Delay subroutine in microprocessor.
Nov 15, 2021 · Time Delay Using a Register Pair.
Delay subroutine in microprocessor ; ‘delay’ subroutine. Oct 13, 2019 · In this video I have told you how to generate a time delay according to our requirement using time clock cycle or with given frequencyIf We have a frequency Assume the clock frequency ot 8085 microprocessor is 3MHz. ) – ALP/ Assembly language program to generate a delay using 8085 microprocessor by single register method. Figure 2. Simple program that makes Q LED blinking. Oct 13, 2021 · Generally the delay loop includes two instructions DCR and JNZ, more instructions can be part of the loop depending upon the application. The typical instructions of a Time Delay Loop in Microprocessor are given Write a delay routine to produce a time delay of 0 mS in 8085 processor-based system whose clock frequency is 3 MHz. Here is the code given: TEMP EQU 0x1D DELAY MOVLW 0x80 MOVWF TEMP NOP DELAY1 NOP DECFSZ TEMP,F GOTO DELAY1 RETURN The delay subroutine given below is implemented in an 8085 microprocessor with an internal frequency of \\( 3 \\mathrm{MHz} \\). Thus, delay is most widely used in digital clocks, process control, serial communication, etc. Feb 23, 2022 · A software delay subroutine is written as given below: DELAY: MVI H, 255 D MVI L, 255 D be executed? 1. Answer to Consider the following subroutine program of an 8085. The delay uses the low byte of R6 and R7. Here is a further example of nesting subroutines. What are counters and time delays in 8085? The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. Assume the clock frequency ot 8085 microprocessor is 3MHz. g. Nov 16, 2012 · As result, a delay of 4 x 1mS x 250 = 1000mS = 1 second is produced. (4) Hence, pulses are generated through an output port of the microprocessor fed to the triggering isolating circuit which Dec 24, 2020 · What are counters and time delays in 8085? The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. (Delay in 8085)/ programming tutorial to generate delay. A final word of caution: clock returns processor time rather than calendar time; clock may not correspond with the actual elapsed time (e. DELAY: MOV R3,#100 HERE: NOP NOP NOP DJNZ R3, HERE RET [100(1 + 1 + 1 + 2)] × 1 µs = 500 µs = 0. 8. 200 Page 2 Microprocessors Lab 8: Time Delay and Instruction Pipeline. The document discusses different methods for generating delays in software using subroutines: 1. (over and over again. 2 milliseconds. May 19, 2014 · Currently, there is NO delay, I'm trying to implement a delay. The delay subroutine is the same as LED running. The delay subroutine is shown below. There are three ways of doing this. Dec 29, 2021 · I have explained concept of writing program for generation of time delay in 8085 Microprocessor using following two methods:-1. Nov 15, 2021 · Time Delay Using a Register Pair. Then, in the while loop, we will toggle between the on and off states of the LED. Assume that the internal clock frequency of the 8085 microprocessor is 3. (T-states for instructions are given in Appendix). Specific delay subroutines are provided as examples. The outer loop takes 10 * 1 machine cycle = 3. Figure 4. Statement (I): Content in the flag register in 8085 microprocessor is read by PUSH PSW followed by POP instruction. Instead of an 8-bit counter, we can do the same task with a 16-bit register pair. executing some instructions in a loop, the delay is generated. INTERFACING SCHEME Delay subroutine: Delay: LXI These time delays are in few seconds and can be generated with the help of executing group of instructions number of times. 33 µs. Now the important point is, how to provide time delay in microprocessors? In microprocessors, we have studied different instructions, like NOP, DCR, and DCX. ) Clock speed can vary by a factor of at least 6 on modern CPUs (idle at 800 MHz or lower, max turbo like 4. delay MOVWF timer ; Copy W to timer register 22. Mar 9, 2019 · In this video we analyze a delay subroutine and we find the exact time it takes. Sep 27, 2019 · When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor does not execute other tasks. DELAY ROUTINE PROCESS A delay routine is generally written as a subroutine (It need not be a subroutine always. BR LOOP, branch back to LOOP location at 8006. LOOP: LXI H, 0503H DCR L JNZ LOOP DCR H JNZ LOOP RET T-States 10 4 10/7 4 10/7 10 (i) Calculate the delay implemented by the subroutine. Solution The delay required is 0 mS, hence an 8-bit register of 8085 can be used to store a Count value and then decrement to zero. The total delay time is the sum of the time taken by each