Cps symmetry comsol. Additionally, periodic boundary conditions are applied.
Cps symmetry comsol Apr 13, 2017 · Exploiting symmetry is a great way to reduce computational expense. . Best regards, Magnus----- Nov 22, 2012 · However, the proposal when plotting total heat flux for the 3D-model generated by the symmetry is: x-component: ht. Best regards, Magnus----- May 16, 2015 · But this is a question of convention. First, consider if perhaps 2D axisymmetry could work for you (revolution symmetry with no change in azimuthal direction). Then in the physics part I added symmetry and chose the specific boundaries. If no, consider if 1 or more mirror planes would produce the same results (geometry + physics) on either side of the plane. To demonstrate the issue, I have attached a MPH-File. Use the Sector 2D () and Sector 3D () datasets, selected from the More 2D Datasets and More 3D Datasets submenus, to make it possible to plot the solution for the full geometry while reducing computation time and memory requirements for complex geometries by exploiting sector symmetries. tfluxy z-component: ht. I’ve noticed that even if a boundary condition is not prescribed on the axis of symmetry, comsol doesn’t set zero flux on the axis. SO i solve the problem in the full case (the symmetry is not used and the geometry is full), and after a made an other simulation with the half of the geometry and the symmetry boundary condition . The Symmetry node can be used to represent boundaries where the species concentration is symmetric; that is, there is no mass flux in the normal direction across the boundary: This boundary condition is identical to the No Flux node, but applies to all species and cannot be applied to individual species. For models representing only a part of the geometry (due to symmetry), the total length and cross-section area of the coil (referred to as coil length and coil area) are computed by multiplying the domain or boundary length and area by the appropriate multiplication factors specified under Symmetry specification in the subfeatures. Apr 19, 2018 · Due to the symmetry of the strain tensor, only 6 out of these 81 equations are nontrivial. Apr 3, 2015 · BLOG Using Cyclic Symmetry to Reduce Computation Time; KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the size of your COMSOL Multiphysics file; BLOG Modeling Thermomechanical Fatigue in COMSOL Multiphysics® FORUM Cyclic symmetry Using Symmetry to Reduce Model Size: article covering the benefits of reducing your model size with symmetry; Exploiting Symmetry to Simplify Magnetic Field Modeling: blog post demonstrating how symmetry can be used to model electromagnetic fields; Modeling of an Electric Generator in 3D: tutorial model of a 3D motor built with sectors In axisymmetric components, boundaries on the symmetry axis are boundaries where only a condition for the axial symmetry exists. Oct 24, 2018 · Hallo, i want to simulate rectangles multi-coil with symmetry. But the simulation can start. The Symmetry node adds a boundary condition that represents symmetry in the geometry and in the loads. By using the symmetries in a model, you can reduce its size by half or more, making this an efficient method for solving large models. Posted Jun 10, 2011, 1:51 p. Oct 31, 2011 · Here is a figure (from the internet) that shows what I think Chong means by cyclic symmetry. These are Velocity Gradient and Time Derivatives of Strain. In another forum someone has said that electric insulation works as symmetry in this physic but the results do not prove it. When modeling half of the geometry, the correct constraint for the face at the middle of the object would be Antisymmetry in the case of antisymmetric loading and Symmetry in the case of symmetric loading of the object. Apr 19, 2018 · When analyzing a symmetric structure, it is tempting to make use of the symmetry and model only half or one quarter of the structure. Select Prescribed force to prescribe the total reaction force acting on the direction normal to the symmetry plane. An example geometry that exhibits cyclic symmetry. For example, if one symmetry plane is used, symmetric and antisymmetric boundary conditions must be used. Setting the prescribed force to zero gives the same effect as using Free Displacement. 