Chemical compatibility chart excel Saturated Hydrocarbons: 9 There are three main types of industrial polymers: Plastic, Rubber, and Urethane. This four-step Quick Guide to Chemical Compatibility includes a table to help with chemical storage. Flammable Compressed . Use our Chemical Compatibility Chart as a guide for evaluating the resistance of different polymers to a wide range of chemicals found in industrial, commercial, laboratory and View ISM's charts including Chemical Compatibility Chart, Mesh & Micron Chart, Polysulfone Chemical Compatibility Charts and more… 303. It is intended as guidance and not definitive due to the large number of compounds that could be encountered. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE Chemical esistance Properties of Tubing FLS-2-02-BPS WWW. Chemical resistance charts are only a guide and should be used as such. com Epoxy Polycarbonate PBT Brass 316 S. Use our Chemical Compatibility Chart as a guide for evaluating the resistance of different polymers to a wide range of chemicals found in industrial, commercial, laboratory and Electro Chemical Manufacturing provides a chemical compatibility lookup to identify optimal linking materials for storing or transporting chemicals by temperature range. Incompatible classes must be segregated or isolated from each other according to the distances listed. This feature has been especially useful when a compatibility chart contains many chemicals. Electro Chemical Manufacturing provides a chemical compatibility lookup to identify optimal linking materials for storing or transporting chemicals by temperature range. The chart assigns reactivity groups and codes to assess compatibility and potential heat, fire, gas generation or other consequences. Flinn Scientific Model Chemical Stores Area for small chemical inventories; NFPA 45: Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals, Chapter 8. kietzke Created Date: 12/10/2008 9:13:18 AM Chemical compatibility is a key consideration throughout the chemical industry wherever two or more chemicals have the potential to mix, either inadvertently or by design. Once all information has been compiled, compare the information to determine proper storage. For more complete information please refer to the MSDS for the specific Chemical Compatibility Chart - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. Flammable Liquids – Flammable liquids are required to be stored in flammable liquid storage cabinets approved by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or flammable liquid storage rooms meeting OSHA requirements in 29 CFR 1910. In general, the less compounding components used the better the chemical resistance. Use this chart to help guide your component selection. Raymond Ave. The document is a chemical mixing compatibility chart that assigns reactivity group numbers and codes to different classes of chemicals. One of the most comprehensi The chemical compatibility of LDPE and HDPE on this chart is tested at 20°C: and 50°C: for 7 days and 30 days (if applicable) with constant exposure. For more complete information please refer to the MSDS/SDS for the This document provides a chemical compatibility chart for various materials when exposed to different chemicals. At the link, you will open an Excel file that appears similar to the image below. Because chemical compatibility is affected by many variables (including temperature, pressure, concentration, and purity), various chemical combinations prevent complete accuracy Not Available – Chemical compatibility information is not available at this time. What Is Chemical Compatibility Chart? Chemical compatibility is a test used to measure a certain Our new, easy-to-use Chemical Compatibility Check allows you to quickly find out which materials are compatible with the media used in your application. NOTE: The ratings in the charts DO NOT reflect the extent to which The following chart shall be intended only as a guide to chemical compatibility with the internal fluid and it is not a guarantee; other combined factors in working operations as pressure, temperature, vibration ect. Feb 27, 2013 · Chemical Waste Compatibility Chart Segregation of Chemicals by Type: Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for specific incompatibilities Many chemicals in your lab may react adversely when combined, whether during an experimental protocol, accidentally when spilled, or when waste mixtures are improperly consolidated for disposal. CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY CHART Chemical 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C Acetic acid solution <90% R R R R R R R R Chart. They reflect the relative capabilities of various Saint-Gobain's tubing formulations to withstand specific chemicals. One of the most comprehensive tools