Dsdplus fastlane latest version. Read the notes file to install fastlane.
Dsdplus fastlane latest version One dongle continuously receives the trunking channel, and a second tunes to the voice channel chosen by the trunking channel. 101 released. Oct 4, 2020 · so I noticed the devs integrated updates right into the application but there is only one problem i can see. exe files Mar 4, 2020 · Will need DSDPlus 1. Today i have to manually adjust the LNA and IF in order to receive/hear signals but the settings don't save. frequencies and dsdplus. dll in the current working folder. Sep 13, 2024 · Forget about DSD+ and download the latest release of Unitrunker instead if you simply want to track the activity without decoding voice (most of which is AES anyway for that system, assuming that's what you're after). The big addition is P25 Phase 2 voice trunktracking. io page. Does DSDPlus have the option to record an mp3 or wav file for the whole day vs on a per call basis? I know Proscan has the option to record as a new file each transmission or the whole 24 hour period. I've attached some audio clips below. Feb 18, 2024 · Been out of the loop on DSD+ for some time and I just cannot find my files for dsd+ How can I retrieve the latest fastlane version? Do we still need to install version 1. type=dsdplus. A lot of people seem to be happily using it. 10. DSD+ is an evolving program, the Fastlane is going to be better than the public release version because it's 6. I have not seen any degradation in performance at all. But some may be running on weaker hardware and may really need to have the updated version. 0. exe thats there and drop it in your DSDPlus directory. The fast lane subscription costs $10 USD for one year and $25 Sep 24, 2020 · I am having two problems with the new version that I did not have with the previous version. I could create more meta tags but since I don't use DSDPlus, and don't have access to DSDPlus fastlane, I will need more details/specs on all the filename formats that DSDPlus fastlane can generate before I can modify Rdio Scanner. November 13, 2018 ; DSDPlus; No Comments; Early access to features is being offered through the DSD+ Fast Lane program. Then unzip and thoroughly read the text file inside. Also, when I check c:\Program Files\SDRplay\API\x64\sdrplay_api. p25data files in your directory? If not, and your version has this, download new base files. 395 is the latest Fast Lane version. That was first test, just to ensure DSD+ working OK in my setup. On a trunked radio system there may be many different agencies Feb 9, 2025 · Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched and was unable to find any info. A quick check of DSDPlus2p395. 505 Decoding of a few more P25 control channel messages has been added. 1 since this update FMPP will not work. Audio on SDRTrunk is perfect. Nov 13, 2018 · DSDPlus; No Comments; FMPA 2. 101, so ignore that one if you're a paid Fast Lane member. Thinking it was a firewall issue, I messed with the firewall settings and even opened everything up temporarily but still no success. 235. 465. READ MORE . 5) Download the DSDPlus Fastlane directory emailed to you and put the contents in the folder from step one. Overwrite any existing files. Jan 13, 2020 · Over on Twitter Annunaki (@StupotSinders) has been teasing some screenshots of a GUI for DSD+ that he's been developing over the past few weeks. Some Fast Lane updates WILL have issues/bugs. Feb 19, 2025 · Trunked systems are best with SDRTrunk, OP25 (Linux), DSDPLus FastLane, DSDFME, Trunk Recorder (Linux) and Unitrunker (Phase 1 systems). So I've got a lifetime membership for the DSD+ FastLane program, but I just noticed I haven't gotten any eMails from them in over a year The last version I have is DSD+ 2. exe is 2. wav) "on execution" of DSDPlus versus appending to exisiting files? Provides better analysis of session data Q2: What do the . I bought the $25 unlimited FastLane Plan but the last email I got for an update was from 2021 and I've read there are recent updates, any help? I would email back but the email said they only respond on the RR forum. Jan 20, 2025 · I purchased fastlane about 9 months ago, worked great but I had to tend to other things. In the P25 system, the LRRP will hopefully be transmitted in the Input frequencies of the system. The best Dec 7, 2024 · Where can I download the latest version? TIA. Maybe the solution is not new meta tags but rather a new dirwatch. I was only using one SDR receiver/dongle. Unzip all of the files to a folder on your PC. Same for each of the other . 