6as7 tube data Tube tests as new with very low noise. pdf (80334 bytes) 6987 (= ELC6C) Electrons Inc THY Tube 6AS7G or Röhre 6AS7G ID4588, Double Triode, Octal (Int. 8-10W output. 그러나 어느 날부터 일본인들이 세계의 유명 3극관을 모두 구매해 버렸다. Also, rolling 6AS7, 6080 and 5998 tubes to find examples that are quiet. Mar 9, 2020 · Ok So I’m putting this here since I guess it applies to alot of different Amps, Pre-Amps, Power Amps, DACs, etc. The Music Amplifier MA-3 uses 42 6AS7 tubes per channel! The 6AS7-G power tube is also a nice choice for many OTL headphone amps such as the Woo Audio 2, 3, and 22 models, and Darkvoice 336SE amps. Used in. Find top brands, exclusive offers, and unbeatable prices on eBay. Kinda curious on other people’s takes on Driver Tubes, specifically 6SN7 and 12AU7/ECC82, plus any close enough equivalent, even things like using Dual tube Adapters like 6J5 + 6J5 to 6SN7. Mar 13, 2025 · Here is an idea for your other 6AS7 tubes: 6AS7 OTL headphone amplifier schematics. info]. audio frequency power amplification service in either single or push-pull/parallel tube applications. 6AS7 6080 in Audio Antholgy One Data Sheet. The tubes should have been totally burned in by yesterday and they still buzzed. 1980년대 초에 대부분의 진공관의 재고가 바닥남에 따라 전원 레귤레이터에 사용하던 6336 Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Originally used as a regulator tube in power supply, and in projection tv booster scanning applications. Except for the use of a T-12 envelope, the 6AS7. I will add the mods suggested so far including the regs in my build. work while the paint dries. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines 6AS7-GYB Data sheet links: Duncan''s Amp Pages: Vade Mecum s. Menu. Er zitten 2 trioden in één buis. Cette même linéarité est la marque de tous les tubes de cette famille, y compris le 6AS7, ce qui explique en partie (mais pas uniquement) pourquoi le 6AS7G est un tube qui sonne mieux que le fameux 300b. jpg would get such low second harmonic 6AS7G Vacuum Tube. Except for the use of a T-12 envelope, the The 6AS7 vacuum tube is also known as the equivalent part numbers 6H13C and 6N13S. 6520 6AS7 6N13S A1834 A4475 CV2523 CV2523 The wide glass tube envelope is 39 mm in diameter and, excluding the IO base pins, is 88 mm tall. tubes - coke bottle shape I think. May 8, 2019 · Reviews of 6as7 vacuum tubes and equivalents. pdf (75 kB) Datenblatt 6AS7G RCA [www. The KI15 6AS7 is clearly a very,very rare bird. Furthermore, they do not have the high plate efficiency of beam tubes or the 6AS7-G. Would the 4/5 indicate different factories, or is it just a bogus designation on a RCA tube? Jan 14, 2023 · That is correct, however this may cause trouble with used tubes that have higher grid current, and not every 6080/6AS7 conforms to this spec. See updated layout (now three): Feb 3, 2023 · We take a first deep look at this very interesting high current (mA) tube, that today is often used in OTL (output transformer-less amps). Dus voor een stereo versterker, zijn er maar 2 eind buizen nodig. N. Mar 4, 2014 · Here's my first go at a low powered SET amp. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and RF/IF-Stage shown. I would say this was somewhat of a Tube Data Sheet Locator. The heater may be DC operated for the absolute best hum/noise performance. Read online. These tubes are Title: 6AG7 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: JA-FP-2005-10-29 Created Date: 10/29/2005 9:19:38 PM Mar 27, 2010 · The old stock supply of 6AS7's and 6080's is absolutely huge. Some instruments using part 6AS7 This document discusses the design of a tube sound amplifier using triode output stages. 