Duet 2 wifi bltouch wiring. 1 I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of.

Duet 2 wifi bltouch wiring 22. ¶ 17. 1s with standard wiring and 1m extensions) Duet Wifi v 1. With the Z probe deployed (if applicable) but not close enough to the bed to trigger it, check that the Z probe reading in Duet Web Control is zero or close to zero. Duet WiFi/Ethernet revision 1. Jan 21, 2020 · TronXY X5S with Duet 3 MB6HC and Roto toolboard : Cartesian bed-slinger with Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi and 1LC : RRP Fisher Delta v1 with Duet 2 Maestro : Polargraph with Duet 2 WiFi 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0 Oct 29, 2023 · After hours or reading I am still having issues with setting up a BLTouch on an initial printer setup. Unfortunately I've to deal with 8 Heaters: 4 Beds and 4 Extruders. 04 and later is 30V tolerant, so it doesn't matter whether you reduce the output of the BLTouch to 3. Hardware changes from stock MK3s: If the probe needs to be deployed before use (e. 02 or Duet3D Tags; Documentation; Order; Search. ! Wiring guide: Duet2-compressed. The BLTouch seems to have two GND pins - one for the z-probe, another for the servo. 02 or later Firmware Version: 3. Hardware changes from stock MK3s: We suggest you get connected to your Duet before you wire it into your printer. Proposed Duet 2 Wiring for PWM speed control: Expansion Header Pin 13 (Heater 4) to Centre Pin PSU Potentiometer I'm a bit struggling here cause I double-checked the wiring, my bltouch is latst versi Duet3D Tags; Unsolved Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring. com page which it links to it says “The Z probe input on the Duet 2 Maestro and Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet rev 1. 2 ; BLTouch extra settings from Phaedrux G31 @Eman74 apologies, @Agniusm is quite right, PWM5 is Heater7, so should be M307 H7 and M280 P7. 03 or earlier: Connect the output wire of the sensor to the cathode of a diode, and the anode of the diode to the Z probe IN pin. 6 DWC ¶For all Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet boards prior to version 1. 02(RTOS) ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1. 0 Solved Duet 2 Wifi Bltouch isn't working. Uses CONN_LCD and CONN_SD. Apr 28, 2021 · @elli said in Bed Leveling Challenges Duet 2 Wifi + BLTouch: M350 X32 Y32 Z32:32 E32 I0. 21 and 2. 1. Not duet controlled, yet. In case you wanted to update to RRF3 If you still have access to DWC. To connect the BLTouch to the Duet 2 WiFi board, follow the steps Section 1: Understanding Duet 2 WiFi BLTouch Wiring. 4. was my first try. 6. pwm1" ; Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet + DueX2/5 Your config says DueX PWM1, that’s where you ca Nov 8, 2019 · Disconnect the white wire from BLTouch to the Duet (and the black wire at the same time if it's easiest, it doesn't matter). I cannot for the life of me get the BLTouch to Deploy (I have 2 version 3. now the BLTouch make self test but can´t home Z. It ran for over 20 minutes with no results so I h May 11, 2019 · I recently bought a BL Touch clone (3D Touch) and I wanted to connect it to my duet 2 wifi installed on my Ender 3 but I can't get the probe to deploy. BL Touch (Wires) Duet-2 White Z Probe IN signal to Z probe connector, FIRST PIN (FROM THE LEFT) Black Z Probe GROUND to Z probe connector, SECOND PIN (FROM THE LEFT) Orange Connect the control signal wire to the Z probe IN pin, the power wire to the 5V or 3. Wired as per tutorial: Probe VCC to expansion slot 5V on Duet Probe GND and Jan 29, 2021 · The BLTouch is connected to the PWM1 on the duex board and the two other wire are connected to the duet 2 on the "z probe in" PIN and the "GND" PIN. Aug 4, 2020 · Zaribo/Prusa i3 MK3s - Duet 2 WiFi - RRF 3. If you are used to wiring other members of the Duet series, be aware that the VIN + and - terminals on the barrier strip of the Maestro are the opposite way round compared to Duets that use a 2-way screw terminal block to connect VIN. 2 wish me luck @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: do i need to use resistor, i believe i am getting newest version BLTouch? No, but check your actual board v Wish to donate: CLICK https://streamelements. After the wiring is complete, you may need to configure the firmware on your Duet WiFi board to enable and calibrate the BLTouch. It runs on a I used the Reprap config tool and it was a little cryptic on the use of using a Duet WiFi 1. 11. pdf! Always look here for latest revisions of all code and settings: My GitHub. May 12, 2021 · @cosmowave said in DUET 2 WIFI, RELAY CONTROL VIA GPIO:. Jan 25, 2022 · My Black and white BLtouch wires are plugged into the BLTouch plug next to the DUET screen plug, the Red and Brown wires are on pins one and 2 of the expansion connector and the SIG or yellow wire is on pin 8 of the expansion connector. 