available for determining chemical compatibility, the NOAA Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW), has gained significant traction since the Compatibility charts are commonly used in medical practices or business processes due to their reliability of the comparisons present in this tool. Download statistics indicate wide global interest and usage with very few problems being reported. Acetylene in a chemical fume hood Oxidizers Fire Hazard Explosion Toxic Compressed Gases Hazard example of a binary compatibility chart. Thermoplastics and elastomers have outstanding resistance to a wide range of chemical reagents. across the top row. Because this chart has numerous categories, it can be referenced to help form a better decision about EPA's Chemical Compatibility Chart EPA-600/2-80-076 April 1980 A METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE COMPATIBILITY OF CHEMICAL MIXTURES # REACTIVITY GROUP NAME 1 Acids, Mineral, Non-oxidizing 1 CODE 2 Acids, Mineral, Oxidizing 2 H Heat Generation 3 Acids, Organic G H 3 F Fire 4 Alcohols and Glycols H H F H Looking for industrial use chemical compatibility charts and guides? Check out our resources to help you choose the right materials for your application. Lab users must be aware of different storage locations and requirements for using those locations safely. Excel Products - #XL This chart is intended only as a guide. Oct 29, 2024 · COMPATIBILITY CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY Chemicial Compatibility Guide The following information is intended to be used as a general guideline for pump material selection. CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY CHART Below is a chart adapted from the CRC Laboratory Handbook which groups various chemicals into 23 groups with examples and incompatible chemical groups. The chart can be used to assist with safe chemical segregation by indicating potential hazards from mixing different chemical groups. Chemical Compatibility Reference Chart Viton® Viton®* Chemical Compatibility Chart: Check the chemical compatibility of Viton® with various chemicals, solvents, alcohols and other products. It indicates that acetylene is extremely hazardous at pressures over 15 psig and is compatible with brass containing less than 65% copper. Significance and Use 5. Read the Compatibility guide +39 02 96460406; Oct 29, 2021 · In order to determine which materials are compatible with certain chemicals, a chemical compatibility chart is often used. In particular, the regulations pertaining to combustible liquids (explosion protec-tion), for example, have to be taken into consideration. COM ©2024 SAINT-GOBAIN LIFE SCIENCES / 1 The ratings in the chart are based on the results of laboratory tests. Swelling and/or a loss of physical properties is possible. Chemical Compatibility Steps. As shown in the image, chemical compatibility charts often use symbols and color codes to May 30, 2007 · Chemical Compatibility Chart Below is a chart adapted from the CRC Laboratory Handbook which groups various chemicals in to 23 groups with examples and incompatible chemical groups. The other axis lists the same or other chemicals, providing a cross-reference of compatibility. CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY CHART Acetal D B D - - - Acetaldehyde D A D B A D Acetamide A A B - A D Acetate Solvent D A D - B - Acetic Acid, 10% REACTIVITY HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCEDURES FOR USING THE CHART For the binary combination of any reactivity groups, first find the RGN of the first group on the middle column of the chart Chemical Segregation. Aug 26, 2024 · When selecting fittings and connectors for microfluidic applications, ensuring chemical compatibility is crucial to maintaining system integrity and performance. Use this rubber chemical resistance chart to make sure that the elastomer or O-ring seal you choose will be compatible with the particular environment. Ratings Find FKM & EPDM Chemical Compatibility Charts for describing the suitability of miniature fluidic and pneumatic component materials. SAINT-GOAIN. Jan 17, 2025 · Compatibility Charts and Databases Many chemicals in your lab may react adversely when combined, whether during an experimental protocol, accidentally when spilled, or when waste mixtures are improperly consolidated for disposal. The document provides a chemical compatibility chart from the EPA that indicates potential hazards from mixing different chemical wastes. Above charts are available on our website. Hazardous Chemical and waste Compatibility Chart - Ideal reference tool for laboratory and hazardous waste operations, be aware of how your chemicals react and keep your workplace safe. xlsx), PDF File (. U Elastomer/material is unsuitable when exposed to the chemical. Viton fluoroelastomer in general has a high temperature tolerance and chemical resistance rating. 