instruction in the subroutine. Between changing LED states, we are also calling the Delay function. This concept came from the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) project under the term “closed subroutine” Thanks to the subrouti Sep 15, 2009 · MVI C, 0AH : Load multiplier count (10ıο) for delay CALL DELAY : Call delay subroutine JMP START. How to calculate time for an asm delay loop on x86 linux? shows how to spin-wait for an RDTSC deadline. This concept came from the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) project under the term “closed subroutine” Thanks to the subroutine, it is possible to implement the concepts of function and procedure of High‐Level (programming) Language (HLL) such as C or PASCAL. My reasoning is that once it prints, it will branch to the nodelay label, and after the delay has taken place, it will loop back to the beginning of the program. The duration of the clock period for the instruction cycle is a function of this crystal frequency. The subroutine also checks to see if it has been called with a zero value in the accumulator. To be able to do this, a Dec 14, 2018 · How do I calculate the total time consumed by a subroutine in PIC? It is given that the PIC master clock is derived from a 1MHz crystal. Org 00h Main: Mov A, #0FEh Mov P1, A Acall Delay Mov A, #0FFh Mov P1, A Acall Delay ;you forgot to give the R1 an initial value Djnz R1, Main ; Repeat the code until R1 becomes zero ;If R1 equals zero halt the system JMP HALT ;For example this is a delay for 1 Microsecond while using FREQUENCY 11. Question: (a) The delay subroutine "DELAY" is given below. For the delay we are using the instruction execution times. GOTO reset ; and repeat until zero 24. 5 sec delay BACK: DCX D: Decrement counter MOV A, D ORA E: Check whether count is 0 JNZ BACK: If not zero, repeat DCR C: Check if multiplier zero, otherwise repeat JNZ DELAY RET: Return to main program References Jun 2, 2022 · Subroutine in Microprocessor 8085 is explained with the following Timestamps:0:00 - Subroutine - Microprocessor 80850:58 - Basics of Subroutine1:54 - Proced Delay Programming for 8085 Microprocessor is explained with the following Timestamps:0:00 - Delay Programming for Microprocessor 8085 - Microprocessor 80850: Aug 22, 2020 · The document discusses stacks, subroutines, and the 8085 microprocessor. Prepared by: Aldrin J. It allows for the correct interpretation of the result of add Delay Routine: Delay routines are the subroutines used for maintaining the timings of various operations in a microprocessor. MVI C,08 Loop2: MVI B,09 Loop1 :DCR B JNZ loop1 DCR C JNZ loop2 HLT I am new to microprocessor and I am really finding little difficulty in calculating the delay. but when I change the F_SysClk to 12 MHz. A subroutine is a group of instructions that will be used repeatedly in different locations of the program. Now let’s look at the Delay function. Typic Jan 23, 2011 · Designing a microprocessor system to control traffic lights is discussed in this post. Instead of repeating the same instructions several times, they can be combined into a subroutine that is called from various locations. The idea is very simple, run a subroutine with delay equal to half the time period of the square wave, complement any port pin after the delay routine is finished, repeat the delay subroutine again, complement What is Subroutine in Microprocessor?: Some operations/functions are repeatedly performed in a main program like multiplication, division, and time delay between two operations, etc. (i) Determine the value of COUNT so that the program implements a delay of 0. The May 29, 2018 · The DAA instruction is a powerful tool in assembly language programming particularly while working with the BCD numbers in microprocessors like the Intel 8085. Name the two parts of an instruction. Essentially what I want to show up is Hello World. Instead of writing the same code, again and again, we make the code a function and this reduces the size of the program. The assembler format is a18 assembler for 1802 microprocessor. the delay subroutine is call three time from main main program from address XX09h, XX12h and XX1Bh and a result the return address XX1C, XX15h and XX1Eh respectively are saved on to the stack and Apr 12, 2011 · The blog talks about variety of topics on Embedded System, 8085 microprocessor, 8051 microcontroller, ARM Architecture, C2000 Architecture, C28x, AVR and many many more. The new subroutine called TONE2K is built-in code that produces 2kHz tone with period set by HL. A Subroutine in 8085 Microprocessor is a function and is