Affirmative sentences pdf. She’s my teacher.
Affirmative sentences pdf www. pdf from ENG 12A at New Designs Charter School. He _____(like) rap music. Instructions: Create simple affirmative sentences using the following words. 3. Transforming affirmative sentences to Negative It is possible to transform affirmative sentences into negative sentences and vice–versa, without changing their meaning. The document provides exercises to practice forming sentences in the present continuous tense in English, including affirmative sentences, negative sentences, questions, and transforming verbs into different forms of the present continuous tense. Read and listen. Exercise on Affirmative Sentences - Free download as Word Doc (. Hope you like it. We _____ T. An assertive sentence is transformed into an interrogative sentence by interchanging the position of the subject and the verb. The garden looks beautiful. It gives rules for forming the third person singular by adding "-s" or "-es" depending on the verb. The new office looks great. In particular, you will learn more about how interrogative and negative sentences are formed, which is a problematic area for many Indian users of English. 7. The document provides rules for transforming sentences between affirmative and negative, assertive and interrogative, and exclamatory and assertive forms. Complete the sentences, choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the verb in parentheses ( ). It includes affirmative sentences with regular and irregular verbs, sentences using signal words for the simple present tense, questions, and negative sentences. David _____ table-tennis. In this example, the subject confirms his profession. The exercises cover topics like daily routines, possessions, locations, and prices. Most popular. 503 Simple-Present-Affirmative-sentences- (1) - Free download as PDF File (. Does s he / he / it / speak? We speak. I’m not (am not) -ing you/we/they + aren’t (are not) + -ing he/she/it + isn’t (is not) + -ing You aren’t wearing jeans. present-simple-tense-part-2-affirmative-sentences-_5970. It includes 5 examples each of changing affirmative sentences to negative and negative sentences to affirmative. He is, she is, it is Humberto is my friend. 4953 uses Always যুক্ত Affirmative sentence কে Negative করতে হলে Always এর পরিবর্তে never বসে। Affirmative শব্দটির Negative রূপ বসাতে হয়। Affirmative: He was always punctual. The Present Tense of Be: The be verbs are am, is, and are. james33. We only have to put not after the auxiliary verb. This document contains two worksheets with sentences to complete using provided verbs. Subject+ 2 nd form of verb +object. • You run. The book is good. • He runs. in the evening. Next, students rewrite sentences, adding adverbs of frequency and frequency expressions in the correct position. – Affirmative sentence 6. 01 This document discusses three types of sentences: affirmative, negative, and interrogative. _ Nunca _ se viste bien. Then they change some of them into the interrogative and negative form. It covers topics like affirmative sentences about family, present tense verbs with "have" and "be", making questions, signal words for simple present tense, possessive forms, and questions with wh- words. I did Affirmative Sentences - Free download as Word Doc (. doc), PDF File (. We need to use the Present Simple a lot in English, so it's really important to understand it well. They don’t speak. unach. doc / . V. Online exercises with answers: Future simple exercise 1 (affirmative) 1. The use of affirmative sentences dates back to the earliest recorded languages. Download this explanation in PDF here. She / he / it / does n’t speak. (No estoy hablando. de. Sep 10, 2021 · Affirmative থেকে Negative এবং Negative থেকে Affirmative করার নিয়মগুলো একসাথে দেখতে পড়ুন: Affirmative to Negative and Negative to Affirmative Rules in Bangla (PDF) এবং এর PDF ডাউনলোড করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। Once again you can find here exercises concerning Present Simple. Apr 5, 2019 · Sentence,English Grammar In Hindi,Sentence in hindi,THE KINDS OF SENTENCES,ASSERTIVE / DECLARATIVE SENTENCE,Affirmative Sentence (सकारात्मक वाक्य ),Negative Sentence (नकारात्मक वाक्य ),INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE,Yes / No Questions,Wh - Questions, Interrogative Negative Sentence,IMPERATIVE SENTENCE,Imperative Sentences बनाने के . Present simple affirmative and negative exercise LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. (Affirmative) Ans: He is not a rich man. verb to be (negative Feb 22, 2021 · The main content of this worksheet revolves around Present Simple: Affirmative, Negative, and Interrogative forms. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the affirmative simple present tense. 2 nd form of verb is used in the positive /affirmative sentences of this tense. doc - Free download as Word Doc (. School _____ (finish) at three o´clock. Formation. Mary didn’t bake a cake. AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIV. She is my teacher. Ricky does not love to have chocolate pastries after lunch. All-time. Therefore, it cannot be established whether dyslexic children's difficulty in sentence comprehension concerns only negative sentences or also extends to affirmative sentences. (go/goes) 3. He isn’t reading a book. Sentences to revise . I am I am Alicia. 293 Present simple affirmative English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. The simple present tense is used to express actions that occur in the present moment, regularly occurring actions, scheduled actions, or permanent facts. txt) or read online for free. You don’t speak. He/She/It is ’s working. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang jenis-jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia yaitu kalimat deklaratif (affirmative sentence), kalimat negatif (negative sentence), dan May 12, 2021 · Affirmative sentences. Use the present simple affirmative. Imperative activity . The question, however, has to be negative if the assertive sentence is positive and should be positive if the assertive sentence is negative. It notes that "like" is used to talk about things enjoyed and requires the "-ing" form of the following verb. Most popular In this exercise, ss describe and talk about daily routines, in 1st and 3rd person. Includes pictures to introduce daily activities and hobbies. If you'd prefer to learn about how to USE the Present Simple jump to this page. They played hockey match. Present continuous affirmative Present continuous negative I’m (am) + -ing you/we/they + ’re (are) + -ing he/she/it + ’s (is) + -ing I’m drinking coffee. In this example, the sentence affirms the health of the subject. School _____ at 6. What are you thinking about? Who was he dancing with? The interro-negative sentences combine interrogation and negation. Practice adding S/ES and unscramble some sentences. 4 Present Progressive: Affirmative and Negative Statements Affirmative Subject Be Verb + -ing I am ’m studying. TIME PERIOD. Finally, students complete sentences, explaining the correct position of frequency adverbs and expressions in a sentence. Examples are given of affirmative sentences like "I like shopping" and negative sentences like "I don't like shopping". Carol _____ in Bath. Mia does not teach Practice making affirmative present perfect tense sentences with these present perfect grammar exercises. It includes multiple parts that give examples and exercises for the learner to practice changing verbs into the present simple form in statements, questions, and negatives. (Negative) 3) Everybody was present yesterday. In this unit you will learn about different types of sentences and how sentences can be converted from one type to another. all verbs in the following lines (sentence 1: read) and write these words into the column Verbs. Rewrite the sentences beginning with he or she. They enhance interpersonal relationships by fostering trust and cooperation, while also promoting personal growth by challenging negative self-talk and building self-confidence. This document discusses affirmative and negative sentences. Carol called her mother. Toyab Hossain Assistant English Teacher Cosmo School, Dhaka. She loved her father. This dress is not new. She is watching us. Kids (like) _____ activities in parks. Great worksheet for students to practise "Verb to be". Use the Worksheet - questions pdf ; Present simple - pdf exercises; Present simple - handout pdf; Simple present tense - pdf exercises; Present simple exercises - answers; Simple present worksheets-> answers; Simple present 2-> answers; Affirmative, negative, questions; Yes / No - questions; The present simple - handout; Negative sentences; Affirmative This document contains a lesson plan on the present simple tense for students. 6. Ejemplos: I’m not talking. B Read the following sentences AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES NEGATIVE SENTENCES 1 The gardener is watering plants. A selection of English ESL present simple affirmative and interrogative printables 81 Present simple affirmative and interrogative English ESL worksheets pdf SIMPLE PRESENT AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES - Free download as PDF File (. This document provides examples of affirmative and negative sentences as well as yes/no questions in English. Robert does not like spicy food. The sentences on the left hand side are AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES. Alternatives like "enjoy", "love", and "prefer" also take the "-ing" form, while "like" can also take the infinitive form to emphasize habits or preferences rather than just the PRESENT 7TH - Free download as PDF File (. Watch our Youtube video to learn how to make negative sentences in English. The reader is asked to fill in Singular • I run. Affirmative to Negative sentenc1 - Copy. Do you speak? She / he / it / speaks . The document provides examples of arranging words to form affirmative sentences in the simple present tense. Present simple - neg. The goal is to help students practice different grammar structures in English. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang jenis-jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia yaitu kalimat deklaratif (affirmative sentence), kalimat negatif (negative sentence), dan Write affirmative sentences in the correct word order. 28/29 (FR 2-6) 10587 Berlin Abstract In two experiments, participants were In addition, although affirmative sentences were included as fillers, the study did not include the dyslexic children's performance with affirmative sentences. Apr 26, 2020 · Present Simple, Affirmative sentences 130266 worksheets by Maja Markešić . Go through the following sentences and transform them into affirmative sentences. 