1 day ago · Upfront now has the cute little driver tube and the sexy looking 6AS7-GREAT!! Just what I wanted. EDIT: Also Added 6AS7/6080 Since those are pretty common too, so a Power Tube section has Mar 9, 2020 · Ok So I’m putting this here since I guess it applies to alot of different Amps, Pre-Amps, Power Amps, DACs, etc. Built on the same tooling as Russian made tubes, they are of equal quality to Winged “C”/SED tubes. If you add a high value resistor from plate to ground on the driver stage and slow start conduction of the gyrator, you can keep the output tube grid voltage at ground potential for a bit of time while things warm up without having to use relays and deal with potentially audible clicks and pops as things turn on. ga('set', '&cu', 'EUR'); ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': '6AS7GA / 6H13C / 6N13S Svetlana / Russia (NOS)', 'id': 'NN961', 'price': '28. Mar 2, 2025 · Good to know thank you for the reply. 6AS7 | 6H13C | 6N13 Tubes; 6BM8 | ECL82 Tubes; 3 days ago · Here is an idea for your other 6AS7 tubes: 6AS7 OTL headphone amplifier schematics. $155. The AC anode resistance is very low at 280 Ohms and the mutual conductance is considerable at 7. The Svetlana 6AS7 is a large, sturdy tube, somewhat similar to a 300B. It does take 4 or 5 days because it is a thick Epoxy Enamal paint. The 6B4 retained the same family of curves of its directly-heated forebear; both tubes are extremely linear. S. Output power estimates about 7 Watts per Mar 1, 2025 · Here is an idea for your other 6AS7 tubes: 6AS7 OTL headphone amplifier schematics. I don't even have to remark the top plate just a mental note which tube is where. Note: Due to an ever increasing demand plus a dwindling supply of N. Radio tubes are valves. Feb 16, 2025 · So, this will be my first Hifi power amp project. I have been feeling guilty about running the new 6AS7 SED Winged "C" at 14W. 8', 'brand': 'SED Tubes 6AS7: 6AS7. It clips at +/- 11Vpk, so that's a little more than 7Wrms output class-A into 8ohm. Although originally intended for regulator service, the very low plate resistance of the 6AS7 make it uniquely suitable for OTL amplifiers for both headphones and speakers (though often with multiple tubes per channel). The Svetlana 6AS7A was originally designed as a series pass tube in regulated power supplies. Order 6336 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Real nice looking tube to compliment the 6AS7. Feb 3, 2023 · We take a first deep look at this very interesting high current (mA) tube, that today is often used in OTL (output transformer-less amps). Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details Tube 6AS7 or Röhre 6AS7 ID18665, Double Triode, Octal (Int. 6AS7-W Application Data Tube 6AS7GA or Röhre 6AS7GA ID4589, Double Triode, Octal (Int. Apr 19, 2020 · Another stereo tube amplifier, this one PP (push pull), with 6AS7/6080/6N13P in output stage, 2x7 W, using (affordable & available) off-the-shelf toroid power transformers (115/230V: 18V, 50VA) on output- see schematic (author "Shoog", from www. The 6AS7G is a double triode with special properties. At first glance the amplifier seems to be Single-Ended, but a closer look reveals the double structure inside the bulb of the 6AS7; so, a balance amplifier after all. Winged C built 6AS7G which would be relatively late model tubes. There are other types of 6AS7 tube curves, though. From some rough calcs I figured I needed to drop the HT to the 6AS7 by 10 to 20V. 7K) output transformers, Hammond (270FX) power transformer, Auricap signal capacitors, 24-step attenuator on the front end, Hammond chassis. This is a dual triode and so, assuming we’ll use both Mar 13, 2025 · Just got some 110% tested 5AS4s and Brown base JAN-CBLX-5R4GY rec. [ DIY Mains AC Power Cable Cord ] - [ Gobo LM1875 Amp Kit ] - [ Tang Band D4-1 Horn Speaker Kit ] - [ Monoblock Push-Pull KT88 Tube Amp Kit ] Title: 6AX7 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2003-12-31 Created