh man, these are GREAT warpriest! Bonuses in the perfect places, great racial abilities, and a solid favored class bonus and great racial feats for a cleaving warpriest, you’d think they were custom made. Step 2: Be a dwarven warpriest and take weapon focus (Dwarven Boulder Helmet) and the air blessing. 0 You have a remarkable adaptation to hot environments from ancestors who inhabited blazing deserts or volcanic chambers beneath the earth. giants) I've been considering a Dwarven war-axe 1d10 with a crit x3, or a scimitar 1d6 with a crit range of 18-20 and crit x2, as a warpriest I can use my sacred weapon damage instead of the weapon damage, but I wouldn't get to 1d10 until 10th level. I want him to be LG and have an Adamantium Arm. XP 102,400 Male dwarf warpriest of Lirikellein 17 N Medium humanoid (dwarf) Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft. . I will be focusing mostly on archery, but obviously not ignoring spells in any way. CL1 Power Attack*, Weapon Focus (Dwarven Boulder Helmet) CL2 CL3 Improved Bull Rush, Two-Weapon Fighting CL4 Business, Economics, and Finance. Mountain Dwarf: Dwarves living atop high peaks have the mountaineer racial trait and often surface survivalist as well. You can also find this 15th-level adventure at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow, Paizo, and the Open Gaming Store. Wanted something more thematic for the race and maybe different fighting style than my other party members. I didn’t take every recommendation, but it was super helpful. WIS based with no CHR requirement and a little more martial than a standard cleric. Favored Weapon Hammer Symbol Rune-carved cave entrance Sacred Animal(s) Mole Sacred Color(s) Black, white Obedience Feb 5, 2020 · A dwarven heavy pelletbow takes the same amount of time and effort to load as a light crossbow (normally a move action), and a dwarven light pelletbow can be reloaded as a free action (allowing characters to attack with it multiple times in a round). GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Most of our games end around lvl 12. Step 4: Get a wand of Alter Musical Instrument, any musical instrument, and/or consider taking a 1 level bard or skald dip. That said when using shield bash, you are subject to two weapon fighting penalties, and while you get shield bash for free as a shieldbearer, you must pick the two weapon fighting feat if you don't want to get the -6/-10 penalty from using 2 weapons (so you need to have 15 dex or multiclass some levels to A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil). Sep 27, 2015 · He serves the god of dwarven artifice and the campaign is heavily inspired by Eberron (so Magetech is not a problem). Mountain dwarves are also trained to defend their homes, and may take the sky War Priest War Priest CR 1 Source NPC Codex pg. I used that guide for my warpriest (my first pathfinder character) and it didn’t steer me wrong. I'm looking forward to a 2. If a warpriest isn’t devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. As part of a deal for a precious gem, Torag made the gnome Nivi Rhombodazzle into I'm trying to build a Dwarven Warpriest of Cayden with Tankard and Blade Style. But your heavy on fervor use, and multiclassing will hurt any growth in using it. Jun 16, 2017 · If your Dwarven Warpriest worships a Deity whose favorite weapon is axes, then you get to do Sacred Weapon Damage even without taking Weapon Focus. Halflings can also do quite well if their chosen Deity favors Finesse weapons; Cayden Cailean is a great choice for a Halfling Warpriest for this reason. Business, Economics, and Finance. 0 You have trained in the more militant doctrine of your church, focusing on both spells and battle. We know that most of the adventure we will be spending in mines, a huge dungeon (mostly 10ft gangways) but also rooms and massiv halls. Prestige classes that add to spellcasting are good for warpriest. 112 2. Which feats should I pick for fighting with a katana (probably with 2 Hands)? My Warpriest will be the face of the party. You will have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Overall, a very good improvement I think. 5 12 Magrim, the Taskmaster Older brother of Torag. He aids dwarves in fulfilling their responsibilities and commitments. 10 11. 92 2. Elf. Jan 1, 2024 · Introduction We’re going to walk through a pretty simple and straightforward example that used to be challenging to do in PF2: The Dwarf Warpriest Cleric. giants) Making a Warpriest focusing on close weapons, namely the Dwarven Warshield. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Traditional dwarven contracts feature a stamped seal bearing his sacred symbol: a lizard sitting on a scroll. If you want a proper gish Warpriest with a mix of martial and magical abilities, Gozreh makes for a decent option. Dwarf Warpriest Str 15 Dex 8 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 8 Traits A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. May 13, 2014 · Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Advice. A warpriest can prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation. A Warpriest who worships a good deity can heal 1d6 points of damage +1d6 per 3 additional class levels (maximum 7d6 at level 20). Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon. Jan 14, 2022 · Notable things about Warpriest Builds are as follows: Fighter Feats; Can cast Divine Spells up through Level 6; Can use Sacred Weapon and Sacred Armor; Can use Fervor to heal or deal damage; The combination of Spellcasting and Fighter Feats is rare in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, making the Warpriest Class very very good. Jun 10, 2015 · I would really apreciate some input on the feats for my dwarfen warpriest. The Dwarf favored class bonus offers a few extra uses per day of the Warpriest’s Blessings, but you need to use specific blessings. Dwarven war-shields instead are an option but you'll never find magic ones as random loot, and their AC bonus is no better than that of a heavy shield (+1 base, +1 for using 2 dwarven war-shields = +2) Aug 15, 2015 · These were from when someone wanted to make a Cleave-focused Dwarven Warpriest some time ago. He's not optimally stat'd for it, but under the old ability system, having a charisma penalty was a tough issue and with the bonuses to Wisdom anyway, I maxed it at the cost of Strength. Race: Dwarf Highest Stat: Strength Secondary Stats: Constitution, Wisdom Tertiary Stat: Dexterity Dump Stats: Charisma, Int Armor: Full Plate Blessings: Good, Luck. Neither are full caster's though. Known for their Intelligence and Dexterity, Elves make better Arcane spell casters or Rogues, and don't have much to offer the Warpriest class. I'm some kind of diplomat who's trying to be a part of the Undying Court. 120 4. He tracks and hunts down those who wronged innocents (We had the BBEG lock the gates and raze/mass lighting strikes an entire town of 100-200 people). Warpriest gets good damage later in the game when you can stack stuff like Lead Blades and Legendary Proportions on a character for very high size shenanigans; for example a level 16 warpriest who uses UMD to use a scroll of lead blades and has LP cast on him can get a shield bash that deals 6d6 damage. And I didn't even make use of most of the new warpriest stuff, so there's quite a bit of potential flexibility to shift the build more into warpriest or (thanks to full wisdom and full font) even more into a caster direction as I choose. 4 days ago · Dwarven Property: Give the golems to the dwarves: Lawful-+40 Materials Points: Keep the golems inside the walls--+300 Military experience points: Extract the golems and use them in battle--Unlocks the Warden Golems decree: Force the dwarves to pay (Woljif) Chaotic-Unlocks the Ransom from the Mountain Kings decree: Enchanting Voice: Sell it Dec 5, 2023 · The Warpriest in Pathfinder 1E adeptly combines the strengths of a cleric and a fighter, offering a diverse array of combat abilities and spellcasting prowess. Search up “Njolly warpriest guide” Dude makes a lot of great guides for classes that highlight what’s great and what’s a waste of time and resources. I am new to pathfinder (have been playing DnD 5e for about a year now) and I just started a campaign playing a Dwarven warpriest. Arsenal Chaplin for War blessing + Fighter Weapon Training. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Please read. It s an all dwarf group playing in a homebrew campaign of forgotten realms with pathfinder rules. Sep 10, 2023 · Dwarves make exceptional Warpriests due to their boosts in Constitution and Wisdom. Irongrip Gauntlet + Large Bastard Sword (Impact) + Warpriest swift buff spells such as Enlarge Person or Righteous Might + Hurtful + Cornugon Smash, etc. But during our last session there was confusion about what level of spells can be cast. I am having issues coming across some specific full builds to use as examples of what people have done so I can see how well they flush out. The pc I chose is a dwarven warpriest of Irori, fighting with a dwarven giant sticker, it will allow me to be tactical on the field to generate aoo, trip enemies and in the occasion of some buffs, to hit In turn, Moloch considers Torag's priests his favourite sacrifices and actively seeks to convert dwarves. khs fyrzp gdkryy igfrbjj jej ukdy gcnkgqf kyo cmgh bcks fni xijzrhn kud umviyts hdwhd