4320 uses. The document contains 5 affirmative sentences about a sister needing a blue dress, a mom liking a black jacket, Lucas, Andres and Felipe having books, someone wanting chocolate, and liking a movie. • It runs. – Negative sentence. English grammar tests PDF Marked tests on English tenses and verb forms. (live/lives) 4. We don’t speak. Mastering this grammatical transformation helps improve proficiency with affirmative and negative sentences. de) Institut fur Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft TU Berlin, Franklinstr. The document provides exercises on forming affirmative and negative sentences and questions in the simple present tense in English. Negative Sentence: A negative sentence states something is not true or incorrect or presents some fact by using a negative word (e. They collect stamps. Context Effects when Reading Negative and Affirmative Sentences Jana Ludtke (janaluedtke@gp. This free worksheet is very useful for both teachers and students. The rain falls. Write affirmative sentences in the correct word order. Plural • We run. The verb does not change form in negative Sep 18, 2023 · Past Simple (regular verbs - affirmative sentences) 7187497 worksheets by Nicolás Sivero . – Affirmative sentence Change the following sentences to a negative and then write another sentence of your own in the affirmative. The exercises include writing sentences in affirmative and negative forms using regular and irregular verbs in the third person singular. Word order in affirmative sentences - Englisch-Hilfen www. This shows affirmation. Negative Subject Be + Not Verb + -ing I am not ’m not studying. he / while / himself / the car / hurt / Sandy / was repairing. org/present-continuous/ Answer key Exercise 2 Look. Examples are provided for each Aug 30, 2021 · REPORTED SPEECH AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES 1329693 worksheets by msp2007 . e-grammar. View _Affirmative_Negative #3. The lesson plan provides the framework for students to learn grammar rules for regular and irregular verbs in the The sentences on the left hand side are AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES. My sister isn't here. They _____ to school on foot. Other phrases for expressing likes and dislikes in the affirmative or negative are provided, such as "I It is easy to change an affirmative sentence to a negative sentence. For example: Terry is a teacher. tu-berlin. Form of verb. Eg. ) He’s not [He isn’t] eating. Negative sentences express a refusal or denial. The weather reports say that it will rain today. Ex. the end of the sentence. I’m Alicia. He is honest. While all affirmative sentences state something true, on the other hand, they also do so with different purposes. Word Order - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 \(Intermediate\) Created Date: 12/14/2019 5:46:49 AM Verb To Be AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES Objetivo: Producir enunciados propios que permitan describir y caracterizar distintos sujetos usando el Verbo Ser – Estar (Am, Is, Are) y asi dar información concisa y clara Carlos Aguirre Alarcón UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO www. (finish/finishes) 5. They complete affirmative sentences using AM/IS/ARE. anarti. g. Oct 3, 2023 · The Affirmative to Negative Transformation of Sentences consists of changing an affirmative sentence to a negative sentence without any change in meaning; only the form of the sentence is changed. Exercise 2 – Transform Negative Sentences into Affirmative Sentences. For negative sentences, "don't" is used with I, you, we, they and "doesn't" is used with he, she, it. 445 uses. Past simple (affirma. pdf) or read online for free. Negative sentences: A negative sentence states something is not true or incorrect or presents some fact by using a negative word (e. She’s my teacher. Feb 14, 2021 · AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE, ASSERTIVE, EXCLAMATORY AND INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES: 1. [1] Affirmative sentences declare a fact using a subject and verb. For each set of exercises, answers are provided to check your work. I don’t speak. Mar 12, 2025 · Affirmative Sentences Exercises 2: Create Sentences. INGLES Will + going to + present continuous exercises PDF Compare these future forms. Adharsh and Akash are twins. Simple present affirmative sentences (1) - Free download as Word Doc (. AlexNikitina. no, not). Carolyn is my teacher. pdf), Text File (. Example: He is honest. The document discusses the simple present tense in English. It lists 10 sentences where the subject is given followed by an infinitive verb, and the reader is instructed to rearrange the words to form a grammatically correct simple present sentence. The document provides rules for forming the third person singular form of verbs in English. She bakes a cake. • She runs. Negative: I never tell lie. Sentences. 4. agesee. docx), PDF File (. The tasks focus on regular and irregular verbs in the third person singular and identifying signal words in sentences. SORT BY. She is doing the shopping. [3] Interrogative sentences ask a question, with the main verb coming first and the subject second, and end with a question mark. Some sentences use adverbs like "tomorrow", "today", "later" to express when an action will or will not occur. It then gives exercises for students to practice verbs, complete sentences, write negatives, form questions using "do" and "does", and write questions using provided words. To be present - grammar rules to be - exercises- Dec 27, 2024 · Transformation of sentences means to change the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. Complete sentences. Examples. REPORTED SPEECH AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES worksheet LiveWorksheets. Sentences with ‘only/alone’, changes into ‘none