Date: 12/31/2003 5:31:13 PM Jul 7, 2009 · Even when individual cathode resistors are used the current for parallel connected tubes should be reduced, figures for de-rating where given for regulator tubes in data sheets, (6AS7, 6C33C) typically the current for each tube was only half when 4 or more where used in parallel. The information given is that one tube said 188-4 and the other 188-5. Chi nhánh 1 : La Casa Villa 25 Vũ Ngọc Phan. 50 USD 6as7 tube data:在 Z-Library 上搜索 Download books for free. The 7236 is a computer rated 5998. The 6AS7/6AS7G (P/N 154-020, 154-0020-00) is a dual power triode vacuum tube with an octal base. But on paper the two tubes have identical specs. Welcome @ Frank's; electron Tube Data sheets The 6AS7G vacuum tube is best known for being the tube used in Atma-Sphere OTL Tube amplifiers. 5 Products Nov 21, 2011 · Ceci dit le schéma Millérioux ne pousse pas les 6AS7, et autres 6080 au taquet , 90 volts environ aux bornes de la résistance de cathode de ces tubes ,de 680 ohms, produit un courant de 133 mA pour les 2 cathodes ,ou 66mA par cathode ,et une puissance totale de 11, 91 Watts pour les 2 anodes des 2 triodes, ce qui est encore loin du maxi audio frequency power amplification service in either single or push-pull/parallel tube applications. . new old stock valves tubes for woo audio atma-sphere amplifiers melbourne the valve store. EDIT: Also Added 6AS7/6080 Since those are pretty common too, so a Power Tube section has Datenblatt 6AS7 Svetlana. It would be useful to know its exact design use. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details Jun 17, 2010 · The Tungsol version is a triode connected two-grid tube and can stand higher plate voltages than the 6AS7 or the 5998. Tube Data Sheet Locator. 3 days ago · With the new SED wings "C" in the Pinot I decided to take some accurate measurements across the 6AS7. The 6AS7G power tube is best known for being the used in Atma-Sphere OTL Tube amplifier and many OLT headphone amps. 6AS7 / 6080 / 6H13C; GE 6AS7GA; GE 6AS7GA. Het uitgang vermogen van dit versterkers is -afhankelijk van het ontwerp- 2x 4 tot maximaal zeg 2×10 watt. Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6983 ElectronsInc r 6983. It is used as the output device in the regulated power supplies of several Tektronix instruments, including the 160, 506, 511A, 512, 513, 517, 561, 561A, 561S, 564. There are two triode units in a 6AS7-G and each one has Jan 3, 2015 · The McChanson 6AS7 SET is still available for under $1000 AUD via ebay. Filament hum is entirely removed by its heater-cathode con-struction. I've built a number of guitar tube amps in the past, and although I don't have a great knowledge of the theory behind what I've built, they have been great successes. diyaudio. Jan 2, 2023 · input tube RC to driver tube driver tube RC to output tube output tube to output transformers There also is a low frequency pole: output tube self bias resistor and bypass cap This many low frequency poles, and the fact that the global negative feedback from output transformer to input tube grid might possibly cause a low frequency oscillation. This 6AS7 vacuum tube is a NOS Chinese made 6AS7G / 6H13C vacuum power tube type from the 1970's. Svetlana 6AS7/6H13C. 308: Acrobat PDF: Jul 18, 2024 · I do recommend you read the note at the end of the 6AS7 “Purpleheart” project page titled “A Note Concerning 6AS7/6080 Power Tubes”. These big triodes, both the 6AS7/6080 and the 6336, are not traditional audio tubes. Its the same problem with 6C33 tubes, those are also series regulator triodes made for stabilized power supplies. Hans (TubeTVR) has an excellent section on his Website dealing with the 6C33C-B, and advice on burning-in before use and although a different tube the same precautions I think will serve well. This valve could be used in low voltage power supplies as a series pass device or it could be used for a direct drive audio amplifier. These are fantastic option for Atma-Sphere OTL tube amplifiers, as well as the many headphone amps on the market. Le 6B4 a conservé la même famille de courbes que son prédécesseur à chauffage direct ; les deux tubes sont extrêmement linéaires. pdf (74033 bytes) Bold designators are close or identical, Italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. 