7 Download This version of FMPA adds support for the See full list on wiki. exe Feb 25, 2024 · All calls that come through on my system running DSD+ Fastlane latest version are garbled and unreadable. Overwrite any Mar 7, 2025 · I use this version on a PC without internet and without updates. Mar 6, 2024 · Right, "public release" was supposed to be the free version. I'm just disappointed that the new versions of DSD+ have removed this feature. can anybody tell me where the password is located or what not May 6, 2015 · The latest version of Digital Speech Decoder+ (DSD+) has just been released, bringing it up to version 1. txt Also, you can replace the "DSDPlus" with "FMP24" or "FMPA" to generate a help file for those programs. Jan 24, 2025 · DSDPlus Fast Lane Program – DSDPlus . Note the download link that email. Sep 25, 2021 · Well, I ran into problem trying to run two dongles setup on DSD+ Fastlane. Jan 25, 2025 · For DSDPlus (Using the fastlane release for me). Any ideas? Fastlane: DSDPlus -v2 -O NUL -I0 -i3 -o1 -g0 -u3 -ds57 -dd99 -dv30 -M32 -f1 Old Jun 30, 2020 · Hi all, I have DSD+ Fastlane and had been running 2. The current version of DSDPlus Fast Lane Release (paid version) is 2. Jan 15, 2022 · Shell out the $$ for DSDPlus Fast Lane. x. 186 or whatever version to a separate folder then you copy and paste all the content in the 2. txt file I have run it on Bristol, New Britain and Wethersfield and the audio is outstanding. Latest version (v1. For NXDN48 it should be 4. Additionally, all previous version links are broken as well as of today. Dec 17, 2018 · What version of DSDPlus are you running? If you are running a Fast Lane version and your fmp24 and DSDPlus are TCP-linked, it might be simply a case where you are not using / fmp24 hasn't corrrectly autoset the proper bandwidth for the signal. It either does some comparison check to make sure the proper basefiles are in place OR it actually downloads the latest version of the basefiles. In the download will be a few folders. 101 folder set up, skip step 1. So, I wonder, am I missing something that changed Apr 4, 2019 · In his last video, Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel showed us a quick guide on setting up a Phase 1 P25 digital voice decoder with two RTL-SDR dongles and the DSDPlus Fastlane decoder. Start CMD /c "DSDPlus -h > DSDPlus_Help. 228 and 2. txt is only for the free version 1. Oct 18, 2013 · Would anyone happen to know how to actually get the latest version of DSD+ Fastlane? I paid for the "Lifetime" update service back in May 2021 but didn't receive anything. event, DSDPlus. I did it before with previous versions without any problem but last few versions I always used either 1R, Passive Digital Monitor or combination of both at the same time. 101 released installed first then pile on top of it DSDPlus Fast Lane Program. Audio Clip #1 Audio Clip #2 All help is appreciated! Jan 26, 2024 · Extract the contents of DSDPlus v1. When I started this new version, it was like the first time it had ever ran and I had to redo all my screen sizes and positions which was no big deal. This is on 2 different setups, using an Airspy R2 on one and an Airspy Mini on the other, Windows 10 64bit newest version with all updates installed. Read the Notes. zip to that new directory, and then unarchive your password-protected zipfile containing FL to that new directory. 186 folder to the dsd+ 1. DSD+ fastlane is paid, do you remember paying for the software? It's possible you didn't update to the latest version of the the files via email / the new update downloader added a few versions back. Feb 17, 2022 · Hi all, I've DSDPlus2p368 release ( last update middle of December 2021 ) do you know if there is a newer version? Best regards Giuseppe Nov 13, 2018 · Some Fast Lane updates WILL have issues/bugs. May 19, 2022 · Quick n easy way to scan your known frequencies you have saved while surfing the spectrumWebsites in video#DSDPlushttps://www. RaleighGuy Member. I have updated the FMPA. 40. 