0 (2020-01-03b3) WiFi Server Version: 1. My duet wifi board is 1. 6 DWC My duet wifi board is 1. The machine is a custom made printer: Board : Duet 2 wifi + Duex 5; Firmware : 3. M98 P"config. @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: I suppose then i can use 3. So instead of Z32:32 just use Z32. At this test rig wejust hooked up all the wiring for the printer and turned it on. The BLTouch is an auto-leveling sensor that helps ensure the printer’s nozzle is at the correct height when printing. I've taken a Lulzbot Workhorse, put a Hemera XS with BLTouch on it, replaced the board and screen with a Duet 2 Wifi and Paneldue. If you have the older BLTouch (before V3. Upload these 3 zip files, one at a time in the system tab. Loading @droftarts I just got tired of banging my head and followed steps to upgrade to 3. The Z probe reading in DWC should jump to 1000. 02 or later electronics firmare and 2. I run firmware 3. With the Duet WiFi and BLTouch properly wired, you can expect improved print quality and more reliable 3D prints. I have this issue where after print, on the next print BLTouch does not deploy. Jun 10, 2020 · New to Duet. 3. I have a Duet 2 Wifi RRF3. When it comes to setting up the BLTouch sensor with the Duet 2 WiFi board, proper wiring is crucial for a successful installation. See here for a firmware upgrade @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: I suppose then i can use 3. 3V of the z probe connector!? No, the BLtouch still needs 5v. @Eman74 said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: following as I'm doing same installation too, but I have a duex5 and I'm using PWM5 channel for servo function (so I'm in the middle of a BLTouch nightmare and I keep banging my head over it My BLTouch is original latest version 3. 1 I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of Jul 25, 2020 · Yes. Jun 11, 2019 · We have the duet 2 wifi boards in all of our printer and are extremly happy with them. 003 B0 R0. I think the issue is that you're using M307 (RRF 2) where you should be using M950 (RRF3) My working config: M950 S0 C"exp. 04 3. 6 and am going through the commissioning process. The probe does the self test at boot but after that nothing. I added the command M950 F4 C "exp. g" HTTP is enabled on port 80 FTP is disabled TELNET is disabled Warning: M950 command is not supported Warning: M308 command is not supported Warning: M950 command is not supported May 27, 2019 · Duet 2 Wifi 1. 3 (2021-06-15 21:44:54) running on Duet WiFi 1. The board allows for precise control of various components, including the BLTouch probe. @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: do i need to use resistor, i believe i am getting newest version BLTouch? No, but check your actual board v I am about to fit BLTouch to my printer and find information which varies so just want to make sure i am doing this correctly. the wiring from the BLTouch is: GND +5V Control GND Uses CONN_LCD and CONN_SD. I have it on a CR10s Pro. For details, see User manual: Connecting 12864 displays. Reboo Jul 20, 2020 · @JoergS5. It's only with extruders that you need to specify them individually. Improper Wiring of BLtouch to the Duet 3 port IO_7. Mar 23, 2019 · Firmwarename: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Firmware Elektronik: Duet WiFi 1. See full list on docs. 2 wish me luck My duet wifi board is 1. @elli said in Bed Leveling Challenges Duet 2 Wifi Jan 29, 2021 · The BLTouch is connected to the PWM1 on the duex board and the two other wire are connected to the duet 2 on the "z probe in" PIN and the "GND" PIN. Loading Jun 14, 2017 · I agree with Sniffle, using the bl touch for homing is great and if your bl touch works (just test deploy and retract) then there isnt really much of a reason to use a endstop over the probe for homing. 0 Dec 13, 2021 · === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3. The Duet WiFi is a powerful and versatile controller board for 3D printers, while the BLTouch is an automatic bed leveling sensor. 04 is not 5V tolerant. pwm1" ; Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet + DueX2/5. Fitting these sensors allows for accurate, automatic Z height measurement @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: I suppose then i can use 3. pwm2" ; Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet + DueX2/5;G31 X20 Y0 Z0 P25; Z-Probe M950 S0 C"duex. in" H1 F120 T9000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds G31 P500 X45 Y0 Z2. Either: Connect a 240 ohm resistor between Probe GND and Probe IN. 03 firmware with 1. 