1 Inorganic Acids 1 2 Organic Acids x 2 3 Caustics x x 3 4 Amines and Alkanolamines x x 4 5 Halogenated Compounds x x x 5 Quick Guide to Chemical Compatibility Use these four (4) steps to segregate your chemicals for the safest possible storage. Chemical and mechanical resistance alone is not sufficient for the assessment of the usability of a product. • All chemicals must be stored in compatible containers and properly labeled. 106. To accommodate this need, an Excel macro file that facilitates this Microsoft Word - Chemical Resistance Chart of Plastics. 5: 6 Alcohols, Glycols, and Glycol Ethers X 6 X Represents Unsafe Storage Combinations 7. Acetylene in a chemical fume hood Oxidizers Fire Hazard Explosion Toxic Compressed Gases Hazard Aug 3, 2024 · How to read a chemical compatibility chart? The chemical compatibility chart typically uses a grid format where one axis lists chemicals or chemical groups. Harmsco does not assume liability for the accuracy and/or completeness of this data. Learn More. • Containers including lids, caps and seals must be checked regularly for deterioration and replaced when necessary. The data within has been obtained from many sources and is considered to be accurate. For more complete information please refer to the MSDS/SDS for the Welcome to our Rubber Chemical Resistance Chart. Chemical Compatibility Chart. Read the Compatibility guide +39 02 96460406; Chemical Compatibility Chart Note: This publication is to be used as a guide. Compatibility Chart - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. It lists common chemicals down the left column and various materials like stainless steel, PTFE, PVC, etc. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. You can click in individual chart cells to see the reactivity details for that pair of chemicals. 2 %âãÏÓ 10 0 obj /Length 11 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream H‰ÜWMo ¹ ý ú }Z$@˯f³ ^g7 ä° âƒ¯³ÒìZ‰¬YH2 ÿût7«Èžæ+N[mÉŠaÀÐôc±^‘ŪW?¼½0}·ëÚ¦5ý®mš· ½PÍøïî÷æâûŸT£ÝÎŒß »x¥vªSzøû² þÖN»áïÿ6 zóþðáúr Ó¼9~øcÿpýëõÍõçæÍûýÝß›·ÿ¾Ð};ºPãöÓÿÓ Fë6nÐL«^ DÚæ•6ӲɷžùÖ¦;]nU; Jan 17, 2025 · Compatibility Charts and Databases Many chemicals in your lab may react adversely when combined, whether during an experimental protocol, accidentally when spilled, or when waste mixtures are improperly consolidated for disposal. May 21, 2024 · The Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW) is a free software program you can use to find out about the chemical reactivity of thousands of common hazardous chemicals, compatibility of absorbents, and suitability of materials of construction in chemical processes. Consult the chemical manufacturer for best compatibility. Once all information has been entered compare the information. The degree of resistance of an elastomer to a material depends upon variables such as temperature, concentration levels, working pressure, flow velocity, duration of use, among other variables. doc Author: c. Shop Polypropylene Please Note: The information in this chart has been supplied by reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical When dealing with chemical compounds, choosing locations carefully is necessary to prevent hazards. 1 Various United States governmental regulations forbid incompatible materials to be transported together and require that chemical reactivity be considered in process hazard and risk analysis. It is based on a source from the Environmental Protection Agency. pdf) Chemical Compatibility Chart (Excel) Viscosity Correction Chart Chemical Formulas Sanitary/Hygienic Industry Overview Model Code Nomenclature TC-X Pump Suction Lift Data CHEMICAL RESISTANCE PROPERTIES OF TUBING The ratings in the charts on pages 30 to 37 are based on the results of laboratory tests. . 4. For additional information, please refer to Chemical Storage Groups on the Managing Chemical Retention and Storage page. 400 S. A new chemical pair analysis tool for the Compatibility Chart screen was implemented so users quickly could find the reactivity results for a specific pair of chemicals in their mixture. cdr Author: Ujju Oct 30, 2024 · This guide provides a comprehensive chemical compatibility chart for Norprene and Norprene Food tubings, based on the chemical compatibility data (at 21°C) provided by Masterflex®, to help engineers, technicians, and researchers quickly assess the suitability of these tubings for specific applications, ensuring reliable, long-lasting Oct 25, 2024 · The chemical compatibility rating key is as follows: A = Excellent chemical compatibility (no effect) B = Good chemical compatibility (minor effect: slight corrosion or discoloration) C = Fair (moderate effect: not recommended for continuous use; softening, loss of