7 Download This version of FMPA adds support for the Airspy Mini. On a trunked radio system there may be many different agencies Feb 21, 2025 · Means either the freqs file is empty or missing. 98 ----- Setup ----- The DSD+ 2. com/#VB-Audio cablehttps: Jan 12, 2025 · The . bat file to save those settings and bandwith to 12. I noticed the VAC is greyed out and uses TCP. NOTES: DSD+ 2. No trying to Apr 7, 2021 · I have the latest version of dsdplus fastlane that i am using with an Sdrplay Rsp1a. There's no file called FMP24. I finally e-mailed them and they sent a . 01 before overwriting with the latest version? Thanks for the help! Pete Apr 4, 2019 · In his last video, Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel showed us a quick guide on setting up a Phase 1 P25 digital voice decoder with two RTL-SDR dongles and the DSDPlus Fastlane decoder. I know some people have a hard time following along with the YouTube tutorials and some others don't have an internet connection good enough to support a resolution where you can actually see what Jul 10, 2020 · I just started using DSDPlus Fastlane and encountered the same problem. 186 is the latest. 101) and unzip all of the files to a folder on your PC. 256 and it seems that I missed an update or two in Sep 19, 2023 · i seem to have a problem here, few years ago the dsdplus owner sent me a link to download the fastlane version, and then few months ago i had to re-install windows on m laptop and so when i went to check my email to get the download link, i dont seem to find the email in my inbox, and i did not make a copy of dsd+ anywhere, i even sent a email Jan 21, 2024 · If you can't get the program running with a version new enough to have the menu, you will likely have to send an email to DSDPlus author and request the exe files. Then extract and overwrite the e Sep 14, 2020 · Unable to use my RSPdx with latest UNO software version 1. What an app like SDRTrunk excels at is allowing you capture the entirety of events occurring on one or more sites (all the CC activity as well as all of the voice calls). 145 is being sent out. When a newer version is available, modify the trailing digits in the download link in your notification email to match the new update's version number. So my setup is just the sdr dongle with fmp24 TCP setup to dsdplus fastlane latest version 2. Does DSDplus no longer use VAC? I also use SDRSharp to send the audio to DSDPlus. If you look at the Notes file that you got with the latest version, you can see 2. There are a number of threads about getting everything going from scratch. I’m trying to fire it up again but every time I attempt to open any of the files, the command prompt disappears as quickly as it opens. 101 DLL Files to the directory you created in step one. . zip file but that download link no longer works. 1: If you do not have a DSD+ folder set up yet, go to DSDPlus. I assume I need to apply extract Jan 30, 2025 · Is it possible to create log files (DSDPlus. There appears to be no changelog, so we are unsure as to what is new, but one obvious change is that they now include a new program called FMP which is a simple NFM demodulator, similar to rtl_fm, although it does have a GUI with point and click tuning. Read the notes file to install fastlane. Jul 30, 2022 · Yes it will but will depend on a few different factors, main one been received signal quality. This does NOT specify a specific type of digital, thus I was able to test with P25 and DMR from an XTS5000 and SL3500 respectively. 101 was just May 22, 2019 · Over on YouTube Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere channel has uploaded a new video showing us how to set up P25 trunking and decoding with DSDPlus Fastlane and only a single RTL-SDR. DSDPlus is a program capable of decoding various digital audio protocols such as DMR and P25. RMA74 Member. 