308: Acrobat PDF: Purchase 6AS7 vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Not really sure how it happened. I hope this helps. Title: 6AU6 Author: Mullard Subject: FP-2012-06-05 Created Date: 6/5/2012 9:29:26 PM 各真空管メーカーが製造当時発行したオリジナル規格表を、そのままデータ化!高性能な検索システムにより、全ての真空管データをpdfファイルでダウンロードできます。 for drivers and one 6AS7 power tube per channel, so five tubes in all. WINGED C SVETLANA 6H13C 6H5C 6AS7G Saint Petersburg / Leningrad manufacture. The document then compares triode and pentode output Tube 6S7 or Röhre 6S7 ID3940, Vacuum Pentode, Octal (Int. On placing some new SED Winged "C" tubes in the Pinot "KiSharn" I found the tube to be dissipating about 14W. Very popular in Circlotron Valve Amplifiers. The JAN is going in the amp. Except for the use of a T-12 envelope, the Sep 16, 2014 · 6AS7G P. Eico Model 666 Tube Data. So it doesn't seem to be limited to 6AS7. 6AS7GA 6AS7 GE JAN Vacuum Tube. 4. Abstract: 6as7ga 6AS7G 6as7 tube TELEVISION BOOSTER tube 6AS7 TWIN TRIODE power general electric Text: 6AS7-GA ET-T931 Page 1 6AS7-GA 6-55 TWIN TRIODE TUBES DESCRIPTION AND RATING The 6AS7-GA is a low-mu twin triode designed primarily for service as a series regulator tube in d-c power supplies. Reference: Data-sheet. I found the poor tube is sweating hard and attempting to dissipate 14. This same linearity is a hallmark of all the tubes in this family including the 6AS7, which is one (but not the only) reason why the 6AS7G is a better sounding tube than the much-touted 300b. It is similar to the 6080. Tube 6A7 or Röhre 6A7 ID2687, Pentagrid-Converter (Heptode), 7-Pin-Base U7A = small, old, USA and Frequency converter shown. pdf (34082 bytes) 6984 ElectronsInc THY 6984. 6AS7 power stage, 12AX7 driver stage, 5V4G rectifier, 15W Edcor GXSE (1. Some people believe that claim that black plates sound better is just a myth created by tube vendors to increase prices, some people swear by black plates in their systems. It's 2 stage and everything runs off a single supply, so it is easy. One type seems to fit the 6080/CV2984. Made in USA. As for tubes, JJ ECC803 gold pin. com) Many thanks to Andrew Whitham for nice 6AS7 & 6SN7 (stand-in for 12L8GT) models Nov 16, 2016 · Part 1 of 2 of a 6080 / 6AS7 audio amplifier build with the intention of the best measurements I can make in evaluating power, THD and frequency response of We design and manufacture our tubes, engineered for demanding high fidelity, reliability and overall warmth. 6AS7-W Ratings: No information available. new old stock - twin triode This vintage Svetlana &quot;Winged C&quot; 6H13C dual triode power tube is a Russian 6AS7G tube type popular in OTL and headphone amplifiers. Now I'll start the turret brd. As such, some tube rolling is required to get the most out of these amplifiers. Higher perveance means the tube can operate with a lower anode to cathode voltage. Everyone with an OTL amp that uses this tube could go out and order 50, and there would still be tons left. Tube-13: Tung-Sol JAN CTL 5998 Test data Tube-13: Tung-Sol JAN CTL 5998 Dual Top D-getters, Black Plates @ SOLD! Etiketler: 6AS7G/5998/6080/6336/6528 , POWER TUBES Dec 31, 2008 · Here is my 6AS7 amp schematic. 