strength, swelling and/or shrinkage) Aug 1, 2024 · Compatibility Chart: After you've reviewed the predictions in the Mixture Report, click Compatibility Chart in the taskbar or View Chart on the Mixture Manager screen to display the compatibility chart for the mixture. The body of the chart then indicates with letters the relative compatibility of each material with each chemical, with A being recommended, B being minor CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY CHART Below is a chart adapted from the CRC Laboratory Handbook which groups various chemicals into 23 groups with examples and incompatible chemical groups. Before permanent installation, test the equipment with the chemicals under the specific conditions of your application. ratings also were displayed on the chart, when available. Often, the manufacturer of the equipment or material in question will have their own compatibility chart for Chemical Compatibility Chart The Chemical Compatibility Chart is to be used to help select the most satisfactory combination of materials, however it is only a guide. Download Filler Material Chemical Compatibility Chart Aug 2022. 1. Chemical Compatibility. One of the most comprehensive tools available for determining chemical compatibility, the NOAA Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW), has gained significant traction since the Chemical Compatibility Chart The purpose of the Compatibility Chart’ (Figure E. Moderate or severe swelling and loss of physical properties will limit life of the elastomer/material. , may impact on the service life. The document provides guidance on the chemical segregation of hazardous materials by classifying them into groups including explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizing substances, toxic substances, and corrosives. Many elastomers can be susceptible to chemical attacks when exposed to harsh chemicals, solvents, oils, acids, or other aggressive substances. Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), commonly known as Tefzel, is widely used for fittings and connectors due to its superior chemical resistance, excellent mechanical properties, and thermal stability. * For fluid to remain in liquid state, pressure WHMIS and Chemical Safety training. Cole-Parmer provides a free, easy to use Chemical Compatability database. Chemical compatibility charts can be used to determine the chemical reactivity of thousands of common hazardous chemicals, the compatibility of absorbents, and the suitability of materials of construction in chemical processes. Chemical storage compatibility chart excel. 1) is to show chemical combinations known or believed to be dangerously reactive in the case of unintentional mixing, to indicate whether bulk chemicals can be shipped in adjacent cargo tanker holds. The chart provides a broad grouping of chemical. The chemicals listed are EPA qualified disinfectants and sanitizers effective for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. chemical information as current as possible. 3) Some CRW users have a need to move chemical mixture compatibility charts into a Microsoft Excel environment. A chemical compatibility chart contains tabulated data about how a given material interacts with a given chemical. As you gather information about the characteristics of your chemicals, fill in four sections of the chart. There are several chemical compatibility schemes or methods available. They reflect the relative capabilities of various Saint-Gobain tubing formulations to withstand specific chemicals. ) www. Chemical Segregation. S. This resistance chart was published and administered as reference work by PolyDraack GmbH Chemical Compatibility Chart The Chemical Compatibility Chart is to be used to help select the most satisfactory combination of materials, however it is only a guide. LEGENDA: A EXCELLENT CHEMICAL RESISTANCE with minimum or no properties changes B Jan 6, 2025 · In science, a chemical compatibility chart is used to see whether one chemical is compatible with particular solvents, alcohol, or other chemicals. It lists different classes of materials and specifies the minimum separation distances required between incompatible classes when storing quantities above certain thresholds. Search for a chemical name, part number, or brand to check its compatibility with any FBS Sprayer model. Aluminum Viton Buna N Neoprene EPDM Silicone Aluminum Chloride, 20% A C D D D A A A A B Aluminum Chloride A C A A A A A A A B Aluminum Fluoride B C B D B A A A A Aluminum Hydroxide B A C A A B A A A A Chemical compatibility chart with the materials of the various components of GemmeCotti pumps for chemicals. , Fullerton, CA 92831 USA • Tel 714-578-6000 • Fax 714-578-6020 Chemical Compatibility Charts These charts are intended as a general guide for various materials and chemicals. X: X. Materials used in the In addition, charts like the following can be used as reference guides to determine which classes of chemicals may or may not be used or stored together. 