4%,237) HEAT(delaying CASE FAN AUTO CONTROL *If you desire to use auto case fan control, plug the case fan into the FAN2 port on the duet board and add lines 83 through 86 under the FANS section of your config. My duet board is V1. 02 or later Board ID: 08DLM-996RU-N85S4-7JKDL-3S46M-1SBHP Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (11 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 27980 Dynamic ram: 93756 of which 68 recycled Exception stack ram used: 264 Never used ram: 9004 Nov 29, 2022 · Current Duet 2 Wiring: Expansion Header Pins 1,2 & 8 (Heater 3) control BLTouch, which works. 01 have some BLTouch specific improvements which will let you get the best performance from the probe. Feb 13, 2022 · ;BLTouch;M558 P9 C"^zprobe. Just not to create another topic. This topic has been deleted. For the linear axis you don't need to specify values for each motor/driver, just for the axis itself. heater3" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch M558 P9 C"^zprobe. Following This Guide: Connecting a Z-probe/BLTouch/Duet 3: Signal wire (White) to IO_7 IN, BLTouch Grounding Wires (Black and Blue) to IO_7 GND, BLTouch Control (Yellow) to IO_7 OUT, and BLTouch +5V (Red) to IO_7 +5V @droftarts I just got tired of banging my head and followed steps to upgrade to 3. pwm5" ; create servo pin 5 for BLTouch Ein BLTouch benötigt kein metallisches Druckbett und ist im Gegensatz zu PINDA2 kaum empfindlich gegenüber Temperaturschwankungen. Don't extract them. WITHOUT a Duex-2/5 The Duet-2 has a dedicated “probe” connector you attach the wires as shown in the table & picture below. 2 wish me luck I'm in the middle of a BLTouch nightmare and I keep banging my head over it My BLTouch is original latest version 3. @elli said in Bed Leveling Challenges Duet 2 Wifi Jun 9, 2020 · @jens55 @arhi heater is a stand-alone Wi-Fi InkbirdSmart unit hooked up to a heat lamp. Duet Hardware and wiring @Eman74 apologies, @Agniusm is quite right, PWM5 is Heater7, so should be M307 H7 and M280 P7. 1 Overview of Duet 2 WiFi. Duet Hardware and wiring. Always use a cooling fan if you run a Duet 2 WiFi or Duet 2 Ethernet above 2. 1” bei Verwendung an einem Bondtech Extruder und einem Duet 2 WiFi-Board ab rev 1. g and I wanted to switch the relay on and off through M42 P7 S1 and M42 P7 S0. 0(RTOS) running on Duet WiFi 1. Expansion; Duet 2 WiFi and Ethernet; Duet 2 Maestro Oct 21, 2024 · @djthuma said in Duet 2 and Duex 5 : BL Touch Wiring: M950 S0 C"duex. I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of time to get all axis and endstop working but all seems good a part from the BLTouch) here is my config. is, if I pull off the z-Probe connector, then I see at the web-interface the Z-Probe=1000. 6k. Phil Maddox has created a 3d model of the Duet 2 WiFi available here. The 12864_EXP1 and 12864_EXP2 connectors are used to connect a 12864 display. x defines things a bit differently, and you can define t @Eman74 said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: following as I'm doing same installation too, but I have a duex5 and I'm using PWM5 channel for servo function (so @droftarts I just got tired of banging my head and followed steps to upgrade to 3. I'v connected the probe to pin 1, 2 and 31 and using Heater 7 and got nothing, as well as pin 1,2 and 8 for Heater 3. The bed goes up but the BLTouch never deploy. Unsolved Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring. 22 Web Interface Version: 1. 3V or leave it at 5V. It's hard to remember who said what about their setup. 28. If I connect back. Jul 28, 2020 · Hi i have the Creality Bltouch but i dont know which wiring diagramm i shoud to use. 1 original; That's my config. Hi, I'm trying to copy your work into my project. I have to switch printer off, then back on @skhotso said in Duet 2 wifi, Bltouch won't deploy anymore: I was attempting to autotune the heatbed pids. 3V pin, and the ground wire to a ground pin on the Duet WiFi board. Oct 19, 2021 · undefined undefined I followed a lot of guides but with no success. ): Sep 16, 2018 · @fallenhorseman said in BLTouch on fan or heater pins on Duet Wifi:. 6. 04 + DUEX5, 3input-nozzle with 3 extruders, 6mm Glas Plate and 600W silicon-headbed with own powersupply. A comprehensive manual is here: Feb 2, 2020 · I am upgrading a CR10S to Duet WiFi, E3D Hemera, AC Mains Heated bed and BLtouch. If it does, that implies that the BLTouch isn't triggering, or that its output has a large leakage current, or there is a stray strand of wire shorting the white and black . 