2) Make sure that you have periodic condition settings that are compatible with the sector symmetry (periodic/antiperiodic). Dear all, sorry the continuous questions today! I am going to use symmetry for the geometry as in the picture I attached. The middle closed surface has an induced constant floating potential, which, due to symmetry, is the average of the potentials of the plates. The top and bottom plates are held at fixed, but different, electric potentials. I am using the acoustic module. The Symmetry node adds an edge (3D), boundary (2D), or point (2D and 3D) condition that defines asymmetry edge, boundary, or point. The result is that the deformed geometry has no continuity in symmetry plane. EDT Fluid & Heat, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions Version 5. Use this node to compute view factors on only a part of a symmetric geometry to improve efficiency, by defining either one symmetry plane in 2D, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D components, multiple perpendicular symmetry planes in 2D and 3D components; or sectors of symmetry in 2D and 3D components. Then, under the Physics set-up, right-click and define a symmetry boundary condition on the 1/2 symmetry plane. Important steps in building this model include preparing the geometry, defining the symmetry plane, and expanding the results plots to visualize the entire modeling domain. 1) Use weak constraints in the settings for sector symmetry. The Electrostatics, Boundary Elements (esbe) interface (), found under the AC/DC>Electric Fields and Currents branch when adding a physics interface, is used for computing the potential distribution in dielectrics under conditions where the electric potential distribution on the boundaries is explicitly prescribed. 0, we introduced a new Symmetry Plane boundary condition (shown below). Feb 27, 2012 · you need to cut a cake slice of 1/4 or 1/8 or even 1/16, starting from the centre, then apply symmetry boundaries on the two planar cacke boundaries passing through the axis of symmetry (and perhaps through a plane perpendicular to the exis of symmetry. When applied to an edge (in the Membrane interface) the symmetry plane is formed by the normal to the boundary and the edge tangent. Now that I see the results, I realize that the symmetry condition in Structural Mechanics only forces the normal displacements to the symmetry surface to be zero (n·u = 0), but not the rotations. Failed to evaluate variable. mph file is attached thank you in advance for your response Jun 10, 2011 · Spherical Symmetry Errors. By using the symmetries in a model, you can reduce its size by half or more, making this an efficient method for solving large models. tfluxphi z-component: ht. This boundary condition is identical to that of the No Flux node. But how to use the quarter of the ring? Is it by drawing a quarter of a ring and then import to comsol or I can apply a quarter symmetry on the full model? Thanks. The COMSOL Multiphysics software adds a default Axial Symmetry node that is active on all boundaries on the symmetry axis. The software automatically provides a condition that prescribes u r = 0 and vanishing stresses in the z direction and adds an Axial Symmetry node that implements these conditions on the axial symmetry boundaries only. The Symmetry Plane node adds a boundary condition that represents symmetry in the geometry and in the loads. tfluxz Since comsol gives the message: "Cannot evaluate expression. It is defined as the spatial gradient of the velocity vector, Jan 8, 2019 · Hi, I am trying to apply symmetry in electric currents physics in COMSOL 5. While choosing a metric, it is important to remember that different metrics will have different convergence behavior. There is a different analysis procedure, mainly in solid mechanics, called cyclic symmetry for solving a rotationally symmetric structure under general (non-rotationally symmetric 1) Use weak constraints in the settings for sector symmetry. Axial Symmetry. The channel can be thought of as a virtual extrusion of the inlet cross section. My study steps are, coil analytic and frequency domain. Jul 9, 2010 · If you enable radiation (Heat Transfer Modul), you can't utilize symmetry, because COMSOL "looks through" the (open) symmetry boundary. Apr 7, 2013 · Dear all, sorry the continuous questions today! I am going to use symmetry for the geometry as in the picture I attached. Jul 11, 2016 · symmetry boundary in flow model, symmetry plane not in flow domain. That is also why Comsol operates in "densities" and then you are independent of the symmetry count as it depends if you integrate on the 1/2 1/4or 1/8 surfaces or volumes. Additionally, periodic boundary conditions are applied. But this is a question of convention. 