used to reduce the size of the program. This represents end of the subroutine program and back to the line BL instruction as shown in Figure 2. Aug 13, 2021 · MVI C, 0AH: Load multiplier count (10ıο) for delay CALL DELAY: Call delay subroutine JMP START Delay Subroutine: DELAY: LXI D, Count: Load count to give 0. Dec 21, 2020 · The frequency of the crystal oscillator connected to XTAL1 and XTAL2 is one factor for calculating the time delay. Then it is decremented by one and the zero flag is checked to verify whether the content of register is zero or not. The delay count which is to be loaded in the counter can also be calculated using the formula: Total delay time = delay time inside the loop + delay time outside the loop. Using NOP instructions which take a fixed time to execute can create short delays up to a few milliseconds. ; Start main loop. 21. Write a delay routine to produce a time delay of 0 mS in 8085 processor-based system whose clock frequency is 3 MHz. This Video explains Program/Subroutine to generate Time delay using register pair in 8085 MicroprocessorThis helps in design of binary counter visit my Feb 11, 2023 · Subroutine in 8085 Microprocessor. time delay subroutine [2] depending upon the value of(Y)h, i. The delay routine is written as a subroutine as shown below. Generation of time delay in 8085. 65025 4. Executing some instructions in a loop, a delay is generated. Enter the hex code from 8000 to 800B. SEQ makes Q LED lit then call subroutine delay with SEP R3 instruction. For example: LXI B,FFFFH LOOP: DCX B MOV A,B ORA C JNZ LOOP RET This method can be used to get more than 0. And the last instruction in this area is MOV PC, R14. Science; Advanced Physics; Advanced Physics questions and answers; Consider the following subroutine program of an 8085 microprocessor: DELAY : MVI C, 14 H LOOP : DCRC JNZ LOOP RET If the clock frequency used in the microprocessor is 3 MHz, then the time delay produced by the given subroutine program is General steps for writing Delay Subroutine is given as follows: MOV R3, #23. 26. We consider different scenarios including given the oscillator periods or th The subroutine DELAY is located at F001. start BTFSS porta,inres ; Test RA0 input button is set 28. 5 msec in 8085 processor-based system whose clock source is 6 MHz quartz crystal. The subroutine calls the ONE_SEC_SUB subroutine, which in turn calls the ONE_MILLI_SUB subroutine. A software delay subroutine is written as given below: Logic operation: rotate, compare, counter and time delays, Illustrative program: Hexadecimal counter, zero- to-nine, (module ten) counter, generating pulse waveforms, debugging counter and time delay, Stack, Subroutine, Restart, Conditional call and return instructions, Advance subroutine Jun 10, 2023 · The Delay subroutine is missing from your code. Find the time delay for the delay subroutine shown below if the system has an AVR with a frequency of 8 MHz: LDI. What is a subroutine? 9. 8085 microprocessor miscellaneous. x Nov 15, 2021 · A subroutine is a set of instructions that will be used repeatedly in different locations of the program. In delay routine a count (number) is loaded in a register of microprocessor. Moinul Hoque, Lecturer, CSE, AUST Writing Subroutines • 25 Write a Program that will display FF and 11 repeatedly on the seven segment display. ajay,give me the example on May 21, 2015 · This document discusses delay techniques for microcontrollers. Summary The delay subroutine is a useful code for demonstration computer program running and The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. A subroutine is written to May 19, 2023 · In this video, the concept of subroutine sued in microprocessor and microcontrollers is explained in detail. if the process Dec 29, 2021 · I have explained concept of writing program for generation of time delay in 8085 Microprocessor using following two methods:-1. Amount of Delay which will be provided by this code depends on the content of R3, R2, R1. You may learn how the code running and modify it. 5 msec, hence an 8-bit register of8085 can be used to store a Count value and then decrement to zero. ” Note: Here the important hint is, that we know that, to execute a particular instruction, the microprocessor takes a fixed amount of time. In this part we will discuss the time delay in executing an instruction using Counters. Press PC, then GO. It defines microcontrollers and distinguishes them from microprocessors by noting that microcontrollers contain peripherals like RAM, ROM, I/O ports and timers on a single chip, while microprocessors require external circuitry. The delay is generated when the instructions are executed in a loop. (I updated it to put more emphasis on using an OS function like nanosleep for most of a long delay, if you still need precise wakeup. 