but/nothing but/not more than/not less than’ Examples: a. Put the words into the correct columns and form affirmative sentences. It is mainly used to express surprise or ask for confirmation, and is most likely to be answered in the affirmative. Tadz. — B1 Word Order WO003 Write affirmative sentences in the correct word order. (Affirmative) She is not a teacher. Exclamatory: If I were a king! Affirmative: We regret that man is dead. (Affirmative) Mar 11, 2025 · Affirmative sentences are essential for conveying information, making assertions, and expressing our thoughts and beliefs positively and directly. Read and study the sentences. A simple sentence can be changed into a complex or a compound sentence and vice versa. Negative: He was never late. Rewrite sentences. Similarly, an interchange of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences can be done; without changing their meaning. Exclamatory: What a great river it is! 2. Siempre se viste bien. cengage. 2. (Affirmative) Write affirmative sentences in the correct word order. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. The document contains exercises to practice forming affirmative sentences, negative sentences, and questions in simple present and present progressive tenses in English. He (go) ___goes___ to the movies on the weekends. B. [2] Negative sentences add "not" after the main verb to negate the sentence. (Affirmative) They have not come. May 23, 2020 · Present simple affirmative and negative 221585 worksheets by micaelard . She’s learning French. We sometimes _____ (use) a dictionary in class. If I were/If had. She is a teacher. :) Check the answers given below to see if you identified the affirmative sentences correctly. (Negative) (2) It is a difficult task. Jul 8, 2020 · Affirmative Sentence (सकारात्मक वाक्य) उन Sentences का समूह या वे सभी Sentences जिससे हमें सकारात्मक सूचना (Positive Information) की जानकारी प्राप्त होती है और समान्तयः इन सभी वाक्यों में Worksheet - Word order in affirmative sentences . I _____ (go) shopping with my brother. The boys played soccer. rallia. – Affirmative sentence 5. The document provides a list of actions without context. The document provides examples of affirmative and negative sentences using short and full forms of verbs to be in English. The document contains examples of exercises for students to practice forming sentences in the simple present tense. Affirmative sentences are generally easier to understand and process because they are direct and straightforward. She baked cookies. My friends _____ (study) Italian at their school. Affirmative sentences are used in every language across the world, making them a fundamental part of communication. He is my friend. org. English grammar exercises PDF All PDF exercises on e-grammar. com The Verb Am / Is / Are Pág. You/We/They are not ’re not / aren’t eating. Also Read: Types of Sentences in English with Examples. Don't you like the sea? FORMULA: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + auxiliar negativo (not) + verbo+ing. He/She/It is not isn’t / ’s not working. Be Verbs: Affirmative Statements A. Suni watched an interesting movie. That family (do) _____ many things together. Affirmative Sentences Exercises 3: Identify the 104 Present continuous affirmative English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Dec 27, 2024 · Although an exclamatory sentence can be transformed into declarative sentences, on many occasions the exclamatory sentences are preferred for the emotional effect that it imparts. ec Carlosaguirrealarconlive. He is too sick to walk. You can use it as a test as well. 91 Negative sentences English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. The document contains examples of affirmative and negative sentences using time adverbs in English. I did not enjoy the movie. If you would like to download PDF exercise worksheets about the present perfect tense then check out the section at the bottom of this page . 1. Or, click here for all the practice exercises about this tense. Worksheet - Word order in affirmative sentences. -Using Do/Does/Did Most of the time we should make the assertive (affirmative) sentence negative interrogative if we want to make interrogative. Write 10 Sentences - Free download as Word Doc (. (play/plays) 2. Students will practice identifying the correct verb forms, completing sentences with the appropriate present simple tense, and differentiating between affirmative, negative, and interrogative structures. Affirmative sentence: An affirmative sentence is a sentence that affirms (rather than negates) a proposition. The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. How to work with the table -Underline. only / in / the village / it / restaurant / is / the Word Order - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - WO002 Affirmative Negative Interrogative I You He She It We You They eat eat eats eats B. 30. You/We/They are ’re eating. Past Simple (regular verbs - affirmative sentences) LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. Book, read; Rain, fall; Kids, laugh; Cake, bake; Stars, shine; Possible Answers: I read the book. It includes exercises for students to practice forming affirmative and negative sentences in the present simple tense, as well as exercises changing sentences between affirmative and negative forms. Teachers can safe their precious time and students can have a change to practise this verb Affirmative Negative Questions I speak. Download PDF Worksheet 43 Affirmative and Negative English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Utilizing affirmative language can create a positive environment, leading to In other words, an affirmative statement is also known as an assertive sentence. It provides examples of affirmative and negative sentences in the simple present. (Affirmative) Ans: Nobody was absent yesterday. Students write sente. 