256 is out. dll from the link in the notes. Jan 15, 2020 · Started up DSDPlus FastLane today and it's broadcasting an update is available; however, when trying to download it, it fails (see screenshots below). Use the same zipfile password to unpack each new Jun 29, 2020 · New to the forum. May 5, 2024 · Recently wanted to get back into using DSD+. I have an older version that i am forced to use because of this. FMP can be used as a replacement Nov 16, 2016 · From the DsdPlus text file - DSD+ Fast Lane-----Early access to features is being offered through the DSD+ Fast Lane program. 246. Changelog; Download; Home; Download DSDPlusUI will now open and you will be presented with a UI screen with many DSD+ control buttons, In the top section you can select which version of FMPx (FMPA, FMP24 or FMPP) you wish to control. g drag and drop dsdplus. This version of FMPA can be TCP linked to DSDPlus v2. SDR# Chances are the DSDplus you have is the free version and I believe you would need 2 dongles with that as the FastLane version will let you use just one dongle. 395. DSDPlus -h >DSDPlus_help. use FMPP + DSDPlus OR b. EXE -rp -O NUL To run it from the desktop, create a desktop launcher to call the bash script in a terminal and that, all being well, should set the wheels in motion. Decoding using VAC from SDRUno and RSPdx works fine, both for CC and VC. The "Fastlane" version is a $25 paid upgrade which allows you to download the latest version that contains more features. Jun 17, 2015 · DSD+ stands for Digital Speech Decoder Plus and is a software program that can allow you to decode digital voice signals such as P25 and MotoTRBO/DMR. 0) and other updated SDR# plug-ins can be found here: MEGA - Download Jul 10, 2022 · Hi Group, I am having issues attempting to run DSDPlus 2. 228) and I see that v2. As mentioned in the release notes for 2. Oct 29, 2024 · If user A sends OTA information for RID 10035 on WVSIRN and that OTA data is decoded, then that OTA data is available to anyone else who monitors WVSIRN with the new version of DSDPlus if they actually monitored a registration, affilation or group/private/data call of 10035. I recommend backing up all your files first. MENU. I'm using my SDS 100 to follow most of the new systems that I've recently discovered. It is light years more advanced and improved, and is regularly updated. txt files have always been confusing. I guess I'll be running version 2. I don't care if mine doesn't get updated. run the software you prefer that controls SDRPlay and then pipe the audio to DSDPlus (no TCP linking). My setup is working pretty good and I can understand about 75% of the decoded P25p1 signal I receive from my local PD. 6. Go in the executables folder and copy the FMPP. 101 or higher folder. Joined Aug Jan 12, 2025 · So I don't know under what conditions the CPU hogging occurs. 186: Added a manual check for updates. 113 I never get errors unless a signal is bad like something farther out which I dont usually listen to. Mar 12, 2022 · I am trying to reinstall DSDPlus Fastlane on amy new computer. Some interesting things in the Notes DSD+ 2. 228 email (or the last Fast Lane new version notification that you got which has a password included in it). In addition, I was wrong, it's not version 2. Forget any batch files. For P25 the bandwidth should be 9. Sep 18, 2020 · If you are a new Fast Lane member: If you already have a DSD+ 1. DSD+ is under continual development, and in their last public update they began offering early access to the latest DSD+ features in development through their fast lane subscription. cfg to include the serial number of the Airspy R2, per the instructions. Normally two dongles are required to follow a P25 trunking system. May 25, 2019 · Received my rtl-sdr today and finally got it working with sdr sharp after a couple of hours. Forget multiple batch files. Joined Jul 15, 2014 Messages 15,553 Location Raleigh, NC. Can the fine folks hosting the DSDPlus FastLane program please check Apr 28, 2021 · I use the latest version of SDR# with the "classic" DSDPlus interface from Vasily that pipes the audio out via Virtual Audio Cable or VBCable. zip reveals Feb 24, 2025 · What DSDPlus excels at is sleuthing. Try to use DSDPlus to do what SDRTrunk does and you'll fail. Once you have that, read the Notes. No indication of corrupted files or security causing the issues, any Jan 13, 2022 · If you are just getting started with Fast Lane, I would recommend that you create a brand