5W into 4-8 ohms, input sensitivity ranges of 200mV and 600mV with and without negative feedback, and a bandwidth of 20Hz to 27kHz and <20Hz to 64kHz with and without feedback. I recently came into a bunch of 6080 and 6AS7 tubes, and so began hunting online for a low powered 6AS7 based SET amp. Shop our great selection of 6AS7, 6AS7G, 6AS7GA, 6H13C (Russian) 421A, 5998, 6080 vacuum tubes now. S 6AS7 6080 Twin Triode. This is a beautiful set of tube curves: sharp cutoff, great linearity, relatively constant plate resistance. There is a lot of discussion about Black vs Gray plates tubes. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines . The Svetlana 6AS7 has an indirectly-heated unipotential cathode. That's when I decided to use Renn's method of letting the tubes get fully hot and then cooling them off. May 6, 2015 · Edit: In the Good News Department, the buzz in one of the better sounding sets of signal tubes for the WA6 is gone. Both 6EM7 and 6AS7 tubes are cheap and plentiful, and even the special variants of the 6AS7 type – with the exception of the Western Electric 421A – are still reasonably accessible. And this time i will use tube shields and metal cabinets, (on the inside), wood outside. I recommend making both the 6AS7 grid resistor and the grid stopper 1% resistors to meet the requirements of the 6AS7 grid circuit resistance. Shop now for fast shipping and easy returns! May 9, 2022 · This afternoon I’ve been working on another amplifier project. Still, this is more than double the 6AS7G price. Power. less matched tubes are used or a bias correcting network is pro-vided. 2W. Feb 17, 2022 · I am looking to do 1 6AS7 per channel, so paralleled sections. Each tube type will require its own topology and surrounding parts to get the best out of it. 6AS7. This will dramatically shorten tube life. View the 6H13C tube data sheet. These military grade, Joint Army Navy (JAN) vacuum tubes are all new and in the original box. P Láng Hạ. The appeal of this amplifier to me was the ability to roll tubes at low cost. Information 6AS7-G Data sheet links: Peter Millett: 6AS7G: Acrobat PDF 151K: Tube Data Sheet Locator. 5 mA/V. Luckily for us, there is a high perveance, high current tube designed for exactly this kind of application: the 6AS7. The 6AS7 is a low-mu octal socket twin triode originally designed as a series pass regulator in high voltage DC power supplies. Q Đống Đa. That is Vp of 185V, which is a pretty common and good operating point for class-A 6as7 with a load of 2. 6as7 = 6080 = cv2984 = e6080 = ecc230. There are Sovtek 6AS7's ($45), Chinese 6AS7's ($15), and old stock tubes ($5-$40). Information 6AS7-G Data sheet links: Peter Millett: 6AS7G: Acrobat PDF 151K: The 6AS7G power tube is best known for being the used in Atma-Sphere OTL Tube amplifiers. Title: 6AS7G Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2005-05-28 Created Date: 5/29/2005 12:11:43 AM May 6, 2015 · Those two tubes were pictured on the 6AS7 thread recently. New production & NOS power tubes from Sino, Sovtek and other various brands! 6AS7: 6AS7. pdf (147 kB) Kein Verkauf von Röhren · No sale of electron tubes · Les tubes Jun 6, 2009 · They are approximately 2-3x the price, generally, and I have seen some idiots paying $50 per tube on Ebay when you can buy them NOS from reputable online tube-sellers for $25 each. Sylvania JAN 6080WC vacuum tube - military 6080 - 6AS7 - joint army navy - please read includes the electricity May 30, 2007 · Whatever design of OTL you go for, remember to carefully 'Burn-In' the O/P bottles well before you run them in the OTL. TubeDepot carries a selection of 6AS7G / 6AS7GA / 6080 Power Vacuum Tubes. Tube RCA 6080/6AS7 chính hãng. Of course torturing the tube like this will drop the hours of good tube life. build the amp as it is drawn with the only change being cathode bias twin 1k per side and Jan 15, 2018 · You may also want to explore putting the time delay on the gyrator. It provides specifications for the amplifier including an output power of 9. tubedata. 