9 shows the flowchart of time delay loop using one register. In some applications, a certain operation has to be repeated after a specified time interval. The traffic light arrangement is as shown in the figure. Statement (II): Content in the flag register in 8085 microprocessor is not able to read and store to any general purpose register. We can enter the code only from 8000 to 800B, no need for the delay code. The internal frequency of the microprocessor is 3 MHz LOOP: LXI H. The time delay depends on the number which is loaded in the register. DELAY1: MOV R5,#250D LABEL: ACALL DELAY ACALL DELAY ACALL DELAY ACALL DELAY DJNZ R5,LABEL RET DELAY: MOV R6,#250D MOV R7,#250D LOOP1: DJNZ R6,LOOP1 LOOP2: DJNZ R7,LOOP1 RET Square wave generation using 8051. Total time delay =TD=T0+TL TL=Given T states x T (clock period) x count T0=Delay outside the loop. It explains that counters can be used to specify how many times an instruction is executed in a loop. void Delay() { TMOD = 0x01; // Timer0 mode1 TH0 = 0xDC; // High byte initial value for Mar 16, 2020 · The document discusses subroutines, the stack, and stack operations in the 8085 microprocessor. This software timers are also called time delays or software delays. What are OUTBUFS? 10. In control applications, certain equipment needs to be ON/OFF after a specified time delay. The PROG_DELAY_SUB subroutine preserves the accumulator value. The internal frequency of the microprocessor is 3 MHz. A loop counter is loaded into a register and decremented or incremented at each iteration. Specific examples are given for generating delays using 8-bit and 16-bit counters by calculating the number of machine cycles and clock cycles required. 25 second. When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor does not execute other tasks. 5 sec delay BACK: DCX D: Decrement counter MOV A, D ORA E: Check whether count is 0 JNZ BACK: If not zero, repeat Apr 23, 2015 · The document discusses stacks, subroutines, and the 8085 microprocessor. e. Here2: MOV R1, #255. 66 µs. Why assembly language is called as low level language? 5. What are counters and time delays in 8085 microprocessor? The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. 33 µs + 3. if the process – Has a single exit point • There should be one return statement from any subroutine. TOOLS – Insert DELAY Subroutine TOOL –> It is a powerful wizard to generate delay subroutine with user defined delay using any sets of register for a particular operating frequency of 8085 microprocessor. Nov 17, 2015 · The document provides an introduction to microcontrollers, specifically focusing on the Intel 8051 microcontroller. In the void main function, we have first set the LED state to off. The use of DAA is largely dependent on the architecture of the microprocessor. Rather than doing a delay for 3 ticks, do an initial INT 1A and save the value. 6. Delay routine CALL DELAY: Call delay subroutine JMP START Delay Subroutine: DELAY: LXI D, Count: Load count to give 0. specified in the accumulator. Sep 15, 2009 · CALL DELAY : wait for some time DISP 1: MOV A, C RRC MOV C, A : adjust selection pattern INX H DCR B : Decrement count JNZ DISP 1 : repeat 8 times RET Note: This "display message subroutine" must be called continuously to display the 7-segment coded message stored in the memory from address 6000H. 5 seconds. It explains how to use counters, indexed addressing, and nested loops to create timed loops. The AVR design – AVR microprocessors are able to execute an instruction in one cycle. Everything works out and I get the 513 μs. Let us see how to implement these time delays or software delays. Why indexing in necessary? 7. 5 sec delay BACK: DCX D : Decrement counter MOV A, D ORA E : Check whether count is 0 JNZ BACK : If not zero, repeat DCR C : Check if multiplier zero, otherwise repeat JNZ DELAY Summary <p>This chapter presents the concept of the subroutine. 