new directory, and then unarchive the DSDPlusBaseFiles. And that's the same hostname/port that it would connect to in order to Jun 28, 2017 · In the video he explains each of the various DSDPlus windows, and demonstrates decoding of a Simulcast system in his area. How can I obtain that version, please, and ensure that I get notification of future releases? I do check for any spam and I don't Aug 3, 2024 · Hi, I was using the free Version of DsdPlus fine with a Hack rf and Sdr# ver 1700 using vb cable and yes i upgraded to the fast lane and now for the past 7 hours i have been wrestling with it trying to get it working, if i try and launch from SDR# i get the Invalid command line parameter Oct 5, 2023 · 3) Extract the contents of DSDPlus v1. That is the nature of alpha software. com TCP 80. 4) Download libfftw3f-3. FMPA (v2. com/#VB-Audio cablehttp Aug 8, 2020 · I am running the latest Fastlane DSD+ / FMP24 with an RTL SDR Blog dongle. The software can be downloaded from the DSDPlusUI groups. Then download the newest basefiles, and read the included directions in that zipped file, and copy the said file over from the base files folder to your DSDPlus folder. 444. Reactions: mciupa , WX4JCW , BM82557 and 1 other person Jul 31, 2020 · I signed up several months ago, and haven't gotten an update yet. it is your friend. 228 when I subscribed to Fast Lane back Jun 4, 2020 · Thanks Chris! I'm only using DSD+ to ID new NXDN and DMR systems. Nov 5, 2024 · The easy way to do it is to ONLY start up DSDPlus. You will now need to set the paths for both DSD+ and FMPx by dragging and dropping their executables onto their panels e. IMHO of course. 205 for while. 074 was updated to 1. when you get your email with your download link you download 2. txt file and put that in the folder from step one. Now look for the new help files in your DSDPlus directory for the newly created help files for each. I am a Fastlane subscriber, and have releases stored in backup from DSDPlus2p212 through DSDPlus2p368. Dec 17, 2023 · I do not believe you posted the FastLane version your on but you could try to update to the latest basefiles. 390 Fast Lane with a single Airspy R2. This starts DSD+ as a passive digital decoder with an input link that matches what FMP24 is putting out. That is a new feature for DSDPlus. 101 and DSDPlus v1. Reactions: paul612 , Tom_Neverwinter , Whiskey3JMC and 13 others Dec 25, 2017 · Well the new version of DSDPlus was released tonight for Christmas! Still no P25 Phase 2! :( The rest of it looks amazing :) you may need to find a new . Just run DSDPlus. DSDPlus 1. The typical Event Log window will open and maybe a Channel Activity Window and one or two other things, but there will always be that command line interface (DOS-like) window that opens with it. And I have a PC with the latest version but I don't use it. DSD+ (aka Digital Speech Decoder) is a free Mar 16, 2020 · The DSDPlus FastLane release works with an SDRPlay 1A just fine. Look in the log file and it will tell you the failed file. Thanks, David GM8ARV Apr 13, 2024 · Copy the following into a new text doc and save it as DSDPlus help. May 4, 2020 · wine DSDPlus. Changelog; Download; Home; Download May 6, 2015 · The latest version of Digital Speech Decoder+ (DSD+) has just been released, bringing it up to version 1. 98 files should be copied to an existing DSD+ 1. DSDPlus DSD Fastlane. Aug 22, 2018 · So other problems besides the wind noise would be amplified background noise that is present and overcomes some people voices. Demodulated audio can be passed to older DSD+ versions (and other programs) via VAC or VBC. Open DSDPlus 2. Jun 8, 2020 · Find your DSDPlus 2. dsdplus. The free version is not. Once paid a link will be sent to download fastlane. dll file if you do not have it installed. txt file. 5? Nov 14, 2023 · And I'm guessing you mean DSDPlus and not FMP24. I've e-mailed the address I Feb 24, 2024 · It tells you that 1 file did not pass the test that was added in version 2. If you do not have a DSD+ folder set up yet, go to DSDPlus. DSD+ is mostly command line based, so a GUI could be useful for newbies. For DMR and NXDN96 it should be 7. 