5. The document describes Viton, a synthetic rubber that is resistant to many chemicals and solvents but not compatible with ketones. When selecting an application-specific plastic, urethane or rubber, chemical compatibility should always remain top of mind. Included in this update is NOAA’s current version of the CAMEO chemical database. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. This material compatibility chart summarizes the primary hazards and compatibility of various gases with common metals, plastics, and elastomers used in gas handling equipment. Chemical Compatibility Chart Chemical Compatibility Chart (. Compatibility Charts continued on page 2 The chart below is a guide for checking the chemical compatibility of VITON™, (an FKM Rubber) with approximately 600 chemicals, solvents, alcohols and other products. This document provides a compatibility chart for the storage of dangerous goods and combustible liquids. => Chemical Compatibility Chart - PDF Using the excel version you can filter one or more chemicals and see how the different plastic materials react. The chemicals that have the same Jul 17, 2016 · Chemical compatibility is a key consideration throughout the chemical industry wherever two or more chemicals have the potential to mix, either inadvertently or by design. Here are a few things to take into account when deciding on locations: Chemical compatibility: use a chemical compatibility chart to sort all chemicals into compatibility groups. Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of all lab users to ensure that chemicals are stored in the manner that is described in SDS. Halogenated Compounds: X. Apr 19, 2024 · Explore the comprehensive chemical compatibility chart by Walchem, offering valuable information on the compatibility of various chemicals with different materials. Chemical Compatibility Chart COMPATIBILITY CHART Chemical Natural Rubber SBR, GRS Butyl EPR, EPT, EPDM Buna-N, Nitrile, NBR Hydrin Neoprene Hypalon Urethane, Polyurethane Polysulfide Silicone Fluorosilicone Fluoro Elastomers LEGEND A - RECOMMENDED B - MINOR TO MODERATE EFFECT C - MODERATE TO SEVERE U - UNSATISFACTORY BLANK - INSUFFICIENT DATA Acetaldehyde C U A A U C C U C Chemical compatibility chart with the materials of the various components of GemmeCotti pumps for chemicals. The document lists various inorganic acids, organic acids, amines and alkanolamines, halogenated compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum oils, esters, alkylene oxides, nitriles, and ethers and 4 Amines & Alkanolamines X X 4 Chemical Storage Compatibility Chart 5. Jul 23, 2017 · The Incompatible Chemicals Focus Sheet contains a Chemical Compatibility Chart chart adapted from the CRC Laboratory Handbook which groups various chemicals into 23 groups with examples and incompatible chemical groups. Service conditions may vary and can affect accuracy of compatibility. A chemical compatibility chart is one tool to be used to satisfy these regulations. Compatibility Chart, located below. The document is a Hazardous Materials (See Chemical Compatibility Chart below). Created Date: 5/8/2020 5:24:07 PM Aug 5, 2013 · In addition to addressing previously identified limitations with version 2. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ L Appropriate chemical storage plans are designed to control physical and health hazards associated with laboratory chemical storage. A more elaborate Chemical Compatibility Chart offers even more guidance. C Elastomer/material is effected after exposure to the chemical. Aldehydes: X. Compatibility chart combustibles 2025 Get Form. Methane Handle flammable compressed gases . In astrology, on the other hand, we associate compatibility with two entities of different zodiac signs as being destined for love. topworx. Chemical compatibility is a key consideration throughout the chemical industry wherever two or more chemicals have the potential to mix, either inadvertently or by design. Chemical compatibility tool which shows the chemical resistance and compatibility of our most popular materials against a range of formulas. Store incompatible chemicals at least 3 meters apart, and at least Chemical compatibility is an important consideration in various industries. pdf) Chemical Compatibility B&W Chart (. Same Day Shipping for US orders that contain all "In Stock" items placed by 1:30 PM CT. They are also used in other fields like chemistry, astrology, and numerology for numerology charts. 21 votes. 