308: Acrobat PDF: Explore a wide range of our 6as7 Tube selection. EIMAC Tube Catalog (& ref data) - Radio and TV Title: 6SA7 6SA7GT Author: Tung-Sol Subject: JA-FP-2005-11-05 Created Date: 11/6/2005 1:22:00 AM Oct 18, 2021 · 6AS7. HN. This particular one is the 6L6 SE-UL for which some readers have been looking since I published my Optimization of the 6L6 SE-UL page back in March of 2019. O. Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines 6AS7-GA Data sheet links: Duncan''s Amp Pages: Vade Mecum s. 308: Acrobat PDF: Mar 5, 2025 · This Bulbs & Tubes item is sold by LeedsRadio. The Music Amplifier MA-3 uses 42 6AS7 tubes per channel! The 6AS7-G tube is also a nice choice for many OTL headphone amps such as the Woo Audio 2, 3, and 22 models. [ DIY Mains AC Power Cable Cord ] - [ Gobo LM1875 Amp Kit ] - [ Tang Band D4-1 Horn Speaker Kit ] - [ Monoblock Push-Pull KT88 Tube Amp Kit ] Perveance is roughly a measure of how low a tube’s anode to cathode voltage can swing. Javascript is disabled on your browser. Except for the use of a T-12 envelope, the Last update of this mirror site: 2025-01-17 Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet. The top plate is drilled and top-coated. At least, most of the tubes that fell into this category were marked CV2994/6080, although a few 6080WA and 6AS7Gs fell into this category. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power-supply shown. Link to our online Thanks for the link- nobody uploaded any data there but that's par for the course for this amp. P Amplifier 제작 3극관 앰프 1970년대까지는 RCA제 2A3을 어렵지 않게 구할 수 있었다. Mar 14, 2008 · the measure 295v on the plates of the 6as7's and something like 110v on the cathode. (new old stock) vacuum tubes worldwide, these Mil-Spec tubes have limited availability and prices are subject to change. 이후 모든 3극관을 구하기가 어려워졌다. [ DIY Mains AC Power Cable Cord ] - [ Gobo LM1875 Amp Kit ] - [ Tang Band D4-1 Horn Speaker Kit ] - [ Monoblock Push-Pull KT88 Tube Amp Kit ] 6 days ago · On placing some new SED Winged "C" tubes in the Pinot "KiSharn" I found the tube to be dissipating about 14W. 6AS7-W Application Data Aug 29, 2018 · A single 6AS7 SE can do stereo; it takes two 300B in SE to do stereo. Running a pair of 6DQ6 Beam Power tubes in triode mode and push pull is a completely different thing than a pair of 300B triodes in push pull, or a 6SA7 dual triode in push pull. They are NOT DHT tubes. 5k per triode. I can't comment on the sound compared to the 6AS7, but my little 7236 stereo amp seems to have low distortion, although I've never measured it. We carry all of the major brands in NOS, vintage and New Production vacuum tubes. 6 days ago · This is due to the size of the grid resistor on the power stage. I find myself making lists and going to web sights, so, looks like i am going to build a GrooveWatt. And yes they are pretty! On the up side the tubes are inexpensive when compared with other power triodes like 2A3 and 300B. pdf (80334 bytes) 6985 ElectronsInc THY 6984. It has black plates and dual bottom getters with lots of flashing. Bruce thinks I should get about 1000hours from the tube at max power - 13W. De 6AS7 en familie zoals de 6080 en 6H13C zijn voor schappelijk prijzen te koop. pdf (80334 bytes) 6986 ElectronsInc THY 6984. I've been enjoying it in the shop and like it more and more! It's running great after the mods and will accept any 6AS7/6080 tube without fear of damaging the amp or tubes. The 6AS7-G eliminates these ob-jections. I used 1MΩ (the maximum 6AS7 grid circuit resistance in cathode bias operation) to control the AC load line rotation in the driver. dumkx kvs jzhsqjb tumojmzi ctuobbf vgnvpm wbgze xrj gsxvjmb gepxv zfjm bamvb myty uisyy xueiu