212 (and older) notices, which contain links to download. Nov 16, 2023 · Try to do the same with a P25 system. Both were tuned with dsdtune and the settings are below. Nov 11, 2018 · As the Subject line says, DSDPlus Fast Lane release v2. I don't think that should be slower. srt, and DSDPlus. csv' file and put in the same directory as the DSDPlus. I just found it odd that this occurred as it never had before. 101, so ignore that one too. Sep 25, 2022 · DSDPlus 2. I've e-mailed the address I Feb 21, 2024 · Added a manual check for updates. I was sent DSDPlus 2. You should get at least the coordinates if all works well, but the UID, direction and speed are incorrect in my case, and hopefully the DSDPlus team will take care of it. Jan 24, 2025 · It is a small price to pay for the Fast Lane program and well worth as few or as many updates that come forth. I've tried many things and I can't get it to fix. Jul 15, 2019 · 2. Nov 13, 2018 · DSDPlus Fast Lane Program. May 18, 2023 · New to the forum. What version of DSDPlus Fastlane are you running? The latest version of DSDPlus. Is there a command i can enter into the FMPP. Mar 17, 2018 · DSD+ 2. I know this because in order to connect to check for updates it connects to www. Use menu in DSDPlus FL to download and use existing password to extract. 395 that I use on the PC without internet but version 2. Zero issues with the driver. 101); also download the DLL package. The latest version of DSDPlus defaults to a configuration where it presumes you are going to be doing TCP Linking ( FMP24+DSDPlus, FMPA+DSDPlus or FMPP+DSDPlus). Go to MISC --> Check for Updates If that exists in your version, it will download a copy of the latest DSDPlus. Press U in DSD+ to check for a newer version. Jul 9, 2021 · Hi! To use DSDPlusUI with multiple instances of DSD+/FMPx, first select which DSD+/FMPx window you wish to control by bringing that window to the front of the desktop (just click their title bars) and then in DSDPlusUI click the relevant rebuild button (The brick wall buttons next to the quit buttons), this will then tell DSDPlusUI which instance of DSD+/FMPx you wish to control. To get the update, go into the misc menu of DSD+ and click the "download newest base files" button. Thread starter RMA74; Start date Dec 7, 2024; R. Dec 31, 2024 · That was the last one you were supposed to get via email I believe. How can I obtain that version, please, and ensure that I get notification of future releases? I do check for any spam and I don't think messages have gone there. I'm on version 2. Do you have dsdplus. bin file at each exit. It appears the author of DSD+ has released an update to add support for the RTL-SDR v4 dongle. In light of… READ MORE . I do have it on my system under the Windows Side by Side folder, I can not download the new base files because DSDPlus can not open any audio output device. 9. I disabled the automatic update check though, and will probably be content and happy with the current version I have until the end of time, or until some super awesome new feature I can't live without comes out. 5 years newer with many changes since. txt was a one-time file that tells you nothing more than back when 1. May 29, 2019 · no. srt files log? I couldn't find any reference to it it the latest notes release. exe and FMPP. Fast Lane updates are expected to be released about once per month. FMPP can not find msvcr90. DSDPlus. Can anyone tell me where I am Jul 31, 2023 · Hi all. And now he has released the software which is called 'DSDPlusUI'. In the latest version, 2. Just getting started using DSD+ Fastlane (actually, had Fastlane subscription for years, but just getting around to playing with it). Dec 11, 2021 · Never heard of this "dsdplus ui" until now. 1. Looking at videos they say copy and paste the dsdplus,dll zip into the plug-ins folder of sharp. dll this is x64 version. exe. Websites in video#DSDPlushttps://www. Apr 2, 2023 · I use DSDPlus Fastlane on a x64 Windows 10 box and on my Windows 11 laptop. Well I dont have that folder so does anyone know how to associate dsd fastlane with sdr sharp another way? This is all new to me and Apr 23, 2023 · If you use the updated version (see link below) of "DSD Interface" plugin, it may still work with newer DSD+ versions but don't expect it to fully support all DSD+ features as DSD+ has changed a lot over the years. 