02 or later Board ID: 08D4M-999N9-JD3S8-6J1FG-3S86R-13Q9N Used output buffers: 3 of 20 (9 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 28380 Dynamic ram: 96108 of which 16 recycled Exception stack ram used: 508 Never used ram: 6060 Task NETWORK ready Jan 2, 2021 · Happy new 2021: Hardware: Tronxy X5Sa Bltouch 3. It provides advanced features and connectivity options to optimize printer performance. However, the Z probe input on Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet boards prior to version 1. Combing these two components can greatly With the Duet WiFi and BLTouch properly wired, you can expect improved print quality and more reliable 3D prints. 04 and try to confirgure my Alfawise U20 with it. 1 I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of Apr 6, 2022 · @robiiinx. Loading May 14, 2021 · I want to use a Duet 2 Wifi instead of the Chitu board but I am not sure the settings to use. 02(RTOS) (2018-12-24b1) WiFi Server Version: 1. The diode should preferably be a small-signal Schottky diode Oct 4, 2020 · I recently got myself a Delta TeVo Little Monster printer, and it came with a Duet 2 Wifi board (FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3. All good points tho. Bltouch is only blinking in red FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Mar 20, 2021 · I am about to fit BLTouch to my printer and find information which varies so just want to make sure i am doing this correctly. x defines things a bit differently, and you can define t @skhotso said in Duet 2 wifi, Bltouch won't deploy anymore: I haven't done the "duet is unresponsive" troubleshooting steps but the duet appears to be conne Mar 21, 2021 · TronXY X5S with Duet 3 MB6HC and Roto toolboard : Cartesian bed-slinger with Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi and 1LC : RRP Fisher Delta v1 with Duet 2 Maestro : Polargraph with Duet 2 WiFi undefined 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0 My duet wifi board is 1. 02 All working good. 3 on both paneldue and duet wifi, i tried the bl touch with another due I'm in the middle of a BLTouch nightmare and I keep banging my head over it My BLTouch is original latest version 3. 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0 First post My duet wifi board is 1. 399 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height Apr 28, 2021 · @elli said in Bed Leveling Challenges Duet 2 Wifi + BLTouch: M350 X32 Y32 Z32:32 E32 I0. duet3d. M558 A10 S0. It is used to control the Duet through the remainder of the steps in this guide. 0 firmware new BL Touch. Requires modified wiring loom. I figured people in search of doing similar to their i3 MK3s might have a better chance finding it here. See Getting connected guide ¶ Familiarise yourself with Duet Web Control. x defines things a bit differently, and you can define t Oct 21, 2024 · This topic has been deleted. Sep 7, 2020 · 1. g : @Eman74 apologies, @Agniusm is quite right, PWM5 is Heater7, so should be M307 H7 and M280 P7. The Duet Web Control user interface it the best way to control your Duet. ” Which is correct?? Any other comments appreciated before I throw the switch!!! Jul 6, 2020 · Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1. BLTouch), test the deploy and retract functions, by sending M401 to deploy the probe and M402 to retract it. Duet 2 WiFi BLTouch Wiring. 02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-12-24b1. What I see. What pin specifically are you usi Dec 16, 2020 · RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3. 04. Update Duet Firmware. 0 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1. Received my probe today which came V3. g:; General preferences G90 ; send absolute coordinates This topic has been deleted. com/techtiptricks/tipA quick look at Duet Wifi & BLTouch Auto Bed Compensation Jan 12, 2020 · i'm new with my DUET 2 wifi V1. The Duet 2 WiFi is a powerful controller board designed for 3D printers. g. @droftarts I just got tired of banging my head and followed steps to upgrade to 3. ¶ For all Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet boards prior to version 1. Duet 2 Maestro supports 12864 mono graphics LCD displays with a rotary encoder. g related (deployprobe and retracct are standard. Understanding the Duet WiFi and BLTouch: A Brief Overview. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. g file. 02 with a Duex5 to configure 6 motors, 3 for a z-axis on the Duex5. 