3. The document also defines a counter program as one that can design different types of counters (a) Write a subroutine DELAY that implements a delay of 0. May 5, 2021 · Answer: False. This Playlist is subpart of Microprocessor & Interfacing 8085. It then describes several methods to create delays in code using loops, nested loops, and decrementing registers. (Continued on page 14) 13 (Continued from page 13) Delay subroutine for 5 seconds: ADDR OP MNEMONICS INSTRUCTIONS CODE 6116 6118 611A 06, 14 0E, FF 16, FF MVI B, 14H MVI C, FFH MVI D, FFH This subroutine Sep 9, 2020 · The execution times are used for the delay. Therefore, it is referred to as a “software delay. Jul 20, 2018 · The document discusses stacks, subroutines, and the 8085 microprocessor. Here, in Oct 13, 2021 · As seen in the program coding for main program and subroutine program, the main program starts from memory location XX00h and continues up to XX1Eh. cenadius [ Fresher ] Fri Oct 05 2007, 03:14 am #1. Here: DJNZ R1, Here DJNZ R2, Here2 DJNZ R3, Here1 END This piece of subroutine will provide delay in seconds. Summary <p>This chapter presents the concept of the subroutine. , Groups of instructions are written to perform these operations and these groups of instructions are known as Subroutine in Microprocessor, which are called by the main program whenever required. 4. The delay we achieved is due to software instructio ns. Write a subroutine for 8085 to generate delay of 100ms. 510 3. There are some methods of generating delays. The value of N is passed in the working register W. The stack is an area of memory used for temporary storage of information in LIFO (last in first out) order, growing backwards into memory with the stack pointer register defining the bottom. R16. down DECFSZ timer ; Decrement timer register 23. The function could look something like this: Jul 30, 2019 · The delay will be used in different places to simulate clocks, or counters or some other area. The total delay time is 33. [6 marks] (ii) Suggest a simple way to increase the delay without using additional instructions. More time delay can be generated using this method. This chapter presents the concept of the subroutine. Rather than repeat the same instructions several times, they can be grouped into a subroutine that is called from the different locations. 6. Main program is forever loop running. reset CLRF portb ; Clear Port B Data 27. Students may try enter the hex code and test run again. So a conditional jump instruction is used in a delay loop to come out from the loop. (delay) Hello World. R3 is used as the pointer to the delay support subroutine. 0503H DCR L JNZ LOOP DCR H JNZ LOOP RET T-States 10 4 10/7 4 10/7 10 (0) Calculate the delay implemented by the subroutine. Then add 3 to the value again for the next delay. 65279 Jul 15, 2018 · I think I know how to calculate the delay time with the formula: but I get a delay of 278 μs and not a delay of 513 μs. Define the term Dynamic debugging. My delay formula calculation - with the 22. Then for each delay, add 3 to the value, and then use INT 1A until the value you read is greater than or equal to the saved value. When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor does not execute other Jan 23, 2025 · Develop a short delay routine assembly language program using a single register, if the 8085A microprocessor is using a 4MHz crystal. Here1: MOV R2, #255. It can be even a part of main program). BACK: LDI R18, HERE: NOP DEC R18 BRNE, HERE DEC R16 BRNE BACK. , t=K3(Y)h **. The name of the character. For the delay program, the concept of instruction execution time is very important. 2. [6 marks] (11) Suggest a simple way to increase the delay without using additional Instructions. Delay Subroutine: DELAY: LXI D, Count : Load count to give 0. Also includes some projects that have been worked upon and also episodes to Embedded System Podcast. Also determine the number of T- states used to execute the delay routine developed. The stack is a LIFO memory structure used to store information during subroutine calls. It provides the following key points: 1. 5 seconds delay. It explains that delays are needed because CPUs run much faster than the human eye can perceive. Nov 16, 2012 · Using software delay subroutines square waves over a wide frequency range (limited by the crystal frequency) can be produced using 8051. Using an 8-bit register as a counter in a loop is more efficient and can create delays up to around 1. Calculation of Time Delay Using One Register. It explains that a subroutine is a reusable block of code that can be called from different parts of a program using CALL and RET instructions. To be able to do this, a Jun 13, 2020 · Introduction: Welcome to the fifth part of this lecture series. 