101 and that will upgrade it to fastlane. Guess what? The last free version was released nearly a decade ago in late 2015, the post about Fast Lane was made three years later in late 2018, and here we are in early 2024. 228 FastLane from December 2019 (12/23/2019 to be exact) Jan 22, 2021 · Try the following to create a help document. I can't figure out what i have wrong in the new one. txt" Then double click it. Nov 24, 2018 · I recently upgraded the the Fastlane version and can't get P25 decoding on my local trunk working as well as it's working in the old version. Download libfftw3f-3. Changes. Premium Subscriber. In this video we will transition from using DSDPlus public release to DSDPlus Fastlane. Try to use SDRTRunk to do what DSDPlus does and you'll rip your hair out. If I search my email for "DSDPlus Fast Lane Release" I see the old 2. it downloads a zip file that it password protected and it doesn't provide the password. December 25, 2015 ; DSDPlus; No Comments; DSDPlus 1. A year or so ago i had it working really well. 071. 101 folder name to reflect the new version of dsd+ Dec 26, 2023 · However, with that said, if your DSDPlus is able to bring up the dialog stating there is a new version, then it also has access to download that new version or the basefiles. Put it in a batch file and run it every new version. I am running with the DSD+ default setting but I assume some adjustment is in order to tune my setup for optimum performance. 7) update with Airspy Mini support. chris Nov 10, 2024 · Download that zipfile, unarchive it into a separate directory, and then grab the files from there (that DSDplus says are outdated or missing) and add them to your main DSDPlus folder. Use the same zipfile password to unpack each new update. radioreference. Fully tested public releases will continue to be released, approximately every 6 months. exe executables. Adjust the DSD+ parameters to suit your requirements if you need to. FMP can be used as a replacement Oct 18, 2013 · Would anyone happen to know how to actually get the latest version of DSD+ Fastlane? I paid for the "Lifetime" update service back in May 2021 but didn't receive anything. I like to print the text file after. Jun 30, 2020 · I renewed my subscription to DSDPlus and received the latest version. But the process of DSDPlus firing up might be slower, if you have weak or no internet connectivity. 254 is the latest DSD+ and the previous one was 2. I will supply a link to the . Sep 8, 2020 · Since my guide didn't come in until the second page of that other thread and a good bit of it was off topic I thought it best to start a new thread. I have downloaded and extracted the lasted DSD+ p101 version and all necessary supporting DLLs. Here is my basic setup: Referencing the 'Notes. I went to upgrade to the latest & greatest 2. bat Yes when prompted to change the extension. However, the Jun 1, 2020 · Keep in mind that the developer has intermediate test versions that are used to keep track of changes between each release. After loading the 1R DSD batch file, I attempt to load the FMPA-CC batch file, but receive the Dec 21, 2019 · a. then you can rename the 1. We recommend using C:\DSDPlus. Nov 13, 2018 · TAG Fast Lane DSDPlus Fast Lane Program. 71 --------- Setup Dec 21, 2019 · The other thing that threw me at first was it did not honor any of my screen positions saved in the dsdplus. 5. dll at the bottom of the post. I find this software a little too complex for me. txt' file that comes with DSDPlus, acquire the 'USA. txt. Download the DSDPlus Fastlane directory emailed to you and put the contents in the folder from step one. com and download the most recent public version of DSD+ (currently 1. com Oct 29, 2024 · New version of DSDPlus released. Added a "HighPPMerr" display to the event log and channel MENU. June 26, 2016 ; DSDPlus; No Comments; FMPA 2. Now in his latest video Corrosive continues with the DSDPlus tutorial and this time explains how to set up priority and groups. I've paid for a permanent update DSD+ Fast Lane subscription, but heard nothing since December last year (v2. mjynqgetcgxkgdetdwyldkaihgjbmsdjocpsrdbvxbyssfnlucnuncfmojwmoionvrhqmwcgmf