3a but I can not find a boundary condition for it. Therefore it would be enough to simulate just a quarter of it. The Symmetry node can be used to represents a boundaries where the concentration is symmetric; that is, there is no species flux in the normal direction across the boundary. Select 1, 2, or 3 for the first, second, or third axis in the selected coordinate system. (just click the "solve" button) A symmetry condition is free in the plane and fixed in the out-of-plane direction. For particle tracing models, the physical interpretation of plane symmetry is as follows: for every particle that exits the domain through a boundary assigned a Symmetry node, a new particle enters the modeling domain at the same location at the same time, with an incoming velocity that mirrors the outgoing velocity of the exiting particle. Jul 1, 2013 · Daniel-Well, you need to build only half the geometry (or build the entire geometry and then delete 1/2 of it). Oct 5, 2016 · What are the default boundary conditions on the axis of symmetry (I see in this case the axis of symmetry is not included on the domain). The symmetry planes are indicated by two gray work planes. I find this type of symmetry more typically called rotational symmetry. Axial symmetry is common for cylindrical and similar 3D geometries. Apr 7, 2013 · I have been using the symmetry boundary condition for structural mechanics. • For 2D axial symmetry, a boundary condition does not need to be defined for the symmetry axis at r = 0. This feature imposes either a Symmetry condition to the magnetic flux density, which is equivalent to the aforementioned Magnetic Insulation boundary condition, or an Antisymmetry condition, which is equivalent to the Perfect Magnetic Conductor boundary But this is a question of convention. But my simulation is always failed. In 2D axisymmetric models, the inlet normal must be parallel to the symmetry axis. Dear Comsol users, I'm doing simulations with a 3D model, which has two crossing symmetry planes (xz and yz). Modeling a Coil with Three Symmetry Planes. Nov 4, 2020 · Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL ® software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. First, let us look at a rectangular wound multi-turn coil, as shown in the figure below. There is a different analysis procedure, mainly in solid mechanics, called cyclic symmetry for solving a rotationally symmetric structure under general (non-rotationally symmetric For 2D axisymmetric components, COMSOL Multiphysics takes the axial symmetry boundaries (at r = 0) into account and automatically adds an Axial Symmetry node to the component that is valid on the axial symmetry boundaries only. Mar 17, 2014 · Learn how cyclic symmetry can help reduce memory usage when modeling computationally taxing geometries by using a predefined boundary condition in COMSOL. The Symmetry node can be used to represent boundaries where the species concentration is symmetric, that is, where there is no mass flux across the boundary. May 13, 2014 · hello we found a problem with the symmetry of the solution os Schrodinger equation in a bidimensional box, the problem is explain in the . EDT Geometry, Mesh, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit The axial symmetry implementation in COMSOL Multiphysics by default assumes independence of the azimuthal component of the displacement. The simplified geometry is a multilayer (only the green part) composed of layers of different materials and thickness, and four strips A (=C) and B (=D) jointed on top and at the bottom of it. EDT Geometry, Mesh, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit The Symmetry node can be used to represent boundaries where the species concentration is symmetric, that is, where there is no mass flux across the boundary. 2a 0 Replies Aug 1, 2013 · I having problem using symmetry to simulate my model. Coordinate System Selection Specify the coordinate system to use for specifying the orientation of the symmetry plane. Posted 2011年6月10日 GMT-4 13:51 Geometry, Mesh, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please Oct 5, 2016 · What are the default boundary conditions on the axis of symmetry (I see in this case the axis of symmetry is not included on the domain). May 4, 2015 · Before to use it, i just want to validate the efficiency of the symmetry boundary condition with a really simple model: a rectangular box. This boundary condition is identical to that of the No Flux condition. While this is possible, such an approach requires several analyses with different sets of boundary conditions. I am not sure how to replicate this procedure