0592MHZ Delay: MOV R6,#2D ;10uS delay DJNZ R6 TOOLS -- Insert DELAY Subroutine TOOL --> It is a powerful wizard to generate delay subroutine with user defined delay using any sets of register for a particular operating frequency of 8085 microprocessor. Feb 27, 2011 · Since your crystal frequency is 11. Moderate Questions. One can use those instructions, execute it a number of times, and get a “delay“. In Assembly language, a subroutine can exist anywhere in the code. We use R3 as the pointer. A delay routine is generally written as a subroutine (It need not be a subroutine always. Soriano, CpE, ECT. What is happening? The document discusses different techniques for generating time delays in microprocessors using software instructions. This is often accomplished via nested loops of known length and then including any extra loop setup and possibly subroutine call and return instructions *. The inner loop takes 100 * 1 machine cycle = 33. Using a 16-bit register pair as a counter allows even longer delays Question: (a) The delay subroutine “DELAY" is given below. 1184 MHz. CSE 307- Microprocessor Mohd. The oscillator frequency is 4 MHz. This document discusses time delay and counters in microprocessors. Easy Questions . A subroutine in Assembly language can exist anywhere in the code. Solution The delay required is 0. It defines time delay as using a number of instructions to keep track of a time interval. 077 MHz. Say you wanted to advance an object once every 3 ticks. 4. It was f001, loaded by r3. What is the basic of table look up Counters, Time delays calculations using one register, register pair and loop within loop with numerical examples|| MIT, Moradabad ||PPT of this video lectur Assuming a crystal frequency of 12 MHz, find the time delay associated with the loop section of the following DELAY subroutine. Sep 1, 2024 · Subroutine in 8085 Microprocessor. Delay Subroutine Calculate the total delay time. Apr 17, 2023 · And this delay program works as a subroutine when it is called from a main program whenever it is required. Then we can call it using SEP r3 instruction. Also, a brief introduction to instructions used Subroutines: Examples General Delay Subroutine Write a delay subroutine delay Nms with a delay N · 100 ms. This playlist includes videos regarding Stack and Subroutine in Microprocessor 8085. . REQ, clears Q Flip-flop, Q LED will be turned off. When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor Write a delay routine to produce a time delay of 0. Sep 13, 2009 · BACK: CALL Display : Call display subroutine CALL Delay : Call delay subroutine MOV A, C ADI A, 0 1 : Increment counter DAA : Adjust it for decimal MOV C,A : Store count CPI ,00 : Check count is > 99 JNZ BACK : If not, repeat HLT : Stop Delay Subroutine: Delay:MVI B, Multiplier-count : Initialize multiplier count BACK 1:LXI D, Initialize Count May 12, 2021 · #timedelay#8085microprocessor Jun 30, 2018 · 20. In such cases, simple time delay routines can be used to maintain the timings of the operations. My delay formula calculation - with the 12 MHz. Write the four functions of a microprocessor. Give the formula for total delay. 255 2. Nov 12, 2020 · Calculate the delay calculated by executing the following code by 8085 microprocessor having a clock frequency of 5 MHz. There are three main types of time delay: using NOP instructions, using a counter, and using nested loops with internal and external counters. The delay subroutine is loaded on RESET to the last page of RAM. 0592 MHz, your routine will need to delay for 11,059,200 clock cycles. As you know microprocessor system consists of two basic components, Hardware and software. 33 µs = 36. RETURN ; Jump back to main program103 25. 5 milliseconds. When the delay subroutine is executed, the microprocessor does not execute other tasks…. If Generation of Delay in Microprocessor 8085 is explained with the following Timestamps:0:00 - Generation of Delay - Microprocessor 80851:02 - Why don't we use Aug 20, 2015 · This document discusses using counters and delays in microprocessors. 8007 d3 sep r3 ; call delay 8008 7a REQ ; CLEAR BIT Q 8009 d3 sep r3 ; call delay 800a 30 06 BR LOOP ; REPEAT First, we need to set location of delay subroutine. Write a ‘delay’ subroutine and Call it as necessary. Use the subroutine in a blinking LED application When the BNE instruction on the next line gets the answer other than 0, the line needs to go to the loop 'waitloop' that can delay the program until a 1 second delay is required. Time delay generation using a Oct 14, 2010 · As such, consider using the time and difftime implementation of the delay function for delays lasting at least one second, and the clock implementation for delays lasting under one second. Please help!!! Oct 5, 2007 · delay subroutine Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by cenadius Oct 5, 2007. nbwvwiyzumvhzfjvnqlvuoashscwlnvmmzveeefiixcvmhizzshxeznyailmdfxexhxlkan