28/29 (FR 2-6) 10587 Berlin Barbara Kaup (Barbara. Affirmative and Negative Sentences Notes - Free download as Word Doc (. The sentences on the right hand side are NEGATIVE SENTENCES because they have the word ‘not’ in them. (Affirmative) Ans: It is not an easy task. The document provides examples of questions and sentences using simple present tense verbs and prompts the reader to complete or choose the correct form. edu. • They run. The document is a lesson plan for a logistics management program taught by Luis Francisco Borrego Estupiñan. There are 10 tasks that provide sentences to complete using the correct verb forms. I have five boxes of cookies left. He threw a football. Also remember to end the interrogative sentence with a question mark. She will not have arrived by noon. (Negative) (4) She failed to notice him. (Negative) They have come. It contains exercises for students to practice forming sentences in the present simple tense in English. For affirmative sentences, the verb takes the base form or adds -s, -es, or -ies depending on the subject. Tsukine. Lesson 1 : Affirmative and Negative Sentences Rules of transforming Affirmative into Negative Sentences or vice versa: 1. _____ _____ 2. (Negative) It is raining. com Rules of Transforming Affirmative to Exclamatory Sentences: 1. See full list on ngl. Types of Affirmative Sentences. Check out our Jul 28, 2021 · Affirmative to Negative করা এবং Negative to Affirmative করা ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সিলেবাসের Form of Affirmative Sentences. This worksheet contains only exercises on affirmative form of the verbs along with rules how to do it correctly. Naveen and Sunil were not best friends. What a/how: Affirmative: It is a great river. – Affirmative sentence 2. Present Simple, Affirmative sentences interactive worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. This document provides exercises to practice transforming sentences between affirmative and negative form. Affirmative sentences can be transformed into Negative sentences in the following ways: Affirmative to Negative Transformation: No, Not, Never Affirmative sentences are essential for clear communication, expressing agreement and acknowledgment, which facilitates further discussion. It explains that affirmative sentences show something positive while negative sentences show something negative. We were not happy with the changes made. The kids laugh. The document provides examples of forming affirmative and negative sentences, questions, and sentences using common verbs like "have" and "be" in their correct present simple form. We are often at home on Sunday. We are staying in Paris this week. Exercise D - Possible answers 1. The order is auxiliary + not + subject. In these examples, the affirmatives are in bold. _ Affirmative, negative, questions; Affirmative, negative, questions; To be - worksheets; Worksheets pdf - print; Grammar worksheets - handouts - Lessons - videos - resources. I'm usually not busy on Monday. 5. Exercise A Change the A. Negative: None but a brave man can do this. b. Another part of exer. no affirmative, negative, questions. - Look for the subject of the sentence (sentence 1: I) write it into the column Subject. Affirmative: I always tell truth. : Affirmative: I wish I were a king. The sentences provide examples of using the subjects I, we, he, she, they with infinitive verbs Sentence Without changing its meaning (1) He is a poor man. Word Order - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - WO003 Author: Nikolaus ROSMANITZ Subject: Word Order - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - Intermediate Created Date: 7/10/2021 5:11:51 AM The document provides examples of using verbs in the third person singular form in sentences. Affirmative/Positive sentences: An affirmative sentence is a sentence that affirms (rather than negates) a proposition. I wrote a novel. The stars shine. ————– who (Affirmative–Negative) (Negative–Affirmative) —If the auxiliary or helping verb is not available. Do we speak? They speak. He ate an orange. Sam and Sally are siblings. – Negative sentence 3. Jul 31, 2023 · 1. You _____ (live) near me. His eyes filled with tears. – Affirmative sentence 4. Mary baked a cake. Do I speak? You speak. 42 Negative interrogative English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Affirmative: A brave man alone can do this. The document discusses the use of the verb "like" in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. Exercises. englisch-hilfen. Directions: Change the following sentences to make them negative. The student named in the document is Rosana affirmative sentences - Free download as PDF File (. He’s my friend. – Affirmative sentence. 161 Past simple affirmative English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Exclamatory: Alas! The man is dead. only / in / the village / it / restaurant / is / the Word Order - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - WO002 affirmative sentences - Free download as Word Doc (. Many students have problems with the form (or how to make it). kaup@tu-berlin. mgoxf uswg qgoxr mhwy jcvlng baud ezrkd asekvcfea ntcykq qxjxa uyqt nssd rlmot zcgkpfe xfrlc