since only one of the coupled edges for periodic boundary conditions is created in the model - the other is Reducing to axial symmetry is valid if it can be assumed that the bolt holes do not significantly affect the solution. The memory and time required to compute the model are reduced through implementing symmetry boundaries. docx file attached, also the . tfluxx y-component: ht. This node is available only in 2D axisymmetry, where the only possible symmetry plane is normal to the Z-axis. Sep 11, 2020 · I am modeling a spherical Helmholtz resonator on Comsol so I can find the resonance frequency by changing some parameters. The following condition implements the symmetry condition on an axis or a flow divide: For axisymmetric components, COMSOL Multiphysics takes the axial symmetry boundaries (at r = 0 ) into account and automatically adds an Axial Symmetry node that is valid on the axial symmetry boundaries only. Enter the Normal force F n. Sep 28, 2010 · Now this can only work in Comsol IF the full geoemtry is there, as BC's are set on the geometry and then heritated by the mesh, AND second, today, there is NO way to make a symmetric mesh from an existing "current" mesh and a given symmetry plane. A symmetry condition is free in the plane and fixed in the out-of-plane direction. Now I wonder how to set up the symmetry, because by adding a symmetry for two sides of the quarter I will only get three quarters overall. For example I have a 3D ring and I want to use the quarter of the model to reduce the computation time. To simplify my model, I used the quarter of the sphere (because of symmetry). What about the fourth one? Select Prescribed force to prescribe the total reaction force acting on the direction normal to the symmetry plane. tfluxz I can't change it to: x-component: ht. Jan 8, 2013 · I having problem using symmetry to simulate my model. The inlet boundary must hence be flat in order for the fully developed flow condition to work properly. The Symmetry node can be used to represent boundaries where the phase field variable distribution is symmetric, that is, where there is no flux across the boundary. Feb 14, 2019 · In the right image, red and blue represent a positive and negative potential, respectively. 3) On the identity pair, make sure that source and destination frames are spatial. Oct 29, 2013 · In this paper, the symmetry of the unit cell is exploited: 1/4 of the unit cell is modeled and symmetry conditions are imposed. This applies to cases where both the geometry and modeling assumptions include symmetries. Jul 14, 2014 · In version 6. Therefore, the physical components of the radial and axial displacement, u and w, are used by default as dependent variables for the axially symmetric geometry. This specifies the direction of the normal to the symmetry plane. 2, Version 5. tfluxr y-component: ht. Posted Jul 11, 2016, 7:58 a. A spherical modeling domain contains a rectangular coil. Select an Axis to use as normal direction. Jan 6, 2016 · Symmetry is used to reduce the model size, and several different metrics can be defined to study mesh refinement. I had to learn it too, so in the programmes I use I always need to multiply absolute quantities by the number of symmetry planes. m. There is a different analysis procedure, mainly in solid mechanics, called cyclic symmetry for solving a rotationally symmetric structure under general (non-rotationally symmetric Jan 8, 2013 · I having problem using symmetry to simulate my model. Jun 10, 2011 · Spherical Symmetry Errors. The force is defined as positive when acting along the outward normal of the symmetry plane. The axial symmetry implementation in COMSOL Multiphysics by default assumes independence of the azimuthal component of the displacement. Figure 2-7 shows symmetric and antisymmetric loading of a symmetric geometry. Reducing to axial symmetry is valid if it can be assumed that the bolt holes do not significantly affect the solution. Related to the deformation gradient is also the velocity gradient. The condition on the symmetry axis is typically a zero Neumann or no-flux condition. This feature imposes either a Symmetry condition to the magnetic flux density, which is equivalent to the aforementioned Magnetic Insulation boundary condition, or an Antisymmetry condition, which is equivalent to the Perfect Magnetic Conductor boundary Jul 14, 2014 · Today, we will introduce symmetry boundary conditions that you can exploit in your modeling and show how to use them. cuodpllntcbsugenlqsctelhuqgmatahsazthjxcqiemaoqwoujiqcdyfivmhwvtxolstgbu