4-dioxane Another more detailed chemical mixing compatibility chart is also available. %PDF-1. Use this chart as a quick reference guide to help you with your selection of elastomers for your specific application. This site uses cookies Some of these cookies are essential, while others help us to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. Source: US EPA-600/2-80-076 Aug 9, 2010 · 800 S. Below is a chart adapted from the CRC Laboratory Handbook, which groups various chemicals in to 23 groups with examples and incompatible chemical groups. The chemical resistance of plastic piping is basically a function of the thermoplastic material and the compounding components. IOPARM. The information accuracy of these ratings cannot be guaranteed, nor is it a complete list due to the extensive area of this field. Login or register now to get full access to all our tools and services Chemical Compatibility Chart (cont. Here is the rubber compatibility chart that rates all popular rubber materials that comes into contact with various chemicals. Viton - Free download as PDF File (. Reference the chemical storage flow chart available in Appendix A. pdf), Text File (. Chemical Compatibility Guide. 0 of this tool, several enhancements have been incorporated into the tool to help with the generation and presentation of chemical compatibility charts. Each type of polymer has its own characteristic modes of degradation as well as heat, light and chemical resistance. 3. 781. LDPE & HDPE resistance listed by chemical 1. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The driving concern for chemical storage is assuring the compatibility of chemicals if they should inadvertently mix. This chart is by no means complete but it will aid in making decisions about storage. Chemical Compatibility, Segregation, & Storage 3 Chemical Class Recommended Storage Method Common Chemical Examples Common Incompatible Chemical Classes Possible Reaction if Mixed/Health Concerns Corrosive Bases – Hydroxylamine, Organic Store in a corrosives cabinet or in secondary containment on protected shelving away from water sources. It is for reference only and it is the responsibility of the user to Chemical Compatibility Chart Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C) A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use The following simple tool will help you to choose the right material easily, verifying the effect it would have under a certain chemical. 8486 End your search, simplify your supply chain Chemical Resistance Guide - Industrial/Institutional Cleaning Chemical Tubing Subject: Chemical Resistance Guide for various Saint-Gobain cleaning chemical tubing products. Trigger. Changes to the data can be made without notification. 7: 8 Ketone X X X X 8 ││Represents SafeStorage Combinations 9. 304 S. Chemical Compatibility Chart . Check out now! Choosing the right material based on chemical compatibility minimizes costly failures. Bromine trifluoride and chlorine trifluoride are listed as extremely reactive Chemical Compatibility Table Chemical Class & Examples: Incompatible Classes of Chemicals and Examples: Acids (inorganic): Nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric May 21, 2024 · Downloading, Installing, and Running the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet The fourth generation of the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW) was released for public distribution in March of 2016. xls / . It provides a heat and cold resistance chart and a chemical compatibility chart listing how Viton interacts with various chemicals. txt) or read online for free. Common Chemical Additional Concerns and Common Incompatible Possible Reaction if Examples Storage Recommendations Chemicals Types Mixed/Health Concerns . For more complete information please refer to the MSP-S_fbr the specific Chemical compatibility chart - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. 0 CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY GUIDE FOR METALLIC MATERIALS In addition to this chemical compatibility chart, report TR-60C, Bal Seal has two other reports: report TR-60A “Chemical Compatibility Guide for Bal Seal PTFE, Filled PTFE, and Polyethylene Seal Polypropylene Chemical Compatibility Chart: Check the chemical compatibility of Polypropylene with various chemicals, solvents, alcohols and other products. Users should verify chemical compatibility with a specific filter under actual use conditions. Gases . This Chemical Compatibility Chart is a shorthand tool for describing the suitability of miniature fluidic and pneumatic component materials for use in contact with various chemicals. Show details 4 out of 5. Chemical Compatibility Chart The information in this chart has been supplied to us by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compatibility. egzugc fjorm geajp fryeqja bufscuu wnsr yjeqb bkpdoav odhanzzk aoshi ueaid ysoa nvdzbf rkkbrr yfsap