2. CASE FAN AUTO CONTROL *If you desire to use auto case fan control, plug the case fan into the FAN2 port on the duet board and add lines 83 through 86 under the FANS section of your config. That said, I am running 3. The 5th pin on the Z-probe connector provides +5V, and you can use the MOD pin on the Z probe connector as the servo pin. in" H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds @Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring: I suppose then i can use 3. Hello and HELP! I moved my railcore, a single tool printer with 3 z -axis motors from RRF 2. . 1 (2020-05-19b @djthuma said in Duet 2 and Duex 5 : BL Touch Wiring: M950 S0 C"duex. 0 Mar 20, 2021 · @Eman74 probably best to start your own thread to keep things clear. 1 running on Duet WiFi 1. com Duet-2 Wi-Fi/Ethernet boards. Oct 21, 2024 · @djthuma said in Duet 2 and Duex 5 : BL Touch Wiring: M950 S0 C"duex. Reboot after each. config. Giuliano Moschini has created a model based on the Duet 2 WiFi model for the Duet 2 Ethernet available here ¶ Physical connections ¶ Wiring diagram ¶ Revision v1. @gianluca said in DUET 2 WIFI, RELAY CONTROL VIA GPIO:. 04 Firmware version 3. Expansion; Duet 2 WiFi and Ethernet; Duet 2 Maestro Aug 3, 2018 · @dc42 said in Duet 2 Maestro BLTouch Wiring: You should be able to connect the BLTouch entirely to the Z probe connector. 0), the output is 5V by default. in" H5 F120 T6000;M950 S0 C"duex. Config . I can get it to acknowledge it with m401 and m402 but can't get it to probe the bed on z homing. As to the heat with BLtouch, I was aware of the 50c mark. Firmware version 1. 02 or later Board ID: x Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (20 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 23876 Dynamic ram: 75336 of which 12 recycled Never used RAM 15192, free system stack 184 words Tasks: NETWORK(ready,14. 3k. 23 Web Interface Version: 1. If you need any other help just let me know. Die Anleitung bezieht sich auf das Originalprodukt “BLTouch Smart V3. This is a dump from my GitHub. The PanelDue didn't light up and the BLTouch didn't do his up/down routine as Jun 19, 2018 · If can be useful the result of M122 is the following: M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 2. i've follow all the tutorials to configure the BL touch, but still nothing , and i've try many things, my BL touch is plug into: z probe in/ GND for Z probe +5v/GND and Pin8 HEATER3 for the servos cable In case you wanted to update to RRF3 If you still have access to DWC. 04 or later, Duet 2 Maestro: connect the output of the sensor directly to the Z-probe IN pin. I am on step 11 for the Z Probe. x today. X,Y & Z stepper motors, which all work X,Y end stops, which all work Input power is 12v - I have a 24v PSU to replace 12v if required. heater7" Q500 in config. i'm running: Duet 2 wifi 1. 1 Bed Glass Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3. g : Sep 28, 2024 · • driver z axis wiring breakout board duet 2 wifi external driver external stepper drivers • • Steppenleguan. Combing these two components can greatly Again, this shouldn't be necessary with the Duet, but there have been reports that it has solved problems, especially with clones. there is still 0. 02 or later) I've setup everything, and everything seems to be working except for the BLTouch. RRF 3. 1. x to 3. pwm1" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch M558 P9 C"^zprobe. ¶ 3D models. I have used 2 previous Duet Wifi's successfully on a custom 500x500x750 delta. Loading Jul 6, 2020 · FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2. 1; BLTouch : 3. 02 or later Firmware Version: 2. ¶ Firmware configuration. 2 wish me luck Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet revision 1. May 12, 2019 · However on the dozuki. the wiring from the BLTouch is: GND +5V Control GND Installation and firmware configuration for BL Touch / 3D Touch bed level sensors. 1 I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of Mar 21, 2021 · TronXY X5S with Duet 3 MB6HC and Roto toolboard : Cartesian bed-slinger with Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi and 1LC : RRP Fisher Delta v1 with Duet 2 Maestro : Polargraph with Duet 2 WiFi undefined 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0 This topic has been deleted. 0A motor current. g file; Configuration file for Duet WiFi (firmware I'm in the middle of a BLTouch nightmare and I keep banging my head over it My BLTouch is original latest version 3. When I try to probe it using M401 it does probe, but nothing happens when I do M402. I am having issues with the BLTouch. At the time we are developing a multi-material-system and built our selves a test rig for that. I have been running my G29’s before turning the heater on so temps inside chamber then are usually 25-30c. ; Z-Probe M307 H7 A-1 C-1 D-1 M950 S0 C"duex. dyjvc urmyumtu wtfd sobzs svvui rwtjqt xnch rlxw tpdj nqafwo njzuddz fuqpkn ideqbl jpzzx bmai